Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Nov 25, 2009


The Framing


"Get your Tickets for this years Fall dance" Heather Thompson Screamed out at the students passing by Jeff brought us two tickets "Our First Official Event , back together " he smiled I smiled back I was crazy about this boy. "yeah I wouldn't have it any other way" I kissed him he kissed me back then we separated and Brooke was standing right in front of us we jumped "oh I didn't meant to startle the happy couple" . Now I knew Brooke had a little crush on Jeff but she seemed to be getting weirder everyday . "Oh Brooke ,it's you" Jeff said rudely I grabbed his hand "so I take it you two are going to the dance " she said putting on a very obvious fake smile "yeah we are ,look Brooke I think we should talk , about your little crush with Jeff" I said her fake smile turned to anger "how dear you , I am not interested in Jeff" she replied "yeah you are we both see the way you look at him , and I'm sure Jeff is flattered but , he is my boyfriend" I said calmly she laughed "aren't we being the little possessive bitch today" she walked away I was shocked "did she just call me a bitch ?" I started to walk after her Jeff grabbed me by my arm "Baby she's not worth it and besides we have class".


I opened my eyes the sun was shinning in my room I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled the two pills out of my pocket that I received from Casey yesterday, I could think clearly about what I seriously was doing , I did have a problem and taking these two pills weren't going to solve anything , but only add on to my problems. I stood up and walked over to my window opened it and threw them out . No way was I going to give up on myself that's not who I am and Casey wasn't going to destroy me not like that . Mark came into my room "hey I was just about to wake you , its time for breakfast" he smiled , mark was attractive as hell "do you think I can skip breakfast I'm not hungry " I said "you have to eat something " I walked closer to him "you know mark you're a real special guy" I said he blushed "thank you " he said I then put my hand on his chest and leaned I'm and kissed his neck "you take care of everybody when do you ever let someone take care of you" I said he look like he was sweating and he was getting hard he shook his head "um you have to have breakfast" he turned and walked out. What was I doing? coming on to mark, but I wasn't in a relationship , and I'm sure Josh was having a good ol' time with Casey , if only Josh Knew what that son of a bitch was up to .


" I need the strongest stuff you got" I said smiling the guy held out a bag of pills "this right here is some powerful shit you can only take one or bad stuff can happen" he said I smiled "that's good , I want bad stuff to happen" I laughed he looked at me like I was an evil brain child then walked away I turned and Brooke was standing there arms crossed "what the hell are you doing, buying drugs" she asked suspiciously "you need to calm down , sis they are not for me , they are for a very special cliental" I said she shook her head in disagreement "your starting your shit again , you got off selling to other rich kids in Malibu now your doing it here , why? " she asked "because I want to , go chase after that boy who clearly doesn't want you but I cant blame him , look at you, your pathetic, and stupid" I said coldly she looked like she wanted to cry I felt bad , maybe I shouldn't have said that "Brooke , I'm.." she cut me off "your right , I'm pathetic, the weaker one, but I wonder how mom and dad will handle you buying drugs and distributing" she turned and walked away "Brooke wait, I'm sorry" I screamed but she was halfway back to the school.


Hi my name is Josh Barrett I am here to see Brandon Lawson" I said looking around Fern cliff , it was a nice enough place to be called rehab I had to sign in and I was escorted to his room he wasn't there I sat on his bed and looked around the room it wasn't all that big and really plain . I sat there for like five minutes then I went into the bathroom that was in his room


I got to my room from activity hour in the rec room mark came in to my room " I need to talk to you": he said "yeah , what about" I asked he walked close to me " I cant get you out of my head" he said he leaned in and kissed me I kissed him back, it felt good to have this human to human contact we ended up on my bed mark with his back on my bed and me on top kissing then I heard the toilet flush and the door opened I turned my head and saw Josh standing there looking at us . "oh , I should go.. I'm sorry" he said he left out , I jumped up and went after him. "josh wait " josh turned " I came because I felt guilty about telling on you , but you seem to be enjoying your stay here " he said " if I didn't know any better I would think you are jealous" josh laughed "that would mean I'm still in love with you , which isn't the case, do what you want with who ever you want to do it with" he walked through the doors , I walked back to my room Mark was pacing back and forth "did he tell?" he looked Frantic "relax Mark he left " I shut the door and locked it "now where were we" I walked over to him and kissed him he tensed I put my hand on the button of his khaki's and unbuttoned his pants "I don't know" he said shaking "relax" I put my hands on his waist he then backed away "I'm not that way, I cant be" he said "but you said you couldn't get me out of your head" I questioned "I have to go" he said leaving out. ........................

It had been two weeks since that Casey kid came I occupied myself with books and writing. Everyone seem to see my progress I even managed to make a few new friends. But on a Friday I got those dreadful words " you have a visitor" I knew all to well who it was I enters the room and sure enough it was Casey we were left alone he smiled then put a bag full of pills on the table " I have a present for you sexy" he licked his lips I gave him a look of disgust " I'm not interested " I said he would not faze me I needed to be strong so I could get out of here and make things right "I'm good casey I don't need that shit I'm almost done here and josh and I have a lot of catching up to do" I now licked my lips he looked furious " you'll pay Lawson, if you go near josh" he barked at me "yeah who is going to stop me" I got in his face" he backed away "that's what I thought now fuck off bitch" he grabbed his pills and stormed out.


Can we talk" josh came up to me josh and I rarely spoke I knew he and my brother had something going but that was all I knew. I lead him into a empty science room " hey what's up" I asked " it's about you brother he did something a few weeks back and I'm not sure what to think " I knew what was going to be said, he explained what happened and it only confirmed one thing Casey wasn't taking his medicine "look josh Casey is complicated but I know how he feels about you just bare with him he's been through a lot" I stated I could tell that wasn't what he wanted to hear but that's all I could tell him . ..

Later on I walked in our mansion slamming the door Casey was coming down stairs he took one look at me and saw I was not playing " what?" he looked puzzled at me " have any mood swings lately" he looked nervous " so your not taking your medicine" I practically screamed " look sis I'm okay now don't worry" he brushed the brown hair from his eyes " right that's why you attacked josh" he starred at me " I'm under control now" he said I stomped into the kitchen and went to the draw to take out the bottled of pills " what are you doing" he asked I turned around " take your pills now" I demanded " fuck no, who do you think you are mom" he said " you know what I think mom would be interested in knowing you aren't taking your medicine" he gave me a death stare. Then snatched the pills from me and took two "you happy now" he asked "Satisfied , Casey the pills are to help you" "I don't like them they make me feel draggish , I want to feel free" he stated "at other people's expense, I almost lost you once , we are twins Case I cant lose you" he hugged me "you wont lose me , sis"

---The Next Day--


I took my books out of my locker and as soon as I closed the door Casey walked up to me "Josh , I know I've been acting weird lately, and you had every right to Freeze me out these couple of days , and I'm sorry. The truth is , I love you and I'm scared" he said I smiled " Casey I love you too, but you went crazy and attacked me" he hugged me "Josh I'm sorry I never want to cause you any harm ever" I kissed him quickly "I know , that's why I forgive you , so how about we do something after school" I said he looked hesitant "Josh I have something important to do after school how about around six I can come over" he said "okay" the bell rung and I had to get to class I got to the media room and sat down at the computer " We are going to be making a movie" Mr. Holland said , he just transferred in this week and this was my first class with him because our previous teacher Mr. Granger was having an affair with another teacher Mrs. Cooper the English lit teacher who was caught blowing him off in the Janitor closet it was a scandal both teachers were let go . Mr. Holland was hot and if I had a chance lol he was 5 ft 11 sandy brown hair hazel eyes he could totally be a male model and he had the deepest dimples he was talking and I just starred at him , I know I have a boyfriend but who doesn't have fantasies of a hot teacher. I snapped out of it and he was looking back at me "are you Joshua Barrett " he asked "yeah but I prefer josh" I said "well everyone is paired up I can either make a group a three some" we both blushed at that "or you can work with me " I smiled "what could be better then working with the man who is giving out the grades" he laughed "well said josh" .


I had to take Brandon down I snuck in to the Facility and I snuck in his room and took out the bag of pills I put it under his pillow this left out the room I left out and took out my phone and dialed the number to Fern cliff "hello ferncliff rehab facility " "this is john Lawson im calling regarding my son" I said in a deep voice "oh , hello mr Lawson , Brandon is a doll, he's been so wonderful" the women beamed " about that , Brandon called me yesterday he said he snuck out and he bought drugs and he said he was going to use them" I said "oh gosh , that isn't good we have other recovering addicts here, but to tell you the truth that doest sound like Brandon " she said ":I know my son he did it , so if you do find the drugs I need you to keep him longer if that's possible" with that I hung up Brandon couldn't get out not yet.


I got back from lunch and three advisers were in my room digging through my stuff "what are you doing " I screamed " we got an tip that you have drugs in fern cliff" the older man said " I assure you I don't have anything I'm clean" I said one if the ladies went over to my bed she pulled back the covers then the pillow there laid a bag full of pills ,"those are not mine" I said they shook there heads "Brandon you were coming along so well" he said I didn't know what was going on "you are not allowed any Visitors and your stay here will be longer" I couldn't believe this was happening to me " I didn't bring those in here" "save it young man , clearly you need more time here" they left out . How could this happen why did this happen then I recognize the bag , that's the same bag Casey had when he came in , he planted it . That son of a bitch


Casey came over when he said he would we went up to my room and started kissing we fell on my bed he stopped kissing me "have you and Brandon been in here kissing and doing stuff" he asked "what?" I replied "it's just I think he is on your mind a lot" I shook my head no " I don't think about Brandon he is getting help , you've actually been on my mind" he smiled then started sucking my neck "um Casey that feels good but I need to talk to you" I said he stooped and looked at me "what Josh" he said " I still want to know why you just snapped" he looked at me then got up " I have to go" he got up I stood up "no casey you're my boyfriend and your not letting me in , what is going on with you " he twisted the door knob and opened it I got in front of the door slamming it shut "move Josh" he said getting angry "no , not until you tell me what is wrong " I said he grabbed me and tried to move me but he couldn't he tried again pushing me on the floor I hurt my arm "AWWW" I yelled he turned and rushed over to me "I'm sorry , Josh forgive me" he buried his face in my chest I took my arm and wrapped it around him "baby tell me what's wrong" I said "I think we should just end this before this all goes to hell" he said I got up rubbing my arm he stood up and headed for the door "don't , please Casey don't just walk away". he stood there his back to me " I have to, I'm doing this for you" he turned around and was crying I walked over to him and hugged him "its alright" I said stroking his hair he kissed me on the cheek "goodbye Josh" he walked out of my room I just stood there not knowing what fully just happened.


Next: Chapter 33: Thats Life 14

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