Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jan 19, 2010


"It has always been you "


Being in school had its effects on me, I really didn't want to be there at all but what could I do . I sat with Karen and Brooke we ate lunch together , I saw Casey and waved him over , but he declined I didn't want him to sit alone anymore. Brandon and Kelly came into the Cafeteria and sat at our table , Brandon talked to Everyone except me. I wouldn't have it any other way , Vince and Lance came in Vince sat next to me

"Are you okay" he asked I shook my head yes he bumped his shoulders with mine , I smiled

"There it is" Vince said smiling at me then my cell started to ring I answered it

"Hello" I said

"Josh it's matt , will you and Karen Come to the Church on main after school," he asked "For what?" I asked

"well I know its last minute but Sean was suppose to have three best men and his friend , Mikhail bailed and we have rehearsals so can you do it" he asked I didn't know what to say "Um. Yeah tell Sean I would love to" I said then hung up

"Karen we have to meet matt at the church after school" I said . Karen shook her head in agreement , Brandon and I looked at each other for a second but I looked away

"I have to go you guys" I said standing up I left out the Cafeteria Casey came out too

"you can sit with us you know" I said with a smile he smiled back

"Thanks but I guess it's my way of punishing myself, I just cant sit with you guys now, I hope you understand" he said , I smiled back

" I understand" I said


Josh and I seem to only exist around our friends we would talk to everyone of our friends but each other , he got up to leave and I couldn't leave things as it was I got up and walked in the same direction. Before I walked through the doors I saw Josh talking to Casey , they seem to be happy , josh should know better , he then walked away I came out of the lunch room and grabbed Casey's Arm

"Stay away from Josh you hear me" I said he looked sad

" I hear you" he said and walked away I felt bad for yelling at him and a even bigger dick because he didn't argue back he just walked away .

Kelly came out and stood next to me

"I know I am fairly new here , but what is your deal with Josh" she asked I smiled

"Nothing , josh and I have some history , some good , some not so good," I said she looked at me

"Are you sure , that's it" she said I kissed her forehead "Yeah that's it" I said lying right through my teeth


After school I just wanted time to myself to think so I walked home. I hated that Brandon was with Kelly , I hated that I hated Kelly, she didn't do anything to me at all except she was with the boy I loved. I got home and my dad and Gloria was their I went in the kitchen where they were

"What's wrong Josh" Gloria asked I shrugged my shoulders

"Can I speak to Glo, alone" I said my dad took got up

"Fine I'm leaving" he said he walked out

"What's wrong honey" she said

" I don't know I guess I am angry that Brandon moved on, I just cant get over it" I said

"do you think he still loves you" she asked

"I don't know, he has this annoying girlfriend , we had a fight but he still looks at me , I don't know?" I said

"Listen Josh , you are a great guy , and if he cant be there for you then you need to move on , but if you feel , he still loves you then you need to fight for that." I really took her words to heart but I really didn't know what I would do


I came home from lacrosse and was beat I was just tired "hi mom" I said she smiled

"How was lacrosse practice" she said , I kissed her on the cheek

"it was okay , mom I am beat" I said

"okay, dinner will be ready in a few minutes" she said I made my way upstairs, when I got to my room Kelly was in my room with a bra and panties on I was shocked beyond anything

"So big boy, how about ,you show me a good time" she said with a grin on her face , I didn't know what to do, she grabbed my hand and pushed me on my bed she got on top of me and kissed me I pushed her she fell

"What the fuck, Brandon" she said I stood up and helped her up

"I'm sorry , I just don't feel like it" I said she looked pissed

"You know what , I really don't know what the hell your deal is, you don't want to have sex with me , you show little affection for me , is it something I'm doing, maybe you don't like black panties maybe I should have worn red" she said , I kissed her

"No it's not you, it's " before I could answer my mother came in

"Oh my god, wow um yeah" she walked back out

"Your mom just walked in on me half naked she's going to think I am a slut" Kelly said she got dressed and left , I dodged a bullet there

I went downstairs my mother was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea , she looked up when she saw me

"what's going on with you?" she asked , I sat down

"what do you mean?" I asked she gave me a you know full well what I mean look , the one only a mom can give her child

"I thought you were Gay , and then I walk into your room and you have a girl in there with no clothes on , so was Josh just a phase" she asked with a concern look on her face

"No mom, my relationship with josh is complicated, I love him, but we cant be together" I said

"Listen to me Brandon, you know that girl isn't the one for you , do not string her along , I get you are angry with josh for being with Casey , but if he means anything to you , then you will go get him back before it's too late"

"Mom, please, don't tell me what to do" I said

"I am your mother and until your ass is eighteen and out of my house I will tell you what to do, god I love you and I know any other parent in this situation would be happy to see their son who they thought was gay with a girl in their room half naked , but I know you and I saw the way you were when you were with Josh. And your happiness is all I ever want for you." I smiled , I had the best mom I sat down next to her

" what if I cant make any of this right " I asked

"all you can do is try baby boy, now go wash up for dinner" she said I did as I was told.

The wedding


I stood outside the church, Karen stood next to me , it was the church that held our friend funeral , the church were a new marriage would take place, also the church I knew would make me feel heartache. Brandon drove up and parked his car , he and Kelly got out and walked over to us So did Vince and Jessica we stood their

"I'm so happy for Sean and Amber" Karen said

"Yeah me too, they love each other it's the way it should be" I said , it was quiet

"we should get our seats" Brandon said grabbing Kelly's hand they walked into the church , Brandon looked good in his suit we all went in , I went in the room that Nathan Matt and Sean was in

"Hey you made it , and the tux looks good" Sean said putting his arm around my shoulder

"So this is it Men" Nathan said "My Brother will no longer be a free agent any more" I smiled we heard music play.

"I have to go" Sean said walking out he had to stand at the alter ,

"see you out there" matt said to Nathan they kissed , it made me miss Brandon even more.

we left out to join the Brides mates I was paired up with Karen, Matt with his friend Cameron and Nathan with some other girl

The piano player started playing the music first Nathan and his partner went, then it was Matt and Cameron finally it was me and Karen we walked down the Aisle , I noticed Brandon looking at me I looked away , this wasn't about me , but about Sean , the church looked beautiful , there were white roses everywhere , I stood beside matt who was next to Nathan who was next to his brother . Then the Bride music started to play everyone stood up (dum,dum, dum dum)the doors opened and amber looked beautiful , she stood their next to her father , they slowly walked down the aisle together. He handed his daughter over to Sean and they shook each others hand. they looked at each other , you could see the happiness, in their face , the happiness so many people strive for but cannot find the happiness that I wanted , my eyes averted to Brandon, everyone was watching the bride and groom Brandon eyes shifted to me we just stared at each other, then Kelly looked at

Brandon and she followed his gaze to me she looked back and forth and I looked away.... My mind was in so many places at that moment, then I heard

" do you take Amber Lawrence as your lawful wedded wife to have and to hold through sickness and health , richer or poorer until death do you part" he asked Sean

"YES ! I do" he shouted everyone laughed , he placed the ring on her finger

And do you take Sean Salvatore Bellini as your lawful wedded wife to have and to hold through sickness and health , richer or poorer until death do you part" he asked Amber

" I do , a million times" she did the same

"by the powers invested in me , and the state of New York , I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.

They kissed , everyone applauded them...

(Wedding Reception)

"This is not a park control your children" Paula shouted to the parents of who ever kids was running around at the reception ,, their was a live band playing it sounded really great and people were eating, dancing, having a good time all this lovey dovey crap was getting to me, so I stepped out the Dinning Hall.

"Are you okay" Vince said I shook my head yes

"Just thinking about stuff" I said

"Brandon?" he asked , I shook my head no

"Please he's the last thing on my mind" I argued back

"Sure , he is. It amazes me , that you two can fight and bicker but you just cant stop thinking about each other, that right their should tell you something" Vince was making since but I just didn't want to listen to that anymore, this was how my life was going to be.

"Lets go back inside" Vince said I followed him back in we took a seat with our friends , Brandon and Kelly were dancing but joined us , I didn't even look at Brandon. But Kelly was looking at me

"What?" I asked she smiled

"Nothing , I just don't know you that well" Kelly said , I really didn't like her

"Let's keep it like that" I said coldly she and everyone else looked shocked I said that, but they knew why I said it.

"Josh!" Karen said I looked at her angry

"I really am not in the mood for any of this , so I think I am going to leave" I said

"Don't leave man" Vince said I stood up

"You guys have a good time" I said , and decided to leave.

Amber and Sean were having there first dance as man and wife , I just had to get out of there


The next day I walked into school and thought of josh I just wanted to kiss him , hug him hold him , I missed our Eskimo kisses. The little things he use to do , like put the ketchup on the side of his plate rather then on his French fries , or the way he could never listen to music while studying for anything. the way his nose flare up when he gets angry or excited , the way his mouth form a letter O like shape when he is in thought I loved every part of him. I went through most of the day dreaming about him , about the times we made love , the times we argued and recently Fought.

Around lunch time I couldn't see him or Kelly I just stayed away from the lunch room I went to my locker and sat down on the floor 5 minutes passed then fifteen , I heard foot steps I turned and it was Josh, we looked at each other then he went to his locker

"Hi" I said he looked at me

"Hi" he said back , then opened his locker I stood up

"you know I cried, actually cried after our so called fight" I said sadly he stopped then turned to me

"yeah me too, I never thought in a million years that would happen to us" Josh said , I stepped closer he looked at me

"I want my boyfriend back!, without you I`m lost, I know this sounds Cheesy but without you josh If feels like I cant breathe, I love you so much " I said he looked shocked , I didn't want to be apart from him anymore

"what about Kelly" he asked I smiled "Kelly isn't important to me , I love you and only you, don't you get it josh, it has always been you" I said Josh was tearing up which caused me to do the same. I smiled and moved closer to him the warmth of his body made Goosebumps appear on my skin our lips met and the kiss that we shared was amazing, it was so sweet, there was a electric spark that seem to shoot through my body, Josh seem to feel it too, he gasped and I stuck my tongue in his mouth he did the same I felt his hands on the back of my head

"oh my god!" I heard we separated and I saw Kelly looking at me she looked hurt

"Kelly..I um" was all I could said she slapped me hard

"don't touch him again" josh yelled Kelly looked at josh angry

"you shut up you fucking Faggot" she said josh virtually ignored her he rubbed the place where she slapped me

"get off of him" she yelled , josh paid no attention

"Kelly I love him , I'm sorry" I said she was fuming

"so what was what we had , just a rebound thing" she asked I felt bad I should have never agreed to take her out and get close, she was in fact a rebound, of course we never had sex , but I was only trying to substitute my josh, which is impossible.

She stormed off "you want to go after her" he said I smiled "no the person I want is right here, and I will never let you go again" I said I hugged him , and he hugged me

"OMG" we heard Karen we both turn to see, her , Jeff and Brooke starring at us they all looked happy

"It's about time , you two stop being buttheads and got back together" Jeff said patting both Josh and I on the back. We all laughed


Wes and I went to this Italian restaurant it was really nice

" So how are you enjoying this so far" he asked I looked around

"it's really nice, but i bet my Nona can make better Italian food" I said he smiled

"well I would love to one day try your Nona's food I did not know you were Italian" he said

"well my mother is" I said , I learned , that his ancestors came to America on the mayflower, as he was told , about ten minutes later our food came I ordered the chicken Fettuccini and he ordered the beef lasagna

" so you're a twin, do you and your brother look alike" he asked

"I mean we aren't identical , clearly because he's a boy and I am a girl , but you could tell we are siblings, truth be told I love my brother to death and I know I always have someone there who gets it you know what I mean" I said

"I have five brothers, and we cant be in the same room for more then a hour before there is an argument or something , but I think we love each other in our own way"

When we were finished Wes paid the bill and we left he drove me home

"so I will be out of town for a few days and before I leave I wanted to give you something" he said he dug in his coat pocket and pulled out a box I opened it and it was a chain with a little heart pendent

"Wes I love it" I said an kissed him , I wanted to do more but I didn't want him to think I was being fast or anything so I just got out and went in the house.


That night, Brandon came over and we went to my room we laid in my bed together the radio was on as well.

"We'll do it all, Everything, On our own

We don't need, Anything, Or anyone

If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me And just forget the world" * * * the lyrics filled my ears , I was happy more happy then I've been in months and the fact that Brandon was here felt so right

"what are you thinking about, the Chasing cars lyrics?" Brandon asked me as I looked up in his blue eyes , I loved being with him again , I had my head on his chest hearing every heart beat every rhythm I loved every part of him

" I'm just thinking is any of this real , are we really back together" I said , he hugged me tighter then kissed my forehead , being with Vince, Casey even my teacher didn't feel like this , this was Love , I knew it , and Brandon knew it .

" I was thinking if we are still together , after we graduate , how about we find a school that can suit both of our needs and go together" I sat up and looked at him.

" So , you want to go to college with me " I asked he nodded yes "maybe we can share a dorm or get an apartment together" Brandon said I smiled back then kissed him.

"that sound so perfect , imagine , walking around Naked in our own apartment" I said he started laughing "yeah and we can have each other , how ever and whenever we wanted"

Brandon flipped me on my back he started to unbutton my shirt he opened my plaid shirt and started to rub his hands up and down my chest "I missed your body" he said he then bent down and kissed my Pecs he sucked on my nipples , I was getting harder then normal . He took off his shirt and I took off mines, we kissed again, this feeling was so surreal he unzipped my jeans and I felt My cock popped straight into the air.

Brandon looked up at me and smiled he lowering his head and placing his mouth over my cock and licked the head the feeling of his mouth was getting to me big time , I let out a load moan. He went further down my rod, and was sucking on it , I felt really light headed then Brandon started sucking faster using his hands to masturbate me my body was feeling all sorts of explosions , good explosions. I felt like I was going to cum , he stopped and I took my turn I flipped him over and kissed him then went down his body I grabbed his dick and slowly jacked him "Fuck baby" he said I then lowered my head and his cock went in my mouth , I slowly sucked on it "Oh Shit, that feels so good" he moaned his eyes rolled back I began to go up and down sucking his cock. I felt his hands on the back of my head I was loving every second of this I could taste his cum , he still tasted the same. His balls were moving which meant he was going to cum soon and I couldn't have that I stopped and reached in the top draw I grabbed a

condom and some lube I slipped the condom on his cocked and lubed it up.

************************************************ (Brandon)

"Are you sure Josh" I said he smiled

"I want this , Brandon, I want you" he said I slowly entered into him I loved the expression on his face , I was making him happy I slowly was going in and out , he was gripping the sheets with his fingers , our bodies were intertwined like no other way possible he opened his eyes and starred at me , it was a look of love and content and I was providing it , and the silkiness of his hole felt good on my cock , I forgot how great he felt , and I wanted to give him all of me, all of who I was .

"Oh yeah, Brandon , don't stop" Josh said , sweat poured off my body ,this was so intense

"wait let me turn over" josh said I pulled out slowly and he turned over I got behind him and stuck my cock back in his ass I love doggy style he was meeting my thrust, I could feel myself about to cum I never felt this way before I placed my hands on his waist and was thrusting, his bed was making all kinds of noises thank god no one was home I thought

"Oh Shit baby im gonna Cum" I said and that I did "Ohhhhhhhh" I came in the condom we both was breathing heavily ,I stayed like this until I became soft . Then I rolled over and laid on my back on his bed josh laid his head on my chest as I wrapped my arm around him

"that was the best sex we ever had" I said he smiled

"I think it's called making love, I came all over my self and I didn't even touch my cock" he said

I kissed him and I just couldn't believe how this could be wrong to people , how could loving someone the way I love Josh is just wrong, when it felt so right , no one and nothing would take me away from him

************************************************ -The Next Day -


I was the happiest I ever was and I guess it showed because people were looking at me , I went to my locker to get my history textbook and was cornered by Karen and Vince they looked at me

"You totally had sex" both of them said , I know I turned bright red they laughed

"how did you know" I said , Vince put his arm around my shoulder and Karen hooked her arm with mine

"because your kind of glowing" Vince said I laughed

"Guys don't Glow!" I yelled

They both laughed

"Yeah you are glowing , Josh and it looks good on you , you and Brandon belong together , just like Matt and Nathan it's just the way it suppose to be" Karen stated I felt like the luckiest guy on earth

Kelly and lance, came by she didn't even look at me

"hi guys" Karen said

"Hi Karen, we have science" Kelly said she rolled her eyes at me and they walked off

"I take it she is still mad" I said lance shrugged his shoulders

"so I heard you and lover boy was back together , congrats man" he smiled and shook my hand

"thanks" I said ,"well I got to get to class see you losers later" he walked away , Vince and I headed off to class

"I'm glad you and Brandon are back together ,I just hope I can find a boyfriend for myself" he said

"how about lance ?" I asked

"no Lance is bi , he likes girls one minute , then boys I want a guy that knows what he wants" Vince said, the bell rung

"we have to get going ," I said

" I forgot my textbook you go without me ,I'll be there in a minute" he said and so I did


I totally forgot my textbook josh went to class I turned and bumped into Casey

"im sor.." I saw him on the floor, he looked different to me , I cant describe it , and it scared me , I know Casey is no good , but why , did I suddenly find him Attractive. What the hell is Wrong with me??

-Will Kelly just let Josh take Brandon away

-How long will Brandon's and Josh happiness last

-What will happen to Vince now that he has seen Casey in a new light and will Josh have a problem with this

-And what new troubles is looming over our Teens of Washington High..

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 38: Thats Life 19

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