Naive Much

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Sep 26, 2021



Naive Much!


If you've gotten this far you know the drill. This is a work of gay fiction, the sole property of the writer. If you enjoyed this story and others on the site please donate to nifty to keep it going. Comments: cajunboi868 @gmail

Ok, I hadn't had much contact with boys my age growing up. My mom kept all of us on a tight cord with constant questions about our school friends. The neighbors boys were strictly off limit to us. So here I was 600 miles from home in an all male dorm at an all male college. Worst yet my assigned room mate was a bully from the Bronx. He seemed to enjoy screaming at me and ordering me around. Soon some of the other guys on the floor decided that his behavior was unacceptable. They urged me to stand up to him, to give him a good pop in his nuts. Over the first three months I'd made a few friends on the floor. I suspect that word had gotten to the proctor on our floor. So after the Thanksgiving break I finally had enough and I saw an opportunity. One night during the imposed study time, the bully went too far. He laid his hands on me. It was something he'd avoided until then. He stood there with an evil smile on his face and a hand squeezing my neck. He never expected me to be anything but be submissive. I looked up at his evil smiling face and nodded saying "No!" He was so close I could smell his BO. A knee popped up before he realized what was happening. He fell to the floor howling. I heard applause from the rooms around ours. I just sniggered and said "You got what you deserve for attempting to assault me." More applause and the proctor came running down the hall from his room. One of the other boys stopped him and explained that the bully had assaulted me in an attempt to demand sex. The proctor retreated to his room. Of course, the next weekend the bully left for a home visit, never to return to school. I suspected that the proctor had reported his behavior to the dean.

The new semester started after the holiday break. A new room mate was assigned to me. It was one of the guys who had urged me to solve my bully problem with a neat punch to the balls. Joe was a nig guy and on the wrestling team. There were also other new guys on the floor. I discovered one had dropped out of the seminary, John. He was a striking figure- blond, apparently thin. But for some reason he soon managed to become friends with Joe and me. Now John's father was a rich doctor on Long Island and had given him a new mustang. John would often take me for a ride. He always mistook my knee for the gear shift of the car. I'd push his hand gently away.

The second semester went along well. Joe was an English major, like John. He wanted to teach school, like John. They had some of the same classes so spent a lot of time going over assignments in the room. John would plop himself on my bed as they studied. I'd be at my desk working on some math or biology assignment. Seeing me struggle, John would lean over and offer help. I was an History major, a subject that they seemed to have a lot of trouble with. Over time we developed a joint study session routine. I had a deep interest in the 19th century literature as it reflected much of the turmoil of the period. Of course, the trips to get beer and sandwiches to have during the late night study sessions became more frequent. John seemed to be having more trouble with that gear shifter holding on to my knee as he drove. I knew that I liked him as a friend. But I had no sexual interest in anyone at point in my life.

Our dorm had open showers so I saw a lot of naked flesh when I showered each morning. Most were sporting morning wood. Once or twice John was showering next to me. I did notice his cock, nice but only of moderate size. A few times he'd comment on my skinny body. He urged me to take up swimming to put some muscle on my frame. So this went on for 2 years. Between my junior and senior, I was required to do an internship. My dad had managed to get me an internship at the White House. The college was impressed, no one else had managed to get that high up in the government.

When I returned to the school in January, I found that the only accommodation for me was as the proctor of a sophomore dorm, away from my buddies. It was Ok because it lightened my financial load. But it also exposed me to lots of naked, horny young guys. The good brothers who ran the college hoped that I'd be a good role model. I was focused on graduating and finding a job after that.

My buddies soon found me and started dropping by. The sophomore dorm was in 2 wings on ether side of a large common room. The other proctor was a senior, like myself. We only met on the day before the before the other students arrived for the second semester. I recognized him but we had not been close.

The boys returned with their parents on Saturday morning. I supervised the settling in process, meeting many of the parents. It seemed that I'd become something of a celebrity from my internship. One father of a transfer boy insisted on taking me along to dinner with his shy son. It was a local Italian place, one town over. We talked about their expectations for their son and asked me about my first years at the school. I was honest with them telling them that it was an adjustment for me. The boy reminded me of myself at that age. His mother asked me about the internship. I told her that much of it was covered in the paper I'd submitted for credit. But I hinted that I'd learned a lot about how politics worked behind the scenes. That seemed to perk the boy's interest. I winked and told him that we'd talk more later.

Back at the dorm after the parents all left, we'd scheduled a meeting in the common lounge. It was to be a general review of the dorm rules and a time to know each other. There were only 5 new, transfer students on the floor. So we set aside for each of them to introduce themselves to the group. A Q and A was set for the end of the meeting. One boy raised his hand and asked "What about nudity on the floor? There are 2 shower rooms and we all are guys so do we have to be covered up all the time?" I let the other proctor handle that one. He was beet red so I stepped up. I began saying "I understand the question and agree that we all have the same equipment. It shouldn't be an issue. But remember that the ladies that clean our rooms might be shocked at seeing some of your stuff flopping around. Personally, I don't care. You'll probably see men naked coming from the showers. We all have the same equipment remember that and be respectful to each other. " One wise guy pipped up "But some have more to show than others." I responded "But maybe those who talk loudest don't have a lot." That got a laugh from most of the guys. The meeting ended with us reminding the boys that we were available to talk each evening.

Later that night we had our first curfew check at 11PM. The boys were all in their rooms in various states of undress. I wore an old band t-shirt and sleep pants as I went from room to room. I went back to my room to review some of my course work. About 20 minutes later there was a soft knock on my door. It was Jared, the new transfer boy. I told him to come in and have a seat on the bed. I waited for him to speak. Finally, he began "I want to tell you something but am afraid." I sensed it was very private so closed the door. He looked up at me almost in tears and said "I'm gay. My folks want me to be cured and sent me here to keep me away from my gay friends." Be broke down crying. I moved over to the bed and held the sobbing boy to comfort him. I told him that it didn't matter to me or the college. He stopped sobbing and looked at me saying "But I'm the only gay boy here." I wanted to laugh at that but restrained myself saying "No you're not the only one here. There are probably many others who are just not out yet. Keep your eyes and ears open and you'll find them. I'm sure that their gaydar is fine tuned and aware of you already. Just remember that there are some ignorant people on campus who might not be accepting. The gay boys will find ways to let you know who they are."

I looked down at his sleep shorts and saw that he had a hardon. I knew the story. I had befriended him and he developed a crush on me. He reached over to touch my face and smiled. I stood and said "Even if I wanted to, I can't do anything with you." He pointed to my sleep pants and the tent formed by my hardon. I smiled saying "I have someone in my life, a man from my internship. He's very dear to me and I wouldn't do anything to be disloyal to him. I hope that someday you'll meet such a person for yourself. College is a time to explore new things, see new ideas, open your mind to what the world has to offer you."

He nodded that he understood and stood to leave. He turned and whispered "Thanks for the tips. I might need more of your advice during the year."

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