Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Nov 14, 2009




The next day my mine kept going back to Brandon what was he doing , was he really hurting himself , no I couldn't get sucked back in I couldn't care anymore , but where do I draw the line when its too late and his stomach has to be pumped out because he overdosed on his meds or if he died. Truth be-told I didn't want to get sucked back in but I couldn't not do anything I had to confront him on this and for him to get help. At school I meet up with Casey and he seemed to not be in the mood "are you okay" I asked "I'm fine !" he practically yelled at me I didn't know what his problem was and I didn't care. "you know what talk to me when you calm down" I said storming away history is the only class I had with Brandon so that would be my only chance to know what was going on with him .

I got to History class and Brandon was there sitting next to jess I walked over "jess do you mind if I sit next to Brandon" they both looked at me , Jessica smiled "no not at all" she got up and sat to another seat. I sat down "Brandon we need to talk" I said "about what?" he looked confused I pulled the empty pill bottle out of my pocket "about you being addicted to medication" he starred at me then snatched the bottle away " you don't know what your talking about". I didn't want to push him to the point where he couldn't open up to me but I didn't want to not address this situation. "you just got those pills and the bottle is empty , dude you have a problem" he looked at me angry "why don't you mind your fucking business, like you care about me" I was startled and everyone was looking at us "Brandon just" he cut me off "don't Brandon just me! , you know what Josh screw you" he stood up and left out.

(Casey )

I walked out of school early pissed at josh , pissed at myself I sat down on the bench outside of the school just watching random stuff until I saw that Brandon kid he looked upset he walked around the school I followed . I peeked around the corner and I saw some rough looking trailer park boy walk over to him they talked for a few minutes then I saw Brandon hand him cash the kid gave him a bag of what looked like pills. He turned and started walking my way I ran back to my seat on the bench he turned the corner then our eyes met he starred at me then went back in the school. I smiled now I knew my enemy weakness. Superman has kryptonite , and Brandon had drugs.

Later that day I met Josh by his locker I extended my bottom lip making me look like a child he laughed "I'm sorry for being stupid I guess I'm not a morning person" I explained "its okay I guess we all are entitled to have a bad day or two" he said. "so I was thinking how about we do something later" I proposed "what did you have in mind" he asked curiously "you will have to wait and see" I teased. With that we left out the school.


I walked into Joe's and sat down waiting for Jeff then my cell rung I answered "hello" I answered "its Jeff , I have detention can you believe that " he said sounding piss "hey don't worry how about tomorrow" I said "I'm sorry I really wanted to spend some time with you considering all the stuff I put you through" he sounded sad and that made me happy , Jeff was changing and I owed it to him to give him another chance "no worries" I said he had to go and I hung up then out of nowhere a girl came in with one heel broke and she looked like she had been crying I stood up and walked over to her "are you okay" I asked "no I am not , my brother ditched me and I got lost then in the process of it all I broke my damn heel of these expensive jimmy cho's" I wanted to laugh but didn't , and who the hell wears jimmy Cho's to school. "hey cheer up chocolate milkshake on me" she sat down "thanks you so much, kind stranger" she said Jessica came in and saw us she walked over and sat down looking at the girl "who is this " she said "oh I'm sorry I'm Brooke Ford" then It hit me "oh your brother is Casey" I said she half smiled "oh you met my charming brother" she said rolling her eyes "yeah my cousin josh introduced me" she smiled "your josh's cousin , wow small world , let me tell you since Casey has gotten with Josh he has been a different person , literally , your cousin does wonders" I smiled at her comment but something didn't sit right with me , what did she mean he has become a different person , what kind of person was he before he met Josh.


I got dressed in a button up and some jeans Casey came bye and I went to the car and got in . "you look extra sexy" he smiled , "so do you" I said while looking at his suave appearance "So where are we going " I asked "patient Grasshopper, oh before I forget" he pulled out blindfolds "put these on". Now I was intrigued , I put the blindfolds on and let Casey lead the way. About fifteen minutes later the car stopped "This is stupid why the hell am I blindfolded" Casey laughed "okay we are here" he got out the car and came around and opened my door he helped me out and took the blind fold off there sat a candle lit table at the end of the pier looking out into the water "wow, this is kind of gay" I said he laughed "thank you for your complete honesty" I kissed him " seriously , it romantic , girly , am I the girl in this relationship" I asked "sure you are sweet cheeks" he joked I turned to go back to the car "I'm just joking , your all man , trust me I know, but I'm falling for you josh and I just wanted to do something for you" he said honestly I smiled at his efforts "I'm sorry , this is great lets have some dinner" I said we walked to the table and sat down we lifted the silver top "meatball subs? " I said confused "yeah like on our first date , we went and got subs from that place on the beach" Casey was so cute he remembered everything "this is great" I replied ., and we enjoyed our dinner.

you want to come in" i asked he shook his head yes we went in I turned on the light "where's your family?" he asked "they arer gone until Friday so i have the place to myself" i grabbed his hand "lets go to my room" i said we walked to the stairs then up the stairs to my room when we got there i pulled him into a kiss we fell on my bed my hands roamed his body from underneath his shirt i began to twist his nipples with my fingers he moaned in my ear "i love when you do that" he confessed i loved his hot breath in my ear we sat up he took off my shirt i took off his he ran his hands all over my chest . he then pushed me back and unbuttoned my jeans he slid them with my boxers down my dick was hard as rock sticking up he licked his lips like he saw something delicious he spread my legs apart and got down on his knees , he stuck his finger in his mouth sliding it in and out then took my cock in his mouth , Casey began to suck tightly causing me to feel light headed he then placed the finger he lubed with his spit into my ass he slid it in slowly both sensation was driving me crazy. the suction noise he was producing was making me feel like i was going to cum he was sucking me furiously ti was amazing. i grabbed the back of his dark locks and started pumping in his beautiful mouth he was gagging but the back of his mouth felt so good so warm , my dick was pulsating Casey since this then closed around my cock tightly and began sucking and giving me a hand job at the same time i thought i was dying. this feeling i was feeling was what sexual play was made of , my balls felt tingly then i came in his mouth he swallowed some but it was too much it was dripping from his mouth , god the sight i saw was so damn sexy. he took my cock out his mouth and got back on my bed he leaned in and kissed me sharing my cum. "now it's my turn" I said sliding down to where he was moments ago.

Casey was bucking back and forth in my mouth, he was enjoying my mouth "oh god baby suck my dick" he shouted , thank god no one was home i thought as i let his dick slid to the back of my throat ."fuck I'm going to cum, baby," he said then he moaned so loud I'm sure the neighbors were going to here "fuck oh my god" he sent his seed in my mouth and i swallowed every last ounce of it now we both were out of it. we drifted off to sleep. when i woke up Casey was putting on his clothes "hey where are you going?" i asked " its getting late" he said "yeah why don't you stay here and sleep in my bed with me" he smiled "you sure" he asked I nodded yes he took his clothes back off and got back under the covers with me having him next to me was perfect.

The next day


I woke up to a bright sunny September morning , my body still wasn't use to going back to school, I got up and started my day, a nice warm shower , felt good then I got dressed and went down stairs mom was putting breakfast on the table dad was reading the newspaper , our relationship was still rocky I don't think I even spoke to him anymore he would ask me to do things around the house and I would do them I didn't talk back I just stopped talking to him. "so college application deadlines is in November have you given any thoughts to where you wanted to go" mom asked with a smile , I smiled back " I don't know I guess I better figure it out since November will be here quick" I replied , my dad looked on , I hated not talking to him but I hate what he did to me even more , sometimes I thought we would never have a good kind of relationship ever again. " I should go I have school in like twenty minutes" I kissed mom on the cheek and looked at my dad he looked at me for a moment I wanted to say I love you dad , but the words just couldn't come out , he looked hurt when I put my head down and walked out the kitchen door .

By the time I got in my car and drove to school , the feeling came back I couldn't think I needed my pills. And to add insult to injury as soon as I parked my truck I ran smack into Josh and Casey together. I walked passed them then I heard josh call my name I turned "What !, josh" I said annoyed "we need to talk" he said as we both walked into the school "no leave me alone , go with your little boyfriend" I practically screamed walking away . He caught up to me and pulled me into the boys bathroom "please! you are taking Xanax like it is Candy , you can die" he pleaded and looked sad "so what, if i die I rather be dead then have this piece of shit of a life" I felt like I was going to cry he hugged me I leaned into him.


I missed this feeling having Brandon touch me he then moved away and looked at my neck "a hickey? how white trash of you" he said "Brandon , don't please lets find some Detox centers or something get you on the right track again" I said he shook his head "why do you care , what do you gain by any of this , you don't love me anymore , we aren't together , why in the hell would you care if I died" I could feel my eyes water he noticed "Brandon we aren't together , and I'm not sure if we will ever be, but the feelings I had for you are still here ,if you died apart of me would too" I wiped the tears away "what ever I have to go" he said walking out the door by the time I was in the hall he was gone.


I saw him , the guy of my dreams , he was perfect in every way, hot body sexy face , he walked into the lunch room and came over to my table and sat down "I'm Brooke" I said smiling he looked at me "oh ,um Jeff" he said back not really paying me any attention "so Jeff you have a" before I could finish my sentence Karen came over and they kissed . Damn it , i thought i never get the hot guy "oh Jeff this is Brooke, she is new here" she said "yeah we just met , but i rather focus on you" i barely knew him but those word stung. "I should go" I said I grabbed my bag and left . I bumped into someone " I'm sorry" I said "sis what's wrong" I looked up it was Casey "Nothing" I stated he didn't believe me "what's wrong Brooke?" he asked again " I saw a guy that I like and he has a girlfriend" I said he laughed "We are Fords , we get what ever we want , so if you want that guy , he's all yours, fuck the other girl and her problems" Casey said with a Devious smile on his face , I didn't want to do that to Karen she seemed like a nice enough person to me , but Jeff oh my god he is pure sex on legs, and sometimes you can risk a possible friendship for a hot fuck.


"why did you have to be mean" i asked he sat down so did I "because she is attracted to me" he spoke "aren't we a little conceited " I joked he didn't laugh he was serious "Karen you are important to me and i wont let any one screw what we have up ever again, i hurt you with Whitney i don't want to ever do it again" i kissed him on the cheek "you really don't know how that makes me feel" we kissed then i pulled away "by the way don't mention that witch Again , thank god she is out of my life" we both laughed "noted baby, so Craig wont be popping up will he" Jeff said out of the blue I kissed his forehead "I don't think so but you're the only guy for me ,I wont lie to you I still care about Craig , he was my second major boyfriend but I love you" he smiled when I said that " I love you too, more then you know it" I felt like a million bucks.


School came and went that day and I got out late. I waited for Casey but he was no where to be found . I sat there waiting around until I saw Brandon he came out the side door and went around the school , I got up and walked in that direction I turned the corner and someone was slipping him a bag of pills "Brandon what the hell are you doing !" I yelled the hooded person ran off Brandon just looked at me "stay out of my life Josh" he started laughing then walked off. I knew what I had to do

I knocked on the door and he opened it then looked at me and grunted "Brandon isn't here" he said rudely " I know I actually came here to see you Mr. Lawson" I said politely he looked surprised then let me in his mom came down stairs " josh, what are you doing here?" she asked "look , I just came here to tell you that Brandon is addicted to pain killers" they looked at each other "no he cant be" his mom replied looking a bit worried "I found the bottle of meds he just got and it was empty" I said back "that doesn't mean anything, look JOSH we know our son" Mr. Lawson said "Then why after school today I saw him with my own eyes buy a bag of pills from some shady guy, I know you don't want to believe it and I really don't have any reason to make this up he's addicted" they didn't say anything , then the door flew open Brandon came in his eyes were red Mr. Lawson walked over to Brandon "oh my god the boy is right , he is popping pills" Brandon looked at me as if I killed his dog . "you bastard I cant believe you told them" he started walking towards me I didn't move "fuck you , bitch" he screamed then pushed me "stop this now" his mother said he started throwing things breaking picture frames I never saw Brandon like this his father grabbed him "son stop this" he whispered almost cooing into his ear Brandon Broke down and started crying his father was rocking him back in forth like he was a child I had to get out of there. I hurried out the front door and felt the tears come Brandon was worst off then I thought.

(Two day's later)


" I want to go home" I screamed this was not right how dear they send me to rehab. I yelled for like a half hour but no one came I was really alone. I needed pain killers but wasn't allowed to get any. Josh didn't even help me, he told on me actually went to my parents and told on me, screw him screw all of them that is what I thought.. They stuck me in Fern cliff a Rehab Retreat to get better what the hell does that mean., to get better ,there was nothing wrong with me , something was wrong with all of them. And what kind of fucking Retreat was this, it seemed more liked the Looney Ben to me.


Have you ever thought what would happen in your life . I mean in the future" Casey asked me looking directly in my eyes I put my head on his chest and felt his heart beating "sometimes, yeah I wonder where life will take me. Why do you ask" he half smiled " no reason" his cell started to ring he took it my mind quickly wondered around that thought what the hell would happen next year this time Karen will be in some college and I would be a senior by myself I guess that's one thought I hadn't considered , Vince was doing his own thing, Whitney was gone , and soon Jessica, Karen and Brandon won't be around.


I thought a lot about what this year would bring for me maybe a new boyfriend or maybe trouble considering my twin brother Casey is already having me plot to get Jeff all to myself. Karen and jess came in and sat down they both looked at me "Brooke are you okay" Karen asked " no not exactly my ex keep on texting me, my brother is an idiot and I'm so over the high school drama" I vented " you and I both" Jessica said " maybe I can talk to Jeff get a guys perspective on the whole thing" Karen looked at me for a minute as if she was pondering something "yeah, Maybe" she replied. Jeff came through the doors wearing his Varsity Jacket looking so hot he walked over to us "hey baby" he said to Karen I just looked on wishing it was me "hi you , so you want to go to Joe's for lunch" she asked him "of course I need my French fries " they got up to leave then I opened my big mouth "hey can I tag along" they both looked at each other then at me " sorry Brooke we were hoping to spend time together " Karen said "oh um yeah you guys go" with that they walked away I felt angered Jessica looked at me "let them be happy " she said folding her arms "what are you talking about" I spat out "Jeff hurt Karen pretty bad and they are in a good place now , don't do anything to mess that up" she stood up from the lunch table and walked away .

The next day


" you have a visitor Brandon" the Rehab counselor Mark came in I walked with him to the plush private room I sat down and that Casey kid came In Mark Gave us some Privacy, he had a smirk on his face " what do you want" I said angry and annoyed " look at you I have your boyfriend And your in here" he was a arrogant piece of trash " I don't want to talk to you anymore" I said standing up he put two pills on the table " you sure about that" i looked at the pills then back at him he had a grin on his face "those are painkillers Brandon, and there can be more if you stay away from josh" I looked at the pills again and the thought of josh flashed in my head, i guess i was weak because I picked the pills up and put them in my pocket he smiled "good I guess we have an agreement then" he stood up wanked at me then left out.I just gave that Creep what he wanted.


I looked at the picture of Brandon and I we were laughing I had him in a headlock I missed those days but I couldn't go back it wasn't healthy for me to do that. Casey called I picked up " hey jerk" I said playfully " hi you can I stop by" he spoke cheerfully " sure no ones here". He came like fifteen minutes later I let him in he pulled me close and kissed me his breath reeked of weed I pulled back " you been smoking again" I asked he hung his head low " just a little, hey let's have some fun" his hand started roaming my body he felt like he was molesting me I didn't like Ito. Pushed him " you need to go until your sober" I spoke with authority he laughed at me then pushed me I fell back and hit my head on the table nearby he leaned over and grabbed my shirt " you'll do as I say" he screamed I was taken aback by his hostility then something happened his eyes were warm again " oh my god josh I'm so sorry" he helped me up " you really need to go" I said angry he hung his head low then left what the hell was that about.


(" how can I love a motherless faggot like you" )I jumped up that might would not go away call me crazy but it felt that specific night just seeped in the room and enter in my Mind just so I wouldn't forget I wiped the sweat off my head and Laid back down closing my eyes thinking I needed more pills.


Next: Chapter 32: Thats Life 13

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