Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jul 3, 2009


"nothing but drama""drama , Drama is Life" Ms Jane said I sat there not sure what she meant by her statement

"what do you mean" Karen said to the Drama teacher

"Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance.. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action, at least that's what Wikipedia say's" she said

I smiled she always seem to be Very Blunt about everything. "so this year performance is Wuthering Heights we will be casting Key principle roles Heathcliff being the most Prominent then its Catherine Earnshaw , Edgar Linton, Isabella Linton, Hindley Earnshaw, Ellen (Nelly) Dean, Linton Heathcliff, Cathy Linton, Hareton Earnshaw, followed by other non essential characters for all you non essential actors and actresses who wont get the leading roles" she said

"I'm going to tell you the truth , if you don't get the good roles that's because you aren't good enough " she walked off the stage the next half hour was spend looking at kids who couldn't act worth a damn , how hard could it be I thought I was only here to be on the lighting crew. Karen went up she had the script in her hand and began to read her lines.

"Hareton for god sakes where are you going , well since you're here might I ask you a question" ms Jane stopped her "why the southern accent" she asked "I cant do a British one so I thought I make Cathy Linton a southern belle" she said " I like it , okay people the characters are from the south lets make this English story with a American southern twist" I got up to go to the bathroom "is there a Joshua Barrett here" I stopped then turned "I'm here " I said "lets see you as Heathcliff" she said "um I only came for the lighting job" I answered Karen got off the stage and walked over to me "I kind of put your name down under Heathcliff" she said "I'm going to kill you" I scolded her she handed me the script and shoved me to the front of the Auditorium

I went on the

stage everyone was looking at me should I run off I thought , then I decided

to give it a try , worst case scenario I'm terrible , well acting isn't my

forte anyway. I opened the script and read off the fifth page "I love you , but I hate you

terribly. when I'm around you my heart aches in a the most Earth shattering

way , you cant marry Edgar Linton by you doing that the world will stop I promise

you" I just stared into empty space a tear fell out of my eye I turned everyone

looked at me stunned ms Jane started clapping "bravo , bravo " she said I

turned maybe three shades of red but what caught my attention was Brandon he

was standing in the doorway smiling at me I got off the stage.

"I will post the list tomorrow" she said I walked out the Auditorium

Brandon was standing there "you were great" he said "thanks" Karen walked passed me " excuse me for a minute " I walked away from him and ran up to Karen grabbing her arm "why in the hell would you do that" I asked "To get you out of your shell , you have so many talents and you will not show the world" she said "if I wanted to audition for the role I would have I didn't need you to do that for me "

"I was only trying to help" she said

"I don't want your help stay out of my life" I said walking away.


I was walking and bumped in Vince "I'm sorry " I said looking at my competition

"no problem , so you and Josh are pretty Close " he was looking at me intently searching for the answer before I could say anything

"What do you mean" I asked

"Nothing I was only saying that I'm glad you two are friends after everything that happen with you two before" he said "oh yeah, I was a jerk to him but we seem to be patching things up" I said "good , you know Josh is really important to me I'm glad everything is okay" he pat me on my back and walked away "something about that guy royally got on my last nerves maybe because he is with Josh , I don't know " .


I walked into Joe's pissed that Josh yelled at me. Craig was there I sat down in our usual booth next to him he wrapped his arm around me "is everything okay babe" he asked "no everything is not okay, Josh told me to stay out of his life " I said "why would he do that " Craig asked me "I kind of signed him, up for a play with out his knowledge "

"you know how josh is Karen , you cant just spring stuff like that on him , you're dead wrong" he said , hearing him say that only confirmed me feeling bad about what I did to my cousin .


I stayed up all night after Brandon Broke up with me , he met someone else , but who , I will find this out and I will hurt Brandon like he hurt me , I sat there in Katlyn's Café just thinking , Josh came in he walked over to me and sat down

"you look like hell" he said

"that's because , Brandon broke up with me " I said I must have caught him off guard he was quite

"I'm sorry to hear that" he said he placed his hand on my shoulder "if you need anyone to talk to I am here "he said I smiled at him because I could tell he was really being genuine

"thanks Josh that means a lot coming from you " I said

"so how about those Yankee's " Josh said

"what?" I said looking at him strangely

" that's what people say to try to change the subject " he shrugged his shoulders we laughed


I went into the room and saw Josh watch on the nightstand I walked over to it and looked at it's a really nice watch I was about to put it down but I saw something I t was in the inside of the watch "love Brandon" I said out loud Josh walked in "what is this " I said looking at him "what is what?" he said walking over to me I showed him "I never saw that " he said "oh come on

You never saw the engraving in the watch do I look that stupid to you " I said I was furious with Josh.


I didn't know why he was so mad "Vince, Brandon is my friend" I said

"your friend , there was something else going on before I was even in the picture , and you mean to tell me you didn't see this engraving " he asked me

"this is the first time I heard about a Engraving" I looked felt puzzled about what was going on

"bullshit , josh" he looked at me shaking his head

I shook my head then snatched my watch "you know what fuck you " I grabbed my suit case and started packing "what are you doing " he asked " I'm leaving " he grabbed me then kissed me "I believe you, I'm sorry" he said "I'm just jealous okay , I don't want you to want anyone else but me " he looked to the ground I kissed him "you are the only one for me, you not Brandon" he hugged me and I just lied to him.

(The Next day)


I came down the stairs Jessica Durant someone I know had a box of books "you need help jess "I said

"would greatly appreciate it " she said

we were walking towards the exit of the school

"So how are things with you and witch I mean whit" she asked I grinned at what she just said

"we actually broke up"

"I didn't know that "

"that's because no one knows I haven't told anyone about it " I said

"well there are other girls out there " she said

"I'm already interested in someone else" I said looking at her

"oh buddy , your cool in all but definitely not my type" she smiled

" not you , Josh Barrett" she looked at me "holy shit , you mean", your gay" she said " I don't know , but I do know I love him " I said "well , it seems hell has frozen over"

"look you cant tell anyone I'm not ready for all of that" I said "don't worry about it " she said wrapping her arm around mine we walked out together we walked down the steps in front of the school then out of nowhere Whitney grabbed the box and threw it on the floor

"this is the girl you left me for , Jessica?" she said angry I never saw Whitney like this

"you need to calm down now " everybody was looking at us "You know what Whitney I'll talk to you when you calm down " I said

I picked up Jessica box "come on Jess" we walked away "screw you and your Bitch " she said I sat jess box on the trunk of her car when I turned around Jessica was walking back to her I ran to them

"if anyone's the bitch it's you Whitney" Jessica said

people were crowding us "guys stop it "I said "I'm the bitch but your with my Boyfriend " all the guys were cheering patting me on my back saying "Brandon you're the man" I told them it's nothing like that. Karen and Craig pulled into the parking lot, Jeff came next to me "what's going on" he said I just shook my head

"your a slut , you know how I feel about Brandon and you took him away " she said

Karen and Craig walked over to Whitney "sweetie calm down" Karen said to Whitney rubbing her arm "Jessica why don't you leave her alone" Karen yelled at Jessica.

Jessica laughed "Karen girl , if you knew what she did to you you wouldn't be so sympathetic to her " she said

"what do you mean what she did to me " Karen asked

"last year at the drag race between Nathan and Johnny , I was there " she said Whitney's face turned completely white.

"Jessica stop" Whitney said

"no , I'm not , oh Jeff I didn't see you there , I guess everybody involved is here , you see Karen It was your best friend that slept with your boyfriend Jeff " Jeff closed his eyes and shook his head Whitney turned to Karen.

"is that true was it you " Karen asked Whitney looked at the floor then back at Karen and shook her head yes everybody started calling Whitney names like tramp and slut I felt bad for her , this was not suppose to happen to her

"you're my best friend and you can hurt me like that , and Jeff how could you" she said I saw anger in her face

"it jut happened " Jeff said Karen didn't want to here anymore I could tell she was humiliated she turned to leave

"I'm sorry Karen , it was an accident " Whitney said she was just adding insult to injury

"oh okay you accidently kissed him then Accidently dropped his pants then accidently dropped to your knees you skink" Karen said

"please try to understand" Whitney said she touched Karen arm Karen went into defense mode then slapped her Whitney held her face she was in complete shock everyone were looking at one another I wanted to hug Whitney but she did this to herself " as far as I'm concern we are no longer friends " Karen screamed then walked away Craig followed......

Next: Chapter 27: Thats Life 8

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