Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jul 2, 2009




Brandon came up to me "can I talk to you in private" he said "sure okay we went to the back room "what's up " I said " I wanted to give you your present " he said he pulled out a box "happy birthday josh" he said I took it and opened it "oh my god this is a beautiful watch , I cant except this " I said " I bought it for you" he took it out the box and put it on my left arm, I'm a lefty by the way "thank you " I said we stared at each other Brandon leaned in then we heard a crash "what was that" I said we ran out the room everyone was outside the bar "what's going on " I said Whitney grabbed me she had tears in her eyes "josh its Karen" I pushed every one out of the way , I saw Craig Motorcycle wrapped around a tree , then I saw Karen and Craig laying side by side and Ashley was on her side a few feet away i ran to Karen and Craig "Karen wake up " i said frantically "oh my god was all I could think I heard the Ambulance coming. ..........


At the hospital

Martin and Moira Barrett were in there with there daughter , i went in "how is she " i asked "i don't know the doctors wont say anything until they run a few test " martin said " she's your daughter you two should be the first to know what's going on with her " i said " my thoughts exactly " "has anyone called Matthew " Moira said :I'll do it " I suggest "thank you Josh" i looked at Karen before I left she was petty banged up , I left out the room and as passing i saw Craig he was on his side wide awake I went in "what happened " he looked up at me "I don't know we were on my bike coming to your birthday and then out of nowhere Ashley was in the middle of the street looking for something I guess I tried to swerve but the back of the bike hit Ashley she flew then the next thing I remember is being here no one wants to tell me how Karen is or Ashley " Karen is pretty banged up she's still unresponsive and i don't really know what's going on with Ashley except she needed surgery" he started crying "this is all my fault , the cops keep on coming by questioning me " he said "this is not your fault Craig it was an accident " i said "you don't blame me for your cousin " he said "no, that's a risk of being on a motorcycle you both knew that " i said then I continued "get some sleep , I have to go call a few people " I went to leave "hey josh" he said I turned "thanks " he said I left out I went in the waiting room , Brandon , Vince , Whitney , and Jeff his eyes were red as hell "how is she " he asked "still nothing " I said "that son of a bitch Craig i should kill him " Jeff said "it was not Craig fault " I said "what the hell do you mean he was driving that crap he should have kept her safe , like i would have" i looked at him cold "maybe if you wouldn't have cheated on her she wouldn't have looked at Craig once and this would have never happened to her " he looked to the floor "i should go" he said he walked out "why did you say that" Brandon said " i don't know I'm frustrated i guess " I pulled out my cell and called Matt's number it rung about three times i was about to hang up until i heard matt's voice "hello" he said "matt its Josh , your cousin" i said " i know who you are , why are you calling so late" he asked "its about your sister she was in a accident " his voice went from sleeping to alert "what do you mean she was in a accident " he asked "she's hurt badly uncle martin asked me to call you " "oh god um .. I'm up now tell them I'm on my way" he said then hung up " Vince wrapped his arms around me we hugged "what if she dies" I said "she wont because we will pray for her " Vince said "lets pray" I said.

The next day

I woke up in my chair there was a note in my hand it was from Vince he said he had to go but that he would be back to check on me , Whitney and Josh was gone as well , Jason and Dad came into the waiting room i didn't say anything they sat down I stood up and was about to leave "son wait" dad said i turned around "come back home will you " he said "why so you can attack me again , I'll pass " i said "stop being a baby " Jason said "you know what you shut the hell up you don't know what this guy has put me through because you weren't around I have every right to feel the way i do , and no one is going to change that " i said " i made mistakes i know but i love you " i laughed " i almost believe you , but its time i start living my own life , start looking out for me and my best interest because clearly you cant " i said " you are a minor , josh I'll go to court and get them to make you come home " he said in a threatening voice "go ahead dad , tell them how you were never at him , always leaving me money thinking that would keep me distracted or something , and tell them how i felt alone didn't have anyone , and how you just one day moved some strange lady and your bastard son in the house and expected us to be one big happy family " i said "we are your family" i laughed "wow, maybe i should move to Australia or maybe England to get away from you" i walked down out of the room matt and Nathan walked off the elevator "josh " matt hugged me "where is Karen " he said i walked them down the hall Matt went inside .


i walked into my sister's hospital room mom and dad both looked up they walked up to me and hugged me "i bet this looks familiar" I said "why was she on that motorcycle , matt "mom said " she was seeing that Craig boy that's why she had no business with a boy like him and our little girl is fighting for her life" my dad said i sat next to Karen holding her hand "kiddo you always have to be dramatic don't you " i said "you know the world is centered around you and if you leave us how will we cope " i said , there still was no response "lets get out of here go get some coffee of something " i said "yeah your right its only downstairs " mom said we were about to leave out "hey why are you all leaving i thought i was the center of the world " we turned Karen opened her eyes "Karen your okay" we all said "yes im okay, oh my god where's Craig" she said "Craig is fine he's in the next room " mom said "i have to see him " she said "you will do no such thing " dad said "I need to see if he's alright" Karen said "you are not getting out of this bed until you are better and that's final" mom said .


so how's life in the city "I ask Nathan " he smiled "its great and to have Matt there it's even better" he said "that's cool , you know I sat down "so i heard your out of the closet" he asked me "yeah I guess I am , it's kind of liberating " I smiled "yeah it is, everyone deserves to be happy " Nathans said , a doctor walked passed us he looked upset the nurse followed "doctor Drew you did everything you could for that young women but her injuries were just too damaging " she said "that girl was only sixteen " he said I covered my mouth i walked over to them "is Ashley Walters dead" I said he just looked at me and didn't say anything "oh my god she's dead" i turned around and walked down the hall "josh" Nathan called after me .

---Three weeks later ---


Ashley was gone and her mother and family did a private burial earlier but decided to have a funeral service for the people that knew her I cant believe Ashley is gone " Karen said as she got out of the car' "neither can I " Whitney said Brandon stood next to me we all looked at the church "is Craig coming" I asked Karen "no , he feels so guilty about all of this and Her parents made it clear they didn't want him to be there the bells rung on top of the church "it's time you guys" Brandon said we went inside and everything just seem to be sad , i saw Ashley parents in the front of the church crying I felt so we all sat together a lot of people from school was there , the services started and it lasted for about a hour and a half her parents thanked all of us for coming but they virtually ignored Karen she felt guilty for what happened after we went to Joe's and ordered Ashley favorite a double cheeseburger with onion rings and a chocolate milk shake we raised our glasses and said cheers .

(Craig )

I didn't have the heart to go to Ashley's funeral considering the fact that it's my fault that she is dead in the first place , she haunts me in my sleep I can hear her voice , my parents have gotten me special care to deal with the matter but doesn't seem to help the only thing that does are the anti-suppressant pills my doctor prescribed , people in school don't talk to me anymore I am labeled the guy who killed Ashley it's bad , and Karen hasn't left my side she has been there for me , she really is the best girlfriend in the whole world she reminds me everyday that it was an accident . I walked into class Lloyd were looking at me "do you have a problem " I said "no not at all I wouldn't want you to kill me or anything " he said I just looked at him "your pathetic you know that " I lost it at that point "what the fuck do you people want from me , it was an accident I didn't see her, okay " Ms Jones walked up to me and I buried face in my hands she patted my back "it was an accident" Craig no one blames you "everybody blames me" I said I was crying Karen came in and took my hand " I'll take him" she said to my teacher we walked out she hugged me "I wish it was me that had died that night not Ashley" I said "don't say that ,I wish no one would have died that night , I wish we would have stayed home or even walked to the party, but don't say you wish it was you because I love you and I cant imagine losing you " she said I kissed her she kissed me back .


Josh likes the watch I gave him but he clearly didn't read what i had engraved on his watch, which might be a good thing, being conflicted and all I hate that I was a jerk to him because I care about him so much but sometimes you have to sacrifice what you feel for someone else's happiness and he is happy with Vince . I got home and sat down at the kitchen table dad walked in from the living room "how was the service " he said "sad, life is so short " I said "yeah, that's why you have to make the most of it , stop hiding behind things that are just so not important and just live your life to the fullest" he said he then pat me on my back and walked back in the living room I analyze his words. Later that evening I was home alone dad was on duty , mom went to visit grandma there was a knock on the door i opened it "I read the engraving Brandon , do you really love me " Josh said "yeah i do" he walked close to me then kissed me ,,I heard knocking and snapped out of it josh wasn't there I was only thinking he was , I opened the door Whitney was in tears she came in and hugged me I hugged her back "whit what's wrong " I said " I did something , and I feel guilt because if I wouldn't have done what I did , maybe Ashley wouldn't be dead" she said "Whitney , your freaking me out what did you do" I said practically screaming at her : i was the girl who Karen saw in the car with Jeff , it was me " she said I looked at her I couldn't believe the words she was saying to me "but we were together during " I stopped in midsentence "you cheated on me " I said "I know and if i hadn't Jeff and Karen would still be together and everything would be okay " she said sobbing I grabbed her "What happen was not your fault , who knows what would have happened if Jeff and Karen stayed together, i kissed her "your not mad" she said " no , I'm not" I told her how could I be when I cheated on her with Josh sure she cheated first but it wouldn't be right to judge her .

we laid down her arms on my chest i stroked her hair and all i could think about was josh being here with me , and his hands on my chest touching my body and me touching his body "whit" I said "yes" she said "I don't love you" I said she sat up "what?" she said "this has nothing to do with you cheating I felt this way before that , I'm sorry " I said she looked at me then got up "wow, you son of a bitch" she tried to storm out I grabbed her "Whitney try to understand "I said "are you in love with some one else " she asked me I didn't say anything "right , there's someone else": she left out I heard the door slam." I love Josh.


Vince came in with take out "Got Chinese" he said "I can't live with you" o said he sat the bags down "what? Why?" he asked "I need to be independent you know , and I will stay with you for a while , just stay not live "I said he looked crushed "Are you mad" I asked "no I'm not mad just disappointed " he said I walked over to him and kissed him "life is too short and I really want to be with you " I said "and I want to be with you" he said I grabbed his hand and we walked to the bedroom took off his shirt and then mine and pushed him on the bed "are you sure about this" he asked "I never bee so sure about anything in my life" I said I looked at the watch Brandon gave me and for a split second something came over me , I took the watch off and put it on the nightstand then finish kissing him I went down to his neck and sucked on his nipples. He flipped me over and started kissing me from my neck to my chest he sucked on my nipples he undid my belt and slid my jeans off he then went down and was tonguing my balls through my briefs "you smell so good you know that" I ran my fingers through his hair he slid my briefs off I was hard as a rock he wrapped his hands around my dick and jerked me off a little he then came up and kissed me his hard dick was pressed against mine.

I put the condom on him and lubed it up I got on top of him and guided his dick in my ass , I sat down on it the head went in it hurt like hell I yelled "haven't you had anal before" he asked me "yeah but it's been a while " I said I went down on it further then I lifted up a little then back down making it rhythmic he was moaning and the pain subsided he was now thrusting into me "awww shit , that fucking feels good" I said he smiled I began going back and forth his head board was banging against the wall "Damn , Josh your fucking rocking my world" he said I stopped and laid on my back he lifted my legs and got between me he stuck his cock in my ass I rested my legs on his shoulders he began to pump into me "yeah , you're the best he said as he kissed my legs I started jerking my cock this feeling felt so amazing " I'm gonna cum I said and I felt my ass tighten around his thrusting cock I came all over my stomach "oh shit" he said , he pulled out and stroked his cock then came on me , he was panting he fell on top of me our sticky juices mixing on our body " I love you " he said I freaked out :this must be how Brandon felt .

Next: Chapter 26: Thats Life 7

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