Natalie's Invite to the Bachelor Party

By Natalie Love

Published on Nov 5, 2013



This story is intended for persons over the age of eighteen. This is a story of fiction and does not include anyone living or under the age of eighteen. Please enjoy.

Natalie's Invite to the Bachelor Party

Rachel's cell phone rang. I was down the hall in the bathroom. I could only make out a few words at a time on this side of her conversation.


"Tommy it's been awhile."

"Yes...I heard...married."

"She did!"

"...tonight...I'll there"

"You bet... she'll be there."


It was then quiet. I heard the floor boards creak. Rachel leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed.

"Sweetie that was Tom."

"Yes and how is he?"

"As you know he is getting married and wanted to invite you to his bachelor party."

"He did? Why would he do that?"

"You know he likes you."

"Yes I know but not in the..."

She cuts me off. "I told him you already said yes, so finish up what you are doing. I will help you get ready as it is tonight."

Let me go back and explain. This story starts about six years ago. When Rachel and I first met in college in our junior year.

It was a chilly windless night in early November. Must have been just after eleven o'clock at night as I was just leaving my job heading back to my apartment just off campus. I was driving through the frat house row when I saw someone sitting on the curb. Slowing down I could see this girl whom looked quite drunk as she was kind of swaying back and forth. I stop just short of her and turned my head lights off. Walking toward her I could now tell she was three sheets to the wind. When I got up to her I put my hand down on her shoulder and asked her if she needed a ride.

She was way out of it. I asked if she had anybody coming to get her. She just looked up and commented that they all could fuck off. I told her she better get off the streets before the cops found her. Again she could only get out the same words that they all too could fuck off. Well I decided someone needed my help. I put my hand under her arm and lifted her up. We only made it a few step toward my car when she threw up on herself. Damn... was her next words as she looked up at me. Opening the car door I helped her into the passenger seat. I closed the door and ran around to the driver's seat. I asked her where she lived to which she looked up and stated that I was kind of cute. This is where she pasted out. I did not know what to do with her so I took her to my place.

I had to shake her a bit to get her up as we were now at my place. Some unintelligible words came out of her as I help her out of the car and into my apartment. Boy that was fun, not really, as I had just about to carry her all the way from the car and set her down on my bed. She was a mess. She had thrown up down the front of her sweater, blouse, skirt, and tights. How she missed her shoes I do not know how. I was not letting her sleep on my furniture like that, so I got her some of my clothes. They were just a pair of boxers and a tee shirt.

I kept having to give her few shakes to get her to understand to get undressed at put on the clean clothes. I thought she was awake enough to which I left her to go get her some water. When I returned she was on the floor using the stuff I gave her as a pillow. I got her moving again, but this time I had to help her undress. When we got her out of her clothes I had notice she wet herself. To which I helped her take a drink of water and handed her my stuff. I told she had to get out of that wet stuff and put my stuff on. She woke enough to babble at me to turn around. I did just that and next thing I know is I hear her hit my bed. Fuck guess I was going to have to sleep on my on couch tonight. I gathered her things and left her to sleep it off.

I got up early as I had not slept well on the couch that night. I took her clothes that I had been soaking and left the apartment to launder them. While they were very nice clothes I had to hand wash some and threw a few of them in with my stuff into the washing machine. While the clothes were drying I had checked out my car. Damn she made a small mess on my seat to which I had to clean that up too.

I double check on her she was still alive and sleeping, so made myself something to eat and finished up doing the laundry. I separated out her stuff from mine and gathered her other things I had hand washed and hung to dry. I had kind of wished I had paid more attention to what she had on as I thought they must have looked very sexy on her. It was a white cami with a lacy seam around the top it must have stop just above her navel. Next was a long sleeve small black sweater with white buttons it also must have fell about her midriff I noticed this when I lifted it up against myself to fold it. The wide pleated gray skirt with black bows on the hips must have looked sweet on her as it looked it might have fell about mid-thigh. I finished folding her gray tights, light gray padded bra, and really sexy black satin panties with a cross back opening.

As I was doing the dishes I heard her flush the toilet and then turned on the water to the sink.

She yells out from the bathroom. "Hello"


"Hey I what to thank you guys."

"It's no problem."

"Hey tell your girlfriend thanks."

"No girlfriend."

She gets loader as she is coming out of bathroom toward the kitchen where I am doing some dishes.

"What?" "She is not here?" She says as she draws closer.

"No girlfriend." I returned.

"What happened she leave you."

"No just do not..." I stop myself as I saw her feet coming out around the corner.

I spotted her feet in my yellow anklet socks with frilly lacy cuff at the top. As I follow them up her smooth legs I then saw she had on my "Daisy Duke's" on with some yellow panties as there were few pre bought holes in the shorts. She also was in my yellow crew neck midriff tee that said princess across it. My jaw just dropped.

"You don't have a girlfriend?"

"Umm Yes she not here now." "Hey your clothes are there."

When I had folded her clothes I placed them on the counter that sat between the little kitchen and dining area. That's where she walked up leaned over the counter placed an elbow on the counter and then one hand one her clothes.

"Soooo... she is where?"

"She had to go out of town."

"Oh, I wanted to ask if this was alright...that I borrowed her clothes."

"Ummm... she would not mind."

As she patted her pile of clothes on the counter she says. "Wow you got a great girl there." "I cannot believe she got up early and washed my clothes for me."

"Yeah, she is like that."

"Yeah because guys have no clue how to do laundry."

"Yeah I get that." "I would have shrunken them are something."

"So she must have had to leave in a hurry, huh."

"MMM yes she did." "Hey are you hungry."

"No, but might I ask a personal question."

I thought oh no here it is I was found out.

"You two into kinky sex or something."

"UMMM no not really...why."

"Well I was going through the closet and dressers and noticed a lot of stockings, garter belts, and costumes. Like a French maid, a Dorothy, and even bar maiden. Some really high heeled shoes and other stuff like that."

"Well o.k. you caught us." "We like to play dress up sometimes...that s all."

"Yeah I get that... it's o.k. I did not mean to pry."

"No guess you had to ask did not want to be having some weirdo taking advantage of you."

"Sooo... your so called girlfriend got up cleaned my clothes, and just left out of town without taking her...oh like...blow dryer, curling iron, make-up, and stuff like that." "It must had been an emergency or something."

I began to think she really knows, and I was found out. She has to been to be playing a game with me. I was not about to give in just in case. Besides what did I have to loose.

"Yes, she was doing your clothes and her mother called and said there was a family emergency at home." "So she asked me to finish up your stuff and uh...had to go."

"Poof...just like that."

"Yes, poof, just like that."

"Oh...o.k. sorry to be such a pest."

"Oh no that's o.k. you know waking up in a strange place and not knowing what is going on."

There was a long pause in our conversation. I thought wheeooo that is over. She almost got up to leave.

"Hey what's your girlfriend's name?"

I tried not to delay my answer. "Natalie!" Wow that's the name I go by.

"Would I know her?" "I know a Natalie." "There is this girl in my class phycology class."

"Yeah... I do not know."

"Oh I bet she is a med student then?"

"Yeah... ahhh... she is."

"Oh I see...yeah she would not be in any of my classes I am a business major."

"Yeah that must be know could be like a hundred Natalie's' here."

"Yeah that's it." "Hey what is your major?"

"I am taking computer science."

"So, you are not a med major."

"Oh know it's computers for me."

"You know it's kind of funny."

"What's funny?"

"They do not offer medical art classes here."


Damn that was it I had just lost the game. What was I going to say. I could see it on her face she was not ready to scream nor was she mad. What was her game now. She had a smile on her face. She knew she had won and was ready to drive it home.

I stood there and took it all in as she kept on saying I knew it! I knew it! Wow she must be really competitive and did not like to lose. I was then inundated with the typical question are you gay, you must like guys, do you want a sex change. No, no , no were my answers. At least I did not think so at that time in my life.

We sat there in the dining room as I finally had broken down and told someone who I really was. She accepted breakfast I had offered before as we chatted some more. I was really confessing everything. I could not believe I was saying this stuff out loud. It was easy as she was a total stranger that was not judging me. I fact she was truly interested. She confessed to me that what I was telling her was turning her on. In fact she wanted to see me get fully made up.

The rest of that day we talked and traded skills of what we had learned in our short lives of how to make that perfect feminine look. I had learned a lot from her, and she learned a lot about me, we just had fun. She brought up how much she wanted to try on the peach dress I had in the closet. I said how much I wanted to wear her outfit. That evening we dressed in each other clothes. Finally that night we found out how much we were a like, not just being able to fit perfectly in each other's clothes, but that we had a fondness for each other.

Fast forward to our marriage. We fell in love during those years in college and got married. In the first years she became dominate over me. I was becoming her sissy. I as at first lead toward being a sissy maid husband, getting up early making her breakfast, being the home maker, and then made to be the wife sexually.

I was beginning to be less the man in our sexual roles, and more the female. I was fucked more with her strap-on than I fucked her. I was told she need a real man and I need to understand her needs. She said she loved me, but I was just not adequate enough to sexually fulfill her anymore. It worked out I was working from home and taking care of the house then began living full fem twenty four seven. She was out all of the time and finally met a man.

That man was Tom. She hid it at first, but finally laid it all out one day. I was told many of times soon after that day what a big bull stud Tom was as I was orally satisfy her. I should have been hurt but I was taken aback how much I liked being the cuckold.

It was finally after our first full on cuckold session with Tom that he suggested that I should get some breast implants. He was really into me and always complimented on how much I was a real women minus the breast. He would even show up sometimes when my wife was not home to have one on one sex with me. I was ashamed at first but loved how he treated me. It was then decided he would help pay for the breast implant surgery to which my wife and me agreed. Soon after we did not hear from him anymore and found out he was getting married.

Back to the phone call. "Hello"

"Hey Rachel it's Tommy."

"Tommy it's been a while."

"Rachel hun as you know I am getting married next week."

"Yes I know and congrats I heard you are getting married."

"Well I have this bachelor party tonight and the whore we hired backed out."

"She did."

"I really love to know if your husband is willing to fill in for her tonight." "I only ask as love to have her one more time before I get married."

"MMMM well yes she will be there tonight, I'll ask, wait no she will be there."

"Are you sure, there will be like ten or fifteen other guys here." "She would not have to do lap dances or strip I had just promised the guys a whore that would give them blow jobs."

"You bet she will be there, she told me she wanted to do just that sort of thing, I will guarantee she'll be there."

"I will look forward to having her one more time."

"Oh I think she would look forward to it too, bye, the club, yes, at 11, yes, o.k., bye."

I had finished cleaning the bathroom up dressed like a French maid the way my wife loves when we are together on the weekends. I met her in the bedroom where she was waiting for me looking in the closet.

" Natalie I think you should wear the electric blue dress I got you for your birthday for the bachelor party."

It was now even clear why I was invited to the bachelor party.

"I do not know about this."

"Come on you always fantasied about this day."

"Yeah but sometimes it's just a fantasy."

"Well you have no choice I already told Tommy you would be there."

"I do not know...I..."

"Do I have to get the paddle." "Because this time we will not just be playing!"


"What was that!"

"No ma'am.. I mean yes ma'am...I will go"

"Better." Now get in that bath and get ready." "You had better be cleaned inside as well as out." "Come on its Tommy and you own him a big favor after he help pay for the breast implants."

"Yes Dear."

I took my bath shaved and perfumed. Gave myself an enema and plucked my eye brows. When I sat down to do my make-up Rachel stepped behind me. She was going to help me as Tommy wanted a whore and she was going to make me look like one. Wow she did a great job I did look like a lady of the night. We finished my real hair, must have used a whole bottle of hair spray, it was the best it's been in years.

Rachel helped me get into my blue with black trim corset that made my breast look like they would fall out, and she made sure it was nice and tight. I put on some shear black seamed thigh high stockings with a reinforced toe and large lacy tops. Rachel says a street walker did lot of walking in her heels and on her knees, so they needed that extra bit reinforcement to keep them from running. Rachel then handed me my blue lacy panties with an opening in the back that was just for back door love. My nails were already done in black as they always are to match the maids outfit for the weekend. After I slide the sleeveless electric blue dress on, with open back that stop just before it showed my butt cleavage, I stepped into my one inch platform black patent leather five inch heeled fuck me pumps with an ankle strap. I was ready for Tom's party.

Rachel drove me to the club. I had butterflies in my stomach and told Rachel so. She said not to worry Tommy would not let anyone hurt me. Then she added that in no time my tummy would begin to be filled and those butterflies would go away. I step out of the car and looked back at Rachel one more time. She smile, waved to me to go ahead and mouth I love you.

I walked through the door and saw tons of people. There were lots of men and women mingling around, loud music was playing, and I felt lost. I was thinking god I was in the wrong place. I began to hear my name being called. Thank god it was Tommy. He complimented me on hot I looked and took me by the hand. I was led through the bar feeling eyes on me as he lead me through the place to a door that said private party.

I entered the door with Tommy. I saw him close the door behind me, and froze, I began feeling bit more nervous again as saw nothing but men and a porn playing on the jumbo screen. They were playing pool, playing cards, playing darts, or just sitting at the bar. Then all of their eyes began to fall on me. I clutched the purse that my wife filled with lube and condoms tighter.

I felt an arm touch the small of my back, thank god it was Tom, and I felt better. He lowered his hand to my ass and grabbed it. He pushed me further into the room toward the bar. He asked if I wanted a drink. I sure did. I asked for something strong. I pounded the drink as Tom Placed a hand on my thigh. Someone came up to Tom and whispered something in his ear. He walked away and I watched him place a chair in the middle of the room.

They all began chanting "Tommy" " Tommy" as he walked over and sat in the chair. At that moment I knew what I was here to do. I lifted my head back pouring the rest of the drink down my throat. Getting up from the bar I seductively walked over to where Tom was sitting and got done on my knees. I place the hand bag under the chair and proceeded to begin.

While down on my knees I reached up and ran my hands up Tom's thighs all the way to the top of his trousers. I undid his belt and then pulled it completely off, I twirled above my head then dropped it to the ground. It got me a small cheer as everyone was watching. I began to undo his button top and pull down the zipper. I put my head between his leg and kissed his manhood through his undies. I reach up to pull his pants and undies down, to where Tommy lifted up so they slide off his ass and I pulled them down to his ankles. My face was still near his crotch where his cock popped out and hit me in the face.

I could now not hear or see anything else in the room as I placed a hand around his large member. It was a familiar feeling as I had sucked him many times before. I stroked his cock in my hand as I lower my head toward his cock. I looked up into his eyes as I opened my mouth and lower my lips around his head. As my lips engaged the head of his cock and I put my tongue underneath while I still looked him in the eye. When I saw him close his eyes I went all the way down his shaft. I knew Tom well and I knew with in few minutes I would be awarded with his hot seed. As true to his nature he shot a huge load down my throat just after a few minutes.

Soon as he got off of the chair someone else had taken his place. It must had been the best man as he was the same one that whispered in his ear. I began to blow him just as I did Tommy and was awarded with another large amount of cum which I swallowed. When he got up I looked around and found few other guys standing next to me with their cocks out in their hands stroking themselves. I reached out to the one on the right and then to the one on the left. I placed the one guy on my right into my mouth and sucked him. I would then alternated between the two. It had taken them much longer to cum in my mouth as I guessed I did not concentrate on only one at a time.

Now it began I had at least four guys around me stroking themselves. I reach out and grabbed two cocks in each hand. Then one guy stepped in close and pushed his cock in my mouth. He must have gotten himself worked up as when he started fucking my mouth and he shot his load only after few moments. After he pulled out he was replaced with another and soon I was being face fucked again. Another load was shot down my throat.

As I was down on my knees reaching out stroking any cock that was in my reach I was then surprised with a facial from someone on my left. Then soon after I felt another hot load shot onto my forehead and in my hair. Another one shot his load on my face which hit my eye. I leaned back and open my mouth and put my hands down as more guys jerked off trying to hit my mouth but got more on my face then in my mouth.

I was soon lifted up off the ground. I could not see who it was, but I heard my wife's voice. Natalie how is it going. Is it all that you dreamed of. I nodded yes as I wiped cum from my eyes. Good I want to see Tommy fuck you one more time. I was lead to the pool table and helped to bend over it. I felt a cold wet finger circle my rose bud. Then it entered me going deeper. Then it was removed. I heard the snap of a condom going on, and was soon feeling a head of a cock trying to enter me. I relaxed as it went in so effortlessly. I spread my arms out across the table trying to grab the felt fabric of the pool table without success, but I was given a surprise when I felt the cock go in balls deep. He fucked me slowly at first, then faster and faster. I was feeling the front of my panties getting cold and wet as this big long cock was making leak out my own seed.

I was fucked long and hard till I felt a warm feeling inside of me. Soon he pulled out and it was replaced with another one. I was fucked at least five more times bent over the pool table. I was then helped up off the table for one more show. I was presented a wine glass filled half way with the men's seed given to me by my wife. I took it willingly and placed it to my lips. I tipped the glass back letting the thick gooey cum fall over my lips and down my throat. I was again cheered on as I swallowed every drop.

Rachel handed me a towel to wipe my face and said it was time to go home. I tried to kiss her but she turned her face and said later. I was led away with applause as I headed out the back door with Rachel with one arm undermine saying how much she loved seeing me do that.

On the way home Rachel asked how much I enjoyed that. I said it was the best, She asked if I wanted to do that again. I said I would love too, with that she said I had been booked for the next four weekends to do the same thing. God I love Rachel.


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