Nates Wounded Heart

By Luis Salazar

Published on Dec 15, 2008


Chapter 11 ----Getting Help----

Nate had gone to work at the library, dreading to have to deal with Ms. Hepburn but still he knew he had to do it. He always needed money and even though Luke would offer to help him with some of his stuff, he was too damn proud to accept most of the help, except perhaps for some of the meals that Luke would invite him to. And now, Nate wasn't admitting it, but he had been left short on cash after insisting on paying for his own haircut and new shirt for the party. Now as Luke sat on his bed, looking at a sleeping Martin, he felt such a huge fear, he had never even considered the idea of losing his parents or friends, and here he was staring at someone who had lost his parents and a brother that had meant the world to him.

He still couldn't believe that Martin had been holding all of that information from them, and neither could he believe that even though his loved ones had been taken away from him in such abrupt ways, Martin still managed to be a funny, joking and warm person. That is of course, before this whole incident happened and showed the weakness that he held within. He knew this would be hard, but still he knew that they would stick with him, he wanted to, and he knew Nate wanted to as well. As he began to think about a way to help Martin, a thought came to his mind that made him feel as if he was a cold bastard. Nate had been rejected by his family, and even though Austin has a reputation for being a very liberal part of Texas, his friends had also turned their backs on him.

Martin had also lost his loved ones, in a permanent way, but still hurtful as Nate's, and here he was, avoiding his parents since he had come to college, making up an excuse every time they'd ask him to come home for a visit, even though it was barely a 2 hour ride. Even worse, he hadn't even told them that he and Nate were now a couple. In fact, they knew he was dating someone but never heard another thing about Nate after he asked his father for advice on where to take him out for dinner. And now as he pondered about this he realized he was seeing a possible solution for both his problems, his mom was a psychologist and Martin needed professional help.

They could go visit and he could withstand the awkward situation of introducing Nate and telling them as much about him as Nate felt comfortable enough to share. And he could ask his mom, as a personal favor, to talk to Martin and find out if he needed psychological help and how much he needed it, because he was almost a hundred percent sure that he did need some. Now as he thought more about it, the idea of going back home maybe just for the night and then they could come back the next day before dark so they could sleep at their dorms and go to school perfectly on Monday morning. It would take some convincing with Nate but he was sure that knowing it would be a good idea to get Martin assessed, he would agree and bear with metting Luke's parents.

Martin started moving in bed, so he got up, moved to the other bed, and sat next to Martin as he started rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?" Martin asked him.

Luke turned back to check Nate's alarm clock. "It's ten fifteen." He said and laid down hugging Martin. "Had a good sleep?" He asked.

Martin smiled. "Yeah, thanks." He took a deep breath and enjoyed being hugged a little bit. "You guys rock, you seriously do."

"Buddy I was thinking that," he paused and Martin turned around in bed, so he was now facing Luke, "maybe we could go to my house for the weekend, my parents would love to meet you guys and that way you could try and talk a little with my mom."

Martin closed his eyes and nodded. "She's a psychologist, right?" Luke nodded. "So you want her to see how bad I am?"

"Come on Martin, you know I'm worried about you," He reached forward and held Martin tight against him. "We're all worried, we love you, and you've gone through a lot, and who knows, maybe she could do you some good."

Martin took a deep breath. "Ok, I can try and talk to her, but I don't promise anything, I don't like shrinks, I never have." He answered.

Luke smiled and hugged him very tight causing him to start chuckling. "I just want to help you out Martin, but I can't even imagine going through the things that you have endured."

"You know you don't have to do anything, I mean I've lived with it for quite a while now." Martin said.

"But dealing with it alone isn't all that good, and besides you said it yourself, we're the first good friends you've had in years, and real friends don't just let their friends go through this sort of thing all by themselves," Luke said and squeezed him hard again, causing more laughter. "Now you're stuck with us, so you're gonna come home with me and you'll try and see if my mom can be of any help."

"Ok, ok, but stop trying to strangle me," Martin sighed and rested his head against Luke's chest, then a thought made him look up. "Doesn't Nate have to work at the library?"

"He had to, he's there already, and he gets off at lunch, when he does we'll tell him the plan and I'll drive us there, Columbia isn't that far, it's about two hours from here or so." Luke answered.

Martin sat up in bed. "You're from Columbia?"

"Yeah, why d'ya ask?" Luke asked sitting up.

"I'm from Columbia too; when my brother died I had to move to Kansas City though." Martin answered.

"Wait a minute, you mean we're from the same town and we hadn't met?" Luke asked in shock.

"Seems so, and when you think of it, it's stupid, Columbia is small, of course I am 2 years older and I moved away when I was sixteen." Martin replied.

"So you moved out of state?" Luke asked.

"There's Kansas City in Kansas State and then there's Kansas City in Missouri, a small town that faces it's homonym in Kansas state." Martin said.

Now that he knew Martin had grown up in his own town he wasn't so sure this was a good idea anymore, maybe going back to where he had lived with all the relatives he had lost would only make matters worse.

"Don't make that face." Martin said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried." Luke answered.

Martin looked away and thought for a few minutes, Luke waited in silence until he spoke again. "It's ok, I miss home, and besides if I do speak to your mom then maybe we can try and talk about that too." He said.

"Ok, I just want to make sure that you're not going to be uncomfortable or anything," Luke said, and put his hand on Martin's shoulder. "My folks live at Arlington Street, where did you live?"

Martin smiled. "On the other side of town from you."

"Good, so you don't have to bring back any memories unless you want to." Luke stated.

"So, we're going to be chilling down in the big neighborhood huh?" Martin asked with a smile. He knew that street, it was a bit of a fancier side of town then the middle class suburb part where he had lived.

"It ain't that big, stop teasing me." Luke said blushing.

Martin smiled. "Don't worry; I know you aren't like the rest of them stuck up bitches." He said before going into a fit of laughter, even though Luke was still embarrassed after Martin recognized his street's reputation he couldn't help but join into the laughter.

"I always went to public school so I never quite understood the people that lived in my street, all the kids thought I was weird because I didn't wear expensive clothes or anything like that." Luke confessed.

"Sounds like your parents knew better than most of those rich idiots." Martin said.

"Thank you, so I think we should get lunch, or perhaps wait for Nate to come back so we can eat and tell him about it." Luke said.

Martin stayed silent and thought for a few seconds. "Actually, I think I'm going to try and see if I can have lunch with Brent." He finally said.

Luke smiled to himself. "Sounds good to me buddy, I'll call you when Nate and I talk it over so we can settle it," He patted Martin on the back. "You go and have fun, I'm sure Nate will go with us, though I was thinking about Becca but I don't know if she would be up for it, though it would be good if she'd go too, I'm gonna ask her." Luke said after thinking it over.

"Yeah, sounds good, have you asked your parents though?" Martin asked.

"Oh, well, I uh... I guess I should ask my folks huh?" Luke said blushing again.

Martin busted out laughing. "I can't... I mean..." More laughter. "Dude ask them for god sake's!"

"Well my mom is a nutcase she'll love having you guys over, she's been asking me to go there and also she said if I wanted to bring friends over she'd love it, so I guess I'll ask her, but I know she'll say yes and then go hyper-cheery about having you guys over." He said smiling.

"Well you call them, talk to Nate and Becca and then call me and let me know, ok?" Martin said.

"You bet, greet Brent for me and thank him also." Luke said.

"Oh I will, I will." Martin said as he got up.

Jessie was out so when she heard a knock on the door she dreaded having to get up and deal with someone, anyone actually. She got up, grabbed onto her tits just to confirm that she was wearing something at least and then looked down and saw she was wearing her gray tank top and some blue panties, and at the thought of having to pick something and having to dress and all that, she just went and answered the door like that.

"Hey sugar, were you waiting for someone or do you want to try and turn me straight?" Luke asked as he eyed her up and down.

She let out a chuckle, besides her bad mood she loved this idiot. "Well, it depends, how well can you use that horse dick of yours?"

Luke's mouth fell open, he mumbled something and then spoke. "How, I mean, whatever you've heard, it ain't true!" He said blushing.

"Whateva... Nate said he'd never seen one that big, only hanging from either a bull or a horse at his dad's ranch." She said raising her eyebrows as she spoke.

Luke started looking at the floor and moving his feet and hands around all nervous, she laughed at him and hugged him. "So, what brings you here honey?"

"Well I thought about going home, you know my mom is a psychologist and I though maybe she could help Martin, even just a little, and I already called my house and they said it was ok, my dad said my mom looked as if she was about to faint from talking and running so fast, she kept saying she had to clean up a bit and that she was dying to meet Nate too..." Luke said scratching his head.

Becca smiled. "Well, seems like you do just like your mom and speak non stop."

"Oh, well... yeah... sometimes..." Luke said blushing.

"So, did they know you and Nate are a couple?" Becca asked him.

"No, I think that's why mom got so hyped up." Luke answered.

"So, you want me to go with you guys?" She asked.

"Well, yeah, I mean, what are we but three dysfunctional gay men without our straight friend to bully us around?" He asked smiling.

She laughed aloud to that. "Ok, I guess I'll shower and get ready, I need lunch though."

"Ok, have lunch with us, Nate is going to be out of the library in," He looked at his watch. "Ten minutes, I'll get him, meet us at the dining hall."

"Ok, how's Martin?" She asked.

"I think he's ok now, though I still think he has a lot to deal with, he wanted to have lunch with Brent so he went looking for him." He said.

"I knew he'd like Brent, and thank god Brent turned out to be as good as he is." She said and then she stopped as she felt the tears coming to her eyes, Brent had probably saved Martin, and she would never forget that.

"Hey, it's ok honeybunch," Luke said as he came closer and held her. "We're all going to be ok."

"I know, I just still can't believe all of what happened, but I'm so happy nothing bad happened to him." She looked up to him and planted a kiss on his lips.

He closed his eyes as the kiss ended. "What was that for?" He asked.

"You're gay, and I'm straight, I'm in my full right to dream." She said smiling.

"As long as you don't take anything off I'm ok." He said smiling.

"Fuck you; go get him and I'll meet you guys later." She said laughing.

"I'm surprised you called." He said.

"Why? I liked you from the beginning." Martin said.

"Well, I mean, after all that happened last night I'd guess you wouldn't want to have to think about it or anything like that." Brent said.

"Of all that happened last night you were the one good part out of all of it." Martin said before taking a sip of his juice.

Brent blushed and took a bite of his sandwich. Now that he saw him in daylight Martin thought he was cuter than what he had realized the night before, his brown hair looked shiny in daylight and it caused his green eyes to look so intense. Brent looked at him and even though he was now looking, Martin didn't stop admiring him.

"What, do I have something on my face or something?" He asked as he started running his fingers over his cheeks.

Martin laughed. "No, not at all, it's just that last night I though you were cute, but now I just can't help but think you're gorgeous."

Brent blushed and looked down. "You're trying to pull my leg aren't you?"

"Not at all; besides you saved my life. How could I not think you are gorgeous?" Martin said as he reached with his hand and caressed the side of Brent's face. Then as he looked at his closed eyes, he closed the distance between them and planted a kiss on his lips.

Brent opened his eyes and stared into Martin's as they kissed. Brent's lips were so soft and then Brent reached with his hands and held the sides of Martin's head as they kissed. Then they broke apart and closed their eyes, when Martin opened them he saw Brent staring into his face. "That was as good as I could've imagined." Martin said as he gave Brent a quick peck.

"God, when you see Becca thank her for dragging you to me." Brent said before kissing him passionately.

"Oh, you can bet I will," Martin answered and then he noticed a few girls looking at them and smiling. "I think we sort of called attention to ourselves."

Brent looked around and the girls looking at them looked away and started laughing. "Well, maybe it was the kissing don't you think?" He asked smiling and blushing at a time.

"Well, I wish I could stay, but I told Luke I will go with them, as long as it's ok with his parents and all, but maybe we could get together tomorrow night or Monday for lunch?" Martin asked him.

"You call me and I'll be there." Brent said smiling.

As he was about to speak his cell phone started vibrating inside his pocket. He got it out and saw it was Luke. "It's him, he's probably gonna tell me what will happen, I'll call you then." He said smiling at Brent as he got up.

Brent got up too and then they kissed again. "Call me." Brent said as he left the restaurant, Martin waved at him as he answered his cell.

"Are we there yet?" Becca asked.

"Ask that once more and I'll..." Luke said.

Becca, Nate and Martin started giggling. "Assholes" Luke muttered to himself.

Luke was driving with Nate beside him on the passenger seat, while Martin was sitting at the left on the back, and Becca was lying across the seats with her head resting on Martin's lap as he ran his fingers through her hair. They were very close to getting to their destination, they had made it to Columbia a few minutes ago and now Luke was cruising through the town and towards his parents' house. Martin felt a melancholy flood him as they went around the town, even though he never did spend much time on this side of town he missed the place.

"Ok, a few blocks after this corner." Luke announced.

"About damn time, geez I thought you said this wouldn't be too long of a drive." She said.

"I bet my mom is going to be waiting for us in the driveway..." Luke pondered aloud.

"Do I look ok?" Nate asked as he looked down on himself to check his clothing.

"Hot as always." Martin said raising his eyebrows.

"By the way Martin, my dad said he knows where I can get you neutered." Luke said with an evil smirk.

"They can try but they'll never do anything to my dick, unless I want them to." Martin stated as Nate and Becca laughed.

"Oh she is waiting in the driveway..." Luke said as he started scratching his head with his left hand while keeping the other in control of the wheel.

Becca sat up and looked forward. "Dude she looks like you."

"Now I know where my blondie got his hair color." Nate said as Luke glared at him and Martin and Becca laughed at his remark.

"Though hers is sort of dark blonde like mine, yours is lighter then hers." Martin said.

"She looks good, some good genes you have!" Becca stated.

"By the way Becca; no hitting on my dad please." Luke said trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh, boy, this sure sounds like you've got some good genes!" Becca repeated.

They went in the driveway and heard Luke's mom yell. "Stanley dear, they are here!" She started jumping around and didn't wait til Luke had turned off the engine and she opened the driver's door and held tight against him. "Oh my sweet boy, I have missed you so much! I can't believe it's already been almost 3 months, now is this fine young man Nate? You are so handsome!" She said as she stretched and climbed on top of Luke so she could brace Nate. Becca and Martin were both giggling at the look of shock that Nate showed while Luke seemed to be praying to disappear.

"Marla my dear, don't you think you're being a little too forward?" Stanley said as he poked his head in through the driver's open door. "You haven't even greeted the kids in the back of the car."

Martin elbowed Becca to make her react, as she was openly staring at Luke's dad. The man was hot, you had to give him that, he was about five feet and ten inches tall with very dark hair and grayish blue eyes. And it was more than obvious that his facial features had been passed on completely into Luke, they both had the same strong jaw and chin, plus it was undeniable that they had the same broad shoulders and complexion. "Hello sir, ma'am I'm Martin and this is Becca." Martin said as he reached out and shook Stanley's hand.

"Pleased to meet you, I am sorry that we're meeting in these circumstances but believe me young man if there is anything that we can do to help you just let us know." Stanley said to Martin.

"Thank you sir, these guys are wonderful though I'm just happy that I have them." Martin said.

"Oh my, I'm terribly sorry, how rude of me. Come into the house and we can have some tea or something, Martin, Becca I'm pleased to meet the two of you as well, you are as gorgeous as Luke told me you all were." Marla told them, she got out of the car and Nate looked back at Martin and Becca and mouthed the word --Help- They laughed at him and just got out of the car.

"She's really nice Nate, just a little too expressive." Becca said.

"I feel weird, I mean besides from my sister no adult has ever expressed any good feelings about my orientation, and here they go and say they're pleased to see me and all." Nate said as they walked in.

"You're just bitching `cause an older straight woman said you're handsome." Martin said and made all of them laugh.

A few minutes later, they were all sitting in the kitchen of the large house having fruit juice and coffee in the case of Nate and Luke's parents. "So you and Nate grew up together?" Stanley asked Becca.

"Yes and since the beginning I knew there was something different about him, no matter how much I tried to come on to him he never even took me on the offer." She answered and made them laugh for a good while as Nate sunk into his chair trying to hide his reddened face.

"Oh honey, I'm sure if the circumstances would've been different he wouldn't have been able to turn down such a beautiful girl like you." Marla said.

"Awww, thank you!" Becca said.

"Oh no, now you've earned her Mrs. Halliwell." Nate said.

"Well, I think I should go bring some groceries Marla needs for dinner, you kids can make yourselves at home, use the TV in the living room or whatever you want, we also have a small library in case you like to read," Nate's eyes opened wide at this as he smiled. "I take it you like to read Nate, well help yourself if you want." Stanley said.

"Thank you Mr. Halliwell." Nate said.

"Call me Stan son, now I'm going, you kids have fun." He said as he left.

"Come on Nate, I'll show you my room." Luke said as he took Nate's hand and started dragging him to the stairs.

"Wait, take Martin and Becca too and show them the guest rooms." His mom told him.

"Oh yeah, sorry guys, come I'll show you around." He said blushing.

"Well someone's horny." Becca said as soon as Mrs. Halliwell was out of sight.

"Shut up!" Luke said blushing.

"Seems like I'll have a busy night." Nate said suppressing a smile.

"So you are going to be sleeping with Luke huh?" Martin asked.

"Of course, my mom said he would stay in my room and the two of you could keep the guest rooms, your rooms are going to be down the hall after mine." He said pointing down the hall that they were standing on, now that they had gone up the stairs. "My parents sleep on this side of the floor, then comes the bathroom on this side, my room opposite to the bathroom and then the guestrooms opposite to each other." Luke said pointing to each room as he named it.

"What's in front of your parents' bedroom?" Nate asked him.

"My dad's working room, it's sort of a studio or office where he keeps all his history books and where he does some of his work while he's at home, though most of the time he gets his work done at the auction house." Luke answered.

"And does your mom have an office of her own in here?" Martin asked.

"Yup, it's downstairs, you saw the living room and dinning room, there was a door in the living room that leads to her office and the library both my parents keep, and then come the kitchen and the backyard." He answered as they were now reaching the doors to the guestrooms. "So who stays in which room?" He asked them.

Martin shrugged his shoulders, he looked into one of the rooms and then into the other one. "Dude, this rooms are huge, I don't give a damn." He looked at Becca and she nodded. She went to one across from where Martin was looking into and dumped her backpack on the bed. Martin went into the room he was looking into and did the same. "The house has only 2 floors but the rooms sure are big."

"My parents wanted to have more kids so when I was about four they got this house and we moved into it, they said they wanted me and my siblings to have enough room, but they never did have anymore kids." Luke said.

"Has your dad always worked at that auction house you said?" Nate asked.

"No, he used to work at the local community college for the first years of their marriage, and mom was teaching there too, then mom landed a job in this clinic downtown and then the auction house opened and dad got a job there too, so they could afford something bigger." Luke said.

"Did they meet while working at the community college?" Becca asked as she walked out in the hallway.

"No, we met our junior year in college." Marla said as she appeared from behind Nate.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Halliwell I didn't mean to intrude." Becca said blushing.

"It's ok honey, it's not like you were asking any bedroom details," She said smiling at her. "We went to Southeast Missouri State University, I majored in psychology and he was an Art History major, we met our junior year and by the time we were getting our masters we knew we were going to get married." She told her.

Becca smiled at her and then she continued. "We got married when we were twenty four and as I grew up here he agreed to come back and live here, so we got jobs at the community college and a year after we got married, we had Luke," She smiled at Luke and then at Nate before going on. "We had been trying for a while and then Luke came along, though we waited, we wanted to get him a better house and wanted to get better jobs so we could be sure of giving him a good life, so when Bantam's opened downtown Stanley jumped to the opportunity and landed a good sales position." She said.

"Bantam's? He works there? No wonder this house is this big." Martin said smiling.

Marla smiled at him and then kept going. "Then a private clinic opened in town, you know Martin the one that is across the street from the bank on third and Prescott?" She asked him, he nodded. "It was a good job, but then when Luke was about to go into his high school years I decided to open an office here, Stanley supported me completely and so I could have patients here and still be available for him, I guess I wanted to make up for any times I wasn't here when he was younger." She confessed.

"You were there every time I needed you mom, don't worry about that." Luke told her.

She smiled and looked at Nate. "How about you help me fix dinner Nate? My husband's going to be here with the groceries I'm missing soon so we can start some of it." She asked him.

"Oh sure, I'll be downstairs in a few minutes, I'll just put my stuff in Luke's room." He answered and he went into Luke's room.

Luke stared at her and she shrugged her shoulders at him and asked. "What?"

"Nothing." He answered as he went into his room. Becca and Martin went in their rooms after Luke's mom winked at them and took off down the hall to the stairs.

"I like her style." Becca said before closing her door.

When Martin was alone in his room he started thinking, she looked so much like his mom, with the same dark blonde hair and brown eyes that he had inherited from his mom. And she was slender like his mom, like he was too. Maybe he was just imagining it all but she did resembled her a lot, he decided to stop thinking about it and just got a book out of his backpack and got on the bed and started reading.

"You just stay calm, she knows that if she gets weird on you I'll kill her so she won't do anything weird, besides she doesn't really do any weird stuff..." Luke was saying and Nate cut him off.

"You're talking non stop like she does, take a deep breath, I'll try to stay cool and that's it." Nate said smiling at him as he closed his backpack and came closer to kiss him.

"I know, but she is obviously trying to get you alone for something." Luke said as Nate went to the door.

"And so? Maybe she wants to ask questions like regular moms would when their kids start dating, though I've never had that happen to me, but don't worry I'll be ok." He said as he left.

He got down the stairs, headed to the kitchen, and then found Marla chopping some lettuce on a big white chopping board. "Hey Mrs. Halliwell, what can I help you with?" He asked as he stood next to her in front of the kitchen table.

She looked at him smiling. "Oh honey, you can help me chopping some of those tomatoes that are on the table, there's another chopping board on the top cabinet to my left." She said.

He opened the cabinet and took out the chopping board, as he was looking around she pointed at a large knife that was on the table next to the tomatoes, he got some of the tomatoes and took them to wash at the sink, then he came back and stood next to her chopping the tomatoes. "So is there anything you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked her.

Smiling she answered. "You both knew all along that this was the reason I asked you, smart boys." She said as she put some of the lettuce in a large bowl, then got some cucumber and started peeling it, then chopping it. "I just wanted to ask a few questions, you know, get to know more of you. Luke seems to like you a lot and I like that, he was always a bit of a loner and now he meets you and brings friends over, I feel so thankful, but also I want to know more of you." She said as she kept chopping.

"Well I don't know what to tell you ma'am, I guess you should ask what you want to know then." He told her as he took some of the chopped tomatoes and she pointed towards the bowl with the lettuce, he put them in the bowl.

"Luke's told me that you're not in good terms with your family," Nate stopped for a second, and swallowed, she gave him a second before continuing. "I am very sorry about that honey, but be sure that you won't have any problems with us, unless you'd go psycho or something, but just treat my boy well and everything shall be fine." She told him.

He nodded with his eyes all teary. "Thank you ma'am that means a lot to me, I still can't believe your son really likes me, it's been a little over two months since we started dating and I still wonder what he sees in me." He confessed.

She stopped for a second and caressed his cheek. "By saying that I now know you have a good heart, and I am glad he saw that in you, you might not be a poster boy, but he tells me you take care of your self a lot and you are very handsome." She said before going back to chopping.

He smiled as he felt a warm feeling flood him. "Thank you ma'am." He said as he continued chopping.

"Hey I've got the stuff, and I ran that errand you asked me to honey." Stanley said as he walked in the kitchen, when he saw Nate he smiled and nodded to Marla and she returned the nod.

"Thank you honey, now could you go check on Luke?" She said, Nate thought it was weird that they had to check on Luke, but then again since they exchanged nods, he sensed something was up, though through out the evening and dinner he never figured anything out.

"Dinner was great; your mom is a great cook." Becca told them as they were sitting on Luke's bed chatting before getting ready for bed.

"I know, but Nate helped her and she said he was great." Luke said.

"She didn't know I worked with my sister at the diner." Nate told them.

"Oh, so she was surprised to see how good you can cook huh?" Martin asked.

"She wants to adopt him already." Luke said and they started laughing at him.

"Well kids I'm tired so I'm gonna get ready for bed." Nate told them as he got up took his tooth brush and went out into the bathroom.

"Guess dealing with Ms. Hepburn really wears him out." Martin said.

"Oh yeah he had to work in the morning didn't he?" Becca asked.

"Yeah, he probably is tired, well I'm gonna get ready too." Luke said.

"Ok, good night guys." Becca told them as she went out and into her room down the hall.

"See you tomorrow Luke." Martin told him.

"Remember you and mom are gonna sit and chat for a while tomorrow in her office ok?" Luke told him, Martin stopped in the doorway, looked back at him and nodded before leaving.

Luke went in the bathroom and started brushing his teeth as Nate was finishing. "Don't go to sleep just yet, I have a surprise for you." Luke told him as Nate was going to leave the bathroom; Nate raised his eyebrow and smiled as he headed to the room. When Luke was left alone he began brushing his teeth quickly, then used some mouthwash, and got a wash cloth ready. He used it to clean his ass as best as he could, and then he washed it again to use it and clean all the soap away. Then he ran one of his fingers along his anus and sniffed it, it smelled clean and that was enough for him. He put his boxers back on again and started walking towards the room.

"So, why do you want me awake?" Nate asked arching his eyebrows up and smiling at him as he lay in bed.

"Well, I have a surprise for you," Luke said as he closed the door and then got on top of Nate, he started kissing him and Nate responded y hugging him against him, Luke stopped the kissing and smiled down at him as they looked into each other's eyes. "Last night I was so scared, but you were so sure of yourself and so strong, if it hadn't been for you who knows what would've happened to Martin." Nate was about to speak but Luke kissed him before he could say anything. "Don't, you know it's true, besides I thought it was so hot to see you all protective and all." Luke said smiling.

"I don't know what got into me, I'm just glad everything worked out." Nate said.

"Well, now I'm going to do something I've wanted to do for quite a while." Luke said as he took off his boxers and his hard boner sprung free. He took Nate's shirt off, started sucking on his nipple as Nate gasped while running his fingers on Luke's hair. Then Luke reached down and pulled Nate's boxers down, as soon as he saw Nate's hard dick he went down and started sucking on it. Nate let out a moan and squeezed the bed sheets in his hands as Luke took as much of Nate's dick in his mouth as he could.

"Wait, I want to suck you." Nate said as he pushed Luke down on the bed and then started sucking his cock. Luke threw his head back against the pillows and started moaning as Nate ran his tongue around Luke's dick head and then sucked it all in repeatedly.

"Stop, I want to do something else." Luke said as he got up and pushed Nate on the bed. "Lay there, just wait, close your eyes and trust me." Nate swallowed but complied. Luke opened his night stand drawer to look for some condoms and found 3 new boxes, one of flavored condoms and 2 standard ones, he didn't know where the hell they had come from, he had left a few condoms there in the afternoon, and now it was all of these. As he searched for the ones he had left he also found a new bottle of lube and a folded piece of paper, he opened it and it read:

Honey, I thought maybe you boys could use some of this so you can have all the fun you want. ----Love, Mom.

P.S. Luke I hope you enjoy it because your mother made me go to a very interesting store to get them. ----Love, Dad.

Luke busted out laughing and Nate opened his eyes and sat up to see what he was reading, when he read the card and saw the condoms in the drawer he went beet red and Luke kissed him. "It's ok babe, that means they approved you." Luke said.

"Now I understand what errand your dad did for your mom this afternoon, he said he had run that errand for her and then when he saw me he dropped the subject." Nate told him.

"Well, they did say to have fun, so let's follow their advice." Luke said as he opened a condom and then he started putting it on Nate's dick.

"Wait, are you sure about this?" Nate asked him.

"Oh yeah, I've waited too long for this, so just let me have my way." Luke said as he took the bottle of lube and lubed up Nate's cock. He pushed Nate so he was lying on his back on the bed and then straddled him, using his hand to guide Nate's cock to his ass. Then he felt the wet warm tip touch his hole and he took a deep breath as he pushed out and sat further down, wincing a bit at first and then adjusting as more and more of Nate's cock went inside him.

"Take it slow and then wait when it's all in, that way it won't hurt that much." Nate said and Luke opened his eyes when he heard him. He nodded and stared into Nate's eyes as he took more of Nate's cock in him, then it was all in and he stayed still for a few seconds.

"It's all in." He said with a smile.

"Now, wait and then start pushing with your legs up and down a little bit every time." Nate told him. He nodded and after a few more seconds he started pushing up and down and started moaning, it still hurt a little but he liked it, he had waited so long for this... Nate started running his hands up and down his chest and abs and he opened his eyes to see him smiling and moaning while staring up at him.

"Screw this, I want you to fuck me now." He said as he got up and then lay down next to Nate. Nate sat up and then got on his knees in front of Luke, he opened Luke's legs and aimed his dick to Luke's hole and then started pressing in slowly until he was all the way in. "Oh, fuck yes!" Luke said as Nate started thrusting in and jerking him off at the same time.

"Wait, you're going to like this." Nate said smiling. He got almost all the way out and then started pushing in a few inches, lowering his ass a little bit and then Luke felt Nate's dick pressing against his prostate.

"Oh shit, yeah... oh god I'm going to cum..." Luke said as he felt his orgasm coming. Nate kept his thrusts and kept on jerking Luke's dick and then felt Luke's ass clamp repeatedly around his dick, both of them started moaning crazily as Luke's dick erupted and shot cum all over his abs and chest as his face turned red and his chest heaved with his rugged breaths. Nate thrust his dick in a few more times and then came, as he fell on top of Luke and his whole body twitched a few times. They were both moaning and Nate started kissing Luke's chest and then Luke took his face in his hands and kissed him on the lips.

"Now that was fun." Luke said as they both giggled.

Chapter 12 ----Uncovering the past----

"Fuck, you were right." Luke said gasping as the morning light shone on his sweaty, cum covered torso.

Nate pulled his dick out from him, taking deep breaths as the light from the window next to Luke's bed shone on his sweaty chest and stomach. "I told you the second time would be better." He said smiling down at Luke before throwing the condom on the floor and dropping his body next to Luke's in bed.

"This time it didn't hurt that much at the beginning, now I get why you said it would be better." Luke said as he grabbed Nate's right hand and held it in his left.

"It was that and the fact that this time I knew how tight you were so I could take it easier and last longer." Nate said before starting to giggle.

"So I am tight huh?" Luke said smiling.

"Oh you bet your ass it is." Nate replied.

"Ok, you little idiot, let's go shower and get downstairs for breakfast, it's almost nine and my parents must be up already." Luke said while poking Nate's side.

"Oww, stop that... Little?" He said looking up and then down at his own dick.

"Don't even go there you know I didn't mean it like that, and you know that log isn't little, it might not be super-long but it sure as hell is thick." Luke said as he reached down and kissed Nate in the mouth.

"I miss showering with you." Nate said as he got up.

"Well, then let's get going before Becca or Martin go in the shower before us." Luke said as he pulled him out of bed, then he went to his closet and got them towels and covered himself from the waist down with his. As he was going out he noticed Nate standing there looking at the towel and wrapping it around his waist, then looking at his bare chest.

"Do I have to go out like this?" He asked Luke.

"Come on! It's not like anyone's going to say anything about you, come here," Luke said as he got behind Nate and pushed him out of the room and into the bathroom. "Thank god it's free, now let's have fun." Luke said as he took off his towel and locked the bathroom door.

"God, Martin's right, your batteries never run out." Nate said smiling as Luke pulled his towel off and started kissing him.

As he reached the end of the stairs he realized that there was very little noise in the house, maybe there was no one awake at that hour, but it was a quarter before nine, for him that actually was late, though it was a Sunday morning. He started walking towards the living room to try to watch some TV when he walked by the kitchen and felt his stomach clench at the sight of Luke's mom pouring coffee at the kitchen table. When he saw her he felt that he had gone back in time over six years and that he was staring at his own mother pouring coffee in their old house's kitchen. As he stood there staring at her she looked up and smiled at him, though in a matter of seconds her expression turned into one of worry.

"Honey, is there something wrong?" She asked him.

"No ma'am, I'm sorry, it's just that you sort of reminded me of someone." He answered.

"Honey, when would you like to have our session? We could do it after you have breakfast and I can tell Stanley to take charge over lunch, I'm sure Nate, Luke and Becca would be more than glad to help him out." She told him.

The idea of having to actually talk about all of this made his stomach clench once more, but he couldn't think of anything that would get him out of it. "Ok, I'll just have breakfast and I'll see you at your office then." He answered.

"Very well I'll go tell Stan to take over lunch, you help yourself, there are some toasts, some scrambled eggs, orange juice and coffee." She said as she went up the stairs.

As he was having his breakfast, he kept having memories popping into his head. He could barely remember his father, though the few memories that came to him now were all happy, his dad picking him and Matt up from school, teaching him how to ride a bike, helping them make kites to take to the park... They were all nice memories and he was glad that he couldn't remember any of the times that he had seen his dad when the cancer had already begun to eat him away. Then there were the memories of his mom, which were mostly happy as well and then they turned into dreadful memories of the times he had spent worrying about her.

During the first years after his dad died, his mom had made everything she could think of to keep him and Matt happy. He could remember that the death of their father hadn't affected him as hardly as it did to Matt, most likely because being four years older he did have a better understanding of what had happened, and also because Matt had known their dad longer. Yet their mom did everything she could to help them have a normal life, she worked hard, yet she did spend enough time with them, she went to their school plays and helped them study. It all worked out pretty well, until she started drinking. In less then a year she drank her life away and died in a car crash that he could barely remember.

He started to think that maybe his mind had selectively repressed those memories, the ones of the night his mom crashed her car and died, and the memories of his dad fading slowly away because of his cancer. Still the worse memories that still haunted him in the present with vivid horrid images were the memories of Matt's death. No repressing those, they were still there coming to him every so often in his dreams and remembering him that those he had loved had left him one by one.

He suddenly realized that he had finished eating his food; he had certainly drifted off into his own world as it sometimes happened to him when such thoughts crowded his mind. He got up took the dirty plate, his glass and washed them in the sink. Then he started walking towards Luke's mom's office and started taking deep breaths as he approached it, he knocked on the door and heard no reply, so he opened it and went in. He stood at the doorway of the room and saw that the desk was placed in front of the window that was opposite to the door, at both sides of the desk were large bookcases filled with psychology and related subjects. And, finally right in the middle of the room was a large leather sofa, very comfy it seemed.

"Checking out the torture area?" Marla asked from behind him.

He turned around quickly and blushed when he saw she was standing behind him. "I'm sorry ma'am I didn't mean to barge into your office like this; I just thought you were here already." He quickly attempted to excuse himself.

"Honey, relax, I was kidding and I want you to know that I don't work like regular psychologists, I try to have a safer approach, you tell me what you want to share, if you don't want to say something then don't." She said as she walked around him and went to her desk. She opened a desk drawer and got a note pad out along with a pen; she gestured towards the sofa and dragged the desk chair in front of it.

He was about to sit on the sofa, but he stopped, walked back and closed the door. She chuckled at this and smiled as he finally sat down in front of her. "I'm sorry ma'am I just don't want to have anyone coming in." He said blushing as he rubbed his hands together nervously.

"I already told you to stop apologizing about such things," She said staring at him. He nodded and got a smile in return. "Now, I have to tell you that this won't be like those visits to therapists who ask you to tell the story of your life from your childhood and all. Because they normally do that either to try and score some more money making the patient spend more hours there or they do it to know the person's background and try to identify the source of a present problem."

"So, you're going to go straight ahead and ask me to talk about the deaths of my family?" Martin asked.

"Well, from what Luke told me, you have spent quite some time keeping a distance from you and other people and you have thought that people would not like you if they'd find out about your family," She looked at him and he nodded acknowledging her assessment. "To me this sounds as a frequent situation among people who lose several loved ones, especially in short times. The person tends to feel that they are alone and thus they keep others away, in some cases they do this because they believe that it is their responsibility to look after themselves without anyone's help. In other more extreme cases they do it because they believe they are not like other people and so they feel a disassociation from others." She stopped and took a deep breath, she looked at her notes and then looked up at him, slightly cocking her head to a side.

The gesture made a chill go up his spine, his mom would do the same when she was thinking, Luke's mom saw his expression and must have noticed something was wrong. "Honey, I want you to relax now, I want you to tell me which sort of patient do you think you are? The one that feels a need of independence? Or the one that believes there is no one else like them?" She asked.

He didn't need to think much about it, he knew he was the first one. "I know it was the first, I always thought I had to stand up for myself." He answered.

She smiled and nodded. "I am glad that you are able to point out what you think is your problem, in most cases patients don't like having a diagnosis presented to them, and this is usually a sign of a patient that still doesn't want to believe that there is anything wrong with them. By saying that, you have showed me that you do think there is something that we could work on, and that you want to work through your issues."

"Well, I can't deny it, and now that I have good friends I can't help but want to deal with it, they are the best friends I've had in a long time and I trust them enough to know that they are right about me needing help." He said as he smiled remembering all that Nate, Luke and Becca had done for, with and to him.

"You can't imagine how proud it makes me feel to hear you say something like that about my son, and his friends," She said smiling at him. "Now honey, let's talk a little bit about why it is that you felt like you had to be on your own." She said.

"Well if I had to guess I'd say it is because of my brother." He confessed.

"Your brother took care of you after your mother died, right?" She asked him.

"Yes, he was great, but then he started using drugs, I don't know if he realized that I knew of what he was doing, but I did notice, I found some white dust on his nightstand, I knew enough from movies I had seen to know what it was." He said as he scratched the top of his head.

"Well honey, I can imagine he had a lot of issues from your parents' deaths, and you have to remember he was older, he had a different view and part in all of what happened." She said.

"I know that, believe me, and he did give up the idea of going to college to stay with me and work, he was wonderful, but when he died, when he overdosed..." He choked up.

"Honey, take a deep breath..." She began to say.

"It's ok," He took a deep breath and sighed. "When he died I hated him so much..." She furrowed her brow and felt shocked to hear that. "He was all I had and still he started using drugs, he had told me a few years before that drugs and alcohol were bad when mom died, that they could destroy a person, and then he started using them and died because of it... He left me alone..." He said as a few tears started to fall down his cheeks.

She tried to speak, but she choked up, she took a deep breath and managed to speak. "It hadn't crossed my mind that you had felt that way dear, but I need to tell you that it is normal to feel that way and I need to remind you that when we truly love someone we tend to react in anger when they do something that directly hurts us."

He nodded. "I know that, but still I hated him so much for it, and for a while I kept thinking that I would do better than him, but after a while I just missed him... I missed him so much... And then I couldn't help but think that maybe he didn't love me..."

"How can you even think that?" She said letting her sudden anger take over, Martin looked up at her shocked. "I'm sorry honey, but I can't take this anymore..." She said as she pulled a picture out from her notepad, she looked at it as tears started welling in her eyes and then she handed the picture to Martin.

When he looked at the picture he felt his whole body go cold and a knot forming in his stomach. He was looking at his mother, he recognized her in the black dress she wore to her prom, and next to her was a woman that could have passed for her twin. He looked up and choked up trying to get the words out. "You knew her? Who are you?"

She nodded as tears kept streaming down her face. "She was my cousin, her mom and my mom they were twins, they looked identical and then when they married and had children your grandma had your mom, who looked just like her and my mom had me, and I looked just like her."

He couldn't believe this, his mom had a cousin and she never said anything to him about it. "But, why didn't I ever know of you? She never said anything..."

"Our moms hated each other, when they were young they always fought over men, who was the most beautiful one, they simply fought over everything. So you can imagine the shock and anger they both felt when they realized that your mom and I looked so much like each other." She said.

"So they didn't like each other, what does that have to do with the two of you?" He asked.

She chuckled despite her effort to remain serious. "It had everything to do with it, my mom always told me, that I was better looking than your mom, that I had been born first so I was better, and on and on, the same happened to your mom, your grandmother told her the same things, they always tried to set us against each other. But your mom and I never understood that and for many years we were best friends."

"No wonder mom used to say Grandma Katherine was a bitch." Martin said as he looked at his mother's smiling face in the picture as she held Luke's mom.

"Sounds like my dear Darla, even our names were alike, and their names too, Caroline and Katherine, Marla and Darla," She said as she wiped some tears from her face. "We managed to get away with being good friends for a long time, but when we were teenagers our moms caught us and then the only time when we could be together was when we were at school. And when senior year came our moms made our lives so hard that we decided to just drop it, we stopped hanging around each other a little bit after she started dating Jason."

"You knew my dad too?" He asked as he felt the tears threatening to come again.

"Oh yeah, I remember the day we met him, we were sitting at the dining hall having lunch and then a tall dark haired guy sat across from us and said ----I can't believe that god would create such beauty and do it twice! I'm sorry to interrupt you girls but I had never seen such beautiful twins.---- People always thought we were twins, we told him our story and he was amazed to know that we weren't even siblings. Your mom was so quiet, I was the one that did most of the talking, but I noticed immediately that your mom liked him, she would glance at him repeatedly as we talked..." She stopped and covered her face with her hands, and then she took a deep breath and continued.

"The following weeks our moms even locked us up to try and keep us from seeing each other, they said we were devils for disrespecting them that way and so we made the decision. We would stop seeing each other so our moms would lay off on us, and so the day we decided that, I asked your mom to promise me that she would make a move on Jason... Then on prom night, they were already dating, and I had to get a picture taken with her, so first I looked for him and asked him to take a picture of the two of us. But I stopped him before he went to get her and I told him that he had to take care of her, and love her with all of his heart, or I would come get him and chop his balls off..." She smiled and laughed a bit.

"So you didn't see her after that night?" Martin asked her.

"Oh I did see her a couple of times, specially since I was going off to college in Cape Girardeau, and she was going to stay here and work. But after that we grew apart, and `til this day I still regret that with all of my heart..." She started tearing up again. "Because when your dad died we barely managed to keep a conversation, we were so different... And then next thing I knew she died..."

When he saw her crying he felt an innate need to comfort her, he got up and then kneeled in front of her chair. He caressed her head and then she calmed a little bit. As she looked down at him she smiled. "Has anyone told you that you could pass for a male version of her?" She asked and let out a small laugh.

He smiled and nodded. "Matt said that dad had told him about how I resemble mom and he resembled dad."

"Oh yeah, Matt looked a lot like your dad," She said, he looked up at her and she nodded. "I went to your house after Darla died, you were at school or so Matt said. I told him the whole story, about how our moms had driven us apart and all, and he hated me instantly, he said I had no right to come into their place... Your place... After staying away from you for so long..." Martin looked down and she shook her head. "I offered my help, but he rejected it and asked me to leave the house and not come back. I understand how he felt; I mean I always asked myself, what if I had really tried to get closer when your dad died..."

"You can't blame yourself." Martin said. She looked up and her eyes went wide.

"Quite the therapist I am huh?" She asked as she smiled.

"Well, you're still human." He said trying to comfort her.

"Now, to the point I have wanted to reach since I begun, he loved you, Matt, he loved you more than anything in this world." She said. He looked up at her and closed his eyes as he listened. "The day I visited him I asked him about you and he said you were so strong, that you were trying very hard to keep going and that he was going to make sure nothing bad happened to you. He said he would work even though your parents left you well off, just because he wanted to make sure that you would have a good education... Honey, he loved you so much! Don't ever doubt that, he was probably hurting over your parents when he started doing drugs, but it never had anything to do with you." She said as she reached out and placed her hands on his cheeks.

He smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

"Why? I can't remember a session in which I've acted so badly as this one, I was supposed to help you and I ended up crying like a small girl..." He raised his hand signaling her to stop, so she did.

"You helped me more than you can even think, telling me so much about mom, dad and Matt, and besides now I know I still have family." He said.

"God, I have to tell Luke, he doesn't know, I've always been so ashamed to tell him about it..." She said.

"He'll handle it, he's great." Martin said.

"I'll tell him after lunch then," She said, then she looked him straight in the eye. "Honey, remember whenever you need anything and I mean anything..."

"You don't have to say it, I know aunt Marla..." He froze when he realized he had called her aunt.

She got wide eyed and looked as if she was about to start crying again. "Aunt Marla... god I already love you..." She said as she reached out and held him.

"Luke, could I borrow your car for a while?" Martin asked.

Luke looked at him wondering where he wanted to go but decided against asking him. "Sure, just remember we're leaving at five." He said as he dug the keys out of his pants pocket.

"Thanks, Nate, would you like to come with me, I sure could use the company." Martin said looking at Nate.

Nate looked at Luke and waited to see any protest from him, but Luke smiled and nodded at him. "Sure I guess."

"Luke's gotta talk to his mom anyways." Martin said.

"Uh-huh, I knew you know what's going on..." Luke said looking at him.

"Don't worry you'll love it, now come on let's go big guy." Martin said.

"Shouldn't we take Becca along?" Nate asked.

"Nah, she's busy drooling over my dad." Luke said and they laughed as they shook their heads while they left the room.

After ten minutes of driving Nate was still wondering about their destination and Martin still hadn't mentioned where it was that they were heading to. "That was Missouri University wasn't it?" He asked trying to start conversation.

"Yup, biggest university in Missouri, if you want to ask where we're going just ask, I know you've been itching to ask since we got on the car." Martin said smiling at him.

Nate smiled and nodded. "So where are we heading to?"

"Columbia's Cemetery." Martin said nonchalantly.

Nate went pale. "Martin, are you sure about this? I mean what happened during your session? Are you sure you can handle going there?" He kept asking.

"Luke is my second cousin." Martin said smiling.

Now he was shocked. "Cousin? How?"

"Aunt Marla was my mom's cousin, their moms were twins. From the moment I saw her I noticed how much she looked like my own mom, but I thought I was just imagining it." He said as they turned around a corner.

"Aunt Marla? So I take it you like the whole deal." Nate said smiling at him.

Martin returned the smile and nodded. "Well it's a nice thing to hear after thinking for years that I had no family you know."

"Don't you have your grandparents?" Nate asked.

"Pffft, they barely even notice I'm there when I go visit during breaks and they barely did when I lived there while I finished high school, they only took me in because they knew they could manage some of the money my parents left me as long as I wasn't eighteen." Martin answered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know they were like that." Nate apologized.

"It's ok; at least I had some company." He said.

"Wait; if your parents left you some money then do you really need to do the R.A. gig?" Nate asked.

"Not really, I just don't like having to explain the whole deal of my parents dying and the inheritance and shit, so I just do some school jobs and if anyone asks that's how I pay for school." He answered.

Nate's eyes went wide and he looked at Martin with shock all over his face. "Oh my god!" He said.

"What?" Martin asked him.

"You two are cousins and we... the three of us..." Nate said as he leaned back in his seat and covered his face with his hands.

Martin laughed a little at him, so Nate uncovered his face and glared at him. "Dude chill out, we didn't know that we were cousins when we did that and besides it's not like anyone's getting pregnant now is it?" He said.

"God, I bet Luke is gonna get a kick out of that one." Nate said.

"Yup, I bet he'll say he already tried incest or some stupid shit like that." Martin said laughing as he parked the car.

Nate looked outside and saw the entrance to the cemetery in front of them. "Are you sure you want to visit them?" He asked.

"Yeah, I actually just want to sort of talk to my brother." Martin answered.

Nate nodded and got out of the car, as did Martin. They started walking inside and he just followed Martin as he walked through the cemetery taking several turns and going deeper into it, until he stopped in front of a vault that had a plaque that read:

Mayfair Family

As he read the names on the vault, he saw that Martin's parents were at the bottom part and his brother's name was on one of the two higher graves of the vault.

Matthew Mayfair

Beloved son,

Friend and Brother.

b. May 6, 1980

d. June 2, 2000

"We share the same birth date..." Nate said aloud. Martin looked at him wondering what he meant. "I'm sorry, my birthday is May sixth too; your brother was exactly six years older than me."

Martin's eyes went wide, and he stared at the plaque smiling. "No wonder I like you so much, and if I come to think about it you do remind me of him a little bit."

"What do you mean?" Nate asked.

"He was tall, as tall as you or maybe a little more, dark hair, brown eyes, and he was just as cool as you are." Martin answered smiling.

Nate smiled and nodded. "Thanks, I hope I can be as good as he was."

Martin smiled at him and then he got on the ground, sitting down with his back to the vault. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Hey Matty, I know I haven't visited you guys since a long time, but I dunno I guess I was just being an idiot." As he was speaking, Nate started walking a few steps back and behind another vault. "Nate don't go, I can't do it, please just stay close ok?" Nate looked back at him and he nodded, so he walked back a few steps and stood facing him but looking at the ground.

"That there is Nate, he's a good friend, he saved my life," He smiled and looked at Nate, Nate didn't look up but smiled listening to him. "I have good friends now, and besides I have Aunt Marla, Luke and his dad, you would've liked Luke, he's a smartass just like you..." He stopped and looked down as he fought trying not to cry, after a few seconds he let out a deep breath and continued. "I know Aunt Marla visited you and you got angry at her when she told you who she was and all, but she is cool, she really didn't mean for things to turn out as they did."

"She made me realize that what happened to you wasn't your fault, and that I only got angry because I love you and I wanted you to be with me," Nate felt a knot in his stomach, he didn't think Martin had felt like that and was crushed to hear him open his heart like that. "I know now that you loved me, and I'm sorry for thinking all the things I thought, I just missed you so much... I love you, I still do and I just hope that I can make you, mom and dad proud of me." He said as he got up.

Nate looked at him and opened his arms; Martin smiled and accepted the hug. "Thanks for coming with me." He said as he held tight onto him.

"No problem, are you feeling ok?" Nate asked him.

"Yup, I needed that; I couldn't stand keeping all of that inside anymore." He answered. They walked to the car and then started the ride back home. After a few minutes Nate smiled at him and Martin looked at him wondering what it was. "Ok, what is it?" He asked Nate.

"Well, I sort of... Uhm, I took your cousin's virginity." He said blushing.

"Yes!" Martin yelled as he pumped both fists in the air.

"Martin the wheel!" He said as Martin grabbed the wheel again and the car moved a little to the sides. "Dear god you'd think someone told you that you had won the lottery or something..."

"Ok, when, how and how good was it?" Martin asked arching his eyebrows.

"The day of the party, before going, that is why we were late, he... fucked me... and last night I fucked him..." Nate said blushing and looking away from him.

"It was about damn time you two started using the backdoors." Martin said smiling at him.

"Would you let go of my mom and get on the freaking car already cuz?" Luke asked as he poked his head out the window of the car.

"Stop teasing your cousin or I'll have to make you sit in the corner young man!" His mom teasingly yelled back at him.

Stanley started shaking his head as he laughed along with the rest of them. "Goodbye kids, take care and visit anytime you want to." He said as Martin shook his hand and ran to the car.

"You love it now that you know the two of you are cousins huh?" Nate asked him as he sat beside him.

Luke was all smiles. "Yup," He answered as he saw Martin open the door and sit behind Nate. "I knew this fucktard had to be related to me, I mean look at him he's all hawt." He said arching his eyebrows up frantically.

"I knew the two of you had to be related, I mean come on it is obvious there's something seriously wrong with the two of you." Becca said smiling.

"You're only jealous `cause you're out from the hot gene family" Luke said scowling at her.

Nate and Martin laughed and shook their heads at them. "God I have reading to do..." Nate said.

"I can't wait to go look for Brent." Martin said smiling.

"I knew you'd like him." Becca said smiling at him.

"He is cute, though a little short..." Luke said.

"He's five feet and seven inches, that isn't all that small and besides I don't give a shit, he's mine." Martin stated.

"Oh yeah, he likes him." Nate said smiling.

"God this is going to be a long ride home with you three hormonal teenagers." Becca said.

"Shut up!" The three of them yelled at a time.

Chapter 13 ----Let's do it----

He had been waiting for almost an hour, he felt ridiculous, yet he couldn't help it, he was dying to hear Brent's voice, they had gone out on a couple of more dates but they had decided to take it slow. So besides from kissing, they had only hugged and ran their hands all over each other's backs. However, there had been a few times when Martin had to fight the urge to throw the shorter man down and then take his clothes off. It was amazing how much he and Brent had gotten to trust each other, but still Martin couldn't help it, every time he'd think about Brent he would smile. Luke, Nate and Becca hadn't stopped teasing him during lunch because he would start smiling constantly whenever he would think of Brent, it had been over an hour and he was still waiting for Brent to call him after he'd get done with class.

The phone began vibrating. "Hello?" he said into the phone.

"Hey, it's me." Brent said.

"Hey, I've been waiting to hear your voice." Martin said as he blushed after realizing how corny he had just sounded.

"Aw, well I would love to kiss you right now..." Brent told him.

"Where are you?" Martin asked.

"Outside the library, I just saw Nate in there by the way, you have some cool friends." Brent answered.

"Yeah, I wouldn't change them for anything; they are just as cool as you are." He said.

"Shut up... so you like me?" Brent asked a little nervous.

"Duh... well you saved my life for starters, then you are incredibly cool, funny and... you're pretty hot too..." Martin said.

"No, you are the one that's hot..." Brent said feeling his heart beating faster.

"Whatever, are we getting together tonight?" Martin asked him, trying to change the subject.

"Well, my roommate is going to be out of town, he's going to go to some frat party or something." Brent answered. Martin choked up, they would be completely alone, in Brent's room, they had avoided this situation and now Brent was laying the cards to be dealt. Now Martin was the one who had to choose. "Are you still there?" Brent asked after some 45 seconds of silence.

"Yeah, sorry I was just thinking." Martin answered.

"We don't have to do anything, I mean I know it's because I'm a virgin, you don't have to avoid talking about it." Brent said.

"No, no, it's not because you're a virgin, I just don't want to rush it, I really like you and so I don't want to go and just do it... I like you so much..." He said as he didn't know any other way to get the feelings out.

Brent stayed silent for a while, and Martin started moving nervously as he sat on his bed, he started scratching his head and Brent could hear it over the phone and he smiled to himself. "Stop scratching your head, it's ok, we'll come here and we'll let it flow." He said.

"How did you know I'm scratching my head?" Martin asked.

"You always do that when you're nervous." He answered.

"You know me that well?" Martin asked him.

"Well, we've been seeing each other since over a month ago, and I like paying attention to you..." He managed to say before Martin jumped in.

"What time do you want me there?" He asked.

"Well... Darryl is going to leave around seven so I guess at seven thirty?" Brent proposed.

"Ok, I'll be there." He answered.

"Ok, can't wait for it." Brent said as he hung up.

"How have you been feeling lately Becks?" He asked her.

"I've been ok, just doing my stuff." She answered trying to avoid the conversation she knew Nate was trying to get started.

"Rebecca Wyler, don't you try to do to me what you do to your mom." He told her.

"Jeez, chill out man, I'm ok, my boyfriend was a sexually disoriented psycho, that's it and I'm just going on with my life." She said.

"I'm sorry honey, it's just that I am sick of looking at you and think that..." He stopped before finishing the sentence.

"Is everything ok here, Mr. Thompson?" Ms. Hepburn asked from behind them.

"Oh, yes Ms. Hepburn, we were just..." Nate began.

"He was just helping me..." Becca started.

"...her homework..." He stammered.

"...trying to get my stuff done..." She muttered, as she saw the expression Ms. Hepburn gave after she heard Becca say `stuff'.

"Well, Mr. Thompson, perhaps you and you and this fine young lady could speak in a lower tone, this is a library after all, and if you'd speak to each other less then you could probably finish your stuff' faster." She said making a horrible smirk when she said stuff'.

"Of course Ma'am I'm sorry about it..." Nate said.

"We'll just be quieter, we promise..." Becca said.

"Very well then, now if you'll excuse me I will go check the books that Mr. Thompson had to put back in the chemistry section, I hope they are arranged properly for your own sake young man." She said before strolling off down the aisle where they were.

"I still feel like a little lamb in a butcher shop when she's around." Nate said.

"Well Mr. Thompson, I have the slight suspicion of that she might be Hitler's long lost granddaughter... or daughter." Becca said before Nate had to cover his face with a book to muffle his laughter.

They were sitting at the devolution table near the back exit of the library. Nate was receiving books as Becca took notes from books with information she needed for her homework. "Honey, back on the subject, I'm just worried that it's been over a month and you haven't even gone out." Nate said as he sat back down.

"Well, this is the second relationship in a row where I end up falling for a complete fucktard, so I think I'm entitled to have some time alone." She answered.

"Well I hope this time doesn't take too long." He said, she sat down and started taking notes again. "Because it's frankly a waste that a good girl like you is keeping herself from finding a guy, believe me I blocked guys away and it sucks, thank god I found Luke." He said. She stopped for a second, thought about it and nodded before continuing.

"You never quite told me how you and Steve ended," He said, she looked up and stared at him for a second. "After Derek started spilling the rumors about me all over town I just withdrew myself from social life, and then I saw you here, but you never mentioned how you guys broke up." He said.

She thought about it for a second, and then when Nate thought she was just going to ignore it she spoke. "He knew all along," He looked at her, she was speaking without taking her eyes off the book. "I started fighting Derek when I realized he was saying all those things about you, and then Steve tried to stop me, I knew he would I mean he and Derek were best friends, but I never thought he would let someone say those things about my best friend. So, I started adding it up, I asked him how long have Nate and Derek been getting it on?' and he said six months' and then I realized that he knew about you guys and he had been spreading the rumors too." She confessed.

Nate nodded. "So you broke up with him for that and then when I saw you here I thought you were just one of them..." He said.

"Honey, you didn't know and quite frankly I would've reacted just like you." She defended.

"I'm sorry," He said as he reached out and held her. She snuggled up to him and he looked down when she did. "Hey, what's up?" He asked looking down at her.

"A hot guy hugs me and you ask what's up? Jeez Luke must be sucking your brains out or something..." She said before a guy that was walking by stopped and looked back at them.

"I'm sorry..." Nate began.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you that eavesdropping is rude?" Becca asked as the guy blushed and walked away.

"Oh my god keep it down before Hitler's kid comes to kick our asses." Nate said.

"Oh lord, don't even mention it, if she comes back here with that horrible plaid vest she's wearing I think I'll have a stroke..." She answered.

"We so need to get you some sex..." Nate said shaking his head.

"That would be nice." She said smiling before letting out a sigh.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Luke asked as he sat on Martin's desk chair and Martin sat on his bed.

"Well... uh... ok, so Nate told me about a month ago that well... you lost your... you know with him..." Martin said scratching his head.

Luke smiled to himself. "Yeah so? Stop being nervous cuz, you don't need to be, ok so yeah I lost my virginity with him, did you want to talk about that?" He asked Martin.

"Well, not exactly about how you two did it, I mean yeah, but not details, just some pointers... you know..." He said scratching his head again.

Luke laughed a little bit; he got up and sat down next to Martin on his bed. "Ok, stop being nervous and now I get it, you and Brent haven't done it and there's a chance that it might happen?" He asked.

Martin nodded, he scratched his head a little bit and then stopped when he noticed he was doing it again. "Well, I am no virgin, but he is and I dunno I guess I had just tried to put off the event thinking I want him to have a good first time but I don't know how to make it... special? I guess." He said.

Smiling Luke patted him on the back. "Well, I don't know if there was anything out of the ordinary Nate and I did that could've made it any more special, I mean we just did it, and we were careful, we took it slowly. And I think what was most important was that we were tender and caring for each other, you know kissing, caressing whispering nice things." He said.

"I guess I'm just freaking out about this too much." Martin said.

"Well, I think the deal here is that you like Brent and it's actually sort of cute that you're worrying like this, but just relax, I know you have good equipment anyways..." Luke said and then he realized they hadn't talked about that time they had experimented before knowing they were related.

Martin noticed the sudden silence and he reached out from behind Luke and wrapped his arm around him, at first, Luke stiffened at the contact but then he relaxed. "We didn't know we were family back then." He said to Luke.

"Yeah, it just feels weird." Luke replied.

"Well do you regret it?" Martin asked.

"No, I mean it's just weird I never thought I would do a cousin, I mean the ones I have on my dad's side are all jerks, but I guess with you it feels kind of cool I just didn't know what your thoughts on the subject were." He answered.

"Well I think it was fun, and if you ask me I don't mind, it's not like we're going to go and do it again now that we know we're related, but at least it's something special we know we shared." Martin said.

"Yeah, it is cool to know we did it, and I'm glad it happened that way..." Luke said before laughing a bit and Martin joined too, after a few seconds they were still holding each other.

"Hey Lukey?" He asked.

"Yup?" Luke asked back.

"How good is Nate in bed?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

Luke turned his head to look at him straight in the face with a smile on his face. "He's very good, he let me fuck him first, that was great I thought I was going to die, and then a few days later I said I wanted him to do me, so he did, gently, slowly, it was great..." He said looking down at the end as he felt his face blushing.

Martin smiled and nodded. "Damn, you boys are lucky; now all I gotta do is try and do a good job with Brent." He said.

"Oh, you will don't worry about that." Luke said looking up.

Martin kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks." He said.

Luke smiled and kissed Martin's cheek too. "No problem, so when are you two getting together?" Luke asked him.

Martin looked at his alarm clock. "We're having dinner in a while and then we're going to his room, his roommate is not going to be there, and I don't know I still feel weird about doing anything here..." He stopped as he realized he was speaking about that.

Luke held him tighter and kissed his cheek again. "Do you think maybe that might be a part of why you've been putting off having sex with Brent?" He asked Martin.

Martin thought for a few seconds and then sighed. "I don't know, I trust him I just fear that I would freeze up or something like that..." He confessed.

"Well, I think a way of fixing that is letting him know that you can do it, but that you have to take it slowly, so you'll feel safe and all." Luke suggested.

"Don't you think he might feel weird if I tell him that?" He asked.

"No way, he's great, do you think I would keep my mouth shut if I thought he wasn't a good person?" Luke asked him.

"Ok, I'll tell him then..." He said.

"Just relax, it will go ok, and remember to take lube, lots and lots of lube and condoms, the second time is always better than the first." Luke said.

Martin laughed a bit. "Damn, you and Nate sure have fun from how you say it." He said.

Luke got up and walked to the door. "You bet we do, now I'm gonna go have dinner and you boys have fun." Luke said, winked at him and left.

Nate heard the room door open and heard Luke walking around the room; he wrapped a towel around his waist and then got out of the bathroom. As he walked towards the beds, he saw Luke standing there. As Luke saw him coming he started taking his clothes off, and then he wrapped his arms around Nate, kissed him on the mouth, and used his hands to remove the towel from Nate's waist. "Freshly showered, were you waiting for me?" Luke asked.

"Well, I hate the dusty smell of the library and I just wanted to get it off, you're the one that seems to be all worked up." Nate said as he felt the bulge in Luke's pants pressing against his own growing member.

"Let's just say that someone reminded me of how lucky I am to have you." He said.

He took his pants and underwear off, and was now standing with his erection pointing to the ceiling, he moved closer and held Nate, then he started grinding his crotch against Nate's though because of the three inches of difference his dick was rubbing more against Nate' balls. Nate started to grind his crotch against him too, and soon they were both humping each other.

"If we keep this up I'm gonna cum." Luke said.

"Well I don't mind, go ahead." Nate said as they kept their humping.

"I want you to fuck me afterwards anyways." Luke said.

"Well I think we can fix that." Nate said smiling, their humping became faster and faster and Luke's breaths started to become heavier and heavier, until a few minutes later he held Nate very tightly.

"Here I go," He said before kissing Nate, and then his dick erupted in between the two of them as his grinding became slower and slower, and then he stepped back a bit. "Get a condom and lube, I want you Babe." He said as he got on his bed.

Nate got a condom and lube out of his night stand and then he got in position in between Luke's legs as he was putting on the condom he stared at Luke. "I love you so much Luke," He said, he lubed up his dick and got on top of Luke and kissed him on the mouth, his cheek, jaw line, he kept kissing up to his ear where he stopped to gently suck on Luke's earlobe causing him to shiver and moan in pleasure. "Though I'm so horny that I bet I'm gonna cum real quick." He said as he kissed his way back to Luke's mouth.

"I don't care, fuck me already damn it!" He said as Nate pressed into him. "Oh fuck yeah..." He said as he felt Nate's thick dick enter him. They kept on kissing and running their hands over each other's bodies as Nate pumped into him and kept it up for almost ten minutes, when Nate started jerking Luke's dick. "You keep that up and I'll cum again." He said when Nate started jerking him.

"Ok, then I will." Nate said smiling before kissing him. He pulled almost all the way out and then started doing shorter thrusts, aiming at Luke's prostate. Luke started moaning at this, and Nate gripped his dick a bit tighter as he kept jerking it.

"Shit, here I go..." Luke said as he started moaning and shooting in between them again.

"Fuck that's good..." Nate said as Luke's ass clamped around him, he gave a few more thrusts before his own orgasm came, making him twitch and moan. "Oh shit..." He said as he shot repeatedly into the condom and then fell next to Luke in bed.

Luke started running his finger on Nate's chest and stomach noticing that there was cum smeared all over it, then he got partially on top of Nate wrapping his arms around him and kissing him. "God I love you..." He said in between kisses.

"Who do I have to thank for this?" Nate asked.

"Martin..." Luke said smiling.

"Why did I already suspect that?" Nate said laughing.

"So, I'm a little bit nervous to be honest with you." Brent said as he closed the door behind him.

Martin sat on Brent's bed and started tapping his fingers on the edge of the bed as he saw Brent slowly walk to the bed, and then sit down next to him. "Brent, I have something to ask you." He said now that Brent was beside him.

"Ok, so tell me." He said, as Martin remained silent for a few seconds.

"You know, I haven't been with anyone, since, well you know." He asked and Brent nodded. "So, I just want you to know that I do want to do this, you don't know how much I want to be with you, but I think we're going to have to take it slow and go easy, I don't want to flip out or anything and I don't know how I'm going to react..." He said and Brent took Martin's hand in his own and squeezed it hard.

"I know, babe, and we'll take baby steps if that is what we have to, I don't care about that, all I care about is to share this with you." He said before he leaned closer and kissed him. They kept kissing and even though Martin felt his heart quicken, he let himself go and gave free will to his desire. He reached for Brent's shirt and pulled it off him. As he saw Brent's lean body he took a few seconds as he looked at his slim chest and stomach, he was actually skinny, you could say so, but he did have some muscle in his chest and abs. and his arms weren't all that big, but they had some definition. He looked up and saw Brent looking down at him, his green eyes sparkling as he began to breath heavily in expectation to see what Martin would do next.

"I can't believe we're finally doing this," Martin said before he leaned forward and kissed Brent's nipples, one after the other, and then he stopped to gently suck on his right nipple, causing Brent to gasp and shiver at the contact. "You're so beautiful, and I'm so lucky, not only did you save me, but you like me and I'm so thankful for that." He said as he started kissing his way up and then kissed Brent's jaw, cheek and mouth.

"Stop it, you're making me blush." Brent told him.

"Shhhh, you know it's all true." Martin answered.

"I want to see you." Brent said as he pulled Martin's t-shirt off him. He smiled when he saw Martin's torso, Martin was bigger than he was, in muscle and definition, and he had a thick treasure trail that went down from his navel into his crotch. They had never seen each other shirtless, not until now, and he could feel his dick ache inside his underwear now that he had Martin before him. He tentatively kissed Martin's chest and heard Martin sigh when he did so. He started planting kisses all over his chest and then he licked Martin's left nipple. "You're so hot..." He said before he started sucking on his right nipple.

"How far do you want to go?" Martin asked down at him.

"I dunno, why don't we... take off the rest of the clothes first?" He answered.

Martin nodded and reached for Brent's belt buckle. Brent did the same to him and soon they were standing kicking their pants off. Brent felt his heart quicken when he saw the bulge in Martin's boxers, he looked up and caught Martin looking down at the bulge in his own boxers, then he looked up and leaned to kiss him. They started running their hands all over each other's backs and then Martin started grinding his crotch into Brent's. "Your dick feels nice." Martin said into the shorter man's ear.

"Can I suck you?" Brent asked him.

"Let me do you first." Martin said, and then he reached down and pushed Brent's boxers down, the feeling of Martins' fingers so close to his own dick made Brent shiver and then he felt them on his dick, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. "Babe, let's get in bed." Martin said and made him open his eyes.

"I want to see you first." Brent told him.

Martin blushed and smiled, before he pushed his own boxers down, revealing a dick about half an inch shorter than Brent's own, but still it was as thick. He reached for it and grabbed it, he saw Martin started breathing heavily when he did so and he used his other hand to pull him down and kiss him. "Ok, bed now." Martin said breaking the kiss. They got on bed and Martin started kissing him and hugging him as he began rubbing his dick against Brent's. "Have you thought if you'd like to, I dunno... what would you like?" Martin asked him.

"I don't know, do you mean, do I want to try topping or bottoming?" Brent asked him blushing.

Martin smiled blushing too and nodded. "How about you top me?" Martin asked him.

Brent felt his stomach tighten at the thought, and his heart started beating faster than it had at any point that night. "Ok, I guess..." He answered.

"We can try the other way later if you want too." Martin said.

"Yeah that would be nice." Brent said.

Martin smiled, took a deep breath and then he went down and took Brent's cock in his mouth, Brent gasped at the new feeling and felt every muscle in his body tighten as Martin bobbed his head up and down while rubbing his tongue along the head and part of the shaft of his dick. Then he stopped and started to sit up. "I'll get a condom and some lube." He said as he went to his pants and got the little bottle and a condom out of its pockets.

As Martin got on the bed again, Brent reached down and wrapped his lips around the head of Martin's cock. Martin sighed and Brent loved the taste and texture of it, so he started running his tongue all over the tip of it, and then took a bit more in his mouth, moving his tongue in circles along the shaft as he slowly went down on it. "Be careful, don't try to take too much, you might gag." Martin told him, he licked a little bit more and then Martin grabbed his head by the sides and pulled him up. "Boy are you eager to learn." Martin said before kissing him passionately. Then he applied some lube to Brent's dick and unrolled the condom on it. Brent felt his heart quicken as Martin straddled him and used his hand to guide Brent's cock to his butt hole. Then Martin started to push down on him and he closed his eyes as he felt the head of his dick slowly enter Martin little by little.

"Oh shit, this is going to be good." Martin said looking down at him.

"My god, it feels so tight..." Brent said biting down on his lower lip. Martin kept pushing down and up on Brent's cock for a few minutes before he felt he couldn't take it anymore. "Martin stop, or I'm going to cum." He said.

"Babe, that's the point." He said as he leaned down and kissed him on the lips while still sitting up and down on his dick.

"Oh fuck here I go." He said as he felt his dick erupt inside Martin. He moaned and covered his face with his hands as he felt his cum shoot repeatedly into the condom, and Martin started running his hands on Brent's stomach, gently rubbing it.

"How did you like that?" Martin asked him.

"Oh my god, that was so fucking good..." He said as he sat up and held him very tight against him, his dick still inside him he started kissing him. "Does it feel good, you know to have a dick up your ass?" He asked Martin.

"Well at first it hurts, but as long as you do it slow and you keep jerking off and try to stimulate the prostate, you'll like it and then you'll get used to it." He answered.

Brent kissed him again. "Would you fuck me now?" He asked Martin.

"You sure about this?" Martin asked him.

"Hell yeah, I want to have you in me now, I want to know how you feel inside of me." Brent said as he pulled outside of Martin.

"Ok, just push out, you know like when you're taking a dump..." He said.

"What?" Brent asked.

"It causes the ass muscles to relax and that will make the entrance easier and less painful, just relax." He said.

Brent nodded and he lay down in bed, spreading his legs Martin put the condom on his dick and he rubbed it with Lube, then he kneeled in front of Brent's spread legs and he lay down on top of him, carefully aiming his dick at Brent's hole.

"Try to relax and push out like I told you." Martin said. "I'm going to start pushing in." He said and Brent nodded. They kissed as Martin started to press in. Brent felt the pressure and he started to take deep breaths as Martin's dick head started to go in, little by little. Then about half of Martin's dick was inside him and he was hugging Martin tight against him. "Are you ok Babe?" Martin asked him.

"Yeah, it hurts a little but you're being great." He answered before kissing him again.

"Ok, I'm going to start pulling out and pushing back in, that might help a little." Martin said. Then he started to pull out almost completely and then he slowly thrust back in. As he kept doing this Brent felt that Martin's dick would rub against something inside him and that would make his cock twitch. He guessed it had to be his prostate and soon he felt his cock was again rock hard and pressed in between him and Martin. The pain was almost gone and he started loving it.

"Shit, I love it when you touch that spot." He said.

Martin smiled at him. "What spot?" He asked, and then he pulled out and thrust back in and hit his prostate again, causing him to moan. "Oh, that one." He said smiling

"You idiot, I love this." He said, Martin kept thrusting and hitting his prostate.

"I'm gonna cum soon, you're so tight." Martin said, blushing and with sweat shining on his skin.

"Cum, I want you to." Brent told him and then kissed him. Martin started thrusting faster, still hitting Brent's prostate and then Brent couldn't take it, and felt his dick started shooting in between the two of them. "Oh shit, yeah..." He said as he splashed cum all over his stomach and on Martin's chest.

"Oh fuck, that's so tight..." Martin said before biting down on his lower lip and holding Brent tight against him as he started shooting inside Brent. "Oh fuck that was so good..." He let out a deep breath and started kissing Brent.

"I don't know which one I liked more, we're gonna have to do it all over again." Brent said smiling.

"Oh god, you're not hanging around Luke anymore..." He said before kissing his neck and then his mouth.

Author's note:

I am extremely sorry that I had not send these chapters in before, but double majoring is a lot harder than what I thought. I had a very rough semester the first half of this year taking 27 credits, I did great, but it really took a toll on me. I took fewer credits this semester, but I was applying for an exchange to the US, I didn't get it, but I had to work my ass off in the process and that took a lot of time too. Now I will try to take the time and send in the missing chapters that I have in storage, here you had 3, and you will get 3 more soon. I hope you enjoy them, and please, your comments are always welcome.

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