Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Apr 22, 2009



I waited in the parlor of the Bellini mansion Paula walked in and studied me "who are you " she asked "oh im johnny a friend of Nathan's " I said holding out my hand she laughed " i see my son traded poor little matt in , too bad at least matt was good looking" I laughed at her comment "wow , Nathan wasn't kidding you really are a miserable bitch " I said "excuse me " she looked furious with me she got close "you don't scare me lady so I suggest you get out of my face" I said "how about you get out of my house" she suggested "as soon as Nathan Comes down " , at that very moment it seem Nathan walked through the door "are you ready" he said "yeah lets go play some pool it beats being here" i said "Nathan I need to talk to you " Paula said "not now mother I'm going out ": we walked out the house.


I had just got fitted for my cap and gown and was leaving when Paula Bellini of all people showed up she pulled up exactly in front of me and rolled down her window to her Mercedes Benz "we need to talk get in " she said i hesitated ,remind you she hates my guts "oh relax Matthew get in the damn car I'm not after you today" i went around the car and got in "to what do I owe this unexpected visit" I said sarcastically "you need to get back together with my son " she replied I was very much speechless, I didn't know what to say except"why?"I asked suspiciously "that Johnny punk he is with is a real piece of garbage and I don't like him you need to find away to get rid of him " she said "why don't you do it you love meddling in Nathan's life, I get it you don't want it to blow up in your face , because he will hate you even more" I said "no , he loves you , yes it is hard for me to admit but its true and that johnny kid will take advantage of him losing you " she said , I actually believed her "I cant do anything , trust me i tried , he was faking his injuries and I exposed him but he made me look like this jealous fool , I wont let him do that to me again" I said she hit me in the back of my head "ouch " I yelled "you are pathetic you know that , I guess you do live up to what i thought of you , a Weak person" I became angry at her comment I opened the car door and got out slamming it i started to walk away "matt ": she called I turned to look at her , "don't be weak he wants to fight dirty , you have to fight dirty as well " with that she pulled off , that was the first time me and Nate's mom had something in common "Operation Destroy Johnny ".

I went to Joe's and as soon as i walk through the door i saw him , Nick rushed to me "oh my god Nick" he gave me a big bare hug "it's so good to see you , it's been like three months since I said goodbye" he said Nathan and johnny came through the door he just stared at us , i guess it was awkward considering nick still had his arm around me i turned facing nick again "wow you got a major tan" i said while analyzing his appearance"that's what California sun will do to you , you have to come out and visit " "yeah I might take you up on that offer " then a guy appeared nick let g of me "Matt this is Kyle my boyfriend , Kyle this is Matt " Kyle studied me "wow , your right Kyle Matt is totally hot " he remarked smiling at me , Kyle was a unique looking guy , I guess that is what makes him hot."we should get a booth " I suggested and we did , Kyle sat next to Nick and I sat on the other side facing them they kept making googly eyes at one another i felt the effects of not having Nate anymore and it hurt like hell, he was a few steps away but it might as well be miles between us , we kept exchanging glances at one another "go talk to him" Kyle said snapping me out my Nathan trance "excuse me ?" I said "it's very clear that you two want to talk just talk to him" Nosy Kyle had a point but i refuse to pretend to like Johnny for Nate sake because johnny is a snake and t and pretending to like him would be very fake on my part "I should go , I'll see you guys later at my party " i said "what party " nick asked "its for seniors ,it will be the last party we have together as seniors " i said "sounds fun count us there " nick said i got up and walked to the door then out of it i walked to my car i heard my name being called i turned and Nathan was walking towards me , god he is so fucking sexy the wind blowing against him his muscles popping out of his shirt , I think im extra horny because it's been a while since I got some if you know what I mean. " he smiled then grabbed my hand and squeezed it in his "can we talk he said "sure " i replied we got in my car "he put his hand on mine "I missed you so much " he said "i missed you too " i looked at him his eye's had that glassy look to it i grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled him into me we kissed his tongue searched my mouth my heart was thumping like crazy " i never wanted to break up with you " i said " i know , the whole johnny thing was thrown way out of proportion " he said "Nathan listen to me carefully johnny is playing you " i said "matt don't " he said back "Nathan you know it's the truth when your own mother who hates me by the way sought me out , she wants me to show you who johnny really is " he looked at me then touched my face rubbing it "fine , you got me , show me who johnny really is ..


Johnny you have some nerve showing up here " I said "you lost admitted " he said " "remember dick you sent me aa E-mail I still have it and I will show Nathan tonight as soon as he gets here. "hey Matt" nick came in with Kyle " I walked over to them "you two look really good together " they smiled at each other "okay so there are drinks the alcohol kind and chips in the kitchen go help your self " i said they walked off Robby was the D.j for tonight he had his I-pod hooked up to some speakers poker face was playing everyone was dancing the girls Grinding on the guys people talking , everybody with red cups in there hands , Todd came through the front door Dragging the keg "dude why didn't you bring that through the back " I said "this shit is heavy " he said out of breath "the jocks cheered when they saw the keg "Keg stands" one of the guys said they took the keg , Amber and Sean were in the corner making out , Nathan just walked through the door looking damn sexy in a button up and his jeans ripped at one knee he smiled at me his dimples makes me go wild all the time but something still wasn't right and I spotted it Brandon Lawson kissing his girlfriend and his friends ,Mark , Devon playing catch with my moms Glass Chinese bowl I walked over there "give me That " they handed it over "what the hell are you guys doing here , my own sister isn't here this party is for seniors not sophomores " I said "come on Matt let us stay this will be the last time we get to hang out and party with you guys , you will all be going off to college " Brandon said "okay you can stay but stay out of trouble and leave glass object alone and no beer" "that's not fair " they said "life not fair " i said . Johnny bumped into me "Watch it you idiot " I said "you know you should stop being so bitter " he said i walked over to Nathan " i told you i had proof about johnny it's in my room " I said "you don't have to convince me to go to your room " he said with a grin on his face "oh shut up and follow me sexy".


We went upstairs and I sat on his bed he turned on his computer "come here " I said he walked towards me he kissed me " when I prove to you what johnny is up to you will owe me big time " he said "I think I can deal with that " I said the computer came on and he walked over to it "what the fuck" he yelled I jumped up "what's wrong " I asked "everything in my hard drive is being erased" he was clicking and trying to stop it he turned and looked at me " I had proof" he said I grabbed him "forget this can you just be friends with johnny he is a good guy now" I I laughed "you still don't get it , he did this " he said I tried to calm him down but he left out the door I followed


I went down stairs and I saw johnny standing there talking to some people I walked over to him "you erased everything off my computer , didn't you " he had a smirk on his face I couldn't take it anymore I punched him in his nose he feel back Nathan grabbed me "let me go Nate so I can beat his ass " everything had stopped people were looking and chanting fight johnny stood up his nose was bloody Nathan let me go and got him tissue and applied it to johnny nose , he was consoling him , I was so angry I walked out of my own house I sat on the stoop outside on the outside looking in amber came out "are you okay Matt" she said sitting next to me "johnny is literally destroying my life " I said " I have an idea" amber had her devilish smile on her face " remember Matt he likes to shoot off at the mouth just make sure Nathan somehow here's everything johnny is saying.


The next day I tried to figure out what I could do to expose johnny nothing was coming to me except the science room I must been thinking really hard because Nathan was standing in front of me waving his hand in my face "are you okay " he said "im fine I need you to do me a favor " "anything " he said I grabbed his hand and we walked into the science room , in two periods meet me here and I will explain when it is time

the two periods felt as if they were taking forever but it was here I texted johnny to meet me there I practically rushed to the science room Nathan was right on time I pulled him in and opened up the closet door "get in" I said "what , have you lost your mind" he asked "maybe just a little bit just get in please" he went in and closed the door johnny came into the classroom "I was surprised when you texted "you want a piece of the john man trust me i taste good " he said "you are a pervert " I said "no i just like sex cant wait to crake that Nathan he has a sweet ass" johnny said "you are the worst kind of human being you know that, first bothering us any chance yu got then bringing Nathan in your illegal car racing in which you got hurt and he went to jail , but the icing on the top of the cake was when you pretended to be hurt so you could guilt him into hanging out with you causing our relationship to spiral out of control " I said he laughed then clapped "good going Veronica Mars you solved the mystery , too bad you two aren't together anymore , and it was easy you know playing on your boy's guilt he is so gullible " johnny said "not anymore " Nathan said coming out of the closet johnny turned around "Nathan hey i didn't know you were standing there " he said "i bet you didn't but now i know what you are capable of i suggest you leave " "im not going anywhere its your word against mine " johnny spoke I pulled out a tape recorder "actually its all your words" i played it johnny looked defeated then turned and walked out the class room . "its over

we got to my room "im sorry i should have believed my boyfriend" Nathan said he sat down on my bed i sat down on the floor and untied his sneaker then took them off I began to massage his feet "that feels good " he said "just relax" my boy has a size twelve foot I took off his socks and began to kiss his feet i then started to suck his toe "you never did this before " he said "its good to try something new i explained and continued i pushed open his legs and got between them then moved up our bodies were pressed together his hand was resting on my lower back we were stirring in each others eyes "what if he would have got away with that " I said "he didn't that's the important part you would think people would get the hint that nothing could break us up not people like my mom your parents , nick , johnny or almost dying" i began to rub his face " your right , we are going to be okay " I kissed him then started to kiss his neck he was running his fingers through my hair I then took off his shirt and began to suck his nipples which were hard as a rock I love that I was making his body react in such a magnetic way "that feels really good babe" he said . he took off my shirt and started kissing my chest and sucking my nipples he had his hands all over me. He then grabbed me and pinned me down on my bed then let go he kissed my cheek "im sorry baby for not believing you , I want to make it up to you" he said he got in between my legs and pulled my jeans all the way off taking my underwear with them he began to give me a hand job then he started to suck my cock I was running my hands through his hair and pumping his mouth he was swirling his tongue around my head I started to get light headed it felt so good I could feel myself coming and I warned Nathan he stopped he took off his jeans he was commando he bent over I kissed his ass then lubed my fingers up and began to stick it in and out his ass he moaned I tried two fingers I began to finger fuck him "yeah that feels really great matt but I want to feel you " he said I too my fingers out and he laid flat on his stomach I got on top of him placing the tip of my cock onto his hole he relaxed and I pushed in softly he moaned and his ass felt great

I Thrust hard into Nate he moaned I began to pump in and out I could feel sweat from my body leak off me like a faucet onto his back our bodies were one and this didn't feel like sex it felt like making love , I pulled out and he turned around on his back he lifted his leg onto my shoulders and I positioned myself in between his legs lining my cock to his hole I slid back in this position felt better I could look at him while I gave him all of me he were both moaning because it felt good I fell on top of him still grinding into him I buried my face in his neck he wrapped his arms around me our two masculine cents made my dick even harder as I kept pumping in and out "oh my god Matt that feels so good your hitting my prostate baby" I was going to cum at any minute I started jerking Nathan off and going hard at my baby's ass "I'm going to cum" was all both of us could say and we came at the same time me in his ass him all over his chest I feel on top of him all sweaty he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on my forehead we feel asleep in each others arm with the door locked of course.

I jumped up being startled by the thunder and lightning Nathan stood up "what happen" he said half asleep "nothing lets just go back to sleep"I said he laid back down so did I he rested his head on my chest what exactly does my future hold I thought will there be more Johnny's out there wanted to separate us and what will happen if they actually succeed.

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Next: Chapter 16

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