Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on May 21, 2009



It feels like I've been walking on egg shells around matt and regards of this kid that may or may not be mine , but if he is my son I need to take responsibility for my actions back then , sad to say it but Karina was only a result in me being confused about Matt and what I wanted , it seems like the past can bite you in the ass , I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck "I'm not going anywhere you know this is a setback but we will get through this I know we will " Matt kissed me " you had to put up with so much from me , so if this is too much you can end this " I said I didn't want that to happen but I knew it would be a possibly "I'm not going anywhere I love you Nate and nothing is going to change that " he said I was so relieved to here that.


Karina drove to the entry way of the Bellini mansion and drove up to the valet she got out and then went to the back to take her son out she carried him to the front door and rung the door bell , Nathan was busy in the kitchen making lunch i went ahead and got the door I opened it and there she stood with the baby that had a striking resemblance to both Nathan and Sean ." are you the help" she asked , that bitch knew i wasn't the help "no im Nathan's boyfriend matt" I said proudly"oh so the rumors were true Nathan really went homo, what a shame he knew what he was doing in the sack that's for sure " she started laughing I thought she was a complete idiot Nathan came out saying "the food is ready sexy" he came into the entry way and saw what was going on he walked over to me "so Nathan , how are you " was all she said but all he could do was look at the little boy "is that " Nathan started to say "yeah he is your son Nate , his name is Nathaniel" she said I knew something was going to happen but I never anticipated this , not in a million years "come here hold your son" was all she said he went over she handed him to Nate they were bonding "see that's your daddy" , I didn't know why but it hurt me to see this , so many people say that being gay is wrong and love should be between a man and a women ,to build a family and that's what I saw a family and it felt like I was the outsider about to ruin it , I decided to sneak out the back door so he could have this moment , this by no means was me walking out of the relationship but me giving him some time with his Son and baby Mother.

i got home and act as if everything was okay I went to the kitchen and just needed oreo's it was one of those days Karen came through the backdoor with her friend Whitney they had bags in their hands "hey your eating oreo's what's wrong " my sister said "nothing " I said opening my cookie she told Whitney to go to her room and start her computer Whitney did so "come on what's wrong " she said " Nathan has a son " I said "what? , that idiot how many times is he going to hurt you " she said " it's not like that , he didn't know and i just wanted to give him time with his kid " I said she hit me on my arm "ouch what was that for " "You idiot , Nathan is your boyfriend that kid will be in your life you cant leave all the time when things get ruff , you need to be there for Nathan, because he would be there for you if the tables were turned " she said " i am there for Nathan , he needs time to " she cut me off " we all know time isn't always guaranteed, he need's you right now so take your oreo's and go to the guy that you love.


I had Gotten out of my range rover and a limo pulled up " Sean Bellini , nice to see you " i looked through the window "do I know you " I said " no , but i know you why don't you get in " he said "no thank you , i really got to go" I said , this guy could be a killer or something "my name is Paul Bellini, the guy looked to be in his mid forties and had the good Bellini genes if you will "i am your father's brother he said he showed me a picture of him and dad when they were younger "come on get in " he said and I did the driver started driving he kept on starring at me which made me kind of uncomfortable he looked down " there's something you should know " he said "what , your not really my uncle " I said laughing "no im not " he said my laughs turned to silence my heart began to race this guy is a killer I know it " who the hell are you ,stop this limo now" i demanded "I'm your father Sean " I shook my head in disbelief " you are not my father , your crazy" I replied at his ridiculous claim "am I, I know you were six pounds seven ounces when you were born , you have a circle birth mark on your butt and you use to love fire trucks when you were five years old " this was getting freaky he pulled out a picture of me when i was a baby then another of when i graduated from high school " what is this some kind of joke " i said "no its not , your dad my bother wanted what i had , your mother and he was a conniving son of a bitch and stole her from me , pregnant and all , when you were born he made sure I had nothing to do with you , Paula however been my lifeline to you " I could feel my eyes tearing up "my dad is non of those things , he loved me and my brother and I don't believe you " I said I could see tears form in his eyes " i wanted to be there for you but my brother was more powerful he had more money and since he was the oldest there was nothing I could do" he said "nothing you could do , if you were a real man , you would have fought for your kid , if that's what i am " i said i opened the car door and slammed it shut and walked away , Paula is a the worst mother on the planet I swear .


i had gotten back to the mansion Nathan was pacing back and forth he saw me and rushed to me "where did you go " "I went home and then to the store to pick up some snacks for us " I said he took the bags and sat them down " I thought you left and was not going to come back" he said i hugged him " i love you " I said " I love you too" he said back " im not walking away I just wanted you to spend some time with your son without interruption , so how did it go " he smiled a sad smile "it went well I guess , I still don't know what to say about any of this " he said we went into the living room and he sat down i sat down next to him he rested his head on my shoulder I put my arm around him "its going to be okay you know , its not the end of the world s what you have a son that's a good thing you can be a good parent to your son something Paula was never to you " I said "I guess your right " he said " I know im right " we laughed "you are so full of yourself " Nathan replied we kissed he unbuttoned my top button to my polo and was sucking on my neck he kissed me again I felt one with him he was my soul mate his hands were known intertwined with mine my back to the cushion of the couch him on top of me I wrapped my legs around his as our crotches pressed hard against each other I put my hands underneath his shirt rubbing his chest and stomach pinching his harden nipples he buried his face in my neck still rocking back and forth ,


"seriously we need to make your look sexy Karen" Whitney said

" i don't know about this " i said back to her , Whitney pulled out a box of blond dye

" what the hell are you going to do with that , "use it on you " she said "We are brunettes blonde isn't our color " i said

" relax take a breather Karen , you need to loosen up its okay to change " Whitney said i sat there looking in the mirror

"okay make me blond what can it hurt , and they have a lot of fun" i said "that's true and they are easy " Whitney said laughing


I had cleaned up the nice mess me and Matt made in the living room and Sean stormed in upset "where is mom" Sean said "mom is in California what's going on " I said " oh I met dad's brother " he said pouring himself a nice amount of Hennessy "what , dad has a brother? " "apparently he does and he is my father" i looked at him as if he was crazy "what do you mean your father , dad is your father " i looked at him confused "he knew way to much about me and he said he and mom use to be together until dad stole her away" this was crazy my brother looked as if he was confused he poured another drink after guzzling the first down "Well if it helps much i have a son" i said he spit his drink out "little brother , i know your trying to help but" he said "its true its with this girl name karina I didn't know she was pregnant , my life is a freaking mess right now" i said shaking my head "yeah mines is as well " he said

Next day --


first i would like to say" I said looking in the mirror in my locker , i was practicing for my speech for graduation the school was in a dismal with papers all over the floor, me and a couple of other kids were there cleaning out our lockers "hey babe" Nathan came and rubbed up against me from behind "damn i want you right now" he said "you always want me , come on we cant " i said "there is no one here besides the random students cleaning out there locker " he said "no" i took out all my posters, organizers and personal items out of my locker "i will never open this locker again some freshmen will get it " i said "yeah i know me and my locker been through alot of stuff " he opened up his locker and took out her sweaters and books and put it in my box then shut it "out with the old in with the new , good bye locker 134" Nate said "goodbye locker 135" i said we held hands and walked out of the school with our box


I was in joe's waiting for amber to come and I saw a girl that I once knew her name was Tiffany we use to have sex pretty frequently she was by the counter picking up dinner I guess I went over to her " you must be eating for two " I said she turned around "oh my god Sean she hugged me "so how's life treating you " I said " I cant complain I should go it was nice seeing you " "you too" i said we hugged amber came in"get your hands off of him you baby making bitch" I was startled by what amber was saying "hey she didn't do anything" I defended her "are you serious she is the cause for all that is evil" amber had hate in her eyes "Tiffany is not evil" I said " Tiffany? her name is karina and that baby right there is your brothers son " I looked down and didn't even see the stroller or the kid he was laughing playing with his stuffed animal " she looked at me " how old is he " I demanded "what are you doing Sean"amber asked me "I said how the hell old is he" i screamed at her everyone was looking at me "he is almost two" she said " that's not my brothers kid" i said amber grabbed me and turned me facing her "what are you talking about he looks just like you and Nate " she said "he looks like me because" I gulped "because what?" she replied "because he is my son , not Nathan's " I said amber looked at us "what do you mean he is your son" i said "me and Tiffany or karina use to date she would come to the city on weekends and we would " i stopped I could see tears forming in ambers eyes "you would hook up " she continued what i was going to say "here I was worried about my best friend relationship when I should have been looking at my own " she said amber turned and left I followed her "amber I love you , I didn't know about the kid " I said "she just has to be with the guys that im with, you know I can never just find a guy that doesn't have baggage between you and your brother I should have gone insane already " "can we just talk" I said "I just want to go home I don't want to talk " she walked to her car got in and drove off I went back into Joe's and Karina and the baby was gone


I had gotten back home and I notice Sean stirring out the window with a drink in his hand "big brother what's going on" i asked" your not that baby father " he said "what do you mean he looks just like me" I said "that's because he is my baby Nate" Sean said i didn't understand "karina is a liar we use to hook up and she called herself Tiffany back then I put two and two together , and now amber wants nothing to do with me "he said

I felt bad and great at the same time bad because my brother is going through something and great because now I don't have a kid to take care of and me and Matt can graduate and live our lives , in two days is the big day just pray nothing go wrong .......

Next: Chapter 18

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