Naked Locker Room Dude

By Dude Sweet

Published on May 7, 2003


When my mom decided to check out a aerobics class at the health club near our house, she took me with her. We started by getting a tour by this obnoxious lady guide. She then took my mom in the ladies locker room and said someone would show me the mens. Well everybody was ignoring me. When she and my mom came out she stopped talking to my mom long enough to ask me what I thought about the mens whirlpool and stuff. I said nobody showed me anything. She was going to page someone but I said no its ok, but she didn't listen to me. From the way she was trying to sell my mom on a membership, I guessed she wanted me to take a tour so she would have more time with my mom.

So this big guy finally came and she asked m to show me around. So I follow him into the mens room. It's big and has rows and rows of lockers and benches. I see a naked guy shaving at the big mirror with the sinks and 2 more naked guys drying off. I hadn't ever seen any mens dicks before besides my dads. They looked pretty much the same. He showed me the whirlpool with 2 guys in it. One of them got out and I saw he was naked to.

He showed me the steam room and it was hot ad steamy so I couldn't see if there were people inside or if they were naked to. And he showed me the sauna, hot but with no steam there was a naked guy there to. So as we were walking back he asked if I had any questions. Well I worked the courage to ask him were you supposed to be naked in the Jacuzzi and stuff. He looked at me like I was crazy. He said most men don't care about being naked. He added that little boys usually wore bathing suits.

Now that pissed me off. I may be small for my age, almost 14, but I am definitely not a little boy. I got some hair and can come and everything. I decided I didn't like him. Anyway we finished the tour. On the way home my mom asked if I liked it. I said it was ok. She asked if I wanted a temporary 3 month membership so I could lift weights or work out while she was in aerobics. I thought about it. I am a little puny and could use a little more muscles. Ok, a lot more muscles. So I said ok.

She called and made a appointment for me to meet with a workout coach when she was in her class. I wore my board shorts and took some shorts to change into in case I went in the Jacuzzi. Mom got me a towel, luckily, because I forgot. My workout coach was a cool guy named Jason. He graduated last year from the high school that I was going into this year, in 5 more months. He asked me what I wanted to do for my body. I said I really didn't know, I just wanted to have more muscles to they wouldn't think I was a wimp in high school next year. He smiled like he understood. He said no problem. Anyway he spent 30 minutes showing me machines and how to use them and set them on weights that wouldn't hurt me. He was nice.

He asked me if someone had shown me the locker room area and I said yeah. He asked if I was gonna jucazzi and steam and stuff. I said maybe. He said you should it will relax your muscles from working out, plus you will like it. I said ok. He said maybe I will see you when I finish my paperwork for the day. I said cool. So it was kinda weird being there with the naked guys, I saw 2. So I put my shirt and shoes and shocks in a locker. I didn't have a lock or anything, but who would steal my clothes? They wouldn't fit anybody.

So I went in the Jacuzzi. There was nobody there, but after I got in a naked man came in. Well I didn't want to get out because I didn't want him to see I was in my board shorts. So I just stayed in a long time. Well Jason came. He had a towel wrapped around him and when he hung it up I saw his dick. It was huge. Like 5 inches, just hanging there. Bigger than all the men I'd seen and he was only 18. Anyway I tried not to stare at it when he got in, but it surprised me. I mean whoever saw a dick that big. Mine was like 4.5 inched but only when I had a boner. Most of the time it was like 2 inches I guess. Or maybe even 1.5.

So then we went in the steam room. He just sat there naked. It took a lot of concentration not to look, but I looked whenever I thought he couldn't tell I was looking. We stayed there and he said what time do you have to meet your mom? I said oh shit what time is it now? He pointed to the clock. I still had 10 minutes I said. He said ok lets go. So I follow him into the showers. He takes a real shower with shampoo and soap. I just rinse off. I mean theres no way I'm getting naked or anything. Anyway I get a few good looks before I go to my locker. I dry off. Theres nobody in my row, so I change quickly into my shorts and meet my mom. I have to wait for her for 15-20 minutes, cause shes late.

On Wednesday we go again. Jason helps me work out again. Its pretty fun and he keeps it interesting and inspires me to work hard. Since I brought my board shorts I had to change naked in the bathroom, but nobody was in my row. I met up with Jason in the Jacuzzi and steam room again. We stayed longer cause my meeting time changed for meeting my mom. Anyway I got to see him naked again, especially cool in the shower when he couldn't tell I was looking. When I was changing someone came in my row to their locker but all they saw was my but.

On Friday, same routine, except Jason asked if I wanted to hang for a few minutes while be did paper work. I said ok. When we went to the locker room, he said I could use his locker for my stuff. He had a big locker that locked. I felt a little weird about changing in front of him, but decided it was ok. I just turned away so all he saw was my but. So hes naked and I am in my shorts and I say sorry but I feel more comfortable in my shorts. I mean he didn't ask or anything, but since everyone else was naked, I felt like explaining to him. He said shit man don't worry about it. When I was 12 I didn't want to be showing my privates off to the world. 12? Shit. I said hey, I'm almost 14. He was embarrassed and said sorry man didn't mean to dis you. Well it did hurt my feelings, but since he never saw my hairs on my dick I really couldn't blame him. Maybe next time we changed I would not turn away and let him see mine. So I said no big deal. He said so does that mean you will be starting high school next year. I said yeah. He said and you want to buff up so they don't kick your ass. I said basically. He says well if you sick with it, in 3 months you will be plenty buff. I said like you. He looked good. He said well like me maybe, but only smaller. So when we are in the showers I think about going naked but chicken out. Who ever takes a shower with their bathing suit on? Just me I guess.

Well the next time I go I wear my suit but take it off in the shower. I can see Jason take a quick look at mine and instead of pretending he didn't, he just looks at me and gives me a thumbs up. I'm not sure if that means, cool, glad your not a pussy anymore. Or cool, you got some hair and don't look 12 anymore. Well either way I kinda feel good about it. Well 2 times later theres hardly anybody in the locker room, so decide to be brave and when me and Jason change, I say naked. I really feel weird. I can see Jason thinks its cool. We hang in the jucuzzi then I do feel a little stupid in the steam room. I mean its easy in the Jacuzzi, nobody can see you, but in the steam room, it all just hangs out. A guy comes in when we are getting out. He doesn't even look at or notice my dick. We shower and change. I feel cool.

This is pretty much what we do for the next couple of weeks. Then school is out. Cool. Freedom for the summer. I love summer. Jason says his schedule is different for the summer and he has to close every night. That means he turns stuff off and checks out everything and locks up. So I say you check out all the rooms, even the ladies locker room. He laughs and says of course, but theres nobody in there. He says if you want to see it, just stay late and help me lock up. So at the first chance I ask my mom if I can help Jason close. After I explain about it she says sure. She likes Jason to and thinks I don't have enough male influence in my life cause I only see my dad like 3-4 times a year. So he says he can't hang with me after my work out, but we can hang after closing. he says come 30 minutes before closing and work out, then we can hang around after and you can see the ladies room if you want. I admit I was a little curious.

So he helps me work out and is doing paper work when every else is leaving. Then he locks the doors. And says ok time for the tour. Well the ladies room has pretty much the same as the mens room with lockers and Jacuzzi, but no sauna. Also they have little shower stalls with curtains instead of the mens with one big room. So Jason is turning off the Jacuzzi and steam room, checking to make sure no one is left behind and he turns out the lights as we leave. So he says ready for Jacuzzi. I say sure. Theres no one here except us. We strip naked and when we are in the Jacuzzi he says want to see something cool. I say yeah. He says lay across the pool face down and let the little bubbles shoot up on your front. I do it and realize he means let the bubbles shot up on your dick. It feels cool. He also does it. I am getting a boner, but you cant see through all the bubbles. Then he says if you sit like this you can make the big jets blow right on it. By it he meant your dick. I could tell. SO I did it. Wow. Super cool, gives you wood fast. So he is laying out letting the little bubbles blow but I enjoy the jets to much to move.

In a little he says ready for the stream room. I shout out no, with my voice breaking. I mean I had a boner, I should have just been casual and said no not yet, but I freaked out with my no. He could tell I was freaked and smiled and said got a boner huh. I didn't say anything. I was to embarrassed. Maybe he might think I was a pervert or something for getting a boner. He said well your not the only one. I say you got a boner. He says yeah of course. These jets would give anybody a boner. So I admit it.

Yeah I say, I got a boner. He said yeah, so want to go to the steam room now? I said with boners? He said why not. Well that was a good question why not. Reason number one was nobody ever saw my boner before. Reason number 2 I didn't want him to make fun of my little one. Reason three, I couldn't think of reason three. Reason one for doing it, I would get to see his boner. If his hanger was 5 I wondered how big his boner was. Also he never made fun of my dick before. He even saw it when it was shriveled. So probably he wasn't going to make fun of mine. Besides, I wanted to see his.

So I said ok. I waited till he jumped out first. I saw it. It was cool but I was disappointed. it wasnt much bigger than his hanger. Anyway I got out. He saw mine and says looking good there Eric. So he didn't make fun, he even complemented me. Cool. So we are sitting in the steam room naked with boners sticking up. Well mine was sticking up, his was more sticking out. Its weird, but fun. He says can you do this and he moves his dick without touching it. I do it to. We both do it. He grabs his and bends it down and lets it flap against his stomach so I do to. Its fun. So we are bouncing them around and he says you jack off yet. I say yeah I can even come. I learned about it last year from my mom. Not they she showed me how or anything, just explained that was normal and stuff. So I was proud that I could come since about 3months ago. He says want to do it now. MMMMMM. Well it sure sounded cool. I would get to see him do it and see his sperms.

He would get to see me to, but that also sounded cool. I said yeah I'm horney. And I was. So I waited till he started cause I wanted to make sure I was doing it right. Then I started. It was cool jacking together. I would look at his, then mine, then his face. I came quick. He said wait till I finish and we can clean up in the showers. So I just sit there with come on my hand and dick and have nothing to do except watch him, so I do. His shoots out of his dick like bullets. Its cool. I ask is it supposed to do that. he says what? I say shoot. he says yeah when your older. Ok. So we shower and dress. I loved it and wanted to help h m close every night.

Next time I work out, we jet our dicks and jack off in the steam room. We do this a few times when we are in the steam room and he says how about we jack in the shower. I say ok. I never did it standing up before, but its cool. We also do it in the sauna and the locker rooms. One night he says follow me and we put towels on. We walk past the front windows and to the weight room, all mirrors. he says lets do it here. Its cool cause you can see yourself in the mirror and the other guy at the same times. I am thinking this is the most fun in the world. A week later he gets promoted to assistant manager and moved to another store. Bummer. But I'm glad we had fun and did what we did.

Next: Chapter 2

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