Naked Student

By Richard Westgate

Published on Feb 4, 2007


This story is submitted for the Gay: College section.

This story is mostly fictitious and the names do not refer to any actual persons living or dead. The story is an original creation of the author and may not be reproduced in any format or arena other than the Nifty Archive, without express written permission of the author. This story contains descriptions of fictional sexual encounters between men. If you do not like such stories, don't read it. If you do read it, don't complain about being offended, you have been warned.

This story is second of a series of stories about naked adventures. The first is in the Adult-Youth section, entitled, "The Naked School Teacher". Stories to come at some time in the future are, "The Naked Innocent", "The Naked Model", "The Naked Runner."

Comments may be sent to the author at I will try to respond to helpful and constructive comments, though I will ignore anything abusive.

I've had several questions about other writing. I only have ONE other story on Nifty so far: The Naked School Teacher is in the Adult-Youth section at April 17, 2005. The other stories I mention above are written but not posted. Yet.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Richard.

Last episode: Charles Jokinen looked at me in the consternation of deflated lust. "Later," he whispered, and followed the Principal into the darkness.

I watched him disappear, then turned and walked up to my room. I flung myself face down on my bed, wallowing in thwarted desire.

I was, of course, fairly drunk and soon fell asleep. I dreamed of incredibly passionate lust and sexual intercourse. I awoke with a start thinking a naked Charles with a rampant horse-like cock was anally violating me in a public street. I found I was lying in pool of cooling uncomfortable cum. I crawled under the covers and slept fitfully until it was time to get ready for breakfast and the first classes of my new nude status.

Chapter 8: Naked in Class!

I awoke to the morning and my first day of regular classes while under my new `clothing ban'. Of course, most of the student body had seen me attend dinner last night naked. Sitting next to me in class while I was naked, however, might be a whole other thing.

In the dining hall, I picked up my breakfast and carried it to an empty table. My friends were nowhere in sight. I endured sarcastic comments, slaps to my bum, and flicks to my cock, so by the time I got to the table and sat down, I was once again boned.

I ate my breakfast with a determination not to let my feelings show, maintaining as cheerful a face as I could. I ran the gauntlet again on the way out, though this time my erection, which had not subsided, was now leaking copiously as usual. This of course prompted even more comments, "where's the umbrella?", "oh my God, it's the second flood!" and so on. Not very original. Nor witty. But then we were all engineering majors.

I picked up my books for the morning classes, and trudged out into the day and to my class. In the lecture hall, there were loud catcalls, and requests from various students to sit far away from them. One guy asked, "Jones, where's your towel?"

I blinked at him uncomprehendingly, "Towel?"

"Oh God, any self-respecting nudist knows you gotta bring a towel to sit on! Who's gonna want to sit on the seat after your naked ass has parked itself there for a few hours? Get a grip!"

It had never occurred to me! Still, in fairness, I wasn't a nudist. Far from it. I would have thought that I would rather die than be parading around like this in front of other people. I just hoped my parents never found out.

I picked up some paper towels from the bathroom, and sat down at the back of the hall. I pondered if this was why Douglas Adams' Hitch- Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy insisted, "Don't forget your towel!"

The day's classes were uneventful, since they were all classroom- based, so I could sit and only my bare chest revealed that I was in fact naked. My cock subsided under the desk and out of sight, much to my relief.

At some point during the day, by which time I had been back to my room and picked up an actual towel, a student sat beside me and passed me a note. It said, "My room. 8pm. 307. Tonite!" It was signed, `Tony.' I looked up at him. I knew who he was, and had written him off my social circle, as he was one of those flamboyant fag types. Weird clothes, spiky, coloured hair, makeup, piercings, the works.

"Forget it!" I whispered hoarsely. Oh, God, did this mean that every queer on campus was going to start hitting on me?

He leaned in to me while the professor was writing something on the blackboard. "Relax, honey, it's not your cock I want! If you are going to parade around starkers, you need some grooming advice. That's my department!" He grinned boyishly at me and cast his eyes lasciviously over my body.

"I have an away match tonight after classes."

"Right, you're the basketball star, I forgot. Well, come whenever you can, I don't go to bed early." He slipped away.

With a feeling of impending doom, I collected my kit bag, throwing everything out except my basketball shoes and a large towel, and trudged down to the gym to be ready for the bus.

The team was collecting just outside the gym where the bus would arrive. Jeers and wolf-whistles greeted my appearance. "Hey, Jones, how we gonna know which team ye're on?" and other brilliantly scintillating remarks.

When I climbed on board the bus, the driver said, "Ere, wait half a mo' sunshine, where d'you fink you're goin'?"

I stopped at the top of the steps. "I'm on the team," I stated flatly.

"And `ow come y' got no cloves on, den?"

"He's undergoing a punishment," stated an authoritative voice behind me. It was the coach.

The driver looked at him over my shoulder, "Okay, guv, any fink you say, but he gotta be careful ov my seats, if yer get me drift." He glanced down at my cock.

I pulled the towel out of my bag. "Okay if I sit on this?"

"There's me boy," he grinned, satisfied.

Torture though it was to walk around my own campus naked, it was absolute hell as a visitor to another school. Whereas my college was all male, and so far the only females to see my plight were the office and kitchen staff, this college was mixed, so there were as many women as men in the student body.

As the team got off the bus, and people began to catch sight of me, there were some squeals, screams, giggles and all manner of reaction. A crowd began to form around me as the word spread and we made our way into the basketball gym. The crowd got so thick the progress of the team was slowed to a crawl. Hands reached out to touch me. They touched absolutely every part of my body from my hips to my head. They shamelessly groped my penis and my balls. My nipples were pinched and pulled. Hands ran through the sparse hair on my chest. Some even ran their fingers deep into my arse, and fingered the hole.

I blushed crimson all over my body, and of course with all the attention being paid to it, my cock was rock hard and wet. Hands rubbed the slime all over the turgid beast and brought me to the edge of ejaculation within minutes.

The thought of having an orgasm in the midst of this crowd just about made my knees give way.

Finally we made it to the visitor's dressing room. The team got changed. They all looked at me in some wonder. "Gee, this crowd's really got the hots for you Davey!

I just concentrated on putting on my socks and basketball shoes, the only clothes I would have worn for almost two days.

I tried to hide within the crowd of my team as we made our way out to the gym for the start of the game. It was no use, the crowd cheered as they saw me cowering behind my teammates.

As the game got underway, I was so self-conscious of my semi-hard cock flapping against my thighs and my stomach, that it was difficult to concentrate on the game. Whenever I ran, the monster at my groin would elicit howls of appreciation from the girls and jeers from the guys. It was not made any better by the protests from the opposing team, as my pendulous penis flung great strings of slime all over them, "Oh, god, that's disgusting!" and, "Can't you control that pecker of yours?"

After the first period, in which we were trailing quite badly, the coach took me aside. "Jones, will you forget yourself for this game! Just concentrate on playing your game, you're letting the whole team down!" He used a lot more words than that, some of them quite colourful! But that was the gist.

I sat on my towel on the bench with a bottle of water and thought about my predicament. I came to the conclusion that he was right! Why couldn't I just play my usual game? "Fuck the fact that I'm naked," I thought. I didn't need to care what anyone thought. I most definitely did not ask for this, why should I let that fuck of a Principal spoil my game or our teams' record! I became a little angry as I thought about it. Perhaps a bit of anger was better than the shame and humiliation that I'd felt in the first part of this game?

In the second period, I concentrated hard on blocking my cock out of my thoughts, and deafening my ears to the crowds rude jeers and screams of erotic delight. I just played my game as if there was nothing unusual about being the only totally naked and boned-up player in a game with otherwise fully kitted players.

Gradually, as my mind-set took hold, we began to score and even to catch up a little on the other team. I became a demon, I was everywhere, my eyes were hyper-sensitized to locating my teammates and passing the ball, retrieving the ball and scoring.

By the final period, we were still down, so great had been the opponent's lead, but we were just about within catching distance. If I had played like a maniac before, I now re-doubled my efforts. I barely registered the fact that the jeers and lewd catcalls were being replaced by cheers of admiration and enthusiasm, notwithstanding the fact that nearly all the audience were supposedly rooting for the home team. I was sweating profusely, and with no clothing on, the sweat was flying off me in all directions as I chased up and down the court, or leaped high in the air to fling the ball over the heads and raised arms of the opposing team. Their cries of disgust had turned to shouts of alarm as they saw their lead evaporate in the face of my manic performance.

With about a minute to go, only a single point separated us. If we could get one more basket, we'd win by one point. If they scored, we'd probably not have time to catch them. I seized the ball and passed cross-court, and then I raced up on the outside to be in a scoring position. The ball was passed back to me, but the guy marking me was too quick and he leaped to intercept. As his hands closed on the ball, I leaped up behind him and neatly pushed the ball out of his fingers, higher into the air. Now it was in free fall. We both dropped to the ground as the ball sailed up and over my head. He jumped up behind me, intending to reverse the situation. Instead I stayed on the ground and ducked down low. He was disconcerted and missed the ball, which continued down to my waiting hands near the floor. I grabbed the ball and rolled backwards under his body as he sailed over me. Leaping up as high as I could, I flung the ball into a perfect drop in the net! The whistle blew as the ball fell to the floor!

I collapsed to the floor on my knees, raising my arms aloft in victory! The crowd went wild! My teammates went wild! They picked me up, wet and slippery though I was, and hoisted me onto their shoulders. "Don't fart!" admonished one of my bearers sternly!

"I promise," I panted, grinning down into his face. Then I looked up and waved to the crowd as we did our victory lap, shaking the hands of the other team players.

Later in the showers, both teams were all over me. Even the chagrined opponents were in awe of my performance. "What happened after that first period," someone enquired, "you seemed so embarrassed that I thought you would just flunk out."

"Well, I was embarrassed being the only naked guy in the place, what with all the comments and especially the girls, how would you feel?" I looked at my questioner, noticing how cute he was, and of course the old cock began to rise. Quickly I went on, "but I decided I wouldn't let it get to me, so I tried to put the fact that I'm naked out of my mind and just pretend it was a normal game!"

There was quite a crowd around me now, as everyone was listening to the exchange. The showers were going, guys were soaping themselves slowly as they listened. The steam was billowing in clouds around us. My muscles were starting to feel tired. As I talked, I was idly massaging my arms and my thighs.

"Why are you naked, anyway," asked the boy, "and how come the college authorities let you?"

So I began to explain the situation in which I found myself, starting with the `prank' pulled by my supposed friends, leaving out some of my adventures after the arrest in Egham, and then on to my attendance at classes as the only naked student, and finally on to tonight's performance.

The explanation took quite some time, and especially the opposing team members were completely engrossed in the tale. They kept interrupting with questions, "How did it feel with all those eyes on you in public?" "Why didn't you complain about the Principal?" and so on.

I felt hands on my shoulders massaging. I sighed a little as I spoke and leaned into it a bit. Someone else began to massage my bicep, and another took up the other arm. Before long the entire opponent team were sharing the massage of my entire body, as they soaped me down and rubbed all my sore muscles. The cute questioner in front of me began to massage my pecs and his hands wandered down to my abs.

My voice faltered as I relaxed into all these ministrations. The hands on my thighs ran up the insides and right up to the top, brushing my balls. My cock instantly jolted upright. They all laughed, "Wow, look at the size of that thing," giggled my cute abs- massager.

I looked down, "Yeah," I sighed. Then I drew a deep, gasping breath as one of the guys down below grasped my balls and gently pulled down. The cock wobbled and grew even bigger, more taut. I could feel the pre-cum flowing, but you could not see it in the cascade of water.

"Ah, guys," I faltered, "where are we going with this?"

"Are you complaining?" asked my cute friend.

"No," I sighed.

"Okay then," he stated as if that were that.

The guys all closed in, their own rampant erections now pressing against me. Their arms were all around me with their hands on every part of my body, my cock, my balls, several hands on my ass and in the crack, even fingers probing well soaped, into my hole. I was near to being delirious with lust. I hugged them to me, feeling their bodies, the smooth slick soapy skin. It seemed to me that my feet rose off the floor. I was reminded of the original `pass-back stripping' at the hands of the dinner line crowd. I had a momentary panic at the thought of possible consequences from this orgy scene. I wondered somewhere in the back of my mind what had happened to my own teammates. Were they still around, even participating in this?

But nothing, no misgiving, no fear of consequences, could stop the building erotic lust of the moment. Finally, the inevitable explosion came! I felt it building, and I relaxed all my muscles, as the other guys held me up, I consciously suppressed the orgasm until it was utterly impossible. The flood when it came was almost mind-numbing. I bucked like an unbroken horse, my cock uppermost as I lay in their arms. It spurted copiously and hard, shooting streams of cream high into the steamy water! As I came, I heard the others cumming too, their sperm shooting over my body. I reached around, lightly touching their ejaculating penis hoods, causing them to whimper in that painful pleasure when the penis is hyper-stimulated.

Finally, it was over and they helped me to stand on my feet. We all shared in washing each other off. As they began to leave, the cute instigator of the scene leaned in to me and kissed me hard on the mouth. Several wolf whistles could be heard.

Startled, I was hesitant about returning the kiss, but he was insistent, pushing his tongue inside to find mine. Our embrace became more passionate, and we grasped each other, hugging tightly while our tongues fought inside first one mouth and then the other. There was an electricity between us. Each touch of his mouth, each flick of his tongue, from every finger-tip as he embraced me, I could feel it.

It was erotic and stimulating. We both became erect again within a few seconds. The shower room had emptied out. Mine was the only shower presently running. His cock pushed under my testicles, penetrating between my thighs. I had never felt more horny than I did now! He pushed my back against the white tiles, grabbed my thighs and lifted me up, his chest pushing against mine. His cock, probing below, teased at my anus, finally penetrating it.

The sensation was ecstatic! Lowering me gently and slowing down, his turgid cock penetrated to its full length. After allowing my asshole to adjust and get past the pain, he began to gently bounce me up and down on his member. At the same time my cock, trapped between our bodies, was rubbed and rolled by our abs. I reached above me to grasp the pipe to the shower head, relieving him of some part of my weight. His motions became longer and slower, as he fucked me at a leisurely pace. I, with my hands clasped above my head, felt almost as if I were in bondage, helpless as he ravaged me!

It brought back, momentarily, the rape I'd suffered on the crowded sidewalk in Egham. Suddenly, thinking of that event, it turned from a memory of shame and humiliation into one of complete erotic lust! I quite unexpectedly found myself reveling in the vulnerability and the domination of this boy over my body. I surrendered in my mind to his every action. As these semi-coherent thoughts crossed my mind, my body must have responded in some indefinable way, because he became even more excited, his cock swelled incredibly within me, prompting my own cock to swell towards bursting proportions between us.

We both came violently and at the same time. He shooting high up inside me, and I shooting up between us, creaming us both in the hair and the face!

We finally emerged from the shower room exhausted, to be faced by the two teams, now mostly dressed. Brian's team, I had established at some point during our rut that his name is Brian, grinned knowingly at them all. I had also solved the mystery of why all these sports jocks had so joyously joined in with the orgy. They were in fact all members of the gay basketball team, officially the `B' team of the college.

My own team was another story. They stared at me with an uncomprehending look. Oh dear.

Nonchalantly I began to dry off and put my towel and shoes into my bag ready for the ride home.

On the bus I sat on a spare dry towel I'd brought for the purpose. I was the last on, as I was again mobbed by the girls who been in the audience. I had several slips of paper with phone numbers, but the only one I kept was Brian's. However, I held onto them all out of politeness until we'd driven off.

I sat on an empty seat. We'd only been at the college for a few weeks, and so far I had not made any real friends on the team. No-one spoke to me on the return trip, though I could hear a number of subdued conversations around me.

As we drew near to the college, passing through Englefield Green, a few of the guys called out to the driver to let them off at the Barley Mow, the local pub. He stopped and a few of the guys rose to leave, calling out to some of the others. Several guys declined, saying they had stuff to do. I was thinking of my upcoming visit to Tony's room for my `grooming.'

One of the guys, name of Tom, looked at me as he paused on the steps of the bus, "Jones, you coming?" He smiled kind of knowingly.

What the hell! I thought. "Okay, but just one beer, I have another appointment soon." I stood up, wondering just how I was going to get into the pub long enough to drink a beer! I was feeling reckless.

There was a cheer outside as I joined the half-dozen or so. They jostled around me as we walked, and that's when the conversation began. First they were overjoyed at my performance in the game, and second they were curious about my sexuality. I told them that I was `probably' gay, though I had never had much experience. Certainly, I told them, I had never done anything like what happened in the showers that night. I did not tell them about the fucking I received in the Egham High Street!

Somehow it seemed to put their minds at rest that I was not a rabid homo bent on sticking my cock up their asses! Though I had the distinct sense that one or two of them would like to stick theirs up mine! They seemed to deduce that I was not the initiator of sexual incidents, but rather the passive one who was carried along by the lust of others. Several gave me a calculating look when they thought I wasn't watching them.

The pub was quite crowded with students, who began cheering when they heard the result of the match. I was hemmed in on all sides by team members and by other students who all knew of my naked predicament and the orders from the Principal. They conspired to hide me within their numbers from the Publican. He was working alone tonight, so there was no-one to roam around the bar retrieving the empties. I was quite unable to drink only one beer, since the team and others insisted on buying round after round. This was fortunate, since I had as usual no money with me, an understandable omission with nowhere to put it!

I cannot drink very much beer without getting quite drunk and then ill. As I felt myself losing the battle both of my bladder and of my ability to think clearly, I excused myself and made a dash to the door.

Outside in the cool night air, I breathed deeply. Having no clue where my bag had gotten too, I started to trudge over the common towards the campus. At the first clump of trees, I turned off the path to pee. I lost myself in the relief of my straining bladder, and closed my eyes, standing almost trancelike while the piss flowed freely.

The hands gently brushing my buttocks nearly scared the bejeesus out of me! I jumped, splashing my bare feet. My heart racing, I turned my head carefully, unable to stop the flow of piss. Two local guys from the village were grinning at me. They were quite young, teenagers certainly, maybe a year or two younger than me. I'd seen them around the village on their bikes. They worked for the local butcher on Saturday morning, delivering roast beef joints to customers on those old-fashioned bikes with a big carrier on the front. I finished peeing and turned to face them.

They were cute, though dressed in fairly poor, ragged clothes. Their jeans were torn in very interesting places, and their skimpy tee- shirts were washed to the point of near-transparency, allowing their pert little nipples to tent the material.

"Er, hi!" I said faintly, feeling my cock starting to rise.

" `ello, mate," one of them said. The both grinned at me, turned to grin at each other and then both turned again and let their gaze shift down to my now semi-erect cock!

My eyes followed theirs down to my swelling member. Under our combined gazes it seemed to be swelling, straining against the skin as if wanting burst free!

"Wow!" said one of them.

"So, er wotcha naked for?" the other said, an innocent looking dirty blonde with light blue eyes. He was so skinny I could see his ribs through his worn tee shirt.

"Oh," I muttered, "it's a, um, a punishment."

"Some punishment!" he laughed, "sounds more like heaven to me!" He playfully ran his hand lightly along my cock. It responded by convulsing and oozing a large dollup of crystal slime that dropped on a thread to the ground.

"Wow!" said the other guy again.

"Are we gonna play?" asked the blondie. You sure look up for it!" We all three laughed.

"I ah, gotta get to an appointment," I said faintly, as I mentally drooled over these sexy, skinny kids.

"Awww, man!" said the other guy, looking almost like Blondie's twin, except he had darker hair. "You are sooo sexy, man!" he whispered huskily into my ear. "I just wanna be fucked by this thing," and he grasped my rod firmly at its base, as he seductively slid his hand up to the head and rolling his palm around the head speading the slippery pre-cum all over. My knees bucked, and I grabbed onto his shoulder for support. I closed my eyes and gasped.

", I, oh god! I have to go.." my will dissolving by the second, I started backing up. I bumped into something. Something soft and warm. I reached back and my hands encountered naked thighs! Looking back over my shoulder I saw Blondie, now as stark naked as me. His arms encircled my chest, fingers roaming to my painfully erect and eager nipples.

In a second the other guy flipped his tee up and off, a hand flicking at the buttons of his pants, which instantly dropped to the ground. Now, sandwiched between these two naked boys, my will to leave, well, left!

They led me to a soft mossy glade surrounded by thick bushes and trees. Their hands roamed my body as mine did theirs. Their bodies were surprisingly similar, slender I realized, not skinny. They could be athletes, slim yet strong with fine long muscles that rippled under their flawless white skin in the bright moonlight.

The sensations were unlike anything I had ever experienced. Their hands were gentle and stroked me as they would pet a cat. We lay on the soft warm moss, the warmth of their bodies a sensual counterpoint to the slight chill of the evening air. I lay back with the two on their sides, their hands roving over my stomach, my thighs, between my thighs, and oh god! Up beneath my scrotum. My balls tingled with anticipation and the almost-touch of their hands. My cock throbbed and bounced beckoning urgently to their fingers ^Ö `touch me, touch me!'

With four hands exploring my body and two sets of lips and tongues, I lost track of who was doing what. My arms were around their shoulders, lightly stroking them. Their names, it transpired were Tim and Tom. "The two-T's," Tim joked. He was the blonde one.

Tom giggled and said, "T-T's the teetties!" I laughed. They were in fact twins, though clearly not identical; they did look very much alike.

Tim pulled me over on my side so we were facing. Tom wrapped himself around my back, his hands fondling my nipples, and his long skinny cock probing inquisitively around my bum. I sighed in ecstasy.

My cock and Tim's were touching, sliding around each other's in their slickness. He kissed me long and deep, his tongue probing, darting around inside my mouth. The feeling was electric. His brother's cock was getting bolder and more insistent to penetrate me. My cock was thrusting at Tim, forcing its way between his legs. I could feel his tight little balls on the top of my shaft.

Tom began thrusting gently into me from behind. He did it slowly and painlessly. When he was buried to the hilt, he stopped. I could feel the scratchiness of his pubic hair on my bum. Tim turned over and pushed his rear into my groin, forcing my cock to slide into his crack. I gasped, and my hips involuntarily moved forward, pushing my rigid cock into his hole. Gently, as Tom had done, I pushed slowly. Tim arched his back and sighed. My arms wrapped around him and stroked his chest, his stomach and down to his thighs, fondling his hard penis and his tight balls. We gradually developed a slow rhythm. I pushed into Tim as Tom retracted from me. As I pulled out of Tim, his brother pushed into me. Our pace slowly increased until we were rutting violently in the mossy, moonlit clearing.

My hands were playing with Tim's cock and his hands rested gently on mine, guiding me into what he liked the best. The chain reaction came when Tom, thrusting harder and faster, gasped aloud, "Oh god, I'm coming!" And he pounded into my hole then stopped, buried as far as he would go. His cock swelled inside me and started pulsing. The feeling was wonderful, and it took me over the edge. I pounded into Tim, carrying Tom with me, and likewise I pumped my seeds into him. At that moment, Tim came, spouting great gobs of semen out onto the soft mossy ground.

We lay for untold time, panting and reveling in the warmth of each other. Slowly, of their own accord, our cocks wilted and deflated. I felt completely at peace and could have cheerfully slept there for the night. All three of us shivered at the same moment. We laughed and began to disentangle ourselves. I gave them my room number and told them to drop by sometime. They looked at each other then at me, "You bet!" they said in unison.

When I got back to the college, I ran up to Tony's room and knocked on the door. It opened immediately. "Hey, I thought you'd stood me up!" he said, " What time do you call this, sweetheart?"

"Sorry, I got, er diverted," I mumbled.

"I can see that! You're a mess!"

I looked down at my body, it was streaked with dirt and green moss. "Oh, yah, sorry. What time is it, anyway?"

"It's after midnight, honey."

"Oh, sorry. Shall I come back another time?"

He sighed, "No, no, come in, I'm a late bird anyway, I told you." I stepped into his room, noting the massage table in the middle. He stood there, wearing only underwear and sized me up. "Okay, I think a shower is in order. Here's a towel," he threw a thick white towel towards me.

I took my shower down the hall at the showers on his floor. When I returned, Tony was all set up. He was now wearing nothing at all! His lights were out and many candles were flickering around the room. I stopped in the doorway.

"Don't worry, come in!" he said, "I told you I don't want your body, well not for tonight, anyway!" I entered the room, closing the door behind me, dropping the towel on his washstand.

"Lay down here, face up," he commanded. I lay down on the massage table. He ran his hands over my chest, somehow checking me out. "Okay," he said, "we need to tidy you up if you are going to be naked all the time!"

"Hopefully not ALL the time!" I grinned weakly.

"We'll see," he winked at me. He took a pot of something with a wooden spatula like a tongue depressor, and began smoothing some warm substance on my chest.

"What's that?"

"Just some warm wax," he said, smoothing it out. He then lay a strip of cotton over top of the wax, and pressed it down firmly. "Now this may sting just a tad, so take a deep breath. Now!" And with that, he peeled the cotton strip off, pulling out my sparse chest hairs with it!

"Ahhhh!" I yelled, but in a second it was all over, and he pressed his fingers down onto the now hairless strip of skin, and it felt comforted, the pain fading fast.

"If you had a full, lush chest of hair, this wouldn't be necessary," Tony explained, "but yours is very patchy and uneven. Also the colour is kinda mousy, so it doesn't show off very well, it just looks ^Ö untidy." And so he proceeded to apply the wax, remove the hair with the cotton strip. I got used to the pain, and truthfully, it wasn't so bad after two or three. He removed all the hair from my chest, around my nipples, and then moved down to my belly-button. I looked down fearfully.

"Down here I'm only going to trim you a bit," he said. He lay the wax strips down from my navel to the start of my bush, and removed the hair leaving a narrow strip of hair in the middle. "Your Treasure Trail," he announced proudly. I sighed in relief, not at all as bad as I feared. I sighed too soon.

Tony took some clippers and proceeded to give a me a haircut around my pubic region. To do so, he had to handle my cock and balls to get them out of the way. Naturally I responded as I always did, and was soon rock hard.

"Boy, this baby wants it!" he joked

When he was satisfied with the trim, he resumed the waxing, and reduced the prolific, unruly bush to a neat small patch of hair above my cock and joined to the treasure trail. He then lathered up my balls and shaved them totally bald. I was so turned on by this that I began to leak yet again.

After cleaning up my balls, he said, "Okay, now pull your knees up to your chest and hold them there. I did so, and felt very vulnerable and exposed. I had never before been in the position of pulling my ass apart so someone could have a complete view of my bum hole. Then, oh god! He started applying the wax right in my ass crack! I started to protest. "Don't worry, it's just hair around your hole ^Ö it doesn't grow on your pucker, so relax."

It wasn't even any more painful than the rest had been. When he had gotten all the hair there, he began to spread the wax on the perineum ^Ö that tender place between the balls and the anus. When he ripped the strips off, I yelled blue murder! "This is a little more painful!" he announced helpfully. But it was over in seconds, and I breathed another sigh of relief. Again too soon!

He moved to my underarm hair next. Now this was also painful, but not as painful as the perineum. "Hmmm," he commented, "most people find this the worst bit, but you don't seem to mind so much." By the time he got to the hair on my head, I was too tired to pay much attention to what he was doing. He didn't ask how I wanted it cut, but seemed to have his own definite idea. I just let him do what he wanted, and dozed in the chair.

Finally it was all over and he gave me a rub down with some aromatic substance, in all the areas where he'd waxed me. "Now go shower, and later take a bath with this," he handed me a packet of Epsom Salts.

By the time I'd got done, it was almost two o'clock. I crashed in bed and fell instantly asleep.

Next: Chapter 8

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