Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 10, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 9 New Looks

When Sean arrived at the stadium the team was already into their drills. As he approached team family seating Gina announced, "Oh! He's here!"

All the team's girlfriends, which now totaled 20, gathered around Sean. Some commented, "What a waste!" While others commented on his looks, or clothing style.

Joan Crowley introduced herself and asked him ,"What are using on your complexion? You absolutely glow."

Dora Hungerford asked, "Who's styling your hair? It's such a fresh look."

Gina stepped in and quieted the group. "Sean, we used to be called the Stallion's Fillies. We had a meeting last night and changed our name for two reasons. 1) We're not girls. We're woman. 2) You. Our new name is what we are - Friends with Benefits. Not one of us has a ring on our finger. These players are hard to catch. So," she pulled out a rainbow sash that was labeled FWB and draped it across Sean's chest. The clapping and cheering distracted the players from practice.

Coach Lee jogged over to the group. "You ladies need to settle down or you have to leave."

"Excuse you!" Corabeth Morgen glared at him. "First", she said waving a finger in his face, "Were a mixed group now! At least one of your players is playing for the other team now." The FWBs, including Sean, laughed. "Secondly, if our little bit of noise DISTURBED your team, what the hell are they going to do when this stadium is rocking. Now take yourself back to your team and tell them what we've," she waved her hands to include everyone, "said." She turned away from the coach and back to the group. Sean watched as the coach walked back to report to the head coach the message that they had conveyed.

Practice continued and the FWBs had a raucous time laughing and commenting on their boyfriends' various performances. As it came to an end the FWBs moved to the players' gate.

Clay was first out. He looked for Sean and saw him standing at the center of the group. "Look at you! Are you the latest beauty queen?" he quipped with a smile and a twinkle in his eye.

Corabeth answer him, "Who you calling a queen?"

Sean laughed, "Amen' Sister!"

Clay wiped the smile off his faith. "No offense meant. Sorry if I offended."

Corabeth smiled and said to Sean, " You're doing a great job training him. Keep it up!"

"Oh I intend to do just that Corabeth.I intend to."

He grabbed Clay's hand and kissed him deeply. "Let's go Farm Boy." The two headed for the trams.

"Chief, what did I say wrong back there?"

"Queen can be viewed as derogatory by some, especially in the gay community."

"Is she the one who dressed down Coach Lee?"

"Sure is."

"Ok. Note to self. Don't piss her off. So about tonight;I told the guys you're coming over. They promised to be back by 6:30. So I've ordered pizzas for us."

"That sounds great. I've decided I'm going to observe the house rule." Sean announced as the tram pulled up at the light across from their complex. "I want them to see what they're missing out on."

Clay howled with laughter. "I can't wait to see their faces.

Five minutes later they hopped off and took the stairs to the second floor. Clay unlocked the door and escorted Sean into the common room. There he planted a deep kiss on Sean and groped his groin.

"As they broke their kiss, the doorbell rang and the pizzas were delivered by a very buxom blonde. "Three pizzas for the quarterbacks! Hey! Where is everybody?"

"They'll be here in like 5 minutes." Clay told her handing her $30. "Thank you," he said closing the door.

He put the pizzas in the kitchen and started stripping as he led Sean to his room. Naked as the day they were born, the pair returned to the common room and started setting out paper plates. Moments later Larry, Antonio and Steve bounded through the door. Steve whistled.

"House rules," Sean called.

"Yep House rules," Clay confirmed. "As you guys strip off I want you to meet my boyfriend in all his glory. Sean, meet Larry, Antonio, and Steve."

"Glad to meet you guys. Pizzas here in the kitchen," as he walked to the kitchen knowing there were 4 pairs of eyes watching his ass.

Steve dropped everything at the door. He and Clay were right behind Sean. Larry and Antonio went to their rooms and stripped off. They came back naked as well.

Steve whistled again to which Antonio told him, "Fuck Off!" He then grabbed a couple slices of pizza and a beer. Larry did the same. Once all we're seated they started in on Corabeth. "Man you missed it!" Antonio continued. "Coach Cross came over to talk to the fillies."

Sean corrected "FWBs."

Antonio rolled his eyes, "FWBs and only got a couple of words out when Corabeth went off on him. Dwayne Smith, her boyfriend, wanted to hide behind some of the other linemen. Anyway, Coach walked away and told the team there was going to be a meeting with the Athletic Director about this group. That's when Corabeth called Dwayne. Man she leads him around by his dick!" All the guys laughed. "Yeah if he marries her he'll be changing his last name from Smith to Morgen."

Sean said, "Guys, Clay and I have an appointment at 7:30 in Winter Park. So we're going to excuse ourselves." He stood so they could see his flaccid cock and his balls hanging between his legs. "I look forward to `hanging out' with you again soon."

The whole group laughed. Sean knew they got the joke.

When Clay and he arrived in the bedroom, Sean started dressing. We don't have a lot of time. We need to get to Tina's by 7:30. Looking at the disaster of Clay's room Sean walked to the closet and picked 2 pairs of jeans and a pair of chinos. Then he hit the dresser, ruffling through the shorts, he found a clean pair of red board shorts. Next he tackled shirts. "Damn, Farm Boy, does everything you own have Stallions on it?" He finally found two polos one white one purple and 2 Henley's one navy blue and one a soft green. "These will do. Come on. We'll take my car."

Clay knew better than to argue, given Sean's tone, which had taken on the authoritarian sound of the previous night's play, he picked up the 8 articles of clothing and followed Sean out of the room. "Catch you guys later."

"Yep much later or maybe in the morning," Sean chimed in. The naked guys at the table laughed as Clay blushed. He led his boyfriend across the complex to an emerald green Hyundai Supra custom. Clicking the sensor on his key he looked at Clay and said, "Get in."

"Chief you never said you owned a car."

"You never asked. Remember this is Central Florida. Public transportation sucks. So everyone has a car." He started the engine and pulled out. He turned onto Alafaya and then beat the light turning left onto University Boulevard. As he drove he rubbed Clay's thigh. Turning North on 436 he made a left onto Aloma pulling into a business complex that housed The Creative School of Art. Parking the car, Sean led Clay, with his bundle of clothing, through winding hallways to Tina's shop.

Tina, a graying middle aged woman, had come from Vietnam in 1976 as a child of 8. She opened her business in 1990 and quickly became know for making quick alterations as well as designing some of her own pieces. Normally there would be four other seamstresses working as well as 2 tailors. She greeted them warmly, "Mr. Sean, it has been a long time since I have seen you. My hope is you have been well."

"Thank you Tina. I have been very well. My hope is that you and your family have been well and live in prosperity." Sean bowed.

Tina smiled and gave a small bow. This boy had learned how to show respect. "Thank you. We are all very well. My mother of course is showing her age. How may I help you?"

"Tina, this is my boyfriend, Clay Reed."

"Pleased to meet you ma'am."

Tina smiled.

"Sean continued, "We need to up his style. These are all generic clothes that don't show off his body."

"Ah you want sexy gay boy clothes, yes?"

"Oh yeah!"

Tina looked at Clay. She thought, "I will enjoy seeing this young man naked." She pointed at the mirrored platform, "Please put bundle down, remove clothing and stand on box near those mirrors," she said as she picked up a pad and pencil along with her measuring tape.

Sean nodded and Clay stripped to his jock.

"Remove jock too please!" Tina ordered

Clay gulped but complied. Naked as the day he was born he took his place in front of the three mirrors. He had never seen himself reflected in this manner before. He almost started posing but Tina was already measuring his waist. Leg measurements were next, thigh, knee, calf, ankle.

Tina said, "Please excuse touch." as she took his inseam measurement. Clay blushed. He got redder when she measured the length of his penis. "You dress left or right?"

"Uh, I don't know."

Sean chipped in, "He will be dressing right Tina. I'll explain it later Farm Boy."

"Please step down," Tina requested. Clay did and she quickly measured neck, shoulders, bicep, chest, arm length and length of bicep. "Measurements are done. Please put on pants and a shirt." Sean threw a pair of jeans to him and one of the shirts. "Sexy, gay boy, right?"

"Yes, Tina. I want everyone who sees him to know he's my sexy gay Boy." Sean emphasized the word Boy for Clay's benefit.

Tina used her soap chip to make marks on the clothing. "Take off carefully please. Then put on next set please." The pattern repeated until all four outfits had been fitted. "When you want to pick up?"

"Tina, may I pick up one set that goes well together, Friday, and the rest next Wednesday?"

"No problem, I have all ready by 3 pm Friday. You want to pay now or then."

"Now please," he said handing her his debit card.

"With your discount it comes to 85 plus tax. Total $90.95." She ran the card and handed Sean his receipt. "Thank you, Mr. Sean and Mr. Clay. I see you on Friday." She escorted the two hot looking men from her shop. She went back to her desk and began rubbing her clit through her clothes imaging what either of those cocks would feel like in her.

"Sean, I can't pay you back right now for those clothes," Clay began as they walked to the car.

"Stop right there Farm Boy. Did I ask you to repay me?"

Clay thought to himself that he recognized the tone again. "No, Sir."

Sean smiled, "That's right Farm Boy. They're a gift. While we're out I want to stop at ABC Liquor and get the makings for an Aperol Spritz."

"Don't know what that is, but you're driving."

"That's right Farm Boy, I'm always in the driver's seat even when I let you fuck me," Sean smiled.

After the quick stop at ABC Sean took 436 to Aloma, turned tight and went up to Hall Road for another right which took him back to University. The two just held hands as Sean maneuvered the car. When he pulled into his parking spot Sean shut down the engine and looked at Clay. "You know what I'm facing tomorrow. I'd really like some company tonight. But I know you have studying to do as well. If you'd like to come up for a drink or whatever, I'd be thrilled. But this is your call."

"Chief, I'd like to come up for a bit. I do have assignments to work on. How about I give you the stress relief of your choice followed by that Aperol thing before I head back to my place? "Deal?"


They got out of the car and raced up the four flights. Inside there were no lights on in the common room. Jazz music could be heard coming from Al's room. Sean unlocked his bedroom and the two entered. The door had no more than closed than both men stripped. Sean pushed Clay onto the bed. "I choose a nice slow 69 for stress relief."

He got into position beside Clay and they both turned on their sides. Sean took hold of Clay's prick and nibbled at the prepuce. Clay just examined the beauty of the cock before him. "Chief, I just noticed you have no tan lines. Do you lay out nude?"

"Get started on my cock!" Sean replied.

Clay licked just under the ridge of the reddish purple mushroom head before engulfing it in his mouth. He remember his lesson to breathe through his nose as he slid more and more of Clay's cock into his throat. He only paused briefly to open his jaws wider until the entire length filled him and he was staring at the most beautiful set of balls. He gently stroked the pair as he pulled off Sean's dick. Then he tongued the slit and blew into like he was trying to blow up a balloon. He giggled as he took more into his mouth, nudging it deeper and deeper into his throat. He began face fucking himself.

Sean was enjoying Clay's work and concentrated on providing equal pleasure. He had set up a no nonsense face fuck almost immediately. He too played with Clay's balls and perineum. It didn't take long before their mutual moaning added another layer to their fellatio. Clay erupted first drilling deep into Sean's throat. That triggered Sean who filled Clay's mouth with enough cum to make it dribble out both sides of Farm Boy's mouth. They each fell back, their lust sated for the moment.

"Farm Boy, you are a natural. That was one of the best blow jobs I've ever had. You're a real fast learner. I like that about you."

"Ah Chief, thank you but I had a damn good teacher who gives as well as he gets."

Sean laughed, "Aren't we the mutual Admiration Society. Truth is we both nailed it tonight. Come on, I want to teach you how to make an Aperol Spritz. They each pulled on their shorts. Clay finished dressing while Sean grabbed things and headed for the kitchen. When Farm Boy entered the kitchen Sean began, "If you're ever in doubt about what to fix me to drink, you won't go wrong with this. Here's a great recipe."

Aperol Spritz

Ingredients • 3 ounces prosecco • 2 ounces Aperol • 1 ounce soda water • Garnish: orange wheel

Steps • Add all ingredients into a wine glass with ice and stir. • Garnish with an orange wheel.

"Here are the wine glasses and all the fixings. Ice is in the freezer. Let's see how well you mix a drink."

Clay hated chemistry class. He felt like he was in it again. But he grinned and started, "Three ounces of Prosecco," he poured the Italian wine into first one glass then the second. "Two ounces of Aperol," he measured out for each glass. "I'm going to add the ice now before the soda water." Finally he added one ounce of soda water and the slice of orange Sean and prepped for the garnish.

Sean snapped a pic. "Have to preserve the moment." He picked up a glass, clinked his against Clay's, "Slànge y va!"

"Cheers!" Clay responded. "I hope I made it right." They both tasted their drinks. "This is delicious! Are you pleased Sir?"

"Farm Boy I am delighted! The drink is perfect. Your use of Sir is even better. But I do like being called Chief too. Come sit with me on the couch." The two boyfriends cuddled together sipping their drinks, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. "You asked me about my tan. I go to three places. The first is my balcony. Then there is the Club Orlando bath house. Finally, I go to Playalinda Beach which is clothing optional.

"We use to skinny dip down in Arcadia, but Mom said we had to stop. When Mom said stop you stopped."

"Well I look forward to sharing all those places with you."

Now Clay was smiling. "You sure you don't want me to spend the night?"

"No Farm Boy, I'm going to send you home. However, the next time I come to your room and it looks like a pig sty, I'm going to shit in the middle of your bed and piss in your closet."

Clay gulped. He knew Sean wasn't kidding. "Yes Sir, I'll pick up tonight. I'll change the sheets too."

"Good boy. Now give me a hug and a kiss before you head out."

The two embraced then kissed passionately. Then Sean opened the door and sent Clay into the night. "I'll text you after the hearing."

Alone now, Sean cleaned up the common area and headed to his bedroom. He finished a few of the assignments due on Friday. After he caught up on some of his reading, he selected a rather sedate outfit for the review board hearing. He showered and sent a text:

To Farm Boy From Chief

I love and miss you. Sleep well.


Then he went to bed and slept soundly knowing that he was loved.

Next: Chapter 10

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