Nates Wounded Heart

By Luis Salazar

Published on Jan 7, 2007


I had sent chapter 2 in a week ago but it never showed on the archives and I didn't receive a notification either so I am sending it in once again. Once again I would like to keep my name as Luis Salazar.

The following story involves characters over the age of 18 who are engaged in consensual sexual activities. If you are anyhow offended by homosexuality or know that by your local laws you should not be reading this, then please don't.

Thanks for all the nice comments I have received and sorry for the delay, I hope you enjoy it. -- .:Luisfer:.

Chapter 2. ----A haunting Past----

"Do you know what they're saying? Dude you gotta help me..." Nate was desperate, and Derek wasn't helping at all. In fact he seemed to not really care about any of it. He stood his ground without moving or looking at Nate's face. "I can't help you Nathan, in fact I need you to leave me alone." Nate looked at Derek's face; his blue eyes had lost their sparkle, and looked of a darker blue. His face was rigid and expressionless as he walked away. And right at that moment he figured it out. "You started the rumors didn't you?" His voice was above a whisper, or at least that is how it seemed to him. Derek stopped in his tracks and looked back, for a moment there he looked at Nate and then returned his sight to the front. "You have to understand I have a reputation and I can't have anyone thinking I'm a fag." With that he took off through the street leaving Nate under the pouring rain.

Nate woke up, his heart pounded in his chest. He was covered in sweat and saw a shadow above him. "Are you okay?" Luke asked while standing right beside his bed. He sat up and nodded emphatically. "Yeah, just a bad dream... that's all." Luke nodded and started walking towards his bed, then stopped half way there. And he said to Nate: "You know, you didn't really sound like you were okay, if you don't want to tell me that's fine with me but if it has you like this then maybe talking about it might help." Nate choked up. The idea of talking about all of that, acknowledging all of what had happened to him... He couldn't do it.

"Try to get some sleep, it's still dark." Luke said. He had a feeling Nate would keep whatever it was to himself. "I know you don't really know me, but believe me I don't want to hurt you, and if you need help or to talk I'm here." He looked back to Nate and saw his eyes were shining, filled with tears. "I hope he listened..." He thought before going to bed again.

"You look so much like him... So much like Derek." Was Nate's last thought before falling asleep again.

The dorm orientation lecture held at the common room of the floor, was incredibly boring and from what they could tell their Resident Assistant was a bit of an old school prude. During the lecture they had seen some of the other students from their floor, which actually bothered to attend and hear all the rules and warnings against getting drunk, coming drunk to the dorms, doing drugs, bringing drugs or alcohol, about how they should not be loud and play their music at low volumes... bla...bla...bla... When the meeting was over, everyone started chatting while moving to their respective rooms. This good looking girl had been looking repeatedly towards Nate smiling, and had come up to try and talk to him, he just avoided her by moving to his left and letting some other people walk by in front of him. And as soon as people started arriving at their rooms, several students blasted their stereos up. It was unanimous; no one liked the RA or the rules.

Once at their room Luke decided to read for a while, but by looking out the window it was easy for him to decide on going outside and sit somewhere and enjoy the nice weather as well. He took his pocket book copy of Insomnia, a book by Stephen King which he had picked the day before coming to school; he took his reading glasses, his keys and was ready to go. Nate had seemed surprised when he saw Luke with glasses on reading the day before. He knew he did seem to have a jock's body but he had never been a jock, he was more of a nerd on the inside, still he had surrounded himself with that type of friends, it was funny now how he remembered they always thought he was just lucky because he would hang out with them and go to parties and all and still managed to score good grades. The truth was, school had always been easy for him.

Nate saw Luke coming out of the room. "Heading out?" He asked as soon as they ran into each other. Luke looked up and nodded. "The day is kind of nice to spend it sitting on my ass in here." Nate thought it was a good idea, but still he wanted to avoid Luke's company. The dreams of the previous night were still bugging him. "Guess I'll see you when you get back here." Luke smiled and nodded in response. He expected no less, but certainly hoped for something else. Close to the parking lot he found some nice trees, there were some wooden benches around them. But he opted for sitting under one of the trees. A very large, thick tree that. He sat under it and began to read at once.

Peeking out the window he thought Luke was right, the day was sunny and clear. It truly seemed like a good idea to go out. "Maybe I could just walk around." He said to the empty room. He took his keys and went out. On his way down the stairs he decided to go have an early lunch at the dining hall. And as he arrived he saw there was a much smaller crowd then the one they had found when they went down to have dinner. After a short line and flashing his student card he took a sit by himself on a table at the far left of the dining hall. He had a good view from here, he could see the door and most of the place, but the rest of the people there were sitting on the tables closer to the entrance.

After finishing the small lunch which consisted in a salad and some fruit juice, he got up and disposed of his leftovers. As he was heading out he saw a girl staring at him. He examined her and as he stared, the shock almost made him trip over. She was staring at him wide eyed and without moving; giving him the same look he was showing. "Hi... Nate." She said, trying to smile. Her hair was shorter, at shoulder length, of the same raven color she kept while they were in high school and her big grey eyes looked the same. "Hey Becca... I gotta go..." Bullshit... he wanted to hug her, yell at her, make her feel how he felt. After years of being his best friend she had just stepped a side and allowed everyone to treat him like shit and stomp him. He hurried out and left without looking back at her. How could she be here? How in hell, of all the schools where she could've gone, she had ended up here with him.

"I requested to be assigned to sophomores, but noooooooooo they had to put me in that damned floor with all of those freaking freshmen..." Luke looked up to hear the mumbling of a guy who was walking in circles at the parking lot behind the building, very close to where he was seated. On closer inspection he realized that the guy was his RA and he was speaking on his cell phone. He couldn't help it and chuckled. As soon as he did he regretted it, the RA heard the chuckle and looked his way, giving him an incredibly icy look. Luke smiled, trying to repress his laughter and waved at the guy. He smiled, a fake smile, and waved back.

He resumed his reading and didn't realize that the RA had stopped talking on the phone until he was already in front of him. "Stephen King... I guess reading is reading..."When Luke looked up he saw the guy was standing before him looking down at him and his book. "Hey... you're the RA that works on my floor aren't you?" The guy smiled and nodded, he then extended his hand to Luke. "I'm Martin." Luke closed his book and shook Martin's hand. "I'm Luke." Martin replied with a grin and raising one of his eyebrows. "So Luke is a reader, you certainly don't look like a reader at first sight, of course if you count the glasses then that's a different story..." Luke had to smile at that one. The guy was funny, and at close inspection he was good looking too. Martin had short hair, really short hair, which appeared to be dark blonde and had brown sparkling eyes, a nice smile; he seemed to be about 5'10" and looked to be of an average build. He took a seat next to Luke and they began to chat.

"No one will see us here. At this time no one comes, and you saw the librarian on our way in, she was fast asleep, it would take her too long to get here." Nate was nervous about the idea, but it was lunch time and the library wasn't exactly popular among students. They were in a dark area in between book shelves at the far end of the library. He looked at Derek and all he saw was the lust that showed in his eyes and the bulge that was already pressing in his jeans. He pulled Nate to the floor, on the carpet and started to unbuckle Nate's belt and then his own. Nate pulled his pants off and saw Derek's cock as he pulled his pants to the ground. He was already hard and ready. Derek pulled a condom out of his pants pocket and opened it with his teeth. Then he put the condom on Nate's dick and laid down spreading his legs. Nate didn't need any more direction. He got on top of Derek and aimed his dick at his butt and then he applied pressure and started to go in.

Derek didn't even bother to bring any lube, he liked it this way, Nate started to thrust in as he was jacking Derek's dick with his right hand, while keeping balance with his left hand on their side. Derek's eyes were closed and he was moaning. He thought about kissing him, but knew that would piss him off. He began to thrust quicker and loved the tightness and warmth that surrounded his dick. "I'm almost there..." Hearing Derek say this made him start to fuck him harder and faster. Then in a matter of seconds he was there. Derek's cock began to shoot and his ass to clamp on Nate's dick. "Oh fuck..." Then he came, and boy did he come... He's body twitched, but he had no time to enjoy it much as Derek started to get up. "I gotta go; my girlfriend's waiting on me..." Nate forced himself to not say anything and he just took off the condom and started to put his clothes back on.

"Want to go have lunch?" Nate looked up startled. The book he was reading was lying now on his lap covering his erection. Luke was standing next to his bed looking down on him. "I already went and had lunch. I thought it would be best before it would get too crowded." Luke nodded, took a deep breath and blew it out. He looked down to where Nate's book was. "Nice." Was all he said. And then he took off to the door. "I'll be back in a while then, maybe we can do something and get you out of here for a change." Nate nodded. Luke left the room. Immediately Nate realized that there was nothing on the cover of his book, it was an old book with a dark cover, the name and title of the book were all on the inside. Why would he say nice if he can't tell what book I'm reading? He took the book and begun to read once again. Unless it wasn't the book he was talking about...

"You know I bet there is some school psychologist which you could use." Nate looked at Luke for the first time that morning. His look of amazement was obvious and it seemed to have worked. "I don't need a shrink Luke, what I need is some space, ok?" Luke looked down to the pants he was about to put on. This was their third day together and Nate still hadn't gotten used to seeing Luke getting dressed. Yesterday he had gotten out of the shower with just his towel over his waist, and as soon as he had reached his bed he had dropped the towel. Nate stared at Luke's toned ass and became fully erect in a flash of 5 seconds, then he'd turn away and Luke had begun to dress slowly, picking carefully every bit of clothing to wear. At least right now he had already put on some boxers.

"Well you might need space but we both need to sleep you know. And if you keep waking me up in the middle of the night because of your nightmares then we won't get much sleep." Nate finished gathering his things and put them in his backpack. "Besides if you sleep so bad and wake up so early to shower before I wake up and might see you then you will really be in need of some rest." Nate froze. Luke figured it out; waking up earlier meant a lesser risk of Luke seeing Nate coming out of the shower, or seeing him with no clothes. "Besides some more sleep might make you a bit friendlier and help you to chill you know..." Nate glared back at Luke and went out the door. "See you could use some chilling..." Luke said to an empty room while he pulled on a pair of jeans.

When he got to his class, he was hoping to make some friends, but having some blonde thin girl with huge breasts hitting on him as soon as the class begun wasn't exactly something he was looking for. Intro to anthropology promised to be an interesting class. Luke was glad he had picked this major and his parents thought it was an amazing decision. After all, his dad was an art historian and his mom a psychologist. He wished he had paid more attention to his mom's words on ways to build trust. She had tried to put all that stuff down his throat when she was trying to fix him up with Josh, and then with Matt. He had no interest in learning any of it, though it seemed now it would be useful on Nate. "So do you have a girlfriend?" Asked the perky girl who had sat next to him. "Actually that would be boyfriend and no." Luke answered. "Awwwww why are all the cute ones gay?" She said, so loud that some of the classmates close by looked back and started giggling at them.

After a few minutes they all had calmed down and some of them were whispering to each other about how boring they thought their field investigations would be. But to Luke this sounded actually quite interesting. The girl that had been hitting on him had gone to another seat and was now pulling her charms on someone else. "It seems like the poor thing took it well." A girl said from behind him. Luke looked back to see a girl with shiny black hair cut to her shoulders and beautiful grey eyes. "Yeah, she just wasn't my type." Luke said while grinning. "I hear guy to guy action is better anyways, I don't think you should have any regrets." She answered. Luke immediately liked her. They spent the rest of the class chatting and had lunch together, they realized that Becca and Luke had a bunch of classes together and they had decided to hang out later. Luke gave him his dorm number and they discovered they both lived in the same building, so she said she'd drop by later that day.

Classical literature was an elective for freshman english students. But to Nate it sounded like something he had to take. The majority of his classmates seemed to be at the verge of sleeping. While he was thrilled to hear about the books they would have to read. Of course at the beginning he was highly worried about having to buy the books. But that worry faded as soon as the teacher said that most of them were on the school library and that those who had scholarships had permission to take them out and return them later on the semester. Dickens, Mary Shelly, Ovid, all of those names sounded to Nate like he would have a lot of fun with the class. And while the class information had him spellbound, he didn't even speak to any of his classmates. A few had greeted him as they sat close to him, and he had barely nodded in response.

He went by himself and had lunch. Then he was gone to the library where they would explain to him what he would be doing for his student hours. He would basically sit on a desk a few days a week for a couple of hours and receive books from the students who would come to return them. Other days he would be in charge of organizing those books, with the aid of a librarian that would teach him how to. "I expect you to learn how to do this in the first week; I don't have time to stay around you all the time you know. I have my own share of things to do young man." The librarian had told him. He had nodded emphatically to all of her words to try and get the old woman to stop pointing her finger at him at every word she'd say. It took him a short while and then he was off to his next class.

After his class of English and composition, he was off to the dorm, he was tired, but not so worn out as he had been the previous summer when he was working with his sister to try and save the money they thought he would need in college. Susie was the most important person for him right now. Their parents had kicked her out when she was 16, and Nate was 6. She had gotten pregnant and the couple of rednecks they had for parents had thrown a fit. After this, he would barely see her, whenever he could manage to get away from his parents without them knowing where he was off to. Her daughter Ginny had always been to Nate like a little sister. And being that Susie was a single mom after her boyfriend left and never came back, she had always worked as a waitress and then as a cook at a small dinner a few miles away from their parents home. After Nate got kicked out he had joined Ginny and Susie at their place, and had begun to wait tables at the dinner, where Susie was now the cook.

He hadn't called her and was sure that he would soon enough. He hoped everything was ok. They had been short on cash for a while now, and had been having trouble with paying the house bills. His parents had never bothered to help Susie or Ginny, and it was his dad's decision. He was the worse person Nate had ever met. And his mom was too meek to ever do something her husband would tell her not to do. The day he had been kicked out his mom just cried in the couch and didn't even look up to see him leave while his dad threw some of his stuff out of his bedroom. "You get out of here and never come back, and you'll only take what I say you'll take, the rest I'll sell it. You hear me?" He had yelled to Nate. Once he got to Susie's, she had held him while he cried, and said she'd take care of him.

They were coming up the stairs. "Ok so... Paul Walker?" She asked. "Ok that's a hot one, but you think he'd do a dude?" Luke asked her back. She laughed and followed him, they were already on Luke's floor. "It doesn't matter if he would, what matters is if you would do him. Duh!" Luke laughed and just nodded. "Of course, wouldn't you?" He said while laughing. Becca blushed a little, smiled and nodded. They went in the room. Luke opened the door first and stepped a side, directing Becca in. "See no straight man would do that, they have no manners at all..." She went silent and stopped midway in the hallway. Luke saw Nate was sitting on his bed looking at the 2 of them. "Hey Nate, this is my friend Becca. Becca, this is my..." He stopped mid-sentence when he realized that Nate and Becca were staring at each other in silence, and wide eyed.

Next: Chapter 3

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