Nates Wounded Heart

By Luis Salazar

Published on Jul 16, 2008


Chapter 10 ----Martin's wounded heart (Party night)----

"So our girl is single now?" He asked Luke.

"So she said at lunch, she says Michael's behavior lacked some manners lately and that she had to let him go." Luke said quoting the wordplay Becca had used earlier that day.

Nate arched his eyebrow at the cryptic comment and looked at Luke who returned the look. They were getting ready to go have a short dinner with Martin and Becca before the party. Luke was already getting dressed as Nate was barely drying off after his shower. Luke stood behind him watching him drying his legs and thighs, and couldn't stand it. Nate had been getting in real good shape since they had met and now Luke couldn't stand to look at him without having dirty thoughts cloud his mind and passion fill his heart. He fastened his belt and walked behind Nate as he finished drying off. He wrapped his arms around him and started planting kisses on his back and shoulders, as he ran his hands along Nate's stomach and chest.

Nate sighed in response and then placed his hands on top of Luke's as they ran across his torso. Luke then started gently humping Nate from behind, then he wrapped his arms around Nate hugging him tight as Nate begun to wiggle his ass against Luke's erection.

"Do we have time before we have to meet the guys?" Nate asked.

"I guess so, what do you have in mind?" Luke asked back.

Nate turned around and started to open Luke's belt buckle. "Just wait and see, I'll give you a surprise that I've had in mind the last few days." He said as he leaned forward and planted a kiss on Luke's lips, then he started kissing Luke's neck as he helped him remove the belt and then his pants and underwear, he hadn't had time to put on a shirt so after this Nate pushed Luke onto Nate's bed and he began sucking on his nipples. Luke moaned and started caressing Nate's hair as he kept on licking and gently nibbling on Luke's nipples.

Nate's erection was rubbing against Luke's thigh and he decided he wanted to play with it, so he pushed Nate a bit so that he was kneeling on the bed in front of him and then he got on his knees as well and then took Nate's dick in his mouth. Nate started moaning and caressing the back of Luke's head as he kept on sucking him for a while. After about 5 minutes of this Nate grabbed Luke's head by each side and started thrusting his dick while keeping Luke's head still. After another while of this he felt himself close and Luke was eager to take Nate's load, but then Nate stopped fucking his face and pushed Luke on the bed.

"Why did you stop? You were about to cum." Luke said.

"I have something else in mind. Send Martin a text message and tell him we'll get there half an hour late and to tell Becca, same place and we are going to the party, but tell him we're busy for a while before." Nate said.

Luke obliged, taking his cell phone and sending a message to Martin, adding at the end the phrase: I think Nate's gonna pop my cherry!!!

"Sent it?" Nate asked.

Luke nodded and Nate got on top of him and started kissing him. As they were kissing Nate started jerking Luke's dick in between of them and with his other hand be began rubbing Luke's balls. Luke moaned in between kisses and then started rubbing his hands on Nate's back, then Nate removed his hand from rubbing Luke's balls and he used that hand to guide one of Luke's hands to his ass. Luke took the hint and started running his fingers along Nate's ass crack and pushing at his hole.

Nate got up and shifted his position so he was now lying with his head on the opposite side of the bed then Luke's head, he began sucking Luke's cock and using some of his spit he started fingering Luke, then he stopped and guided Luke's hand towards his ass again. They kept at it for some time before Luke felt himself close and he tried to stop Nate, but he kept sucking and fingering him, and so Luke released a copious load into Nate's mouth. Nate swallowed the load and then he got up and went to his desk, he opened one of the drawers and got out some lube and something small that Luke couldn't see.

"Now, we're going to do something new, just trust me babe." He said as he kneeled in front of Luke on the bed. "Are you still sensitive or do you think you can have another round?" He asked Luke.

Luke couldn't figure out what was about to happen but he still touched his dick and rubbed its tip with his fingers and noticed it wasn't sensitive from his precious orgasm anymore. "I think I can go again... what's about to happen babe?" He said.

Nate smiled and didn't answer, then he opened a small package and Luke realized it was a condom, he got closer and started unrolling the condom on Luke's dick. He was shocked. When he rolled the condom properly, Nate proceeded to apply some lube to Luke's sheeted dick and then rubbed some on his ass. Luke still couldn't believe this and he wanted to speak but he couldn't get the words out at first, then he put his hands up gesturing Nate to stop.

"Wait, I thought... well I've always wanted you to fuck me, I hadn't thought of this yet." He said as Nate smiled again, he moved closer and kissed him.

"I want you to experience this side first, I think it will give you a good view on both things, we'll have it the other way around later, now just relax and enjoy this." Nate said as he straddled Luke and used his hand to guide Luke's dick to his hole.

Luke thought his heart was going to pop out of his chest; he closed his eyes and then felt the pressure of Nate pushing onto his cock. He kept his eyes closed as he felt the tip of his dick begin to enter Nate, and then he opened his eyes and saw that Nate had closed his and was biting on his lower lip as he lowered himself on Luke. Nate opened his eyes and looked into Luke's eyes, and then lowered himself more, Luke felt his dick pop in Nate's ass and Nate moaned as he pushed down a bit more. It was so tight that Luke couldn't believe it, he covered his face with his hands as he felt his dick slide all the way inside Nate.

Now that he knew most of Luke's dick was inside him, Nate opened his eyes and reached down with his hands and used them to uncover Luke's face, he grabbed the sides of Luke's face and began caressing it. Then he leaned down and kissed him as he started using his legs to rise up a little and then go down again, Luke moaned in between kisses and then he felt Nate started jerking his own dick, he looked down and saw Nate jerking himself off as he rocked his hips on top of Luke. he thought he was going to lose his mind, it felt so warm, so tight and most of all he couldn't stop thinking that he was inside Nate and that they were finally giving into each other fully.

Nate stopped and looked at Luke. "I want you to fuck me." He said.

"Well I think that's already happening." He said breathing hard.

"No, I mean I want you on top of me, fucking me." Nate said.

Luke reached up and they both started to twirl in bed, and without Luke's dick coming out of Nate's ass they moved so Nate was now on his back and Luke was on top of him. Luke grabbed Nate's legs, parted them, and then pushed them up. Nate was sweating and he started jerking his dick again as Luke started thrusting into him. Luke found the bottle of lube, got some on his hand, and then used it to start jerking Nate's dick. He let himself go on top of Nate and started holding him as he slowly fucked him. Nate was moaning and his chest was heaving as he breathed. Luke started kissing him and kept on jerking him off.

"I love you babe." Luke said.

"I love you too." Nate said before he started kissing him once again. Luke felt he was close so he started thrusting into Nate faster. Nate moaned in response and held tight against Luke. After a few moments Nate moaned aloud as he started shooting while Luke had his hand wrapped around his dick and Luke moaned loudly as he felt Nate's ass clamp around his dick. Then he held Nate as tight as he could against him as he shot his load while he was still inside Nate. He collapsed on top of Nate and then they held each other as their breathing began to go back to normal. Luke kissed Nate's neck and Nate kissed the top of his head.

"God I love you, that was good, can't wait to have it the other way around." Luke said giggling.

"Why did I know that was going to be your reaction?" Nate said laughing, and then they started kissing again. After a while, they got up and took showers again so they could go meet Martin and Becca.

"So they said they'd be here later huh?" Becca asked Martin.

"Yeah, that's why I phoned you first, but they should be getting here soon." He answered.

Martin was wearing a blue button up shirt and grayish blue jeans. Becca was wearing a red blouse, black pants and a gray jacket on top. They were sitting at the bar of a small diner that was across the street from the English building, Martin and Nate's favorite place to eat at school besides from the dining hall. The woman behind the counter had already offered to take their orders but they declined and said they were expecting some friends of theirs.

"My god I hope they have a good fuck `cause if not I'll slap them for this I need food already!" Becca whined.

Martin snorted and nodded. "Well I'm sure that they are having fun, it's either that or poor Nate is being abused by Luke." He said as Luke came up behind him and smacked him in the back of the head as Nate snorted at him. "Well I sure didn't expect you to be behind me." He said.

"Sorry we were late but I had to get Nate to pretend he was knocking me up before our first school party together." Luke said with a devilish grin on his face. He was wearing a green plain t-shirt and blue jeans, Nate wore his new shirt and some jeans as well.

Becca and Martin started laughing as a blushing Nate sat next to Martin while Luke sat on the other side, next to Becca, leaving their friends in between the two of them. "Well someone looks nice with his new shirt and haircut." Martin said to Nate and made him blush a darker shade of red.

"We told him it looked good on him." Becca said.

Nate slouched down on his stool and felt a little sting in his ass. Luke was bigger then Derek, or him for that matter and he hadn't realized or thought that he would end up in pain after having Luke up his ass, though he was sure that he had loved it and would love to have it again. They ordered some food and started chatting away and then they decided that they should get going to the party so that they could leave earlier and go back to their dorms before the party got too wild. As they were on their way Nate couldn't help but notice how much more relaxed and calmer Martin seemed.

"You ok now?" He asked Martin as Becca and Luke were chatting as they walked.

Martin looked him in the eye and nodded. "Did I really appear to be that bad?" Martin asked back.

"Well it's not that you looked bad, it's just that you are a very cheerful person most of the time and we all noticed you weren't acting your usual way." Nate answered.

"I guess I am ok now... though I don't think I want to..." He tried to say before Nate walked to him and hugged him.

"You don't have to explain, as long as you say you are ok and mean it you don't have to give any explanations." Nate said as he kept his left arm around Martin's shoulders.

Martin smiled. "Thanks buddy." He said as they approached the entrance to the dinning hall.

They paid the entrance fee and went in the place, when they got in Becca and Luke both started smiling and chuckling, while Martin and Nate seemed to be surprised rather than amused. The beat of techno music filled the air and the decoration just knocked the breath out of them. There were rainbow banners hanging from the walls, as well as fliers with phrases such as:

Boys kissing boys=Kicks ass!

Once you go dyke you never come back.

Bisexuals rule...

And on and on they went covering all of the walls as a disco ball hanging from the center of the ceiling showered the place with tiny lights that swirled and had a quite nauseating effect.

"I never thought it would be like this, I knew it would be decorated but I never thought that they would... show off this much." Nate said as Luke laughed and dragged him towards some tables that had punch bowls and snacks. Becca and Martin followed them to the table.

"Well Nate you gotta give it to them, they are sending a message." Becca said as she started to look around the table.

Martin took some chips and started eating some as Nate took a plastic cup and was about to fill it with some green punch when a tall guy with dark hair came closer to them.

"That one is spiked, not like disciplinary offices would find out or the alliance would care, but you should know." He said to Nate as he smiled and ran his eyes all over Nate checking him out.

"Thanks, I don't drink so I appreciate that." Nate said as he pointed at another bowl.

The guy nodded. "That one is clean, the green one and the orange one on the other side of the table are the ones that are spiked." He said, then he reached out and placed his hand on Nate's shoulder, Nate looked up to his face and saw his hazel eyes sparkling. "My name is Victor." He said as he squeezed Nate's shoulder.

Nate didn't know what to say and as he was going to tell the guy his name Luke came from behind him and wrapped his arms around Nate just beneath his shoulders. "Hi, my name is Luke and he's my boyfriend Nate." He said merrily as if he felt pride in making that announcement.

Victor nodded and smiled as he lowered his head. "I see, well I hope you boys have fun." He said as he walked away from the table towards a bench that placed near a wall covered in posters of athletes wearing skimpy shorts and showing their washboard abs, large biceps and big breasts in the case of the ones with women on them.

"I hope he doesn't think we were rude, I got surprised by how forward he was." Nate said as Luke got some punch for himself, then Luke stopped and stared at him smiling. "What?" Nate asked.

"Honey, he was coming on to you, why do you think he left when I said you're my boyfriend?" Luke answered.

Nate looked at Martin and Becca to see if they thought the same, and effectively they nodded while smiling at him. "Weird, I mean why would he hit on me then?" He asked them.

"Because you're good looking I'd guess." Martin said smiling at him.

"That would be my guess too." Becca said.

"I knew I'd end up fighting them bitches off of you tonight." Luke said with a serious look on his face. Becca and Martin laughed as Nate blushed and tried to remain close to Luke from then on.

Becca looked around the room and saw that a cute guy, short looking, with brown hair and a slim built was looking their way and at closer inspection she realized the guy was looking at Martin. She smiled to herself as she started thinking of how to get things going.

"Hey Martin let's walk around to see if I find a straight guy around here." She said and didn't even wait for Martin to answer or object. She took him by the arm and begun walking towards the cute guy. As they were on their way, she started looking around and as Martin saw her doing this, he began looking around too, trying to spot someone who looked straight. "Hey, don't you think that guy over there is cute?" Becca asked him as she pointed at the guy that had been looking at them.

Martin looked at where she was pointing and saw the guy, he was wearing a black polo shirt, had longish brown hair that fell on his forehead and to the left and he had a strong jaw line and also had thick full lips. He immediately thought the guy was cute, and saw that the guy looked at him, smiled and looked down before blushing. He felt himself blush at this so he looked at Becca and nodded. "Yeah, he is cute." He answered.

"Let's go talk to him then." She said, and again she began walking and dragging Martin along with her, not letting go of his arm. He wanted to object but couldn't even get the words out, and then they were standing in front of the guy. "Hi, I'm sorry, my friend and I were walking around and we couldn't help but notice how nice looking you are." Becca said, and the guy looked up startled and blushed when he saw Martin before him, Martin knew the feeling because he was blushing now too.

"Hey." He said as he looked up at them and Martin felt his knees going weak when he heard the guy's soft voice and saw that his eyes were of a sparkling green. "Thanks I guess, you guys are very good looking too." He said as he looked from Becca to Martin.

Becca elbowed Martin and he took the hint. "Hi, my name is Martin, and this is my friend Becca." He said extending his left hand to shake.

The guy extended his and shook Martin's hand. "My name's Brent." He said and then Martin realized that they were still grasping each other's hands. Brent looked at their hands, noticed, and quickly drew his hand back blushing and looking down. Martin blushed too as he got his hand in his pocket.

Becca smiled. "Well I think I'm going to go see what Nate and Luke are doing, you guys have fun." She said as she pushed Martin closer to Brent. "Bye Brent, it was nice meeting you." She said as she walked away smiling.

"Well she goes straight to the point doesn't she?" Brent asked looking up just a little bit.

"Yeah, she's very forward." Martin said. He looked next to Brent and saw that there was room to sit next to him on the bench.

Brent noticed too and he moved a little to his right making more room. "Have a seat." Martin nodded and sat down next to him.

They both looked up as they heard Becca repeatedly saying: Yes! Repeatedly as she walked towards them. "Ok, I know you, what did you do now?" Nate asked arching his left eyebrow.

"Nothing, I just found Martin a cute boy and left the two of them to see if something good happens." She answered as she smiled and began dancing a little.

They both smiled and nodded. Becca moved closer and motioned to where Martin was now sitting next to Brent. The three of them stared a little as they saw both guys smiling as they were chatting. "The guy is cute." Luke said.

"So is our Martin." Nate said.

"I hope Brent and him get along well." Becca said.

"He's got a porn star name." Luke said. "Owww!"

Nate laughed after Becca smacked Luke in the back of the head. "And so, what? Maybe that means he's got some skills if you know what I mean." Becca said with an evil grin. "Owwww!"

Now Nate smacked her in the back of the head. "Stop it with the innuendos the two of you." He said to the two of them. "Now, let's stop staring before they notice and we make them uncomfortable." He said. They both nodded and they went back to the table and started eating some chips.

"I bet you don't get that much free time, you know being an R.A. and all." Brent said.

"Actually besides from the rounds I do a couple of times a week and your occasional complaint, I do get some time to spend." Martin said when in reality he wanted to tell him that he'd make time for him if he'd just as much ask.

Brent smiled and nodded, he looked around the room and was just about to speak when he stopped and stared towards the center of the room, Martin looked the same way to try and see what had caught Brent's attention and then he felt his stomach clench. Michael was standing in between some guys that were dancing in couples and a few girls dancing very close to each other.

"I think that guy has been staring at you, do you know him?" Brent asked Martin.

Martin felt like throwing up. He stared at Michael and then saw how Michael pointed at him and was quite sure he was mouthing the words: You're mine. "I do know him, uhm could you wait for me here a few minutes, I'm going to go get a friend of mine." Martin answered.

"Are you ok?" Brent asked.

"Yeah I'll be right back." Martin said, then got up and started walking. Brent thought he was not ok, and then saw how Martin started walking towards the table where the snacks and drinks were, but he avoided the center of the room where the tall guy that had just been staring at Martin had been. The tall guy disappeared just as Martin started walking. He was debating about what to do, Martin wasn't ok, and the tall guy looked suspicious, he got up and started walking before thinking more about it.

Martin saw that Nate was standing in front of a bench that was next to the tables. He was alone and Martin thought that at least this way if he had to tell Nate, Becca wouldn't find out. "Nate, I need your help... I just saw... he said not to say anything but I don't care..." He tried to say but couldn't get any coherent sentences out.

"Ok, take a deep breath and tell me." Nate said, as he got closer and put his hands on Martin's shoulders.

Martin took a deep breath and looked down. "Michael, he came to my room on Monday night and..." He took another deep breath. "I had this bottle of vodka from this drunk kid I took it from his room and warned him to stop drinking, well I was going to throw it away, but Michael suggested we'd drink some of it." Nate squeezed his shoulders tighter, Martin looked up into his face, and then his words came out as whispers. "I got real drunk, he barely drank any of it, and then he... started touching me... and then he..." He closed his eyes and felt himself shaking.

Nate grabbed him by the chin making him look up. "Martin, are you sure of this?" He asked. Martin nodded. "Did he do anything else to you?" Again, he nodded. "Did he hurt you?" Nate asked in a whisper. Martin nodded again and felt tears falling down his face. Nate hugged him tight and he let out a small sob. "It's ok, you saw him here?" He asked as he parted a little.

"Yeah, I was with Brent and then Brent said some guy was staring at me and it was him, he was glaring at me and then I came to look for you." Martin answered.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Nate asked.

"I was afraid, you guys are so cool and I though if you knew you'd hate me for screwing up." Martin said as tears kept rolling down his face.

"How could you think that? He used you, he got you drunk and then... He raped you! You should've told us, and we would've helped you" Nate started rasing his voice a little and then he decided they had to move from there. "Come, let's go outside, actually you stay at the exit and I'll go get Luke, he went with Becca to the ladies room." He said as he dragged Martin with him.

Martin came to a halt. "Don't tell her; please I don't want her to know."

"I won't tell her, but later we will have to, and besides she broke up with him already." Nate started looking around. "Just wait here, don't move, I'll go get Luke. Martin nodded and then Nate walked to the other side of the dinning hall were the restrooms were. As he was taking deep breaths and wiping the tears away from his face, he felt a pointy object pressed to his back and then a hand grabbed him by the stomach.

"Don't move and don't even dare to scream." Michael said from behind him.

He felt a lump in his throat. "Ok, I won't." He said as clear as he could.

"Now move I'm going to teach you a lesson." Michael said and then pushed him; they started walking towards the exit.

He found Luke at the door to the women restroom and motioned for him to come. Luke started walking towards him. "We've got trouble, Martin just told me something... horrible, we have to help him, he's waiting for us..." He turned around to point at where he had left Martin standing, but felt his stomach drop as he saw he wasn't there anymore. "Oh my god, he found him!" He said real loud.

"Who found who?" Becca asked as she walked out of the restroom.

"Come on, we have to find Martin before Michael does something to him." Nate said. Both Luke and Becca felt a chill go up their backs but they started walking when they saw Nate had started almost running across the place pushing people away.

He saw the tall guy and Martin were walking out, at first he thought he had wasted his time hitting on a guy that was taken, but then he saw that Martin was walking carefully and the tall guy was walking right behind him and he had a terrible feeling about it. He saw them go out by the exit on the west side of the dinning hall and sped up to try and catch them, then as he exited the place he started looking around and saw that it was almost deserted outside. He gave a few steps and came to a halt next to a light post that rested in front of the entrance to the dinning hall, then as he was about to give up he heard Martin speaking.

"I didn't tell her anything I swear!" Martin said.

"The hell you didn't she broke up with me! You told her you little fag and I warned you!" The other guy yelled. Brent started running towards the voices without even thinking, they were behind some bushes that were next to the sidewalk that led to the library. Then as he rounded the bushes he saw that Martin was on the ground and the other guy was holding a big knife and was about to stab Martin.

"Noooooo!" He yelled as he jumped on top of the guy. He grabbed on to him and the guy staggered a few steps back.

"Who the fuck?! Get off me!" The guy yelled. They fell backwards and Brent had the breath knocked out of him. Then he started struggling to get up and saw the tall guy was on his knees and then felt the punch on his face. Everything went dark, the punch made him flinch and he went dizzy.

"Leave him alone!" Martin yelled. He ran and tackled Michael onto the ground. The knife fell out of his hands and then they started struggling, Michael tried to reach for the knife but Martin pulled him back and punched him in the back. Michael yelled and turned, he backhanded Martin and sent him onto his back, and then he reached for the knife and grabbed it. Michael jumped on top of Martin with the knife in his right hand, Martin reached out with both hands, and gripped Michael's wrists. They were struggling and Michael kept pushing hard with his right arm trying to bring the knife down.

"Michael stop!" Martin heard Becca yell from behind them. Then he saw a pair of hands pulling Michael by the neck from behind and off Martin, he sighed as he saw Michael fall on his back, and saw that it was Nate that had pulled him off him. Luke and Becca were standing besides him, pale and both obviously frightened, he looked around and saw that Brent was sitting up and looking around a little confused. Then he saw Michael getting up raising the hand with the knife.

"Watch out Nate!" He yelled. Then he saw Michael jumped towards Nate, but Nate jumped to his left, and Michael fell on top of the ground and slid a few feet forward on the grass. He had dropped the knife when he slid and as he started looking for it Nate jumped on top of him, grabbed him by the shirt with his left hand and then punched him in the face with his right fist. The punch was so hard that Michael fell unconscious.

He was looking out the window as he heard them speak inside the bathroom. He hadn't felt so frightened in his whole life as he had felt that night. They had saved his life. Brent and Nate had saved him. They had spent over two hours explaining the situation to the university security guards after they had taken Michael in custody. Brent asked one of the officers for some paper and a pen and wrote his building, room number and cell phone number and gave the paper to Martin, he felt a warm feeling when he saw the number and they didn't exchange any words.

Brent left to his room and Nate and Luke said they'd spend the night with him so he went with them to their room. Now they were speaking to Becca in the restroom, and he felt a knot in his stomach waiting for her to come out, she had heard the story as they told it to the officers, but now he knew she was for sure going to ask him about it directly. He heard the restroom door open and saw Becca walk down the hall and towards him. He could notice that she had been crying, and as he realized this he felt he was about to cry himself.

"Are you feeling okay baby?" She asked him. He looked up and nodded. "Did he hurt you?" She asked with her voice breaking. Again, he nodded for he couldn't get the words to come out of his mouth. She sobbed and sat down next to him as she wrapped her arms around him, at first he stiffened but then he started sobbing too.

"I thought he was just being friendly, but then he started touching me and he wouldn't stop, not even when I told him it was hurting me..." He said as he cried, and she held him tighter.

"Why didn't you tell me when I asked you back in your room? If you had told me I would've helped you, he was being an ass to me, he even got violent that day and I thought he was going to hurt me, knowing what he did to you would've only made me know I did the right thing!" She said as she pulled back and looked at him in the eye.

"I was afraid, I haven't had any friends since a long time ago, and you guys are so good to me, I was afraid that you'd get mad at me and I'd lose you guys, you're the only good friends I've had since my parents died..." He said as he started crying and shaking.

She held him, but hearing this left her in awe, she had no idea that Martin's parents were dead. She looked up and saw that Nate and Luke were standing next to the bed and the two of them looked as surprised as she was. "Honey, why didn't you tell us that your parents are dead?" She asked.

He took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. "I don't know, I don't like telling people, in high school everyone looked at me as if I was a freak because of it, so I stopped talking about it." He said.

"How did they die?" Nate asked.

Martin looked up. "My dad died of stomach cancer when I was eight." Luke looked down and felt like crying with just that. Martin continued: "My mom started drinking a lot and one day when I was fourteen I got home and found a police car out front, when I got inside they were speaking to my brother, she had been drunk while driving and she drove off a road into a cliff." Becca held him and started silently crying.

"What about your brother?" Nate asked.

Martin almost started crying again. "He was 6 years older then me, so when mom died, he found a good job and he took care of me, he was great, Matty always made sure I'd study and had fun, he tried so hard to get me to have friends but kids always treated me differently so I never did have any friends after mom died." He took a deep breath. "But I knew he was doing drugs, I noticed when I was fifteen, but I didn't care he always treated me well and he never skipped work, he would just do drugs on weekends. But then when I was sixteen, a Sunday morning I went into his room to tell him breakfast was ready and I found him..." He let out a sob and stopped, took a deep breath and then spoke as tears fell down his face. "He was dead, I tried to wake him but it was useless, I called nine-one-one and when they got there they said he was dead. After that I went to live with my grandparents, and then I came here..." He said before he started crying a little more.

Luke had his back to him and he was crying, as he held Nate's left hand. Nate got on his knees in front of Martin, and wiped the tears from his face. "Martin, we don't think you're a freak, we won't leave you and we love you." He said. Martin took a deep breath and wiped his face, looked down at Nate and nodded.

"Thank you." He said.

She opened the door as quietly as she could, she went in the room and tip-toed her way to her bed, she dropped her sweater on the floor, sat on the bed and took her pants, shoes and socks off. Then she turned and got under the covers, facing the wall. She wanted to sleep, forget about all of what had happened that day. She covered her face with her hands and started sobbing, after a few seconds the sobs turned into loud cries, she thought she had to calm down but couldn't stop.

Jessie woke up, stayed still, and quiet trying to listen and then she realized that Becca was crying on her bed. She didn't know what to do, they didn't get along all that well, but hearing her cry made her feel terrible, something bad had to have happened to make her cry like this. She sat up, looked to the other side of the room and saw Becca curled into the fetal position, facing the wall. Fighting her fears, she got out of bed and crossed to the other side of the room, and then she hesitated before sitting down on the bed next to her.

Becca felt Jessie sitting down next to her, and she started wiping her eyes and trying to calm down, but she couldn't. Then she felt Jessie running a hand on her hair, caressing her, then she placed her other hand on her shoulder. The contact helped her calming her down.

"Are you ok?" Jessie asked her.

She took a deep breath. "I'm going to be." She answered. "Thanks."

I'm sorry for the delay in sending this one in, I have been extremely busy with school, but I have been writing new chapters. All of them are at the gay stories subforum at and they are also on look for the story, either by its name or by my name. Thank you for the patience, I hope you guys like how the story is going, and as always, your comments are welcome.

Next: Chapter 11: Nates Wounded Heart 11 13

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