Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Feb 6, 2010


"The Day the Earth stopped moving "


Winter was still here and usually I hated winter but now that I have Josh , things seem to look up , we were closer then ever and I would make it a life's mission to keep it that way . I got out of bed and looked out of my window, it had snowed the night before so there was still snow outside I heard a honk I looked down and saw a car I didn't recognize I got dressed. And headed downstairs

"Who car is that" my mom asked looking out of the window next to the front door

" I don't know , bye mom" I kissed her and left out I got up to the car , it was a Black bmw a older model maybe a 2003 or 04 but in really great condition the windows were tented I couldn't see anyone then the window rolled down "you like my new car, well it's not new but I like it" I smiled at Josh "So I was wondering if my boyfriend can give me a ride to school because my car need a rest" he looked as if he was in thought

"Um I don't know," he grinned at me "Come on I am freezing my balls off here" he laughed I got inside his car he kissed me "you do know I can warm your balls up" he slid his hand in my lap I put my hand on top of his "After school I am all your , but we cant be late" I reminded him , he drove off , we were at school in less then fifteen minutes he parked his car and we went into the school.

****************************************** (Josh)

"So I was thinking , maybe , I should start taking pictures again" Brandon smiled at me.

"yeah , you should that's your passion, I missed your photos , why did you stop?" he asked

" I don't know , I guess I had a lot going on, but I really miss it" I said he grabbed my hand we started walking

"well I'm glad your going to do it , maybe if your good you can take a picture of me , you know privately" Brandon teased , then opened the glass door leading to another part of the school I laughed "why would I want a picture of that I`ve seen better" I laughed "So not funny , Barrett" I laughed even harder "Okay alright , your the best I ever had" I smiled so did he

"he has a gun" someone screamed , Brandon and I saw people running left and right there the guy was pointing at us , we turned and ran through the doors then we heard the gun go off I heard the glass shatter

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Two days before


Brandon, josh and I came into Joe's, we spent the day hanging out we went to the arcade, movies , it felt like I had my best friend back, we saw Karen , Jeff, Whitney, Brooke, Vince and Casey were there we went up to them

" So what are we getting" I said

" I'm Craving pizza" Whitney smiled at me I smiled back

"Whit can I talk to you" I asked she stood up we went out side

"Lloyd, what's going on " she asked

" I like you and I wanted to" I kissed her she kissed me back then pulled away

"What a minute , I don't like you Lloyd or at least I didn't like you when you and Brandon were best friends" she spoke she still had a look of shock

" Look Whit , I'm still his best friend, but I liked you even when you were with Brandon , I just never made a move because that's not what friends do and" before I knew it she was kissing me

"Before I dated Brandon I was Crazy about you, in junior high you were my crush" Whitney said I laughed

"Why didn't you say anything back then" I asked

" Because you were a dick back then , but it seems like you've evolved " she said

"yes into a even bigger dick" I said she laughed I kissed her again

"is this really happening" she asked

" I think it is" I kissed her once more

********************************************* (Hunter)

"I'm home" Kindra came into the mansion my dad bought before he died I came down the stairs to greet my mother

"Mom, your home" I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek

" I take it you missed me " she said "I have a present for you" she gave me a box I opened it

"Dad's Ring , I thought it was lost"

"well it isn't , your dad would have been so proud of you"

" I don't think so , he is rolling in his grave knowing he has a faggot for a son" Jack spoke bringing her suit cases in , she and my step dad were in Hawaii for a week and they just got back. Jack is my older brother , he found out about me when he caught me kissing a boy ,actually my boyfriend at the time , he beat the crap out of me and my so called boyfriend walked away from me , the next day after the incident he was going out with some girl and he Virtually ignored me . My mother was the only person who didn't care

"Jack you could have held the door" my step father said walking into the house " Oh Hunter , your up hey" he smile I looked away

"well I'm tired , off to bed" my mom said she went up the stairs my brother followed

" so Hunter I missed you": my stepfather said he walked closer I stepped back

"Stay away from me " he grabbed me and kissed me I pushed him

"Careful son you wouldn't want to get hurt now would you , now lets go to the basement" he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. When we got in he locked the door and pulled me downstairs he pushed me on the bed , my step dad is attractive as hell and have a nice body but he married my mother , this was so wrong and I didn't want it

" please Steve , I don't want to do this" he pulled down his jeans and his hard cock came out he started stroking it

"come on you're a cock sucker ,so suck my cock , bitch."

"no!" I said he held me down and put his cock on my mouth he bald up his fist and I opened my mouth he slid his cock in my mouth.

"Oh shit , that feels so good, your mother doesn't even suck cock" he moaned I bit his cock

"Fuck!" he screamed I got up and ran up the stairs and unlocked the door then I felt him pull me I went tumbling down the stairs

********************************************* (Brandon)

I ran into the media room and saw Karen and Whitney on the computer they both had headphones on I walked over to them they both looked up at me and took off the headphones

Have you two seen Josh" I asked Karen and Whitney shook there heads no

"Why?" Whitney asked

"some psycho brought a gun to school he shot it and everyone went running we separated

Karen jumped up

"we need to leave if he is still in the school " Karen said looking nervous

"you two go , I have to find Josh, I cant lose him" I said I ran off

"Brandon wait" I heard whit and Karen say but I didn't listen ********************************************************


"We have to get out of here " I said we ran to the exit and I opened the door before we could leave a gun was in front of us

"and where do you two think your going" he said

"Hey , why are you doing this" I asked

" I'm sorry Whitney , I had too , I had to make it stop , I had to make the pain stop

" I helped you " I stated

"you did , and if you play by the rules I wont hurt you or your friend but if you don't then" he raised the gun me and Karen backed up

"you don't have to do this , you can just let us go , you haven't hurt anyone yet" I said nervously

"Look I'm going to leave and we never saw you " Karen turned he grabbed her by her hair and slammed her down

"Shut up you bitch , your not going anywhere, except to hell if you test me" I was beyond scared I didn't know what to do. I sat near karen who was rubbing her head.

"are you okay" I asked she shook her head yes , I am too young to die I thought.


I walked down the hall it was quiet the most quiet I had ever heard in this school , then I saw blood , it look like someone was dragging themselves down the hall , I followed the trail

Jeff called me I turned

"Brandon what are you doing " he asked running over to me

" I have to find Josh" I said

"I think I saw him outside, we have to get out of here"

I looked at the blood then followed Jeff

We left out the school there were cops and a special Unit they ushered us out , there were people across the street from the school that's where we were taken I looked around

"I thought he was outside " I said

" yeah he's over there" we went over it wasn't josh , he was wearing the same jacket as him

" I think he's still in the school , I have to get in there" I said

" you cant , wait" he pulls out his cell

"who are you calling " I asked

"Karen , where is she"

"oh my god I left them in the media room , I told them to leave , I think Karen and Whitney are still in there" Jeff looked worried , Brooke and Kelly came up to us

"What's going on" Brooke said

" I think , Whitney , Karen and Josh are still in there, we are going in to get them" I said

: you cant , you will get shot" Kelly said grabbing onto my arm I pulled away

"Shut up Kelly" I said and me and Jeff walked away we had to get back into the school,

*************************************** (Karen)

"What is your name" Whitney asked

"Why , so you can rat me out": he said angry

" No , and everyone saw you with the gun , I j ust want to know": she said I didn't see the point he was crazy.

"Its Michael, Michael Foster " he said , I looked at him , he had a black eye and marks on his face , the kid looked rough I almost felt bad for him

"Michael , I saw how those guys treated you , and you didn't deserve that , things can get better I promise" she said he seem to be getting calmed by her

" I just want the bullying to stop" he looked down to the floor then back up at Whit, Whitney went over to him and hugged him

He was about to give her the gun when Jeff bust through the doors

"Karen" Jeff looked relieved Michael raised the gun and shot him

"No ! jeff" I ran to him

"what is wrong with you , you psycho " I said he was trembling

" I didn't mean I..was only" he ran out the door

"Michael wait" Whitney screamed going after him


I was searching the school but there was no sign of Josh , I wanted to cry I felt something was wrong

I felt a hand on my shoulder I grabbed the hand and pushed him against the locker

"Chill dude" It was Lloyd

"What are you doing in here" I asked

" I saw you and Jeff come back inside I followed , why are you in here"

"I cant find josh I called his Cell nothing I don't know where he is" we walked down the hall carefully and I saw the trail of blood again , I was in the spot where I was the last time when Jeff found me , It was leading to the History room. I opened the door slowly Lloyd followed me I followed the rail to the back of the classroom and there was josh he screamed when I approached

"Josh it's me , it's me " I said calmly I bent down he looked at me , I could see the pain in his face

" Brandon, it hurts " he was shot in his Left Arm

"I'll go get help you guys stay put" Lloyd said

"Lloyd , be careful "

" I will, dude I promise" he replied leaving out the classroom

" I'm going to die, look when I die I want you to move on find somebody that is so much better then I was " he said he looked delirious I laughed

" baby there is no one else like you in this world you hear me, you're the only one for me and you are going to survive" he leaned on me

"I thought I was going to die alone, I thought I would never get to see you again" josh leaned into me I kissed him on his forehead.

"not going to happen , you know why? Because we belong together, if you die you take my heart with you, you hear me , do not die ,you want to leave me here miserable and alone until I die?" he laughed

"you will be with the next girl or boy in a week" he laughed weakly I didn't laugh at all

"no I won't" I started tearing up

" I love you so much josh " he kissed my neck

" I love you too" he said back

( Whitney)

I lost Michael , I started to turn back but ran into Kelly

"Why are you here" I rolled my eyes at her she rolled them back

" I came because Brandon ran in here to save his precious Josh and I came to try and talk some since into him" I laughed at her comment, she was still hooked on Brandon

"you still thank you will get your pathetic little hooks in him but he loves josh get it through your stupid thick skull or did the bleach fry your brains"

"you are such a bitch " Kelly yelled

"you know what, whore takes one to know one" I got in her face

Lloyd came around the corner "Girls this is not the time or place, look Josh has been shot he is in bad shape we need to get help".

"no one is going anywhere" Michael came up to us holding the gun Lloyd stepped in front of me and Kelly

"Look man no one has to get hurt , you can just walk away" Lloyd said

"Shut the fuck up , too late , I already shot someone" he said

"Josh is okay, he will be alright"

"Josh, you mean Joshua Barrett , I didn't even know I shot him , but good that faggot and his boyfriends became even more popular once everyone knew about them and me I am as straight as a nail and still no one cared , no one Fucking cared , I got beat up , and people looked around and did nothing , the two of you did nothing , Whitney helped me she's the only one who cared no one else" he said

"You can stop this, all of this " I tried telling him but he covered his ears with his hands and he closed his eyes Lloyd started backing all of us up then he opened his eyes and pointed the gun

" no I cant , too late, I'm sorry" he pulled the trigger , Lloyd pushed me and Kelly on the floor and he got shot

"Lloyd , no!" I screamed I crawled over to him touching his face he was looking at me with shock in his eyes .blood began to go all over the floor "Lloyd please, you'll be alright I promise" he was coughing " I finally got my kiss" he said with a smile I shook my head no "Lloyd don't please" I began to cry I put my forehead to his "I felt something , something I haven't felt in a long time please don't go" I said he was shot in his chest he began to make these noises I kissed him again he kissed me back " I got the girl" he said tears were sliding down the side of his face. then he just froze and his eyes closed he was gone "noooooo!" I screamed ,

"How could you Michael" I yelled

"Yet another person I disappointed " he said he turned the gun to himself

"Don't you dear , shoot yourself, you face what you did, you son of a bitch face what you did" I screamed

"goodbye Whitney, you were the only person that stuck up for me"

He shot himself in the head , blood went everywhere so did his brain. I couldn't believe I witnessed all of this , why did I witness this , why me


I woke up and was in a hospital bed , didn't know how I got there but I was I looked over and saw my mom by my bedside I moved a little she woke up

" how are you feeling" my mom asked

"I'm fine" I spoke

"Hunter , honey I have to tell you , there was a shooting at your school , I know you just transferred there but from what I heard a few students were hurt " she said I couldn't believe this , I sure hoped josh and Brandon were okay I thought to myself

"what happened to you , you fell down the stairs" she asked Jack came into my room and sat on the chair

"Mom I didn't fall Steve pushed me " I looked down then back up at her

"don't you blame Steve homo!" Jack yelled

"Fuck you , you bastard , so what I am gay the way you treated me still treat me , it's like you want me dead, is that what you want , your little brother dead" it was quiet then I continued

"he made me suck him off mom and I bit him I tried to run but he grabbed me and pulled me back I fell down those stairs , " she looked at me then at jack , jack was looking at me in disbelief

" I know you loved your dad , but how dare you say that about your stepfather" she got up and left out jack walked over to me

"Ready to kill me?" he looked at me with a look I hadn't seen from him in a very long time , Compassion ,

" I can tell your telling the truth I can see it in your eyes, Hunter how long has he been you know" Jack asked

" he made me jerk him and he even tried fucking me but I told him mom would find out he stopped with that"

" I'll kill that son of a bitch" Jack shouted he looked angry

": I thought you didn't care about me" I asked

" you're my brother I do care, I just was giving you grief. he is nothing to me , no one fucks with my brother" he grabbed my hand " `I'm a asshole , truth is , if something happens to you I don't know what I would do, in all reality I need you, since you been born your all I've had friends and girlfriends came and went but you were always here and im sorry I couldn't say the same for myself . I should have seen this no I didn't instead I was calling you faggot, queer and homo"

"Jack its okay, but mom doesn't even believe me about Steven" I said looking at jack he look like he was in thought

"he wants to fuck , I'll give him exactly what he wants" Jack said with a sinister smile on his face.what the hell was my brother up to I thought


I picked josh up gently and put his arm around my shoulder and we exited the history classroom we walked down the hall and turned the corner I nearly dropped josh at the sight of Whitney over my best friend :Lloyd and that kid Michael dead on the floor Kelly was out too but I didn't see any wounds

"Whitney what the hell happened" I yelled

:"Lloyd is dead, he is dead , I finally get a boy who wants me and he is taken away from me " she was crying I started to cry , josh was dozing off "who's dead" he said drowzy

" Babe stay awake for me please" I said to josh I wish I could go and be with my friend but the love of my life was hanging on himself and I couldn't risk that not for anyone we walk away down the hall and out the school , the special force squad ushered us out and the paramedics Put him on a gurney

"Oh my god Josh" Casey said Vince had tears in his eyes

"we skip school and all hell breaks loose , oh my god where is my sister" Casey looked so worried for Josh

" I am right here , I made it out safe" he hugged her

The police went into the school guns ready to fire along with some paramedics as well

Josh was put into the Ambulance and I got in with him, claiming to be his brother we went to Cedars Hospital.


I held Jeff in my arms his back was resting on me my arms were wrapped around him

" how long do you think it will take" he said in pain

" a little while just hold on for me please , I Need you " I begged

" What?" Jeff asked

" Jeff I said I need you , you were my first In more ways then one" I replied

He turned to look at me then he started sobbing

" jeez I know I was inexperienced in the sex department but" he cut me off

" no , not that I want to be here for you , Karen you're the first girl I truly ever loved , you're the only girl that I love , no one can compare to you "He then passed out

"Jeff , no Jeff wake up" the police busted in the room they saw us

"are you two okay" they asked

" no , My boyfriend he just passed out I don't know what to do" I said

Two paramedics came and put him on a Gurney and put a oxygen mask on his face and rolled him off I followed him.

(Whitney )

I sat there not really understand what just took place, Lloyd wasn't waking up , he was dead I held his warm hand in my hand , a hand that would soon turn cold and be buried , how could Michael take that away from me , why didn't he shoot me and spare Lloyd, he had so much planned for his future he wanted to be a music exact. He wanted to be the first person in his family to go to college , how could that all be taken away from him

"Are you okay" I looked up to see officers standing over me six of them

"this is the gunman" one the officer said

"yeah that's that lunatic" another one said

"stop it" I yelled they looked at me

" Its because of people pushing him around , calling him names he did this , its because of the bullies out there who think they are tough and could beat on the innocent , do not beat on him now that he is dead" I said I defended him one last time. ** A day before

I was in my front yard fixing my sister's bike, I know I am quite the handy one , and Lloyd came by

"Hi pretty girl" Lloyd said he kissed me

"What are you doing here" I asked

" I wanted to see my new Girlfriend, I know us getting together was fast but that's how I like it" he kissed me again, his lips felt so good on mine I pulled away

"hey , buddy watch it" he laughed

"So I was thinking how about after school tomorrow , we go out on a proper date, you know romantic stuffy restaurant, a movie" he smiled

" I don't know buddy , who says I `m still into you" I got up and went in my house he followed

" oh I know you like me , you just knew I would come , that's the reasin why you are fixing a bike in the snow and if you didn't like me you wouldn't be kissing me" he said with a grin on his face

"Want a Coke" I asked ignoring him on purpose

"yes, and stop playing , you enjoyed these precious lips" I laughed and handed him his coke

" Oh so your lips are precious now" I raised my eyebrow up he walked close to me

"you love my lips like I love yours" he kissed me hard and passionate I think my knee's started to buckle

" Okay maybe they are kind of Precious , but I did say kind of " he smiled

" I'll accept that"

"so when can I get into you pants" he replied I rolled my eyes hitting him on the arm

" you have to work for that sexy" I smirked walking out of the kitchen "that I will" he responded back

Whitney: I wont let a single tear fall I say to myself .

Brandon: because I have to be strong ,

Karen: but what exactly is strong ,

Josh: it is the opposite of weak

Jeff: and what is a weak

Lloyd: What about loss or courage, what if being Courageous takes your life , then everything seem to fade to black.

Note to readers

Thank you guys for reading , I just wanted to say I know Lloyd wasn't a significant character but I hate killing my characters off, because I created them, but for me killing Lloyd Symbolized a lot ,1) Don't take life for granted .2) Stop being scared of the world and do all the things you wanted to do, be what you want to be . 3) All your fears and worries aren't that big and problematic as they seem,4) treat others with respect and as a human being. none of us know what makes a person tick, 5)if in school and you see the guy or girl that's always excluded from everyone else go up to them talk to them make friends with them. Any who thanks for reading hope to entertain you on the next one....

Next: Chapter 40: Thats Life 21

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