Nate's Journey

By Stories by Alex

Published on Dec 5, 2019


This story is intended for adults who like the idea of gay sex. If this isn't you then you shouldn't be here reading it. If it's illegal for you to access this, or you think it's offensive, then you shouldn't be here either. It is fictional, for the most part, and any similarities are just coincidences.

I'm very new at this but have wanted to do it for a little bit and I'd love any feedback you have or ideas for things I can include. There's a twitter for people that want to message me there ( and you can email me at Please do if you feel like you want to - it would mean a lot.

"Well why don't I come round and give you an extra birthday present then?" My mind was racing from the moment I read that line. I had a choice to make and, all at once, a million different questions were flooding through my brain: what would happen if he came round? How long will my parents be gone? Am I ready to meet up with a guy? What do I even know about him beyond just seeing a couple of his pics? The sensible thing would have been for me to stop and say that I wasn't interested and shut down the app. It made more sense to wait until I was sure that I was ready and that I would be able to do it without worrying about how long I had and with someone that I knew at least a little more about. Of course, that's not what I actually did though, is it? Despite a significant part of my brain screaming at me to stop and just think about it for a minute, my hands had a mind of their own, ruled by the fact that my 7 inch teen cock was as hard as diamond at this point and desperate to find out what would happen if he turned up at my house. I sent him my location. It took only a few seconds before a response came but I swear that those were the longest few seconds of my life so far. I debated whether or not I was doing the right thing - maybe I should block him right now before he gets the chance to see where I live - but then came his one line message: "Coming round now, 10 minutes." Shit! Shit, shit, shit! I began to panic. I hadn't thought it was going to be that quick at all and I suddenly felt not ready in the slightest. Given that there was nothing else I could control, I started running round the downstairs of the house and tidying away bits and pieces so that everything was clear and there would be a place where we could sit and chat. I know that was stupid and that, in the grand scheme of things, it really didn't matter and at least part of me knew that he wasn't coming round for chatting anyway but I guess it just helped to make me feeling like I was doing something, anything to get ready for him and for what was about to happen. It didn't seem like ten minutes had passed when the knock came at my door. My heart stopped still and I think I was trembling as I walked through the hallway towards it. Through the glass, I could see the shadow of a man stood there, waiting. The knock sounds through the space again and I hurried to the door. Opening it, I wasn't disappointed. There, on my front door step, stood a man that just oozed sex. He was taller than me, about 6ft1 and he had dark hair that was cut very close. Stubble covered his face and was just enough that you could tell that it had been allowed to grow deliberately rather than out of laziness. Although his body was covered, I could tell that that beautifully developed torso, that I'd got hard looking at earlier, was hidden beneath and his jacket fitted his frame perfectly. "Happy birthday, lad," he said to me, smiling as he did so. His voice was low, at least lower than mine, and there was a gruff quality to it. "So, are you gonna invite me in or what?" I realised that I'd been frozen still just staring at him since I'd opened the door and I quickly stepped to one side: I wanted him to come in and definitely didn't want any of my neighbours noticing that an unknown man had suddenly turned up at my house. He passed by me and I closed the door. As soon as the lock clicked into position, I felt his hands on me. I had my back to him when his strong grip took hold of me by his shoulders and he spun me around. I was pushed back, hitting against the door and, for a moment, I had all the breath knocked out of me. He moved towards me, his body making contact with mine and his face lowering down towards my own. Not knowing what to do, I just closed my eyes. The first touch was gentle: his lips met against mine and I remember how his stubble tickled them as he begun to kiss me. I wish that I could say that my first kiss was a mutual thing and that we both took control at different times but that's just simply untrue. This man was in command of the moment and I just melted into his embrace. He pushed his tongue against my lips, almost forcing them to part, as he ran a hand up my arm and round the back of my head, running it through my hair as he did. I felt the pressure as he pushed me towards him and became more aggressive in the kiss: his tongue now pushing into my own mouth and searching for a partner. At first, I didn't know what to do but, with a little encouragement from his tongue, I began to kiss back. My lips started to move against his, my tongue pushing against his and massaging it. He was definitely still in control but I was beginning to get more and more into it. My hands reached out, no longer awkwardly limp at the side of my body, to feel him. Even though his clothing, I could feel his muscled body and that, right there, almost made me shoot my load directly into my pants. I was harder than I had ever been and I knew that he must be able to feel it pressing against his body. All to soon for me, it was done and he pulled back from me and looked directly into my eyes. It wasn't romantic but I could see the desire that he had for me and it was just further punctuated when he spoke: "Fucking hell lad, you're well cute. Can't wait to feel those lips on me dick." I think I must have blushed as he just laughed at me and walked down the hallway looking for the living room. This man had some level of confidence - he'd just planted one on me before we'd said two words to each other and now he was strolling through my house like he owned the place. I should have been pissed but, to be truthful with you, I wasn't. I was actually a little more turned on. When I followed him into the room, I took a seat on the same couch as him but at the opposite end. This wasn't ok and I soon found myself being pulled in towards him until I ended up practically on his lap. The kissing resumed but, this time, he took hold of my left hand and started to move it over to his body. At first, I didn't realise what I had told of given that I was completely involved in the kiss and my eyes were closed but, as I felt it throb, I knew that he'd placed my palm over his cock. It felt huge against me and I could feel the warmth radiating through his trackies. He moaned into my mouth as he started to move my hand up and down the length of his shaft. "You want my dick, don't you?" he said once he'd broken our kiss. I didn't trust my voice and just nodded, quite enthusiastically I might add. He laughed again, "Eager little slut." Wow. Here I was, as a virgin, and I'm being called a slut already by some guy I didn't even know. But then... hearing him say that actually just made the whole thing hotter and I found myself pulsing again in my boxers. Opening his legs wider, he began to move my hand upwards towards the waistband of his trackies. The kissing resumed again and I was really getting into when he guided my hand down into the inside of his boxers. Feeling the skin of his dick against my fingers for the first time was an intense experience and I can remember how thick and meaty it felt. He encouraged me to start moving my hand up and down and it didn't take long before I was doing that all on my own, that familiar wanking movement but on a cock that felt so different to my own. I kept pushing my hand all the way down to the base and feeling how much of his long dick rested against my forearm: this guy was huge and right now he was all mine, or... was I his? Wrapping his fingers in my hair, he pulled me back from the kiss and looked at me, smiling that crooked smile. "Go on," he began. "It's... it's... my firs..." I didn't even get to finish my sentence before he interrupted me. "It's ok, I'll be gentle," he promised me, a twinkle in his eye, "Get on your knees then." I didn't need to be told twice and I slid from the couch onto the floor between his legs. It had actually disappointed me to have to let go of his cock but I knew that I would get to play with it again soon. He placed his hands on his waistband and began to pull down. As he did, he moved one hand to my shoulder and pulled me in towards him. As his trackies and boxers were pulled beneath his crotch, his dick sprang back up: it had been pulled downwards by his clothing and it hit against my cheek as it did. The slap sound was very loud and, at first, I thought he had done it by accident until he took hold of the base of his long shaft and slapped me with it again and then a third time. From the look on his face, I could tell that he was getting off watching his big cock slam against my cute teen boy face and that actually caused me to blush. "Lick it." That was all it took and my tongue was out and tracing up the shaft. He was hairier than I expected but that didn't put me off, in fact, it just made him smell more musky and manly, which sent jolts through my own dick, still confined in my boxers. I found a large vein on the underside and I traced it up with my tongue until I reach the tip: the thick mushroom like head of his knob. Without a word, he guided my head up and my mouth just automatically fell open as he pushed his glands against my lips. I was doing it. After all of the years of fantasising about this moment, I actually had a cock inside of my mouth. I could feel it already pulsing against my tongue as I ran it around the head in a circular motion. He moaned, a deep and reverberating sound, and that just spurred me on to go further. Almost without him pushing me, I moved further down his shaft and could feel the head of the cock approaching the back of my throat. Now, this isn't some porn fantasy where the lad sucking his first cock magically has no gag reflex at all. No, it did not go down easily and I choked on the cock several times, gagging and spluttering, even coughing when he let me up off it. But he was patient and didn't get pissed off at me. He just repeatedly returned me to his dick and kept pushing me down until I started to do better and better. I must have looked a mess with my saliva all over my face and dripping down from his cock but he just kept telling me how sexy I looked and how much of a good cocksucker I was. He continued his strong grip on my head and it wasn't long before I was taking the majority of his cock in with only some continued choking and resistance. In fact, at one point I'm pretty sure that I started moving myself up and down his shaft and his hands moved off me and back behind his head as I fucked my own mouth on his monster cock. His verbal started to get worse: "Look at you sucking my fucking cock, you nasty little slut. You're so fucking hungry for my big fat chav dick aren't you? Look at you choking because you can't handle it all - what a dirty cocksucker." I must have been bright red. His words caused me to blush so much, embarrassing me because it was all true, but my cock was loving every single fucking second. His moaning started to get louder and louder and his left hand returned to the back of my head. He started pushing me down again and again, now not caring when I choked or struggled and I could feel his long cock pushing against the confines of my throat. Feeling how it stretched the inside of my body was absolutely crazy but also such a sexy sensual feeling - I was making his cock feel amazing with the way I was sucking him and I actually was beginning to feel a little proud of how I was coping with my first dick. "Look at this boy," I heard him say, "See how much he loves my cock. He's such a horny little fuck." I was confused for a moment as it sounded as if we were talking to someone else but, when I looked up, it all made sense. He had his phone in his right hand and the camera was pointed directly at me. I tried to pull off but his left hand held me in place. There was no point struggling - this guy was significantly stronger than I was and, if he wanted to keep pushing me back onto his dick, there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it. "Don't worry boy, you look so good on my cock. My followers are going to fucking love this." He spent the next couple of minutes doing this: pushing me down his cock and telling me how slutty I was and how good I felt on his meat. I'm not going to lie, even though the filming surprised me, I found myself getting quite into it, even looking up at the camera several times as I pushed myself further down and let whoever was going to see it on the other end see me gag on this guys monster cock. Suddenly, he pulled me off, his long shaft sliding out of my throat and leaving me empty. I felt it too - for a brief moment, I felt such a craving to be back on his knob and sucking him more but it wasn't to be. He told me to keep still and he started to wank his cock, aiming it at my face. Within just a few seconds, he cried out and I felt the first splash of his cum over me: the first rope landed across my face, with some entering my mouth but most of it coating my cheek and forehead. His spunk kept coming: rope after rope until I felt like my entire face must have been glazed with his cum. He sat back on the couch, panting and let his phone drop. I remained where I was, on my knees between his legs with my own cock straining against my joggers and this guy's load over my face. I could taste it on my tongue and, actually, found the taste quite interesting. It was salty and musky but I honestly quite liked it and so I swallowed it down. "Right lad, I've gotta go." He stood and pulled up his boxers and trackies. Without another word, and without any time for me to respond, he was already heading out of the room and I heard the door slam shut in the hall before I even had time to realise what was happening. When my mind finally kicked into gear, I just stood up and walked straight up the stairs to to my room. Once there, I lowered my joggers and boxers and stepped out of them: my cock finally free after being restrained throughout the entirety of that encounter. I didn't dare to remove my t-shirt; I didn't want to risk wiping the spunk from my face. I got on my knees in front of my mirror and looked at myself. I was such a mess: my face covered in a mixture of my own saliva and his thick white load but seeing myself like that completely and totally did it for me. It took seconds of me stroking my cock, and I mean literally seconds, for me to be spunking my own load up the mirror. I must have sat there and looked at myself for at least twenty minutes, feeling the cum on my skin. In fact, I was only brought back to the real world by the sound of my parents returning home and calling out to me that they were back. Standing slowly, I headed back into my shower for the second time that day and, if I'm being truthful with you, a part of me was sat to see his load being washed away from my face.

I hope you liked this chapter of the story.

Remember, my twitter is and email is if you want to contact me with any feedback or ideas (or just for a chat!)


Next: Chapter 3

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