Natassia Dreams

By Terry Green

Published on Sep 16, 2021


Please donate what you can to nifty. This is a safe place for the LGBT community to be. Thank you all for your kindness and support, Terry

Kaboom! My time on lane 5 was successful, as I had properly tagged my targets repeatedly with my 5.56 AR. It had always been my favorite rifle, for anything from home defense to long distance shooting, although for hunting I was partial to my bolt action .308. That $300 Savage rifle, had helped me secure delicious venison for the fridge. This Monday I spent time doing what I considered to be "group therapy," as it was cheaper than visiting a shrinks office. Also it helped me relax more, improve my muscle memory, and of course pour out my aggression into something without permanent damage. Sure I had scars and wounds that were visible from my military career, but most of them weren't visible to those around me. 20 years of army special forces, had taught me chance favors the prepared, and never to lull into anything with complacency. It had been five years since my twenty years of service to the USA, as i now owned and operated one of New York and arguably the country's best protective detail firms. It wasn't due to me. Yes I had created it, but the results were due to my excellent men and women, who made us a force to be reckoned with. Our training and standards were first rate, and my operators and even myself, would do all to keep those safe who paid us in our contracts. Also I believe strongly that our character and corporate atmosphere, along with our willingness to work with our sometimes difficult clients, separated us from a lot of our competitors.

Case in point. One of our protectees was a lady in corporate banking. While we had offered to brief her as was our custom, she had refused. I'll call her Karen. Yes thats cliche. Yet "Karen," wasn't happy that her bodyguard was "a little guy." Stan Green was a legend, despite being 5'7 and maybe 150 pounds dripping wet. As a former seal team leader, he was made of Thomas Wolfe's "The Right Stuff." Fluent in five languages, with so many medals that they probably weighed more than he did, I had to put the mute button on my phone as this lady complained about a "little boy doing a man's job." Is that why he was a black belt in five martial arts, and also had a Sig Sauer .45 in his suit jacket? Concealed firearms licenses in NY aren't easy to get already. Yet when Karen let me get this information in, her tune changed immediately. A week later to her credit, she emailed me an apology note for "judging this man incorrectly." Rarely did I show client correspondence to my employees, but Stan got a wonderful laugh over this one. Needless to say his client was secure.

"Hey Terry, how was the range today?" As I was walking out, I saw Reid who worked for NYPD CIB. Intelligent and pugnacious, I admired his determination in solving especially vile crimes. "Pretty good, how's everything been for you?" Reid took his glasses off, and smiled, which for most people is a sign of happiness. Yet for him I knew what it meant. He had information that could either be relevant to what one of my folks could know of, or I might be getting a new client. Thankfully this time it was the latter, as the Big Apple never sleeps, and hate crimes against the LGBT community were up. Actually hate crimes of all types were going through the roof, and there were many factors. Trump, white supremacists, and wacko 3% "patriotic clubs" that were more brown shirts than anything else. He gave me a card, with what appeared to be a pretty lady on it and phone number. A gorgeous mahogany black woman, late 30's perhaps, but he informed me, "transgender porn star Natassia Dreams was in New York, and had been set messages that hit the police intelligence in an alarming fashion."

Contrary to public opinion, police don't prevent crime. Okay sometimes they do, but more often than not, their role is to be reactive by nature. Hardcore criminals or lunatics made up a decent chunk of our population, far more than the number of police officers serving in the boroughs combined. Reid asked me, if "my company would talk to Natassia." I guess he figured I'd be delegating this assignment to my secretary, but he wasn't aware or forgot that I was equal opportunity. That I had a thing for transgender women the most, and Natassia Dreams quite often got me cumming by watching her movies on x rated websites. Big tits, a gorgeous face and body, thick succulent lips, and a perfect shaved cock were enough to get me hard just thinking about. "Ok Reid, thank you, the company will look into this."

Transgender porn stars were multi millionaires, and Natasha would have the means, to pay for our protection. Once home I got in the shower, then did several hundred push ups and sit ups, and got in there again. As my arms and legs, actually my whole core hurt from the workout, my 6'3 frame and 215 pounds were appropriately chiseled. I put on my low cut tight briefs, and called Natasha from my penthouse office phone. "Hello," oh yes she had that same seductive voice that she displayed in those hot movie scenes. I introduced myself, and we began the start of negotiations, and I was going to handle this assignment. My 100 plus staff could deal with other clients. Eventually the money was wired to my account, and tomorrow at 7 am I'd accompany her to breakfast from the Downtown Hilton. With that I shaved, made sure my hair was properly maintained, and that my green eyes of luster were sparkling with vitality.

Damn that alarm clock. It was if I had just gone to bed, and it's klaxon sounding noise blared through all of Manhattan. It was as if a modern day Chernobyl was going on, until my brain caught up with my feet. Brushing my teeth, scarfed a breakfast burrito and coffee, I put on my battle dress uniform pants known as BDU's. Packed my Glock 17 in my holster, and put on my New York Giants jersey over on top of it. I read some of Natassia's "hate mail" on my laptop. While she spent most of her time in San Francisco and LA for her porn industry work, there was a public announcement of her attending Ruby's this Wednesday night. The city's premiere gay and transgender establishment, I knew that I might have to, incorporate a team of three more bodyguards due to the crowds. Yes the club screened all for weapons, my view of their security set up and staff was less than exemplary.

You're thinking it. I'm just jealous of my competitors. Absolutely not, as most security teams or individuals were both trained and professional. By and large exceptional smart men and women, who's work in the shadows, was often overlooked by so many. My problem with Ruby's was its outdated metal detectors, high turn over, and amateur like security staff. True their focus was mostly psychological and public relations, but they had questionable hiring and training methods. I really didn't like their turn over rate, and that the club seemed fine, with just a physical presence over far more than that. Threats and hate crimes were up against the LGBT community and minorities, so I was right to be concerned about their operations. Restaurant owner Chuck Hayes had been dismissive, not only to me but others. For him it was all about the money, which was a quite common goal, but he didn't think of consequences.

As we all know too well after the disastrous Pulse terror attack in Florida, the LGBT community is less dangerous, than others who surround it in far larger numbers. Whether politicians stoking anger, misinformation, or ignorance for gain, religious leaders were happy to weigh in too. Pastors with no real evidence of Sodom and Gomorrah, would have hate filled diatribes they called sermons. Most wouldn't act on Old Testament and other verses, but some took their scriptures literally. All it took was a match and the right nut job, and the result would be calamity. Skinheads and religious fanatics often attacked folks, who had the same dreams they did, which was simply not to be harassed or threatened by violence.

Arriving at room 1750, upon knocking and a cell phone call, the doors open. A young lady with brown and blonde dyed hair introduced herself as "Natassia's agent." Well dressed and heeled, she came from old mine I deduced. Kim was pleasant, and sat me down in a comfortable chair, with a cold bottled water. We went over Natassia's schedule and preferences, but I had to relay my concerns about Reid's information on threats. This was more than the usual idle chatter, and was quite specified, compared to what some of my previous details had involved. The fact that Natassia's attacks were on both her transgender status and black ethnicity, raised by defcon levels of awareness greatly. The anger in the emails was palatable, and with the word choices, I agreed with Reid and other NYPD folks, that the unknown subject was a white male. Best guess was 30 to 40, high school graduate, yet a blue collar occupation. Forensics in writing, had advanced just like other forms, but was still limited to a degree.

Kim "okayed" my usual protection of Natassia, but extra staff for the night at Ruby's. She was easy to deal with, as a lot of agents can be formidable adversaries, in what's best for whom they represent. She signed my electronic forms, and financial obligations without a hint of questions. That alone was an aspirin saver, and a few minutes later Natassia came out. Obviously I had to keep my professional demeanor, and was blessed with a poker face. Yet Natassia looking at my obviously hardened crotch area smiled, and shook my hand with the warmest of palms. Her voice was very feminine yet slightly deep with certain expressions. Yet I successfully parried her actually very intelligent concerns and questions. At 5'9 or so, with very dark black shiny skin, Natassia was a very sexy transgender lady. She wore tight blue jeans, silver heels, and a black top that showed the bra that struggled to hold her boobs securely. I remembered my mental training, and kept my eyes on her eyes, but in my head thought "Buddha if you're real can I come back as her bra?" Damn she had bigger tits, than what I could remember from the porno's.

As her Continental executive car showed up, I had the driver get Natassia in the back seat, and scoured the area for existential threats. Nothing popped out at me, and the behavior of people close by, were well within what in the security business, we call the "green zone." Popped in next to Natassia, as we took the expected seven minute trip to Mckaylas Breakfast Restaurant. Already I saw to it that Kim made arrangements, for a back booth, where I could observe and also defend my client. Natassia requested R&B music, and the air conditioning off. She had a nice smile, with a slight gap in her top front teeth that was charming and alluring. Natassia definitely took care of herself at the gym, as while not ripped and masculine looking, very good shape. That perfume was sultry, and everything about her presence made me squirmy as the driver made his way through New York streets.

At breakfast I only ordered a cup of coffee. McKayla's blend was strong, and Natassia dined on French toast, with eggs and orange juice. As my eyes checked the surroundings, Natassia smiled and said, "you're so handsome, please stop worrying so much." "Thank you, but worrying is in my job description." She had such a pleasant laugh, and putting her hands on top of mine felt electric. I had watched Natassia Dreams in so many porn scenes, but here she was in the flesh. It was if she read my mind too. "You've seen me on those sites haven't you?" Usually I kept a solid poker face. Yet my blushing betrayed me. Natassia smiled and said, "it's okay Terry, in fact who knows. Maybe we will have some one on one time." As I let my guard down, a guy with a ski mask came in, and shot a blast of a small caliber into the ceiling.

Damn it! "This is a robbery, stay still and off your phones. Hands up!" A tough decision, but I knew the statistics. 95% of these, if you complied, would go on without incident. I looked at Natassia, and put my hands up like she and everyone else did. It was almost as if being nude and the whole world mocked your training, but I had to put my ego aside, and focus my efforts on the client. Within a minute the masked bandit had fled with unknown amounts of cash, and lots of us were on our cellphones calling 911. Two minutes later the first of several NYPD units showed up. They canvassed the neighborhood, as I left a bit more of a tip than I normally did.

To be continued!

Next: Chapter 3

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