Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on May 26, 2009



I don't want you to think we just broke up because that's not what happened uncle Paul pulled a few string and got me into U.C.L.A as you can imagine I was thrilled but I knew long distance relationship hardly ever work so I told him words I would regret "why don't we explore other options." he looked at me hurt "I thought you wanted to be with me matt said "i do i just don't want you to put your life on hold when im thousands of miles away from you " i said "maybe you want other options " he said upset he stood up and was about to storm out " i love you but this might actually be healthy for our relationship to spend some time apart " he shook his head " i dont believe that it sounds like you want an excuse to stray , but you dont need one , you want to explore other options you do that i wont " he said ,


I thought I would never explore "other options but I did it was hard being away from Nathan i was in a new place surrounded by new people and i met Evan he was stirring at me he caught my attention and smiled i smiled back but that's all it was , Evan is not my boyfriend more of like a buddy I sleep with , Nathan has always been on my mine where he is who he is with ut I would not stop my life for him or anyone else he wanted this not me , he hasn't even called me since that day I call other options day back in June. but i feel the same love I felt for him i just hoped he felt the same "what are you thinking about " Evan said to me "about Nathan " I said "enough with that Nathan thing , do you till here me pinning over Lily or Brian " i laughed "I love him " I said "I know but I thought our little arrangement would get you r mind off of Nathan the Prick " he said " Nathan is not a prick don't say that about him , you don't even know him " i

said "well be thaty may , but any guy who loves you then moves away and don't call sounds like a prick to me " he said he put on his shirt and left out , this arrangement thing I had with evan Ceased today .


Amber is going to School full time and I have businesses to run I hired a Nanny sort of , and I have to admit she is very attractive and i know she is attracted to me but my loyalty is to amber i love her and she loves me but it feels good to know that someone else wants you i came into the loft and she was standing there looking out the window i closed the door she turned "oh Mr Bellini your son is down for his Nap " she said " thank you Jenny" she brushed by me then stopped "you know " she started rubbing my stomach then she went down to my zipper "if you need me to do anything else " i got hard she kissed me and i didn't stop it i kissed her back then pulled away "you need to go" i said "you were clearly enjoying that " she said "lets see if my girlfriend enjoys hearing this story " i said she looked at me then rolled her eyes "i think you should go" i said "what i haven't even been here for that long and Nathanial will want to see me when he

wakes up" she said "he will see his father when he wakes up now go , i will fix you a nice severance package"


I took a cab to school because i was a little late and ran into Cameron my friend who is insane, but you cant help but love her for it anyway "ready for the exam " she said " yes i am she held my hand it was a code so no one would show any interest in us her boyfriend didn't mind for obvious reasons and my boyfriend didnt mind for obvious reasons me and Cameron were attached at the hip i met her two years ago at freshman seminar and we kind of clicked ,

four hours past and we were done

oh my god I think that's Beyonce and Jay-z, Beyonce i love your album" Cameron said very loud drawing attention to us "Cameron shut up " she smiled "what I've been living in manhattan for a year and not one celebrity " she said i wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we walked "i think I liked you better as a blond cam" she elbowed me " im so going for the sophisticated look with the whole brunette bit " . Cameron made a point she did look like a high school girl with the blond hair and with the brunette she had a new physique to her " I'm starved lets go to Amaranth we hailed a cab and went to Amaranth restaurant its located on they have really good food we got a table "hay since i paid last time " i pointed out "okay i will pay but next time buddie its all on you" i gave her a sinister smile then something un expecting happened that i had not anticipated , there he was Nathan he looked even hotter then he did the last time i saw him"who is

that " Cameron interrupted my train of thought " that is Nathan " I said "oh my god " she hit my arm excited "thee Nathan , go talk to him" she said "and say what " i said as quickly as i could a guy sat down opposite him he was really attractive and muscular had Nathan moved on but my god Nathan he seemed more fit and had a nice five o' clock shadow he got me hard instantly ,,,i guess I went through some changes i bulked up on weight i am slim but dont have the swimmers body anymore im solid at 175 and i have to shave a lot more but for the most part i am the same "lets get out of here " i suggested as i saw Nathan and the guy talking having a good time he even put his hand on Nathan's when laughing " you are so a chicken" Cameron said "the waiter came we left him as tip and we tried to leave until i somehow backed into a waiter who was collecting empty plates he fell and the plates shattered causing everyone to look at us ,Nathan made eye

contact with me and Cameron she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the exit

(Nathan )

i had gone to dinner with Jake , a friend of mine from U.C.L.A he was here because he wanted to pop the question to his girlfriend who didn't make the move with him to California, I took him to Amaranth then i saw the back of some guys head and my mind went crazy thinking it was Matt but what would be the odds in new York city that I would run into him slim to non , thinking about matt caused me to think about the things that went down with him and me , doing what we did and suggesting we explore our options or as Matt put it See other people .. i saw the hurt in his eyes and i felt damn guilty because I knew he didn't want that ,,, Then the crash "Nate look! " Jake said "isn't that ,your boyfriend from that picture you carry around" I looked up and we locked eyes " it was matt some girl grabbed his hand "has matt gone straight " i thought and they quickly left out the restaurant i got up and walked to the entry way and he and the girl

was gone


i wondered the street of new york i was in love with Nathan and he clearly moved on , so did i sort of , i should just face the facts we are meant for each other and we shouldn't ever break up , so how do i get him out of my head i stopped in front of the City Hall Fountain and just looked and closed my eyes something felt different i opened them and turned around and Nathan was standing there he smiled at me i smiled back he moved closer "matt hey its been a while" he said " I know" I said he tried to hug me but I moved back "i saw you at Amaranth you know when you made that scene " we laughed "only me " I said " yeah only you " he was staring at me "I missed you a great deal" he said "yeah that's why you never called me " i said back "that's not true I did but I couldn't get through I even called your school they said you got a place outside of campus" Nathan said before I could speak my cell rung i looked at the call it was Evan I picked

up " what?" "are you okay" he asked " im fine , im with Nathan" I said " oh ,I guess he came back for you " Evan said "mind your business " I said I heard a girl in the background "let me guess you and lily" i said "yeah , i would appreciate it if you didn't say anything about the arrangement " he said "my lips are sealed " I said laughing I hung up , I walked up to Nathan and pushed him "what was that for " he said puzzled "for suggesting we explore other options " I said "im sorry" he said I pulled him in and kissed him we held each other tightly " I never want to explore other options again" Nathan said "yeah me either ,


i walked through the door and Nathan and matt were in the kitchen making dinner I kissed both of them on the cheek "when did you get into town " I asked Nathan "today and I have an announcement" he said "i love you matt and being in Los Angeles is too far from you , so i want to move back to New York and live with you " he said matt looked caught off guard Sean came out with little Nate i kissed Sean then Nate he smiled "sugar for my two men" i said he out Nate down and Nate wobbled to the couch " i need to talk to you private" he said , we went into our room "babe it sounds important " "the nanny hit on me , no she kissed me then touched me in my private area's " i processed what he said "what did you do " i said " i kind of let it happen" "what? " I said in rage "but i pushed her away and fired her i calmed down 'did you really stop it " I said " yes i did , i love you and you and little Nate mean the world to me " he said I kissed him "good because

im pregnant" his mouth dropped wide open "that's, that's" :that was a lie i just wanted to do that" I said "that was so not right " he said i laughed "well that's what you get " i said he grabbed me then kissed me "we can make a baby if you want " he was kissing on my neck i laughed "oh please , one is enough for now".i said


Matt kept telling me he wouldn't forgive himself if i put my life on hold and I told him i can enroll in the same classes at a college here in New York I kissed him again , i missed those lips "then I guess we should move in together , but there is a problem Evan , the guy that is my friend that I've been kinda seeing but he is back with his girlfriend " I shook my head "you just find your self in complicated situations don't you" "that's who i am " he said i smiled "and i love you for it " i said "how about we get a place together he and his girlfriend can move into the apartment you have know " "that sounds like a plan" he said

we sat down at the table the five of us the food that me and matt prepared smelled great we laughed and ate and i looked around this is my family , my brother his girlfriend my nephew and the love of my life all at the same table it doesn't get any sweeter then this , Sean walked over to a draw and took out a Jewelry box amber didn't see she was too busy playing with the baby he got on one knee i had to cover Matt's mouth to keep him from giving Sean away " amber " she turned "oh my god Sean what are you doing " she said " i love you , and you make my life complete , even little Nate cant live without you , will you marry me " he said "of course i will marry you" they kissed we cheered them on

about a month later i had transferred over to NYU , I almost missed the deadline for transferring schools and ...

(Matt )

we found a nice Apartment , smaller then Sean's loft but nicer then my old place ,and it's only me and Nathan , no distraction , no crazy Mothers or crazy people we have to deal with , we both are in school and believe it or not , Paula has payed for the apartment she even took me to dinner and apologized for all the wrong she did , and she hope by getting us this place will sort of make up for the bad blood , we gladly excepted it . Nathan had to get use to Evan because we did fool around but now we are all cool , Evan is still having his cake and eating it too , with both guys and girls., Cameron is still Celebrity stalking , Amber and Sean are figuring out the first stage to their wedding , Karen , well you'll read about Karen sooner then you think , she is in the eleventh grade this year. my mom and dad are great and who knows maybe one of us will pop up again , you never know ,, ,as for me I'm Finally , and this time no surprises I promise,, with

Nathan and he is with me , and this love that we share is undescribable. who would have thought all of this would have happen because of a Project, A Project I'm so glad Mr Kelly Assigned. We came out our building We got into Nathan's car "where do you want to go" he said smiling at me "I don't know how about down Broadway lets get a drink" I said "fake i.d `s " h e said smiling "of course " I said we kissed each other and rode off into the sunset , hey I know it sound cheesy but it was five in the afternoon so the sun was actually setting..

Signing off Matt..

The End , for now .....

Hope you guys enjoyed the story , i just want to say i dont know if this is the end but i think Matt and Nate are really great together and alot of you e-mailed me and say how can you break the two up , there is not that muchdram

Next: Chapter 20: Thats Life 1

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