Nate's Journey

By Stories by Alex

Published on Dec 21, 2019


This story is intended for adults who like the idea of gay sex. If this isn't you then you shouldn't be here reading it. If it's illegal for you to access this, or you think it's offensive, then you shouldn't be here either. It is fictional, for the most part, and any similarities are just coincidences.

I'm very new at this but have wanted to do it for a little bit and I'd love any feedback you have or ideas for things I can include. There's a twitter for people that want to message me there ( and you can email me at

Please do if you feel like you want to - it would mean a lot.

My arse ached for days after feeling it being forced open by the long, thick dick of the horny chav for the very first time. Hell, when I got home, I could hardly sit down properly without feeling it throbbing against me, Plus, I nearly got caught: I didn't realise that all of that spunk would leak out of me so much! When I walked through the door, I had it dribbling down my legs. I was so paranoid that my parents would catch me, or worse my brother! Luckily, they didn't but it took a while for the leaking to stop. It's been several days since I took his cock and it's like my body can still feel what he did to me. I'm not as sore now but I still ache. It's different though - now the ache is more of a craving like I need to feel that same feeling again. It's been made all the worse by the fact that I can watch the video he's posted of me online and see how great it felt to have him fuck me. It's like I can relive it every single time I go back online. The comments are the best bit though: seeing how much the viewers want me or wish that they were doing it to me. Some of them get so nasty and disgusting; I've definitely shot a few loads in the last few days just reading through the comments section on the video. Being at college has really denied me the opportunity to get another cock inside me. I have to be there during the day and, by the time I get home, I don't have the house to myself for long before my parents get back. I've tried to find more guys on the app who will let me go to their places but there always seems to be reasons why I can't: they live with their families or they have a boyfriend or girlfriend or, sometimes, they just disappear when it gets close to meeting. I guess those ones are the fake profiles and there seem to be a lot of them on the app. It's been really frustrating to be honest and, now, I'm pretty much thinking about it all the time. I've even started to get hard every single time I'm around my friends, particularly Aidan, as I just imagine him fucking me whenever I see him. I imagine that big dick of his pushing into me just like the chav's did and I just become like rock. It's been really difficult to avoid getting caught with a boner in college; I really don't want to be that guy and get the piss taken out of me by everyone. Today is Thursday and I've been three days without a single dick to taste or inside me. I know that I'd gone years before whilst still wanting it but it's been so different since I had that first taste. It's kind of like I understand what it feels like now and it just makes me need it so much more. I've tried using my fingers on my hole and I do love it but it just isn't the same. I guess I really am a slut, right? I was just coming off the end of a free period - that's one when you have to be at college but you don't actually have a lesson. Typically, it's in the middle of the day so there isn't much I can do and there's not time to get home, get fucked and get back for the next lesson. Yeah, believe me, I've even thought about doing that. My next class was on the opposite side of the build to our common room so I was heading over towards it when I saw a few guys coming towards me. The college has been having a lot of building work lately because they're trying to expand and some guy from the office was showing round what looked to be a few builders. They already stood out against the students but there was one guy in particular who caught my eye. It wasn't that I found him more attractive than the others. I mean, I did: he was rugged and looked to be in great shape but it wasn't that that caught my attention. No, it was the fact that he seemed to get a little smile when his eyes caught mine. As they were walking up the corridor, he kept glancing over at me. When it came time to pass him, he seemed to deliberately push out from the others and I found that I had no other choice than to stop walking. He brushed past me, saying excuse me, but as he did, I felt his hands around my waist. They lingered for a moment before slowly brushing down me and letting go. In reality, it was no more than a few seconds but it was more than enough to get me feeling so horny that by the time I reached the end of the corridor, my cock was like steel. I'd thought about doing this since about Tuesday but I'd been able to resist. This time, however, there was no chance and there was only one thing on my mind: I needed to go and find a place to wank my dick. It was literally pulsing inside of my boxers and I had to let it out and get off - there was no way I would make it through the rest of the day if I didn't. The only place I could think to go was the toilets on the next corridor. Unfortunately, when I got there, there were already several lads there and I had to pretend to be waiting for space to give them chance to leave. The last one out did give me a strange look but I guess I was acting pretty oddly. I mean, there were free stalls and space at the urinal but I still waited because I didn't want to pull out my dick and risk him seeing me fully hard - that would have been even stranger. I thought about going into one of the stalls but, seeing as the place was now empty and lessons would have started again, I felt a little adventurous and just walked up to the urinal instead. I pulled out my dick, pushing my joggers and boxers down, and just felt the cold air on it. Lightly, I ran my fingers down the shaft: it really was as hard as it could possibly me. Closing my eyes, I started to think about that guy in the corridor, about how he'd touched me and about that smile he'd shot me. I imagined his hands around my waist, lingering and feeling my tight body. My hand was beginning to fly on my dick, pulling my skin back and forth again and again. My eyes were closed tight and I was so into it that I didn't notice the door to the toilets open. I was completely and totally unaware of the person approaching me. In fact, the first I knew about it was when I felt his hand grab hold of my wrist and stop me from wanking. My eyes darted open; my heart immediately pounding and panic flooding through my brain. I'd been caught wanking my big teen dick inside of the toilets at my college: I'd be reported and my life was going to be over! But that wasn't what happened. "Relax," he said to me, his eyes locked with mine, "I knew I'd find you here. I know all about you." There, stood in front of me with his hand on my wrist, was the builder, the one who had taken hold of me as he brushed past me. I could see him more closely now and he looked to be a few years older than me, maybe early twenties, and he had piercing blue eyes with his cheeks covered in stubble. He looked like a proper rough scally builder and knowing that he was seeing my cock exposed like this did nothing to reduce how horny I was feeling. "I thought I recognised you yesterday," he carried on saying to me, "but I had to be sure. I checked last night and knew I had to sort you out. It's not often you meet a slut as eager as you." I'm not going to lie: I was confused as fuck but then it hit me. He must have been one of the thousands of people who have watched the chav's videos and see me sucking his cock and getting my tight little arse fucked. "I need to know how your sexy little mouth feels on my dick," he said as he slid his hand from my wrist and onto my cock. Slowly, he started to wank me himself, sliding my foreskin over the head and teasing me. "But... I..." I wasn't sure what to say. I wanted this but it was just too much. Luckily, I didn't really need to say anything as, it turns out, he wasn't really giving me much of a say in it all. "Come on, get in the stall." He pulled me forward by my dick and into one of the toilet stalls, pushing me down onto the cold seat. He didn't waste a single moment and I'm sure it was literally seconds until he had his big scally builder dick sticking out of the front of his jeans and he was pulling my head towards him. It was big, not as long as the chav but definitely thicker and more veiny. He was uncut, like me, but looked to have loads and loads of foreskin, far more I had. My lips naturally opened and I felt the thick mushroom-like head slip past them. Here I was, in the middle of my college, hidden in a toilet stall with a strangers cock inside of my mouth, feeling it throb against my lips. I fucking loved it: my dick hadn't been this hard in days - I swear I could have cut glass with it! His hands were rough, obviously from all the manual labour he did, and I could feel them against the smooth skin of my cheeks. To begin with, he allowed me just to spend some time sucking on the head of his cock, teasing it and playing with the slit with my tongue. His precum was starting to leak out and it became like a tap when I managed to slip my dick inside of his foreskin, trapping it between his sensitive cock head and the skin. For a few moments, I simply twirled my wet tongue around it, getting faster and faster. The moans coming from above me told me that he was absolutely loving what I was doing to him and, of course, that just encouraged me to do it more. "Fuck..." he growled, "Wish we could just let you do this but we ain't got time to play all day lad. Hope you're ready." He moved his hands from my cheeks, one leaving completely and the other going up into my hair. He entangled his fingers in my locks and I felt them pull against my scalp as he took a strong grip of me. I knew what was coming next and I couldn't fucking wait. He wasn't gentle. But, to be completely honest with you, I knew that he wasn't going to be just by looking at him and you know that I don't need things gentle. As soon as he had a good grip on my hair, he pulled me forward, forcing his cock down my throat. Of course, I gagged, despite trying not to, as the thickness of his dick forced my throat to open further than it should. This horny as fuck builder didn't seem interested in holding me down with his cock inside me though. For him, it was more about the fucking of his cock in and out of my throat and I found out just how much he loved that as he started to pull my face back and forth along his thick meaty shaft, using me like his personal fuck toy. His mushroom head was playing havoc with the back of my throat: it kept popping in and out, allowing it to narrow slightly and then forcing it open wide again and again. I was gagging throughout the whole thing but he really didn't care in the slightest - I was there for him to use and the way that he was treating me made that perfectly clear to me. Suddenly, I found myself without his cock inside me. He'd pulled me back further than before, taking my head back and forcing me to look up at him. The look on his face was one that made me so horny. There was no adoration, no love. In fact, it looked more like contempt. He thought that I was beneath him: just some faggot slut for him to use to get his rocks off. He was a real man and I was just a cumdump for him - what he did next just showed me how much he believed that to be true. I saw him move his lips, pursing them for a second and his cheeks moved. Then, quickly, they opened and I felt something land on my face, some falling into my open mouth. This dirty scally builder had spat in my face and into my willing mouth - I could feel it on my cheek and sliding down my tongue. He did it again, before I had time to react. In truth, I was stunned but it definitely didn't turn me off. Pushing his dick around, he wiped it in all of his spit and then, once again, it was plunged into my throat for another minute or two of rough face-fucking. The next time he withdrew his cock, he pulled me up by my hair and told me to turn around. His voice was so deep, so guttural, like an animal growling at me and, of course, I obeyed like a good boy. I knew what was coming so I arched my back as I leaned forward over the toilet, sticking my tight bubble bum out towards him. I'd expected him to do like the chav had done and to feel his tongue against me, maybe his fingers, but that's not what happened. I don't know if he thought we just didn't have time, or maybe I didn't need it, or what it was but I heard his spit a couple of times and then the sound of him wiping it along his dick. A cold finger brushed against my rosebud, coating the outside with more of his saliva and then I felt it: the head of his cock pushing against my tiny teen hole. "Wait..." I started, knowing that I had needed opening up more for the chav and this guy's cock was even thicker but he didn't listen. Instead, he clamped his hand over my mouth, muffling the rest of my words and told me to "Shut the fuck up." Then he pushed. Feeling my tight hole starting to open around his thick, mushroom head, I cried out into his hand. It was painful, feeling my arse open up again for a man, particularly one with an even thicker cock, but at the same time, I couldn't help but love it. I was a good kind of hurt and one that I had been desperate for for days. He groaned out above me, louder than I had expected him too, as the head slipped passed the ring and lodged itself inside of me. There wasn't time for him to wait for me to get used to it. We both knew that and, to be honest, we both needed it too much to wait for anything. His other hand joined his first, both clamped over my mouth to keep me quiet and he just went for it. The first invasion of his scally builder cock was slightly slower as I felt him push all of it into me, the walls of my arse burning and throbbing around his pulsing dick, but he soon picked up speed and started to really fuck me here in the toilets of my college. Really, I was kind of glad that he was covering my mouth because, with what he was doing to me, I'd have definitely been alerting the entire building to what we were doing. Then we froze. Both of us had heard the door to the toilets opening and he'd had enough sense to stop fucking his dick into me for a moment. We held the position as we both worked out what the sound had been. He pulled me back and into his body, until my back was resting firmly against his chest. Another lad had come in and I could hear the rush of liquid as he began to piss at the urinal. The builder clearly couldn't wait any longer and he began to slowly fuck his dick into me again but, this time, with his lips against my ear, he started to whisper to me: "You're such a slut, aren't you? Getting my big dick inside me. You don't even know me but you'll let me fuck you. You're nothing but a cheap little whore, aren't you? I bet if we opened the door you'd let whoever that is fuck you, wouldn't you? You'd let this whole fucking college fuck you, wouldn't you?" I couldn't answer him - his hands were still cover my mouth - but, even if they hadn't been, I don't think I'd have been able to trust myself in how I'd replied because there was a part of me that knew that he was actually quite right. This is who I was: some dumb little slut taking cock in the college toilets. I probably would have let whoever that was taking a piss in the urinals fuck me stupid if he had wanted to. The more I was taking and tasting cocks from different men, the more I wanted it. This was who I was: nothing more, nothing less. Hearing him say that to me made my cock throb and I started to feel the cum rising from my balls. I tried to stop it, not wanting to shoot my load with a guy still in the toilets with us but there was nothing I could do. It was going to happen whether I wanted it to or not. There, as quietly as I could, with the builder's hands over my mouth and with his thick cock lodged balls deep inside of me, I started to spunk. My dick fired volley after volley all over the toilet in front of me, some hitting it, some hitting the wall, some hitting the floor and I really had to control myself to stop from crying out in sheer pleasure. Fortunately for me, the guy using the toilets had moved on to washing his hands so the noise from the tap helped to mask my muffled moan. "Fuck..." the builder whispered into my ear, "I can feel you pulsing around my cock. You're just a nasty fucking slut." His pumps were starting to get faster again and I desperately prayed for the other guy to leave the room before this scally decided that he just couldn't wait any longer and power-fucked me again. I'd definitely cry out then and end up exposed to the whole college. I heard the door open and, I'm not kidding you, the moment we heard it close again, he started to pound the fuck out of me once again. My hole was so tight around him now and I really tried to concentrate on it. I'd been working on being more aware of the muscles there and I attempted to contract and relax them around his cock. It must have worked because he started to moan out more and fuck into me faster. "Yes, you little slut," he whispered into my ear, "Get fucking ready because here... it... fucking... comes!" With each of the last few words, he thrust his cock into me in its entirety and I felt it thicken further. It pulsed deep inside of me and I was soon treated to the feeling of hot, thick ropes of spunk being fire off deep inside of me. I was bent over the toilets in my college, feeling this stranger, this scally builder, breeding my tight teen arse and filling me with as much spunk as he could manage. I fucking loved it! Once he was done, he withdraw and pulled me in for a quick kiss before slapping my arse and leaving me there in the toilets. I pulled up my boxers and joggers and then tried to clean up as much of my own cum from the toilet as possible but, to be honest, I had no way of knowing whether I managed to get it all and I needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. After all, I was already twenty minutes late for my next lesson and now I was heading there with a load of spunk inside of me. Shit, I hoped I could still hold it inside of me and that it wouldn't leak out when I was still here at college.

I hope you liked this chapter of the story.

Remember, my twitter is and email is if you want to contact me with any feedback or ideas (or just for a chat!)


Next: Chapter 7

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