Nate's Journey

By Stories by Alex

Published on Dec 28, 2019


This story is intended for adults who like the idea of gay sex. If this isn't you then you shouldn't be here reading it. If it's illegal for you to access this, or you think it's offensive, then you shouldn't be here either. It is fictional, for the most part, and any similarities are just coincidences.

I'm very new at this but have wanted to do it for a little bit and I'd love any feedback you have or ideas for things I can include. There's a twitter for people that want to message me there ( and you can email me at

Please do if you feel like you want to - it would mean a lot.

So there's good new and bad news. The good news is that I was able to hold all of that spunk inside of me and nothing leaked out during my lesson, although I spent the entire time being paranoid that someone was going to smell the stink of sex on me. They might well have done and just not said anything so I can't be completely sure that I'm in the clear. What's the bad news? Well, despite the ploughing that the scally builder guy gave me, I was still as horny as ever. In fact, I seemed to just crave it even more, even though I was literally walking around with an arse full of spunk. I guess this is just my life now: constantly hungry for more dick and willing to be a total slut to get it, like letting complete strangers fuck their heavy loads into me in the middle of my college's toilets. It seemed crazy to me that this time last week I was still an innocent virgin and now look at me. My parents would be mortified if they knew... though, if I'm being honest, I'm a little proud of how well I've been doing. I mean, how many people can say that they've gone this far, this quickly. Having my new phone, with its internet access, has really pushed this for me and not just with the apps. It's opened up a whole world of sex and fantasy within porn. Every time I look, I discover new and interesting ideas that I'd never even considered before and I was really desperate to try some of them out. I guess I needed to start finding out more about the guys I was hooking up with; maybe they would be willing to try out some of these kinky ideas with me. Plus, there were some that I'd be able to try out on my own. I'd been searching up more about the area of the country and live in and finding out more about the gay scene. They were loads of bars, a few clubs and, hell, even a sauna and a sex shop all within the city centre! It was like there was this side to my city that I'd not known even existed and it was all around the same sort of area. I guess there was a gay side to the city centre and I figured it was about time that I started to explore it. However, despite how eager I was to find out more about the gay community in my city, I was still too nervous to turn up to a club or a bar on my own. It would just look strange and I didn't want to stick out like that. Plus, what if I started to drink and ended up in a situation where someone was taking advantage of me. I mean, I know that guys have already been taking advantage of me but only in enjoyable ways that I've loved. People didn't really just turn up at clubs or bars alone so that left the sauna or the sex shop. I had a free for the last period so I was able to leave early. The college don't like you to do that because they expect you to stay in the common room and study during your free lessons but, when it's the last session of the day, they tend to look the other way a bit. Because I don't do it that often, no-one batted an eyelid when I headed out of the main entrance just a little before two. I had supposed to have been going round to James' place after college had finished but I was itching for it and I needed to go do something about it. I'd have to make it up to him another time. It doesn't take that long to get into the city centre from my college. In fact, it's pretty much near the top end of town though that is the complete opposite side of the city to the gay district I'd just found out existed. Still, I was walking at a decent pace so it wasn't even thirty minutes later that I found myself at the point where I had to make a decision of which place I was actually going to go and explore. On the one hand, the things that I'd read about the gay sauna and all those naked men that could be there were so enticing but, it was the middle of the day on a Thursday and, honestly, there was just as much chance that it would be empty. The sex shop, however, didn't rely on there being other people and I could spend some of my birthday money buying something that I could really... explore... at home. Of course, I ended up at the sex shop, although I did make a mental note to come back and try the sauna soon, just probably at a more appropriate time. Up until this point, I'd been really confident. I knew what it was that I wanted to do and I was going to push myself to do it. Now, stood at the top of the road that led down to the sex shop, with all of the hustle and bustle of town around me, it did seem really scary. No, that's not a strong enough word: I was terrified to be honest with you. For a few moments, I'd even have said petrified given how frozen to the spot I was. Through my head, all of these terrible scenarios started to play out: what if someone I knew saw me walking in? What if the people in there laughed at me with me being so inexperienced? Was a really ready for this? Fear and excitement were battling around inside of me and that is what was causing my indecision. In all truth, there was a chance that fear would win out and I would have turned right around and headed straight home. But, just as it looked like that was about to happen, I felt something inside of me. Or, rather, I felt something that had been inside of me but was starting to leak out into my boxers. That reminder of what I'd done today and of how good it had felt to have something inside of me again was enough to bring my horniness into the battle and, let's face up to it guys, when horniness joins in, it always wins out. So that's how I found myself stood at the door to the shop, it's name over the threshold and an assortment of some of the tamer items in the window, enticing people in. With a deep breath, I pushed it open, and went inside. To say that I was overwhelmed would be to completely and utterly understate it. I actually think that I was frozen for a moment when I saw the unbelievable treasure trove in front of me. There was everything that I'd imagine there would be and so much more: DVDs, a huge range of different toys, lube, outfits, just everything that the mind of a horny young gay boy could ever wish for. Over at the far side of the shop, there stood a man behind a counter. His gaze fell on me and I immediately turned away, feeling my cheeks flush bright red. I know that, since I had had my eighteenth, I was perfectly legal to be in here but it almost felt like there was something so naughty about it. There were others in the shop as well but I dare not even look at them for fear that they would judge me. To be honest, I half expected the cashier to come over and tell me to leave but he didn't. In fact, when I glanced over at him again, he smiled at me. After returning his smile, I turned away again. Although I had thought about all of this before, and I'd been looking at kinkier porn recently, the sheer volume of choices meant that I had no idea what to get or even how to narrow it down to just a few choices. Some of the clothes looked really sexy and, straight away, I could imagine myself getting fucked in some of them but I didn't have enough money to buy everything all at once and I wanted something that would add something new to what I was already doing: clothes were out. DVDs too as I wasn't interested in getting more porn when there was so much available online. However, everything else was still very much in. After a little bit of roaming around, I found myself at a wall covered in dildos and vibrators. My eyes lit up as I started looking at the various different sizes and thinking about the big cocks I'd already had inside of me. I wondered how each of these dildos would compare to them. Some of them were just ridiculous though: handling the 13 inches 'realistic' porn star cock was just crazy. I couldn't imagine ever getting something of that size inside me; it'd come straight out of my mouth! I'd moved on and started looking through the different restraints when a voice behind me made me jump. "That's not the one you want." It was low and calm. A steady voice and, although I'd jumped initially, it wasn't one that scared me - quite the opposite in fact. Turning around, I saw a guy a little older than me, I'd say in his mid to late twenties. His hair was buzzed short and he definitely had this rough look about him but his eyes were kind. I smiled at him, a little too embarrassed to say anything. He was a lot taller than me and definitely had a lot more muscle. He continued: "I know it says that it's a starter pack but it's no good really. You'd be better spending a little more and getting something with more to it." He stepped towards me, taking the basic starter restraint set that I'd been looking at and hanging it back up. As he did, I felt him push against me: the heat from his body radiating at every point at which it touched me. As he finished hanging it up, his hands moved to my shoulders and he turned me back towards the wall of choices. However, he left them there and I felt his body move up behind me. "So, have you done anything with restraints before?" I tried to summon the strength to speak but I could smell him against me and it was just overpowering me. I just about managed to shake my head. He laughed, "A bondage virgin then. It's down to me to help guide you then, what do you say?" "P... please." "I take it that you're the one that wants to get tied down, yes?" "Uh huh," I muttered out. He was pressing closer against me and it felt as if I was just engulfed in his scent. "Close or apart?" he asked. "I'm sorry?" I said, unsure as to what he meant. He shifted, his hands sliding down my arms and taking hold of my wrists. He pushed them together, in front of me, wrapping his strong arms around me in the process. "Close", he said before pulling my wrists away from each other, stretching them out as far as they would go until I could feel the strain in both of my shoulders, "or apart?" "I... I..." I actually think that I moaned that as I was enjoying feeling him stretching out my body, "I like... both." "Good boy," he said to me, speaking softly. Hearing that sent shivers down my spine. "This would be good then." he reached over and took down a more complicated set; I'd actually avoided that one as it looked like it was for more of an advanced player. "How... erm... how does it... you know?" This man was having so an effect on me. It was like I could barely think clearly let alone speak properly. The feel of his body on mine, his hand, which had now dropped to my waist, and his scent enveloping me... I was like a play thing in his hands. His hand moved from my waist around to my abs and I felt him pull me back against him. My body seemed to melt into his and there was no denying it: his cock was definitely pressing into my lower back. I could feel its hardness and its heat. I definitely did moan that time. "It would be... hard to explain. How about I just show you instead?" His hand moved down, sliding over my teen cock which was tenting out the front of my joggers. He gave it a squeeze and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. He'd asked a question but it really didn't need an answer. It was obvious by how my body was responding to him that I was going to go with him. "Go and wait by the door," he whispered into my ear, "I had a few more things to get and then we'll go back to mine. It's not far." He stepped away, taking the kit he had picked out for me with him. Immediately, I missed his heat and his scent and I knew that, if I wanted more, I had to do as he'd told me to and go wait by the door. Of course, that's exactly what I did and, not five minutes later, he joined me. He led me to his car and I got straight in. I'm not going to lie - there was a part of me that was screaming for me to get out of there. I mean, I didn't know this guy and had no reason at all to trust him. During the drive, I did start to open up a little more and we chatted a little in a more relaxed sort of way. I found out more about him, what he did and how he ended up getting into all this kink stuff. It turned out that he was actually the manager of the local sauna and one of the clubs and was, apparently, quite well-known and well-respected in the local gay community. By the time we were approaching his place, I felt a lot more chilled about the whole thing than I had before, which was good considering what he was about to do to me. His house was impressive. I mean, I've come from a decent background and we've never had to struggle for money but this was on a completely different level: clearly the owners of the sauna and the club were pleased with how well he was doing because his place was pretty huge. I was actually quite curious about what exactly his house but he didn't offer a tour and I wasn't exactly going to ask for one. We both knew why I was here and he led me straight into one of the bedrooms. It was pretty big but looked unused so I could tell that it wasn't his room. As he approached the bed, he dropped the bags down onto the floor and started searching through them. He looked up at me as found the bag he was looking for. "I've bought you something to wear," he said, his tone still sounding so sexy to me, "I'll get everything set up while you go get changed, eh?" I took the bag from him and he pointed towards the ensuite for the room for me to go and change in. I'm pretty sure he'll have heard me gasp when I actually pulled out the outfit from the bag. When he'd mentioned it, I'd thought that maybe he was talking about some kind of sexy, slutty dress up thing, which I thought could be kind of fun, but no: it was just a jock and a really skimpy one at that. Still, I was open to it so I stripped off my clothes, putting them into the now empty bag, and I slid on the jock. It was blue with white stripes on the edges and it actually felt incredibly sexy to be wearing something that hugged my cock and balls so well while leaving my tight teen bum on show for anyone to see. I was definitely going to get some more of these when I could afford it! Coming back into the room, I could tell that he was just about finished with getting everything set up. There were cuffed restraints on the four corners of the bed: those must have been part of the set that connected under the mattress. A few other bits and pieces, and another set of cuffs, were on the table next to the bed. I'm not going to lie: I was hard pretty much instantly. I'd already started to chub up just by being in the jock but seeing everything that he had set up for me just caused all the blood in my body to rush straight to my dick. "Fuck," he began, "You look so sexy like that, boy. Come let me have a proper look." I moved over to him and it wasn't just a look he was wanting. His hands began to roam over my body, checking the fit of the jock but also exploring my abs and chest and sliding over my exposed bum. Both of his hands cupped the cheeks of my bum and I was pulled against him and up onto my tiptoes. Lowering his head, his lips from mine and we began to kiss. It wasn't gentle but, instead, had a hunger to it. He wanted to taste me and I wanted to taste him. Our tongues dueled together but always ended with him dominating mine and pushing into my mouth. After a little while, he pulled back and gave my bum a playful little slap, telling me to get on the bed. I did as I was told, comically saying, "Yes Sir," in the process but actually, once I'd said it, it kind of felt right - especially when he called me his good boy afterwards. I lay there on my back and he did exactly what I expected him to do: use the top cuffs to tie my wrists apart from each other and then to the same with the bottom cuffs and my ankles. He checked on the tightness of the restraints by having me try to move and then tightened them further. I could feel the pull against each of my limbs and, to be honest, it just made me feel even hornier. I then watched as he started to strip out of his clothes. Fucking hell, this man was so sexy! He clearly spent a lot of time at the gym although a light dusting of hair across his torso did hide some of the results from this. The bulge at the front of his boxers, when he pulled down his jeans, was massive: it looked thick as hell and I really wanted him to just put it straight in me there and then. Fuck, how did I become such a thirsty little slut? I swear that I actually moaned when he pulled the boxers down and the full size of his cock came into view. He moved over towards me, running the fingers of his right hand over my body as he did, and reached for something on the bedside table. The next thing I knew, he was sliding a blindfold down and over my eyes, hiding himself and what he was doing from me. "Listen," he whispered, "if it ever gets too much, just say the word 'pineapple'. If you do, I'll stop what I'm doing. We're only going to go easy today though because this is your first time in bondage, ok?" "Ok," I replied, "I trust you... Sir." It was the truth: I don't know why but I really did trust him despite having no real reason to. Being blindfolded and unable to move was a really unusual experience. It felt like my sense of touch had just increased tenfold and, every single time he moved his hands across my body, I shivered and moaned with the pleasure of it. A few times, he tickled me although I'm not sure whether this was on purpose or by accident but each time he did, he seemed to appreciate the way I laughed, telling me how cute and hot it was to hear. He did do one thing that completely took me by surprise though. Once, when he was running his hands over my legs, I felt his breath against the soles of my feet. It tickled and I giggled but then he took hold of one of my right foot and started to massage it. His breath got hotter and seemed to be getting closer and then, I gasped out as I felt a warm, wet sensation around my toes - this guy had put his mouth on my toes and was starting to suck on them. It felt so amazing - like there was a nerve connected directly to my dick from my feet and I was definitely moaning quite loudly while was doing this. However, it didn't last long and, after a few moments, I felt him move and his weight join me on the bed. From the way the mattress moved, I guessed that he was straddling across me with one leg either side. I felt his hands over my head, pulling it up off the bed and it didn't take me long to figure out why. Well, not once I felt the weight of his heavy cock against my face. It was hard and giving off such a heat. I could also smell that his scent was very strong here: such a manly, musky scent. On autopilot, I stuck out my tongue, searching from his dick but it was pulled away from me. "Wait until you are told, boy," his voice came, sounding even deeper and more manly than before. "Yes Sir, I'm sorry," I said, hoping that would please him and get the dick returned to me. It did. He spent about another 30 seconds just moving his cock over my face, and he let it slap against me a few times too, until the command finally came: "Suck my cock, boy." I didn't need telling twice and, as fast as humanly possible, I got the head of his cock into my mouth and started to suck. I'm not sure how he measured up against all of the other dicks I've sucked, especially because I couldn't see his anymore, but all I know is that my mouth was stretched out wide and I was definitely looking forward to feeling his cock in my hole later on. From above me, I heard the growl as he started to push his cock into my mouth further. Because of the position, I couldn't take all of him into my throat but he definitely made sure that I got to suck on as much as possible and he seemed to enjoy making me gag every time he pushed to the back of my throat, telling me how sexy it sounded and what a good little cocksucking slut I was for taking so much of his cock. He kept taking it out and slapping it against my face and I could feel that it was getting wetter and wetter every time. I bet I looked a right mess with so much of my own saliva all over my face. After a short while, he pulled away and I actually felt myself moving forward as much as I could to search for more of his cock. For the first time, I really started to pull at the restraints and cursed them for stopping me from finding where his dick was because I was just so hungry for it. I could feel the weight of him over my chest and knew that he was still there and that I could still find his cock if only I could reach that little bit further. "Aww please..." I found myself begging as I felt his weight shift and him leave the bed, "I need more... Sir. Please Sir... please..." He laughed at me, a deep belly laugh, and I actually chuckled a little too with how much of a whore I was sounding. "Don't worry, boy, you'll get some more soon." Suddenly, something else was added to my ankles - it felt like another cuff just above the existing ones and, once there was one on both, I felt him release the ones that had been used to keep me restrained on the bed. Without warning or communication, my legs were roughly lifted and I felt my body sliding down the bed, as much as it could with my wrists still securely tied at the top. There were two loud clicks, one after the other and, when he released my ankles, I found that my legs didn't return to the bed - they were now being held above my head against what I could only assume was the frame around the headrest. I hadn't been expecting that and I did try to move around and find out just how much I could move in this position: it turned out that I had even less 'wiggle room' than before. I did realise something else though: this change had raised up my bum and I could feel the cold air against both my cheeks and my hole, meaning that I was open and exposed for him, if he wanted to take it. "Sniff up," came the command as something was thrust under my nose. I had no idea what it was but I did as I was told and, almost immediately, I felt a rush pass through my entire body. My head started to feel a little fuzzier than before and I just felt so warm and relaxed. Even my little hole was starting to pulse. "Again," he told me and, of course, I did, loving the feeling that was starting to radiate through me. Quickly, the blindfold was pulled from my head and thrown from the bed. I closed my eyes but was ordered to open them and look at him. When I complied, I saw him there, between my legs, his cock not far from my open and exposed hole. His sexy torso was perfectly framed by my open legs and, in that moment, he looked so amazingly sexy to me that I'd never wanted someone more in my entire life. "Please..." I muttered, looking up at him. "Please what?" he said, smiling at me. "Please Sir," I said, getting louder now. "What do you need, boy?" he was enjoying teasing me. "Please Sir, I... need... I need your cock... I need you to fuck me." "How bad do you need it?" he almost laughed that time but I felt him slide his cockhead against my hole and it just sent waves through my body. "I need you to fuck me, Sir. Fuck me with your giant cock! Make me your bitch, Sir! Please!" I was so loud now that I was practically screaming. However, it did the trick. He spat down on my hole and I watched as the saliva left his mouth and I felt it hit just above my hole. He used the head of his cock to rub it over my rosebud and then, with a moan from both of us, he pushed into me. "Oh fuck! Yes Sir! Thank you!" I moaned out as I felt him stretch me open. I'd needed this so much, ever since I saw and smelt him, I knew that I needed to have him inside of me. "Uh! Two hits and you're still so tight! You're so fucking sexy!" He pushed more of his cock into me and I could feel the length of his shaft forcing into me, causing more of me to stretch further and further to accommodate him. Even with having been fucked earlier by the builder, I was still so tight and gripping onto his cock like a wet, velvet vice. Again, he held something up to my nose and I sniffed it deeply as that last of his dick pushed inside of me. It was like every feeling was something more. I was aware of every single bit of his cock pulsing inside of me and, immediately, I started begging for what I needed: "Please Sir, fuck me with your cock. Fuck it in and out of me, I need you to pound me, please!" "Fuck yeah you do, you nasty little fucker. You're clinging to my dick so fucking hard. You're just a dirty little bottom slut, aren't you?" He started to pull back and I felt his cock sliding out of me. "YES SIR!" I screamed out as loudly as I could as he forced his dick back inside of me. He was long-dicking me and pulling his cock all the way out until just the head remained and then pounding me with all of it all the way back inside. It felt amazing and was really opening up my tight little hole. I was so aware of the sensation and the muscles there so I tried to use them to squeeze around him and he loved that, and wasn't shy about telling me so. His hands ran down my legs as he got into a steadier rhythm of fucking my teen arse and they settled over the jock holding in my cock, which at this point was straining against it harder than I was pulling on the restraints. He squeezed my bulge and then pulled the pouch to one side, releasing my cock from its confines. With one of his hands, he began to stroke me, sliding back my foreskin over and over, at the same pace as which he was fucking me. It was so intense and I could feel myself close to the edge already. When I told him this, he pulled his hands away: "I'm not touching it again, boy. If you want to cum, you'll have to do it yourself." Fuck! He'd done this on purpose and my cock was throbbing and aching, desperate to cum. Even though I knew it was no use, I pulled against the restraints, hoping that one would release and I could give myself the much needed spunking that I wanted to badly but I was securely bound. He put his hands on my legs again and almost pulled me up a little, driving his cock further inside of me. As I shifted down the bed, my cock moved over my own face and I even tried to reach out with my tongue to see if I could lick the head of my own dick but I was just slightly too far away in this position. However, I need not have worried. With ever thrust of his thick and meaty cock into my tiny teen hole, he was hitting that special little spot inside me which was just making me see stars. My eyes were starting to roll in my head and I knew that it might well be possible that I would cum just from him fucking me. Beginning to go harder and faster, he was grunting every single time he pushed himself into me. We were both starting to get sweaty but it was dripping off him and onto my body. I looked up at him, enthralled by how fucking sexy he looked as he pounded the hell out of me. "FUCK YES! Give me your dick, Sir! That feels so fucking goooood!" I was lost in my moans and calling out so many things to him, begging him, thanking him, it was all just so overwhelming. In the midst of the feeling, I recognised that my balls were starting to tighten and I knew that was just around the corner. As expected, with one more thrust into me by him, my cock started to spasm and cum flew out of the the slit and all over my face. I was mid-moan so a proportion of it went straight into my own mouth, not that I minded. Feeling that hot load splash all over my face just made me more and more desperate to feel him cum inside of my arse and, after swallowing down what had landed in my mouth, I was begging him to spunk in me and give me his load. It didn't take long before he was getting louder and louder, becoming more animalistic and making shorter but harder thrusts. I knew the signs and was so ready when that first rope of spunk fired off inside of me. I felt every single blast and knew that he really was flooding me with a huge load. He collapsed back on the bed, both of us panting but with me still tied and his load starting to leak from my hole. Reaching over to the bedside table, he picked up something and brought it straight to my arse. I couldn't tell what it was and, from my position, couldn't get a real look at it but, without a word, he just pushed it into me. I groaned out as I felt it push passed my hole but quickly realised that he had let it go and it had just stayed there, inside of me. Moving forward, he released the restraints and my legs fell back onto the bed, suddenly feeling odd, like the blood was having to rush back into them a bit. Once I was fully released, I started to get up and had planned on getting dressed when he pulled me back to the bed. He didn't say anything but just pulled me close against him as he lay back on the bed. This had also been something I hadn't expected as all of my other sexual experiences had finished with either me or the other guy leaving but he seemed pretty insistent that I stay, at least for a little bit. He shifted the covers and moved so that both of us could get under them. Then, he pulled me against his body and just held me there as we both recovered and relaxed.

I hope you liked this chapter of the story.

Remember, my twitter is and email is if you want to contact me with any feedback or ideas (or just for a chat!)


Next: Chapter 8

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