Nate's Journey

By Stories by Alex

Published on Dec 12, 2019


This story is intended for adults who like the idea of gay sex. If this isn't you then you shouldn't be here reading it. If it's illegal for you to access this, or you think it's offensive, then you shouldn't be here either. It is fictional, for the most part, and any similarities are just coincidences.

I'm very new at this but have wanted to do it for a little bit and I'd love any feedback you have or ideas for things I can include. There's a twitter for people that want to message me there ( and you can email me at

Please do if you feel like you want to - it would mean a lot.

The rest of my eighteenth birthday party flew by in a bit of a blur, which is unsurprising given how much I'd drunk and then continued to drink over the rest of night. There were no more loads though - to be fair, I think swallowing the cum from three different men all in one day, after never having sucked a cock before, was quite an achievement, don't you? The next morning, I was really paying for the night before. I'd drunk before, as most teenagers have, but never to this point and never leaving me with such a hangover the next morning. Honestly, when I woke up, I don't think I even moved for the first couple of hours; I just laid there with my head throbbing and my throat feeling so dry that I don't think I'd have been able to speak even if I wanted to. Of course, I did the same thing that everyone does when they wake up with a major hangover: swear off alcohol and promise never to get like this again ever for the rest of my life... yeah, I'm sure that that was going to happen. Thank fuck it was Sunday because there was no way I was going to be getting up for a while. I finally started moving around after a couple of hours of being a bit of a daze. I didn't get out of bed, of course, but I shifted about enough to take a couple of painkillers and reach for my phone. The normal social media came first and was full of embarrassing pictures post by my friends and family. As I flipped through them, the memory of what I did in those toilets started to become clearer and emerged at the forefront of my mind. I began to wonder who it was that I'd sucked and whose cum it was that was now swimming around inside of me. Every single man at that party was a possibility, well, with the exception of James and Aidan - I knew what their cocks looked like and it wasn't one of them. Each time I looked at another smiling face, I wondered whether he'd been the guy that I'd serviced - the guy who I'd felt at the back of my throat. It had to be someone that I knew and I found myself really hoping that it had been one of my friends rather than someone that I was related to. However, it was too late to think about that now and, quite frankly, I hadn't cared when I Was on my knees last night. As you might expect, the thought of tasting another dick, on top of the three that I'd had inside of me yesterday, started to dominate my thoughts. Yeah I was hungover as fuck but that didn't stop me being horny and I was soon tenting under the covers. Everything felt really sensitive too so, as I began to stroke, little waves of pleasure started to circulate through my body. I imagined the three dicks that I had tasted: the long cock of that sexy, toned chav; the thick meaty dick of the muscle daddy and that mysterious knob of the birthday party stranger. Fucking hell, I was close to shooting my load just thinking about those three when I suddenly jerked my hand away. I had a whole day today - I didn't want to shoot right now. After all, there might have been more fun later on once I was feeling a little better. Opening up the gay app, I started to browse through the guys. I'd had a couple of messages and I replied to them but there was nothing serious and they didn't respond to me so I assumed that they were offline. I guess given that I didn't have a picture up, it would be a bit much to expect other guys to message me out of the blue however, I wasn't ready to put me up just yet. There were a few guys that I liked the look off so I started messaging. Some responded and were willing to talk to me without a picture but others wouldn't: they demanded to see me and, when I explained my situation, they weren't really interested in talking further - some even blocked me. To be honest with you, I kind of lost track of time with this and, when I checked, my battery was nearly dead and I'd been messaging with these different guys for around three hours. It had mostly been just a bit of banter and chat, although a lot of it was sexual. One guy in particular was very interested in hearing everything that I'd got up to yesterday. Of course, I spent most of the time teasing my cock - never to the point of cumming but there was definitely a lot of precum that I occasionally licked up off my fingers. I was loving it: it all just felt so sexual and hot. With every passing minute I was getting more and more horny but, given how I'd felt when I started messaging, I wasn't really thinking about meeting up with anyone just yet. Besides, I didn't really feel confident in pushing that and asking them for a meet yet - the lead needed to come from them. Luckily, at just the right time, the offer came. I was just letting myself recover from a bit of edging, with my teen cock throbbing as I'd been so near to shooting my load, when a really interesting message came through: "Alright lad - just watching that vid of you sucking my cock. It's making me horny as fuck." The hung chav was back again. With everything else that happened yesterday, I'd pretty much forgotten about how he'd filmed me on his phone. "The dirty fuckers on twitter love it too - they've already been asking to see more of you." Oh shit - he'd posted it up on his twitter! I messaged him back and asked for him to send me the link and, when I clicked it, my mouth dropped open. There, in the comments, were loads of really hyper-sexual things, telling him how he should have really made me cock because I clearly loved his cock or how he should have turned me round and fucked me there and then. He'd even responded back encouraging them to get more and more dirty with each response. There was a logical part of my brain that knew that I would have the right to be pretty pissed off and should probably feel a little bit of shame at all these guys saying all these nasty things about me. But, in truth, I didn't. Not even a little bit. In fact, it was quite the opposite - each of these men, along with the hundreds who had liked the post, had been wanking off over me. Some of them will have shot their loads all over themselves just looking at my face with the chav's cock buried in my throat. That idea was one of the hottest things I'd ever experienced and I had to really stop myself from cumming right there and then on the spot. Of course, I didn't tell the chav that. Actually, I acted quite annoyed that it had been done without telling me and that now all these men were perving on me, etc. I'm not sure whether he was buying it not but an invite over to his place came without a few minutes of us chatting. "Come on then - come round and we'll chat about it. Gimme a chance to persuade you to my way of thinking." So here I was, already feeling horny as hell and starting to lose the hangover and with a fresh invitation to go round and see a guy that I fancied the pants off. I'm sure it'll come as no surprise that, within 30 minutes, I was showered, dressed and heading round to the location he'd sent me through the app. I'd not worn anything major - just a pair of grey joggers and a white t-shirt with my jacket over the top - as I thought, and hoped, that they wouldn't be on for long anyway. I really wanted to taste his cock again and maybe this time feel the full force of his orgasm in my mouth instead of all over my face. Or... maybe... we could just do it twice. Before long, I was knocking at his door. I heard him from the inside just shout out that it was open and I let myself into his hallway. The door on the left, to the living room, was open and the sexy fucker was sat there, legs open on his couch. No wonder he hadn't bothered to answer the door: the guy was stark-bollock naked and was laid back in the corner of his couch, legs outstretched, smoking a joint and with his hand working over that long piece of chav cock that I remembered so well. On the TV opposite, was the video of me on my knees sucking him off. It seemed to be playing on a loop but he'd caught a lot more footage than I thought he had and a lot more than he had put up on his twitter. "Horny as fuck, isn't it?" he said, smiling at me with that crooked grin and nodding towards the TV. My intention had been to keep up the pretense of me being pissed off with him but, seeing him there wanking his big dick while watching me on the screen just put a bullet straight through that. "Yeah... yeah, it is," I replied to him, my dick was already starting to harden in my joggers. "Get out of your clothes." I didn't argue - we both knew why I was here and I wasted no time taking every bit of clothing off until I was as naked as he was. "Get over here, yeah?" It was phrased as a question but we both knew that it didn't require an answer. I started to walk over to him, moving towards the seat next to him. "No, no," he spoke plainly, "that's not where you belong. You know where you belong." For a moment, I was confused but he just nodded at the screen and it was clear. Getting down onto my knees, I crawled the last metre over to him and took my place between his legs. Seeing that huge cock again was such a delight: it's thick and throbbing shaft and that sexy mushroom head - I loved how that had felt when it was popping in and out of what had been a virgin throat. No words needed to be said now and, as soon as he moved his hand away, my tongue went right to where it belonged: licking up that big cock all the way from the base to around the head and then back down again. His eyes kept swapping between watching me on the video and the live performance. He sat back, smoking and relaxing, whilst I licked up and down his cock. He was already moaning and so was I with the familiar taste of his dick on my tongue. I didn't waste much time and, after about 30 seconds of licking, I had the head of his dick in his mouth and I was always started to work my way down the shaft. One of his hands to the back of my head and just softly stroked through my hair as I worked on his cock. He didn't need to push me down - I was eager enough all by myself - and it soon found myself with that amazing feeling of big chav dick in my throat. Unlike last night, when the booze had been flowing, my gag reflex was very much there and I did start to splutter and choke though he seemed to really like that and started saying nasty things to me about how much he loved choking me with his dick and how much of a slut I was for making myself gag just to please him. He was right, I'm not going to lie. Suddenly, I felt him shift. His cock was pulled down and away from my mouth and his hands took hold of my shoulders. He stood up, pulling me with him and then pushed me back down onto the couch where he had been. I thought that he was going to take my cock into his mouth and I was so ready for it but that's not what happened. His fingers wrapped around my ankles and pulled my legs up, my body sliding down the couch until my bum was right at the edge and, within seconds, his mouth was right at my hole. "Mmm!" he groaned into my tight little rosebud, the vibrations sending shivers through my body and this just intensified further when his tongue started to circle around that most sensitive place. It didn't take long before he was pushing it inside of me and I was moaning like a cheap whore, my cock leaking precum all over the place. He began slowly, just working his tongue in and out of me in smooth, careful movements but, as I started to moan more, he seemed to spur him on and he started to push his tongue in and out of at speed. "Fuck," he moaned out as he pulled his face away for a moment, "Such a tight tasty little hole. This is cherry, yeah lad?" "Yeah..." I moaned out as he started to tongue fuck me again, "complete virgin..." "Then you know what's happening today, don't you?" Oh fuck - I knew what he was eluding to but I hadn't been expecting that. I wasn't sure I was ready and he was so big and I was so small. My mind went into overdrive, thinking about all the things that could go wrong and coming up with ways I could tell him that I didn't want to fuck and even reasons to get me out of there. However, all that fell from my head as I felt his fingers push up inside of me. He didn't mess around. He'd been getting my hole nice and wet for a bit and so he skipped out one just using one finger entirely and went straight in for two - he knew his cock was big and that I'd need pushing to be able to manage it. I'd heard about guys fingering themselves but it wasn't something that I'd ever tried. In an instant, I realised just what I'd been missing out on. Feeling him push those long, chav fingers into me and start to move them inside me was just simply indescribable: he was already beginning to reach parts of me that had never been touched before and giving me feelings that I just hadn't imagined could exist. "Lay back," came his command. I did as I was told and just relaxed into the couch, letting him push his fingers further into me until he was all the way inside. Pulling them apart, I could feel him stretching my hole and I cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain - how could something hurt but hurt in such an enjoyable way. I started to wank my dick, feeling it throb in my palm, but he pushed my hand away. "Hold on to your legs and pull them back," he told him, so I did exactly that. I'm a pretty flexible boy but, sadly, not as flexible as some of these lads you see in porn that can get both their legs behind their head. Still, I did my best and then realised exactly what I was doing by pulling myself back like this: I was offering up my hole to him. His fingers left me and I groaned out, feeling a little empty if I'm honest with you, but I need not have worried as I wasn't going to be empty for long. He got to his knees, his sexy, toned torso between my legs and he lined his cock up against me. At first, he just slowly ran the shaft between my cheeks, sliding over my hole and causing me to quiver with anticipation and excitement. This was it. It was going to happen. After today, I wasn't going to be a virgin any more. I started to shake, it all too much for me and I very nearly called out for him to stop but he choose that exact moment to give me what he'd been planning to all along. He pushed the head of his cock up against my tiny pucker and, with a grunt, forced it inside of me. My eyes rolled back in my head - just feeling that invasion was enough to set my hole on fire. Each nerve was shooting off waves of pleasure and pain in equal measure. In the moment, I let go of my legs but he was there to catch them and push them back for me, further than the position they had been in before and opening up my hole even further. I could feel the stretch both in my muscles and within my tight little teen boy arse. His huge chav cock, with it's flared mushroom head, started to push more and more into me and I just let loose. I cried out, overwhelmed my the sensations, and this just seemed to spur him on more. "Yes! You like that don't you, boy? You love this cock pushing into you. Look at you, dirty little slut taking my big chav cock for your first dick. You're gonna feel every fucking inch, lad. It's going to fucking split you in two!" He wasn't lying and, as more and more was pushed into me, I wondered exactly how it was possible to take so much of this man inside of me. I kept thinking that this must be it - there mustn't be much more now - but it just seemed to go on forever and ever. His massive knob invading places inside me that I didn't even know existed and causing them to stretch out and feel such intense and unwavering sensations. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, he bottomed out inside of me and I could feel his pubes against my bum. Holy fuck, I was impaled on him and felt like a huge spike had just been driven up inside me. The walls of my body inside my hole were pulsing against him and I could feel each throb of his dick as he held it in place, buried in its entirety inside me. Thank goodness he'd given me this little reprieve to get used to his size because, once he started to fuck, he definitely wasn't taking it easy on me. Each thrust of his dick brought it almost all the way out and then all the way back in again - it thrust into me at speed and with a power that nearly knocked the very breath from my lungs. At this point, my moans had become punctuated with each pound of his cock that I received and I just sounded like I was making series after series of short cries of pleasure. "Tell me you love it," he said to me and, when I didn't respond, he quickly followed up: "Fucking tell me you love my big chav cock!" "I... fucking... love... it... fuck... it's... so... big!" "YES!" he bellowed, "A massive dick for a nasty little teen slut like you!" His thrusts were getting harder and harder into me. Suddenly, he pulled completely out and I groaned, immediately missing his dick. He turned and sat himself down on the couch. "Climb on, I wanna see you ride me, slut." I did what I was told and, with a little help from him, put my legs either side. I had my feet planned and I started to sit down, the head of his cock against me, with me facing him. I had wanted to take it slowly but he had other plans. With no warning, he pushed against my legs, causing me to slip, my feet coming out from under me and I found myself taking most of him into me in a split second. As you can imagine, I screamed out but not from pain - no, as he did that and I felt him impale me once again, I actually felt my own dick start to spasm. Without me even touching, it started to squirt. Roles of cum fired out of me over his abs and chest as I took every inch of him all the way back down to the base. "FUCK! You nasty little SLUT!" He took hold of my hips and started to thrust up into me, getting faster and faster and letting gravity force me back down again and again. As I got into the rhythm he wanted, he freed one of his hands up and started to run his fingers through the cum I had coated his abs with. Without a word, he offered his fingers up to me and like the greedy cumslut I was becoming, I licked them clean while still bouncing on his huge chav dick. With every moment, he got louder and louder and was pulling me down harder and harder. "Here it comes, lad, here it fucking comes!" I can't explain to you how it feels to have a man explode inside of you. If you've never experienced it then you just don't understand. Feeling him breed me was one of the more amazing experiences of my life: each rope of cum that he shot deep inside me could be felt against my insides. A flood of warmth overtook me and I very nearly came for a second time. We both collapsed, panting and exhausted, my sweaty body laying on top of his, and we stayed like that for a few moments. If he'd wanted me to, I'd have let him fuck me all over again and again for the rest of the day but it wasn't to be. As soon as I pulled off him, feeling his cum start to leak out of me, he told me to get dressed and be on my way. He was about to be busy so I needed to get off. I knew that this wasn't exactly true and that, now he'd got what he wanted, he didn't exactly want me hanging around - it had been the same after he'd spunked all over my face the day before. Before I left though, he did tell me to keep an eye on his twitter and that I might find myself with even more guys wanking over me. That's when it dawned on me - he'd filmed the first blowjob so of course he was going to film him fucking me for the first time. The thought caused a stirring in my dick and my hole quivered as another tiny bit of his load leaked out of me and into my boxers. With a slap of my bum, he sent me out the door but told me to keep an eye out for him on grindr - this wasn't the last time he wanted to feel my arse around him.

I hope you liked this chapter of the story.

Remember, my twitter is and email is if you want to contact me with any feedback or ideas (or just for a chat!)


Next: Chapter 6

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