Naked Scott

By Timothy Cassen

Published on May 23, 2020


I observed Scott. Buns swaying, eyes shut tight, hand sliding up and down his engorged cock. He continued saying the line I had taught him: "I'm keeping my eyes closed, my cock hard, and my bubble buns moving..."

He became aware of my eyes boring into him and his cock gained new life. It grew and thickened in his hand and he began to moan through his words. He was humiliated, yet turned on just the same.

His buns twitched as they moved, as if trying to anticipate a surprise touch, or maybe another hard slap from me.

This inspired him to sway a bit faster. His creamy, round backside bounced and wiggled in an even more seductive way.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Scott?" I asked from behind him.

He perked up at hearing my voice. "Y-yes, sir...I'm enjoying myself." I loved how he always sounded appropriately guilty when answering me, as if his arousal was something he needed to at least appear ashamed of.

"You'd do this all night if I wanted you to, wouldn't you, Scott?"

"Yes...yes, of course," though he grimaced a bit. The idea clearly unsettled him as he questioned whether I might actually order him to do it.

"I like the way you're moving your ass, but keep it nice and slow on your dick. You're not allowed to cum yet, are you?"

"No, sir."

"Tell me."

No, sir...I'm not allowed to cum yet..."

He spread his legs further and continued swaying, his ass moving seductively back and forth. His hand slid up and down his shaft, deliberately slow.

"What were you saying, Scott? I didn't mean to interrupt you."

He heaved a sigh. When would I let him stop? "I'm keeping my eyes closed, my cock hard, and my bubble buns moving...I'm keeping my eyes closed..."

I watched, patiently sipping my wine. I was amused by Scott's struggle to do as I said and maintain his self-control.

I couldn't keep my hand off my own cock as I took in the sweet alcohol. I squeezed and felt the moisture seeping through my jeans.

Being watched by me was putting Scott's body at full sexual attention. He was pinching the head of his penis a bit too hard now. Sneaking faster strokes on his shaft in between the slower ones.

I knew he couldn't hold out much longer. He wasn't used to controlling himself like this and he was about to drive himself over the edge.

I waited for his moans to rise to a crescendo. That was when I reached between his legs and squeezed his balls.

He gasped in surprise and discomfort. "Easy there, boy," I said, "You know the rules."

I stood up behind him. With one hand cupped around Scott's balls, I pulled his own hand from his cock and positioned it back behind his head.

I took the blindfold from my hoodie pouch and ran it over his bare shoulder. "And what do I need to do now, Scott?"

Scott knew he needed to be blindfolded, but that was not the first thing on his mind just then.

I had just put a stop to what would surely have been a very satisfying orgasm, and Scott was still reeling from the interruption.

I held his hands behind his head firmly with both hands. He was rock hard and thrusting his dick into the air helplessly. He moaned, almost whimpered.

An impressively long strand of pre-cum oozed down from the slit of his engorged cockhead and onto the carpet. "No, no sir, please, I have to-," there was genuine desperation in his voice.

"That's enough, Scott," I said quietly, "tell me what I need to do now."

His desire to cum was driving him crazy. I held fast, refusing to release him. "I have to cum, sir, please...I can do it again later...please just let me-."



I brought a big, broad hand right down on his naked, struggling ass. Hard. The sound resounded through the apartment, making the cabinets vibrate.

Scott's body arched forward. He clenched his cheeks and went up on the balls of his feet.

My hand came down full on his oily buns once again. Smack!

"RRMF," he groaned through clenched teeth. It was harder, louder than the last one.

The hard impact with his naked, vulnerable flesh sent an immediate and electrifying jolt to my groin.

It appeared to have done the same for Scott. His hardon was massive.

He twisted out of my grip and stumbled forward, planting his hands on the wall above the coffee table to steady himself. His body trembled as he struggled to catch his breath.

His buttocks were already turning bright red with my hand prints. They quivered like jello.

He was heaving from the intensity of it all. We had discussed this via email and he told me he was willing to be spanked, even wanted to be. These, however, had been punishment spankings, the intensity of which had clearly caught him off guard.

I decided to give him a minute. I went to the refrigerator and got myself a bottle of water.

After gulping the whole thing down greedily, I brought a bottle to Scott. His hands were still pressed against the wall and he was hiding his face in his shoulder.

With my powerful hand I held his stubble-covered chin and turned it toward me. I put the bottle to his lips. His face was stricken as he drank in heavy gulps. I saw a hot tear run down his cheek.

He tried to pull away before finishing the bottle, but I held the back of his head and made him take the whole thing. "All the way down, Scott...good boy, drink it all down."

He flinched when I squeezed his shoulder. My palm still stung pretty badly from impact with his ass, so I could only imagine how he must be feeling.

"I made myself completely clear, didn't I, Scott? I gave you clear instructions and you disobeyed me, didn't you?"

"Yes, sir," he said quietly. His face was hidden from me.

"And what happens when you don't obey me? What happens to your bubble buns when you don't listen to me?" His body shuddered beneath my touch.

"When I disobey buns get spanked...spanked hard..."

"That's right. You knew that, didn't you? And now you know how hard my spankings can be."

I trailed my fingertips lightly over the wide curve of his ass. He was boiling hot where I struck him.

At twenty-eight I am tall and husky. I did throwing sports in high school and college. I am a big guy and pretty damn strong.

"When are you allowed to cum, Scott?"

He sniffled sorrowfully, his face as red as his ass. I believed the most difficult thing for him to bear in that moment was not the pain of being spanked, but the degradation of it.

"When...I'm allowed to cum when you give me permission, sir..."

My fingertips grazed the surface of his burning backside. I made light circles over the round swell of his quivering cheeks. This serves as a kind of massage for someone who has just received a hard spanking.

I saw him lift a hand and wipe his eyes. He cried silently, the way men tend to cry. From pain, humiliation, frustration, or likely a harsh combination of the three.

Now the tone of my voice changed and I spoke to him honestly. "Listen...this doesn't have to continue tonight if you don't want it to. If it's getting to be too much, if you want me to get you your clothes then I'll-."

"I'm sorry," he spoke up suddenly. Still facing the wall, I could tell he was fighting his emotions hard. "I'm sorry I disobeyed you, sir, and I..." he clenched his jaw and drew in his breath, "it won't happen again..."

I said nothing, but felt my spirits rise. I was relieved, yet somehow amazed that he wanted things to continue. That this sexy naked man was allowing me to use him like this. That he had all but begged me to do so days before.

"I need to be blindfolded now, sir," he said, still hiding his face. Any rebellion that may have been in him seemed to be gone. He was completely submissive once more.

I continued to trail my fingers lightly over his ass where I spanked him. "You're a good boy, aren't you, Scott?"

He swallowed. "I'm a good boy, sir."

It took me a moment to snap back into my authoritative role. "That's right...I need to blindfold you now. And why do I need to do that?"

"So that (sniff) that I can focus on what I'm feeling and what you're doing to my body..."

Watching him leaning against the wall, completely exposed, the excitement of what we were doing began to rise in me once more. "And you want me to blindfold you, don't you, Scott?"

"Yes, sir."

I guided him away from the wall, back toward the center of the room. I felt a delicious new sadism awakening within me.

"Hands behind your head. Spread your legs nice and wide...wider, Scott." I knocked my shoe against his shins so he positioned his feet far apart.

I drew in a deep, satisfying breath. A carnal tingle went through my body. "Tell me, Scott...tell me how badly you want it."

If he really wanted this to continue, I figured it was time for him to prove it.

He sniffed again, though I could tell he too was getting excited. "Please blindfold me, sir...I want you to blindfold me."

There was more life in his voice now, but he still sounded a bit dejected. I felt he could do better than that.

"Show me," I demanded. I tapped his thigh as I'd done many times before. "Move these round, spankable buns for me if you truly want it, Scott...they're a very nice shade of red, now."

Scott started moving his hips back and forth. Slowly as I'd commanded him to before. Too slowly.

I planted my hands on each of his thighs and drew him back so that his ass was touching the denim of my straining hardon.

"Move faster," I said.

He shifted his hips more quickly. From side to side they rubbed back and forth against my jeans and the thick, throbbing tube of my cock.

He sucked in his breath through his teeth. Clearly this did not feel particularly good on his still-tender flesh.

He gritted his teeth, making sounds of "MMF," "OOMF" and "RRF" as his stinging cheeks made swift contact with my groin.

Now I was heaving, as well. My cock was growing harder every time his ass slapped against it.

As, for that matter, was his.

"I don't know, Scott," I said through gasps, swallowing down about a half a cup of drool. "I'm really not buying it. I don't think you want it badly enough." I tried to sound unimpressed by his efforts even as he was about to make me cum in my pants.

Scott drew in another breath and groaned. Almost growled. Keeping his feet firmly in place, he began to thrust his buns around more wildly than ever.

It became a frantic dance as they jiggled and bounced. Thrashing from side to side, forward, backward, moving his hips in circles. He spanked himself on my cock.

His sore ass thundering against me and I myself began to make uncomfortable "OOF" sounds as those jiggling globes punished my hardon, making it harder still every time we made contact.

Soon I could feel the dampness of oil from his ass through my jeans. All I could do was push myself further into the action. If I came right then, so be it.

"Tell me," it was me who couldn't stop moaning now.

"Please blindfold me, sir," he pleaded, "please, please- RMMF- I really want it sir. I want it so badly OOF. I need to be blindfolded, sir, please!"

At last I commanded him to stop.

I took a step back to calm myself down. I allowed Scott to catch his breath. He bent down to rest his hands on his knees. His buns were even brighter now, blushing like the broad side of a peach.

His back and shoulders gleamed with perspiration. I was quite sweaty myself under my clothes and was beginning to feel too hot in my hoodie.

Scott was still panting as I fitted the band of the sleep mask around his head and positioned it over his eyes.

"Can you see anything?" I asked.

He turned his blindfolded head to the sound of my voice, then turned it the other way. "No, sir."

I believed him. He looked fantastic with my black sleep mask covering his eyes. Naked, blindfolded, and glistening with sweat.

Much as I loved looking into his beautiful blue eyes, having them covered drew more attention to his mouth. To its pink fullness and the way it hung open. Make it look all the more alluring, all the more kissable.

Taking advantage of the situation, I leaned in and surprised him with one more deep, passionate kiss. Tasting him was becoming addictive.

I could still feel in him the resistance to the sensation of kissing a man. Only when I commanded him to did he open his mouth wider to accept me deeper into him. Yet open he did. He wrapped his hands around my back and squeezed as we kissed.

As much as I loved having him blindfolded, I knew one thing was still missing.

"Now, Scott, we need to get you completely oiled up, don't we? Every last inch of your body." He nodded, heaving from being so intimately violated by my tongue. "Yes, sir."

Last time, I had oiled his tight, sexy body with my own hands. Now, I thought we would do things a little differently.

I guided his hands and wrapped them around the bottle. "You know what to do with this, don't you?"

He swallowed, "yes, sir."

It was quite late now and I was feeling drunk with wine, drunk with fatigue, drunk from so much emotional and sexual exertion.

I repositioned myself on the couch to have a bit of a rest. Scott surely needed it worse than I did, but I wasn't going to grant him that privilege just yet. It was too enjoyable to watch him in action.

Scott drizzled oil on his arms and rubbed it in as though applying sunscreen. Then he squeezed a nice, big pool into his cupped hands and ran them over his chest. His chest hair grew dark and matted to his body as he combed through it with his fingers.

"Make sure you get it everywhere, Scott," I said, "be very thorough."

"Yes, sir."

"Get those nice, pink nipples, too. Make them hard."

Scott pressed into his nipples the same way I had earlier. Rubbing and pinching at them until they stood erect once more.

Blindfolded as he was, he made occasional, awkward shifts, trying to face me or perhaps face away from me.

He blushed to remember that my eyes were always on him, but his cock was completely hard. It bobbed around as he moved.

A gold-tinted gleam appeared on his stomach as he ran his oily hands up and down it like a washboard. One stray finger slid and probed into his navel as my own had done. His stomach muscles jumped.

The sensation of lubing his own body must have been quite an experience for Scott. I didn't peg him as the type to have explored himself sexually much in the past.

With his sight taken away, there was nothing left but to feel his own body awaken beneath him as he caressed and groped himself.

I demanded he rub oil on his ass once more as much of it had rubbed off on the front of my jeans earlier. He made more noises of discomfort. "Be thorough, Scott," I commanded, "Your buns look more amazing than ever after your spankings. Squeeze them...I know it hurts, but squeeze." He did as I said, grimacing at the pain, yet the effect on his cock was all the proof I needed that he was enjoying it.

"Up into your hole as well," I said, "use a finger. Get it nice and slick for me."

I loved how embarrassed he looked to hear me talk about his hole. He made an "aah" sound as his own oily finger slid up inside of him.

"All the way up your tight, pink hole, Scott. Loosen yourself up. Move it up and down inside of you." I said this knowing how crazy it had driven him to be fingered by me the last time. I felt it important that he become familiar with his body and all its erogenous zones.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before his mouth was hanging open and he was exhaling audible sighs of pleasure.

This was followed by a look of sudden apprehension. He removed his finger gingerly from inside himself. He was surely afraid it would drive him too close to orgasm and he knew what the consequences had been last time.

"It's alright, Scott," I said, "you're doing fine. You may oil your cock and balls now." My voice dropped dangerously. "But you know the rules."

"Yes, sir."

He squirted more oil into his hands and began to oil his long shaft, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. Slowly and delicately, wanting to make sure I didn't think he was trying to jerk himself off.

Once he'd lubed up everything on his body he could reach, I rose and went to him.

"Give me the bottle. Hands behind your head. Buns facing me. Clench them together tight and stand straight."

Scott did as he was told, repositioning his hands and rolling back his shoulders to stand like an army recruit. He clenched his cheeks hard so they were two firm, round melons, as red as his face.

I took the bottle of oil and covered his back in streaming liquid. I ran my hands over it, up and down the nice v-shape, covering the taut globes of his ass and down the back of his legs.

It was thrilling to touch and explore his body once again, and suddenly I wondered why I'd been letting him have all the fun.

I trailed my hands down his chest and over his stomach, admiring the work he'd done on himself. I squeezed the shaft of his cock.

"Aaah," he moaned, almost bellowed in fact. An impressive store of pre-cum oozed out from his slit and onto my waiting fingers. My other hand slid up and down his shaft. I stroked and squeezed, wanting to tease out every last bit of juice that I could until my fingers were slick and gooey with the stuff.

At last, every last inch of him was oiled and gleaming. It was a fantastic sight to behold.

We had turned him into a shining, naked sex god under the overhead light of my living room. "You look good, Scott," I said, giving him a fraternal clap on the back. "You should be proud, you look like a true sex slave now."

Blindfolded and naked as he was, he tried to smile appreciatively, though his face was red as a tomato.

As always, it was his cock that gave him away. It flexed with a mind of its own, producing yet another bead of pre-cum.

This reminded me of the fact that during our first encounter, he had denied to taste his own spooge after shooting a nice, hot load into my mouth.

I swore I would not allow him to pass up the opportunity again.

I held my fingers, covered in his pre-cum, to his mouth. "Open, Scott. It's time for you to taste yourself."

He opened shyly, I thrust my fingers in.

"MMRF." He made noises of protest as I pushed them to the back of his throat. He had little choice but to close his lips around them and suck, suck and swallow down his own yummy cock juice.

"That's right, suck them clean, Scott, taste taste good, don't you?" He nodded as he groaned.

"Tell me, let me hear it."

He managed to choke out, "I taste good," though it was basically inaudible around my fingers.

I pulled out of him, appreciating his frown of distaste.

"Alright, Scott, are you ready to be my full-on sex slave now? Ready to go all the way?"

It took him a moment to react to what I had said. He was still contemplating the taste of his own pre-cum. "All...all the way, sir?" he stammered. He sounded apprehensive, but with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Before he could ponder the meaning of my words any further, I stepped into him. Taking him by the shoulders, I planted my lips firmly onto his. I forced his mouth open, still hot with the mushroom taste of his pre-cum, and pushed my tongue in. Pushed it passed any reluctance or resistance he might have had and forced it down his throat.

He moaned into me, hot. I locked my arm around his waist and crushed his body to mine. He clasped his hands to my back for support. I felt the throbbing of his erection as it strained and struggled, pinned between us.

Now his buns, which I'd ordered him to move so many times, were unable to hold still as his cock flexed desperately, trapped between our bodies.

He spread his legs wide as my hand found its way to the crevice of his ass. He'd gotten his hole good and ready for me. It was slick with oil and loosened up from his fingering. I had no trouble at all sliding into him.

He went up on his tiptoes as my digit went in deep. His anus was hot and tight around me, my finger pressing against his spongy prostate.

With my free hand I reached down and gave his still-sore butt a slap. It bounced and vibrated on impact.

"RRMMF," he wretched around my tongue, but I did not relent. I squeezed his oily ass hard. I slapped and groped, groped and slapped. I felt his buns bounce and dance around trying desperately to escape my punishment. His hole clenched and spasmed tightly around my finger as he flexed his cheeks together.

I was in full command of every bit of him. His mouth. His cock. His hole. I controlled the thrusts and undulations of his body like a puppeteer, sending currents of sexual electricity through both of us.

He was all but gagging on my tongue by the time I finally pulled it out of him.

We staggered away from each other, hot, sweating and gasping for air.

"That's right, Scott," I heaved, barely able to form my words, "all...the...way."

Next: Chapter 4

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