Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Apr 16, 2010


"nothing stays the same"


I felt a pull a shake a hit , then I woke up I saw a angry Brandon standing over me "what is going on here!" he had anger in his voice I moved away from Casey and stood up "Bran it's not what it looks like" I stated he looked annoyed "After everything we've been through your sleeping with him?" I didn't want Brandon to wake Casey so I took his hand he snatched it away and turned to leave "Brandon Casey is hurt" he stopped then turned around "What do you mean" he asked I pulled the cover from over his head and Brandon walked closer "oh my god what happened to him" I shook my head "I don't know , someone beat him pretty bad he came to me , I promise you we did nothing , I was just here for him as a friend" Brandon hugged me "I'm sorry for doubting you , I just saw the back of Casey nestled against your front I thought you two were sneaking around , so we should call the police" Brandon stated , I guess Casey

heard that bit "no don't" we turned and saw Casey sitting up his swollen face went down "Case we cant just do nothing , who ever did this needs to pay" Brandon stated "I don't want to , I just want to forget about this, all of it okay and move on" I was beginning to get angry "your eye is almost closed Casey and you want us to forget about it , your lip looks like two balloons , and does your boyfriend know" I asked "I don't have a boyfriend , Vince had sex with Hunter , so we're done" Brandon and I looked at each other we both shrugged our shoulders "Josh breakfast is ready.." my grandpa came in and looked at us then Casey in my bed "Okay Josh I accepted the fact that your gay and you are with this fellow" he pointed to Brandon "but what are you into , threesomes?" I know I must have turned red, Brandon stopped himself from laughing "oh god , gramps we are not having a three some this is my friend Casey

and he" before I could finish my grandfather looked at Casey's face "what happened to you, you look like four jackrabbits beat the hell out of you" my grandfather came closer looking at his face "its nothing sir" Casey stood up "the hell it is, come with me , I know some home remedies that will have you looking a little bit better" . he followed my grandfather downstairs I got my cell phone and decided I had to call the police.

(Vince )

I needed to speak to Casey I couldn't just sit at home not fighting for our relationship , I went over to his massive house and rung the doorbell , a few times then it opened Brooke was standing there "oh it's you , what do you want?" she had a attitude so I guess she heard "is Casey home I need to talk to him " she gave me a deadly look "after what you did" she slammed the door in my face I knocked again "I'm not leaving until he talks to me" I spoke she opened up "he isn't here Vince he never came home last night I called his cell nothing" I began to get worried where could he be "maybe he's at Joes or something" I was about to leave "wait I'll come with you , he hasn't been home and I don't know if he is taking his medication" she grabbed her bag and we headed to Joes to see if he was there

(Josh )

Brandon and Casey were in the kitchen with Grandpa he made some kind of elixir for Casey's face the door bell rung I answered it, it was a officer "You called about a hate crime" the officer asked "yes , my friend he was beaten up" I answered "is your friend A minority of any sort" he asked "um he's gay and I suspect who ever did this was someone who didn't agree with his lifestyle" he nodded as he wrote on his notepad "he's in there" I walked him into the kitchen "Hold still boy" my grandfather was about to apply something to his face , all three of them looked over at us Casey stood up "Josh I told you not to call the police" the cop came over "Brandon!" he stated "uncle Fisher your back what happen to the LAPD" he asked "Just wasn't for me , now I m back , you friends with them" he asked, I didn't like how he said that "That's my boyfriend" he pointed to me "What?" he looked shocked "

Uncle Fisher, I thought dad would have told you" he nodded his head no " I guess I've been away for a while , we need to talk later" he said to Brandon "so what happened to you" he focused on Casey " I went to a bar, flirted with the bar tender we were going to go somewhere , so I thought but he tricked me and beat me up" Casey said "what bar?" Fisher asked "Davenport, it's a little bit out of town" I felt sorry for Casey he didn't deserve any of this "I know where Davenport is, I'll go check it out , can you give me a description of the guy" he asked "he is tall , about six foot four maybe, white, brown hair , hazel eyes deep dimples" he nodded "don't worry we will get him" he left out grandpa put some of his cream on his face "what is this stuff" Casey asked " it is exfoliating cream , the mint brings down the swelling" Brandon and I laughed "what?" my grandfather looked puzzled at us

"aren't you the beautician" the three of us laughed "Hardee Har Har , you all are very funny

About a hour later Casey washed the cream off his face he looked better although his eye was still black and half closed " I feel like a burger you guys" Casey said to me and Brandon "Right , how about Joes" we all nodded I drove us to Joes we hopped out I put my arm around Casey's shoulders "you sure your okay" I asked he nodded yes we entered "hey can we get three orders of cheeseburgers and fries with three cokes and bring them to the last booth" Brandon said "wow he orders for us" I teased Casey laughed so did I we walked to the booth and sat "Are the glasses too much" he asked I shook my head no "you look cool" I ruffled his hair he smiled "yeah Mr. Double O seven" Brandon teased "I think I'm going to get a water" Casey said while getting up and going over to the bar


I got a bottle of water and Vince and Brooke walked into Joes they saw me and came over "Oh my god where have you been , I've been worried sick and why do you have on dark sunglasses" Brooke asked "sorry I didn't mean to make you worried I just was with Brandon and josh" they looked over and saw Josh and Brandon, Brooke went over "are you sure your okay" Vince asked I looked at him and turned around to head back to the table but I bumped into someone and my glasses flew off , Vince picked them up and handed them to me then looked me in my face "oh my god Case what happen to your face" he tried to touch me but I backed away "nothing I didn't ask for" I took the glasses and put them back on "who did this to you" Vince demanded "why do you care" I asked "Because I love you " I wanted to smile but I couldn't my pride was hurt that he was with someone else "you don't love me , don't say that, I got what I

deserve" he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bathroom he pushed me in front of a mirror "this is what you deserve babe look at yourself" he came up behind me I started to tear up "I just wanted to forget about you and hunter what you did together , I wanted to have sex with someone so the pain wouldn't hurt as much" he started crying I turned to face him " this is all my fault someone did this to you because of me" he came close "hit me" he yelled "what ?" i asked "hit me , do to me what he did to you please I deserve it , hit me Casey, I love you so much , I never wanted to hurt you" I didn't know what to do at this point "just hit me" I came close and grabbed him by his shirt he thought I was going to hit him but I pulled him in close and hugged him we embraced each other crying " I will never hurt you again I promise , you mean everything to me" I kissed him he kissed me back "you mean the world

to me too" we rested our forehead together "this all happened because of me , I hope that guy is locked up" I looked away "Wait Case you let him get away with it" Vince asked "Vince we got a cop looking into it "


"we weren't able to find any evidence of what your saying , nothing not a video camera ,or witnesses , we questioned the bar tender but he says he doesn't know anything , i'm sorry kid , we will look into the case but that's all we can do at this point" I was beyond angry at what officer Lawson was telling us I pulled Casey into me "it will be okay" he got all teary eyed "so he will get away with this" Brandon asked his uncle " we need to talk, me and you outside" Brandon followed him out . Josh went to the closet door and took out a bat "what are you doing " Casey asked "no one does this to you and get away with it" we laughed until we saw he was serious "Josh you cant , you can go to jail" I stated he didn't want to hear what we had to say "as soon as Brandon is done we are going to Davenport and make things right..


I went outside with my uncle what the hell happened to you, your hanging with all these gays" I was beginning to get annoyed "would you know anyone of them was gay?" I asked he looked around then at me "no , but its not right " I scuffed at that " I was shot because my dad couldn't handle my lifestyle but I forgave him and he is okay with it , I don't owe you anything uncle fisher . I love you you're my uncle , but as the saying goes don't knock it until you try it" he look taken back by what I said "how does it even work" he asked I laughed "why ? Are you interested in something or someone" I asked "no! look be careful nephew, I don't want to worry about you" I rolled my eyes "Uncle Fish , I'm good" . he patted me on my shoulders and went to his car and drove off . I went inside Josh had a bat" I looked at Vince and Casey "what the hell?" I looked at josh "we are going to get revenge" Josh said angry.

We ended up going to Davenport Josh was going to set this guy up , at this point Uncle fisher immediately came down when I called him "what are you kids doing? " he asked "since the Sheriff department doesn't want to do anything we thought we might as well" Josh stated "you cant this is dangerous" Fisher looked at all of us but Josh started walking to the Bar he started to go after him " just let him do this , we are here if that guys try anything ...

(Josh )

I walked into Davenport and sat down at the bar the bartender came up to me just like Casey described him. "what can I get you" he asked "I'm looking to blow you" I said boldly as I leaned over he looked at me and smirked "wow is this place a gay magnet" he said in a evil tone "so how about it , I know how to deep throat and you can cum in my mouth" he chuckled and poured me a drink I drunk some "so kid , someone send you here?" he asked I shook my head no "actually I found this place by accident and I saw a really hot bartender I want to suck off then maybe possibly fuck" he came close "that can be arranged, hey Billy can you take over I have to handle something" he was still starring at me and the thing is I wasn't scared I wanted him to pay "sure thing boss" he came around the counter and nodded towards the ally I followed we went out there "so lets do this" I said "are you crazy queer" he tried to swing at

me I moved back and kicked him in his balls his face turned red I punched him in his face he fell back my hands was hurting like fuck "you beat my friend now I am going to beat you" I started kicking him Fisher , Brandon , Vince and Casey ran over Brandon grabbed me I was trying to pull away from Brandon to get back to that asshole "arrest these faggots" he said " I cant do that , MR . Davenport you are under arrest for the assault of a minor and the attempted assault to another minor, you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law , if you cant afford a lawyer one will be appointed to you by the government do you understand these rights as I read them to you" Fisher asked "fuck you" he yelled Fisher put the handcuff on him as he finished the Marinda rights "you have no proof" Fisher chuckled "we found Dna on That young man right there that you assaulted. first of all you

ass, you spit on the first victim and we traced the DNA back to you oh and I caught you trying to beat the hell out of another Gay teen, your done" he had him and escorted him in the cop car they drove off "

We found out that we weren't the only ones assaulted by that idiot four other people came forward and he was actually accused of a hate crime four years prior . We took comfort that we didn't have to see him for a while.

As a few weeks went by , Casey face was back to normal , and Vince and Casey had been stronger then ever . School came by and I was called into the counselor office by Mrs. Sherwood she was a very pleasant lady a little young I thought "hi , Josh , I have some excited news , when you come back for spring break, we want to put you into a advance program if you complete it you will be able to graduate this June" I couldn't believe what I was hearing "are you serious" she nodded yes "you see , I looked over your grades from LaGuardia High school and you were on the honor roll, you surpassed way more credits then any other Freshman and also you took college now credits ensuring you seven college credits already , you will be a freshmen ahead of a lot of other students, not to mention your excellent grades here at Washington high . I have selected ten students to participate in the Excel Work program , so are you interested in it" I smiled

"yeah , I mean yes so this will start after spring break" I asked she nodded yes and handed me a bunch of pamphlets " that sounds good to me thank you" we talked about my options for college she said when the time came she would help me I left feeling so great and I thought I would have to be here the following September , I found Karen by here locker "I have some good news , it turns out that I might be graduating along with you" she looked at me confused "How? You're a year younger" I smiled "before I came here I was all about school , during freshman year in new York I didn't have much friends so I just did my school work and where there was extra credit I was there I even took night classes to get more credits .turns out that I have enough credits to claim to be a senior but Mrs. Sherwood wants me to enter this excel work program , to ensure that I do all the requirements to graduate, plus remember when I transferred here I

had classes with Brandon and Jessica I never thought about it but I was taking junior classes" Karen was happy she hugged me "but isn't it to late to apply to colleges" she asked "She also told me that applications were suppose to be sent out last year but with my grades I would sure to place into a good school" .

Around lunch time Brandon came up to me "hi " he kissed me freely , not caring who saw "what's up" he asked "I was told that I might be graduating this June I'm apart of the .." "Excel work program , well so am I" I was so excited he hugged me "we just might do this, so what school did you apply for" I asked Brandon "Michigan state, Virginia State , UCLA and Nyu , but I was told I wouldn't be graduating and I didn't receive a response from any" he looked bummed "Neither had Jeff or Vince , I don't think Karen received a letter" he smiled "well if we do graduate and no school wants us , we can get jobs save some money go to a community college get a place" I smiled "that's not a bad idea, we can go to a community college save money that way we will be set by the time we enter university" he nodded . We went into the lunch room and sat with our friends Whitney was telling everyone that she cried during the

ugly Betty finale , we all laughed because we figured she was the only one who watched the show and her hormones were kicking in. I looked around at my friends one by one Casey and Vince sitting close together talking as if they were the only two in the universe, Hunter telling Karen and Jeff about his plans for college , Lance rambling on to a very annoyed Jessica, Brooke and Whitney and My Brandon smiling at me putting his arm around my shoulders , these were going to be the days that I miss the most . This time next year everything will be different . But hey nothing stays the same right. We all have to grow up and move on , I am not the same shy guy I once was when I met Brandon . I had grown literally and figuratively . But Change scares me , high school you can kind of predict what will happen but what about after you graduate , then what?.

***Thanks for reading please join

you can get updates from me on when i will be posting the next chapter of That's life or if you want to read some other stories or want to know more, when you join drop me a few lines i would love to hear from everyone that reads ..thank you.

Next: Chapter 43: Thats Life 24

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