Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Feb 1, 2010


"So much more"


I found myself having sex dreams about Josh in class, man was he sexy as hell, I pictured him coming into my class room and taking off his clothes in the process taking off my clothes as well he was unbuckling my belt and looked up at me "this is my favorite part" he said with a smile "Fuck yeah" I said , then I snapped back into reality everyone was looking at me "what?" I said to Jessica "You just said fuck yeah" she said I felt embarrassed "okay class settle down, Brandon , can you stay awake and use less vulgar words". Mr. Kelly said. I slumped down in my chair . After class Jess and I walked to my locker Josh , Karen and Brooke were already their talking while josh was putting his book back in his locker I walked up to him

"Hi, you" I said he turned and smiled , we quickly kissed

"oh how I love to see young love" Brooke said , we looked at her

"What?, its just amazing , I love ,love" she said Karen had a big grin on her face

"Wait are you talking about you and Wes, is it that serious?" Karen asked she shook her head yes

"I am so excited for you " Karen said

"me too and don't leave anything out" Jessica said

Josh and I looked at each other and both said "Girls"

"so are we meeting at Joes after school" josh asked everyone

"yeah, don't forget to tell lance and Vince, I`ll tell Kelly" Jessica added

"did you all forget about me" we heard a voice a familiar voice at that" we all turned and their stood Whitney with a smile on her face

"I'm Back!" she said looking at all of us


Casey sat at the table by himself not making eye contact with anyone , I wanted to hate him for what he did to josh but I felt sorry for him , i made my way over to him before my friends came, he looked up at me

"say what you have to say then leave" he said sadly i sat down and looked at him , his spirit seemed broken

"I wanted to say sorry about bumping into you the other day, and Casey you should have known you would get caught" i said he shrugged his shoulders

"you guys win, you can gloat if you want to" he said

"I'm not here to gloat Casey , I'm here because i feel bad about you sitting here all alone, I,," he cut me off

"i don't need you to feel sorry for me and I don't want your pity" he said i looked away at our table, my friends came josh and Brandon were sitting together ,his sister brooke was sitting there, Karen and Jeff were together i felt alone as well .

"would it help if i said I feel kind of alone too" he looked at me then slid me his tray with chocolate cake

"here you can have it, chocolate seems to make things a little better " I smiled he didn't he looked back down

"Casey, um i just wanted to say i don't think your a bad person , i just think you did bad stuff and if you learn from your mistakes you would be a really good boyfriend" he looked at me then smiled

"thanks Vince" he said

"no problem, um Casey I wanted to ask.." before I could Kelly came up to me

"Vince we are sitting over there" I looked at Casey then at Kelly I got up and said bye and walked away


I didn't know what it is about Vince but I think there is something there , I sat there and looked as Vince and Kelly walked away , I was alone again

"Look at them they think they are better then everybody" I looked up it was a girl , I never saw before , she was pretty she sat down at my table

"I am Whitney , I use to be Brandon's girlfriend before josh got his hooks in him" she said , but not in a malicious way

"Oh the famous Whitney , I've heard of you" I said she smiled

"wow, I was gone for a while yet my name seem to stay among the halls of Washington high, so what did you do to be banished from the ever growing group" she said

"I cheated on josh, I tried to set Brandon up with drugs, I was a douche" I said she looked shocked

"wow, I missed a lot around here , so you were with Josh , and where was Brandon?" she asked

"Brandon really was on drugs he was taking pain medication because his dad shot him by accident and he had to go to rehab "

"oh my god , wow, I was away for a long time, I left the night of the party when I thought Brandon and I was going to get back together so this is all news to me , the most that happen to me was I stubbed my toe and that was last week" she said

"so who is that chick I saw with Vince" she asked

"that's Kelly, Brandon's girlfriend after my breakup with josh and before josh and Brandon reunited

She looked at me as if I said something crazy

"wait Brandon was going out with her, that fake blonde, " Whitney said I shook my head yes

"but it wasn't serious they went out for a few weeks but she was just a rebound , now they are back together " I said

"oh man, and your alone , well Jandon is forever I suppose, so are you crushin on anyone " she smiled , she seemed friendly but I really didn't know her nor did I want to tell her anything personal.

" I have to go" I said standing up

" Hey you want to hang out , or something, I mean I don't have any friends around here and I can use one" she said I didn't want to say no

" um sure give me your cell" I said I handed her mine and she handed her we put each other number in it and I left


Everyone virtually ignored me , it's cool , I really messed with them , I slept with Jeff and karen was my best friend, I tried to ruin josh and take Brandon from him failed , and I made a pact with Vince to break both of them up, but my time away really changed me , I don't have any motives for coming back besides this is my home , I went to live with my grandmother, and I actually dated a boy , back in Minnesota he was great we ended it , when I decided to move back here to live with my parents. I walked out of the Cafeteria and felt someone grab my arm it was Vince

"Leave him alone. Whitney" Vince said I pulled away from him

" no one else seem to care about Casey, he seems cool, I am not the same person I was back then" I said he didn't seem to believe me

"He is in a fragile state, Whit don't do anything" he warned I smiled

"oh my god , you are so in love with him, that's weird both of josh ex's moving on with each other, who would have predicted that ,but hey you should tell him , he needs someone" I said he looked defeated

" I cant , he's josh ex, that goes against some kind of rule and being with him can only complicate things" Vince said

"what do you want Vince !, as long as I known you, you always settled and wanted to make others happy , but what the hell do you want, come on I'm sure josh wouldn`t care considering the fact that he kind of cheated on you with Brandon" I said

"you know what, just stay out of it Whitney" he said walking away

Some kid walked out the lunch room he looked like someone hit him

"are you okay" I asked , he half smiled

" I'm fine thanks" he said

"There he is" bobby Flynn and Hank Marasco tow guys that were way bigger then him came and smashed him against the locker and laughed

"that's what you get for snitching on us about poking holes in your car tires

I helped him up

"how about you bitches leave him alone" I said

" shut up bitch" Bobby said

"hey don't talk to her like that" the kid said bobby went to take a step further I got in front of the kid

"you hit girls now" I said he looked pissed he and hank walked away

I turned around he was gone.


We went into my room and started making out our lips intertwined we got on my bed I lifted up josh shirt and he took off mine .

"how much time do we have" josh asked

"a few hours " I said then we got undressed and under my covers we started making out again I put my hand on josh cock and started stroking him

"that feels so good, don't stop" he said I kissed his cheek he started stroking me we were jerking each other off then I went under the covers and started blowing my boyfriend, his hot meat felt so good sliding in my mouth , I was rubbing his balls as I was sucking his cock. He pulled the covers back and looked at me and smiled he placed his hands on the back of my head and pulled my head down as far as it could go on his cock.

"yeah man ,that's how you do it" he was out of breathe and I knew he would cum at any minute I started going fast

"oh fuck ..Brandon" with those words he shot a nice creamy load down my throat. We heard the door close downstairs we jumped up and got dressed

"I thought we had a few hours" Josh said I shrugged my shoulder

" I thought we did too" we didn't do too much so it didn't smell like sex so we just thought we would look busy , I opened some textbooks our notebooks josh got on the floor and pretended he was writing and I was laying on my bed acting as If I was reading a book , there was a knock on my door

"come in " I said , the door opened it was my dad and mom they saw josh

"what are you boys doing" my dad asked clearly sounding uncomfortable

"just doing homework, we have test all next week" I said

"wow you guys look beat, we will leave you, josh would you like to stay for dinner" my dad asked

"um..sure I would love too" josh responded politely

"well then your our guest then" my mother said they both left out and closed the door

Josh got up and locked the door then came over to me , he got on top of me laying his face in the crook of my neck he kissed my neck I squeezed his ass he laughed so did I .

"you think they know we were fooling around" josh said with a smile

" no, but I don't care if they did" I said

"right!, that's why we were pretending to study"

"Shut up" I said as I pulled him down into a kiss


Jeff came over we went to my room for a heavy make out session

"you know , I'm starting to get use to this no sex stuff" Jeff said

:yeah about that , I think I'm ready" I said he studied my face

"are you sure. I mean its not because Whitney is back" he asked

"no its because I love you and I want this , now" I said he kissed me , I unbuttoned his jeans and he lifted my shirt

"I love you Karen so much" he said

" I love you too"


"how is the meal josh" Brandon's father asked I smiled

"its great thanks for inviting me" I said politely

"you're our son friend " he said Brandon looked upset

His father noticed this


"dad you know he is more then a friend to me , he is important to me , you still cant except that he's my boyfriend" Brandon said

"Bran, I am trying I am it's hard , there's so much I want to know , like why" he said

" why I am in love with josh, I don't know I am, Dad I'm gay dad, I know this, I`ve always knew it even when I was with Whitney , maybe even before Whitney "

"maybe your bisexual, you were with Whitney and that Kelly girl" he said

"does it matter , if I am gay or bi I am with josh, and when I was with Kelly it wasn't even sexual I never got hard with her" Brandon said I wanted to laugh

"watch your mouth Brandon" his mother said

"sorry mom, it's just , I don't like girls I like guys one guy , his name is Joshua Barrett, dad I love you even after everything that's happen, but I'm in love with josh, from the first time I meet him , I knew there was something about him" I was staring at Brandon I was so head over heels the first time we met , at joe's Brandon was stressing over a essay he had to write , and matt suggested that he show me around and he excepted

"What" Brandon said I snapped out of it the three of them were staring at me his dad chuckled then we focused on him

"Brandon I know that look , I had that look for your mother, when your eyes get glossy and you stare at the person you like or love and you think about them , and I guess josh was doing the same thing I use to do" he laughed so did his wife "look boys I don't understand but I know that you two love each other , so I wont stand in the way of that, I cant Brandon you're my son and I love you, and josh I know you aren't a bad kid, so for now on I will try my hardest to support the both of you" he said Brandon hugged him I shook his hand Mrs. Lawson looked happy almost at peace

"now lets eat , Josh you like football" he asked

" I'm all about the Jets" I said

"the jet's come on Josh ?" Brandon said his father laughed

"welcome to the family because I love the Jet's " his dad said Brandon shook his head in disapproval..

"if Adam were here , he would have loved that you were a jet's fan" Brandon said , he then covered his mouth it went quiet even Brandon looked down as if he said something wrong

"um..who's Adam?" I asked they looked at me

"nobody , I shouldn't have.." Brandon said, Brandon's father cut him off

"josh , Adam was Brandon's Twin brother" I looked at Brandon shocked he half smiled

"we were identical , we did everything together , he was my best friend" Brandon's eye's got watery

" I'm sorry I cant" Brandon got up from the table and stormed upstairs

"um can I go and"

"yeah make sure he is alright" his dad said I got up and left out the dinning room and went upstairs I knocked on Brandon's door he said come in he was crying I rushed to him and hugged him

"Brandon , I don't like seeing you like this" I said

He kissed me then stood up he went over to his dresser and took out a picture frame he showed me the picture it was two Brandon's , they were spitting images of each other except right off the bat I knew which one was Brandon

"that's you" I said he smiled

"how can you tell" he said

"because I know you , your body you two are identical , but I can tell you from anyone" I said he smiled then kiss me

" I love you so much , and we "were" identical Adam is dead" Brandon said I could see the hurt in his eyes

"Dead? , how did he die" I asked

"we were twelve turning thirteen in a couple of weeks and we just moved here so no one knew us, one day we went exploring the new neighborhood and we got to this river bank Adam was always the adventurous type I told him not to try and go in it but he didn't listen, he fell in the river and that's it, that's the last time I saw my brother alive" Brandon look like he was breaking down I held him

He backed away and wiped his tears and smiled

" I'm okay , I haven't cried like that in years and this time I have someone here I love you josh you're the most important person to me. I guess that's why I always want to protect you because I couldn't protect my brother, and I cant, no I wont lose you" he hugged me

"god your so dramatic" he laughed "I love you to and you wont lose me" I said he kept kissing me

"okay alright " we laughed and got in bed together I kissed his forehead he kissed mine.

The Next day


That was the first time I talked about Adam, it was painful and I held it in but telling josh that released something in me , something that I think kind of helped me fully grieve for my brother, I was in the media room and Whitney came in she sat next to me

"Brandon before you say anything , I just want to say how sorry I am for everything I've done, I hope one day we can be friends" she said , I didn't want to hold any more grudges

"yeah , I would like that, I really hope you have changed" I said " I have scouts honor" Josh came in "what about you josh will you forgive me and be my friend again , I promise I wont try to break you and Brandon up , not that I can" she said

"well if you put it like that how can I not accept your apology and be your friend" she got up and kissed josh cheek

"did I mention that you guys are so cute together" she smiled then left out josh sat next to me , I kissed him

"who knew all whit needed was a little time away from here to be a good person" I said

"what if it's all an act" Josh said

" there's nothing she can do , if it is all an act but I think she really means it" I said kissing him again

"why don't you two get a room" Lloyd said sitting down at the computer we laughed


Later Brandon and I went to dinner and went bowling. on our way home , Brandon wanted to have sex in the car, he parked in a empty parking lot

"I don't know about it, Brandon it's risky" I said , Brandon took off his shirt and unbuttoned his pants

"My boyfriend is a chicken" he said

"no ,I'm not, we've done stuff in cars before I just don't know about now " I said he made chicken noises so then I took off my shirt

"that's what I am talking about" Brandon started sucking my nipples .

"have you noticed that since we gotten back together ,we've been having lots and lots of sex" I asked

"yeah , its because I missed being with you , as I know you missed being with me" Brandon stated We kissed again then their was a hard knock on the window, we both looked up it was a guy looking at us then we heard police sirens he jumped in the back seat

"wow you two are so hot and sexual" he said kind of slumping down in the seat , Brandon and I looked at each other then as the police car went by

"Um can you two drive me home" he smiled

"Who are you" I asked

"oh I'm hunter , so can you drive me home ".he said looking at both of us

"sure why not" Brandon said he put his shirt back on and started the car and started driving

"so how does this work , who takes it" he said

We both looked at each other

"well hunter you want me to show you" I said

Brandon looked at me with a questionable look on his face I hopped in the back on hunter lap He looked at me and smiled I felt his cock get hard I jumped off And back in the front seat

"I thought you were straight" I said asking him

"I like what I like" he said

"I was just trying to freak you out" I stated

"No you didn't freak me out but you did something else to me" he grinned looking down at his bulge Brandon laughed

"that's what you get" Brandon said "Shut up" I replied

"So how about we have a threesome" Hunter asked grabbing himself

Sorry buddy I am not into that " I said

What about your boyfriend ,what if he was into it" hunter asked I looked at Brandon who was driving he didn't say anything

"You would so do it , wouldn't you" I said

"Josh, relax I think everybody thought about a threesome before" he said

"so you want to have a threesome, with hunter" I said

He didn't say anything I jumped in the back seat again

"Well hello again" he said I grabbed him and kissed him Brandon turned

"what are you doing" he said

" im just getting it started , hunter is hot and lets do it"

Brandon turned off on a road he got in the back and started kissing me then hunter Hunter then unbuttoned my jeans and stuck his hand in my pants he started stroking me Brandon was nibbling in my ear

"have you guys ever done anything like this before" hunter asked

"no" Brandon said I pushed hunter back and started sucking on His neck Brandon did the same, Brandon was rubbing his chest and I was rubbing his crotch

"um guys I cant hold it I'm gonna cum" he said I kept rubbing his crotch

"oh fuck , I'm cumming" hunter said he came in his pants me and Brandon laughed

"wow that's all you got , how can you have a threesome with us when you cant even last five minutes" Brandon said he winked at me I smiled we both got in the front seat and he drove to the address that hunter said hunter kissed both of us on the cheek

"you guys rock" he said and left out and disappeared in a nice house

"I so didn't want to have a threesome" I said

"me neither , but I think we made his day" Brandon said placing his lips to mine

" so how about you make my day" I replied putting my hands on his crotch area

"oh that can very well be arranged" he licked his lips


Whitney told me to meet her at Katlyn's Café and so I did I grabbed a table and sat their about five minutes passed and there was no sign of Whitney then Vince came through the door we looked at one another he came over to me

"hey , didn't know you were going to be here" he said

"yeah, Whitney wanted to hang out" I said

"that's funny, Whitney wanted to meet up with me as well" vince said , then Whitney walked through the door we both looked at her

"what? , shall we sit" she had a smile on her face

"what's going on whit?" Vince asked looking suspicious

"Oh Vince try and loosen up , so boys like anything you see" she said we both starred at each other , I liked everything about Vince he was so cute" I though

"um I mean on the menu" she said looking back and forth with a smirk on her face

We both grew red

"how about a movie" she suggested

"yeah a movie" I repeated ,why was he acting so nervous

What is it Casey that you like about Vince" Whitney asked catching both of us off guard

"um .his eyes they are like brown and green and they seem to glow like light filters are in them" I said Vince smiled

"Vince you go now" Whitney instructed

"okay , I like Casey's great surfer build and the way his hair hangs over his eyes a little , and I like how his eyes are so dark brown you can get lost in them" Vince said I couldn't help but smile

" I think you too really like each other , and I think you two owe it to yourselves to explore what ever this is" Whitney said

Vince came close to me

" I think Whitney is right" Vince said I nodded in agreement then we kissed I backed away

"oh my god!" I felt something, something amazing I placed my lips back on his

"boys are clueless" Whitney said.


After making Casey and Vince see how much they like each other I decided to go to the nail salon to get my nails done ..I walked into the nail salon and saw Karen I walked up to her

"Is this seat taken" I said

"No" she said and looked away

"for god sakes I am sorry for sleeping with Jeff and if it is any consolation he wasn't that good " I said he looked angry

"wow wrong thing to say to get back into my good graces" Karen said

"Sorry, I don't think" I said looking at her

"no you don't think, you were my best friend whit , I trusted you , and you lied to me over and over again

" is there anyway I can make up for any of this, I really have changed , I need my best friend back

"Whitney I cant I'm sorry" she said Kelly, Jessica and Brooke came in they walked over

"Hey Cruella" Jessica said to me

"shut up , I thought Christmas was over , but I still see a ho" I said

"girls stop it " Karen said

"Karen thank about it please, if josh can forgive me , Vince and even my ex boyfriend Brandon then I hope you can" she said

"wait what , you went out with Brandon" Kelly asked looking me up and down

"yeah for like a year and a half what is it to you" I said rudely

"he will date fags and trash but not me" Kelly said, rolling her eyes

"hey first you're the only trash I see and second do not call Josh a fag, you stupid bitch" I said she got in my face

Karen stood up

"come on you guys stop" Karen said

"no I knew I didn't like you from the moment I saw you and now all you've done is confirmed it for me" I said with a smile

"confirmed what?" she asked I shrugged my shoulders "confirmed the fact that you are miserable and that you latch yourself to Brandon's friends because that will be the closet you'll ever get to him , sweety" I said with a huge grin

" you bitch" kelly said

"no that would you, at least me and josh had sex with him , you couldn't even get to first base" I laughed she slapped me I slapped her back she grabbed my hair I grabbed hers

" you slut" Kelly yelled , "if I'm a slut you're a whore" I yelled the people in the nail salon were looking at us Jessica and Brooke watched us with these amusing smiles on their face

"you really don't know who the hell you are messing with but I'm about to show you" Karen separated us and grabbed me by my arm pulling me out the salon

":what?" I said she shook her head and laughed

"Kelly is okay ,but she deserved that slap after what she said about josh, okay , we can try to be friends again , but you have to understand I have other friends now, and I have to find a way to trust you again. so

"I get it , I just want to prove to you that I have changed" I said we hugged

"don't tell me Whitney show me" she said

(Brooke )

I got home and my phone rung I answered

"hello" I said

" hi sexy its Wes" I loved his southern accent

" hi Wes so when will you be back" I asked

" in a few days cant wait to see you" he said then he said "I love you" and hung up . My heart was fluttering I ran up the stairs in our mansion and went to Casey's room

"Casey you will never guess what happened" I said when I walked in Casey and Vince were having a heavy make out session

"Oh my god" I said they both looked at me

" I am so sorry , I should have knocked " I walked back out Casey and Vince I never seen that one coming not in a million years

Next day


"Hey loser" Lloyd said standing next to me

"Hey man long time no see , so how are things with you and Kourtney" I asked

We broke up a month ago, you would know that if you were around , Man we use to be best friends , now your friends with everyone else but me" he said

"I'm sorry Lloyd, your right , I just haven't seen much of you" I replied embarrassed , he looked at me

"I've been here you've been doing your own thing, I respect that, and I like Josh ,you two are good together" he said with a grin on his face

" how about we hang out this weekend " I said his face lit up

"yeah that would be cool, you me and josh can hang out" we did out hand shake

" looking forward to it" I said

Some kid walked into us knocking us into lockers

"hey watch where your going" I said

He turned I saw hurt and hatred in his eyes

"you'll regret it , you all will regret it." he walked down the hall


I was sitting in Media class Mr. Holland was doing a lecture on how to edit a video I stayed a good distance from Mr. Holland we had sex but he was a good guy .I didn't want him to get caught and lose his job. I did my work and he would give me a good grade , Mr. Holland came over to me

"so do you know what you will write about for your script " he asked it caught me off guard

" um I hadn't thought about it , but I'm sure I can come up with something" I said he sat down

"look josh I want to apologize I felt like I seduced you and I really want you to know that I am so sorry" he said in a low tone

"Mr. Holland it was mutual you didn't seduce me , well you did , but I wanted it at the time, water under the bridge" he smiled

"great , I hope we can move passed it" he said " I have moved passed it , don't worry Mr. Holland you're a great teacher" I said he smiled then got up. He moved to the front I heard the door open

"um who are you" Mr. Holland said

"my name is Hunter , Hunter Winston" I stopped and looked up we locked eyes he smiled

"hi josh" he said with a smile ....

To be Continued..........

Next: Chapter 39: Thats Life 20

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