Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Apr 17, 2009



What exactly happened I said amber went downstairs to make Karen some tea " I saw Jeff having sex with another Girl , I guess I should have put out " she said "Karen if you weren't ready you weren't ready and Jeff is a stupid fool if he couldn't see how special and amazing you are , you don't need him there are other guys out there who would love to take you out and have a good time " I said she was not buy it " I just don't know how he could do this to me he said he loved me " she said "I don't know why people do the things they do but what I do know is you cant let this consume your life , I know it hurts like hell but maybe the right guy is out there for you and this happened to you for a reason" amber came in with Karen tea and my phone started ringing I left out of her room "hello" I spoke " Matt I"m in trouble" I heard Nathan voice "Nathan what's going on " I said "im in jail there was a accident during the race and johnny got banged up real bad " he said my heart began to thump really fast "im on my way" i said i hung up what could i do then a thought came to mind there was one thing i could do and it pained me.---

(At The Bellini Mansion)

"what are you doing here " Paula said to me " its about Nathan " i said "if something has happen to my Nathan i will hurt you " i shook my head in disbelief "he is in jail and needs to get out I didn't know where else to go but to you his crazy mother " I said "yeah im the crazy one who can get him out of this mess" she said "whatever i am going to the booking station " I left out that lady gave me the chills . I got to the station and Robby and Todd where there i went over to them "Nathan is okay , we spoke to him they aren't allowing any more visits unless you're here to pay his bail" Todd said "i don't understand how any of this happened " i responded Robby tapped me on my shoulder and i turned around Paula came in and went directly to the officers desk "i hate that lady " Robby said "yeah so do i she is poison" Todd said ,

(Three weeks later)

(Amber )

" the big City Manhattan that is the city that never sleeps , i have finally arrived on one mission of course to Surprise Sean at his Loft i remember he told me to stop by at any time so what better way to do so , i wanted to get away from cheating boyfriends and car crashes and spend a little time with the boy that i really, really like i got to his apartment building it was very plush i went inside there were marble floors and a desk i guess for the desk man but no one was there i went to the elevator and got on Floor Six i pressed and it went i went on his floor it was the same as the lobby i walked until i saw 6D then i knocked at first no one answered then the door unlocked and a girl was standing there in a white t-shirt and panties "can i help you " she said "no im sorry i was looking for Sean Bellini's apartment obviously wrong one sorry" i said "no you have the right apartment how do you know Sean " she said "im kind of his Girlfriend " i said "oh you must be Annie " she said i was getting really mad now i wanted to know who the hell was Annie "oh I mean amber im never good with names , come in " she invited me in and I went inside "im Tasha short for Natasha I've known Sean for like six years he's like my Brother always giving me advice on the stupid guys i date " she said "so you and him are not " i said "are you crazy , eww Sean is not my type, trust me i guess that's my problem i like them really complicated and i have a thing for guys that are really White with blond hair and blue eyes or that are Black nothing really in between and Sean falls in the in between . I felt a bit of a relief Sean came through the door and looked at the Scenario which he walked in on.


"how about we go out " I suggested Nathan laid on my bed looking at me "come here sexy" he said I laid down beside him "were will go" he said "if you don't want to I understand" I said " I want to " he kissed me I kissed him back he grabbed me by my waist and our tongues were intertwined with one another I took off his shirt and he too off mine then his cell rung he answered it "hey johnny " I was getting really annoyed because Nathan was feeling guilty about johnny's accident and it seems like johnny is taking advantage of this whole situation .he hung up "I got to see johnny" he said "you have got to be kidding me for what? " I asked "he just wants to talk that's it you have nothing to worry about as a matter of fact how about tomorrow night we go to the Grill restaurant " "sounds good" I said he kissed me then left something was wrong with this situation big time.

The next day I went to visit johnny to make sure I wasn't over reacting I rung the door bell and his mom let me in I told her I was a friend of Johnny she told me he was in his room I went upstairs I opened his door he had his shirt off talking on the phone standing up I thought he wouldn't walk . "you can walk " I said he turned "Matt!" was all he could say "you liar, you have Nathan running back and forth because he feels guilty but you are okay, Nathans going to find out about this " I left out


"i stood by the river looking out into the water "what are you thinking about " Todd said "this time next year I will be in Michigan living in a dorm "Robby are you okay " Todd asked "yeah I wrapped my arms around his mid section and he put his arms around me and kissed me on my cheek "you want to fuck " I said Todd smiled " is that all you think about " "yeah pretty much, what can I say I'm hooked on you " i said " how about my car" he suggested "i think my truck has more room" I said what do you expect we are teenagers sex is always on the the brain. We walked over to my truck and Todd pushed me against the car door he began to suck on my neck I rubbed my fingers through his hair he then unbutton my top button and slipped his hand under my shirt he started playing with my nipples I could feel his cock harden as it was pressed up against me "you want this don't you , you fucking sexy boy" he said we both started laughing "what the hell was that" I said "i don't know I wanted to try dirty talk " "yeah, you shouldn't " I said .


The next day all I kept thinking about was that lying son of a bitch johnny playing on my boyfriends sympathy I was anxious all day to tell Nathan and I finally got the chance I was waiting for at lunch time Nathan and johnny was talking and he was in his wheel chair acting of course I walked up to then "hi Matt how are you " johnny said with a smile "cut the crap either you tell him or I will" I said Nathan looked at me "what are you talking about matt " johnny kept this Charade going "you know what I said I picked him up "he can walk " then I let him go he fell on the floor "matt what the hell is wrong with you " Nathan said everyone in the lunch room was looking at me Karen rushed up to me "matt what's going on " "he can walk and is lying about it to get close to Nathan " Nathan scuffed at what I said "you are so jealous that you would make up something like that " he said "you don't believe me " "im sorry I

cant believe that johnny would do something like that " Nathan secured him in his chair " I saw him with my own two eyes standing " I replied "save it matt your dead wrong " Nathan pushed johnny out of the lunchroom "he doesn't believe me " I said "are you sure you saw him" Karen said " Karen I went to his house I saw him he was walking it's all an act and he ,managed to make a fool out of me " I said then walked off I couldn't let him do this.

That night was our date I went to the grill and got our seats , "sir what can I get for you " the waiter said "I'm actually waiting for someone " he took the hint and left me alone , five minutes turned into two hours I was pissed his cell was off and I knew he was one place at stupid johnny's .


I felt bad for yelling at matt but he went to far he basically threw johnny out of his seat , Matt needs to cool down I got johnny home and we hung out "i have a confession , I am starting to walk " "what" I said "yeah give me a hand " he said I helped him up he started walking wobbly and almost feel I caught him he clung to the back of my neck and then kissed me I was stunned and shocked at the same time but I didn't do anything to stop it I kind of kissed him back then I pulled away "i have a boyfriend " I said "he doesn't have to know" johnny said "you're a really good friend but I cant do this.

(Matt )

I had gotten to Johnny's house the gate was open I walked onto the lawn I heard music playing I went around back and saw johnny in Nathans arm I could feel my nose flared up with anger then they kissed now it felt like my heart was chopped up in pieces I wanted to go in there and kill johnny and Nathan but I just walked away and this time for good..

The next day


"hey did you cool down" I said as matt walked to his locker he didn't say a word to me I walked over to him and put my arm around his shoulders he moved my arm "you are not still made about what happen if anyone should be mad it should be " I cut him off "don you even say it " he said "Trust me you aren't going to like the next thing that comes out of my mouth " he finished I was taken aback by the coldness in his voice "Matt I am friends with johnny deal with it , its you that I want " I said he laughed in my face "funny , im so over you " he said and tried to walk away I grabbed him he tried to pull away but I didn't let go I kissed it , it was hot he let me do it people passed by looking at us I then stopped it "what are you doing breaking up with me after everything we've been through " I said "clearly johnny is number one so you two can have each other its over I don't want to be with you anymore" he

said I looked down at his boner "I don't think your telling the truth " i said with a smirk on my face Matt couldn't look at me I knew he still loved me but he was hurt that I took johnny's side what I said didn't help much either "you are being a big baby you know that to break up with me for something so stupid " I said "Nathan, really what do you want , you made it perfectly clear that im this Jealous guy who will do everything to get your attention" he said Matt looked so defeated why couldn't he see i loved him and only him sure johnny kissed me but I did backed away "I went over to him and grabbed him but he was too strong this time" I want you so bad Matt" I started to kiss his neck "the same way you wanted that kiss from johnny right and the same way you forgot about our date " matt said "I lost track off time and I called you but how did you " was all I could get out " i was there I went there because I some how knew you would

be at his house and then I saw it and you didn't do anything but let it happen " he said "that is not true if you would have stayed longer you would have seen me stop it " I said "it shouldn't have happened in the first place I told you he was after you but you didn't believe me and you certainly don't believe me about the fact that he could walk long before he magically got healed" matt laughed "im starting to wonder if straight relationships are this complicated because if their not I might have to get me a women " Matt laughed "that's not funny and any relationship is hard trust me I know but you just don't get up and say its over out of the blue, please i cant be without you we've come to far for it to end like this" I said "clearly not far enough " he slammed his locker shut and walked away I didn't know what to do my mind just became fluttered with so much and I couldn't think Matt had just broken up with me ..I cant ,

no I wont Except it .


seeing Sean with all these girls hurt me to a core and he didn't even care I was really feed up and wanted to go back home "how do you like it here in the city" he asked "its great , but I should get going" I said "you just got here " he said "yeah I know but you don't seem like you need me you have Emily and Tasha who is gorgeous and lives with you " he laughed "you don't think Im with those girls " he said "yeah I do " I said " Tasha I known for six years she is like my sister and Emily works at one of my retail stores she stopped by to get my signature on a couple of things " he said I felt like an idiot "the only women I want Is standing right in front of me " he said "Really " I said "really " he said back he kissed me "I'll show you to the guest room" he said "how about I stay in your room" I said "are you sure I know you said you didn't want to ruin or rush anything " "we slept together

before and now I'm confident that we have something " I said he started sucking on my neck "What ever you want babe".


I had gotten home and felt foolish about a lot of things and breaking up with Nate was one of them , I didn't want to end things I was upset that he would take johnny's side I turned on my computer and I got an I.M from johnny "looks like I one this round " he wrote I exited it then another popped up it was from Nick

NICBOI: HI Matt how's it going

MCMATT12:okay , how are you , are you okay

NICBOI:I"m fine I'm coming home to visit my parents and I hope it wont be to awkward considering what I did

MCMATT:It's okay don't worry I forgave you I would love to see you

NICBOI: oh yeah im bringing Kyle he wants to meet the Famous Matthew Barrett......

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter e-mail me at with comments regarding the story

(only three more chapters left )

And then I start The story about Matt's cousin Josh Barrett moving to town after Matt , Nathan and the gang graduate and go off to College

Next: Chapter 15

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