Naked Locker Room Dude

By Dude Sweet

Published on May 29, 2003


Well even without Jason I decided to work out. I mean I need to buff up so I don't look like such a wimp. I brought my shorts, but decided that since I had gone naked in the locker room before, maybe I was over being a pussy, so I went naked. All the men were naked, so was I. Nobody really even looked. In the Jacuzzi I got a boner from the jets. I was very careful not to get caught. Well then I realized what a bad idea it was. Here I was naked in a Jacuzzi full of naked men, only I had a boner.

I know you old guys reading this are thinking, hey cute, but just wait a few minutes till it goes down. Well that might work for you, but it doenst work when you are 13. AT least it didn't work for me. I tried to think about stuff that would make my boner go away, but it was hard and gonna stay hard.

So I waited till most of the guys were not paying attention to me, jumped out and ran to put my towel around me. Shit. I know one guy in the Jacuzzi say my boner, maybe others. And another guy was just walking in saw it. Double shit. Neither one said anything thank god. I wrapped my towel around me, hiding my boner and dive into the steam room and kept my towel on. Ok, going naked for me is a baaaaad idea. A very bad idea. What was I thinking. Shit, what were they thinking. Maybe they were thinking look at the little perverted boy running around with a boner, maybe we should tell on him and get him kicked out. I hope not. Maybe they were thinking, poor guy, I remember when I was a kid and that happened, I'll just be cool and pretend I didn't notice. MMMM maybe they were gay and thinking wow what a cute boy and a great dick. I hope that's what they were thinking. Well no matter what they were thinking, there was no way I was ever going to go naked again. I was going back to the pussy way of wearing a bathing suit. I was so embarrassed. In the stream room, covered up and squished, my boner went away. I was afraid to strip for a shower, so just rinsed off. I changed quickly with no one seeing my dick.

Ok I was freaked out and embarrassed and promised myself that I was never going to do that again. But, ready for the weird part, when I was jacking that night, being seen with my boner was what I was thinking about. It made me horney. I don't know why. I mean I was freaked out and never going naked again, but still I guess a part of me liked it. A lot. In fact I was so freaked out, I didn't want to go at that time of the day anymore. I didn't want those guys to see me and think hey isn't that the kid who had a boner the other day. Let's kick his ass. So I changed the time to the afternoon.

This was a good idea. In the afternoon there were some kids there. A little older, 3 of them. I was to shy to introduce myself or anything. But kinda stayed in the same area as them and did my work out stuff. One of them came over to my machine and was waiting for me to finish. He said I never seen you before, how long you been coming here. A few months I told him. Then added, but I just changed my schedule. I said you long you guys been coming. Over 1 year he said. As I finished, he went next and I waited to watch and talk to him. I was shy, but am glad he started the talking. He lifted way more weight than me, jesus I am such a pussy, but he didn't say anything about the weak settings I had the machine on. He said what school you go to. I told him I would be going the the high school in the fall. He looked surprised casue I looked like such a wimp I guess. I said I will be a freshman. He said him and his friends were gonna be juniors next year. So they must be 2 years older than me. 15 or 16. So I kind hung around with them. Mike, that's what the other guys called him asked, me if I jacuzzied and steam roomed afterwards. I said oh yeah that's just about my favorite part.

So they were in a different row than me so I knew I wasn't going to have to change in front of them. Good. Also I was worried as shit they would go naked. I would like that, seeing them naked, but no way was I going to embarrass myself with a boner or anything. Before I changed I walked past there row to pretend to go to the bathroom. I say one guys naked ass as he was pulling on his suit. Good, they wore bathing suits. I went back and quickly changed to my suit. They were all sitting together in the Jacuzzi when I got there. There was one man in the Jacuzzi to. I sat near them. After a little bit, the man got out naked.

They didn't say anything about it, but after he left, they all spread out all around the Jacuzzi. At first I thought they were ditching me, but they all went to different parts of the Jacuzzi, so I asked Mike how come they all spread out. He looks at me and stares at me and doesn't answer. I am waiting for him to say something, but am afraid to say anything else. For some reason I asked a stupid question. I don't know why it was stupid, but I could tell he was trying to think of something to say to me. And one of his friends said yeah Mike tell him why we all spread out and they all laughed even Mike. So Mike says I thought you said you been here for a couple of months. I said yeah. he said and you still don't know why we spread out. I think I do know so I said yeah I think I know why. One of the guys said why. I decided to go for it and said cause you blow the jets on your dicks to get boners. They all busted up. And couldn't even stop laughing. The one kid was trying to say something to me, but kept laughing.

Finally he said well what if we do. I said well do you. He said do you. I was pretty sure they did so I admitted it. I said yeah its really cool, I know I was blushing. They all laughed. So I went to the other corner, pulled my pants down and already had a boner, but blew the jets on it.

After a little Mike said so you got a boner to me. I wasn't sure what the right answer was, but decided to go for the truth. Yeah I said. He held up to the surface of the Jacuzzi his shorts. That meant he was naked. Shit. I mean cool. He grinned. I said your naked. he nodded. I decided to do it to. I pulled them off and held them so he could see I was naked to. He grabbed mine and threw them to his friends. I was shocked and pissed and embarrassed. They were having fun throwing my suit around. What if they weren't giving it back. What if they made me get out naked. With my boner.

They would tease me or beat me up maybe. I just sat there. I mean what could I do. 3 of them and they were all bigger and older, so I just sat down and waited hoping they would give them back. One said ahhhhhh does the little boy want his clothes back. That pissed me off. The little boy comment. I mean taking my suit was one thing, but I hate when people think I'm a little boy. I said fuck you I'm not a little boy. I got a huge boner with tons of hair. Well that wasn't really true, but what the hell, I was pissed. Shit did I really say that. Oh my god. Now they were gonna kick my ass for sure.

Instead they all busted up and gave me back my bathing suit. Mike said sorry man we were just kidding. I said nothing. He said are you really pissed. I said I don't know. He said don't worry man, we all go naked when nobodys here in the Jacuzzi, Sometimes even when the old farts are here. Really I said. Yeah I said are you still naked. He said no. The he took them off and showed them to me again. I smiled but did not strip. After a little we got out and went to the steam room with our shorts on. We showered with our shorts on and went to our own rows to change. As we left I asked them what days and times and if I could hang with them next time. They said yeah and gave me the information.

So 2 days later I just waited out front and they came on bikes, so maybe they were 15 cause they didn't drive yet. Anyway I decided I wanted to change in their row to see if I could see there dicks or anything. I had jacked twice that morning so try to keep my boner under control. So we worked out together. Its much more fun that by yourself. I was surprised nobody said anything about the wimpy weights I was using. We all just took turns and stuff. Also we talked. I learned there names, Mike and Andy and Gene. I told them mine. The came the moment of truth, changing into bathing suits. I wanted to do it fast to make sure I didn't get wood. Also I faced them so they wouldn't think I was a pussy and could see I already had hair. Mike and Andy saw me but didn't say anything. I saw them all, tons of hair, like Jason, around there dicks. Also no big ones like Jason. In fact, Mikes was the same size as mine just with more hair.

We get in the Jacuzzi. 2 guys are there. Mike whispers to me do it anyway. I know what he meant, I said you first. So I think he was doing it, I whispered are you naked. Keeping it down from the surface so you couldn't see he handed me his suit. Cool. He was naked. Oh, and I had his suit. I left him and took it over to Andy and secretly handed it to him. He laughed. Mike was blowing the jets on his dick I'm pretty sure. Well 1 guy got out but the other one kept staying in. After a little I went back to Mike and asked him if he wanted it back. he said I'm cool. I said really he said yeah. I said your not mad. He said no, I did it to you, now you doing it to me. Cool. He's a nice guy. Well finally after a long time the man leaves. Andy and Gene get out with Mikes suit and go in the stream room, I decide to follow. Mike is left alone. Andy waves Mikes suit in the air and says come and get it when your ready girl as we went in the stream room. Girl, he called him a girl. That was funny. I asked should I take it back to him. Andy says no hes ok. I said are you sure. Gene says yeah hes cool about it don't worry.

Right then Mike comes in the steam room naked and with no boner. Andy gives him is suit and he casually puts it on. Cool. Suddenly for some reason I blurt out that when I was first here I went naked once and was stuck in the Jacuzzi with a boner with a bunch of naked men at night. They all busted up. Mike finally can talk and says, what happened. I said finally I just ran to my towel and put it on. Andy says anybody see it. I said yeah a couple of old farts. They think this is funny and it makes me laugh to. We laugh a lot. After we calm down, Mike gets up and pretends he is naked and sees us and says oh shit and pretends to cover up his boner. Its pretty funny. Well I think they like me so I'm glad I told my story.

I change quickly in the row with them so I don't have time to get wood. Also I do it first so if I get a bone watching them they won't know. It's a good site. So even though we don't jack off or runaround naked, I do get to see there hanging down dicks a lot. Its pretty cool.

The next week, on Monday Mike is the only one to show up. He said Andy and Gene went to the mall. So that was cool that he didn't ditch me. So we work out together. And change together. Yeah I get a better look. His dick is fatter and tons for hair, but isn't very long. There is one guy in the Jacuzzi when we get there. We sit together to talk. Mike asks quietly if I'm naked I say no are you. He hands me his suit but doesn't let go. So even with the guy there I take mine off to. I mean you cant see dicks or anything with the bubbles. Without saying anything, I hand it to him, but hang onto it like he did. Its cool. The guy gets out and Mike moves to a jet, so I do to. Right away a different guy comes in. I move over near Mike and sit. He whispers you still naked, I hand him my suit. He smiles. He says you still got a boner. I whisper yes. He says I do to. He grabs my hand and puts it on his dick. Wow. I am surprised. A good surprise. A very good surprise. I feel it and yeah hes got a boner. Also I am surprised that it feels big. Anyway he asks me again you got a boner. I say yeah. he holds his hand up. So I know what he wants. Since I felt his, he must want to feel mine so I grab his hand and put it on my dick. He feels it and moves his hand away. Pretty cool, we touched each others dick and the man in the Jacuzzi never knew we were doing stuff.

So we are laughing at I don't know what when the man leaves. He says lets go steam. So we get dressed and do. No one is there so he asks me if I ever jacked off in the Jacuzzi. I say no. And it was true. I jacked everywhere else, the steam room, sauna, locker room, showers and even the work out room, but never the Jacuzzi. I asked him if he did. He said yeah.

I said cool. He said want to do it now. I didn't have to think about it and said sure. But when we got there there was a guy. We went in anyway. We sat together away from the guy. In a minute he just grabs my hand and puts it on his naked dick. Cool. I say wait and strip naked then put his hand on mine. Its cool. So we wait for the guy to leave.

Then I can tell hes doing it I ask are you. He smiles and says yeah. So I go for it to. But soon another guy comes in. Shit. I'm fucking horney. I stop, I'm pretty sure he stops, but I can't really tell, maybe he is doing it slowly or something. So after a few minutes the guy is still there and Mike says lets steam. So we dress and go to the steam room. Mike says did you. I say no I stopped when the man came. he smiled. I said you did it. He said all the way. I said no way. He started to pull down his pants to show me. Then he just pulled out his semi and squeezed it. I think that a little sperm was there. I said shit man I didn't do it. He said you chickened out. I said yeah. He said do it now. I said in here. He said yeah I will be look out. So I decided to do it. I just pulled it out and started jacking. And I did it all the way till I came. He said cool. I said yeah. It was fun jacking off with him watching me. So we showered wearing are suits and changed together. Its funny, his hanger is a small as mine, but his boner felt pretty big. I hoped I would get to see it soon.

We were all 4 in the Jacuzzi blowing jets. I wasn't naked, but had my shorts down. I don't know what the other guys were doing. Were they naked? Jacking off? Thinking about it made me very horney. A man came in. I pulled mine up. We all kinda sat together and gave the man room. I asked are you guys naked. Only Andy said yes. After a little, Mike said me to and held his suit to the surface. So I stripped and showed mine. Gene did to. So we were all 4 naked. We just talked like there was nothing funny going on. Finally after a million years, the guy left. When Mike got up to go to his jet, I could see the tip of his dick sticking out of the water. I said your boner is showing. He looked around, stood up on tippy toes and I could see almost the hole thing. Looked very big, like Jasons. It was cool.

I wasn't really tall enough so I jumped up and let everybody see my boner.

They laughed. We put on shorts and went to the steam room. Mike tells everybody that I jacked off all the way yesterday in the steam room. They were like cool man. Way to go. Made me feel good. Mike says do it again. There like yeah go for it. But I would feel stupid by myself. It would be cool with them watching and stuff. Also I still hadn't really seen anyones boner. Only Mikes a little. So I said ok I would if they would. They laughed. Mike finally said ok if Andy is look out. Andy says no problem and moves closer to the door. Mike just pulls his shorts down just below his knees. He doesn't have a boner but after jacking it for a few seconds he gets one. I think its about 6. He looks at me and says well. So I imitate him and pull mine down. Of course I already have a boner. I am surprised Andy and Gene aren't really getting off on us doing it. They just glance over a little. But Mike and me keep looking at each other. I come and just watch Mike squirt. I get to see his sperms. I like them. We pull up are shorts. We shower and change. Its cool, jacking off with the guys. And cool also that we might get caught by some old guy.

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