Naked Student

By Richard Westgate

Published on Jan 15, 2007


This story is mostly fictitious and the names do not refer to any actual persons living or dead. The story is an original creation of the author and may not be reproduced in any format or arena other than the Nifty Archive, without express written permission of the author. This story contains descriptions of fictional sexual encounters between men. If you do not like such stories, don't read it. If you do read it, don't complain about being offended, you have been warned.

This story is second of a series of stories about naked adventures. The first is in the Adult-Youth section, entitled, "The Naked School Teacher". Stories to come at some time in the future are, "The Naked Innocent", "The Naked Model", "The Naked Runner."

Comments may be sent to the author at I will try to respond to helpful and constructive comments, though I will ignore anything abusive.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Richard.

The Naked Student

Chapter 1: In the Days of My Youth.

I woke up to boys when I was eight. My brother, as usual, was told, "Take David with you and keep an eye on him!" So here I was, tagging along with Terry, five years older than me with half-a-dozen of his friends.

We lived at the edge of Hastings, a small town on the English Channel. One side of our road was houses, but the other side was farmland and woods. As a kid, I spent an idyllic childhood playing in Coghurst Woods.

This day the boys seemed especially rambunctious, and when they picked up Ken at his house they immediately took hold of his arms and frog-marched him up the street.

"What're they doing?" I asked Terry.

"Ken made us mad and we're gonna kill him!" replied my thirteen-year-old brother.

My jaw dropped, "Really?" I said all gullibility and innocence.

"Nah, not really," Terry confessed, "but we're gonna make him pay." I trotted up the street behind the lynch mob, curious to see what would happen.

When we reached the nearest field out of sight of the road, they lay poor Ken down on the ground. I stood goggle-eyed watching.

"Take his trousers off," said my brother. Like a bolt of lightening I felt my gut tighten. YES! I wanted to see this! I watched without breathing while they loosed his belt and began to undo his fly-buttons.

One by one, the buttons popped on his grey flannel trousers. His shirt came un-tucked and spread untidily out from his waist. I could see his belly button. Ken struggled frantically and though he was quite small and skinny, it took one boy on each limb to hold him down. He was yelling and screaming and crying. Tears and snot mingled on his sweaty face.

They ignored his cries.

Finally all his buttons were open and his underwear was showing. I moved in closer to see what would happen next. I became aware that I desperately wanted them to completely remove his trousers, and maybe his underwear too.

They started tugging at the sides of his trousers, so that they descended down his thighs. His shirt was riding higher up his body, now completely exposing his chest. His underwear was a pair old-fashioned 1950's off-white cotton boxer shorts with a button less fly. The fly enticingly gapped a bit. I held my breath craning my neck to see what was inside, but in vain.

With his trousers down to his knees, Ken was now sobbing inconsolably, yet I felt no pity for him, I just wanted to see his thing! I would give anything, ANYTHING to see it. I did not stop then to wonder why I felt this way, but then I was only eight.

Now they turned their attention to his underwear, and began to pull ever-so-gently down, so that they began to reveal more of his abdomen. He had no hair yet, and I was completely mesmerized by the sight of the growing expanse of white skin leading down to --- oh god, hurry up!

"Okay, that's enough," said my brother, " let him go."

What? Let him go? No, no, no! Keep going, take them all the way off! I wanna see, I wanna see! Oddly, looking back, the other boys obeyed my brother without question.

I stared at the scene. Ken, all tears and runny nose, cursing and swearing at his tormentors, struggling to get his trousers up, tucking in his shirt, "a person can have a heart attack like that," he yelled. I could not believe that so close to the ultimate goal, I could be denied my look at another boy's private parts.

I never forgot that scene, and I never forgot my intense disappointment at the anti-climactic outcome. Chapter 2: Naked in the Night!

Some time after this incident I became interested in getting naked myself. I would take my pajamas off in bed and wriggle under the sheets, delighting in the feeling of naughtiness, and the sheets rubbing against my skin.

One day I got the idea to climb out of my bedroom window to stand naked out in the open night air. Since I shared a room with my brother, I could only do this on evenings when he was out, so this didn't start happening until I was around eleven. He was sixteen by then and was allowed to go out with friends or girlfriends, so I had the room to myself and could jump out of our bungalow bedroom window without anyone knowing.

I would run around our back yard as far as I dared. I became bolder as time went on, and I even went to the very back of our garden that bordered onto a farmer's field. I was a bit nervous that neighbours on either side could see me, but I kept a lookout for the lights in their houses. It didn't occur to me that someone could be looking out of a darkened window!

Eventually I got bold enough to go a little way up the side of the house between our house and the house next door, passing my sister's bedroom window. Younger than me, she should be fast asleep and not looking out, but I always stared hard at her window to make sure! Then I watched the windows of the house next door like a hawk to see if anyone would peer out at the young naked boy next door with the painfully erect penis!

I never got caught, or even seen. As far as I know!

One day I was alone in Coghurst Woods, and I decided to take every stitch of clothing off, hide them and run naked around in the woods. It was a bright hot sunny day. I ran down a pathway surrounded by tall grasses and trees, reveling in the feeling of the warm sun kissing my skin and the cool wind stroking me gently over every square inch of my naked body. As I bounded out into a clearing, I was stunned to find a poisonous snake curled up directly in my path, sunning itself, oblivious to the pounding naked child bearing down on it at a full tilt! It was an Adder, the only poisonous snake in the British Isles, sometimes known as the Viper, and distinguished by the prominent "V" marking on its head.

I could not stop. I was going way to fast! So I jumped in absolute panic and sailed right over the curled up form, almost expecting it to rear up and bite my balls as they sailed exposed and vulnerable over its head! But it didn't move or show any sign that it even knew I was there!

My heart pounding painfully in my chest from exertion and fright, I decided to return immediately to find my clothes and go home. Easier said than done! I had to find another way around. No way was I jumping back over the snake! This involved going out onto the main trail instead of the narrow animal path I had come down. Other people were around and I hid in the underbrush until they passed, suffering the bites of irritating little insects. It was a long time before I did this again!

One day, roaming the woods with the younger brother of my best friend, and wearing nothing but a pair of baggy shorts slung low on my hips. I got horny from our rough and tumble play. I pulled myself up on a branch, dangling with my feet off the ground. "No pulling shorts down!" I yelled at my companion, who of course immediately yanked my shorts off, leaving me dangling with a rock hard boner that was dripping like a leaky tap! He ran off laughing like a drain, taking my only article of clothing with him!

I hung there for a while, feeling unbelievably exposed and horny as hell, wanting -- I don't know what I was wanting - I just knew there was something. Then my predicament hit me! I'm naked, half a mile from home. It's broad daylight, and Michael has run off with my shorts! What the hell was I going to do?

So I did the only thing I could, I ran as if pursued by the devil to catch him up and get the shorts back!

Being so interested in getting naked, you might imagine that I was quite open and comfortable with my body. But actually, the opposite is true. Apart from a few kids who played naked games with me, I was completely petrified of anyone else seeing me. If my parents even suspected that I liked to be naked, I thought I would die of shame, or the universe would come to a calamitous end! I don't know why I thought that way, but that's how I was.

Getting changed on the beach was an exercise of extreme complexity for me as a child. My mother would have to hold an enormous towel around me while I fumbled endlessly to remove my pants and don my swim trunks, or vice versa. If I thought there was the tiniest chance of anyone catching the slightest glimpse of those secret and shameful bits and pieces down there, I'd scream bloody murder! Looking back on it, I was probably certifiably, pathologically paranoid about my body.

All the more strange, then, that I would be so interested in being naked outdoors where no-one could see me, and was so fascinated with the idea of secretly seeing other boys naked.

By the age of thirteen or fourteen, I was having rigid, almost painful erections, seemingly without cause. I would leak conspicuous amounts of pre-cum, so much that my underwear would be soaked and had my school pants not been black, would have shown my shame to all and sundry.

Oddly, I never discovered masturbation. Or perhaps it would be truer to say that I had this deeply ingrained idea that to touch my dick and play with it was so dirty, disgusting and shameful, that it never really occurred to me to try to do anything to relieve that surging, pulsating purple rod between my legs!

The very first time I even heard of the activity that I later came to know as masturbation' happened with my friend Chris and his younger brother. We were lying together in the long grass behind a hedge-like row of bushes bordering the road and directly opposite my house. It was late on a summer evening, which meant that it was still light and would be until long after we'd all gone to bed. Playing our usual truth or dare' games, I was lying there with my shirt pulled right up and my pants down, exposing my still pre-pubescent little member. Michael was relaying some conversation he'd had with kids in his class. One of their older brothers had told them about masturbation. Michael said, "You move it up and down." We all looked at the nearest convenient penis and I looked at him and nodded.

So he took my penis into his finger and thumb and began to move the skin up and down. This went on for a few minutes, until I had a curious sensation. It wasn't really like the need to pee, but I had nothing to compare it with, so I said, "Wait a bit, I gotta pee." I leaned over a bit and waited, but nothing came out. So I rested back on my side, and said, "Oh, there's nothing there." Michael was all set to continue, but just at that moment my mother called from across the street that it was time to go in. She couldn't see us, but knew approximately where we were. I yelled back that I was coming, and that was the end of the only masturbatory experience I had until I was sixteen.

One night, I jumped out the bedroom window of our small bungalow with the idea that tonight I was going to push all my limits! A spirit of complete recklessness was upon me. My parents were at the local pub. My brother out on a date, and my sister in my charge, was asleep. I hopped out the window into our long backyard. It was late, pitch dark except for the stars overhead and the distant glow of the town in the valley behind us. Tonight I was going to marry together my two naked worlds. I was going to run naked around the house, across the main road and into the woods on the other side. This would be by far the most daring, and in my mind, dangerous thing I had attempted.

I landed on the ground, cock already at full attention and beginning to leak. I could feel the wetness flicking onto my thighs as I moved. The feeling of my rigid cock swaying from side to side, and the cool breeze on my totally naked body was delicious.

I carefully walked past my sister's bedroom window, straining to see in the darkness if she was standing there looking at me! Then I crept silently between our house and next door, again checking their darkened windows to see if their daughter Tessa, who was my age, or God forbid, her parents were watching the young horny naked teenager creeping towards the street.

Nobody, so far as I could tell, was watching. I stood at the corner of my house, contemplating the front garden. We had a long exposed garden between the street and the house. You had to climb six steps up from the sidewalk to a gate set in the middle of a hedge that screened the house and the garden from street view. Until I reached the gate I would be completely hidden from view, however, I would be completely exposed to the two houses on either side. Alternatively, I could use the driveway of the house next door. Their drive sloped down from the house level directly to the street with no steps. I would be hidden on both sides by hedges and as it dropped deeper, it formed a dark canyon. But I would be quite visible to anyone in that house who might look out.

I also studied the road. It was late, though stupidly I had not checked the exact time. I was just led on by the straining purple head bobbing in front of my waist. The road was not really busy, but every so often cars passed in either direction. I could see up the winding hill to the west for about half a mile, so I could easily evade cars coming down. Unfortunately, the road to the east was blocked by a fairly large building a couple hundred yards away, so I would have no warning of cars coming up from that direction until I could get out into the road and see around the building, by which time it might be too late to avoid being seen.

It never did occur to me that the reaction of most people to the sight of a fourteen year-old horny teenager running naked across the road in the middle of the night would probably be laughter more than horror or outrage. I think I imagined I'd be sent to Borstal, the 1950's British version of juvenile prison.

So I stood there contemplating my options, agonizing over the safest route to the road, and goaded on by the throbbing of my penis. I looked down at it. It bobbed slightly in time with my heartbeat. The glistening clear liquid was now a constant stream running off the end like a spider's silken thread, connecting my cock to the ground.

I made up my mind. I'd run across our lawn to the gate in the middle of the hedge. From there I could see up the road and see the headlights of cars getting closer from the downhill direction. I'd time my run so I could easily make it right across, and I'd be hidden by those hedges.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped out from the shadow of my house and onto the cool grass, ready to make a dash.

Sadly for me, had I but thought to check the time, or had I stopped to think that the hedge that hid me from the street also hid any car that actually pulled up in front of our steps, then what happened next would not have occurred!

My body was leaning forward in the take-off mode and I was very nearly at the point of no return, when with absolutely no warning, my mother's head appeared above the gate as she rose to the top of the front steps!

My headlong flight was instantly checked. My heart thudded loudly inside my chest as if to burst. I stood immobilized fully in view and stared at her in dismay. Fortunately for me, she was looking down at her feet to safely ascend the steps in the darkness. My cock deflated in record time and I about faced, racing to get around the house and back into bed before my Mother had time to do what she always did whenever she got back home after a night out. She was going to check on me first!

It was lucky that she was looking down to navigate the steps in the darkness, otherwise she would have to see me standing naked, erect and dripping. A ghostly figure in the low street lights. But as it was, I fled around the house, all caution thrown to the winds, not caring if anyone next door was watching. I hurled my body through the open window and onto my bed that was right below it. No time to get my pajamas on, just slip below the covers and pretend to be asleep, trying to keep my heaving chest and rasping breath from giving me away!

No sooner was I settled, than I heard the bedroom door open and could sense my Mom peering in on me. The window was wide open, but then it was a warm night. The door closed again gently. I was safe!

I never tried that particular adventure again!

Next: Chapter 2

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