Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Aug 7, 2009


The cold Bitterness Air of Upstate New York was taking it's toll on Practically everyone , I put on my Big Snorkel coat and Snow boats and headed out the door . I never anticipated my life being what it was , Everything that's happened to me not only knocked me down but it built me up to be a much stronger person , a much stronger man .

A half an hour later I Arrived at Washington High, The Big Brick and Marble building stood there as a backdrop for the Snow that was falling on and around it. I have to admit School was not my Cup of tea but the Scene laid out in front of me was Very Picturesque, I entered the school not completely desolated I thought there were a few students there , I guess we were the only people that didn't get the memo , I walked to my locker and took off my coat and book bag and placed it on the hooks then I shut the door , and turned around my back against my locker . I started to play with my watch I then looked at it as if it held some secret code , in a way it did I took it all and read the engraving that Brandon left me "love Brandon " was I actually in a love triangle .

As I stood there looking at my watch I heard Brandon's voice he was talking to someone but I couldn't see who, I didn't want him to see me so I stood there . then I didn't hear him anymore he must have went upstairs or something I put my watch back on and preceded in the same direction as I passed he was sitting down on the round cushion seats located on almost every part of the school he hung up his phone then looked up and we locked eyes he smiled I must have looked panic because his smile faded I walked away as fast as I could . When I got to the end of the hallway I looked to make sure he wasn't there but he was watching me. As he walked closer I Leaped onto the Staircase and grabbed hold of the Chrome Banister pulling myself up stair by stair as far as I could to get away from him.


I'm the Type of guy who never liked Change. Never had Until I meet Josh, He opened me up to new possibilities something I would have never experienced if I had not meet him . We locked eyes and he freaked out basically Running down the hall I started to walk towards him but he went up the stairs my guess is he found the engraving . I turned around bumping into the Principle "Mr. Lawson What are you doing here? School has been Cancelled " He said I kept looking around "I kind of figured that" I said , looking around at the other students. I was on the first floor but my mind was on the second or third floor where Josh could have been "well you cant go home , we are all snowed in there is hot food being served in the lunch room" he said then walked away . I walked back to the Staircase and went upstairs I walked onto the second floor and didn't see anyone, I walked down the hall and around the corner and there he was , sitting on the floor I slowed down as I approached him not wanting to scare him off , he looked up as I could tell he sensed me I gave him a look of compassion he kind of motioned with his head to approach and I did. Josh opened a piece of gum and popped it in his mouth Chewing Vigorously , he seemed nervous I bent down and was facing him he looked at me and Gulped several times I then spoke " I suppose you found the engraving I had customized on your watch" Josh shook his head in agreement "actually Vince found it and we had a big fight " Josh said Dryly . "but we made up , so now we are good."

"you don't love him, Josh you should be with me!" I exclaimed, I then glanced around in self-consciousness "wow you don't waste anytime" he said harshly , it was like a sudden break in something that once was a little fragile but solid at best . His cold look was like an axe cutting my heart and me bleeding onto the floor without a single person to help me. I touched his face caressing it stroking it he turned his head in disapproval " I love you Josh and I'm not going to stop, you did this to me, you made me love you " I bluntly put it the way I wanted it to sound. I moved in closer to kiss his soft pink pouty lips that always have my attention, Then out the corner of my eye I saw someone I looked it was some freshmen girl she had a girlish embarrassed look on her face her cheeks were as red as an apple the girl was slim and brunette , "I'm sorry to interrupt but Dean firestone told me to find all the people in the building and bring them to the lunch room" she smiled then went down the hall to the third floor josh was still looking at me I think we both starting tearing up at the same time "we should go , there's nothing left to talk about " Josh stood up and started walking the Direction the Freshman came from.

(Josh )

We went into the lunchroom there were about fifteen other students and two lunch ladies I sat down between this Asian girl sue and a guy so Brandon couldn't sit next to me he sat across from me just starring at me. I got up and walked out of the lunchroom then down the hall he followed me again I turned around clearly angry "what do you want from me! " I shook my head in disbelief "I want you" said Brandon I frowned at his answered. His eye's were seducing me and I wanted so bad to kiss him but I couldn't bring myself to do that "that's not possible Brandon just let it go" I said looking him directly in his eyes "it is possible, all it takes is you" he gave me a sly, suggestive look, I call it the Brandon look, I almost smiled but I didn't want Brandon to think he had a chance . I walked up the flight of stairs and preceded through the door he caught up to me then grabbed me "Stop" he screamed in a high voice I never heard before he slammed me against the locker "what the hell are you doing " I was squirming to get out of his grasp but it was no use it's like he put all his force into holding me there . "I love you josh" he went in to kiss me I was turning my head in every direction so our lips couldn't meet I could feel tears form on the bottom lid of my eye the warm liquid rolled down my cheek "stop I don't want you" our lips met and I felt a tangling sensation through my body I tried to fight him pushing him away but his grip on me was tight I just gave in and kissed him back. He let go of me and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in closer his body was pressed hard against my own I could feel our cocks getting hard trying to break free from the barrier. Brandon ran his fingers through my hair his fingers were shaking as were mine. He broke the kiss then smiled "say you love me" he looked different as if something came over him "no!" I said playing his game he kissed me again now stroking my cock through my pants "say you love me " he gripped harder jerking me it felt as if I was going to cum he licked my neck "I love you" I said he kissed me then backed away I walked up to him then kissed him back doing the same thing gripping his cock stroking him I then undid his zipper and pulled his cock out I began jerking him "say you love me " I said "I love you" he said in a faint tone "I didn't hear you Brandon" I yelled going even faster "I..I...I..I'm gonna cum" he said he squirted all over my hand and the wall''.About two hours later the roads were cleared but we were able to leave we all put on our coats and gathered our things i was about to walk out until Brandon grabbed my hand "what is going to happen with us" Brandon said "I don't know, I'm still with Vince this is all complicated " I said feeling very overwhelmed "listen you can break up with him when you decide to I'm not going to rush you" he said with a smile "wait a minute Brandon I don't know if that is what I want to do , I do like Vince" "but you love me , you have to break up with him, oh before I go " he Frenched me right there "okay boys get home" we broke apart the principle was standing there shaking his head we left out into the cold bitter weather I walked to go to the bus stop I felt someone stop me he wrapped his arms around me "you are not taking the bus Josh , his hand was on my hand " why

don't I take you home "I turned around and looked at him "can you give me a answer I am freezing my balls off" I laughed "okay " he kissed me the cold weather seem to melt away with the warmth of him "I'm crazy about you , Josh."

"You will never guess what I saw"

"what ?"

"Brandon Lawson getting jerked off by non other then Josh Barrett. he squirted everywhere "

"Are you serious "

" I have the tape to prove it"

"you recorded it let me see it"

"no, I got better use for it ."

Next: Chapter 28: Thats Life 9

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