Nate's Journey

By Stories by Alex

Published on Dec 3, 2019


This story is intended for adults who like the idea of gay sex. If this isn't you then you shouldn't be here reading it. If it's illegal for you to access this, or you think it's offensive, then you shouldn't be here either. It is fictional, for the most part, and any similarities are just coincidences.

I'm very new at this but have wanted to do it for a little bit and I'd love any feedback you have or ideas for things I can include. There's a twitter for people that want to message me there ( and you can email me at

Please do if you feel like you want to - it would mean a lot.

It would happen soon. I've been awake for about twenty-five minutes just anticipating the moment. I'd woken in such a state of arousal too: I don't think I'd felt this horny in a while and maybe that was because I knew that there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it. I mean, I could do something but, if I was going to start wanking my rock-hard cock then I had to be prepared to be interrupted mid-wank. It was almost worth it just to see the shocked looks on their faces when they burst through my door and, instead of seeing their sleeping son, found me with my dick in hand, furiously jerking my foreskin up and down over my throbbing shaft. Almost... I doubted that a few seconds of amusement for me would be worth the fallout of my parents catching me wanking. Besides, it was far too late to start now: it would happen in 3... 2... 1... "Happy birthday Nate!" my room was invaded by three bodies shouting birthday messages at me. The calm darkness that had surrounded me was dispelled by the light and I groaned as I attempted to shield my eyes. My brother, Aidan, immediately jumped into my bed and started to bounce up and down, attempting to wake me up despite the fact that I was already clearly awake. I can't begrudge him though: he had obviously been extremely excited about coming in and wishing me happy birthday and, when you're only nine, these sorts of things are important I suppose. I guess those days would be behind me now. As of this morning, I was no longer a child: eighteen years old and ready to experience all that adulthood had to offer. Of course, nothing would change much in the short-term; I still had college and exams for the rest of the academic year and, as a November born boy, that was still a fair way to go. For those of you who dwell outside of England, college isn't the same as university. We begin college at sixteen and study until eighteen taking our A-levels. For us, it's the step that comes before uni; that is if you're going to uni anyway. I'd still be living at home and so my life would stay pretty much the same. At least, that's what I believed at the time but I was soon going to find out just how wrong I was. "Here Nate," my brother cried as he thrust a small parcel into my hands, "happy birthday!" "It's from all of us," my mum spoke calmly, smiling at my brother's giddy mood. I sat myself up in bed, my covers falling slightly from my chest, and began to open the package. There were several layers of wrapping paper - something my parents love to do as if they believe that it prolongs the fun of receiving a present - but eventually I tore through it. I'm not going to lie: I audibly gasped when I saw what was inside. My family had bought me a new phone for my birthday: a Samsung Galaxy S10. Now, I'm sure that there are some of you out there who are thinking, 'Well, that's a nice present but why would it be gasp-worthy?' To understand that, you first need to understand my parents. From the moment I was born, they have always been extremely overprotective. I guess it's because I was so unwell as a baby and, apparently, am lucky to be alive. Or, it might just be who they naturally are as parents. Either way, it doesn't really matter: the fact is that I have always been quite sheltered from the world around me. 'How does that connect to a phone?' I hear you ask. Well, ever since I became a teenager, I'd been begging my parents for a smart phone. They had refused every single time and had already been quite insistent on it. Don't get me wrong, I had a mobile phone but it was just a standard brick-type Nokia that served only to make calls and sent texts. They had always been worried about social media and didn't want me to become tempted into that 'world of danger' as they perceived it to be. In reality, I had just worked with my friends to create secret accounts on things like twitter and Instagram and accessed them through other means but it wasn't really the same as having social media for yourself. To be honest, I've lost count of the number of times that I've missed out on what's been happening with my friends or not even known about a party or a meet-up until after it's happened. Hopefully now you see why being presented with a smart phone was something that truly surprised me. For the first time, I'd have proper, complete and uncontrolled access to the internet and social media and I already knew that that was going to change my world. "We thought it was time," my dad said, "but even though you're eighteen, we want you to be careful. Just because we're giving you this phone, it doesn't mean that we don't think social media is dangerous, alright Nate?" "Yeah, I get it Dad," I said, my voice dry after the night's sleep, "I'll be careful. Thank you so much - it really means a lot." "Ok darling. We'll leave you in peace to get ready. I'll be making breakfast for you in about an hour." "Alright Mum, thanks again." With that, I was left alone in my room again. Unfortunately, all of that had caused my cock to deflate and so I just pulled myself up out of my covers and climbed out of bed. Immediately, I began to set up my phone and put it on its initial charge. It said that it wasn't going to take long so I figured I'd get a shower and it would probably be ready by the time I finished. As I passed the full length mirror, I caught a glimpse of myself. Recently, I'd started sleeping naked as I enjoyed the way it felt and how natural it felt to let my body be naked. Actually, I was beginning to enjoy being completely naked as often as possible but it wasn't something I'd ever done in front of other people - even when I was changing after swimming at the pool or showering at the gym after the work-outs I'd started doing, I'd always go into a cubicle and never be in the main shared area. I just didn't feel completely comfortable: I'm quite a shy boy to be completely truthful with you although that was getting better with the increased time that I was spending at the local leisure centre. I'd always been skinny growing up but now I was beginning to get some real definition and more developed muscle-tone. It was something I was really enjoying and seeing the results always kind of turned me on. In the mirror I could see my cock starting to harden again as I took pleasure in seeing how much my body had changed. By the time I reached the shower in my en-suite, my dick was hard again and I certainly wasn't going to waste it this time. I turned on the water, running it hot and as powerful as I could get it: I liked to feel it hit my skin with force and I found it helped to both wake me up and soothe any muscles that were still sore after the last gym session. I think I actually moaned when I felt those first jets of water hit me. Despite what you are all thinking, I didn't get straight to the wanking: I did actually wash through my hair first. However, it didn't take much time - I've always kept it quite short - so before long, I was soaping up my body and running my hands over the abs that had started to come through on my torso. My cock throbbed, determined not to be ignored any longer and so, as I had so often done before, I took it in hand and began to work my right hand up and down the shaft. Being slim, my cock had always looked quite big on my body and I wasn't surprised to find that, when I measured it recently, I found that I was above average at 7 inches - not too bad and it could still grow a bit before it found its final length. What's more important, however, is that the thickness was also above average and I had begun to love how heavy it felt in my hand when I worked it. It was straight out from my body with a slight curve upwards and, honestly, I was more than happy with it. I started off slow. My right hand teasing my dick by gradually rolling the foreskin back and forth over the head. My left moved down to my balls and began to feel and slightly squeeze them - I'd always loved that. It didn't take long for me to be softly moaning and for a decent amount of precum to be leaking out of the head and over my fingers. Automatically, my hips began to move, my natural urges encouraging me to fuck my dick forward through my hand and so I decided to let that take over. Using my left arm to brace myself against the tiles, I held my right hand in place and used my hips to thrust my cock back and forth, moaning out as I did. My eyes closed and familiar images came to mind once again. When I wanked, I always thought exclusively about guys. Actually, I had done as far back as I can remember so there was no doubt in my mind that I was definitely gay. I wasn't out yet but that didn't stop me from imagining celebs, random people I saw when I was out and, hell, sometimes even my friends when I was working over my thick teen cock. Right now, it wasn't a particular person in mind. All I could visualise was a tight, smooth little bum right there in front of me in the shower and my dick being slammed into it again and again. The fantasy was so intense that, for a few brief moments, I actually believed that the hole being made by my hand was real and that I was truly fucking some tight-arsed cute twink. As you can imagine, it didn't take long before I was shooting my load through my hand and all over the tiled wall of the shower. I cried out as I did it, not caring whether anyone heard me or not, and it took a few moments to catch my breath afterwards. By the time I opened my eyes, most of my spunk had been washed away by the shower but a few ropes still remained, clinging to the wall. It had been a big load and was a creamy-white and thick. How I wished that I had really fucked that cum into another cute twink sharing the shower with me. Still, I was sure that that time would come for me eventually, although I thought it would have to wait until I was at uni and living away from my family before I had any sexual encounters with anyone else. That was going to be another assumption that was proven wrong today. The rest of the morning moved quite quickly: I dried myself off and dress; ate my breakfast and spent a little bit of time with my family and I booted up my new phone and quickly loaded all of my secret social media accounts onto it. My friends were made up with the fact that I would now be able to join in with their conversations properly and I was no longer living like some stone-aged man compared to them. As I was downloading twitter and Instagram, I started to browse through the other apps that I could add to the phone. Simply out of curiosity, I typed 'gay' into the search bar and, before long, I was getting my first exposure to the online 'dating' apps on offer for the members of the gay community. To say that I was shocked would be an understatement: there was something for everyone! Apps which were exclusively for older guys, bigger guys, something called 'bears', apps for those with lots of kinks and some which did nothing to hide the fact that they were definitely for guys that just wanted to find as many quick fucks as possible. I was a little overwhelmed and so I decided to leave the vast majority of them for now but did download one of the more generic looking popular ones (I'm sure you can decide which one that might have been) and start just by looking at one. After all, it couldn't hurt to just take a little look, right? Setting up a profile didn't take long and, after putting in my details (18, 5ft8, toned, blond, etc), I was through into the main area. For now, I decided not to put a picture up. It was probably a little premature for that and I didn't want everyone and anyone knowing that I was on the app just in case there was someone that I knew. I did, however, fill in the profile text: "Hey everyone. I've just downloaded this and I'm wanting to find out more about it. Oh, also it's my birthday." I finished it with a little celebration emoji, figuring that it would make me seem more... I don't know... fun, perhaps. In truth, I just didn't know what to put and felt that I had to say something more than just: "I'm new." Anyway, I looked at a couple of profiles for guys that were close but then my mum called me downstairs to tell me that they needed to go out for a bit and were dropping my brother off at my grandparents so I didn't have to babysit for him on my birthday. I forgot about the app then and just sat down in front of the TV to chill for a bit. About 20 minutes after my family left, I heard a noise from my phone. When I opened it up, I found that I had a notification from that app saying that I had a message. My heart started to pump faster straight away and I hurried to open it. "Hey birthday boy! What are you up to?" It had come from a profile that I'd not noticed before but, when I clicked, I was pleasantly surprised. The guy was 21 and look fit as fuck. I mean he was definitely lush and I could feel myself hardening in my boxers just looking at the shirtless pic that was on his profile. "Hi. I'm just at home relaxing," I messaged back. His response was immediate: "Aw not doing anything with friends?" I laughed, "Nah, I'm off to see them later. What are you doing?" His reply was completely unexpected. Rather than a message, an image appeared on my screen within the chat. An image of a fairly big cock with a hand wrapped around the base. Even with the hand covering a bit of it, there was still a fair amount left coming out of the top and I knew instantly that he had to be bigger than me. A bit of text soon followed: "I'm horny as fuck and working this dick. Like it?" Of course, I replied that I did, with my hands shaking so much that I had to type out the message a couple of times because of me making typing errors. It was his next message that instantly turned my cock as rock-hard as it could go. "Well why don't I come round and give you an extra birthday present then?"

I hope you liked the start of the story and, don't worry, there will be more sex in the next chapter.

Remember, my twitter is and email is if you want to contact me with any feedback or ideas (or just for a chat!)


Next: Chapter 2

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