Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Nov 9, 2009


Two months later( September)


I awoke to a sharp pain in my chest , what the hell I thought as I jumped out of my bed . Being shot was one of the worst things that happened to me, I would get these sharp pains sometimes and was prescribed to take pain meds they helped a lot. I popped two in and laid back down then drifted off to sleep . My Alarm went off and I knew it was time for the first day of school this wasn't going to be a good year I could tell, my life was literally turned upside down since this time last year , Lance came barging in my room "get the hell up time for school" I looked at him and covered my head with the pillow he sat down on my bed and grabbed the pillow "seriously man , this is your last year , make the most of it, I know I will" he grinned then got up .

I really hated Vince when he was with Josh last year but we seemed to grow close over the summer he kind of volunteered to help me when I came home from the hospital and we seemed to bond almost like Brothers or something , you would think their was something sexual going on but nothing of the sort. "you think Josh will show" I said he shrugged his shoulders " probably , but if he does what will you say?" he asked I sat up pondering his question , we hadn't seen each other since the bus station , so it would all be just awkward to say the least . " I wonder what he is doing " I sighed .


Casey , Casey ,Casey , you're a bad boy" I said he began sucking on my neck " you know I am baby" he said I looked around to make sure no one was watching , and no one wasn't " why don't we go in the bathroom and fool around " he suggested I bit my bottom lip " I don't know, that bathroom is kind of funky" I said "oh come on High and mighty Josh live a little" I kissed him he kissed me back "okay but we are almost home which means we have to go home shower get dressed and meet at school" I said he nodded in agreement . " cant I come pick you up and you show me the way since I'm new here , I don't even know where the school is" he stroked my face "of course I'll show you" he stood I followed him in the bathroom. This school year was sure to be great, interesting at best.

After we fooled around just kissing and heavy petting we got a few stares from the people on the bus , a old woman muttered something about us needing Christ, whatever I was really liking Casey .

(Okay back story on Casey I was in Malibu staying with my friend Nick Stephens I meet him through Matt and one morning I went jogging on the beach and I tripped over something or should I say someone , it was Casey he was sleep on the beach but he looked angry as fuck "watch were the fuck your going" he yelled I just looked at him , he was hot as hell , his tan skin, brown hair just above his deep brown eyes and the cutest face I've ever seen he had a surfers body. "I'm sorry ,I said putting my head down. At that point I was still hurting from Brandon . He stood up and walked to me "are you crying" he asked softly "no I should go" I said and turned he put his hand on my bare skin the contact made my body tangle " I'm sorry , I guess I shouldn't have feel asleep on the beach , I was just trying to not think about stuff" I felt at ease with him and when he smiled at me my heart melted in a good way . Over the next couple of weeks , we became friends then it somehow became more : it happened on a Saturday in august he was going on a date with some girl and I could remember myself feeling so bitter and jealous and he picked up on that "are you okay" he asked starring intently in my eyes I couldn't just say how I felt so I just nodded yes not speaking . Casey sat next to me putting his hand on my thigh I looked up at him "tell me the truth Joshua" he said in a stern voice I still couldn't say anything he stood up " okay then I have a date , don't worry if I don't call you I'll probably be out all-night" he turned I stood "Casey you cant " I walked over to him "why not" he was starring at me "because I ..I" he leaned in and kissed me "because you like me, its about time Joshua Barrett I thought I would have to keep on pretending to go on a date" now I was confused "wait! what? You pretended just so I could tell you how I feel?" he smiled. "of course , in case you haven't noticed I don't like girls , never have never will but I do like a certain boy who almost trampled me on the beach a little over a month ago" I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in we kissed .)


Jessica came into Joe's and sat across from me "this Is it" she said "yup senior year" I was not happy about starting this school year without josh. "thinking about him again" Jessica asked "can't help love" I Replied Vince came to our table with coffee he sat down next to me "guys we should go, school is about to start" he said we got up and left out. When we got to school Jess and Vince went in I just stood there looking at the building, Reflecting on last year I zipped up my Jacket and walked into the school I walked straight to my locker, we were assigned to the same locker I put by book bag in and shut the door I looked over at josh' locker I opened it his name tag was in it but it was completely empty. I then felt a hand on my shoulders " you miss him don't you" she said I looked up it was Karen "oh so your talking to me I said "my brother told me what really happened I'm sorry for what I said" we hugged it out " don't sweat it and by the way you look great, how was Miami" I said "the best damn vacation ever , Craig is so lucky he moved there" she said "so you and Craig are over" she shook her head yes she looked kind of sad but she quickly snapped out of it , Karen looked way different she was tan and her hair was a rich brown compared to last time when it was blond " so have you spoken to josh" I said nonchalantly she smirked when I brought his name up.

" yeah he should have been here already" she studied my face I looked around trying to avoid her eyes then the bell started to ring , saved by the bell "I have history" I said "well at least you don't have Chemistry " she shook her head in agony. I got to class and saw a few of my friends we talked about our summer until our teacher came in Mr. Kelly I sat down "Good morning I see we have some seniors some Juniors, I will be passing around this semesters syllabus" after that I just daydreamed about nothing really I guess because everything seemed a blur then I felt a nudge " what! " I said Jessica pointed and there he was josh Barrett his shoulder length hair was gone it was now cropped it was different for him he seemed a lot muscular as well more defined and his face was just so good looking "sexy oh my gawd" Jessica whispered I elbowed her she laughed. Josh didn't even look at me, that hurt. I slumped back in my seat. Class seem to go forever and I kept taking peaks at Josh , I starred at his arms even though he wore a long sleeve shirt I could see the definition then my eyes wondered to his chest then to his lips they looked so soft then , our eyes meet I froze he just looked at me for a minute then looked away .

The bell finally went off and he got up and left out Jessica told me good luck. how was I to get him back? , where do I start? ,what can I say? " I gathered my books and left out of the class room Vince walked up to me "so Josh is looking really good what are you going to do" he asked "I don't know " I said as we started walking we ended up at my locker I put my new text book inside "just explain how your father made you do all that stuff and that you love him" Vince urged me , this was still a little weird because Vince was with Josh but I knew he was only being a friend "thanks for being my friend" I said he smiled "your welcome I just want you to be happy" he said then he looked over my shoulders and he looked shocked "what?" I said about to turn around he grabbed me "Brandon its nothing lets just go" he said pulling my arm "no let me go" I pulled away and turned Josh was kissing some guy my heart literally sunk in my chest. I watched them who was he? and why was he kissing my Josh? . After what seem like forever they pulled apart and josh eyes quickly went to mine , I could feel my eyes tear up. "I have to go" I said sadly to Vince then walked down the hall into the bathroom I went into the stalls and took out my pain killers and popped them in my mouth drinking some of my bottled water I just wanted to numb the pain all of it.

(Karen )

Later that day I arrived at school and josh was there with some cute boy "hi cuz" he hugged me "its been forever , who is he" I politely asked looking over to the cute guy "this is Casey Ford he's my boyfriend" he proudly said Casey shook my hand "nice to meet you Karen , josh here just couldn't shut up about you this whole summer" he said to me , I grabbed Josh hand "sorry Casey I need to steal my cousin away for a little bit " i said "fine by me " he replied I dragged him in the living room "what about Brandon" I asked "what about him , the loser broke my heart remember" he said looking angry "so you saw him today and you are telling me you didn't feel nothing" I asked he looked a little ticked off from my question "no I didn't , Brandon is just a distant memory I don't care what he does" josh smiled I shook my head in Disbelief " do you even know the real reason why Brandon said those things , he said it to" Josh cut me off " I don't care why Brandon Humiliated me and I will never care I'm with Casey now and he's all that matters" he stormed back in the kitchen where Casey was I followed "Casey we are leaving" josh said looking furious with me "josh I'm sorry" I said "yeah you and everyone else around here" they left out . Great now my cousin is Mad , but why is he so mad maybe he's not really over what happened maybe I can ...( no just leave it alone Karen , its non of your business and besides a certain guy is coming over to see you , )

(Casey )

I met all of josh friends and family and it just made the picture of him complete I just knew certain parts of him and meeting his family and friend placed the pieces together , there was something I also noticed , a thing between him and that cute guy who looks like that guy from 90210 they kept exchanging glances at one another , what was that about , was that Brandon and if it was , he was not going to get josh not from me he wasn't I was ready to fight fire with fire . I drove into main and we went straight his house I kissed him and he got out I drove off. When I got home I looked at the house that was ridiculously hugh even for me. why in the hell did my parents buy this house a waste of money I thought as I drove into the big gate separating our house from the others I parked and went inside and immediately was hounded by my sister "so how was it will I like it " she asked I shook my head in disbelief "brook , the school is nice you will like it and there are a lot of cute boys there" I said "really , you do have good taste in guys look at Josh" she reminded me "look sis we are twins we got to look out for each other, you were nervous I scoped the place out for you now you can come tomorrow" I smiled she did too "tomorrow we will go to school together and soon take over" she said we both laughed.

(Brandon )

I felt drowsy I never felt like this before , I got up from my bed and made it downstairs then the door bell rung I went over to it and opened it , it was Josh. We kind of just looked at each other before anyone spoke "you want to come in" I asked "yeah sure" he walked in "josh its really good to see you" I smiled he didn't return my smile then I guess mine faded "look I don't want there to be any bad blood between us , what happened , happened in the past , lets forget about the past and move forward". the room felt like it was Spinning what the hell was going on with me I went to take a step forward but I took two steps back collapsing on the floor josh ran over to me "Brandon! you alright," he looked worried "I'm , fine I think" I said " no your not , let me help you" he said he helped me up putting my arm around his neck and holding on to my waist we went upstairs to my room. He laid me down he left back out and a few minutes later returned with water he made me drink some actually holding the cup to my mouth "what's going on Brandon?" he asked "nothing , I'm fine I just forgot to eat something" I lied " take care of yourself" he said turning to leave "Josh!" I said "yeah" he replied back " I'm sorry for all the pain" I was trembling " yeah me too, he said " walking out the room.

(Josh )

It was hard walking away from Brandon but it had to be done , I had to look towards my future and being with Brandon just wasn't an option , I had other things to think about . I Left out his room and went downstairs I started for the door but noticed something I walked over to his book bag and saw a medication bottle sticking out I took it out the label was for Xanax and he had recently got them from the date that was on the bottle , but why was the bottle empty .. Is Brandon Addicted?.

(To be continued)...

Next: Chapter 31: Thats Life 12

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