Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 9, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 8 Settling In

Sean stirred shortly after midnight. He relished laying close against this red haired man who was his new lover. He listened to his breathing. He places his ear against his back and listened to his heart beat, the heart that Clay had committed to him. He felt himself becoming aroused. His cock rose between the mounds of a classic bubble butt. Not wanting to wake his Farm Boy but needing to get off, Sean grabbed the Glide, lubed his cock and slowly began a frottage using Clay's crack as his point of frictions. He continued to hold his lover but realized that Clay was slowly waking as his body responded to Sean's thrusts.

"Wha...what are you doing Chief?"

"Damn I'm sorry to have awakened you Farm Boy but I needed to get off and you ass crack was right there," Sean admitted.

Clay yawned, "Do you need me to help with that? You know you could always fuck me."

"Yeah I know, but this can be fun too. If you lay on your belly I'll rub off on you and if you want you can rub off on a pair of my underwear. Then you can take them with you in the morning and smell them whenever you miss me."

Clay laughed, "Fuck! I'd have them in my face most of the day!"

Sean grabbed a pair from the dirty laundry and Clay positioned them near the top of his cock so he'd cum on them. Then he laid down and experimented with rubbing off on the bed. Sean crawled on top and straddled Clay lodging his cock in the cleft between the two well-formed glutes. He began the frottage.

Between his own thrusts and Clay moving his ass to fuck the bed Sean was building up a load in his balls quickly. Within just a few minutes he was shooting 3 ropes of cum onto Clay's back and his own abs. The heat of Sean's cum drove Clay over the edge and his 4 ropes of cum spilled into the underwear.

Sean licked his cum from his lover's back and kissed down his crack. Clay spread his legs in anticipation. Sean didn't disappoint him too much but he only gave his rosebud one lick and a kiss. Then he laid back. Clay them moved over and licked Sean's cum from his lover's abs. Then he nestled next to Sean and laid his head on his chest and both men drifted back off to sleep.

At 5:30am Clay's alarm sounded. It was a fucking car horn. It startled Sean. Clay killed the alarm and stroked Sean's brow and face while making cooing sounds. Sean return to sleep and Clay packed up and dressed for his run. He also took three red roses from his bag. Pulled off the petals and strewed around the bed. Looking at his sleeping lover surrounded by red rose petals made him smile. He snapped a few pictures of the scene. Grabbed Sean's soiled underwear and quietly slipped out the door and out of the apartment.

He dropped by his apartment. Grabbed what he'd need for a change of clothes after his run as well as his laptop and bag. The added weight would do him good as he started on the first length of his 5 mile run.

At 7 am Sean's phone buzzed him awake. He reached for Clay and realized he'd left for his run. He missed him already. As his morning fog lifted he realized his was surrounded by red rose petals. His heart thrilled at the romantic gesture. After a few minutes of thinking about his own Farm Boy he checked his phone. Last message at 6 am was from Clay. I Text- To The Chief Thought you'd like to see my lover. XOXO Farm Boy 1 image attached

Sean thought, "He's such a romantic," and sighed.

Then he jumped from his bed, hit the toilet and the shower. He shaved, brushed his teeth and gelled his hair.' Now what should I wear?" he thought. He opted for a relaxed look and chose a coral pair of shorts and a light blue V-neck. He finished the look with black belt and sliders. He opened his door and headed to the fridge. Pulling a Real Good breakfast sandwich from the freezer, he popped the wrapper, wrapped the sandwich in a paper towel and started microwaving it. He popped a hazelnut morning blend into his Keurig and started his 10 ounces of coffee. He poured his orange juice. As he placed his breakfast on the table and sat down, Albert came out of his room. "Morning Al."

Albert returned the greeting, "Morning." He grabbed an iced cappuccino from the fridge and pulled 2 slices of bread from the loaf and popped them in the toaster. He buttered his toast and joined Sean at the table. "You have time to talk this morning?"

"Sure, I've got about 15 minutes before I head out."

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior lately. I've been a real jag off." Albert admitted. "Do you think we can just finish this semester without this Review Board thing?"

"Albert, I think that once the wheels were put in motion there's no turning back. I've tried to treat you like Jordan treated me when I moved in here my freshman year. You've rebuffed every attempt I've made to be friendly. Do you realize this is the first time we've even sat at the same table?"

Albert didn't have a response. They both finished their breakfasts. Sean cleaned up his dishes, grabbed his laptop bag and started out the door, he looked back, "Try to have a good day Al. It is what it is." Then he hurried to catch the tram.

As he rode to the University, Sean thought about lunch. He could order pizza or see if he had a coupon from Perkins. He opted for Perkins and saw he had a coupon for their Two Burger complete meal. He placed the order for delivery at 12:30 just as the tram arrived at his stop near the General Classroom Building. He enjoyed philosophy and today they were beginning to look at the works of Kant.

Clay had finished his five miles quicker than normal. He checked into the gym and started his weight routine. Today was upper body: Shoulder Presses, Bent-Over Rows, Upright Rows, Bench Press and Dumbbell Flies. After his workout, he showered and dressed in khaki cargo shorts with a white Stallions football T-shirt. Then he jogged to the Math and Science building for his first class - calculus. That would be followed by English Literature. He realized he was looking forward to lunch. He grinned thinking to himself, "Perhaps I'll eat a little ass or lick up some cum." As that thought crossed his mind Professor Thompson called on him to explain how he would solve the problem she has just posited to the class. "Back to reality," he thought.

Sean walked into his apartment at 12:15. While he didn't mind eating out of containers he wanted this to be nicer. So he pulled down two of his imperial blue hexagon plates to transfer the burgers to when they arrived. Jordan and he has picked them out at Pottery Barn and purchased a service for 8. When he graduated Jordan had left them there for Sean. He pulled out flatware and black napkins and set the table choosing to set Clay beside him rather than opposite.

At 12:25 Clay knocked on the door. As Sean opened the door, Clay gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek and announced, "Man on a mission!" as he headed for the bathroom. Before Sean could close the door the Door Dash representative was there with his order.

Sean whisked it to the kitchen, popped the burgers and fries onto the waiting plates. Dumbed the bag and boxes in the trash and carried the food to the table. He filled two glasses with ice, poured ice tea into them and completed everything just as Clay emerged from his bedroom.

"Sorry Chief, I really needed to clear both pipes." They both laughed and Sean invited him to sit down. Clay was impressed. "You cooked all this for me?"

"Sorta kinda," Sean admitted. "They're from Perkins. Hope that's ok?"

"Hell yeah! Let's eat."

They had a leisurely lunch. Sean noticed that Clay usually had jeans, chinos, cargo pants or shorts. He was usually in some team t-shirt. "Farm Boy," he began, "Can I come over this evening to see your clothes?"

"Why? Can't you see them now?" Clay quipped.

"Farm Boy you're hiding your body. Yeah, your t-shirt shows off your biceps and chest but not your abs. Your pants are generally relaxed fit. I just want to show you how to maximize your look. That way everyone can see what a lucky man I am to have a muscle stud quarterback as my man."

Clay teared up. No one had ever shown this much interest in him. "Well the guys met you yesterday. They might as well get used to seeing you around. By the way we started a new rule. No clothes when we're home alone."

"That's kewl! I wonder who came up with that one," Sean said as he punched Clay's bicep lightly."

"Hey watch the throwing arm Chief!" They both laughed.

"I'll see you at practice today Farm Boy."

"OK. Chief! I gotta scoot. Don't want to be late to class."

Clay started to clear up the dishes and Sean stopped him. "Get to class I'll deal with them." He shooed Clay out the door. Then he cleaned up the table and kitchen. It had been a few days since he had run the dishwasher so he popped in a packet and turned it on. He even wiped down the counter. He hadn't done that in a while. He thought to himself, " I live here. I'm going to make it fit me even if Al doesn't want to help. After cleaning up the kitchen, he got the old vacuum Jordan and he had purchased and vacuumed the area rugs in the common area and his room. He mopped the kitchen floor with what was left of the Spic and Span. Then he mopped his bathroom. He got out the Scrubbing Bubbles and sprayed the sink, tub and shower walls. While that was working he used Lysol toilet cleaner to clean and disinfect the bowl. As he inspected his work he felt a sense of fill him.

He returned to his room and called Tina, a Vietnamese woman who owned the best Tailoring business in Winter Park. He asked a huge favor of her. "Can I bring a friend by around 7:30? He needs a fashion remake."

"For you Sean, yes. You bring me good customers. So I be here waiting."

"Thank you Tina, I'll see you at 7:30."

As he hung up, he smiled at what he had planned for his Farm Boy.

Next: Chapter 9

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