Nate's Journey

By Stories by Alex

Published on Jan 18, 2020


This story is intended for adults who like the idea of gay sex. If this isn't you then you shouldn't be here reading it. If it's illegal for you to access this, or you think it's offensive, then you shouldn't be here either. It is fictional, for the most part, and any similarities are just coincidences.

I'd love any feedback you have or ideas for things I can include. There's a twitter for people that want to message me there ( and you can email me at

Please do if you feel like you want to - it would mean a lot.

The entire ride home, I could feel the chav's huge load inside of me. To be honest, my raw hole was aching for his dick - having felt it inside of me just made me feel empty when it wasn't. Luckily, the plug he'd shoved up inside of me was helping a bit but even then, I found myself shifting around in the seat so that I could feel it deeper inside of me or to make it shift positions every now and then. It was like all of my nerves were concentrated around that one part of my body and I don't think my dick went down for the entire ride home. I had tried to get him to just drop me near my house but he insisted on driving me right back up to my front door. I was really quite worried that my parents might see but, fortunately for me, they still hadn't arrived home. Before I got out of the car, he told me to expect future messages for me that he was already starting to think about what would be next. I didn't really say anything but just the idea of this guy already starting to arrange more meets with me and us getting dirty together again was so hot that I almost shot another load right into the pouch of my jock. The evening was pretty typical for a teenage boy - homework, games, tv, etc. - I tried messaging James again but he just kept on ignoring me. In the end, I just gave up: there's nothing that I can do about it if he doesn't want to accept my apology. There was one thing that was slightly more atypical that happened much later in the evening. After all, that plug had to come out some time, didn't it? I laid myself, completely naked, on the floor next to my bed so that I was right in front of the mirror. Lifting my legs up, I spent a little while just looking at it - the little end sticking out of my hole. It looked so sexy inside of me and, for a minute or two, I just played with the end, twisting it and pulling it out just slightly. I'm not going to lie: I was moaning pretty loudly already but what really made me cry out was the moment where I pulled it completely out from me. I'm not sure what was louder: my cries of pleasure or the pop it made as my hole released it. After I pulled my ankles up higher, I could see how open my hole was and how sore, red and puffy it was from the absolutely battering it had taken today. Two big cocks really fucking me hard and, to be truthful, I really wished there was a third doing exactly the same to me right then and there. Fuck, next time I go to that shop I need to pick up a dildo. My gaping hole was crying out for it so, of course, I had to push my own fingers inside of me. A meaty, throbbing dick attached to a dirty scally lad would have been so much better but needs must, I guess. My left hand was pushing two fingers up inside of me and feeling what the chav and the builder had done to my poor little hole, whilst my right hand was working my throbbing uncut cock. I was feeling great but what really pushed me over the edge was when I pulled out my fingers and saw that the tips of them were covered in the chav's cum. Of course, you know exactly what I did and, within seconds, I was sucking that cum from my fingers and savouring it on my tongue. It was still warm from being inside of me and it slid nicely along my tongue and down my throat. I spent the next 5 minutes just repeating this - pushing my fingers inside of my hole as far as they could go just hoping to find more of the cum that he'd left in me. All the while, watching myself do it in the mirror. I could understand why the guys who watch the chav's videos had sent him so many messages - seeing that slut that I was being was just turning me on even more. It didn't take long before my own uncut teen cock was throbbing in my hand and I knew that there wasn't going to be any point in trying to edge myself: I couldn't resist what was happening and I needed to shot a load. My balls were so full of spunk that they actually started to ache just before I began to cum. Ropes of the stuff shot all over my bare chest and even hit me in the face, some landing directly in my open mouth. I tasted differently to the chav, a little sweeter than he did. Objectively, I'd say that my spunk was nicer but I preferred his just because I knew it had come out of him. Still, I wasn't going to waste a drop of it and every single bit found its way into my mouth by the time I'd finished up. I slept soundly that night, which is not surprising given the pounding my body had taken across the day. I didn't really think any more about James until I was back at college on the Friday morning and saw him down the corridor. Immediately, I headed towards him but, as soon as he noticed me, he turned away and practically ran off in the other direction. I mean, what the fuck? I get that he was pissed that I didn't hang around with him yesterday but there was no need to treat me like that. I apologised and, really, that should have been the end of it. He knew I'd make it up to him somehow but that was going to be impossible to do if he was going to completely blank me. I'd figured that I'd catch up with him during Maths as we always sit together but the little bugger was several minutes late coming into the classroom and headed straight to the opposite side. During the lesson, I kept trying to get his attention but he wasn't having any of it, instead just spending the entire class chatting to some dumb bitch next to him. "He's just annoyed, Nate," Aidan told me when we grabbed lunch together, "He'll get over it eventually. You know what he's like - sometimes he can take things a little too personally." "I just don't know what else I can do," I said, picking at my food, "I've said sorry so why is he making a big deal about it?" Talking with Aidan usually calmed me down. Despite the fact that he looked like one big walking muscle with all the time he'd spent working out, he had a really gentle way about him and just helped chill me out a lot. Unfortunately, that wasn't really happening this time; it definitely didn't help that Aidan actually agreed a little with James. "You have to admit that you do do this quite a lot - you've been a bit of a flaky friend since we started college really." "What?" I was genuinely puzzled. I could name maybe a few times that I'd cancelled on plans or changed what I was going to do but it hadn't really been that much surely. "Look, I'm not getting involved," Aidan said, shaking his head, "This is between you two and I've got enough of my own shit going on." With that, he left me sat alone at the table, wondering just how my two best friends could have this view of me. I know that I was the one who wronged him in the first place and a bunch of you lot are probably judging me for what a shitty friend I was by dropping him like that. And yeah... I've done it before a few times and you're probably right. But, to be totally honest with you, the longer that this silent treatment was going on, the more irritating I was finding him and, by the end of the day, I was actually really angry with him. I mean, we've been friends since primary school! It's almost three quarters of our lives and now he just ignores me like I'm nothing. If you ask me, it's him that's being a shit friend right now. So I came up with a plan. James had extra art sessions after college finished - it's something they do for all the people studying art to help them stay on top of everything they need to create by the end of the year - so I'd head down to his house and wait for him there. He'd have to talk to me if I was literally in his room and we could get this sorted once and for all. Of course, the genius that I am, I didn't actually think about the fact that James still being out might mean that there wasn't actually someone at his house until I was pretty much stood at the gate to his garden. Still, in the worst case scenario, I could always wait on his doorstep - he was only going to be about another hour or so after all. However, when I reached the door, I quickly realised that I needn't have worried - there was someone home. I'd mentioned before that James' older brother was gay, right? Well, he'd been with his current boyfriend, Luke, for quite a while. So long, in fact, that Luke had ended up moving into the family home and they were staying there while they saved up for a place of their own. I'd met him a few times when I'd been round at the house before. However, when he opened the door after I'd knocked on it, it was like seeing him in a very different light. I'd always thought that he was pretty attractive but, I don't know, since I'd experienced having sex for real, it was like I felt a hunger ever since time I saw a good-looking guy. It was almost as if having sex had made me more horny rather than less. Of course, it didn't help that Luke answered the door in what I can only assume was his gym gear. Both the vest top and shorts clung tightly to his body and there was no mistaking the sexy physique that they barely attempted to hide beneath them. Luke was ripped to fuck. The exposed muscles of his arms and his legs were enough to have me weak at the knees but when you added in the fact that his powerful pecs and very well-developed abs were only being kept away from me by a thin piece of stretched, near see-through material, he just became even more enticing. The bulge was nothing to be ignored either and he definitely looked to be packing something pretty hefty. He wasn't just a walking muscle though; his face was actually quite handsome with a chiselled jawline and a pair of piercing blue eyes. For a second, I was speechless, my eyes just taking in this hunk of a man before me, but I quickly snapped back to reality when I realised that I was literally about to drool. "Hi, you might not remember me but I'm..." "Nate, right?" he said, interrupting me, "You're James' mate." I swear that at this point I actually blushed, "Yeah... that's me. I know James isn't back yet but..." He stepped to the side: "Come on in, you can wait." I walked in past him, moving so close to him that I could smell his scent. He'd definitely just been working out and the smell of his sweat was enough to start me chubbing up in my trousers. "Go and sit down," he told me, indicating to the living room, "I'll be back in a second - just going to get a drink." He started scrolling through his phone while talking to me and headed back into the kitchen. I took a seat, trying to push from my head the fact that seeing and smelling Luke was turning me on so much. After all, I was here to patch things up with James and that was what mattered really. Of course, that was very difficult to do when the whole room smelt like him even once he'd left it. Trying to distract myself, I picked up my own phone and was messing around on it when suddenly the TV in the living room turned itself on. The space was filled with light and a short message saying that it was connecting to a phone appeared on the screen. What I saw next, however, shocked me completely. "Oh fuck yes, fuck me harder!" That was my voice coming out of the speakers. My moaning. My begging. A few seconds later, the sounds were joined by images and I found myself looking at a video of me being fucked in the woods, the chavs cock fucking in and out of me while I held on to the downed tree and begged for more like some cheap little slut. I stood up, and spun around to see Luke walking towards me, his phone in his hand. "I knew I recognised the lad when I saw these videos," he said, speaking quite softly but firmly, "I just didn't realised exactly how I knew him until you arrived on the doorstep." "I... I..." There were no words. My heart was pounded in my chest and my vision had begun to shake. "I've shot my load watching you get fucked," he continued, "more than just a couple of times." He took a further step towards me. "It's a shame really - all that spunk just wasted." My breathing was starting to become rapid as he came closer and closer to me. His scent was filling my nostrils and it was making my head spin, so much so that I could barely understand what he was saying to me. "You'd have wanted it, I reckon. I've seen how much you love it." "What? I..." "Don't deny it," he said to me, now only a metre away, "After all, we both know that you're nothing but a dirty little cumwhore, aren't you?" "Oh fuck," I whispered. "Yeah," he said, "Fuck indeed." All of a sudden, his arm shot up and he took hold of the back of my head. Lifting up his own arm and exposing his sweaty, hairy pits, he pulled me towards him. I don't know whether I tried to resist. To be honest, I was still shaking and it was all a bit of a blur. However, it wouldn't have mattered even if I had: Luke was far bigger and stronger than me and, if he wanted to push my face into his armpit, there was nothing I could do to stop him. It was as if time was moving far too quickly and, before I knew what was happening, my face was being pushed right into his sweaty pit and his scent being wiped all over my face. "Lick it - clean my sweaty pits you dumb slut." His voice was powerful and commanding and it immediately eroded any resistance that might have existed in my mind. I put out my tongue, straight into his pit, and gave a long lick up as far as the hand on the back of my head would allow me to go. The salty nature of his sweat danced across my tastebuds and I was instantly hard. "Fuck yes, worship my pits you nasty fucker," he growled at me, his voice getting deeper as I carried on licking. Before long, he didn't need to keep his hand holding me in place and I was eagerly licking out his hairy pits, desperate to taste more of this amazing man. He ordered me to swap and I did, cleaning his other armpit for him just as eagerly. Eventually, he pushed me back and away from him. "Fuck... I mean... you can tell from the videos that you're an eager little slut but to see for myself just how much you want a man like me... wow." I blushed but he was right - I'd let him force me into his pits and I could still taste his sweat on my tongue and smell him all over my face. He pushed past me and towards to the couch, pulling off his top as he moved. Before he sat down, he pulled down the shorts and kicked them away. His hunk of a man was naked in front of me and, let me tell you, I was completely right about just how much of a massive cock those shorts were struggling to contain. It looked to be at least two inches longer than my own and was thick and meaty, just the way I liked them. He looked at me, legs spread apart, and then after a few seconds, he spoke: "What the fuck are you waiting for? Get between my legs then, slut." Of course I did exactly what I was told and got on my knees between his manly, muscled legs. This was exactly where I loved to be but, just as I was about to take his dick into my mouth, he put a hand on his forehead and stopped me. "No," he stated, plainly, "You can start in my arse." With that, he lifted up his legs, exposing a sweaty, hairy man hole. At first, I hesitated but he used his ankle on the back of my head to push me a bit closer towards him and the autopilot took over. Before long, I had my face buried between his cheeks. Fucking hell, if I'd thought that his pits tasted good then eating out his sweaty arsecrack was an absolutely delight. I swirled my tongue around his pucker and started to flick the tip over it - up and down - until I felt it start to open up for me. "YES!" he moaned out, "Eat my fucking arse!" And I did - I really did. I shoved my tongue up inside of him and tasted the inside of his glorious stud, his every moan just spurring me on more and more. I pushed into him, I swirled around inside of him, I moaned into his hole and sent vibrations through it. I did everything that I could think of to give as much pleasure to him as possible - the urge to satisfy him was so fucking powerful that I didn't have a choice: I just needed to get him off, whatever it took. Just as I was really getting into it, I found myself being pulled away - Luke's hand in my hair and forcing me away. However, I couldn't be disappointed for long because, whilst his arse was taken away from me, it was replaced by the thick and meaty cock that I'd been craving from the moment he opened the door to me. He was really turned on and there were already beads of precum that had started to leak out of the slit and down his shaft. My tongue immediately went to them and licked from wherever they were all the way to the slit on his cockhead. Fuck, this hunk tasted amazing! I couldn't get enough and made sure that I got every glistening droplet of precum. I wrapped my lips tightly around the head of his throbbing cock, immediately sucking on him, but it wasn't enough for Luke. He strengthened his grip on my hair and used it to force me all the way down - his cock sliding into my mouth, over my tongue and straight down the back of my throat. I gagged and spluttered but this didn't stop him: he was determined to get all of his monster cock inside of my tight throat and a bit of gagging from me wasn't going to put him off. I wasn't sucking him. I had no control at all. It was all Luke. He was fucking my throat on his cock, forcing me up and down, and I could do nothing but choke on his huge, thick dick as it forced my throat open again and again. Saliva was pouring out of the sides of my mouth and down the shaft into his pubes. My eyes were watering and I kept having to screw them shut as he rammed every inch of himself into me again. No, this wasn't a blowjob. This was him throat-fucking the hell out of me and just using me like the slut I'd become. He released me and I pulled off, coughing and gasping for air as saliva and throat slime leaked out of my mouth and onto his dick. I didn't get much of a reprieve, however, as he quickly took hold of me again and pushed me all the way down his shaft. However, this time, he didn't let me up. Instead, he wrapped his legs around my head and onto my back, using his muscles to hold me in place with every inch of his cock buried inside of me. I could feel him pulsing inside and stretching out my throat as far as it could possibly go. My throat felt like it was on fire as he held me there, my head starting to get fuzzy as his monster cock prevented me from even breathing. Then it all changed. I was released and pushed away back onto the floor. With lightning speed, he was up from the couch and practically tearing my clothes off of my body. In fact, I'm pretty sure he ripped my shirt just to get it off quicker. Before I could even do anything, I was already naked with Luke on top of me. He grinded his body into mine, his huge cock pushing up against my own rock-hard dick, but I knew what he really wanted wasn't just a bit of rubbing against each other. I lifted up my legs and he took hold of them as he lifted his body from mine. My ankles went to his shoulders as his cock was placed against my hole. I was still sore from the pounded I'd gotten yesterday but I didn't care, and Luke certainly didn't. I cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as my hole was forced open again, his thick cock slick with my saliva stretching out my hole and taking its rightful place inside of me. He fucked the hell out of me. I mean, really fucked me. There was no waiting, no getting used to it or anything like that. He just started pounding the shit out of me and I took it all. I laid there on my back, with my legs in the air, getting pounded by my best friend's brother's boyfriend, naked in his house and taking every fucking inch of this amazing stud as deep inside of me as was possible. I wanted it... I needed it... and fuck, I loved it. Every single thrust into me felt like it was setting my tight teen hole on fire, hitting every pleasurable spot inside of me and causing me to moan out like a dirty fucking slut. Luke let me know exactly what he thought of it too: "Fucking hell, you're so tight! It's like a fucking vice on my cock! FUCK YES! You dirty little whore, take my fucking cock you nasty slut!" We were both so loud that neither of us heard the door opening, nor the small gasp as we were caught. However, even in the middle of the most intense fuck, I couldn't mistake what I saw in the doorway when my eyes opened: James.

I hope you liked this chapter of the story - I wonder how James will react to finding Nate getting power-fucked like this...

Remember, my twitter is and email is if you want to contact me with any feedback or ideas (or just for a chat!)


Next: Chapter 10

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