Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Feb 15, 2009



I had went to use the bathroom at the Washington Hall , the hall was located in main it was a lavish building that looked like it cost a fortune the bathroom floors were of ivory stone and granite I never seen something so beautiful I went into the bathroom stall and heard the door open and close a women entered she was on her cell "yes Matthew Barrett and his horrid family is as well who the hell invited them" I couldn't believe my ears this rich bitch was talking about us "that car should have killed him I wouldn't have to deal with him and my son " I opened the stall door she looked up "I got to go " she hung up "so I guess you heard" she said "it's you you're the one who's had it out for my son you are miserable aren't you Pauline" I said "don't call me that, it's Paula now" I laughed "your name is Pauline Caruso, you don't fool me we grew up in the same neighborhood in Bensonhurst you just married for money and I didn't" I said "how unfortunate for you " she said smiling "really? I have a home a wonderful husband three beautiful children one of them happens to be gay but I accepted that because he is my child what the hell do you have besides money god knows your kids cant stand you , that's what I thought" I went to leave out I got outside the bathroom and she gabbed me by my hair "you take that back" she said "you crazy bitch" I said I threw her into the wall.

Four Days Earlier


"Can you believe this time next year we will be at Different universities" I said while walking next to amber she stopped and looked at me "are you serious" she said looking at me in disbelief" "I know what I did was crappy but we weren't friends back then and I know it's not an excuse I just cant not have you in my life" I said "well sucks to be you " she said "amber please I was selfish I wasn't thinking about you I'm the one who seduced him in the first place" I said "it takes two , I know its stupid but I thought I loved him ,but why would you understand look how you are playing nick" she said "your right maybe I should have died that night " I said "don't ever say that ,im glad your okay matt it just sucks that you didn't come to me and tell me" "why so you can slap me like you did Nate" we laughed "the only reason I didn't hit you was because you got all banged up from that car , promise never to lie to me again " "I promise , so are we friends" I asked "yeah get over here " she said we hugged each other "What are we hugging about " nick said walking up to us " nothing just hugging " "can I get one of those " he said looking at me I half smiled and hugged him he kissed me Nathan cleared his voice we broke the kiss "what is it to you Bellini " nick said I gave Nathan a look "nothing , nothing at all I have class" he walked down the hall and up the stairs "dude needs a life" Nick said cocky " I should get to class as well " I said before I could leave he said "I haven't spent anytime with you I miss you" "im sorry I just been really busy" he smiled "maybe this poconos get away will bring us close together .

I found Nathan In the library at school he was waiting for me "im sorry about that " I said I kissed him "you really need to tell him to piss off, I was so close to knocking his teeth out " he said then he continued I need for you to promise me something " "sure anything " "whatever happens that you wont stop loving me " "I promise " we kissed the snowflakes started to fall .."matt until the day that die you will always be in my heart no matter what . "good " he kissed me a girl walked into the aisle she turned red "sorry" she walked away we laughed "ever fooled around in a library " "kinky what did you have in mind " he asked I undid his belt and stuck my hand in his pants he got a instant boner "I was just joking we can get caught" he said he looked around "relax baby " I said "if you keep on man handling me like that im going to cum " he said "that's the whole idea I said "come on stop" he warned I kissed him "okay you pussy " I took my hand out of his pants "pussy? Fuck you " he said "I wish you would " I said we smiled at each other he grabbed me and pushed me up against the book shelves and frenched me "I love you so much " he said he was tracing his thumb over my face and on my lips I began to suck his thumb "so what's on the itinerary" Nathan said "well tonight I got to start packing and then we leave tomorrow on the class trip" I said "and then when we get back it's the benefit , and then Im all yours" he kissed me "I like the sound of that " the bell rung and we had to get to class.


The next day was hectic I had to pack and since matt was driving to the school parking lot there was no need for my car I got outside with my duffle bag in my hand I opened the passenger door and amber was sitting there "so but this seat is taken unless you want to sit on my lap" I closed the door and got in the back "why is she here" I asked matt "because she is my friend can you guys at least get along for me" "I cant make you any promises matt I might just feel the urge to slap something" "and I will be ready for you this time matt I saved you a seat matt looked at me then sat down next to Nick , I took the window seat behind them and amber sat next to me "this is great you can be tortured the whole way there "she laughed "shut up amber" I put on my head phones and turned up my i-pod up the drive there was absolutely long and by the time we got to the site it was already nightfall the teacher did a head count and the other four teachers divided us girls from boys and four in a cabin , I was bunked with Robby ,Todd and some kid name Nelson and matt was with Peter, Joe and nick why was this happening to me we went to our respective cabins and got settled in I was too tired to even do anything that night so I went to sleep.

the next few days we went hiking , went to the indoor heated pool , chilled in the Jacuzzi and nick was just all over matt. I wanted to beat his ass but what I had in store for Matt would top anything Nick has ever done for him. The last night I slipped matt a note to meet me at the conference house he was right on time we walked up a trail and then got in a small boat there were two more docked and went across the lake"were are we going " he asked "just wait" I said we finally crossed the small lake and got out the boat and walked up the pathway to where a house stood we went around back "What is this place" he asked "you like the Gazebo I had it decorated just for you " I said "but how" he looked around with a smile on his face "truthfully this is my family property I already had this prepared before we came up no one knows about this location" I kissed him "I love it " he said "hey we don't have a favorite song , I know that's kind of girly but" i smiled "not at all I think I have a song he went over to the docking station on the table next to the picnic basket How about this as our song " he put his i-pod in the docking station and the music filled the air

" Another night goes by without sleeping 'Cause I know I won't wake up next to you, Another life goes by without dreaming And I can't help but think that mine will too

I'm standing before you with this label on my head I'm pleading before you for you to understand

Baby it's you When I look up in the sky I see you Then I turn and close my eyes It's you When I'm sitting all alone in my room Everything reminds me of you"


he reached out his hand for me "what are you doing " "im hoping I can get a dance with the guy who has my heart " I smiled and took his hand he lifted me up right into his arms and we started dancing my body on his the melody just floated between the two of us

"The time is slow and I am sinking Into a hole blackened with lies And though I made it myself You stand watching as my life passes me by

I'm standing before you with this label on my head I'm pleading before you for you to understand How much I adore you I'll be there till the end When everything falls down Will you hold my hand

Baby it's you When I look up in the sky I see you Then I turn and close my eyes It's you When I'm sitting all alone in my room Everything reminds me of you

Baby it's you When I look up in the sky I see you Then I turn and close my eyes It's you When I'm sitting all alone in my room Everything reminds me of you"

he rested his head on my chest I cradled him like a baby "I feel safe when im with you " he said "what do you mean " I began "its like nothing can go wrong when we are together , I can't explain it , you changed my life completely he leaned in for a kiss "so this is where you been " we turned to find nick standing there his eyes were watery "nick " I said he ran off "I got to go after him " I said "don't matt Nathan warned me " I have to tell him you stay here " I ran after him he stopped and fell "are you okay" I asked "I don't know why I feel hurt when I knew this would happen eventually "im sorry I cant help it I love him " I said nick looked to the ground "what about me and what I did for you " I sat down next to him "you are an amazing person nick you helped me when it felt like I had nothing and I will always be grateful but me and Nathan are right for each other " I said he shook his head "no you aren't me and you are right for each other " he started crying I felt like dirt I started to feel really bad for him "im sorry I didn't mean to hurt you " he hugged me "you'll always be my matt but I have to tell you something " he looked scared "it was me who ran you down " my heart stopped or at least it felt like it "I don't understand why would you do something like that " " that night I saw you with nate and I knew you weren't talking about nothing and then you wanted to leave early so I followed you " he said I began to get angry " I saw you guys talking in the district and I just went black I thought Nathan was you and my intentions was to run Nate down not you" he said "you crazy bastard " I said he was hysterically crying " I hurt the only person I ever loved tell the cops and who ever I deserve what im getting I closed my eyes then grabbed him he flinched because he thought I would hit him but I hugged him he rested his head on my shoulder "im sorry" he said "I forgive you nick .cased close I forgive you and I will forget you " I stood up and walked away from him "don't leave me " he yelled I ran back to Nathan.

(The Next day)


Okay student count " Nathan Bellini" "here" "amber Lawrence ,,,,amber Lawrence ... we heard a scream amber came out of woods hysterical "what happened" "nick he's he's he's dead " I turned sheep white "what" "everyone stay here " "amber show me " she grabbed my hand we ran "hay get back here "we got to the bank of the river I saw his body floating I jumped in "matt what are you doing I swam to him and grabbed his body and pulled him to shore he was cold I knew he was dead amber stood next to her Nathan and Robby and Todd ran to the entrance that lead to the bank of the river I began CPR "what are you doing he is dead" Nathan said "no he isn't" I said his breath was still warm I wasn't giving up nick started spitting up water he slowly open his eyes the teacher called 911 and the ambulance came and collected nick and they drove off to the nearest hospital , nicks parents were informed and t hey made the long trip to the poconos the rest of us had to get on the bus and go home , it was night time and everyone was pretty much sleep but I kept thinking about nick Nathan was pressed against the glass drifting I took his arm and wrapped it around me and rested my hand between his head and shoulder kissing his neck he snuggled against me "what's wrong " he asked "I cant sleep I keep on thinking about nick" I said "he is fine he will be okay all because of you " "because of me he almost killed himself" I said he hugged me then wiped my face "are you having second thoughts about us " Nathan said "god no" I kissed him "then as long as we have each other everything will be okay.

we got home and all of us were feeling bus lagged my car was in the same spot I parked it "I don't feel like driving I said "amber grabbed the keys" I'll do it since you did give me a ride to the bus " we loaded our bags and exited the school parking lot "how about we drive into main and I go home and you guys do what you do best " "sounds like a plan" Nathan said she drove to the main entrance showed her resident id and was let in , I Always get in because Nathan puts my name on both guest list the first at the main gate and the second the gates that surround his mansion amber drove to the front of her house, amber house wasn't of any comparison to my Nate's over size home but I was nice and eloquent don't get me wrong her house was huge and the lawn was freshly manicured everything seemed perfect the windows were polished and see through and the pebble stone walkway seem to add a rich look she kissed me goodbye and scolded Nathan all in good fun and walked away Nathan was watching her "looking at her ass " I said he smiled "the only ass im thinking about is yours I climbed in the back seat and sat in his lap he started rubbing up and down my outer thigh "your making me so horny right now " Nathan said "didn't mean too" I jumped in the drivers seat and started the car "Hey that was uncool " he said " I got to get you home then I have to get home myself" "what about my situation" he said smiling "use your hand " I said "haha very funny how about I use your hand " my dick started to get hard Nathan jumped in the front seat while I was driving he started caressing my dick through my jeans he unzipped them and reached in and took my cock out he put his head in my lap and started sucking me off while I was driving ,, my emotions were getting tangled up I couldn't think it felt so good to have his warm wet mouth on my tool bobbing up and down I started swirling the car then took control "come on Nate stop it" I said he was clearly going to stop when I finished cumming I started fucking his mouth while driving "We are almost at your house the guards will see you with my dick in your mouth he looked up at me and then did what I thought he could never do deep throated me I moaned loud causing the car to hault jerking us a little I came in his mouth and he drunk every bit of my spunk. He lifted up and gave me a sloppy sticky kiss then I said I have to get you off now "no need I already came in my pants sexy , no hands that's the kind of effect you have on me" he said I reached in my bag and grabbed a towel he wiped his face and mouth and I wiped my cock clean and zipped up my pants .

(Next Night)


Men and tuxes ladies in gowns , mother had to get glamed up having Dolce and Gabbana gowns flown in from Milan because she swears everything is about her , me and my brother wore classic black tuxes of course with no tie we like to be kind of rebels , Amber walked through the door with sexy ass dress on and her hair in a updo she sat down next to her parents I remembered why she was my girlfriend in the first place(hey just for the record Im not remotely interested in her anymore so...don't worry there's no chance of that happening) and besides the person I love just walked through the door looking like a GQ model damn matt is sexy with regular clothes on but with a tux he looks like a trillion bucks we locked eyes and he smiled at me Sean nudged me I nudged him back directing him to Amber we shook heads and departed I went right for Matt "hello handsome" I said he turned "wow talk about handsome you look great" he said "so do you" I said Todd and Robby came in we all talked then it was time to sit with our families so we all parted ways.


I had went to use the bathroom at the Washington Hall , the hall was located in main it was a lavish building that looked like it cost a fortune the bathroom floors were of ivory stone and granite I never seen something so beautiful I went into the bathroom stall and heard the door open and close a women entered she was on her cell "yes Matthew Barrett and his horrid family is as well who the hell invited them" I couldn't believe my ears this rich bitch was talking about us "that car should have killed him I wouldn't have to deal with him and my son " I opened the stall door she looked up "I got to go " she hung up "so I guess you heard" she said "it's you you're the one who's had it out for my son you are miserable aren't you Pauline" I said "don't call me that, it's Paula now" I laughed "your name is Pauline Caruso, you don't fool me we grew up in the same neighborhood in Bensonhurst you just married for money and I didn't" I said "how unfortunate for you " she said smiling "really? I have a home a wonderful husband three beautiful children one of them happens to be gay but I accepted that because he is my child what the hell do you have besides money god knows your kids cant stand you , that's what I thought". I went to leave out I got outside the bathroom and she gabbed me by my hair "you take that back" she said "you crazy bitch" I said I threw her into the wall she charged into me we ended up in the main hall where everyone was I punched her in the face "the car should have killed my son, your words what kind of monster are you" this bitch had to pay she started chocking me I chocked her we ended on top of a table the people scattered Champaign glasses and plates flew everywhere Martin , Matthew , Karen was trying to separate me and Nathan and Sean were trying to grab her they finally separated us "you are nothing Moira Barrett , nothing but a housewife who will continue to be a housewife until you die" she screamed "let go of me im okay" they let me go I walked up to her "and your nothing but a gutter snipe gold digging bitch from Bensonhurst Brooklyn , for god sake Pauline Caruso your own children hate you" I said "let me go Nate and Sean im going to kick her ass" I turned "its right here I dear you". With that I walked away.


"What is wrong with you " I said to My mother I was outraged everyone was still looking , matt and his family left "what is wrong with me , what is wrong with you not defending me " she said "what did you want me to do help you fight Mrs Barrett" I said "yeah" I looked at her and shook my head "your going to find yourself alone with nothing and noone in that big lonely house" I said "no she'll buy a new husband and have some more kids she can ruin" Sean said "Sean don't even start with me , you weren't even wanted you my son was a mistake " Sean looked hurt he turned his back and walked away amber got up and followed him out of the room I turned my back and started to walk away "don't you dear turn your back on your mother I love you " she said "no Paula you only love yourself , do us all a favor go home you embarrassed this family enough tonight .

(the next day)


I felt lousy who knew mom could fight I came down stairs and went into the kitchen to make me a bagel there was a knock on the door I opened it "nate what are you doing here " I asked "how's your mom" he placed a hand on my shoulder "she is fine ,everyone is still sleep come on in " I said " he came in and shut the door "my mom is" he started I cut him off "I know who she is you do not have to explain anything to me , but Im worried about you though" I said he looked up at me "why " he asked " I mean I know she is your mother but you have to live with her she's kind of crazy " I said "not to me im not scared of her , I think Sean has had it he packed up his stuff and went back to manhattan he didn't even leave a note. I walked over to him sitting on the stool and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in closer he rested his head on my chest wrapping his arms around me "our families hate each other " he said "I know but we still have each other right " I said "of course im not letting you go anywhere , at least not now" he said laughing "hay " we kissed "oh yeah happy Valentines day" he said he handed me a box out of his pocket I opened it , it was a 14 k mens bracelet I laughed "what's so funny you don't like it" he said " yes I love it , wait here " I said I went upstairs and came back down with a gift "you bought me something " he said I handed him the black box he opened it "wow this is wild you bought me the same bracelet I guess great minds do think alike " "yeah they kinda do " I said "I love it thank you " he kissed me "so have you heard from suicide boy" Nate said "stop he has issues and he is back here thank god " I said "did you visit " Nathan asked "no I think I should just keep my distance"

(Sean )

I woke up with a splitting headache and amber was in my arms this girl is so great she actually stayed with me in her parents boat house she awoken "hay its morning already" she asked "yeah , I should be going " I said she grabbed my hand "don't leave you can stay here in the guest house my parents don't even come in here and they are always working:"she said "no I couldn't impose "I said I got up and started to put on my shoes "you matter to me Sean" she kissed my forehead "just because your mother didn't want you doesn't mean no one else don't " she squeezed my hand "I want you " she said I kissed her "thank you for saying that , you matter to me too amber, but I got a apartment in the city and businesses to run , I'll be back soon and when you come to new York next fall we can really be together" I said "that sounds like a plan" we kissed "happy Valentines day " I said to amber "happy valentines day" she said back I left out got in my car and headed for the nearest highway back to Manhattan..

---------------------------------- Song

Ryan Cabrera - It's you

Next: Chapter 12

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