Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Apr 21, 2010




Brandon and I boarded the plane " I sat down by the window Brandon sat down next to me "are you excited" he asked I nodded yes "I am going to Cancun with my boyfriend it doesn't get any better then this" he leaned over and kissed me "would you like water" the Attendant asked glaring at me then smiling at Brandon I rolled my eyes at her "yes please" Brandon stated "oh look at that you have something on your shirt" she started touching his shirt rubbing his stomach "wow do you work out" I was getting upset "Listen lady don't you have some attending to do or something, you don't have a shot so go slither away" she looked mad "you two have a nice flight" Brandon looked at me "she was just being nice" I looked out the window "don't be like that , you know you're the only person for me" I felt a little at ease when he said that .we took off and Brandon fell asleep resting his head on my shoulders I rested my head on his and drifted off to sleep . I dreamt about nothing really I woke up to the smell of food I opened my eyes people were eating Brandon was talking to that awful flight attendant "so are you really gay , because your really hot" I pretended to still be asleep "Yeah I am , and I am in love with him , seriously he's my future" I smiled to myself "that Is so sweet, but if you change your mind here is my card" she handed him a card and walked away I still act like I was sleep he ripped the card in pieces I knew he wouldn't let me down . I opened my eyes and stretched "what time is it" I asked as I yawned he smiled ":a little bit pass you have my heart" I leaned over and kissed him :you are just so corny all the time , but I love it . "I love you" he said and we shared another kiss


"Mom , what can I expect for my graduation surprise" I asked "your what?" I gave her a stern look "Moira don't play dumb with me , If Matt can get a Red BMW for his graduation I'm sure I can get a all Black Range rover" I smiled she rolled her eyes "Are we made of money Karen, no!" there was a knock at the door I opened it , it was Paula Bellini she came In "are you ready" she asked my mother "oh I forgot , about the meeting today, with my children hounding me in all" Paula smiled and sat down at the kitchen island "Karen what are you hounding your mother about" "all I was saying was Graduation is approaching and I would like a present as equally as nice as Matt's BMW , I'm sure a new or pre-owned Range rover isn't asking too much" Paula laughed "Moira it really isn't" Paula added I smiled at her, my mother rolled her eyes at both of us "do you hear you two , a range rover cost a lot of money that we don't have right now , " if you hurry up we can get your dream for your own restaurant a reality then cash flow for days" my mother grabbed her jacket I followed them to Paula's limo "where do you think your going" my mother said "with you two don't worry I wont get in the way" I climbed in the limo with them we were about to pass Joe's when I saw Jeff go in "can we stop please I have to talk to Jeff" "I thought you wouldn't get in the way" my mother said " mom Please" she agreed and we drove up to Joes "hey mom look for sale" I stated as I got out the limo she and Paula did too, "what about this place" I heard my mother say "for your business, normally I would say no but it attacks a lot of costumers and teens are the top demographic , the question is do you want to change Joe's teen hangout into Moira's bistro" Paula said. I walked inside and looked for Jeff I saw him and walked over to him "Can we talk " I sat down "Karen this isn't a good time" "Jeff but I love you, I want to know why you been distant" Jeff smiled then some blonde came over "Jeff what's going on?" I looked at him then her "right!" I got up "Karen Don't I can explain , its not.." I cut him off "Good luck with your life Jeff I'm done" I stormed out "Mom Paula can we go" they nodded and we left out I saw Jeff come out as the Limo left from in front of Joe's

(Casey )

I opened the door to my house and Vince was standing there he smiled "can I come in" he asked I moved a side so he could come in once he entered I shut the door he bum rushed me with a kiss "Vince come on , is that all you think about" he rolled his eyes" no , I love you , I just cant resist you " I smiled " I want to fuck you right here but my sister might come in , he looked around "its kind of quiet" "Vince this is my life , look at this place a mansion my family is very well off but can you believe I've seen them one time last year I haven't even seen them none of this year, its like they don't care" he looked around then at me "but when they do come around you know they love you Casey , my parents threw me out and told me I had to fin for myself , and for a while I had to steal and eat food out the garbage because I had no means for food or things , but when my sister found out she cursed my family out to filth and put me up in my own apartment , she sends me money and takes care of me , I love my sis , she doesn't care that I am gay , she loves me , my parents they didn't care if I lived or died , from were im standing , your parents are absent this is true but when they do come around they love you and your sister" I never heard that story I didn't know that about him , he never talked about his family with me "Vince I didn't know that , I'm sorry" I hugged him "your parents are idiots . f they don't see what a great person you are" I had a urge to kiss him again and I did , his kisses were heaven his soft pink lips on mine the inside of his mouth felt like Velvet smooth and soft with the intertwining of Our tongues I pulled back and grabbed his hand we went upstairs to my room I closed and locked the door we made our way over to the bed I sat down he got on his knees and started kissing me again lifting his body to be on top of mines I spread my legs so he could fit perfectly between my thighs his crotch pressed hard against mine .I lifted his shirt exposing his perfect chest and he did the same to me I flipped him over and sat on top of him he lifted himself up I ran my fingers through his gorgeous lox as we made out I could feel his cock underneath me it felt like a hard lump in his jeans.

I pushed him back unbuckling his belt I unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped him I got off of him and pulled his jeans down to is ankles he kicked them fully off, I pulled down is boxers and his erect penis was a sight I got between his legs and started sucking his cock "oh fuck baby" he gripped my hair and pulled my head down on his cock then lifted it up he kept doing this the taste of his cum was lingering in my mouth as he did this. "fuck I love you Casey" he let go of my hair and lift me up he sat me on my bed and got between my legs my shorts were down and my hard dick was in his mouth he was slobbing on my knob it felt fantastic I ran my fingers in his hair and began to pump in his mouth actually thrusting my thrust were meeting him going down my cock , it felt like I was going to cum "ahhhhhhhh" he stopped "I want you now" Vince said I went over to my dresser and got a condom I put it on and lubed my dick and some on his hole he took off his shirt and the rest of his clothes and got on all fours on my bed I got behind him and grabbed his waist I pushed into him my head slipped in he moaned "oh god Casey" I pushed in going further in him the warmth of his whole and the friction the tightness cause was driving me nuts "stay still" Vince said I did as he said "he began to go back and forth on me ,all I had to do was stay still he was fucking himself on my dick." that feels so good don't stop" I moaned "ohhhhh yeah" I stopped him and pulled out "turn on your back" I asked he did so , I bent down he put his legs on my shoulder and I re-entered him I began fucking him hard sweat poured off of me and onto him mixing with his own sweat , sex smell filled the air I could feel myself about to cum I began going faster and faster , Vince moans was turning me on "oh Yeah casey plow meeeeee" I jerked him as I was fucking him "Ohhhh fuckkkkkk im cummminngggggggg" he came all over my hand and my stomach and chest it was my turn I pulled out and took of the condom I jerked my dick fast and cum spewed out load after load all over his chest some hit him in the face ,I was having a outer body experience I calm down and bent down and kissed Vince tasting my cum mixed with our spit. ----------------------


My classes at Nyu were becoming light , now that the semester was almost to an end , my second year at Nyu was coming to an end . I decided to go home and visit my family , Nathan couldn't come he was busy with school and work. I took my car and drove three hours to upstate New York , my town. I arrived home and took my key and opened the door Danny was at the kitchen table eating lunch he looked up "Matt, your home" he got up and ran to me I bend down and hugged my little brother "so what are you up to" I asked " just eating lunch , come sit" he said I sat down next to him "where's mom and dad" I asked "mom went with Nathan's mom and Karen someplace I don't know and dad is in the living room watching the game" I tussled his hair and got up I went in the living room dad looked up "hey son" he stood up and hugged me , I sat down on the couch next to him "so what's new" I asked "nothing much , same old stuff going on around here , did you hear about the school shooting at your old high school" I nodded " I cant believe that , the same school me and my friends went to and josh was shot in , I thought about him but couldn't get away to see him," dad nodded" he's okay he was a bit traumatized for a while and had to wear a sling for a few weeks but he is good , actually he is on his way to Cancun with Brandon as we speak" I sighed "I remember being in high school having all that leisure time , once they enter college they will wish they have all this free time" my dad chuckled "remember I use to tell you the same thing , its funny how the student learn from the master" I smiled Danny came in "dad , I'm done with my lunch" "okay buddy" he got up and went in the Kitchen Danny came and sat next to me "so when are you coming back home for good , I miss you" I felt bad that I haven't been around especially because my brother was growing up I remember when he was six when Nathan came over and I blew him in my room now he was eight years old , he was taller , more articulate and to smart if you asked me lol "buddy I live in Manhattan, let me tell you , if you want I will come and get you every weekend as long as it is okay with mom and dad and we will spend some quality brother time together" he smiled "cool can we do fun stuff" he asked "of course , what ever you want my treat" he smiled "okay you better keep your word because I am going to my room to write a list of things I want to do" he stood up and went upstairs I laughed at him. the doorbell rung "dad I got it" I said "okay" I heard him in the kitchen I went and got the door I opened it "oh my god nick Stephens" "Matthew Barrett" I pulled him into a hug "wow you look good" he laughed "thank you so do you , your all muscles these days . I wanted to come by and see if you were here I heard you and Nate moved to the city how is it" he asked "its good you know , we love each other and we love the city , so what's going on with you , still seeing your boyfriend from California" he sighed "no, he decided he wanted a family so he left me and convinced himself he was straight , got married he has a son now" I felt bad for Nick "are you okay" I asked "I mean yeah , I want him happy and if that's what makes him happy then what can you do" I gripped his shoulders and pulled him in "so what bout you" I asked " im seeing this guy name Chris , he's great , you should meet him he's at my parents place, you want to come along and the three of us can go to Joes" I agreed I hoped into his old one from high school I laughed "what ?" as he pulled off "this doesn't remind you when we were dating" I asked he chuckled "yeah it does , im really happy you forgave me for what I did to you " I smiled "Nick I hurt you pretty bad , you saw what I didn't see and that was me being drawn to Nathan again, we were young and stupid and nick I love you you know that, we did share something special" he grinned "yeah we did , but I think about that night I wanted Nathan dead , something was wrong with that , I even got professional help and when I tried to kill myself on our trip to the Pocono's ,I'm at a better place now , I'm still seeking help you know but I'm glad you didn't call the cops even though I probably deserved it" I smiled "no you didn't , I'm glad your able to start over" we drove in front of the house we got out and walked up to the door he opened it "mom dad im back" they came down the stairs "oh my god does my eyes deceive me matt" they came down the stairs hugging me I hugged them tight "its been ages , you are like our second son you should stay in touch" I smiled " I will, I'm sorry for not staying in touch actually my brother was saying the same thing" a good looking guy came downstairs I seen him somewhere before he was gorgeous I mean not like Nathan but hot none the less "this is Charles my boyfriend, Charles this is Matt my ex boyfriend" he studied me looking me up and down "nice to meet you" I said we shook hands "so are we ready" I asked "he's coming with us" Charles said rudely "yeah, don't start" .


I went over to Whitney's to talk about Jeff she let me in "what's wrong Barrett" she asked " I saw Jeff with some blonde girl and get this she was pretty , he sure knows how to pick them" Whitney reframed from laughing "Karen you think Jeff would really cheat on you ,now just the other day you guys were like planning your lives together" Whitney said while we went up to her room "but what do I know I'm the pregnant chick" I laughed at that " so how are you any morning sickness" I asked she shook her head no "I haven't had any morning sickness as of yet but who knows. so what are you going to do" she asked me " I don't know , I mean that girl was a total cliché , why is he doing this to me"


Nick drove us to Joes, our old booth was empty so we decided to sit there, I ordered the stake and mash potatoes , Charles had a chicken salad and Nick got a cheeseburger with fries we sat down and it was kind of awkward "Babe that's really greasy" Charles said while looking at his food "I know I love it" I laughed "You use to eat like two of them a day" he laughed " I remember , those were the days" Charles glared at me "is there a problem" I asked "yeah there is , you think you know my boyfriend better then me" I was stunned was this guy for real "um, I never said that , I've known Nick before you" he rolled his eyes "well he is mine so hands off" my phone rung it was Nathan "its Nathan my boyfriend" he looked away I stood up "hello" "hey when will you be back" he asked "I was thinking maybe I should stick around for the weekend my little brother misses me , im a little homesick" I stated "you want me to come up with you " he asked "yeah , stay put until tomorrow okay" he agreed "love you " "love you too" I sat down "Charles I'm not after nick cool your jets , he made a face "oh my god you're the guy on the billboard in time square" he smiled "you seen that" he smiled "yeah the DKNY billboard in times square, major hotness" he and Nick laughed " okay I guess your okay in my book" Charles stated


I shot a few hoops at the Local gym and called it a day when I was about to leave I bumped into someone `sorry" I heard him say I looked up it was Lance up until today ,my mission was to avoid him for as long as I could , I guess this was the inevitable "Hunter I was wondering when I would run into you, it seems every time I would join our friends you would just get up and leave or when I walk towards you , you go the other way" I didn't say anything "Hi Lance" I said then proceeded to walk away he grabbed my hand I felt something I pulled it away "Bye lance" I said "I'm sorry for hurting you when we went to Washington Prep" I stopped then turned to face him " I Left because of you , you know that, you ruined my life , you tried to destroy me" he looked down to the floor then back at me " I know , let me make it up to you " he walked closer and put his hand on my lower back " I missed your body" I moved away from his touch "Wouldn't want you to leave me for some random Girl" I le aft out the gym and turned around I looked through the glass doors and dear I say it , did I see regret on his face.


After we checked into the hotel we went to the beach took some pictures asked a few people to take our picture together , this was my first real spring break. That night we went to a party on the beach it was awesome . Then we went back to the hotel and took a shower and got in bed and just feel asleep.

the next day we enjoyed the beach again, we went to restaurant and eat real Mexican food. And that night we decided to go to a club. It was a straight club we enjoyed the music "hey we should go" he said "come on lets stay" I said "okay but I have to run to the room real quick lets go then we can come back" I smiled "why don't you go then come back its right across the street" he didn't want to leave me here "I'm a big guy Brandon just go" he got up and touched my face then left out . A half hour went by I got up and was about to leave when I spotted Brandon drinking like seven different margarita's I went over to him I noticed he changed clothes "how many margarita's are you having , you should really slow down" I tried to take it away he pushed me "Are you drunk? , lets go" I grabbed his hand he snatched it away "listen Faggot , don't touch me" at this point I was pissed "Brandon stop" I yelled he looked at me as if I was slow "I don't know who your talking about but my name isn't Brandon , my name is Alex" I took a step back and noticed a mole on his cheek Brandon doesn't have a mole "Alex?, oh my god Adam Lawson" he looked at me strangely "how do you know my name?" my mind was in overload "Alex buddy wait right here please" I ran off to find Brandon , either Brandon was playing a joke on me or That was his brother. I ran to the hotel we were staying in and pressed for the elevator , it was taking forever why was this taking forever . I decided to run up the stairs I got to the eighth floor and to our room I barged in Brandon Jumped up "what ? ,What happened" he was looking at me " oh god I feel asleep , sorry babe somebody chasing you " he asked rubbing his eyes and yawning "Brandon I" he looked confused ":is Jason here" I shook my head no "okay then Calm down" I calmed down "Alex I mean Adam , I saw him, at the bar , I thought he was you , but he confirmed his name was Alex then I called him Adam Lawson, he asked how I know his name he has a mole on his cheek like from the picture" Brandon sat down he looked disappointed "Josh , are you trying to hurt me or something" I walked over to him "Brandon, I would never try to hurt you or say this to you if I didn't talk to him myself , you know me ,I wouldn't make this up for anything I know how much your brother means to you, he's in the bar across the street" Brandon stood up " Josh what if its my brother and he didn't die ," I kissed him and hugged him, he put on his flip flops and we headed out the door so I could reunite two brothers.

We got to the bar and I looked around for Alex he wasn't anywhere In sight I turned and saw Josh looking around "he was over there" I knew this was good to be true "Josh how many beers have you had" he looked pissed that I even asked that question "I had half of one beer ! , I'm telling you he was there" I was disappointed "maybe you just thought It was him, but clearly it wasn't lets just go" he nodded in agreement and we made our way out the bar on to the street" we were about to walk when Josh said "look Brandon he is over there" I turned and saw the back of some guy , he had two girls with him I had to admit we were the same height from what I could see and the same hair color, even our hair was the same "Josh that's not him" josh went over to the guy "Josh don't" I followed "what do you want fag?" I heard him say "Hey don't call him that" "yeah who's going to stop me " he turned I almost died it was like looking in a mirror we both just looked at one another "oh my Hannah there are two of them , you can get your own Alex" both girls smiled "sorry ladies I am spoken for" I said sternly "Adam, your alive" "I don't know who you are but stay away from me" he shouted josh came over to me "Are you okay" I put my hand on his shoulder Adam looked at josh strangely then me and crossed the street. It felt like I lost my brother all over again .

The Next day


I came in from my morning Jog and Jack was sitting on the couch looking in the newspaper "what's up Hunter , come here for a minute" I came over "can I ask you something" I nodded yes "when did you first realize you were gay" I didn't know if this was one of his cruel jokes or what "come on Hunter tell me" he said "I guess from early on , remember Robby fro elementary school , I was in love with him" I laughed "but you were like in the first grade I nodded yes "it wasn't like love now I didn't think about kissing him or sex or anything , but he was the person I wanted to spend all my time with and when he moved when we were in the fifth grade I was devastated , but I guess it was for the best you know" he looked confused "why?" he asked "I don't know if he would have taken it well that I was gay, and if he would have turned his back on me , I don't know how bad I would have taken it" Jack sighed "Why are you asking?, I mean I'm seventeen and cant get anything right" I questioned "because I think Greg might be Gay" he said looking kind of sad there was no way in gods green earth Greg Marston was gay he had girlfriends and his sexual experiences were always talked about at Washington prep . He was the ladies man and every other guy wanted to be him , he was lean and had muscles for days a killer smile with deep dimples and the bluest eyes that shimmered so bright I had several crushes on him they would come and go with fading hope that he would ever be interested in me "HELLO?? Hunt you there?" I snapped out of it "yeah , so if he is gay what will you do?" I asked he shrugged his shoulders " I don't know , I mean he has always been my best friend , he was there when dad died when I found out you were gay ,I wont turn my back on him if that's what you mean" I was happy with his answer " look if he is , he's going to need you , don't freak out you know , like how you did with me" he nodded yes "I was thinking maybe you can help him , you know come to terms with it" I nodded yes "and Hunt , I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me , but I'm here now" he walked over to me and hugged me "thanks Jack" he pulled back and smiled "your welcome

I arrived at Hamilton college my brother goes there , I went to Forrester hall that's where Greg dorm is located I waited for like a hour and then he came in with boxes he looked perfect "hey Greg, you need help" he looked over the boxers and at me he smiled " Hunter what are you doing here" he asked "I came to visit my brother , but he isn't here he is back home I guess I just missed him ,hey you need help" I asked "Actually yeah" I took one of the boxes from his arm "What are these?" I asked " these are old transcripts of the school Theater performances I am looking for the catcher and the rye they plan on doing it this year and I was asked to find it, since I have no plans for spring break" we walked to his room. We went inside " I can help you if you want" I offered " that would be great" we started looking through the boxes , he left out about fifteen minutes later I found it he came back with pizza " I thought food would help since your helping me out "Thanks you're a good guy" I smiled he laughed "its only food hunter" he smiled so did I "oh I found it" I picked up the script and handed it to him "Hunter thanks I really appreciate it" we ate some pizza and hung out "so you dating anyone" I asked he looked at me "no I'm single I guess the right girl didn't come along yet". I nodded my head "same with me , the right guy just wont come around , I hate being alone sometimes, it feels like everyone has someone" I looked down "hey , you're a great guy the right one will come" I looked at him he looked at me those bright blue eyes were perfect I couldn't resist I had to do it , I kissed him he pushed me "I'm sorry , I'm going to go" I hurried up and got out of there so Jack was wrong once again and I made a fool of myself I left out to my car "Hunter wait!" he came rushing over to me "what the fuck was that?" I turned to get in my car he grabbed my arm " I said I was sorry , jeez don't hit me" he let go of my arm "why'd you kissed me?" I couldn't tell him his best friend thought he was gay " I'm an idiot , Greg , I know your straight I shouldn't have" Jack was wrong "what if I liked it" okay maybe he wasn't wrong I turned to face him "what if I like the kiss" he said again I looked into his blue eyes he moved closer " Hunter I'm" he stopped I placed a hand on his face we got close and kissed again "maybe we should go to your room" he agreed with that.


I woke up to arms around me I turned over Nathan was sleep next to me "what are you doing here" I asked " i missed you , so I came the first chance I got , he kissed me "I had lunch with Nick yesterday " "oh, how did that go" he asked " it was okay his boyfriend was a dick he thought I was after nick or something but I assured him I wasn't "so who is his new boyfriend" "he's the DNKY guy from that billboard" Nathan nodded "Nicks done good but what happen to the other guy he was seeing" Nathan asked " he left him for a girl they got married and had a kid" Nathan looked shocked "wow, imagine if you did that to me" Nathan looked at me "are you kidding if you ask anyone they would most likely think it would be you to do that" "never , I love you too much to hurt you like that , you're my life you know that" he kissed my forehead and held me close "looking around stills feels like high school and we will get caught or something


I woke up next to josh I smiled as he was sleeping on his stomach I turned over and kissed his neck and his back he woke up "hi" I pulled him into me "last night was so intense I loved every moment of it" I stated " me too, boy when you get upset you really know what you r doing" josh started I laughed "so are we going to talk about Adam" I put my head down "Babe he's alive, he didn't die ," I half smiled " I cried for days weeks because we grew up together and now he is alive, and why is he in Mexico?" I didn't know what to make of this , what was I suppose to tell my parents , that the son they thought they lost was alive , they wouldn't even believe me If I tried "I know he knew who I was I can see it in his eyes" I stated "well he isn't gay ,considering those two girls" josh stated "maybe , maybe not , imagine if he was , and if we had the same taste in boys , you would have two guys that look alike fighting for you" "oh that would be a dream" "shut up" I flipped him over and kissed him " I love you so much Josh" " I love you too Brandon"


Later that day

Greg dropped me off home I felt really good, I always had a crush on Greg but it seemed so tangible now .we spent the night talking and kissing we didn't do anything else , he was just an awesome guy and we spent most of today hanging out. It was getting late and he decided to drive me back to my house " I had a great time last night and today" I smiled he leaned in and kissed me "I'm kissing my best-friend little brother" he stated with a grin "I'll call you tonight" he said I nodded and walked to my house I turned and saw jack walking up the block and to Greg's car I hurried up and I went in the house only to be ambushed I felt someone hand around my neck it was my step dad he bend me over and pressed his crotch against my ass he began to rub himself up and down my ass I tried to move but he grabbed my shirt ripping it . Get off of me" I yelled , this was not happening no one was around jack couldn't use this "Please just get off of me Steve" I pleaded with him "no I want you right now I want my cock in that sexy ass" he wrapped his hands around my neck as I felt his hard cock on my ass "get offff!" the next thing I knew jack and Greg burst through the door my step-dad jumped up "you son of a bitch" Jack charged into him and started punching him , he got up and began punching jack to a pulp Greg jumped in and grabbed Steve he held him back as I got up I helped jack up "you okay" he smiled "yeah I'm fine little brother" he sat up I went over to Steve "you are so done" I yelled "like your mother will be believe you or your brother all I have to do is use the fact that Jack maybe doing drugs again and you well she thinks you're a pathetic faggot" , Greg tighten his grip on his wrist causing him to wince "shut the fuck up man don't talk about hunter like that" jack got up he went over to the fire place and dug in the flower arrangement on the mantel piece and took out a camera "oh I think she will believe us" he gulped jack went over and called the police , in minutes they were there they took our statement and we showed them the video as he tried to get away the officers handcuffed him just as mom walked through the door she looked at jack busted lip and my shirt "what's happened" she asked "excuse me miss' your husband tried to sexually assault your younger son and he physically assaulted your oldest she went up to him "is this true" he didn't say anything "answer me damn it" he didn't "mom we have it on video" Jack stated she looked at him then at me and my torn shirt again she went over and hugged me "I'm so sorry for not believing you" I hugged her "its okay mom ", she watched it and looked horrified "you sick pervert stay away from us you here me" "Kindra you are my wife" he yelled "not anymore" she threw the ring at him the cops escorted him out "I should get going " Greg said " No don't go" I found myself saying Greg smiled at me "I have to go down to the station to see what's going to happen , I hope they keep that sick basted , do you need me to stay" she asked me "no go mom" she kissed me and jack and patted Greg on his back and left out.

"So what's going on with you two" Jack asked "what do you mean" Greg responded nervously "oh come off of it Greg I know your gay ,I've known for a while I actually been waiting for you to say something about it" Greg kept quiet then spoke up "you don't hate me" Jack gave him a hug "no man , you're my best friend and I think my little brother has a thing for you" they both turned and looked at me "Jack!" they both laughed "I think we all can use some ice cream let me clean myself up and I can fix us a bowl he left to go upstairs Greg came over to me "I'm glad your okay" I smiled "I'm glad you were here , with me " he moved in closer and our lips met "oh come dude that's my little brother" we parted and saw Jack on the stairs we both laughed . "ice cream dude" Greg demanded jack came down the stairs and into the kitchen we shared one more kiss before going in the kitchen with jack for ice cream.

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Next: Chapter 44: Thats Life 25

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