Nates Wounded Heart

By Luis Salazar

Published on Apr 5, 2007


Hey guys, I'm sorry I'm taking too long in between chapters, but you know school, money, it all leaves me with little time to do my stuff so, again I'm sorry about the delay but here you have something that I hope all of you will like. The same old rules apply to this chapter, don't read this if you know you're not supposed to or have problems with homosexuality.

Thank you all for the nice comments and I hope you guys like this.

Chapter 7. ---- Heat and Cold ----

After having endured the downpour of the day before, Luke had gotten in bed late, and had obviously had some making out with Nate before sleeping but now as he lay awake in bed he felt awful. Every breath he took was through his mouth, for his nose appeared plugged with his mucus and his mouth felt dry. With every breath he took, he felt as if his throat was burning and a slight sharp pain in his chest. After thinking about it a little, he realized that he was indeed sick.

He tried to move and get out of bed, but Nate had one of his arms on top of him and he felt so weak that he couldn't get himself free. As he stirred and tried to move Nate's arm off of his chest, Nate woke up.

"What's up Luke?" He asked while yawning.

"I don't feel so good." Luke said in a husky low tone.

Nate immediately shifted himself so he was now leaning on his elbows and looking down on Luke, he laid his hand on Luke's forehead and got a worried look on his face.

"Babe I think you're sick." Nate told him.

"No shit." Luke answered before starting to cough.

Nate got up and said he would be right back. He started searching through his things and got him a few pills that Luke thought were boulders going down his throat. Nate was kneeling to his right side and he leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"You're gonna be ok babe, but you're not going anywhere." Nate told him.

Luke was about to say something but before he could say a thing, he fell asleep.

Her cell phone started ringing and she started trying to reach it in an attempt to hurl it away so she could keep sleeping. She reached in under her pillow wondering if she had stuffed it in there, but after a few seconds, she realized it wasn't there. She kept trying to think of where it was, but she couldn't remember, so she had to get out from under her covers. Then she saw it was on her desk and she immediately wanted to kick whoever's ass it was that was calling her. When she got to her phone, she saw it was Luke's number.

"Luke I'm gonna rip you a new one for calling me at this time!" She yelled as soon as she answered.

"It ain't Luke Becks, it's me, my babe is sick I think he has the flu or something." Nate replied in a pleading tone.

"How bad is he?" She asked realizing that she couldn't be mad at them for this.

"Well I gave him a couple of Tylenol's to try and get his fever down and I gave him some water and then he was out..." He told her.

"Do you want me to go over there and help or something? I mean I don't have class until 10." She said as she turned and saw in her alarm clock that it was still 7:30.

"Actually yeah, I wanted to see if I could go and buy him a few things, that's why I was calling you, I'll go fast and that way you'll only need to stay with him for a while." Nate asked her.

"K, I'll be there in a few minutes I'll just throw something on." She said.

"Thank you honey." He said.

She hung up and threw on the first clothes she found and was out the door so quickly she amazed herself. By the time when she reached their room, she realized she was running. She knocked on the door and after a few seconds, Nate opened. He was wearing only boxers and a white t-shirt. She surprised herself admiring him before he reached out and hugged her. She hadn't processed how much weight he had lost until this moment and a lot of past wishes came to her when she saw him with so little clothing.

"I got scared, he was moving a lot and then when I spoke to him he answered and his voice was all raspy," He took a deep breath, stepped back to let her in and continued as she walked down the small hallway into the room. "Then I just gave him the pills and he went back to sleep, I hope his fever goes down..."

When she saw Luke she realized that Nate had been right by worrying, he was pale, though his face was red, showing that he did have a fever, and his lips were all dry.

"OK, go get the stuff you need, I'll stay with him and then I'll go to class," Nate started dressing after she said those words, but then she realized he had to have class that day. "Hey don't you have class to go to?"

"I have one in the afternoon, but I know you have class at that time too, so I think I'm just gonna skip it and stay with him." He explained.

"Isn't there someone else that could keep an eye on him?" She asked.

"Maybe, but right now I need to get him a few things." He said and then finished putting some jeans and a sweater. He was out the door and ran his errands in less then half an hour.

He felt as if he had just gotten off a rollercoaster, his head wouldn't stop spinning and then he felt as if his throat was going to kill him. He opened his eyes and saw Nate sitting at the foot of his bed, sleeping while leaning against the wall. He started to remember about what had happened earlier in the morning and he realized that he hadn't gone to class and that he was very sick. It amazed him to think that the day before he had been feeling perfectly fine, yet he caught in a quite heavy rain as he was on his way to the dorm from his last class. Just that rain had brought him such a strong cold. Then he remembered, it was Thursday, Nate had class on Thursday afternoons.

"Babe, wake up, I feel better." Luke said still in a raspy tone.

Nate stirred and opened his eyes. He immediately looked at Luke and smiled when he saw him awake. "I thought you were gonna keep sleeping all day."

"Nawww, I feel better, though my throat is killing me, I hope you're not skipping class because of me." Luke said.

"I still have time to go, but I don't want to leave you alone, I mean, what if you want to get up and something happens?" Nate asked him.

"I can get up just fine..." Luke started to say while he struggled to get on his feet, then as he was trying to stand up he felt dizzy and he lay back again.

"See, I won't leave you alone..." Nate said, he reached out and started caressing Luke's cheeks and then leaned in for a kiss.

"Don't, you'll catch it too..." Luke said, though smiling from Nate's affectionate display.

"I don't care, `cause then we'll be able to sleep together for a good while until we feel better." Nate said with a slight chuckle.

"Hey, I've got an idea, why don't you call Martin, maybe he's free and he can stay with me so you can go to class." Luke proposed.

"Do you think he'd do it? I don't want to bother him or anything." Nate replied.

"Get my cell, I have his number in there, call him and that way we'll find out." Luke said.

Nate got up and got Luke's cell phone from his desk. He started to scroll down the numbers and found Martin's number. After a few rings, he answered.

"Wazzup Lukester?" Martin answered.

"Lukester? I hope you don't start calling me Natester..." Nate pondered aloud.

"Heh, I thought it was Luke, what's up Nate, anything yours truly can do for you? Help you with homework? Keep you company? Watch you and Luke going at it?" Martin asked while cracking up at the last part.

Nate started laughing very hard and Luke covered his head under his pillow.

"Sorry babe," Nate said to Luke. "Hey Martin, actually Luke is kind of sick and I was wondering if you have anything to do in between 1 and 4 this afternoon, I have class at that time and I was actually about to ask you if you could stay with him while I go to class." He said into the phone.

"Well I don't have class at that time, I'm actually just getting out of my only class today so I could baby sit for you, though I will need a certificate that says he got all his vaccines at the dog pound after you picked him off the street." Martin replied.

"He's got all of them." Nate said chuckling.

"Is he neutered yet?" Martin asked.

"Oh no, thank god no." Nate said.

"Good, that's about how I like'em." Martin said and then started laughing. "Ok, I'll be there a in a little while, I'm gonna pick up something to eat so I can eat there, you want something?" He asked.

"Well I haven't eaten anything today, so if you don't mind, I don't want to be a problem so just bring me something small." Nate said.

"No problem I'll get you something too, I'm gonna be there shortly, see ya." Martin said before hanging up.

He got to the floor and ran into a tall guy with dark hair and blue eyes, who caught his eye; the guy was leaning on his door frame and looking at the people that were walking by. He remembered the guy; he had seen him at the floor reunion the first days, a freshman, a very hot freshman. Though he couldn't quite remember the guy's name. He was slender rather then muscular, but still his eyes and his face gave him quite an appealing charm. As he was passing by him, the guy looked at him and nodded. He nodded in response, and was glad that the guy had nodded instead of saying hello or something else, which would probably end up in him not knowing the guy's name and making an ass out of him self. He got to Luke and Nate's room and knocked on the door. Nate opened and smiled at him.

"Thank you so much for coming;" He said as he was stepping aside to let Martin walk in. "I don't want to leave him alone, I bought some medicine for him and some teas that I know are good for a cold, but I don't want to leave him like this."

"Don't worry, I just wish I had someone who'd take care of me like you do for him." Martin confessed.

"I know I guess it's because I hadn't seen him like this, and he is my boyfriend," He started scratching his head and looking around the room. "I don't know it's weird."

"Damn it you're so cute, you don't have to explain to me why you want to take care of him like this, I mean it's not like I don't know that you two are crazy about each other." Martin said as he was walking towards the bed where he saw Luke was sleeping in. When he saw him, he noticed all the signs, the paleness, the flush in his face and the dry lips. Luke was breathing through his mouth and his nose was all red and puffy.

He went to the desk and put his backpack on the floor in front of him; Nate walked next to him towards the bed and stood there staring at Luke as he slept. He got out the bag with the food he bought at a small coffee shop close to the English building. He had bought three drinks and three sandwiches. He took two of each and placed them on the desk in front of him, while he left the other drink and sandwich in the bag and placed them against the wall on the desk.

"Nate, here's a sandwich and a drink." He said looking back towards him.

Nate looked back at him and started walking towards the desk, he stared at the food and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but couldn't, it took him a while before he could say it. "You didn't have to spend that much, you know I could've just gone with something small."

"Look, just eat it and forget about it, you guys are my friends and you are actually a lot nicer then some other sophomores and juniors I know, and besides it's lunch, time and I bet Luke hasn't eaten much today or has he?" He replied.

Nate curled his lip a little bit to a side and nodded. "Good point, and thank you." He said before putting his desk chair closer and sitting down in front of Martin. He looked at his watch and started eating the sandwich Martin gave him.

"Are you late for class?" Martin asked.

"I'm still in time, I'll just eat and then get going," He took a sip of his ginger and then stared at the can, after a few seconds he looked at Martin. "How did you know that I like ginger ale?"

"Luke told me, before the two of you started dating, he had told me that he liked his roommate and shared a little bit about you, I guess he needed to get it off his chest `cause he thought you were straight at the beginning."

Nate seemed taken by surprise when he heard this. He looked at Martin and then looked towards the bed; obviously, he was looking at Luke. "I didn't think he liked me that much... I mean I know he likes me, but I never thought he had suffered thinking I was straight."

"Well, you're not exactly girly or wear tight clothe like some other gay men, and besides you are very masculine, plus if you come to think about it, you are a bit serious so he probably thought you were straight as an arrow."

He was almost done with his sandwich; he stopped eating and smiled. "Actually if you want to know something, I thought he was straight and suffered a lot too, I kept thinking about how gorgeous he is and just thought he was being friendly to me or that he was trying to make me feel better, given that I know I give a very lonely impression to everyone most of the time."

Martin smiled. "You two are so cute that you make me sick." He said and chuckled, Nate chuckled a little too. Though in reality Martin wished he had someone that would make him feel, as he now knew Nate and Luke felt for each other, it had been about two months since they started dating and it was more then obvious that they were very in love with each other.

Nate finished eating. He gathered the wrapper of the sandwich and finished his drink, then threw the can and wrapper in the garbage bin under his desk. "I gotta go now," He picked his book bag and threw a sweater on. "You take good care of my boy ok?"

Martin nodded. "You just get back after class and I might stick around and keep you company, I don't have anything to do anyways." He said and Nate came and stood in front of him. He rose to his feet and was about to shake Nate's hand, but instead Nate leaned forward and hugged him tight. Martin felt himself blush besides his best attempts to keep his composure.

"Thank you," he said as he walked out with a smile on his face.

He was feeling better, the tight feeling he had in his throat was almost gone and his nose was still stuffy, but at least he could get some air through it. He stirred in bed a little and felt a person's weight to his side on the bed. So Nate was still taking care of him, he smiled and opened his eyes, he was facing the wall and Nate was sitting next to him on the edge of the bed. "Hey babe, I think I'm feeling a little better, but I think I need one of those kisses you give me, that would sure fix me." He said without looking back or changing position.

"Well I would gladly kiss you, but something tells me that Nate would probably kick both of our asses for it." Martin answered from behind him.

He sat up and looked to his side so quickly that he felt a tad of pain on his head that reminded him that he wasn't all that healthy yet. And there surely was Martin sitting next to him, with a big grin on his face. "Wait, what the fuck are you doing here and what did you do with my boyfriend?" He asked noticing how his voice was less raspy and more similar to its regular tone.

"Well Nate called me and said your ass was sick so I decided to baby sit for a while," he grinned and arched one of his eyebrows before continuing. "Besides I thought I could get to take a few looks of what you hide beneath clothing most of the time, you know while you were out in dreamland."

He hadn't finished that sentence and Luke had already punched him in the shoulder. Then he pulled Martin on to the bed and started trying to pry his arms apart. Martin was surprised because even though Luke was sick, he was strong. When Luke had him pinned to the bed, he got this devilish look on his face. "Now that you've seen mine I get to see yours you know." He said looking down towards Martin's crotch. The mere implication made Martin's cock start to swell.

"Well... I was joking you know." he said before he started stuttering and trying to pull his arms towards his crotch to cover it.

Luke let go and started chuckling. "I wasn't going to make you, and besides I know you're the kind of weirdo that does something like that." He said as he was getting up from the bed, then he started rubbing his nose and looking around the room.

Martin felt relieved and he sat up and started trying to wield his cock to go down. He started feeling it relax and then he saw that Luke had gone in the restroom. He came back with some toilet paper and blowing his nose on it. Martin noticed how toned Luke's thighs appeared to be, and also he noticed that Luke still had some wood from his sleeping, it tented his boxers real nice, yes, just like Nate had said, the boy was plain down gorgeous. "I think I'm feeling better, how long ago did Nate leave?" he asked as he was sitting back down on the bed next to Martin.

"Actually I think he's going to be back soon. He said his class ended at 4 and its three forty five now." Martin said looking at the time on his watch.

He shifted his gaze towards Luke's crotch and saw that the slight wood he had was now almost gone. "I could show you if you want to see." Luke said startling him out of his trance.

"I'm sorry Luke, it's just that," He took a deep breath and looked away. "It's been a while, and you know, you're not that hard to look at." He felt he was blushing for the second time that day.

"Thanks, but if you ask me, you're really good looking so anyone that wouldn't want to get it on with you sounds like an idiot in my book." Luke said and then smiled.

"Thanks, I told Nate earlier, I really like you guys, you're better then most people I've met around here." Martin said acknowledging how much he really liked the two of them.

When he went into the room, he found Luke sitting in bed reading one of his schoolbooks and Martin was sitting at Luke's desk reading one of his own books. He walked in, put a bag with food down on his desk, and saw Luke get up to meet him. He thought he was about to get a kiss or some type of greet, but instead Luke grabbed him by one of his wrists and dragged him into the restroom.

"What's up?" he asked once they were inside. Luke didn't speak, he just reached out and held him, then he leaned in and gave him a kiss, it was long and passionate. Then he pulled back and smiled at him.

"What's up? First, thanks for caring for me like that," He leaned closer and gave him another kiss. "And second, I have something in mind, and it involves you, me and Martin." He said and he arched his eyebrows while saying the last part.

It took Nate a few seconds to get it, he pieced the words together with the mischievous eyebrow arch that Luke did. "You mean, do something sexual with him?" He asked with a bit of reluctance in his tone.

"Look, I know I gave you shit a few weeks ago and all when I thought you were attracted to him, but I got over it, and besides he's been a good friend to the two of us, and besides I think he could use some loving you know, he's been single for a while and I think it would be nice to help him out, besides I already thought of it and we could set some rules about it, well I mean if you're willing to do it." Luke said so fast that he sounded like Lisa Simpson on a caffeine high.

"Ok, first, stop speaking non stop like that, you know it freaks me out when you do that," He took a deep breath and then he looked straight into Luke's eyes. "And second, let's hear about these rules you said, and maybe I'd do it."

"He doesn't get to suck us, and we won't suck him either, we touch, caress and jerk him and the other way around but that's it," Luke said and then walked a bit around the room; Nate was about to answer but then Luke spoke again. "And maybe some humping, or kissing? If it's ok with you and only if you want to."

Nate thought about it a little and he did get the feeling that Martin was lonely, he wanted to help him, and he felt that he could trust Luke, besides there were going to be some rules, and he felt like he could trust Martin. "OK, we'll do it, but no kissing, and no sucking, and remember we don't know if he wants to do it or not, unless you asked him before I got here."

Luke jumped up and pumped his fist in the air. "No I haven't asked him, but I think if we both tell him about the rules and that we care about him and all then he won't say no."

Nate nodded and he took Luke by the hand, the two of them walked out of the bathroom and walked into the room to find Martin standing in front of Nate's desk.

"Hey, I was worried," He started looking at the two of them and then looked at the floor. "Is there something wrong?"

Luke smiled and looked at Nate, he returned the smile and then Luke took Martin's hand and dragged the two of them to Nate's bed. He sat down and Nate followed. Martin stood in front of them showing doubt in his face. "Just sit down man, we're not going to kill you or anything, we have something to tell you." Luke said to him, and he nodded without changing the worried expression he had as he sat down.

"Martin, Luke here made a suggestion to me when we were in the restroom," He said, he looked at Luke and then the two of them looked at Martin smiling. "He suggested that maybe the three of us could share some fun now."

Martin looked startled and he looked at the two of them, they were still smiling and blushing a little. "Are you two serious, `cause I mean, I don't want to get in the way with the two of you, you know you guys are a couple and I like you two, and besides Luke is a bit sick."

"We know and we like you as well, I'm feeling better and it's not like you're gonna make me run a mile, besides we trust you, you're a good friend and we had thought of a few rules just to keep things in line," Luke said, he looked at Nate and then at Martin. "Well I came up with some rules, we can touch, caress and jerk each other, but we don't suck you, and you don't suck us," He looked at Nate and he remembered about the other ones. "No kissing and we can hump, you know how that tends to feel nice..." He said and smiled.

Nate chuckled. "See told you he wasn't neutered."

Martin laughed and then he took a deep breath. "Well it sounds good to me, though to be honest I am so fucking nervous right now, I mean the two of you..." He didn't know what else to say and then he reached out towards Nate and Nate nodded to him. He saw his hand was shaky and he started running his hands on Nate's nipple through his shirt. Nate sighed and leaned against the wall. Luke got up and walked next to Martin sitting next to him so that he was now in between them, with Luke to his right and Nate to his left.

Luke put his hand on Martin's chest and started rubbing it. Then Nate reached to him and he started running his hands on Martin's crotch. Then Luke started to pull Martin's shirt up, Martin took the hint and helped him finish the job to reveal his slim and defined torso, his stomach was flat and there was a trace of a six-pack in it, and then his chest was well defined but not big, with nice dark nipples at each side. Luke took his shirt off next and then the two of them looked at Nate that was staring at the two of them.

"Oh, I don't..." Nate said and then looked at Luke in a pleading effort. Luke waved him off and looked at Martin who was looking from one to the other.

"My boyfriend here doesn't like to take his shirt off because he thinks he's ugly." He said to Martin.

Martin smirked and looked seriously at Nate. "Come on dude! If you're ugly then I'm chopped liver." He said before he reached and took hold of Nate's shirt.

At first, Nate stiffened, but then Luke moved a little closer and he caressed Nate's face. "It's ok, babe, trust us." He said and then he helped Martin to pull the shirt up over Nate's arms, though this time there was no resistance.

He felt so weak with no shirt on, but then Martin smiled at him and he started running his hand up and down his chest, taking time to touch his chest hair and tease his nipples. "You look like a grown man, I like it, and you are not ugly, you've got a nice beefy body, nothing wrong with that." He said still smiling.

"Why don't we lose the rest of the clothes now that we're at this?" Luke asked them.

They started taking their clothes off and Martin didn't miss on the details of Nate's girth and the length of Luke's penis. As they both noticed how nice Martin's dick was, about seven inches, not too thick but very nice, with a mushroom head.

Now that they were naked, Martin reached forward and took one of Nate's nipples in his mouth, gently licking it first and then sucking on it. Nate moaned in response and then he felt a mouth covering his dick. Luke was sucking him as Martin sucked on his nipple, he opened his eyes and saw Luke's head on his crotch and he started caressing the side of his face with one hand and with the other he did the same to Martin but it was shortly after they began that he was sure that he was about to shoot.

"Guys stop or I'll cum right now!" He warned before he pushed them a bit so they stopped. He sighed and then he leaned down to kiss Luke, while he ran one of his hands on Martin trying to reach his cock, and then he felt Martin help him, he used one of his hands and placed Nate's hand on his dick.

Luke pulled back and then he started sucking on Martin's nipple. Then Nate joined him by sucking on the other one. Luke placed his hand on Nate's and so Nate moved his hand so that he was jerking the lower side of Martins' dick, while Luke rubbed the head of it. Martin started breathing hard and moaning, while he caressed both of their heads.

"Stop, stop," he said and they both acquiesced. "God, I've been about ready to shoot from the beginning and you go nuts on me like that, give me a break," They all laughed at this and then Martin started rubbing Luke's penis. "Damn boy that's quite some piece you've got there."

"It makes me feel tiny." Nate told him.

Martin grabbed his dick. "How, when you're this thick, you're both armed!"

"I can't wait `til he fucks me with that." Luke said.

"I will, I will, just wait, it'll be worth it." Nate said.

"I have an idea," Martin said as he started pushing Luke so that he was lying on the bed, then he moved him so he was on his side, facing him and with his back to Nate. "You guys have never actually had penetration together right? But you must have some lube," He looked to Nate who nodded and got some out of his closet. "I'm not gonna fuck you and neither will Nate but we are going to give you an idea."

He lubed up his dick and rubbed some lube on Nate's too, then he rubbed some on Luke's thighs and Nate started figuring out what he was planning. "We're going to pretend to fuck him, by rubbing our dicks in between his legs, close to his dick and balls, huh?" Nate asked and he nodded, Luke started smiling.

"I like the sound of that." He said grinning.

Then Nate got behind him and wrapped his arms around him, as he aimed his dick in position, Luke closed his legs together and then felt Nate start to thrust in from behind. Martin got in position too and started to thrust in, but lower from where Nate was, though soon enough they were both practically rubbing their dicks together. Luke loved the feel of Nate holding him from behind and of him thrusting against him, and then there was Martin in front of him, who was also thrusting against him. He reached in front of him and pulled Martin closer.

Martin put his arm around Luke and then felt Nate stretch out and put one of his arms on his shoulder. He reached down, took Luke's cock in his hand, and started jerking it frantically. Luke started moaning and then Martin couldn't take it anymore and he started blowing his load. He moaned and his chest and abs tightened as he shot, Luke could feel his cock swell with every shot as well.

"Oh fuck yes," Nate said in his ear. "I love you babe." He said before he started shooting too. Nate held him so strong against him while shooting. Luke went nuts at this, he replaced Martin's hand, and after a few strokes, he sent a shot flying upwards and it hit him in the chest and the few next shots hit him and Martin.

The three of them were gasping for air as they embraced. "Thanks guys, you don't know how much you both mean to me." Martin said to them. Nate leaned closer and stopped midway to Martin, he looked at Luke and Luke nodded to him, so he closed the distance and planted a kiss on Martin's lips. After they parted, Luke kissed Martin next and then the three of them shared as much of a kiss as they could manage to get in that position.

Next: Chapter 8

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