Nate's Journey

By Stories by Alex

Published on Dec 8, 2019


This story is intended for adults who like the idea of gay sex. If this isn't you then you shouldn't be here reading it. If it's illegal for you to access this, or you think it's offensive, then you shouldn't be here either. It is fictional, for the most part, and any similarities are just coincidences.

I'm very new at this but have wanted to do it for a little bit and I'd love any feedback you have or ideas for things I can include. There's a twitter for people that want to message me there ( and you can email me at

Please do if you feel like you want to - it would mean a lot.

After swallowing my second load of the day (I'm not counting the fact that I just sucked my own load from the daddy's thick cock), I spent a little longer in the shower, letting the hot water cascade over my skin and wash away any evidence of how I'd just been used by another man. I'd let him run his hands all over my naked body, I'd let him touch my tiny, tight, virgin hole, even forcing his tongue inside of me and I'd let him turn me into a cocksucking slut for the second time in only a few hours. And what's more? I let him do it to me in the middle of a public place. This was turning into the best eighteenth birthday I could have ever imagined! I started to get hard again in the shower but decided that I'd lingered long enough to so ignored it, got dried and changed and headed back home. My parents had planned this big birthday celebration for me. They'd hired out a local club hall, not somewhere that I'd been before but that didn't really matter, and sorted out a DJ, food, etc. They'd invited a bunch of my mates as well as all the family and some of their friends, who had known me since I was quite young, as well. I'd been looking forward to it for ages, especially because it was going to be one of the first times that I would be able to have a drink legally in a proper place. I'd drunk before, of course, at like house parties and things like that but it's a bit different when you can actually just walk up to a real bar and buy yourself something legally. I spent the next few hours at home just relaxing and playing on my PS4 with my little brother. After the exciting morning that I'd had, both at home and at the gym, I needed a bit of downtime. I'm a big gamer and, actually, after a little while I was so engrossed that I pretty much forgot about all the dirty things I'd been doing. Hell, I even forgot that it was birthday until my mum started shouting at my dad for him not helping her get the stuff ready for the party. They were heading out earlier than I was in order to get everything set up and taking my little bro with them; I was supposed to come later on in the evening when some of my friends came round. My parents had sorted out a rented limo to take us in, which was going to be really cool as something I'd not done before. Pretty soon, it was just me left in the house and I started getting ready. I wasn't the type to dress up too fancy so I had planned to wear just a pair of smart jeans, dark blue in colour, and a short-sleeved shirt. I knew that some of the family were coming in proper suits or at least with ties but that just wasn't my sort of style. However, I did make sure that I had some smart black shoes to put on so that I didn't show up looking like a scruff. I was just about to start getting ready when I heard the doorbell ring. It turned out to be a couple of my mates - James and Aidan - who had arrived about 45 minutes early. Of course, I didn't mind - I loved spending time with these guys. I'd known them since primary school and we'd been close for as long as I could remember: they were like my brothers. Truth be told, there was a time when I struggled with those friendships though. When I started to realise that I was gay, I developed such massive crushes on most of my male mates but these two stood out more than the others. They're both very good-looking but in very different ways. James is shorter, around 5ft6, and he is completely cute in every single way possible. From his style ginger hair, through his tight skinny twink body to his bright green eyes, he was just a walking twink wet-dream. Aidan, however, had seemed to skip the twink stage and head straight for a twunk. It had been him that had inspired me to start going to the gym, actually, as he'd been pushing his body there from the moment that he could join in on the 'junior' sessions. The man was a walking muscle - I swear, he had more power in one arm than James did in his entire body. His kept his brown hair cut short in a simple style and his blue eyes were quite intense when he wanted them to be. I also happened to know that he was hung as fuck. Hey, when you've known each other so long and spent so many nights at each other's places, you're bound to see each other naked a few times. James had a decent dick as well but it was definitely on the lower side of average whereas Aidan's was bigger than mine. When I let them in, I happily noticed that, while they were both dressed well, they too had gone for a more simple style like me so at least it wouldn't be the case that everyone at the party was dressed to the nines. "Alright mate! Happy birthday!" Aidan said to me, holding out what was going to be my first bottle of the night. I took it from him and embrace both of the lads in separate 'man-hugs'. It always surprises me how physical 'straight boys' can be with each other and I had wondered if any of that would change once they found out that I was gay. I think that's why I've put off telling them. It's not that I thought they would have a problem with it - hell, James' older brother is gay - but I just didn't want anything to change between us. We all went up to my room, with James and Aidan sitting on my bed and drinking a bottle each while chatting. I began to get changed into my clothes for the night and didn't even give a second thought to getting changed in from of them. I mean, I would have done that anyway given how close we are but I'd have at least turned round so that I had my back to them. I didn't even realise what I was doing until I heard Aidan speak: "Damn, Nate! Looks like all that gym training is starting to pay off!" I laughed and smiled up at them both, blushing a little bit, "Yeah... thanks for the tips man." "No worries - let's see you flexing then." The blush intensified but I did what he asked and showed them both how well my abs were developing and the muscle growth I was starting to get in my arms and legs. "See, James! I can give you a few tips as well." "Nah mate," James said - he'd had this conversation with Aidan many times before, "You know that's not my thing. I'm fine as I am, ta." I certainly agreed with that statement: I wouldn't be able to tell you how many times I'd fantasised about fucking the hell out of James' tight little bum. After I'd finished getting ready, we all chilled on the bed for a bit and continued to drink - several more of my friends arrived and, about 15 minutes after that, the limo pulled up. We piled in, seven of us in total, and continued to drink and mess around during the ride - music was blaring and the drinks were flowing. It wasn't that far to the club so the driver decided to take a route through town so that the ride was a little longer and, by the time we arrived, I was already beginning to feel the effect of the drinks that I'd had. I was still alright at this point though - I'd made sure of it so that I didn't embarrass my mum by turning up completely out of it to my party, like Aidan had done at his eighteenth. But, hey, if you can't get smashed at your birthday party then when can you, right? I gasped when I got into the hall - my parents had done an amazing job decorating it and there was a huge spread of food, big dancefloor and the DJ was already blasting out music and running the lights. The place was packed as well, full of all of my family and friends. When I got inside properly, I was separated from my mates as I had pretty much everyone there wanting to wish me a happy birthday and shake my hand or kiss my cheeks or whatever. There were so many promises of buying me a drink to celebrate that I knew that, by the end of the night, I was going to be absolutely off my face but at least I'd have all my family and friends around me to look after me. The night went pretty much as you'd imagine: a lot of laughter with my mates, plenty of dancing and, of course, loads of eating the food from the buffet and drinking everything that anyone put in my hand. After an hour or two, I was feeling quite out of it but enjoying the buzz of the evening. I desperately needed a piss though so I broke off from my mates and headed into the toilets. I still had some of my wits about me and knew that there was no way that I was going to be able to hold myself steady when pissing at the urinal so I went into the stall at the very end of the door and sat down. After I'd finished, I'd intended to head straight back out but, sitting down had caused me to feel a little sleepy and I'm pretty sure that I sat back and closed my eyes for a few moments. A loud noise close by woke me up - I'm not sure what it was, maybe the door shutting, or a toilet seat closing or someone banging on the partition between the stalls but I woke with a jump. I was laid back with my legs spread out in front of me and my jeans and boxers round my ankles still. My cock, however, was no longer soft and pointing down into the bowl. No, it had hardened and was now sticking straight up and out away from my body. My first instinct, as it always is when I wake up with a rock-hard cock, was to start jerking it a little and I began to softly moan. Then a noise came again, although a quiet one now. It was a tapping from across the other side of the partition. I looked and began to notice something that I'd completely missed before. There, a few inches lower than the bowl, was a hole cut away from the divide. It had clearly been crudely done and wasn't supposed to be there but the edges of it looked as if someone had deliberately smoothed it out. The tap came again but, this time, I tapped back. What happened next both shocked me and made my dick jerk all by itself. From that hole near my knee, something emerged. It was long, thick, swollen and looked to be leaking. For a moment, my brain was confused - why the fuck was there a cock sticking into my cubicle but another part of my brain took over and put me on autopilot. I don't know where it was because I was drunk as fuck or because I'd woke up so horny that my cock felt like it was about to snap or, hell, just because I'd already sucked two cocks today but I went straight down onto my knees and took hold of this new dick. For a few moments, I just looked at it. It was a similar size and thickness to my own but with more foreskin and a bit of a smaller head on it. It was bigger than James' but smaller than Aidan's and was veiny as fuck; I started to trace those lines with my fingers. Instinct took over and my right hand began to slide the foreskin up and down the long uncut shaft; I was rewarded with a low moan coming from the other side. I spent the next minute or so just slowly jacking this cock and watching, fascinated, at how it reacted to what I was doing. There was a pearl of precum building up on the head and, with each passing second, it was getting bigger and bigger. I knew that it was about to drop and, again completely on instinct, I stuck my tongue out just before it did. Instead of it being wasted, I licked it off the head, my tongue pushing slightly into the slit of the cock as I did. The noise from the next cubicle grew louder and so I did it again, running my tongue around the head and then over the slit again - I pushed the tip of my tongue against it and more salty precum oozed out onto it. Fuck - the taste of precum and cum was beginning to be something I completely and totally loved. I didn't lick it for long - my mouth was craving more and so I wrapped my lips around the head and started to suck. I didn't push down the shaft however. Instead, I just held the head in my warm, wet mouth and let my tongue start to circle around the glands behind the head as I continued to wank the rest of the cock. A loud bang came and I can only assume that that was this guy taking hold of the partition to stop himself from falling and he began to moan a lot louder now that he was feeling the effects of my mouth on him. I was moaning as well. I don't know why but it was almost like having a cock inside of my mouth was giving me pleasure as well as giving it to him. That's certainly the case as far as my cock was concerned and it was starting to jerk around between my legs all by itself. It was almost as if everything I was doing to his guy's dick was also happening to mine. Of course, my moans then made it even better for him as the vibrations started moving down his shaft. Although I was really enjoying playing with his cockhead, I knew that I wanted more and I was beginning to get hungry for that feeling of cock inside of my throat again. After taking one more swirl of his cockhead with my tongue, I took a deep breath and pushed my face forward. As his cock slid down my throat, passing my gag reflex with little problem (who knew the secret to deepthroating was getting drunk off your face), I felt it stretch the inside of my neck. This cock was so thick and it felt so amazing inside of me. He moaned out so loudly and I tried to do the same but, with this stranger's dick deep inside my throat, it just hummed around him and sent the vibrations surging through him. He banged against the partition and I knew that, if we had actually been on the same side, he'd have hold of my head right now and be fucking my throat if he could. Inside of me, I could feel his entire dick start to throb and thicken. I kept my face pressed as far up against the hole as I could despite the fact that I was beginning to feel a little light-headed from the lack of oxygen. I didn't care though: I needed to feel that cock in my throat. When I could stand it no longer, I pulled back, gasping for air and, as soon as I had it, I was straight back down on that dick. This time, instead of keeping him inside my throat, I fucked my face back and forth on it, feeling it penetrate my throat again and again. He was moaning quite loudly now, punctuated every single time I pushed all the way down on his dick and I knew, from the sound, that it wasn't going to be long before I was rewarded with the thing that every cocksucking boy loves: cum. His shaft started to pulse more and more and then it started. He groaned out as shot after shot of jizz forced its way into my mouth and down my throat. I pulled back so that I could savour the taste and it set my tastebuds alight on my tongue with every jet of spunk he pumped into me. I'm pretty sure my eyes rolled into the back of my head as he coated my tongue and throat with his load. All too quickly, it was over and he withdrew his cock from the hole. "Thanks lad," I heard as the cubicle door opened and I heard him leave. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it. Sitting back against the wall, I noticed that my own cock was starting to go down. At first, I wondered why when what had happened was so horny but then I noticed: there, on the partition between the cubicles, was a load of spunk that I'd shot while sucking his dick and not even realised I'd done it. I stared for a moment and thought about clearing it up but decided... fuck it... I'll leave it. After a couple of minutes, I'd come round enough to pull back up my underwear and jeans and head out of the toilets myself. I'm glad I still had the sense to check myself in the toilet mirrors as I'd missed a drop or two of cum that was now sat upon my lips. I licked it off and headed back out into the club. It was then that it hit me. We'd hired out the whole place tonight for the party. The only people here were my friends and family. Fuck. I'd just sucked and swallowed from someone that I knew and I had no idea how to tell which guy it was!

I hope you liked this chapter of the story.

Remember, my twitter is and email is if you want to contact me with any feedback or ideas (or just for a chat!)


Next: Chapter 5

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