Nates Wounded Heart

By Luis Salazar

Published on Jan 14, 2007


I really want to thank everyone for the nice comments I have been receiving and also I want to let you guys know that in this following week I will probably take a lot mor time to deliver a new chapter, my father has been hospitalized and will be having laser surgery to correct some problems he has with his kidneys and prostate, so I will most likely be helping him out and won't have much time for writing, though I promise that I will do my best to have something good for all of you as soon as I can.

Disclaimer: The following story contains sexual material between consensual adults. If you are offended by homosexuality or know you shouldn't be reading this according to your local laws, then please don't. Comments are welcomed at:

Chapter 4. --Follow your heart--

The day looked darker then yesterday; there wasn't any bird today that he could see out the window. Once again he had managed to wake up early so that he could catch Nate dressing after his shower. Becca said they had fixed their issues and that Nate wasn't mad at Luke anymore. He had been able to confirm it when he walked into the room and was greeted by a smiling Nate. "Hey Luke, how was your day?" He liked the warmth that flowed with the comment, and couldn't repress a smile. He felt a tingling in his stomach, as well as one in his groin. They had chatted for a while until at a point Nate looked like he wanted to say something so he stayed quiet waiting for him to talk, and eventually he gave an apology. "Luke... I... I'm sorry for... you know..." He smiled back at Nate and nodded. "I know, just promise me that whenever you're mad at me you'll at least talk to me about it and not just give me that cold silence." Nate smiled, nodded and then they proceeded to talk about their classes.

This morning he hadn't heard the shower, though he was sure he had heard noises coming from the bathroom and now he had just heard the toilet being flushed, then he heard the bathroom door open. His cock started to stiffen as he heard Nate coming out. He rolled over and feigned to be asleep. Then not a minute later he heard Nate walking by his bed. He waited a few seconds again expecting the sound of the towel hit the ground; that would mean Nate was already starting to dress and would have his back to Luke. In other words it would be his signal to start watching. He heard the thud; he opened his eyes and saw Nate's naked back view. Though what was lying on the floor was a pair of boxers. His cock gave a twitch as he saw Nate's ass, now he could clearly see that Nate's crack was covered in some dark hair. He liked the view a lot. He had already fantasized about Nate fucking him, but now he was curious about the idea of actually fucking Nate. He felt his cock go rock hard as he imagined pushing his cock into that hot ass that was standing right before him.

Nate had a pair of boxers in his hand and he put them on. Now that he was somewhat dressed, Luke thought it would be a better chance to try and see if he could get Nate to relinquish some of his shyness. He moved a little in bed, quite audibly and noticed Nate stiffen a little bit, the he spoke up. "Morning Nate." Nate froze up and turned around. Now that he was really seeing him from the front Luke's cock twitched once again. He had seen some of Nate's frontal the day before and now he could see it whole. He could use some work on his chest and you could see the little remnants of what probably had been a gut in the past, but the view made it clear to him, Nate was hot, thought the guy seemed to have his issues about nudity. "Sorry did I... wake you up?" Nate asked him, with a bit of stuttering in his speech. "No, but I do wonder why are you waking up so early on a Saturday, it's not like you have any classes today." Nate looked around obviously uncomfortable and he out an arm around his abs, and started to pretend that he was scratching his shoulder.

"Oh, I was actually going to jog for a while." He answered while looking to the floor, still covering his torso with his arms. Luke got up and moved towards Nate. Nate looked at him and then he was sure Nate had focused his sight on Luke's crotch, noticing his tenting. "Looks like the jogging works, you look good." He told Nate and then he reached and ran his fingers over a part of Nate's chest that he failed to cover with his arm, playing with Nate's chest hair. It felt soft, and it was short. Nate covered himself at the area and jerked nervously at the contact. "Hey it's ok, I just wanted to touch the hair, I don't have any and none of my friends back home do either, I had never seen someone young with chest hair like yours." Nate blushed at Luke's words, and started to feel his cock hardening, he looked down at Luke's crotch and saw the bulge, and he thought Luke's cock had to be at least 7.5 or 8 inches long.

He looked up and saw Luke smiling at him. Had he just caught him staring at his crotch? "I'm sorry; I'll dress and get going." He managed to stammer out. Luke frowned and looked straight to his eyes. "Sorry for what? I never said I didn't like how you looked, or that I had a problem with it, you look very good and shouldn't be so shy about your body. Luke reached with his hands and caught Nate by the wrists and pried his hands away from his body, Nate was resisting. "Please don't..." Nate told him while trying to get his hands free, but Luke had a strong grip, and never stopped smiling while trying to uncover him, that smile made him weak. Luke managed to get his hands to his sides and then he looked at Nate's body up and down. The guy didn't need any work, he looked just fine like that. Sure he wasn't a poster boy, but he was just fine, his chest looked nice, not too buffed but it was very nice, and his stomach was flat, and that bit of a roll that formed at the bottom actually looked charming. He let go of one of Nate's hands and Nate put it close to him, still he didn't try to cover himself or to get his other hand free, he just stood there looking at Luke. Luke reached with his free hand and ran it from Nate's lower stomach, following the treasure trail, he surrounded Nate's navel and then went up to his chest, where he ran his fingers once more on the chest hair, and then he caressed Nate's left nipple.

Nate sighed and shivered a little. No one had touched him this way, not even Derek. He closed his eyes for a moment and felt Luke release his hand. When he opened his eyes, he saw Luke staring at him, and for a moment their eyes met. Luke was slightly shorter but still they could see into each other's eyes without much effort. Luke got his hand off of Nate's chest. "You don't have anything to be ashamed of, not at all." Luke told him. Nate swallowed, feeling his dick so hard that he thought it felt like he was close to cumming. He didn't want to look stupid so he decided to answer. "Thanks... I... people used to treat me bad, before... I was fat and ..." Luke, placed his left hand on Nate's right shoulder, and moved it up over his neck, until it rested on Nate's cheek. "Well now you're not. So don't ever feel ashamed of your body, you're a gorgeous guy." Nate felt like his face was on fire. Had he just called him gorgeous? Luke moved his hand downwards, until it was on Nate's bicep, and he squeezed it. "Have fun jogging, I think I'll have some more sleep, but if you want to do anything for lunch let me know." Luke told him, before he took off towards his bed, and then he got under the covers and smiled at Nate from the bed. He dressed quickly and went out as soon as he could.

He woke up at the sound of something, it sounded like some sort of video game, and then he started thinking harder, trying to identify the sound. "A nudge." He said to himself. He got out of bed, and saw that the mess that Nate had left before going for a jog was still there. He went to his desk and saw that he had an opened msn messenger window from Becca and that she had sent him a nudge.

"Ok, ok I'm here." He wrote

"About time, damn how much do you sleep?" She asked

"Just enough to be pretty : )" He cleverly answered.

"You smartass, lol" Was her reply.

"Nate and I are talking a lot now; it's almost like if he was someone new, he even apologized for being cold with me." Luke sent.

"That sounds like the Natey I know and love ; )" She replied.

"Natey? Oh it seems like there are mushier things in between the two of you then I had imagined." He wrote.

"Well we go way back you dumbass, now is he there? I want to say good morning." She wrote.

"No, he went out for a jog, looked nice when he left too." Luke replied.

"Heh, I knew it, you like Natey!" She sent.

"Oh... It's not like you don't know I'm gay, but keep it quiet, I don't want him to know anything until I know if he would have a problem with it." He asked her.

"Luke and Nate sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g" She sent.

"Lmao you little... I'll get you later, lol I wish I was kissing him." Luke said.

"Oh honey, make a move, trust me, you have nothing to lose." She told him.

"Ok looks like you know a lot more then I do." Luke said.

"Well for any direct information you have to ask him, I won't tell you any of his stuff, but trust me, he will have no problems with you being gay, but if you want to know anything more then you have to talk to him, tell him I said you are cool and that he can tell you if he wants, that ought to help." Becca told him.

"Well I guess I will then." Luke answered.

They chatted some more for a while and then the wireless internet that they have at the dorms began to fail, so they agreed to just look for each other later and closed the conversation a few minutes before the connection went down completely. Luke got up and went into the bathroom. He took off his clothes, sat at the toilet and did his business, before proceeding into the shower, once again as he was showering the horniness that had been building inside of him wanted to come forth, but he managed to keep himself concentrated, even more because he was hungry. He dressed quickly, just some cargo shorts and a white t-shirt, and then he put on some sandals and left for breakfast.

Nate jogged for quite a while and then got back to the dorms, when he went into the room he saw Luke wasn't there. He checked in the bathroom and saw what he thought was the evidence of that he had just taken a shower. "Must've gone for some breakfast." He thought. He took off his sweaty clothes and started picking up the mess of clothes that he had left there when he took off in a hurry. Luke's touch made him so weak, that he was sure that if he hadn't left the room when he did he would've ended up giving in or taking the lead himself. He was beginning to think that Luke was probably gay, or at least bisexual, and then he begged for him to be just gay, he didn't want to have another bisexual person attracting him, the last time it had happened he had ended up regretting it more then he had even imagined.

He got naked and went into the bathroom, normally he would've been fully clothed before going in, but as Luke wasn't even there he decided to just risk it. He peed and then got in the shower, as he was soaping himself he ran his hands over his chest and the stopped at his left nipple, where Luke had paid so much attention. He could still feel the tingling that Luke's touch had made him feel, and he liked it. Luke had called him gorgeous, no one before had even called him anything like that. Then when he ran his other hand with some soap over his crotch he felt his dick was pointing straight to the front, as it usually did when hard. He started to play with himself and then decided against it. Luke might come anytime and he just wasn't sure that hey were on the level of confidence where they could tell each other about their sex lives.

Although he was sure he would love to not talk to Luke about his sex live but start one with him. He amazed even himself with these thoughts as he was drying himself. He stood there in the bathroom before running a hand over his chin. His beard needed to be shaved, though it was a Saturday, so he decided to just ignore it and let it grow over the weekend. He didn't have any classes and he didn't have to go to the library and face Ms Hepburn, and he was so thankful for the latter.

He went out and into the room, standing at his closet he started to get some clothes out and dress. When he finished he decided he had to go and eat something after all he had gone to jog without anything in his stomach and he knew that wasn't all that right to do. So he got on his way to the dining hall. As he was walking he noticed that the day was still dark, the weather of the days before had been nicer, sunnier, and this meant that probably it would rain later on in the afternoon and that it would probably be chilly in the night. At least he knew that it wouldn't snow until December, and even then the chances of getting snow weren't that much or at least that was what he had been told by his counselor.

When he got to the dining hall, he noticed that the student population by rule woke up late on Saturdays, either that or they liked having breakfast late. It was a little past ten a.m. and the place was crowded with students having breakfast. He got on the line and waited for a few minutes before getting to the counter, he started picking some food and then after flashing his student card, he went to a table at the far end of the hall, he put his tray on the table and as he was going to seat down, he felt a familiar pair of arms wrap themselves around him, and smiled. "Hey" Becca said from behind him. He turned around and faced her, smiling all along. "That makes me feel like in high school." He told her. She lowered her head smiling and hugged him once more. "I don't care, I like doing it and I missed doing it." She told him while pressing herself against him. "I'll go get some food and join you." She said while breaking the hug and then she walked towards the line. In a few minutes she was back and sat down next to him.

"I talked to Luke this morning, he was so happy because you started talking to him again." She said before she put some cereal in her mouth. Nate nodded, he was happy too, and he didn't feel so afraid anymore, now he knew that perhaps Luke resembled Derek physically, but from the conversations they had before Nate gave him the cold treatment and the ones after, like the one they had that morning made him feel like Luke was totally different then Derek. "I know I apologized to him." He responded, she smiled to him as she was chewing on some cereal before answering. "I told you he's a good guy, and he is a lot like you, more than you think." She said. Nate thought about this for a moment and didn't know what to make out of it.

He took some oatmeal into his mouth and began chewing. She was looking at his eyes. He smiled, she knew that he was debating on something, and had probably chose her words in order to put him in that situation, she had always done that while growing up and had never stopped it seemed. "Talk to him, he has some questions, but I said I can't tell him anything that is personal for you, so I said he should ask you, and believe me Natey he is a great guy, I told you the only other person who gave me this vibe before was you." Nate stopped, looked at her in the eyes and smiled. "I am so glad that you're here Becky, you can't imagine how glad I am." She lowered her head and smiled. They kept talking for a while before going back to the dorm and then they headed to their respective floors.

"Yeah mom I already had breakfast." It was the third time his mom had asked him that. He had called because he knew his dad sometimes came to St. Louis for business and he would probably be able to tell him of a good place where he could take Nate for dinner. But his mom wouldn't stop interrogating him about everything. They had talked before, but it seemed like she still felt like the first day when he left. "Promise me you will come to visit us next weekend." She asked. "Oh for heaven's sake mother, I am only two hours away." He said back. "You said it yourself it's only two hours away, you could come here even tomorrow early, have lunch and then dinner with us and then you could go and be there before bed time... no wait, I don't want you driving in the night it's dangerous..."

He cut in before she could continue. "Mom, I love you, you know that." -Silence on the other side of the line- "I know you miss me, but it is not like I am leaving to not come back, I love you guys and I would never do that to the two of you, stop worrying so much ok?" He stayed silent, waiting for some answer from his mom, and then she tried to speak, but hesitated before she did. "I love you too and you're right, some good psychologist I am right?" He chuckled, and so did she. "Wait, you said you wanted to speak with your dad right? I'll get him." He heard in the background a few sounds and then he heard his mom calling out for his dad.

"He'll be right on the phone baby." She said. "Thanks mom, I love you, I'll call again one of this days." He heard her sigh. "I love you too, now here he is, take care honey." He heard some movement and then his dad greeted him. "Hey Lucas, how's college treating you?" He smiled. "It's treating me ok dad, I actually wanted to ask you a favor." "Well, tell me and I'll see what I can do." His dad answered. Luke thought for a few seconds before actually speaking. "You know a few places in St. Louis right? I want to take someone out to dinner, and I was wondering if you could tell me of a restaurant that you think would be nice." He was nervous of what his dad would say, but if he had told his mom, she would've began another one of her cheers over the phone, at least his dad would take it easier. "So, you've met someone there?" His dad asked him. "Oh, yeah, well he is my roommate, and he is very nice, and well very handsome, I wanted to take him out tonight, but it all depends on what he says, I will ask him when he gets back, he is a little short on cash from what he tells me so I thought about inviting him... But of course if that's ok with you, I mean it's your credit card and money anyways..."

His dad cut him off. "Lucas, Lucas, breathe!" He started laughing. "I'm sorry dad I guess I was talking too fast... and too much..." He said trying to apologize. "Don't worry son, I live with your mother, I am used to those episodes she gets, and that you can get too apparently." They both laughed. "Yeah I guess I was acting like her." Luke said feeling a bit of blush coming to his face. "Sounds like you really like this young man." His dad told him. "Yeah, I do. --A few seconds of silence pass- So is it okay if I take him?" Stan smiled to himself. "Of course it is son, if he is good enough for you then who am I to judge him? I trust you, and besides you know I won't get mad for you spending the money on the card as long as you're not spending ridiculous amounts, now get a pen and I'll give you the address of a nice place, and later on you can tell me how it went and tell me a little more about..." "Nate, his name is Nate, he's from Texas, but he doesn't have a thick accent, he is really nice and I don't know much about it, but I think his family doesn't help him with college... I'm doing it again..." Luke said, and then covered his face with his hand. His dad started laughing over the phone. "It's ok son, now listen well so you can have fun with Nate if you guys agree on it." He said. "Thanks Dad." Luke answered.

Stanley hung up the phone. He stayed silent for a few minutes staring into the air, while sitting on one of the living room couches. "Is everything ok?" Marla asked him from behind. He looked back and spotted her at the entrance to the kitchen, leaning against the wall. "Yes, it is, and it will." He told her. Her blonde hair was getting longer then she usually would allow it to be. But still after 20 years of marriage her beauty would always amaze him. "I miss him" She said while looking down. He got up and covered the distance between them. "He meet someone he likes, they will probably go out to dinner tonight." He told her and her reaction was immediate, she looked up showing him her brown eyes and looking into his blue eyes. "You should've heard him; he spoke without stopping about him, just like you do when you get all excited about something." She smiled and felt her eyes go teary. He kissed her and then dragged her into the kitchen.

He sighed and put the cell phone down next to him. He hadn't wanted to admit it, but he already missed his parents a whole lot. He had gotten the directions of the restaurant, no dress code, not too fancy, good food, and they could chill and not worry too much about privacy issues. He heard the door being opened and then he saw Nate coming in. He grinned when he saw Luke. "Good morning sleepy head." Nate said. Luke grinned he was still nervous but he knew that this is what he wanted to do, so he took a deep breath and looked up to realize that Nate was staring at him. Nate came to his bed and sat next to Luke. "The last time you sat there you gave me a horrible look, so please promise me you won't do that now." Luke said. Nate blushed and lowered his head. "I'm sorry about that too." He answered. Luke grinned and punched Nate's arm.

Nate looked up and put a hand on his arm, right where Luke had just punched him. "Sorry, look oh... I was wondering if you would like to go get dinner with me tonight, I know of a nice place where we could go and I think it would be nice." Luke said. Nate looked to the floor and was obviously pondering about it. Then he looked at Luke in the face, and kept his stare, Luke didn't think this was an angered look like the one he had already seen, it was more of a questioning, or curious look you could say. "It's my treat and I guess you could say it's to wish us a good semester or whatever." Luke said trying to get Nate to stop thinking so much about it. "Ok but nothing expensive..." Luke jumped in before he could finish. "I said it's on me, and stop worrying about it, so are we going?" Nate took a deep breath, looked at the floor once again and then he looked back at Luke, this time his expression was relaxed, and he nodded. "Great, just remember to be here around 7:30 so we can be on our way there before 8."

In the afternoon he had to go to the library, ant thankfully he hadn't run into Ms. Hepburn while he was there, then he went back to the room and did some reading. It had rained a bit during the afternoon and now the weather was cool. Then when they had gone out to go to the restaurant, Nate had been wondering how far it would be and how they would manage to get there, and then all his questions were answered when Luke walked him to a car in the parking lot behind the dorm building, a nice dark blue jeep. He had shared his surprise about the car to Luke. And Luke said. "I hadn't needed to use it before so I hadn't thought of it much until today, and besides you didn't ask." Well that was true, Nate thought.

When they got to the restaurant, Nate didn't like it, he thought the place looked expensive and didn't want Luke to spend money on him like that. And when the waiter gave them their menus, he was sure that he didn't like the idea anymore. "Hey Luke, I don't like this, I mean look at the prices..." Luke raised his hand in front of Nate's face and he knew that meant he wanted him to shut up. "I said I'll get it and besides I know I can afford it, well my parents will pay for it, but I already told my dad and he said it was ok." Nate nodded, still not liking the idea at all. He couldn't decide what to have so Luke told the waiter to bring them some buffalo wings as an appetizer and that they'll order later on. Their table wasn't all that apart from the rest but still, all of the tables had a considerable distance in between each other, which would probably make it harder to hear something from another table. Then Nate remembered that Becca said they should talk and he knew exactly what she meant, and it seemed like Luke had picked this place to have that talk, he was a bit nervous, but strangely enough he had a good feeling.

"So... Becca won't tell me much about you, except that she calls you Natey." Luke said grinning. Nate laughed, Luke was clever, he was getting to the point but he was easing it out with some humor. "Well, we've known each other since we were 10 so we do call each other names like that." Nate said. He looked down at the table clothe and then the waiter brought them their buffalo wings. Luke took one and dipped it in some sauce that was in the middle of the tray where they had been brought. "Becca tells me that you are curious about a few things, and I'm not sure, but I think I have an idea of what you might be curious about." Nate said. Luke stopped chewing on his wing and put the bone on a small plate that was next to the tray. He nodded in agreement and thought that Becca hadn't told him that she had given Nate a hint of him wanting to know about Nate's past.

"So, what would you like to know? I am pretty much sure that you want to know about my past, and the things that got me and Becca to be away from each other before we came here right?" Luke nodded. Nate was clever, he had figured out a lot without much information, if that had been all Becca had actually told him, and now he was about to hear the things that could tell him whether he had a chance with Nate or not. Nate cleared his throat and began to speak. "During our senior year, well I had slimmed down a lot, as I told you I used to be fat, but then I grew taller and lost a lot of weight, so it was then that some people in school actually began to treat me ok. But Becca was always my friend, she never cared, and because she had been my friend all along, some people hadn't liked her before that time."

Nate took a wing and started eating it while Luke disposed of another bone. "Sounds like your high school classmates were real assholes, if you ask me." Luke said, while Nate started eating on another wing and nodded his agreement to Luke's words. They ate some more wings and then as they ran out of wings, the waiter showed up and asked if they were ready to order. Nate started scratching his head while looking at the menu again, and the expensive prices. Luke ordered himself a steak with some salad and pasta. And then he kicked Nate under the table. Nate looked at him wide eyed and then Luke gestured to the menu. Nate pointed at a dish and Luke ordered it.

The waiter left and Nate decided to resume his story. "So our senior year there was this new guy in school and everyone liked him, and being from outside he didn't act like all the rest of the school towards us. So he became our friend and then some other people started talking to us and hanging out with us even though they would've never done that if this guy hadn't showed up." Luke nodded and Nate drank some water. "Ok, so his name was Johnny and a month after school started that year, he became Becca's first boyfriend. And one of his friends started to hang out with me a lot." Nate became silent for a few seconds before he spoke again, Becca had said he could trust Luke, and besides he was pretty much sure that Luke was gay. "He and I... we became..." He stopped talking and begun looking around the room nervously. Luke reached across the table and held Nate's hand.

Nate looked at their hands and swallowed; he looked up and saw Luke smiling at him. "Nate It's ok, you can say it, I won't freak out, in case you haven't noticed I don't mind at all about that, in fact if you must know, I am gay." Luke said. Nate sighed and he felt a huge weight had been lifted off of him. He smiled and begun speaking again. "We were a couple, you could say. His name was Derek and well he had a girlfriend, but he was hitting on me and then we started... you know... but he made me promise I wouldn't tell." Luke nodded and started running his fingertips all over Nate's palm. "But then I don't even know who, or when, someone realized of what we were doing and told him. And then he started rumors of that I was a pervert... and that I spied on him...So once again everyone hated me... And even my parents believed it, so they kicked me out." Nate stopped and took a deep breath, he looked at Luke and saw that he was staring at him wide eyed, his look was of surprise. "I'm sorry, that guy was such a prick" Nate nodded, they kept talking a little more, then their dinner came and after they were finished they headed back to the dorms.

As they entered the room, Luke stopped in the hallway and when Nate walked by him, Luke reached out and pulled him into a hug. Nate couldn't help it and he gave in. Luke kissed his neck and he felt chills going down his back. They broke the hug apart and then Luke grabbed him by the hand and led him to Nate's bed. Luke sat down on the bed and pulled Nate so he would sit next to him. When Nate was seated, Luke got close and kissed Nate on the lips. Luke could feel his heart beating incredibly fast and then he placed his hand on Nate's chest and felt that his heart was pounding just as fast. They pulled apart and looked into each others eyes. Nate couldn't stand it anymore and he pulled Luke to him and gave him a very passionate kiss, he grabbed Luke's head from behind and started running his hand through Luke's blonde hair, then as he broke the kiss apart, he gently bit Luke's lower lip. Luke moaned and held Nate tight to him, and then he started kissing Nate's neck again. "Derek was an idiot for not appreciating you." Luke whispered to Nate's ear, before he licked Nate's ear lobe and started licking and kissing his neck some more. Nate was breathing hard, and he reached with his hand and caressed that bulge he found in the front of Luke's pants, causing him to sigh. "I had wanted to do this since I came in here and saw you wrapped in that towel." Nate said. Nate pushed him on the bed and reached for Luke's belt.

Next: Chapter 5

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