Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Apr 4, 2010


"Hurt ,Bruises and tears"

*** (Josh) ***

"hi" I said as I was on my side looking at Brandon, he was starting to awake from his sleep and he started to smile, Brandon eyes fluttered open the light from the sun was beaming in his eyes radiating a lighter blue he smiled "Hi" I kissed him he kissed me back then he laughed " I see your feeling frisky this morning" he slid his hands on my chest rubbing my nipples "I so want to have relations with you right now" I laughed at that comment "Relations? Your an idiot" "I'm your idiot " he said I felt his cock pressing into my stomach and mine was at full max he moved his hand onto my cock and started jerking it "I think we should have morning sex babe" Brandon smiled "come on it's not logic" I stated "hold on" he went under the covers I felt him touch on my boxers he slid them down around my ankle's then I felt his tongue slide up and down my cock "Brandon , we will wake everyone up" I complained then I felt his warm mouth over my cock my toes curled with the sensation of his mouth "Brandon please I cant" his was bobbing up and down on my cock it felt so good then he started talking which vibrated on my dick I thought I would blow my load then he stopped and came up and kissed me , he sat up and guiding my cock to his hole he slowly sat down on it I gasped feeling his warmth and tightness on my cock he began to go up and down on it causing friction with the bed we both were moaning "Josh that feels so fucking good" he stated I loved every moment of this, he was riding me like a horse. Then we hear a knock on my door my door flew open "who wants to give Grandpa a hugg" "ahhhhhhhh" I screamed Brandon had already put the covers over his head "oh my god your plucking the chicken who's the lucky girl" he asked "grandpa please can you leave" Brandon was laughing in a low tone I hit his butt through the covers, I know this looked odd my grandfather was looking at me and someone on top of me with covers over them "Wait a minute , why is her legs so hairy" I was in all sorts of places my cock was still in Brandon and my grandfather was standing there "Dad leave Josh alone" my dad came in and saw what was going on this whole situation was uncomfortable, my dad turned red with embarrassment "Dad come on let Josh get his privacy" they both left out closing the door I was still hard in Brandon he pulled the covers from over his head "shall we continue" "what are you kidding me , we cant" he started going back up and down "Brandon please stop , please, oh god!" he didn't listen, my toes curled I was in ecstasy "Brandon! Brandon I'm cumming I closed my eyes shut and shot into my lover "Fuck, Fuck" I whispered Brandon was pacing in breath, "Oh my god Josh that was amazing" he bent down and kissed me on the lips I could taste the sweat that formed on his upper lip then he slowly got off of me we laid there ,he got up and went to the bathroom and five minutes later came back and got back in the bed "I cant believe we just did that , even after we got caught" Brandon laughed "who wants to give Grandpa a hugg" I cringed when he said that "that's just creepy" I stated he laughed "okay I think its shower time" we both got up and went into my bathroom I turned on the water and we both got in the shower the water flowed onto us and the warm water felt good then I realized I hadn't made Brandon cum I got down in the shower and stuck his still hard rod in my mouth he placed his hands in my wet hair and pulled me into him "yeah baby, that's feels great" I could taste his pre-cum I loved his taste I was bobbing like a champ , then he stopped me I stood up and he turned me around I could feel his hands on my ass he was stroking my butt then he held me tight I could feel his cock in my ass crack Brandon started kissing the back of my neck wrapping his arms around my midsection I placed my hands on the tile wall in front of me then he started kissing down my back . He bent down and kissed my ass cheeks I felt him spead them using both hands for each cheek then I felt his warm tongue ":oh my god, Brandon what are you doing you never did this before" he pulled out a little "its called Rimming Josh let me please you" he returned his tongue to my ass the sensation was unbelievable . Then I felt his finger it went into my ass along with his tongue "oh my god Brandon , that feels so good" then he stood up I felt his cock head on my hole he placed his hands on my sides and pushed in gently I pushed out so he could slid in easy "oh baby that feels so good" Brandon moaned the sensation he was giving me was out of this world he was pounding me, every time his cock hit my prostate I thought I would melt "I love you , I love you" Brandon said with our bodies Connected and the water gliding down our bodies this would definitely go down in the books for one of the best sex sessions we had . He lifted my leg holding it out in his strong hand and was bucking in and out "I'm gonna cum, I'm going to cum shit" I felt his cock get a lot fatter then I felt his cum "Brandon oh my god" "AWWWWW" we both were panting hard , he pulled out of me slowly I turned around he kissed me , so passionately and we had to wash up again "thank you" he kissed my neck "your welcome"

*** Vince ***

I woke up hunter was sleep next to me , I sat up what had I done I thought , I wasn't even sure what happened with Casey , and I had a naked guy sleeping next me, we no doubt had dirty sex last night but I thought about Casey the whole time I got up and took a shower , hunter got in with me , he soaped my body up and kissed me, I cleaned him off and we got out , I got dressed , and lend hunter some clean clothes we were about the same size and he thanked me and left . I sat in my living room confused this time yesterday everything was perfect but I felt a dark cloud looming over me

*** Hunter ***

I got home and jack was eating waffles he looked at me then at the clock on the wall "where were you" he practically yelled "I was with some friends , I fell asleep"he seem to buy that "so have you come up with a plan to expose our creepy step-father" I asked jack nodded yes "we will film him doing you show mom and she will dump his ass" jack said confidently "Jack mom will hate me, if she thinks I was a willing participant in all of it" I stated he look like he was in thought then he finally said "we will make you look like that victim a poor helpless seventeen year old boy victimized by his older , stepfather" I like this idea we had to set him up "where is mom anyway" I asked " she and daddy dearest took a jet to the city for some event" I liked this , I was actually having a conversation with my brother and he didn't insult me not once "well I have Class" he stood up and grabbed his book bag "on a Saturday" he nodded yes " im trying to get extra credit I have to raise my GPA" he ruffled my hair then left out.

*** (Josh) ***

After the shower I got dress and I went downstairs into the living room Dad and grandpa were sitting down talking when I entered they both looked at me "oh there goes my boy where is your girl" he asked , I had to tell him "grandpa , I have to tell you that wasn't a girl upstairs" he look like he didn't understand what I was saying "Grandpa I'm gay" he looked at me , his blue eyes Piercing into my own eyes "no , that's impossible there is no gays in our family, and anyway you don't talk, look or act gay" I wanted to laugh "um grandpa , Gay people aren't all flamboyant, and girly plus I'm not the only one in the family thats" I shut up before I said anything incriminating he stood up "who else? Jason , not Matthew" I backed away " I mean you don't know if someone is gay or not sorry to break it to you but I am ,Brandon!" I yelled Brandon came down the stairs and into the room he looked at Brandon then at me I held his hand "Marvin you agree with this" he asked his son, my father " Dad it's who he Is, and I love my son I'm not you I don't threatened to disown him if he does something I don't like ,and Brandon is a wonderful kid" my dad winked at me "I cant believe this ,Marvin does your brother Martin know" dad hesitated , If grandpa was upset now what will he do when he hear his favorite grandson Matthew Barrett named after his father was gay . "yes the whole family knows dad" he looked upset "apparently not the whole family this isn't normal joshie come here" I let go of Brandon's hand and walk cautiously to my grandfather he placed his hand on the back of my head "Help paw understand this ,is it because of your mothers death, have you been struggling" I shook my head negatively "no grandpa, I'm sorry you hate me and think I'm not normal but this is who I am , I don't know why, or how or when but I don't and never liked girls" he looked at me then at Brandon "what about you Bryce, youve been gay your whole life?" he asked "its Brandon um, he has had girlfriends before me" my grandfather looked confused "So if you were straight why are you with him" I didn't like my grandfather questioning Brandon but I wanted to know myself Brandon looked at me then him "I don't know? I don't think Sexuality is a definite thing , I mean for some people , I've been attracted to girls before as well as guys, but only one person has my heart and that's your grandson" he smiled at me I smiled back "that's all good and dandy punk,but what your saying is , you might find a girl attractive one day and then its bye bye josh" Brandon looked caught off guard "don't you want a kid one day a family" Brandon looked like he was in thought " I mean yeah, but I can have all that with Josh, the world is a lot different now we can have biological kids through surrogacy or even adopt, but sir we are still young , I will never hurt josh he is my world, no girl or guy can hold a candle to him" I felt the same way about Brandon. I walked back over to Brandon and held his hand we started to leave "Josh wait " I turned around "for the record I don't hate you I'm just processing all of this" I nodded and Brandon and I was out the front door .

*** Vince ***

I decided to go to Joe's I needed a good cup of coffee because I felt horrible, Casey came In I knew I turned pale he came over to me and kissed me , I was stunned at this didn't he break up with me I thought "hi babe what are we having" he asked he looked at me and could tell something was up "why are you looking at me like that " he asked "I thought , you wanted to take a break, and see other people" I stated he laughed as if I was crazy or something " I never said that I said maybe we take a step back and look at what we are doing before we get real serious" my heart sunk how could I have misread this , I was listening to what I thought he said. I cheated on my boyfriend I closed my eyes and could feel tears coming on , I wasn't this guy I didn't do things like this "Vince what's wrong babe?" he asked I couldn't hide this from him I had to just say it "Casey I thought you broke up with me ,I..I got wasted and ran into someone, we ended up having sex" Casey looked taken back by what I just told him "what? Oh my god I should go" Casey stood up he had a blank expression on his face one I couldn't tell if he was pissed or not I stood up too "who was he?" Casey asked "what does it matter" he looked pissed when I said that "what does it matter? Okay whatever" he turn to leave I grabbed his hand "it was hunter, I was so upset , i just wanted to forget about you, you said you wanted to take a step back" he looked sad "I'm not even mad I guess this is what I get for what I did to Brandon" he walked away slowly I followed "I don't want to give up on us , I just misread all of this we can still fix this" he shook his head negatively at my comment " I just don't think I can do this anymore , I don't think we have a future anymore , and you did the action but this is all my fault" he went to his car and got in and drove off

I went home upset I wanted to break everything in my sight , he must have felt how i did when I saw Josh with Brandon at Joe's a long while back**Flashback( I walked in my smile turned upside down I looked at both Brandon and josh then turned around and walked back I was headed to my car when I heard Josh voice "Vince wait!" he caught up to me then he grabbed me " stop" he said "I love you josh and I said it and you didn't say anything back" I continued "and now your here with him Mr. blue eyes I can't compete because you got your mind made up already" we stood there in our respective spaces the snow hitting our face " so what now" josh asked "pack your stuff we are done" with that I walked away" that was the moment my heart was broken truth be told I knew josh had no where to go but I couldn't take seeing him , as time progressed I began to come back into josh's life and we became friends again I still care for him , but I know we will never be anything more then friends , with Casey its different I was falling in love with him as each day went by I loved josh but I don't think I was in love with him.

*** Casey ***

I got home and went to my room I was upset , sad really because I knew this was my fault I can never get it right I slammed the door then sat on my bed its like this , when I'm happy something always happened to screw it up , meaning ,me . Brooke knocked on my door "are you okay" she asked "no I am not okay just leave me the hell alone" she came in anyway "what happened?" she asked "why do you care , I'm no good" she sighed "I didn't mean that I was upset that you would say that about Wes , he's been nothing but good to me" Brooke stated I shook my head "you know what I told you what I saw and for what ever reason you chose not to believe me fine I don't care, just leave me alone" she looked at me "no what is going on with you" she sat down next to me , I was all things , angry, sad, hurt I couldn't explain this feeling "Vince slept with Hunter, because he thought I broke up with him" I stated Brooke looked as if she didn't understand "how can someone think you broke up with them" ;"all I said was we were moving too fast and that we need to take a step back , that means just slow it down a little, not break up" Brooke rubbed my back "so what now?" Brooke asked I shrugged my shoulders "I guess I lost boyfriend number Three, Kevin wanted other guys, I played with josh's emotions and Vince Cheated because he thought I said we were over. maybe my bi polar is kicking in" "that's not funny have you been taking your medication" she asked me "yes mom, I take them everyday" "good "

*** Whitney ***

I arrived at Lloyds house I didn't know how I would do this "just go" Karen said I nodded and left out the car I walked to the house and up the steps then I knocked on the door it opened a girl was standing there "can I help you " she asked "um is Mrs. Carlson home" I asked "um yeah come on in" she let me in I looked around the house I never been here before , I really never had a chance to meet his family. She called for her mother and she appeared , she looked really young and had Lloyds eyes "can I help you" I felt ashamed "I was Lloyd's girlfriend Whitney" she looked shocked "wow, I never met you" she said " I actually known Lloyd since Kindergarten , and we couldn't stand each other , but we became friends and then we got in a relationship" she lead us in the living room we sat " I'm Hailey" the girl said "hi Hailey" she didn't go to our high school I thought "so what brings you by" Mrs. Carlson said " something has happened that I think you should know about it involves Lloyd" they both look like they were getting worried "what has happened , has someone tried to dig his grave" she asked "no , that's not it , I'm Pregnant, and its Lloyd's" they both had there mouths opened "I don't mean to come here and say this and I don't want anything from you I just thought that you need to know that , im carrying his baby , the doctor confirmed it this morning" I looked to the hardwood floors "wow, a baby , if he was alive this conversation would had been different but , now Lloyd will be remembered through his child , are you sure its Lloyd" she asked "I'm positive , he's the only guy I've been with , before he died" "I'm going to be a Aunt," they both cried which made me want to cry then his brother and dad came through the front door they saw the commotion :what's happened " Mr. Carlson went over to his wife, Lawrence looked at me "isn't it Whitney all grown up" I rolled my eyes "I'm pregnant with Lloyds baby" I stated they both looked at me "what? Are you serious" Lawrence asked "Very serious" he smiled "that baby will want for nothing with uncle Lawrence by his or her side" I smiled at that "this is something alright , I just wish my son would be here to be apart of his child's life" he looked sad "I guess its up to all of us to teach him or her about their father and what kind of person he was" we all agreed on that .

*** Hunter ***

It started to get dark out and I received a call from Vince he said it was urgent that I meet him at Joe's ,so I agreed plus I could get some take out. being with Vince well it was amazing and The fact that I slept with Vince had no baring on me , I wasn't in love with the guy but felt kind of ashamed because I knew Casey he was a great guy , I walked into Joe's and ordered a usual burger , fries and shake I spotted Vince out the side of my eye and decided I walk over "why did you call me" I asked "because Casey knows about us" I sat down "wait ! You told him?" I said rather loudly he nodded yes "turns out he didn't want to break up but only wanted to take a step back and analyze our relationship carefully before going into it drastically " I felt like crap Casey didn't deserve any of this at all "we have to make this right" I said " we cant , he just walked out , he doesn't want anything to do with me " Vince stated then Casey walked into Joe's he looked immediately at us I got up Vince tried to stop me but I pulled away and went over "Casey wait !,what happened wasn't anything against you , we thought you wanted to end the relationship" he looked at me with the most hate I ever seen "shut the fuck up hunter , you sleep with my boyfriend and now your telling me about my relationship with him, you have some nerves" he turned to leave but I tried to grab him but he punched me right in the mouth I feel back Vince ran over and helped me up "right, come to your little boyfriends aid" he stormed out Vince helped me up and then ran out after Casey.

*** Casey ***

"Casey wait" I heard Vince I didn't have time for this any more

"wait for what ? He grabbed me turning me around to face him I pushed him

"don't touch me , just stay away from me " I yelled came closer

"Casey I'm sorry okay , I'm so sorry babe" he was tearing up he touched my face "I need to make this right, give me a chance to do so" I moved away

"you cant, and sorry wont change anything ," I got in my car

"don't go, Casey please" I started my car and speed out of there I drove into town and saw A bar called Davenport I parked my car and walked into Davenport I decided to sit down at the bar

"what can i get you" the bartender asked , i looked around then back at him he was staring at me. i smiled

" i didn't come here for a drink" i said

" then why are you here" he asked i smiled then looked up and down his body seductively he was hot

"I'm not like that" he said

"that's cool but i give a mean blowjob" I said "hey it's your choice" I stood up

"Wait kid" he said i turned with a smile

"yeah" i replied

"how about you wait for me my shift is almost over " he had a grin I smiled "so can I get you a drink" he said I nodded yes he turned his back and poured me a drink "so how did you find this place" he asked "I don't know I guess I stumbled upon it he turned around and sat the glass in front of me "how old are you" "I'm twenty one" I lied "good" I sat there and drunk the vodka it felt good going down but after two cups I felt groggy "hey you ready" he asked I nodded yes" he got the people out of the bar and we went out the back "so were are you taking me sexy" his look changed from happy to disgust "nowhere you faggot" he punched me I feel on the floor "wait stop what are you doing" I yelled he kept punching me until everything went black.

I woke up and my head was spinning , I had to get out of there I stumbled to my car and got in , I turned it on and drove off my face was pulsing I could bearly see, I drove for like an hour until I arrived I got out and knocked on the front door I kept knocking until it opened "Josh, please" "Oh my god Casey" I collapsed in his arm

*** Josh ***

I was getting ready to call Brandon until I heard knocking at the door I went to get it and when I opened it it was Casey , he was badly beaten "Josh Please" he cried out "Oh my God Casey" he collapsed in my arm. I held him up and brought him inside shutting the door "Casey What happened " I asked holding him "take me to your room" I did as he said we got to my room I laid him on my bed "Casey I have to call someone" he shook his head no "Please ,josh please don't I don't want anyone to know , my face hurt" I went into my bathroom and got two acetaminophen and a cup of water I he took them I then went and got a wet clothe and cleaned the blood from his face his lips were swollen and he had a black eye his nose was swollen as well "Casey who did this to you" I asked cleaning the blood from his nose "some guy" he drifted off to sleep I woke him up "Casey you cant go to sleep you've been hit , you have to stay awake please for me" I said "Josh I will do anything for you" he said I started to tear up, Casey didn't deserve this I kissed his forehead "im sorry josh" "SHHHH, just rest " I put my covers over him and laid down next to him and put my arm around his midsection and held him tight I wanted who ever did this him to pay

*** Brandon ***

I went to take the trash out for my parents then I heard the gate to the front yard I went around the front and saw Mark "Mark hi , what are you doing here" i asked " I had to see you the last time we spoke was before thanksgiving and " he kissed me I pulled back "mark what was that?" I asked " I have feelings for you , I had them ever since we were in Ferncliff together Brandon . You changed me I mean when we were kissing and I like you a lot" he kissed me again it was good his hands were on my face I felt his tongue in my mouth, I couldn't do this because of josh I love josh, no matter how good that kiss was , Josh kisses were explosive I pushed him away " I'm sorry mark but I love josh" I said "your still pining over josh, he is not right for you" there was a lot he didn't know "Mark I'm with Josh again we've been back together for a while I'm sorry man I just I love him , he has my heart no one else" he shook his head as if he understood "I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here" I put a hand on his shoulder "well you came all this way you want to stay , my mom made peach cobbler" he shook his head no " really I should get going , my shift starts in about an hour nice seeing you Brandon" he turned and left I felt bad for him , because when I was in fern cliff he was my only friend but I got out and returned to my life to josh.

Next: Chapter 42: Thats Life 23

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