Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Dec 2, 2009


Last time on that's life

"how about we meet at my place later on and brainstorm there" I looked at him , it was a little weird because a teacher never asks a student over

"I heard what happened, Why would you do that" he asked " Mark think about it , where could I possibly get a bag of pills from I never leave and the only person who came to visit me over and over is that Casey kid he did this" I was shaking "so your telling me that this Casey person is setting you up , why would he?" Mark asked "because of josh

"watching playboy?" he asked "just stopped on it playboy isn't for me " I said he grinned I noticed he was only wrapped in a towel and his chest was so hot his nipples were hard , so suckable "you like what you see josh" he asked I nodded my head in agreement he ripped his towel off exposing his cock it looked to be 8 inches hard

"if some little girl is giving you problems mother will handle It" I laughed "thanks mom but I think I got it and besides" I took a deep breath I think I started shaking they looked at me with concern "Casey tell us what is wrong" they both said in unison "it's just I'm not sure if I am straight or not , considering I've been dating a guy" they both looked at each other then me they smiled "we know sweetheart"

"you are so stupid if you think Jeff will ever look at you in that way" I smiled with confidence in my man "he looked at Whitney that way didn't he, the night of the drag race" she said with a smirk "how do you know about that" I asked "I asked around , seems like Jeff cheats because he isn't getting any from little miss virginity"

"we are sorry Brandon, we didn't believe you , you get all your privileges back"

I began to feel anxiety I wasn't ready for this my body tensed he could tell he stopped then came back up we were face to face "Karen why are you really doing this" he asked I felt tears forming he saw them "baby , you don't have to prove anything to Brooke she is miserable , I love you Karen Barrett and if your not ready , your not ready trust me I'm not going to rush you or find someone who is willing, you're the only girl for me " he kissed me and wrapped his arms a

he walked close and kissed me I didn't care I kissed him back I began to get hard I pulled away "MR Holland, I'm sorry , I'm not sure of what I want" I said he hugged me "I know" he said I backed away and saw two eyes starring at us through the glass it was Casey.

"Give Thanks On Thanksgiving"


The holiday season felt so nice to me , fern cliff was decorated , mark came in with some forms "hi mark what are your plans for thanksgiving" I said "I'm going to Maine to my Families house mom makes the best Stuffing I couldn't miss that" I felt sad , although me and my dad weren't close like we once were he was there for me during my breakdown I wanted to see them again mark sensed my sadness "wish you could go home Ay" he said I looked up "are you Canadian today?" he smiled back "well maybe, just maybe", he walked over to the door and opened it my parents were standing there "you will be leaving after all" mark smiled I had tears in my eyes they both walked in I ran to my mother and she embraced me like only a mother could "its so good to see you" I said she kissed me all over my face "I missed you so much son" mom said she backed away I walked over to my father mark and my mom had looks of happiness on my face "dad" I said he looked surprised "yeah" he said in a calm voice I ran to him and hugged him crying " I love you dad" I said he held me tight I looked up he had tears in his eyes " I love you too son , I'm so sorry for everything I've done this is all my fault all of it" I had my face buried in his jacket I felt like a little kid again, it's been almost a month and a half since I was put in here and I was grateful to be getting out.


I stood outside of Casey's class waiting for him the bell rung and classes were dismissed. Casey was talking to the teacher then he walked out he saw me and started walking off "can we talk" I asked as I caught up to him "about what ? You sucking face with a teacher" he said bitterly "Casey you ended things with me" I reminded him "I didn't know you were just so easy josh" he said then walked off , those words cut me like a knife because I knew that's exactly what I was easy for anyone to use. I slumped back against the wall. And closed my eyes I was easy this was true I felt a hand on my shoulder hoping it was Casey I opened my eyes Lance stood there looking at me "are you okay josh you need to go to the nurse or something' I shook my head no "a nurse cant cure what has become of me" I said sorrowfully lance grabbed my hand and walked me over to a red cushion seat he sat next to me "josh what's wrong" he asked sympathetically "Casey broke up with me for no reason and I missed him , then Mr. Holland was really nice to me he invited me to his house and we kind of slept together" Lance was wide eyed "Josh , wow, " was all he said "and Casey caught me kissing him, now he's been shunning me like I have the black plague , calling me easy maybe I am easy" I said lance slapped me "ouch what the hell" I said "you are so stupid josh , your not easy trust me I should know , you're a good guy stop letting some douche put you down ,and if he's the one who broke up with you then, you can do what ever you want". I felt so alone lance put his hand on my back and rubbed it "I'm so alone" I said he hugged me "no your not you have me, I think we are friends are we?" he asked I smiled "of course" I replied he smiled "good , Casey is no good anyway , I saw him buying drugs a couple of weeks ago" he said I was stunned by this "wait! What?" was all I could say "I was sitting outside the school one day and I saw him walk out and meet a guy behind the school he handed over money the guy gave him a bag of pills then his sister came and she flipped out on him" maybe that was his problem maybe he was like Brandon and had a drug problem "thanks so much lance" I said I kissed him on the cheek "for what?" he looked puzzled "you may have linked the missing piece"

I said walking away.


I walked into the lunchroom and Jeff was sitting there waiting for me I sat down next to him "so are your family cooking a big thanksgiving" I asked he half smile "no my parents decided they wanted to go to Virginia for thanksgiving that's where they are from my grandparents are cooking , and I told them I didn't want to go so I guess I will be eating a hungry mans turkey dinner " I laughed "yeah right you are so spending thanksgiving with my family , Matt and Nathan will be their so I'm looking forward to it " I said he smiled " I was hoping you would ask me to join your family" I kissed him "you are so cute Jeff" we Eskimo kissed "you two couldn't get more disgustingly cute" they both looked Brooke was standing there she sat down "Brooke I am not in the mood to deal with you today" I said "oh calm down I came to talk to you both" she sat down "I admit I did have a crush on Jeff , but I'm here to tell you I will stop with the uncomfortableness , truth is I'm so use to getting what I want that I was just locked in on your boyfriend , I want to apologize to both of you really I am sorry for what I did to you" she seemed sincere but I didn't know if this was just pawn in her little plan to get Jeff she looked upset "I'm sorry I just don't have a lot of friends and when I meet you guys I really felt like I belonged , I really don't know what is wrong with me" I looked at Jeff and he looked as if he wasn't buying her act " So what are you saying Brooke" I said softly "I'm saying I want us to be friends and that I wont even look at him sideways ever" I looked at her "I don't trust you Brooke , so it's going to take some time for us to become friends" I stated "I can live with that" we both smiled Jeff shook his head to let me know he disagreed with my decision.


After school I waited for Casey . He slowly strolled out of the building we locked eyes he looked as if he wanted to turn back around "Josh will you leave me alone"he said harshly " you were buying drugs why?" I said he looked like he turned six shades white "I don't know what your talking about" he denied it "don't play stupid with me , you bought pills, Why?" he walked passed me to his car I followed he got in so did I "what are you doing get out" he demanded "no , im not going anywhere until I know what the hell is going on" I was not backing down he starred at me "why do you care" he said "because I love you that's why , I fucking love you and you broke my heart , when you walked away , then I was lonely and Mr Holland was there , I never intended on having sex with him but it happened and I've regretted it" I put my head down he leaned in and took my face in his hand he kissed my lips "I missed you too, I hated breaking up with you its just I don't want to talk about my problems with you , because when I'm with you I'm happy" he said "I understand, it's just one minute you are happy then the next you turn almost like you have bi-polar or something " it went totally quiet to quiet for my comfort then things started piecing together , he was happy one minute moody the next sometimes he would blackout got violent ":oh my god Casey , you have Bi-polar disorder" he looked around as if someone was listening "josh I..I " he started crying I went into protection mode I hugged him tight " I wanted to tell you I just was scared , that you would walk away from me " Never not for being bi-polar ,hey don't you take pills to control it" I asked " I stopped taking them I hated how they made me feel" " listen to me , you have to take your pills , if not for you then for me" he smiled at me " you do care" he said "of course I do , if I didn't I wouldn't be here" I said our lips met then our tongues it felt so good to have Casey back. That day was our last day of school because it was a Wednesday , we got Thursday and Friday off for thanksgiving which gave us four days to relax tomorrow was thanksgiving. Nothing could go wrong right , Wrong"



"I came downstairs to the smell of food cooking I went into the kitchen and saw matt and Nathan sitting at the table talking they both looked up at me "big brother" I ran to him we hugged then I hugged Nathan "and his very sexy boyfriend" I said they laughed "so whats going on with you" Matt said "nothing , just the life of a teenage girl , Jeff is coming over for dinner" I said "why , is that loser coming here" Matt asked "because his family is in Virginia and he will be alone and he is my boyfriend" I replied "Are you serious after what he did to you" Matt didn't like my pairing with Jeff one bit "he is a changed man ,trust me I know , just give him a chance" I said Matt nodded just to please me I smiled "thank you, so Nathan Christmas is coming up what are you getting me" I asked "I cant tell you that , " he teased "okay alright but it better be good" mom came in "boys can you go to the supermarket I forgot , some stuff I wrote a list " she asked "sure mom, we'll go" Matt said "hey I want to tag along , we have a lot of catching up to do " I grabbed my coat so did they and we left out to the supermarket that would sure to be crowded with Last minute people.


I came downstairs to the smell of my mom's stuffing I loved stuffing lol . My dad was gutting the turkey , I hated looking at that " Hey kiddo want to help your old man out " he said "dad no thanks I'll pass" he laughed "why haven't you gone to see any of your friends " my mom asked "I don't know , I really liked being home, but your right I guess I should visit people today" I said dad turned "are you visiting josh" he asked I felt frozen what was he getting at was he about to start his stuff again I think he saw the panic on my face "it's okay so if you are gay , it doesn't matter I love you , it's just hard sometimes to process what you want in life, really I love you Brandon and I will never hurt you like I did before I promise" he smiled at me I smiled back "thanks dad that means a lot to me".


we all sat around the table and it is a tradition for all of us to give thanks for what we were grateful for "I am thankful for my family , I love you guys" I said "There goes Josh being all mushy on us" Matt said they all laughed . I loved having the family together. And to have Casey here was even better My brother Jason was giving him the death stare I knew it was playfully doing it but Casey didn't . The door bell rung "who could that be" aunt Moira asked I got up "ill get it" I said I got up and left out the dinning room and walked down the hall to the front door I opened it and it was Brandon "Brandon your home , wow you look great" he smiled "thank you" he said "you want to come in" I asked "no I have to get back home for dinner I just had to come and say.." "Josh who's at the door" Casey came next to me Brandon looked angry "look who it is you son of a bitch" he said "Look Brandon I don't want any trouble" he said "whats going on?" I asked not knowing what to expect "your little boyfriend right here wanted me out the way" Brandon was spitting venom "you know what Brandon you need to go , Casey is great , you don't like him because he is with me " I said "no I have other reasons not to like him , he knows what he did" I looked at Casey "what is he talking about" he shrugged his shoulders " I don't know, maybe he's not over you" Casey said he shook his head in disbelief and turned to leave "Brandon . don't go what did you mean by he knows what he did" I said "forget it Josh clearly you aren't going to believe me, whatever don't say I didn't warn you of the kind of trash Casey is" he said and walked to his car he got in and drove off.


I wish we had some more time to spend out here" I said to Nathan he smiled "well since Amber and my brother opted to have the wedding here I guess we will be back soon," I kissed his neck "come on Matt don't start something you cant finish" he said lustfully " oh I can finish it when ever you want it buddy" I said he smiled then grabbed me we ended up on my bed I ran my fingers through his Dark hair god I love this guy so much I thought I got up and locked the door I started to strip "lets do it in here for old times sake" I said he smiled I walked over to him taking off his his shirt I ran my hands on his chest pinching his nipples he slid my jeans off and kissed my stomach we got in bed Nathan slid his boxers off his cock was fully erect I went down and started sucking him off "god that;s feels good , like the first time you ever did it to me" he said Nathan was bucking back and forth in my mouth, his meat was sliding down my throat I loved every part of him "i love you baby" he whispered stroking my hair I could taste the sweet nectar he was producing he stopped me and went down on me his hands roaming my body his hot mouth on my dick , sucking going up and down. i couldn't contain myself I came in his mouth and he swallowed it my cock slipped out of his mouth I saw his was still as hard as ever I pushed him back and got on top of him I guided his cock in my ass I sat down and it went in I began going up and down on his cock he was moaning we tried to go slow so the head board wouldn't bang against the wall but the sensation of his cock was to much I was rubbing his nipples as I rode him his hands were on my ass I was meeting his every thrust he threw his head back in ecstasy "oh god baby make me cum" he said and I squeezed my ass on his cock he was pounding into into me "I'm going to cummmm" he came inside me I rolled off of him I felt his cum sliding out of me he rolled over and kissed me "next time I'm riding you" he said kissing me "i wouldn't have it any other way" I said touching his abs.


Besides the whole Brandon thing Thanksgiving was the best , being around family really lifted my spirits. "Little Brother , I thought Casey broke up with you" Jason came into the room "he did , now were back on" I said he sat down next to me "something is off with him I cant put my finger on it" Jason looked for me to respond but I didn't "Jason , There's nothing wrong with Casey, leave it alone" I warned "okay , alright , I was only trying to look out for you what are brother's for" he said I smiled "thanks big bro but I can manage my love life thank you very much" Casey walked into the room and Jason took his Que he left us alone "Brandon really doesn't like me much" He said "that's because he wont like anyone I date, it comes with the territory" I kissed him he slipped his tongue in my mouth his cell started to ring he backed away and looked at it " I have to go" he said "who was that?" I asked "it was my mom, I'll see you later" with that he left. Jeff came in "Josh man can I talk to you" he said "yeah sure whats going on" I said "I love Karen and I bought her something I wanted to show you first, I want to know if she will like it" he pulled out a jewelery box and opened it , it was a silver bracelet with diamonds in it "Jeff she is going to love that, dude you must be sprung" I said he laughed "that I am my friend , that I am, I was going to give it to her tonight but I might as well wait until Christmas" he put the box back in hid pocket "so what's going on with you" he asked "nothing much Casey and I are good"i said "yeah , I don't know but I don't see you and Casey together to me Brandon is your perfect match" I don't know if it was his words but they irritated me , how could he say that to me. It's Casey , it has to be Casey.


I awoken to my shower running , now I know josh didn't sleep over I sat up and saw the dry cum on my stomach and chest why was I naked I heard the shower cut off and the door opened "hay your awake we had a pretty wild night" he said "Kevin , what are you doing here" I asked "good morning to you too, I came to visit you thank god you was horny last night because I was too and boy did we make a mess" he put on some briefs and got back in bed he laid his head on my chest "Casey I missed this so much" we cuddled I held him tight "Kev I missed you too but I don't remember what happen last night I said" "well no one is here, how about we recreate what we did. He said going under the covers I felt his hot mouth on my dick I instantly got hard ,all I could think about was my best friend blowing me.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 35: Thats Life 16

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