Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Dec 1, 2009


Last time on That's Life ...

"You're starting your shit again , you got off selling to other rich kids in Malibu now your doing it here , why? " she asked "because I want to , go chase after that boy who clearly doesn't want you but I cant blame him , look at you, your pathetic, and stupid"

We ended up on my bed mark with his back on my bed and me on top kissing ...I turned my head and saw Josh standing there looking at us . "oh , I should go.. I'm sorry" ...... "I came because I felt guilty about telling on you , but you seem to be enjoying your stay here " he said " if I didn't know any better I would think you are jealous" josh laughed "that would mean I'm still in love with you , which isn't the case,

"Josh , I know I've been acting weird lately , and I'm sorry for that truth is , I love you and I'm scared" he said I smiled " Casey I love you too, but you went crazy and attacked me" he hugged me "Josh I'm sorry I never want to cause you any harm ever" I kissed him

"well everyone is paired up I can either make a group a three some" we both blushed at that "or you can work with me " I smiled "what could be better then working with the man who is giving out the grades" he laughed "well said josh" .

I had to take Brandon down I snuck in to the Facility and I snuck in his room and took out the bag of pills I put it under his pillow this left out the room I left out and took out my phone and dialed the number to Fern cliff "hello ferncliff rehab facility " "this is john Lawson I'm calling regarding my son....she pulled back the covers then the pillow there laid a bag full of pills ,"those are not mine" I said they shook there heads "Brandon you were coming along so well"

"no casey you're my boyfriend and your not letting me in , what is going on with you " he twisted the door knob and opened it I got in front of the door slamming it shut "move Josh" he said getting angry ....he tried again pushing me on the floor I hurt my arm "AWWW" I yelled he turned and rushed over to me "I'm sorry , Josh forgive me" he buried his face in my chest I took my arm and wrapped it around him "baby tell me what's wrong" I said "I think we should just end this before this all goes to hell"....."goodbye Josh" he walked out of my room I just stood there not knowing what fully just happened.

"Side Effects"

I sat there in media class just sitting beside Mr. Holland I was starring into space he nudged me I snapped out of it " I'm sorry Mr. Holland it's just been one hell of a night" I said " yeah I've have plenty of those" he smiled at me "so , lets brainstorm, what should we do a short movie on" he asked " how about love, and how it can be so beautiful then it can tare your heart out and humiliate you at a party in front of everyone , then you find it again and it acts crazy one minute then loving the next minute then just decides it doesn't want you anymore" my Holland looked at me strange " josh I'm pretty sure your talking about your own love life" he said I put my head down "im no good today" he said "that's cool how about we meet at my place later on and brainstorm there" I looked at him , it was a little weird because a teacher never asks a student over I shrugged "okay just give me your address" I said he wrote it down on a paper and gave it to me "you can come by around six" he said


I wasn't allowed out of my room and I couldn't have any visitors I couldn't believe Casey would stoop so low as to plant drugs on me , all of this was crazy ,he didn't know me all he knew was Josh and I had a past and he didn't like it. I laid on my bed for what seemed like forever until there was a knock and mark came in " I heard what happened, Why would you do that" he asked " Mark think about it , where could I possibly get a bag of pills from I never leave and the only person who came to visit me over and over is that Casey kid he did this" I was shaking "so your telling me that this Casey person is setting you up , why would he?" Mark asked "because of josh , they are together and Josh is my ex , he doesn't want me anywhere near josh" I said sitting down mark sat down beside me " so he planted the drugs in your room. To send you a message or something" mark asked "I don't know , but that kid need's help, Mark I need your help we have to find some kind of Evidence showing I'm innocent".


I showed up at a nice apartment complex It reminded me of that complex on Melrose place. I walked through the gate and walked in I went up a few steps to apartment 2c I knocked on the door he opened it. He had on a track jacket and some shorts "josh come in" he said with a smile I did just that "I'm sorry I was exercising, make yourself at home theirs chips on the fridge the tv is right there I am going to jump in the shower" he said I nodded and he went to the back I sat down and turned the T.V on , I was surfing through the channel when I passed playboy the guy was fucking the girl I watched girl parts really didn't appeal to me , then I heard a clearing of the voice I turned so quick he looked at me "watching playboy?" he asked "just stopped on it playboy isn't for me " I said he grinned I noticed he was only wrapped in a towel and his chest was so hot his nipples were hard , so suckable "you like what you see josh" he asked I nodded my head in agreement he ripped his towel off exposing his cock it looked to be 8 inches hard he came over to me and got on his knee's in front of me "when I first saw you my cock got so hard I think your so sexy josh" I didn't say anything he lifted my shirt over my head and gave me small kisses on my chest . " Mr. Holland I don't know about this" I said "call me Greg" he unbuckled my belt and before I knew it my jeans and boxers were around my ankles and my cock was in Greg's mouth he was bobbing up and down on it "fuck" I moaned his mouth felt so good we did this for like five minutes then he sat down and I reciprocated the act , I could feel his dick pulsate in my mouth it was warm and thick .he slipped his fingers through my hair pulling it thrusting in my mouth. He was panting he pushed me away and went over to a dresser and pulled out a condom, he ripped the condom open and slid it on his cock "come on" he said grabbing my hand he led me to his bedroom

"fuck" I said the head slipped in my hole it hurt then I slid down on his tool, he began pumping up into my ass "josh you feel so good I began riding him like the slut I felt like. Mr. Holland was so hot and he wanted me , when it felt like no one else did. He flipped me over onto my back and began taking me again I closed my eyes and imagined it was someone entirely different , someone I wanted so much. After the deed I got up out his bed and felt like shit I put on my clothes ":Josh were are you going" he seemed concerned " I'm sorry I have to go, I don't think I want to be your partner anymore" with that I left out of his apartment, what the fuck was I turning into this wasn't me sleeping around ,granted Casey broke up with me , but I couldn't stop thinking about him, something was up then my mind shifted to Brandon at Fern Cliff I wondered how he was , I missed talking to him , having him with me . Mr. Holland was hot and the sex was good but he wasn't Casey and truth be told Casey wasn't Brandon. It seem to always go back to Brandon .but I was at a place where I could be with Casey and Brandon would virtually disappear from my mind . But on days like this when I felt truly alone. He was there in my mind.


I wallowed in my own self pity , I didn't want to let josh go, but how could I keep him while I was doing stuff to people he cared about, telling my sister to pursue his cousin's Karen's boyfriend, giving Brandon pills then planting a bag in his room. My head was spinning what was wrong with me Brandon never did anything to me .but have a past with Josh a past that I didn't like. Seeing the way they longingly looked at one another. I felt like an outsider looking in. I just broke down and cried right there in my room why was I such a fuck up. I laid down and closed my eyes letting the tears roll down the side of my face then the door flew open "Casey Darling Mother and father are here" he opened his eyes to see his two parents looking at him first it was a smile then their faces changed when they saw my puffy eyes and tears "Darling what's the matter" my mother walked over so did my father "champ what's wrong some girl break your heart" I really didn't expect them to be here considering me and my sister was always left alone, if it wasn't for Brooke I don't know where I would be. I stood up " I am fine , mother I'm glad to see you both" I gave her a kiss on her cheek then hugged me father they both hugged me back "son are you okay, really" he asked I sat down " some stuff is going on with me " I said looking to the floor then back up to them "is it the " I cut her off "no its not that , relationship stuff" I said they both smile "if some little girl is giving you problems mother will handle It " I laughed "thanks mom but I think I got it and besides" I took a deep breath I think I started shaking they looked at me with concern "Casey tell us what is wrong" they both said in unison "it's just I'm not sure if I am straight or not , considering I've been dating a guy" they both looked at each other then me they smiled "we know sweetheart" my mother said I looked at them wide eyed then my dad spoke "remember When Kevin use to sleep over I believe you were in the 9th grade Casey , I remember you two would stay in the pool house, well one morning before I left for work I came in to see if you two were okay , but what I found were you two naked and wrapped up in each others arm" I didn't know what to think , and I didn't want to wake you both up so you would panic so I just left you be , I told your mother and she agreed that what ever you were doing whether you were experimenting or you were in fact gay that we would support you" I felt so blessed at that moment that my parents were so great. " I'm sorry I cant be the son you two want" I said I started to weep they both hugged me "I wouldn't ask for another son in a million years" my dad said "so who is the boy you are pining over" my mother said "his name is Josh, I keep on hurting him , I don't want to , so I just ended it" I said "If you love him then isn't he worth fighting for , granted you hurt him but shouldn't that be Josh's decision if he wants to leave or stay" I pondered my thoughts mother was right. They left out shortly and I went through my memories of my past relationship. I got up and went to my computer I logged into my yahoo I'm and looked for Kevin's name I needed to ask a few questions?.


"Brooke sat there looking at Jeff as if he was a piece of meat this had to stop for all of our sakes I walked over to her table "look Brooke I think you are a nice girl but find your own boyfriend " I snapped I didn't mean to sound so harsh but it came out that way "What?afraid of a little competition" she said with a grin I scolded her "you are so stupid if you think Jeff will ever look at you in that way" I smiled with confidence in my man "he looked at Whitney that way didn't he, the night of the drag race" she said with a smirk "how do you know about that" I asked "I asked around , seems like Jeff cheats because he isn't getting any from little miss virginity" I wanted to smack her face so hard but felt two strong arms wrap around my midsection I leaned back "Brooke please stop it , find a guy who will love you ,stop going after what' not yours" I said she got up "Karen remember what I said , all boys are the same they only want one thing and if their girlfriends aren't doing it for them, another girl will" she grabbed her book and prada bag and walked away "don't listen to her baby" he said kissing my neck I turned around with the fakest smile plastered on my face "I'm not" he kissed me then hugged me I know doubt must have crossed my face because I started to actually worry , maybe Brooke was right maybe it's time to be with Jeff and seal the deal.


"mom Jeff is coming over is that okay" Moira rolled her eye's "I cant believe you took that bum back" she said I laughed at that my mother "Jeff has changed , he's been nothing but sweet" I defended him " okay , but if he hurts you don't say I didn't tell you so, Danny lets go" she screamed out Danny came down stair with his coat "ready mommy" he said "Danny Where's my kiss" I demanded he rolled his eyes and came over to me I bent down he kissed me on my cheek. "you have cooties" he said mom and me laughed "where are you going" I asked "To pick up some supplies for the house and get Danny the new Race car he saw on T.V , we should be back in a few hours" she said they walked out the door" I watched as they drove away I called Jeff "hey babe what's shakin" he said "can you come over, like right now" I said "sure is everything okay" he asked "yeah get your butt over here" I demanded "I like it when your feisty" with that I hung up about ten minutes later the front doorbell rung I ran to it and opened the door "you demanded I come "he said while walking in, I closed the door and went over to him kissing him "my family is out and I'm ready to have sex" I smiled he got wide eyed "are you sure" he asked I kissed him again grabbing his butt "I'm positive , lets go Mr." I said grabbing his hand leading him up the stairs we got to my room I pushed him on my bed I took off my shirt I only had on my black bra and my jeans he was starring at me I went over to him and took off his shirt I started kissing down his chest kissing his Pecs I started sucking his nipple he began to moan I could feel his guy part get hard he flipped me over and started sucking on my neck then kissed the skin between my bra then my stomach I began to feel anxiety I wasn't ready for this my body tensed he could tell he stopped then came back up we were face to face "Karen why are you really doing this" he asked I felt tears forming he saw them "baby , you don't have to prove anything to Brooke she is miserable , I love you Karen Barrett and if your not ready , your not ready trust me I'm not going to rush you or find someone who is willing, you're the only girl for me " he kissed me and wrapped his arms around me holding me "you're the best" I said he kissed my cheek "no baby you're the best".


Mark came to my room "Brandon , come with me" he said I got off my bed and followed him we went into one of the people that ran Fern-cliff "Brandon mark brought something to my attention, and I recently view video footage of the day we found pills in your rooms , what we found was a boy coming into the Establishment" they played the tape it was Casey and all be hold he had the bag of pills in his hands "i told you guys I had nothing to do with that. I was framed " I said "we are sorry Brandon, we didn't believe you , you get all your privileges back" he stated "can I go home" I said "no, you still need a little more time , but we all are sorry for blaming you" with that mark and I walked out "so how does it feel to be exonerated" Mark asked while walking me back to my room "it feels great" he hugged me "thanks , mark , your a life savor".


The next day School seemed to be dim for me , no Casey, I fucked Mr. Holland then ran away. Karen was doing her own thing, Brandon was in Rehab. Jessica walked up to me "you look like major hell" she said I looked at her " I feel like hell, Me and Casey are no more" I said she looked shocked "Joshie, what happened" she said I laughed "joshie?" I questioned "I'm trying to find nicknames for all my friends , so anyway tell me " she said "I don't know he is hiding something and every time I ask him about it he shuts down, I guess my nagging became to much he just ended it" she hugged me " I'm sorry, maybe he wasn't the one" she half smiled "that's not the end of it" I stated she laughed "god Josh , do I need pop corn and a soda , because this is like one big mess, and messes sometime make good movies" rolled my eyes "anyway I was bitter so , I kind of slept with someone else" I said she gasped "who is it , does he go here , was it Brandon" I put my head down "I cant tell you , yes he goes here alright and no it wasn't Brandon , Brandon is in rehab remember" I said "yeah I know but I was thinking you gave him a late night booty call" I wasn't in the playing mood she sensed this "im sorry josh continue" she said "well I felt cheap , and dirty and worthless so I just got out of his place, and I have to face him" I said she had a look of sympathy for me "look , josh you messed up but don't think you cant find your way back to being the guy you once was. With that the bell rung I had media class.

"okay class show me what you have" Mr. Holland said as I walked in the room our eyes connected I then looked away and sat in the back corner not my usual seat "glad you can grace us with your presence, please be on time Mr. Barrett and don't show your class such disrespect" I felt dirty when he talked to me I just put my head down. I basically did nothing the whole period when class was over the kids left out I was about to leave when he shut the door in my face I turned "Josh we need to talk" he said "I have nothing to say to you" I said he looked angry "how about a detention for being disrespectful" he said "how about a visit from the police saying how you raped me " I spat back at him , he looked scared "that's not true josh" he looked worried " I'm sorry I wouldn't do that to you" I said he walked close and kissed me I didn't care I kissed him back I began to get hard I pulled away "MR Holland, I'm sorry , I'm not sure of what I want" I said he hugged me "I know" he said I backed away and saw two eyes starring at us through the glass it was Casey.


Next: Chapter 34: Thats Life 15

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