Naked Scott

By Timothy Cassen

Published on May 19, 2020


"Anything you want, sir. My cock. My ass. They're yours. Whatever you want me to do."

Those were the words Scott Thompson wrote to me during our last email exchange. It had only been days since the two of us had partaken in our first CMNM (clothed male, nude male) experience together.

Scott stripped down completely naked for me, allowed me to explore and enjoy every last inch of his body, all while I remained fully clothed.

This was an experience I'd long dreamed of. What I didn't expect was how eager Scott would be for a second encounter.

Scott, with his handsome face, his well-proportioned body that sported perhaps the most amazing bubble butt I have ever seen on a man (and that is saying something) had surprisingly little experience with anal play, even at the age of thirty-five.

But a few hours of combination rimming and fingering had driven him over the edge. He kissed me with such vigor afterwards, still reeling from an amazing sexual high.

Over the next few days, he practically begged to meet with me again. He was so eager that I decided to press my advantage a bit.

I suggested we take things further this time. To the next level, if you will. I became more bold, suggesting things that I knew might scare him away. I waited with baited breath for each response. Yet, respond he did: "Yeah, sure, we can try that, if that's what you want..."

"You can stay the night this time?"


"What about Saturday?"

"I'm free Saturday, yeah. If that's what you'd like me to do..."

He agreed to practically everything. My heart raced when I considered the possibilities.

I began to formulate it in my mind, running it by Scott all the while. Of course, I wanted it to be pleasurable for him, too.

But as with our encounter on Wednesday, he mostly left it up to me. I assumed that he, like myself, was nervous, yet tantalized by where we might take this.

I told him what I wanted and what I expected. He assured me he wouldn't disappoint.


At ten to eleven that night, I again sat on my couch sipping red wine. I'd received a text from Scott half an hour before, saying he was on his way.

I drew the blinds on the sliding glass door and turned off the lamp as he'd requested last time, not wanting to "put on a show" for the neighbors.

This time, however, I also pushed my coffee table to the wall near my bookshelf, creating a nice, open space in the center of the living room for him to "perform."

I nearly jumped at the knock at my door. My heart leapt in my chest.


I opened the door and there was Scott, standing a bit awkwardly outside and already blushing. I invited him in, my cock stirring at his very presence.

As requested, he wore the same navy blue sweatsuit with the zipper (easy to take off). He looked exactly the same as on Wednesday with his short brown hair and oval face with light salt-and-pepper stubble.

But through his rimless glasses, I saw that same hunger I'd awakened. His blue eyes held a craving, even a need for what we were about to do.

"Hey there, Jim, right?" He stuck out his hand as if breaking the ice with a coworker.

A jolt went straight to my groin as we shook hands. The very act of making physical contact with him was electrifying.

"Yes, and you're Scott, aren't you?" I echoed his businesslike tone. "I'm just having a glass of wine, would you like one?"

He refused it the last time, but I saw the light in his eyes. He was much more compliant now, and anyway he could stand to loosen up a little. We had a long night ahead of us.

"Yes," he drew in his breath, "yes please, sir, some wine would be good."

I smiled upon hearing the word "sir" again. He was getting himself into the role. I went to the bottle on the kitchen counter where a glass was waiting for him. I filled it up and topped mine off, then carried both glasses to the living room.

We stood making small talk for a few minutes. About our day, about our jobs. Meaningless nothings to pass the time as we sipped our wine.

As the alcohol took effect, I grew more confident in my role and I gazed at him openly, my eyes luridly moving up and down his body. I put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

He blushed and shifted his weight nervously as he told me about his line of work. The fabric of his blue sweatpants was starting to rise.

"So, Scott," I said, the tone of my voice dropping an octave, "all those things we talked about before. You're still up for that, right?" My hand dropped from his shoulder to his thigh.

He blushed. Yes...yes I'm up for it..."

"For all of it?"

"Y-yes," he stammered, "for all of it"

"Yes what..?"

"Yes, sir, I'm up for all of it..."

I caressed his thigh. "That's good, Scott. I want you to give me nice, full answers when you respond to me, understand?"

"Yes, sir."

I went and sat our two glasses of wine down on the coffee table by the wall. I removed his rimless glasses so that I could get an unobstructed look at his splendid blue eyes.

Embarrassed, he tried to drop his gaze, but I lifted his chin with my hand so he couldn't look away.

I raised both of his arms and positioned them behind his head, the same as before, like an arrestee. I was taller and stronger than he was, not to mention huskier. It made him easy for me to maneuver.

Still holding his arms, I leaned in for a kiss. He opened his mouth to accept me. I tasted the wine, hot on his breath. But even after assuring me we could kiss as often as I wanted, something in him seemed to resist me.

I have to admit I took pleasure in his reluctance. It provided a challenge. An obstacle I would need to break through.

He made an "mmm" sound as I pushed my tongue deeper in. Our tongues brushed against each other.

Soon, he started to loosen up and submit to me. He closed his mouth around my tongue, accepting it, suckling it.

I loved tasting his mouth, but I was most looking forward to burying my face in his incredible ass again.

I caressed the fabric covering his chest and stomach as we made out. His hands behind his head made his shirt rise, exposing his navel.

A delicious heat churned within me upon seeing that first glimpse of uncovered flesh, knowing I would have him fully naked before long.

I reached down and brushed my fingertips lightly over his bare tummy. It jumped at the sensation. He made an uncomfortable choking sound around my tongue.

I probed a finger into his deep navel. He pulled away from me to let out a giggle. My cock grew harder as I remembered how sensitive his body was to my touch. How unable he was to stop wiggling his ass as I mercilessly teased his hole.

He was really getting hard now. I requested he not wear underwear this time, so his cock was free and pitching a nice tent in those baggy sweatpants.

I too wore the same clothes as Wednesday: my jeans and green hoodie. From the pouch, I withdrew a familiar object: the bottle of oil from our first meeting.

"I think you need some of this, don't you?" I smiled.

Scott swallowed. "Yes."

"Where do you need it first?"

His cheeks were going crimson, maybe from the wine, but mainly from embarrassment. "I need it rubbed (gulp) I need it rubbed on my ass..."

" that the word we're going to use, Scott?" Scott let out a chuckle, not of humor but of pure nerves. Hands still behind his head, he shifted his weight uncomfortably.

We had discussed this all via email. "Where do you need me to rub you?"

Scott drew in his breath, "on my naked bubble buns..." Both of us smiled at how utterly uncomfortable he was to describe his ass this way. But still I pressed him.

It took a bit of coaching, but at last Scott formed the question the way I wanted him to:

"Will you please (gulp) will you please rub oil on my naked, pinchable, squeezable bubble buns?"

Even as he burned with shame at having to say this, his erection was now full in his pants.

I reached out and gave it a nice squeeze. An "oh" escaped his lips. A spot of pre-cum blossomed on the blue fabric.

I planted my other hand on his shoulder, standing over him so he couldn't escape me. "I'm not sure you really want it, Scott. Ask me again..."

Scott looked up at me, pleading with his eyes. His cheeks were burning red.

His chest rose as he drew in his breath. His bare stomach expanded. I squeezed his cock harder until I felt it pulsating in my grip. "Will you please OOMF... will you please rub oil on my naked, pinchable, squeezable-"

"Spankable," I interjected.

Scott swallowed, "spankable."

"Rimable," I pressed.

His cock flexed helplessly in my grip, "please..."

"Rimable," I insisted



"Irresistible bubble buns...please?"

"Good boy," I said. I gave his erection a good, hard slap. He let out another "OOMF."

He continued to face forward as I walked behind him, breaths growing more rapid. I trailed my finger to where the small of his back was exposed.

I admired the round swell of his ass in his pants, then hooked my fingers into the elastic and pulled back.

I sighed in admiration at what I beheld. "Oh, how I've missed you," I whispered. I was staring down at that amazing peach of an ass, completely uncovered and there for my pleasure.

Plump yet firm and pert, Scott's ass looked like it was designed to be squeezed, pinched, spanked...whatever else you might dream of doing to it.

I didn't know any self-respecting gay man who could have kept his hands off it for very long.

I opened the bottle of rubbing oil. One hand held back the elastic of his sweatpants while the other drew a nice, thick line of oil across the small of his back. It began to run down in trails over the incredible curves of his butt.

I squeezed and drizzled oil over his cheeks liberally, as if I were glazing a ham. I watched it run over the thickness of his buns and into the crevice between.

Scott exhaled and started to shift back and forth as the oil made its way into his secret and most sensitive region. Once his buns were completely sleek and glistening, I reached a big hand down his pants and squeezed hard.

His ass was even more incredible to caress when oiled up. I rubbed and massaged his cheeks slowly, kneading into that amazing flesh. I squeezed them like cantaloupes until they went taught in my grip. Then I ran my middle finger down his crack and into the heat of him.

Eyes closed at the sensation, Scott was moaning softly. "Oh yes, oh hell yes..." I knew what he wanted, knew where he wanted me to go.

One hand still on his ass, I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around so that he faced me. My lips caught his open mouth. I closed around it once again, pushing my tongue in deeper this time. I listened to his stifled sighs as I groped handfuls of his naked backside.

He breathed a hot "ahhh" into me as my hand slid in and found the silky flesh of his anus.

"Yes," I whispered in his ear, "that's what you've been waiting for, isn't it?" I tickled his slippery hole with my finger.

He wiggle about uncomfortably as I teased him, trying to stifle a giggle. His erection pressed against me, trapped uncomfortably between us. He spread his legs wider as the tip of my finger entered him.

"Oh" he moaned, "oh yes, sir, yes..." This was what he'd been waiting for. His hole was so hungry for attention.

His sighs came in waves, growing more intense as my finger entered him further. He clenched, hot and tight around me. "We're just going to need to satisfy this hole of yours, aren't we, Scott? Give it all the action it needs."

"Yes, sir," he moaned, "yes." I'd awakened his inner anal slut on Wednesday. I knew how much he loved it.

Scott gasped as I removed my finger and went up to the zipper beneath his chin. I left a few trails of oil as I pulled it down. "I think we need to get you naked first, though, don't we?"

"Yes, sir," Scott sighed. I could see he was already missing the attention I'd given his hole.

I lowered the zipper, grazing the light, soft hair of his chest and finding a tender nipple.

His sweatshirt dropped to the floor behind him. I traced and explored the field of brown and grey chest hair, so fine that it felt like little more than a mist of warm air on my fingertips.

Making contact with both nipples, I pressed into them, rubbing and pinching until I felt the little, hard shafts sprout up beneath my thumbs. I wanted them hard and alert; wanted everything on his body to be hard and alert.

Scott let out an "AH" of pain as I pulled his hard nipples. I laughed and gave his ass an appreciative pat.

I trailed my fingers over his taut stomach and down to his pants. I squeezed the hard shaft again beneath the blue fabric, squeezed a bit too hard for comfort, feeling the "OH" he breathed upon me.

Undoing the string of his sweatpants, they slid down over his thighs. His naked cock bounced up to greet me. It was drooling a nice trail of pre-cum and eager for further stimulation.

I watched and waited as Scott removed his shoes, pants and socks and all at once he was standing there naked before me. Vulnerable, hard and at my command.

I again positioned his hands behind his head. I put a hand around his waist and drew him into me. His naked body pressed against the fabric of my clothes. He gave another "OOF" as the engorged, mushroom cap of his cock pressed uncomfortably against my belt buckle. I pressed my groin against his, pinning and trapping his hardon between us.

We moved and swayed together. We moaned together. He my prisoner, locked into my body. Moving, straining against it. He thrust his ass back and forth, pushing his cock against my own massive boner trapped in my jeans.

"Oh, how I've missed this amazing body of yours," I moaned in his ear, "my beautiful, naked Scott." He looked at me, slightly bewildered at what we were doing. Eyes glazed with lust.

This time it was he who caught my lips with a kiss, sucking and savoring them. His cock thick and firm pressing against me.

When I at last pulled away, he took a step back, gasping. His eyes retained that wild gleam and for a brief moment I thought he might demand more, demand the release his throbbing manhood so desperately wanted.

He was completely hard and his cockhead blushed red from the handling I'd given it.

"Catch your breath a minute," I said, detachment entering my voice. The wine was at full force within me and I felt confident. I didn't want him to forget who was in charge. We had a long night ahead of us.

As casually as I could, I took another long sip of wine, gratuitously drinking in his naked body. His excitement from our physical contact seemed to subside and give way to embarrassment once more.

He remembered he was completely naked and I was fully clothed. The blush rushed back into his cheeks. Just how I liked it.

I took that moment to gather the rumpled sweatsuit at his feet, along with his shoes and socks.

"You know what I'm going to do with these, right?" I asked, intentionally keeping my voice detached.

Scott's swallowed again. There was apprehension in his eyes. "Yes."

"Tell me, Scott."

"You're going to take my clothes now." Of course, we had discussed all of this online and he knew what was coming.

"And why am I taking your clothes, Scott?"

He shifted uncomfortably, "to keep me naked...the whole night."

"And possibly tomorrow, as well?"


His hard cock started to droop a bit in his naked shame.

I tapped his thigh with my hand. "Move those bubble buns of yours, Scott. Nice and slow. I want you to move your buns when I talk to you."

Arms behind his head, he began to sway his hips. Slowly, seductively from side to side. I walked around behind him to watch the fluidity of the movement.

One cheek going taught as the other relaxed, weight shifting back and forth in beautiful, hypnotic rhythm. Covered in oil, his amazing posterior shone almost golden in the light above.

For a few minutes I was unable to look away. My cock straining so hard in my pants I thought it might rip through.

It was so tempting to bend him over the arm of my sofa and plow into that masterpiece of male flesh right then and there. But I needed to control myself for now.

"And why are we going to keep you naked," I asked, not taking my eyes from his swaying ass.

Scott swallowed, "because my body is yours do whatever you want with..."

"Spread those legs a little more," I said.

He scooted his right foot a few inches across the carpet. "And the other one..." Taking another breath, he moved his left foot as well. "More, you can go further than that."

He moved his legs apart until they were spread nice and wide. He'd stopped swaying, which angered me. I gave his wiggling ass a hard slap. "MMF," he said in surprise.

"Move your bubble buns, Scott," I demanded harshly. The further he spread his legs, the more confined his movements were. The more he had to clench his round cheeks together as he shifted.

"I'm sorry," I said, "what was it you were saying before? I don't think I heard you..."

He was breathing heavy again, fearful, excited. "My body is yours tonight, to do whatever you want with..."

"To do whatever I want?"

"(gulp) yes, sir."

"And when will you get your clothes back?"

"When I've earned them, sir."

I trailed a finger over the crevice of his swaying buns, then gave the right cheek a good pinch. "That's my boy. Now, should you watch to see where I'm taking your clothes?"

Scott closed his eyes. "No, sir."

"You're going to keep those eyes closed tight, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"I don't want you opening them even for a minute. And are you going to keep your naked buns moving while I'm gone?"

"Y-yes, sir," he stammered."

"And furthermore," I added, "I want you to keep that cock of yours nice and hard. I want it hard for me when I get back, understand Scott?"

"Yes, sir."

His cock was only semi-erect now. I waited as he brought a hand down. He began to tug and stroke so his cock started rising to attention once more.

"Tell me again what you're going to do," I commanded.

"I'm going to keep my eyes closed, my cock hard, and my bubble buns moving."

My hand came down and gave his swaying ass another slap. Scott went up on his tiptoes with an "MMF."

"Nice and slow on your dick, Scott. I want you to stay hard, but no cumming. I'll be very displeased with you if you do."

Scott nearly choked on his own saliva as he swallowed it down. "Yes, sir. Yes, I cumming..."

"Now tell me again," I said, "repeat your instructions."

"I'm going to keep my eyes closed, my cock hard, and my bubble buns moving."


"I'm going to keep my eyes closed, my cock hard, and my bubble buns moving." His face was bright red in his humiliation.

"Again, Scott," I said, making my way down the hall to the bedroom. "Let me hear it."

"I'm keeping my eyes closed, my cock hard, and my bubble buns moving (gulp)...I'm keeping my eyes closed, my cock hard, and my bubble buns moving MMF...I'm keeping my eyes closed, my cock hard, and my bubble buns moving..."

I left Scott that way: naked, spread-eagled and rubbing his hardon like a ridiculous sex slave.

"Keep saying it," I called from the bedroom.

I put Scott's clothes and shoes in the bottom drawer of my dresser and shut it fast. Of course, it wouldn't be any great mystery where I hid them. I just wanted them out of Scott's sight and mind so he wouldn't be expecting them anytime soon. I wanted him to get used to the reality of being my naked plaything.

I opened the top dresser and removed the black sleep mask I kept there. "I can't hear you, Scott," I called from the bedroom.

Though Scott was down the hall, I could hear him swallow an uncomfortable, "URMF" as he continued shifting on the carpet. "I'm keeping my eyes closed, my cock hard, and my bubble buns moving," he said louder, with some desperation.

I returned to the living room, blindfold in hand. Scott was doing such a fine job of following my instructions I was in no hurry to interrupt him. I poured myself another glass of wine.

Next: Chapter 3

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