Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jun 19, 2009


"Birthday Blues"


Guess what class? pop quiz" Mr. Kelly said "great another damn quiz" Brandon said "what you didn't look over you notes when you got home" I said "not everyone is as smart as you Josh " Brandon said the teacher passed out the question sheet he walked to the front of the room I knew every answer I filled it out then I passed it to Brandon he copied them down then passed it back to me our hands touched he smiled I gave him a look he turned around just before the teacher looked up. about five minutes later " pens down " Mr. Kelly came around collecting the papers "where's Whitney" I asked "I don't know " he said , class was over in no time we walked out together "so you want to hang out after school I mean if you aren't busy with Vince " Brandon said "no I'm free what do you want to do" I asked "I don't know how about we just go for a ride or something " Brandon said "okay lets do that" I said we shook hands and went our separate ways

I walked to my locker Karen came up to me "I spoke to Jason" she said "and your point would be "I said as I put my history book in my locker "my point would be Jason is coming to town" she said I stopped "why?" I said " I don't know he wouldn't say ,except he wanted to check the new house out but maybe its because you are turning seventeen years old my always angry cousin " Karen said "yeah we all know its not because of my birthday , the house is the only thing of interest to my brother" I said " Jason loves you, stop being so negative " Karen said " I closed my locker "well have a good time with your cousin Jason everyone's favorite person I walked away from her "don't be like that" she screamed out.

School was over and Brandon was outside sitting on the hood of his car he waved to me I waved back then walked over to him I got in the car "where too" I said "the mall " he said "what's at the mall" I asked "stores I thought you were smart" we laughed the started the car and we left , "maybe you should call Whitney and make sure she is okay" I said "I'm sure she is alright" Brandon said it became quiet "so your turning the big 16 tomorrow" Brandon said "how did you know " I asked "I know all Grass hopper" he said " my birthday sucks its at the end of the year, everyone been sixteen for months now and we are going to go into a new year and the same people will be turning seventeen I have to wait all the way until November of next year" I said we traveled for about a half an hour and we got to the mall I guess today was the day everyone went shopping , because it was packed


We walked into the mall Josh looked at ease rather when we were in the car together , "I'm gonna go to American eagle" josh said "okay" he walked away , I went to this crafty watch shop , I walked inside it smelled of chestnuts and vanilla which was odd to me "what can I do for you young man " he said "I'm looking for a watch for someone special" I said "oh a girlfriend" he said "no , my friend, he's a guy " I said "oh I'm sorry look at me minding your business" he said "let me show you the watches we have on sale he led me to a case full of good looking watches I saw the one a sterling silver watch it was nice "how much is that one " I said "oh that one is $400.00" he said , I didn't have that but if I did I would buy it "too expensive for me " I said I turned to walk out the door "since it is so close to the holidays , how much do you have " he asked "150.00" he said "I'll give it to you for that then" he said "if you want it engraved I can do that and you can come back in a hour" he said he handed me a slip of paper I wrote to josh love Brandon and handed the paper then left out as soon as I got out of the shop I realized what I wrote.

a hour later i picked up the watch then met up with Josh "what did you get "Josh said "um some random stuff, what about you?" I asked "just a shirt " he said we then left I dropped him off home "let me know if there's any plans for a party" i said "i doubt it , hey thanks " he said and got out the car I drove off


i got home and dad was there he had bags "what's going on dad" I said he smiled "son I've been waiting for you " he said "what's up" I said "I have something to tell you , " we walked into the living room I sat down "you know how I been grieving for almost two years from your mothers death and I met someone " he said I sat there startled "um that's great dad " i said "you thank so , I'm so happy that your happy for me " he was smiling "so how long have you two been seeing each other" I said "for a while" he said "what's a while dad " I really wanted to know he sat down next to me "josh there's something you should know" he said he continued "the reason i been away so much is because we share a son together "You're a liar" "josh I need you to calm down "I cant believe this I cant believe your doing this to me , to mom" I said "don't you talk to me about your mother , it's because" he didn't finish his sentence "its because of me mom is dead" I said "thanks a lot dad " we heard a car horn dad looked towards the window "I wasn't going to say that" he said "yes you were, " "they are in the car its time josh " "well congrats dad you have a new family and you lost a son you probably wished would have died in that crash " I opened the door it slammed open breaking the glass then I left out .

Jason Barrett was the perfect guy , the model son , something I never was even when mom was alive he always tried to be the better son got better grades , had the best since of style and always brought home girls mom and dad would approve of. I went to Vince he could tell something was wrong we went for a walk on main in the shopping district "are you going to tell me what happened" Vince asked as he placed his hand on my shoulders we stopped in the middle of people walking "my dad has another family , he's probably remodeling my room for his little son as we speak" I said "I'm not following" "all the times he's been busy , he's been at this woman house raising his son with her" I said "God , josh I'm sorry" he said "what am I suppose to do with the fact that my father couldn't be there for me , but he's there for them, I don't even want to live there anymore he's moving them in" I said "I got an idea, why don't you move in with me" he said I looked at him "you aren't serious are you" i said "yeah I am , we've been dating for a while I think it would be great" Vince said he kissed me I felt someone pull me then I saw Vince get punched it was my brother Jason "what the hell , Josh " he said "what the fuck Jason" I said he looked at me " he kissed you " I went over to help Vince up "he's my boyfriend" I said "your what? you cant be , you're my brother" he said "since when " I grabbed Vince hand and we started walking Jason yanked me with full force "we are going home now" Jason said I pulled away from him "you cant tell me what to do" I said "you wanna bet" he said Vince looked as if he wanted to pounce I held him back "its okay , I'm gonna go , I'll call you later" I said "are you sure" he said "I'm sure " he walked away people were looking "I'm parked around the corner lets go" I walked with him not saying a word I could feel the tension in the air I got In the car "Are you fucking nuts " he said "I'm finally finding myself" I said he started the car and we drove down the street "it must be this town , first matt now you " he said "like you give a shit about me I know you blame me for mom's death" I said he pulled over "that's what you think" he said "yeah , I was alone , I didn't have anybody you and dad left me" I said I could feel the tears I held them back "I'm sorry , josh I was grieving myself you have to understand" he said "I have to understand that you cut off communications with me , I wanted someone to talk to about me and what I am going through you just wasn't there Jason , but that's okay because what's done is done" I said "what can I do to make it up to you" he said "you can except the fact that I'm gay" he tussled my hair then pulled me close hugging me " I'll never understand it but , I hurt you enough tell that guy I was just being a protective older brother " he said "I'm sure he will understand , but I'm not staying in that house" I said "why not , it's our home" he said "he moved his , son and lady in there and expect us to act as it is okay" I said "give Gloria a chance " it got real quit "what did just say" I said "Gloria , she is nice I met her a couple of times" I shook my head "you have got to be kidding me " I said. Five minutes later we were there we got out "Josh, it's okay really".

we went inside dad had the little boy in his lap at the dinner laughing and talking to him and the women Gloria was putting down plates I could feel the blood pumped up Jason closed the door "dad were home" Jason said Gloria stood up and kissed Jason on the cheek "Gloria what ever your making smells good" Jason said "its your favorite , beef stew " she said Gloria looked at me "wow both your boys are really handsome just like there father " I just stared at dad who was holding I guess my half brother "son, why don't you wash up and get ready for dinner " he said "okay dad" I said with a smile I went upstairs and took out my suit cases I packed as much as I could in my three suit cases and put my laptop ,school books and essentials in my book bag and duffle bag then went downstairs they all were sitting dad saw me and handed Gloria the baby "josh stop this , you're my son" "since when , you don't give a shit about me , once mom the real women in all this , died you could care two fucks about me , it's like you spit on moms grave " he grabbed me and slammed me on the wall he had his hands around my throat "don't you ever say that I loved that women to the best of my ability" , Jason was trying to pry his hands off my neck Let him go:" Gloria screamed at him he did so Jason pulled me to him "we have to work this out" Jason said I laughed "there's nothing to work out he clearly replaced me , us with new people , Jason you can be apart of this shamble but I wont" I grabbed my stuff and left out. I walked down the road, my family was gone..

I arrived at Vince place and I hadn't cried I couldn't I knocked on his door he opened up and saw my bags I just looked at him and I broke down he grabbed me immediately " I tried to talk but words couldn't come out only cries just came out he hugged me tight and said "it's okay , I got you"

( The next morning )

I woke up in Vince bed he was up staring at me stroking my hair my eyes felt puffy "your up" he said I sat up " I'm sorry for last night " I said "stop with the I'm sorry ,you always say that , you don't have to do that with me he kissed me "And you certainly need a tooth brush" he said I laughed and pushed him "there's coffee made if you want some " he got up Vince body was amazing almost like forbidden fruit we made an agreement that we wouldn't have sex and it was great but seeing him without his shirt was taking it's toll on me . I got up and made the bed and went into the living room Vince was on his laptop "so I was thinking lets throw you a party for your birthday tonight" Vince said with a smile "no , I don't want a party" I said slumping down on the couch "then what do you want " he said "I want you for my birthday" he looked up from the computer speechless I went over to him and kissed him then his neck "all of you" I said Vince was getting hard "okay I should take a shower" he said and got up from the computer and went in the bathroom I smiled he came back out "you know what , why not throw me a party it should be fun, I don't know who's going to come" I said "I'm glad you said that we can use the bar downstairs I know the owner he's cool " Vince said "okay then party!" I said

(Brandon )

I told my mom what was going on with me and I feel relieved a little to get some stuff off my chest , but just because I told her doesn't mean my dad is going to like it and now that Josh is with Vince we only stand as friends , Josh came into class he sat down "you called then hung up" I said "yeah I moved out of my dads house " I said "why" I asked "lets just say my dad doesn't need me anymore I moved in with Vince" he said I couldn't believe this was josh nuts he's been seeing this guy for a few weeks , and he actually moved in with him "oh Vince is throwing me a party at Dobson bar tell everyone you know" he said "Dobson wow how did he score that place "I said "he knows the owner or something , so are you coming " he asked "of course " i said Whitney sat down "coming where" she said "Vince is throwing me a birthday its going to be at Dobson's " "I'm so there oh my gosh I have to buy you a present I wish you would have told me before hand " she said Mr. Kelly walked into the class room.

i kept thinking about that watch I bought Josh debating if I should give it to him, considering the Engraving I had put onto it , what would he think when reading it , will he see I still have feelings for him , feelings I cant describe or will he see this as a gift a friend gave him


I am really digging Karen she's hot and she really is a great girl ,not fast , like some girls in this school i think that's what I like about her she's not pushing herself on me i saw her in the square a space outside of school reading a book I came behind her and put my hands over her eyes "guess who" i said "Craig you are so cheesy" she said I laughed then kissed her "your cousin Josh is having a party are you going " I asked "of course I already brought him his present a I-pod touch , so he can throw that cracked up one away" she said "cool, how about after the party me and you go for a ride " "where?" she asked "a surprise " I said "I like surprises " she said "so do I" I said with a smile .

(Josh) That night - music is playing

"Let's have some fun, this beat is sick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's have some fun, this beat is sick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

I wanna kiss you

But if I do then I might miss you, babe

It's complicated and stupid

Got my ass squeezed by sexy cupid

Guess he wants to play, wants to play

A love game, a love game"

everybody was dancing having a good time , the owner Keith locked the alcohol up so he didn't get shut down but that didn't stop a few people from bringing bear the open bar consisted of water, soda and virgin drinks "dude you may be gay but this party is sick" Lloyd said "thanks I think" I said he walked away and started dancing with a girl , Brandon and Whitney came in they walked over to me "happy birthday josh" Whitney said kissing my cheek she handed me a bag "what's this " I said "a present " I looked in the bag "wow a blackberry phone" I said " I didn't know what else to get you " she said "thank you " I said I hugged her "I'm going to get a drink" Brandon said walking away Whitney followed , "so how do you like everything" Vince grabbed me I kissed him " it's great and the gifts are even better I said Brandon staring then he looked away " Ashley came up to me "did you see my sidekick" she said "no" I said "oh god I must have dropped it in the road I have to find it " she said "why not just get a new one " Vince said "that phone is my life it has everything in it "ash relax enjoy yourself, forget that phone" I said she walked away.

As the night was in full effect nothing bad happened no one arguing , no fighting Brandon came up to me "can I talk to you in private" he said "sure okay we went to the back room "what's up " I said " I wanted to give you your present " he said he pulled out a box "happy birthday josh" he said I took it and opened it "oh my god this is a beautiful watch , I cant except this " I said " I bought it for you" he took it out the box and put it on my left arm, I'm a lefty by the way "thank you " I said we stared at each other Brandon leaned in then we heard a crash "what was that" I said we ran out the room everyone was outside the bar "what's going on " I said Whitney grabbed me she had tears in her eyes "josh its Karen" I pushed every one out of the way , I saw Craig Motorcycle wrapped around a tree , then I saw Karen and Craig laying side by side and Ashley was on her side a few feet away i ran to Karen and Craig "Karen wake up " i said frantically "oh my god was all i could think i heard the Ambulance coming. ..........

Next: Chapter 25: Thats Life 6

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