Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on May 24, 2009


I had woken up and my head was spinning where the hell was I and why was I tied to a chair i thought to myself , then this big Shrek of a guy came down the stairs I must be I a basement he looked at me and laughed then started talking in Russian "who are you" I screamed at him "non of your business , hey I got a surprise for you " he said in his strong Russian accent "what's that " he pointed in the direction of a pushed over sofa someone was on the floor not moving the only thing I could see was the legs and sneakers of the person "guess who it is , maybe your lover " he said laughing "oh my god" was all I could say before i passed back out.

(The Day Before)

Okay class remember freshmen year I asked you guys well shorter versions of you with zits and bad hygiene" the class started laughing "what would you hope to accomplish by senior year and i wrote them all down and I want to see if your answers have changed lets start with amber , you said you hoped to have the best shoe collection and the hottest boyfriend" everyone laughed "how is that going for you " "i accomplished both thank you very much" "Mr Bellini, you said you were going to be star player on the lacross team and that you would apply to UCLA and get in to be close to the California girls " "well one of those came true so im pretty satisfied " "Matthew Barrett you said that , you will never be noticed and that school was a drag and you couldn't wait until you go to NYU, so what has changed " Mr Kelly asked "a lot has changed i came out ,which a lot of people wouldn't dear do , my classmates are cool about it , and i have a boyfriend who

use to stuff me in lockers " everybody including Mr Kelly laughed , and i got into NYU , my life did a complete 180 from when i wrote that as a freshmen"


Who said life was easy , i had everything until my life became this thing that has spiraled out of control , I found Karina and demanded a Paternity test we had one and it came back that I am the kids father , Karina wanted it to be Nathan's but I have to take care of my responsibility , Amber isn't returning any of my phone calls and i found out that my Dads brother is really my father , Paula had came in with her luggage and looked at me "Sean what are you doing here , has something happened to Nathan" I shook my head and laughed "that's all you care about is Nathan " she stared at me "i care about you too , you my son I love you but Nathan is Younger he needs to find his course in life " "and you think you will guide him , but you cant because he has taken control of his own life ,clearly he has a boyfriend and a life that had nothing to do with you " i said "why are you so pissed Sean" she said for once mom looked as if she cared " I have a

kid with some Girl name Karina " she looked as if she turned sheep white "mom say something " I said she grabbed my hand and held it " I thought " was all she could say , what was my mother up to



Mom has summoned me to her quarters I saw a suit case on the bed and men clothes hanging in what use to be my Father's closet , I felt betrayed for him , some guy was moving in with mom and she was just moving on "what do you want " I said "you don't have to take that tone with me , I am your mother the one that's in your corner" she said "oh please like you ever did something for me" I said everything I ever did I did it for you" she said "you paid Karina to act as if that baby was mine didn't you " I spoke in a angry tone "I did not , Karina is a bitch I paid her to stay away from you , I have excepted the fact that you are with matt and I haven't tried to do anything to separate you two" she said , I didn't believe a word she was saying "yeah well that baby isn't my kid he is Sean's and Sean you know your other son is having a hard time with this and the fact that you lied to him his whole life " "he told me about karina and the baby" she said "did he tell you he knows that Paul is his Father" I said she looked caught off guard "from the looks of it he didn't tell you he knew , you are a real peace of work mom you know that " I said "I know , but I wanted to give you're the brother the best life possible " she said "by lying to him his whole entire life , you are wrong and its sad you don't see it "

"Nathan you have to understand " "look my graduation is today I want to focus on that not on you and your drama" I said , I went to my room put on my cap and gown and came downstairs she took pictures of me "my boy is all grown up" she said "mother stop" I said she laughed " you may believe I don't love you guys but I do , you and your brother mean a great deal to me " she said Paul came in "wow your graduating High School a big landmark in your life " he said "yeah I know I should be going " I said "we are right behind you " my mother said .



"i just want to say , that four years in Washington high was hell" the audience started laughing "but i wouldn't trade it in for the world because those four years we spend here changed my life , all of our lives , this school is were we made friends fell in love , had our hearts broken and fell in love again and lets not forget the school work" they laughed again "we the class of 2009 want to say to the teachers to all the faculty that we appreciate all that you have done , and without you guys and your tough rules Washington high wouldn't have been Washington high " after my speech we sung a song then the principle spoke , then two students read poems then another sad song about going into a new era in our lives then the school exit


"Washington high , the best there is ,

Washington high that shape the kids

when times are lonely and you seem to be in the dark

remember you have Washington high deep in your heart"

the audience clapped and we three our hates in the air

"you did it son " mom said she kissed me on the cheek "Moira stop embarrassing the boy , congratulation son" he said he hugged me my dad was crying " "look who's embarrassing him" mom said with a smirk on her face he backed away "dad its okay " "yeah dad take a chill pill" Danny my little brother said we laughed I felt something in my pocket I dug in it and pulled out a set of car keys it had the BMW sign "what is this " I asked "its your graduation present enjoy son:" I jumped for joy I hugged my parents "thank you mom and dad " Nathan made his way over "what's with all the commotion" I showed him the keys "come on lets se it " Nate said grabbing my hand we ran to the parking lot amber , Karen , Todd and Robby followed we got outside and there it was a 2009 Candy red BMW I expected a used car which I wouldn't have mind i turned my parents were behind me "how did you " was all i could say "I've been saving for you a new car since you were in junior

high school , i dreamed of this moment the look you have on your face " i had tears in my eyes "your always going to be my little boy " my dad said i hugged him he hugged me back I didn't care who saw , I felt flashing on me , it was mom taking her thousand picture , Nathan and amber and Robby and Todd were teary eyed Karen had a hand on her hip "what am i going to get for my graduation dad " she said "a pair of plyers you can use to fix the door you broke in the garage . we all laughed .

Amber threw a post graduation party we all were drinking and having a good time , Nathan phone ringed " i got to go" he said "what why" he grabbed my hand and we went outside where it was less crowded it felt strange like someone was watching us "what's going on " i asked "my mom is sick or something , normally I wouldn't go but Sean texted me and if he is worried then I think it is serious " "I 'll go with you " i said "no need you enjoy yourself im just going to check on her then I will be back okay " "alright " he kissed me then I went back in the house something felt strange it didn't feel right"


I called home "hello" i head my mothers voice "you don't sound sick" I said "What are you talking about " she said "im not sick" I hung up ,what the hell is going on i felt someone put a cloth on over my mouth and face I tried to scream out for Matt or anyone else but the music was up loud then everything went dark

I had woken up and my head was spinning where the hell was I and why was I tied to a chair I thought to myself , then this big Sherk of a guy came down the stairs I must be I a basement he looked at me and laughed then started talking in Russian "who are you" I screamed at him "non of your business , hey I got a surprise for you " he said in his strong Russian accent "what's that " he pointed in the direction of a pushed over sofa someone was on the floor not moving the only thing I could see was the legs and sneakers of the person "guess who it is , maybe your lover " he said laughing "oh my god" was all I could say before i passed back out. I woke up and Sean was sitting there his lip was busted and he had a gash on his forehead I wanted to cry when I seen him "what did they do you " I spoke " "its Karina she's doing this " Sean said "no way could Karina do something like this "why would she want to do this " I said " she is crazy and obsessed with you

" Sean said i couldn't believe what my brother was saying we saw a phone sitting on the table in front of us but both of us was tied up "if i could get lose I can call the police " i said "the police wouldn't believe us we would have to call Matt he would believe you he would be able to get help" Sean said I tried to get lose but my hands were starting to burn I twisted my hand and it hurt but it slid through the rope then my other hand I untied my feet then ran to the phone I called Matts number "hello" matt said he sound as if he was asleep , hours must have went by since we last talk "matt listen to me , Karina got me and my brother tied up in a basement " I said "what , Nathan this isn't funny" "this is not a joke she is working with some guy he is the one who knocked both of us out and he brought us to this place " I said "where are you" " i don't know call the police do what you have to do to save us " i heard foot steps I hung up and

placed the phone back on the table I wrapped the rope around my legs not tight and put my arms in the rope in the same position the man put me in he came down "two pussies ,I should fuck you two right now " Sean looked scared I wasn't worried because he wouldn't get a chance to fuck me .


I had gotten dressed and told mom and dad what has happen they called the police and I went over to the Bellini mansion I walked through the door "Paula were are you" I screamed out the maid and butler came and tried to hush me she came down the stairs "what the hell are you doing here late at night , screaming " she said "Karina has Both your sons " she ran down the stairs "What do you mean" she said "Nathan called me and said he and Sean were knocked out by some big Russian guy and put in a basement " she looked horrified "the Russian guy, his name is Bruno I may have put my children in harms way" she said "what do you mean" I said she wouldn't answer"matt and Sean could die this is not a game Paula if you love your kids you need to tell me what you know a guy came downstairs "Paula are you alright " he looked like Nathan and Sean he must be Sean's biological father "no everything is not okay some crazy bitch has my sons " he looked at me " if you

want ransom we will give it to you bring the boys back" he said looking at me "Nathan is my boyfriend he called me " I said "oh Matt nice to finally meet you " he said I shook his hand "Bruno was hired by me to keep Karina away from Nathan I paid her some money when I thought her son was his only to turn out he is Sean's son but that wasn't the most shocking the most shocking of it all was when I found out Bruno is Karina's cousin they have been working together " this seemed unreal almost like something out of a movie . "do you know where they can be honey " Paul said to Paula "no i haven't a clue my god she has both off my babies what if she decides to kill them" tears began to form in her eyes "they are all i have " she cried Paul held her for the first time of ever knowing Paula i saw that she really did love her boys but she didn't know who to express it other then trying to control there lives , she was really a mom in distress.


The next day I had woke up a blanket over me i was in the Bellini family room I remember when Nathan first invited me over (FLASHBACK: we walked hand and hand to his house we went inside and he unzipped my jacket and kissed me wet and passionately then i pushed him away "what?" he said aggravated "what if someone see us " he smiled "my parents gave the staff the holiday off the only people on the grounds are guards and they change in shifts and they never come into the house they have their own quarters and my parents are in Aspen for the holidays " he said almost looking sad "what about Christmas , will they be home " he frown "they probably wont be back until march " he said with the saddest voice I ever heard I took his hand and looked in his eyes then kissed him on the forehead he fell into me and i hugged him for the first time he needed me ,For the first time he just needed a hug.) Paula touched my shoulders "the cops have a lead " she said .

we got to elm square there were Police officers all around the building "what's going on i asked a cop told me to stay back they were looking up I looked up as well Bruno had Nathan and Sean on the roof they were on the ledge Karina appeared with a bull horn "this is all your fault Paula you did this " she said Paula screamed out "you let my sons go" she said "oh I'll let them go alright , you knew how much I loved Nathan your the one who convinced me to date him back then" she said I looked at her she looked at me "I was wrong karina and you are wrong now you have to let them go for your sake and this sick obsession you have with Nathan" Mom and dad came running up to me "we heard what was going on " my mom said Karen and Amber were there "I knew karina was crazy " amber said she looked up "oh my god Sean" she and Sean made eye contact "don't worry one of your sons will be saved " she said "what do you mean one of them will be saved" Paula

said back "you will have to choose which one will live and which one will die Paula started crying my mom went over to her and grabbed her arm they looked at each other "im sorry Moira for everything " "I know , I know " "how do I choose they are my children " she said . Mom looked back to see me but I was gone "where is Matt " she said my dad looked around "oh no you don't think he " dad said , I was already in the building I got to the roof and saw what was happening i crept onto the roof and behind Bruno I saw a knife in a bag behind him I picked it up and I had to think about this the wrong move I could get three of them thrown off I heard the fire truck coming I made a choose I took the knife and charged into Bruno the knife impelled him he screamed I pulled Sean and Nathan back to me he tried to grabbed me but grabbed Karina instead they both feel to there deaths , I couldn't look over i untied Sean legs and hands then Nathan, Sean hugged me

then kissed me on the cheek "hay hands off " Nathan said Sean laugh then we all laughed then Nathan kissed me and hugged me "I knew you would come through " he said "you can always count on me". Amber came running towards Sean they hugged then kissed "im so sorry" she said "you have nothing to apologize for it should be me who apologize for making this whole mess" "no she was apart of your past and I let that effect our future , I love you" she said "I love you too" they kissed then me and Nathan kissed .

We got back downstairs and was checked out by the ambulance we had to give statements which took forever but we were released , I don't think anyone shed a tear for Bruno or Karina, but I had wish things turned out differently , it was still two lives lost. I woke up and Nathan was asleep our naked bodies clung to one another i could here his heart beating so fast and his dick was hard as a rock I took his cock in my hand and began to stroke him hard he was moaning he woke up I went down and put his cock in my mouth he began to moan I then got on top of him his cock slid into me and I began to ride him his head board was banging against the wall and he was saying how this felt so good and he never wanted to be without me an I felt the same I could feel his heart beating a mile a minute we stopped for a minute he turned me over my back was on the bed now and he lifted my legs up and got in between my legs he slid his dick in me and began pumping we were now kissing each other my hands were searching his back I was pulling him into me inch by inch he was pumping away at my hole "im gonna cum" whispered in my ear I just held him close his hot breath filled my neck as he grunted I relaxed even more letting

him go deeper in me I could feel his body tensing up he came in me . "sex with you gets better every time " he said "I feel the same way"


I stood near the door amber was holding my hand my mom and Paul was standing there the door bell rung and I opened it there my son was with a Women form the foster care agency she hand me my son he was smiling at me , he reached for amber she held him amber kissed him he made happy baby noises Paula and Paul came over and greeted the newest member to the Bellini clan little Nathaniel Bellini named after my little brother one of the most important people in my life .


We stood there on the pier looking out into the water everything was calm Nathan smiled at me i smiled back at me , I saw the boy that use to bully me physically but the man I began to love Internally I leaned in to kiss him we held each other the summer breeze flowing through us like it was agreeing that we had overcome so much and this was our moment , our moment to love , our moment to live , He is no longer Nathan the bully , but simply Nathan the guy that im in love with

four months later


"good morning NYC its your favorite morning show Elvis Duran and the morning show , only on Z100" I heard the radio it was Monday and I was drunk as hell from last night festivities living my life in Manhattan in my apartment I just moved in with my parents help because the dorms were full going to NYU and having a part time job all in a few months from graduating my college to pay the rent on my place. I smelled eggs and it made me want to hurl "want some sexy " he was standing there in his underwear "can you eat that in there babe" i said "sorry Matt don't get an attitude with me " he left out I ran to the bathroom and hurled the door open and I felt his hands stroking my head and rubbing my stomach he is the best ." that's what you get for drinking so much yesterday he kissed me on the neck " i got work " he said and turned on the shower I flushed the toilet and laid back down ,

two days later i was back to my regular self , he was sleep i wrapped my arms around him and kissed his back he woke up " I see your in the playing mood" he said "oh you have no idea " he turned around to face me and he kissed me "oh that breath" I said laughing "what ever Matt" he said "no what ever Evan " I said back.

I know what you all are thinking who the hell is Evan and where is Nate , maybe this is the last chapter maybe it's not but one thing for sure its been one hell of a ride and I've been working on the spinoff story about Brandon Lawson and Josh Barrett( Matt's cousin )Their story started in Part 12 of Nathan the bully, i hope you guys read and Enjoy " The Unexpected".

Next: Chapter 19

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