Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Nov 18, 2023


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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Nailed It - Ch 78 Grand Opening

After breakfast on boxing day the couple decided to spend time setting up their office out in the stables. Once in the freshly painted office Sean turned on the air conditioning to help get rid of the paint smell. They unpacked the boxes putting things away in their respective desks. Sean arranged some of Eduardo's nature photographs on the wall above their desks.

Once the office was done, they started setting up the gym positioning the weight bench and re-stacking the free weights onto the rack.

"Clay, I think we need to go into the playroom and discuss what we're going to do in there."

"OK chief, that's sounds like a great plan."

Sean pulled out the keys to the lock on the playroom door. This crossed through the storage area and unlocked the door. The room smelled musty. Farm Boy turned on the air conditioner while Sean switched on the lights. Their boxes were stacked to the side.

"I suggest we pack up everything they left. We can move it all into the storage room while we pressure wash then paint. We can set things up the way I want them."

"Are we painting it black?"

"No. I want to paint it blood red. The floor will be painted black. Then all the black leather will pop."

"Ok Chief, where do you want to start?"

"Start moving our boxes and I'll start packing up the rest."

The twosome worked until 3pm. Clay finally asked, "Chief, aren't you hungry?"

"Come to think of it I am. Let's head back to the house." They turned off the lights and headed back to their kitchen for more leftovers. This time Sean prepared the plates while Farm Boy prepared two Arnold Palmers. He added fiber to his and mixed it.

Sean brought lunch back to the table before retrieving paint chips he had picked up at Home Depot. "Clay please say grace."

"Lord make us truly thankful for what we receive. Amen."

"Amen. The closest I could come to the blood red at Homo Depot is poinsettia red from Behr. What do you think?"

"It's rather bright Chief."

Then they have Crimson Red from PPG."

"It's darker. I think it would work better. Can we get samples of each?"

"Sure thing. We'll go after lunch. Now look at these for all 5 bedrooms upstairs. I want the bedrooms to be relaxing and not in bold colors. The furniture and accessories should be the focus."

"In that case, get rid of these dark and bright greens." Clay pushed aside those color chips. "These muted greens look dirty. So that leaves us with lighter greens."

"I can see any of those working. Which do you prefer?"

Farm Boy looked over the remaining color chips. "Here it's even got an appropriate name for a bedroom paint - blanket." The couple laughed.

"Homo Depot here we come," Sean grabbed his car keys and the pair headed out.

The next four days they pressure washed the playroom, covered the colorful bedroom and bathroom walls with kilz primer, and painted all the bedroom walls blanket green.

They also decided to have the bathrooms modernized by a professionals. They called three remodeling companies. Only one really listened to what Sean was envisioning. They were pricey but in the end they would bring his vision to reality.

Each of the five baths would be gutted. There would only be glass enclosed showers in each room. Each bathroom would be in white marble tile. A different pattern trim tile would be used in each. A modern hanging vanity with a raised sink bowl. The commodes would be 17" ADA with dual flush features. Work to begin Jan 2 and completed by Feb 1.

Eduardo called on the 30th to cover the program for the Grand Opening. Nothing much had changed. He had RSVPs from 150 previous clients and there would be media representatives from 5 outlets.

"Guess we better spend some time grooming ourselves tonight, Clay."

"Yes Sir, do you want me to do you first?"

"No boy, go get the straight razor and join me outside by the pool," Chief directed as he grabbed a couple of towels and headed outside.

Farm Boy came out carrying a can of shaving cream and the straight razor.

"What's that?" Sean asked nodding toward the can.

"Shaving cream Sir. I thought...

Chief held up his hand and Clayton fell silent immediately.

"You need to listen and follow direction boy. If we didn't have to present a certain image, I'd shave you bald. Now put that shaving cream on the table and get your ass back over here."

Farm Boy hustled to do as he was told.

"Do a 180, feet apart and grab you ankles." Clay complied. "Damn it boy why aren't you using the Dude Wipes after you wipe you ass? Your pink hole is stained."

"Sorry Sir. Guess without having sex these last few days I got lazy."

"I see staining like that again and you're going to have to show me that hole after every bowel movement whether we're home or out and about." Chief started scraping the red hairs around Farm Boy's starfish carefully. He moved up the crack before denuding the quarterback's buttocks. "Get on the table on your back and lift them." Once more Clayton complied and Walls made short work of the hairs on the perineum and scrotum. He walked to the pool and dipped the blade in before returning to the table. He expertly removed the red pubic hair and the few silky red hairs sprouting on the penis' shaft. "Sit up Clay."

Farm Boy sat up as his Chief scraped away the scruff of beard he had grown since Christmas. "There you go! Handsome and boyish as ever. Tomorrow morning we'll get our haircuts from Eduardo's stylists. He's sending them at 9. Now jump in the pool then meet me in the outdoor shower."

Clay jumped in the pool and felt the slight sting of the salt water on the areas Sean had dry shaved. He got out of the pool and entered the grotto which hid the two shower heads. "Damn Chief, how many loads to RJ dump in here? It reeks like a cum dump."

"Considering both of us can cum 5 or 6 times a day he's probably at the same levels or maybe a couple more. I'll bring it up to him. He'll take the criticism better from me."

"You're right about that.' Farm Boy's goofy grim spread across his face. "I get to dry shave you now, right Sir?"

"No chance in hell. I get wet shaved." Walls turn on the water for one of the shower heads. The on-demand system was soon producing steam and Sean added cold water to cool it down. He stepped into the spray. "Face first, please."

Clayton carefully drew the straight edge over his fiancé's blond beard growth. Ten minutes later it was gone.

"Can you manage the T?"

"Yes Sir, I can do that." Farm Boy knelt and trimmed away the excess grown from around his lover's pubes. Then he removed the hair from Sean's cock shaft and balls.

Looking up toward his Sir's face, he opened his mouth and sucked Walls' clock into his mouth and started a blow job as the water cascaded over them. It didn't take long as neither of them had cum since Christmas. Sean blasted 8 loads of semen into Clay's throat.

"Thank you boy. You did well. Grab your ankles again." Farm Boy bent over. Chief grabbed the bar of life buoy that RJ had left in the soap dish. He rubbed it on the quarterback's ass crack and starfish. He roughly rubbed the skin cleaning off the fecal stains. "Now for your reward for getting me off." Sean too the soap bar and started rubbing Clayton's asshole slowly applying pressure as the soap started to penetrate the sub before him.

Walls's removed the soap and used his fingers to massage the outer ring relaxing it. He soaped his fingers and started using three of them to probe and spread the inner sphincter muscle.

Clay purred like a kitten. He enjoyed ass play and this soap deal was new. Sean added a fourth finger as the muscles grew slack. He tucked his thumb under and pointed his fingers and moved his hand slowly into the willing ass before him.

Farm Boy finally realized he had been fisted once more as Sean opened his fingers and played with the quarterback's prostate. Within just a few seconds Clay's ass clamped around Chief's wrist and he could feel the semen pouring through his lover's prostate before it erupted in 6 thundering blasts from the rock hard cock.

Sean waited as Clay recovered from his orgasm before carefully removing hand. He soaped it up once more and both men rinsed off in the shower. They headed back into the house to fix dinner and prepare for their big day - the Grand Opening of Eduardo's exhibit.

As they were eating dinner there was a knock at the kitchen door. Sean went to it and peered through the peephole. It was Eddie. He opened the door to admit a very tired and disheveled photographer.

"What are you doing here tonight, Eddie? I would have thought you would be fussing over the displays."

"I need a drink. Fussing is done! The staff are putting the final touches. I see the House Rules haven't changed." He slipped off his shoes and shimmied out of his pants. Then he removed his shirt. "I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow night without the stylists. I'll still join them in the morning, but I wanted to give you a heads up," he said solemnly as Sean handed him a glass of wine.

Clayton shook Eddie's hand as he sat at the table. "Would you like something to eat?"

"If you have any extra, I would welcome a good meal."

"It's just left-overs from Christmas and we have plenty. Turkey or ham?"

"Ham please."

"I'll have it ready in a few minutes. You can talk while I fix it."

"Thanks Clay. As you know there will be 150 clients there. I need to warn you about 5 of them."

"Warn us?" Sean sounded surprised.

"Yes. You've been dropping your pants for years for art classes. Anyone ever make a pass at you?"

"Sure, men and women."

"Well, these five, three men and two women will without a doubt directly proposition you verbally and physically."

"You're shitting me," Clay commented as he placed a plate of food in front of Eddie and gave him his utensils.

"Many who view this exhibit will think you are both whores or prostitutes. These 5 think that way. At my last exhibit Rachel Batten grabbed the one model's crotch so hard he had a bruised penis for weeks afterwards. Henry Marks did the same to another model's breast. James Albertson fingered another male model's ass by ramming his hand down the back of his slacks. Trudy Hart ripped off a male model's shirt and raked her nails across his nipples. Finally, Alex Lauren followed a model home. The model alleged rape, but Alex's money eventually settled things out of court."

"Why the fuck do you invite them?" Sean demanded.

"Money. They're each good for anywhere from twenty-five thousand to seventy-five thousand. Also, if they bad mouth an opening other potential patrons might stay away. One client who comes to every opening told me she comes hoping to be there when some model decks one of them." He laughed nervously. "You two have my permission to do just that."

"You're kidding?" Clay inquired.

"No, I'm not." He went back to the door where his pants lay on the floor. He retrieved a program from his back pocket. Carrying it back to the table he flipped it open and pointed to the inside of the front cover.

At the bottom in a box with a red border was the statement. `Patrons are reminded that the models' personal space is to respected at all times. Models have the right to defend against unwanted verbal or physical harassment.'

"I've added this to the program, tickets and there are placards stating the same at each door. I've also hired two additional security personnel to shadow each of you. Most patrons will know exactly to whom the warnings apply. By the way the food is really delicious guys. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Thank you for looking out for us."

"I hate to eat and run, but I need to get home and get some rest."

"Eduardo why not stay the night? We have 5 empty bedrooms upstairs. Pick a room any room," Sean quipped.

"You know I do sleep well here. Can I use the blue room?"

"Sure, if we had a blue room," Clay laughed. "They're all blanket green now." The quarterback's laughter filled the kitchen. "Let me make sure I made up the bed. Have a seat in the family room."

Sean cleared the table and cleaned up the kitchen. He started the dishwasher and joined Eddie in the family room.

"How are the calendar sales going Eddie?"

"Sold out! We even ran an extra 15000 this year."

"That's great! More money for all of us," Sean flashed a smile at his friend. "Do you like the changes we've made so far?"

"I loved the lighted entrance. Of course, I've seen the Christmas wreaths in the windows before. I saw the lights from the kitchen when I pulled up. That's why I came to the kitchen door."

"Rooms ready Eddie," Clay announced as he walked to the fireplace and lit the kindling around the remnants of the Yule log. Soon the warm glow from the blaze in the fireplace and the lights from the tree filled the room.

Clay sat cross legged on the floor at Sean's feet. Chief ran his fingers through the red hair. The three men talked about the Christmas holiday and the collegians upcoming nuptials. Farm Boy refilled Eddie's wine twice and made Sean an Aperol Spritz. He had a beer for himself. Before they realized it midnight was upon them. They bid each other a good night. Eddie gathered his clothes and climbed the stairs. Sean and Clay retired to the master suite.

The morning of December 31 saw temperatures plummet in Central Florida. As the sun broke over the horizon it was only 40 degrees in Christmas. Clay got up at 6 to take a piss and realized how cold it was in the house. He wrapped himself in his bathrobe and headed out to turn on the central heat. By the time he got into the kitchen the smell of burned dust was being emitted from the registers.

Farm Boy made Chief's coffee and took it into the bedroom setting it on the nightstand. He headed into the bathroom for his morning toilet. He remembered to clean his ass with both the toilet paper and the dude wipes. He still wasn't sure of the bidet. After his toilet Clayton started the shower. He peeked into the bedroom to check on Sean, but he was still asleep. The quarterback stepped into the shower and scrubbed himself from head to toe using a luffa.

When he edged from the showered wrapped in his bathrobe, Sean was sitting up in bed sipping his coffee with the duvet covering most of his body. "Morning Chief. I put on the furnace."

"Morning love. Glad you did." Chief sat his coffee down and slid the covers back. He stood and hugged Farm Boy. He shivered and goose pimples covered his body. They kissed. Clay retrieved Sean's bathrobe and helped him into it. "Thank you. What should I fix for breakfast?"

"I'll do breakfast Chief. Happy to be of service."

"Nope, not today. I got this one." He padded out of the bedroom and through the house to the kitchen. There was still some stuffing left from Christmas as well as a few slices of turkey. He grabbed the leftovers. He diced the turkey and mixed it with the stuffing. He formed three pancakes out of the mixture. Turning on the griddle top he fried each pancake a few minutes on each side before plating them. Clay fixed more coffee and poured V-8 for each of them and set the table for 3. He also put our pineapple. "Time to eat," Sean announced. "May we have a blessed day fortified by this meal. Amen."

Caught off guard for the blessing Clayton murmured his amen. "Thanks for cooking but what is it?"

Laughing Sean mused, "Guess you could call it a turcake or maybe a sturcake. Or as Granny would say F-O-O-D." Clay guffawed at the last one. "Just eat it." The couple cut into their respective stir cakes and took their first bites. "Not bad if I do say so myself."

"It's a mini-Thanksgiving or Christmas meal Chief. A bit dry so I'm going to use ketchup," he announced getting up from the table. He added ketchup to his plate when he returned and dipped his next bite into it. Tasting the morsel he pronounced, "Much better."

"Next year we'll keep some gravy around to dip it into," Sean decided.

They were finishing their leisurely breakfast when Eduardo walked barefoot into the kitchen clad only in his trousers. "Buenos Dias! Cafe por favor."

"Have a seat. I'll warm up your breakfast and get you your coffee."

"Just coffee I don't eat breakfast."

"Today you will, I already fixed it," Sean said with a tone of finality in his voice.

"Yes Sir," Eddie replied. He had too much on his mind to argue. While Sean fixed his cafe con leche, Eduardo was busy sending orders to his executive assistant.

Sean placed the coffee mug in front of Eddie with the sugar bowl and spoon. He knew he liked it sweet from previous observation. He then popped the sturcake in the microwave to heat it up. A he got a bottle of hot sauce from the refrigerator, the microwave pinged and Sean served Eddie his breakfast.

The photographer looked at his plate, doused it with hot sauce and took a bite. He gave Sean a thumbs up as he continued to type, drink coffee and eat. Clay cleared the table and started cleaning up the kitchen.

Finally finished with giving orders Eddie remarked, "This was very good. What was it?"

"I call it sturcake. Leftover turkey and stuffing. You need to relax more."

"I did relax, last night. If I would have been at home, I would have been sending texts all night. What I really need is a good fuck." The front doorbell rang. "But it's time to get your hair styled."

Clay opened the door expecting to see Terry, Romeo, Ronnie and Simone. Instead two red heads stood waiting to be admitted each with a rolling suitcase. "Good morning."

"Top of the morning to you! I'm Conor and this is my husband Oisín Kavanaugh. We're expected," Conor stated in a thick Irish brogue while extending his hand.

Clay shook each of their hands, "Yes, yes you are. Welcome to Oak Haven, please come in." The quarterback led the couple around the Christmas tree through the family room and into the kitchen. "May I offer you coffee."

"I'm happy out. What about you Oisín?"

"Yes, please."

"Sean, I'd like you to meet my new hair stylists and makeup artists, Colin and Oisín Kavanaugh."

Sean shook their hands, "Please to make your acquaintance. Colin are you sure we can't offer you something?"

"I'll have a mineral if you have one?"

Eddie interjected, "He means a soda."

"Oh! Yes, we have several. We keep them here please take whatever you wish."

"I could use the jack as well."

Eddie stepped in again. "There's a lavatory around there to the left in the laundry room."

Colin headed to the bathroom. When he returned, he found his husband drinking his coffee and telling them about Killarney. He grabbed his mineral, an Orange Fanta. "So, gentlemen, what are we working with here today?"

Sean stood and dropped his robe. Colin gave a low whistle. He did the same as when Clay dropped his.

"Something wrong?" Sean smirked.

"Oul fella and your oul wan did some fine work!" Colin commented. "We're going to have a whale of a time working with you two! Aren't we Oisín?"

Oisín licked his lips a few times. "Indeed we shall,"

"What is the look you're going for Eduardo?

"I know you haven't been privy to the exhibit. Sean, do you have the prints I gave you handy?"

"Of course. Follow me they're in the hall," Sean led the way to the display. The four men behind him admiring his well-shaped ass. Farm Boy thought, "I'm so happy he's mine."

Sean flipped the light switch illuminating the two Castillo blue washed prints. Sean was completely nude and sporting a semi hard cock, while kicking off his underwear. The one of Clay featured him stripping off the wife beater. He was about 3/4 of the way to a full erection. The desire and lust reflected in his eyes was ferocious and palpable. His muscles were pumped.

"Colin, we have our work cut out for us," Oisín opined.

"They're both grand!" Colin noted. "They drip sexuality. You say the ones in the gallery are better?"

Eduardo smiled, "In my opinion, yes."

"It appears you've already taken care of the pubes, not than anyone will see them tonight. Let's cut your hair. Then we'll return this evening to help with cosmetics and styling," Colin stated.

"It would help if you could spend some time out in the sun afterwards, so your cut line isn't as pronounced," Oisín added. The men returned to the kitchen. "I'll do the red head you to the blond."

They open their bags to pull out capes, scissors, combs and razors. Twenty minutes later they were finish. Eduardo applauded their work.

"With your permission we'll leave these things here until Rex returns this evening."

"If you don't have other clients today, you're welcome to spend the day here. Use the pool, play tennis, or just hang out."

"We would be happy out to do just that, however we have a lunch commitment. Would you mind if we came back around 3?" Oisín asked.

"Perfect. We'll see you then," Sean replied.

Eduardo added, "I'll be leaving too. I'll see you this evening at 10pm. Remember my advice." With that the three guests left for their cars.

"I think it's too cool to swim Chief. How about we set up the playroom?"

"Great idea Clay. It painted now so we can set it up the way we want it." Sean headed to the bedroom and dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. Clay chose jeans and a tee-shirt. The couple headed out to the stable building. For the next three hours they positioned furniture, set up the sling and hung-up various implements. Sean then started on organizing the work bench. One drawer for dildos, another for electro, another for lubes and condoms. As he closed the drawer and looked around, he was proud of what they had accomplished. "Lunch time! Let's go Farm Boy."

They returned the house. After following the house rules, Clay prepared lunch and they sat outside beside the pool to catch some sun.

Shortly after 3 the couple heard car doors shut. Farm Boy walked nude around to the front of the house. Colin and Oisín were at the front door. "We're back here fellas!" The Irish lads waved and jogged over to Clay and shook hands. "You're welcome to strip down and enjoy the sun with us." The two red heads started to unbutton their matching shirts. By the time they arrived at Sean's lounge chair their shirts were off. They shook their other host's hand before kicking off their shoes.

Chief and Farm Boy watched as the lads removed the last of their clothing. Both were free balling. Their skin was pale which made their red hair stand out. Both were hairy, and their pubes were bushy. Colin's cock was perhaps 3 inches long while Oisín's was about 5 inches. Both were uncut.

"Pull up a lounge chair guys. Clay, would you get our guests whatever they want to drink please."

"Thank you," Oisín replied. "Do you have the mixers for an Aperol Spritz?"

"We sure do," Clay replied. He thought to himself if I'm making one, I should make two."

"I'd like an Irish whiskey neat if you have it. If not, scotch neat will do," Colin added.

"I'll check the bar. We haven't paid much attention to what was there," Clay replied before heading inside.

"How did the two of you meet?" Sean inquired.

"That is a strange story. We both arrive at St Bridget's Orphanage on the same day. Me ole fella was driving fluthered and plowed his lorry into a pole. Killed me Mom and himself straight off," Colin explained.

"My ole fella and wan died when our house burned down. They kept running in and out gathering my sisters and brothers. In the end their own burns and the smoke was too much for them. I was the oldest and a troublemaker so none of the family wanted me. From what my siblings tell me I got the better deal going to the orphanage instead of being treated like an unwanted burden."

"Anyway two twelve-year-old lads from Tralee arrived on the same day. The nuns put us in the same room. We're almost the same age. I'm born June 1 and Oisín is June 15. We did everything together. Kissed and fucked the same girl. Turns out we really got off on watching and being watched. We wanked together and eventually wanked each other."

"I fucked him first and he did me after. They kicked us out at 18. Colin found us a room in Dublin and when I joined him 2 weeks later, he had a job as a grocery lad and had arranged for me to be stock and clean up."

"We saved our money and took night classes to become barbers. We graduated and both got positions at Men's Grooming in Terenure. From there we started studying makeup as we had a few clients who are actors."

"Two years ago, one of our clients got a starring role on Broadway. He didn't like the woman doing his makeup and hair. He insisted on Colin. But Colin wouldn't leave me as we had married. So, they took us both. It was a great 18 months. The show closed and we were out of work."

"Fortunately for us our work had been noticed and we began working with a modeling agency. We tired of that after 3 years and moved to Florida. We opened our own shop in South Orlando. Castillo heard about us from another photographer, and he's been pulling us in for shoots and special projects for 2 months now."

"May I ask you ages?" Sean inquired.

"We'll be 30 this coming June," Oisín replied.

Clay returned with the drinks. "Aperol Spritz for Oisín and Sir. Then we have a Tullamore D.E.W. 12-Year-Old Special Reserve for Colin and me."

Colin sniffed at his class savoring the smell before taking a sip. "We'll whomever stocked your bar knew his Irish whiskey. This is one of the top shelf brands."

"The couple from whom we purchased the property left many things behind," Clay explained. "Would you like a tour?"

"Yes, it looks like a brilliant estate," Oisín comment.

"I'll sit here and visit with Sean, Oisín. Hope you don't mind me not going for a tour Clay."

"Not at all Colin. We'll start over here Oisín, with the changing room and grotto shower," Clay began describing the features of his new home to Oisín.

"May I ask a personal question?" Colin asked.

"Yes, but I reserve the right not to answer."

"Are the two of you monogamous or do you play well with others?"

Sean gave Colin a wry smile. "We've been known to play. What about the two you?"

"We've been known to play as well."

"How do you like to play?"

Colin gave Sean a wry smile, "Mild to wild with emphasis on the wild."

"Perhaps we should join the tour. It will end in our playroom." The two wandered off into the house and caught up Clay and Oisín coming downstairs.

"Your house is amazing. However do you utilize all the space?"

Clay and Sean said, "Family," at the same time. All four men laughed.

"I thought you may like to see the Annex. It was used as a stable at some point in the house's history. We've converted it to other uses," Sean shared. He led the way out the front door and to the office. "This will be our office. For now, we'll study here but after I finish my degree I'll work from here. The next room will be my design studio."

Clay slid the door to the gym section open. "This is the gym. It currently has the weight bench as well as free weights. We'll add to it over time."

"We could be happy out in a place like this, couldn't we Colin?"

"Yes, I think we would be fortunate to find a place like this."

"Through here is a storage room then our playroom?" Sean stated as he led the way much to Clay's surprise.

"Playroom?" Oisín queried.

"Playroom, dungeon, love dungeon, passion pit... all names for Dom/sub sexual encounters," Sean elaborated as opened the door, stepped in and donned his cover and picked up his flog.

Farm Boy pushed past their guests, knelt and kissed his Sir's feet. "How may I serve you Sir?"

Colin got down on his knees and kissed Oisín's feet. "How may I serve you Sir."

Oisín looked at Sean, "Shall we switch subs?"

"As long as we keep it safe. Safe words in play here Red stops all activity."

"Agreed. Switch Sirs." Colin and Clay switched partners and kissed their new Dom's feet. Oisín took Farm Boy to the St. Andrew's and restrained him so he could flog his back.

Sir Sean started trussing up Colin on the wall so that his legs eventually were off the floor and spread wide. He started flogging the Irishman's chest, legs and groin.

Oisín repositioned Clay so that he was bent in half. His ass was now widely exposed as the Irishman began rimming him. Farm Boy moaned in pleasure as the thick tongue probed his hole. Oisín would occasionally reach over and pinch a nipple, jack on the 9 inches of stiff meat or flick at the two huge balls.

Chief had inserted a vibrating butt plug in Colin's ass and turned it on. The red head wiggled in delight and started leaking as Sean went back to flogging him.

Oisín was really getting into eating Clay's ass. His pinching of nipples and balls was getting rougher but was nothing Farm Boy couldn't handle.

"Uncle!" Clay screamed. Everyone stopped and looked. Sean ran over to see what happened. Colin was undoing the restraints as Farm Boy sobbed hysterically.

"What did you do?" Sean demanded.

"I don't know. He was moaning and wiggling his ass as I rimmed him. I read him as everything was good."

Clay wrapped his arms around Sean, who hugged him back. "It, it wasn't him. It was me. I suddenly had a vision of Everett squeezing my cock head. Oisín was great. It's me," he sobbed.

"Oisín, Clay raped 2 months ago. He apparently has had a flashback. I'm sorry, we thought we were past this, but I guess we're wrong. Would you mind releasing Colin?"

Sean guided Clay back into the house and into the master suite. "Lay here while I see to our guests." Farm Boy nodded and clutched Sean's pillow to himself for comfort.

Colin and Oisín were just emerging from the stables through the office when Sean came out to check on them.

"We've turn off the lights and closed the doors," Oisín reported.

"Thank you. I am sorry playtime got caught short. This hasn't happened to him in months."

"Don't worry about. We had fun anyway. When he's feeling up to it we can play again. Our lives are centered here in Orlando now," Colin noted.

"Thank you for understanding. Please come and make yourselves comfortable in the family room. I'm going to work on getting Clay calmed down and ready for tonight."

"How about we fix dinner? Oisín is a great cook."

Sean looked at the men. "I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. There are frozen stuffed peppers in the freezer or whip up whatever you want. Our bedroom is back through there if you have questions."

Sean returned to Clay. He found him curled around his pillow sleeping. He lay down beside him and covered him with a sheet. Sixty minutes later a knock at their bedroom door roused them both.

"Dinner will ready in about 5 minutes guys," Colin announced.

"Thank you. We'll be right out," he informed the Irishman as he sat up in bed. "Come along Farm Boy dinner is waiting."

"I'm embarrassed Chief."

"Nothing to be embarrassed about. They understand what you've been through. However, next week we'll see Christine and get you into therapy."

"Do I ha..." he stopped talking as Sean gave him "The Look."

Sean walked out of the bedroom as Clay hustled his ass to catch up with his man.

The Irishmen had set up dinner at the table in the kitchen. It smelled delicious. Oisín explained, "It's an Irish tradition to eat corned beef and cabbage along with potatoes, carrots and onions for the new year. I saw you had some on the freezer so here we are." He uncovered the tureen with a flourish.

"Would one of you say Grace?" Sean asked.

"Coming from a Catholic orphanage in Ireland you might think us religious. But we'll say this instead," Colin reached out his hands and Oisín and Clay took them. "May love and laughter light your days and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours."

"Beautiful Colin," Farm Boy commented.

The four men tucked into their meal. Afterwards Clay brewed coffee and added the Irish whiskey to each cup. He brought out the cookie tins.

Colin directed Sean and Clay to shower and meet back in the kitchen. He and Oisín cleaned up after the meal and started the dishwasher. They set up their cosmetics and hair product.

Clay came in first. "I am sorry about today guys. I can't even pinpoint what set me off."

"Think nothing of it. You've got a big night ahead of you. Colin is going to work on you now. Please have a seat," Oisín instructed. Sean entered as Clay sat down. "You're here."

Forty-five minutes later the two Irishmen had plucked eye browns, applied a light facial moisturizer so the models skin glowed a natural radiance and had style and sprayed their hair.

"Time to dress you. What are we wearing?" Oisín inquired.

"Might be a tight fit if we're wearing it," Farm Boy quipped.

"Very funny," Oisín noted giving Clay an annoyed look.

"Our tuxedos are in our bedroom," Sean informed them.

"Come along," Oisín instructed as he and Colin led the way to the master suite.

Once there they position their subjects about six feet apart. "Lift your arms," Colin directed. He then sprayed an odorless antiperspirant onto their underarms.

"Are you free balling or wearing underwear?" Oisín inquired.

"Freefalling," Sean replied. Oisín nodded and tossed a pair of black knee-high socks to Colin. The couple knelt and put the socks on each of their clients.

The shirts were next. The engaged couple had opted for the pleated formal look for the night. Colin held the shirt for each man as they slid into them while Oisín inserted the cuff links and studs. "Why the two different colors?"

"Wedding colors," Clay responded. He was a bit uneasy being dressed. "Last time somebody dressed me I was a little boy," he shared.

"Not true," Sean reminded him. I dressed you at the hospital and I've decked you out in leather.

"Aren't I your little boy?" the quarterback teased.

"There's nothing little about you," Sean replied as Oisín and Colin chuckled.

The Irish couple attached the braces to the pants and helped each man into them. They even zipped them up and fastened the waist button. The bow ties were next, followed by their shoes. Finally, the slipped on the tuxedo coats.

"Perfection," Colin opined.

"Almost," Oisín noted. He grabbed a bottle from his apron pocket. "Wrists," he directed. Both men held out their wrists. Oisín sprayed a small about of a substance in a blue bottle on each wrist. Then walking behind each of the men he directed, "Chins down." He squirted the same liquid twice on each of the models' necks.

Replacing the first blue bottle he pulled out another. "This stuff is almost impossible to find. We got our supply at a New York estate sale. He spritzed two squirts above Sean's and Clay's heads letting the mist settle down onto his subjects.

"Smells a bit like leather," Sean noted.

"What was in the bottles? Farm Boy queried.

"The first is a male pheromone to help attract men. We covered it with Halston's original cologne for men. And yes, leather is an under-note of his formula," Colin explained. "Two Cinderella's waiting on their pumpkin to take then to their ball."

"With 15 minutes to spare. We best dress and pack up," Oisín noted. They returned to the kitchen and quickly packed their bags and put on their clothes. "We look forward to reading about you in the paper tomorrow. Thank you for everything."

"We should be thanking you. In fact, we want to hire you for the wedding. We'll be in touch."

"We look forward to it," Oisín replied as they walked out the front door. They got in their car and headed out.

Clay had no sooner closed the front door when they heard another vehicle approaching up the driveway. Sean grabbed house keys and his wallet and tossed Clay his billfold. The doorbell rang.

Standing there in a chauffeur `s uniform was Sally Jenkins, one of the Stallion Cheerleaders. "Good evening, Clay, Sean. Your vehicle awaits." She nodded her head and walked back to the dark blue limo. She opened the passenger door. Clay got in while Sean armed then locked the front door.

"Sally I didn't know you drove a limo," Clay commented as they waited for Sean.

"It's really easy money and I meet lots of very interesting people. This company works with my schedule as well."

"May I ask how much you make an hour?"

"Sure Clay. I make $21 an hour plus tips. Tonight, I'm booked for you guys from 8 to 4. Mr. Castillo is known as a big tipper as well."

"Wow that's awesome Sally. I'm happy for you. Beats working McDonalds."

Sean walked up then and got in the limo. Sally closed the door and took her place at the wheel. It was 9 pm. Fifty minutes later Sally pulled into the reserved space in front of Castillo's Gallery on Park Avenue.

The sidewalk had been roped off and a red carpet had been laid for the event. Gordon was on the sidewalk awaiting their arrival. He must have sent a text to Eduardo who emerged from the gallery as Sally opened the passenger door.

"I feel like royalty Chief," Clay whispered as he took Sean's hand to help him from the car.

"You better not turn into a Queen or I'll kick your ass," Sean whispered back with a smile on his face. Clay grinned too as Eduardo swooped in to hug them both and welcome them to the Grand Opening.

The gallery display windows showed only g-rated fully clothed photos or headshots of the models. It was not until you entered the gallery and passed through a draped entrance that you saw the 8foot tall image of Sean with his jeans undone so just the top of his shaft was showing welcoming people to the exhibit. Applause started at once as the couple entered.

Eduardo gave the couple a complete tour of the exhibit. Sean and Clay we're delighted not one cock or asshole shot was being shown. Every picture left something to the imagination except one in which Clay hanging on the dungeon wall and Chief was biting his nipple. The expression on Farm Boy's face could only be described as bliss.

After the tour Eddie introduced them to everyone there before guiding them to buffet so they could get some food. Then it was time for them to go to work.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, our guests of honor this evening will be signing books and prints here to the left of the buffet area. Please let one of my assistants know which items you wish to purchase and which you wish to pay to have autographed. Enjoy. Oh we'll stop just before midnight to get our champagne flutes topped off for the New Year."

For the next hour Sean and Clay wrote Happy New Year, wishing you all the best in the New Year, or Have a wonderful New Year in book after book. Prints brought to them received only the date and their first name.

At 11:55 Gordon interrupted the signings and requested they join Eddie in the middle of the gallery. They were handed champagne flutes. The countdown occurred. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Happy New Year!" everyone shouted. Toasts we're made, champagne drunk and kisses occurred all around.

Sean and Clay were at the center of it all. They were able to hug and kiss each other first before Eduardo's patrons hugged, kissed and groped the groins or asses.

After 10 minutes of putting up with it, Sean put an end to it by taking Clay's hand and leading him back to the signing table.

Word spread through the crowd that both men were really packing it. They weren't stuffing those tuxedo pants with socks. The sale of the nude books picked up. The only change the models made was changing the date to January 1.

At 1 o'clock Clayton whispered to Sean, "I need a piss break."

"I do to. Excuse us ladies and gentlemen we'll return in about 5 to 10 minutes. Thank you for understanding. Gordon!"

"Is there a problem, Sirs?"

"Where is the men's room?"

"Follow me gentlemen." Gordon escorted the pair to an area in the rear of the gallery which housed the lavatories. He stood along the wall behind the pair as they drained their bladders.

Alex Lauren stumbled into the rest room. "I've paid top dollar for a ticket. I want to see the real goods now." He grabbed Sean's shoulder and spun him toward himself. Sean's piss stream never stopped, and he emptied his bladder on Lauren's slacks. "You son of a bitch!" Alex screamed. He balled a fist, but Gordon stepped in and grabbed his fist as he swung.

"I wouldn't if I were you. It's 3 against 1."

I can't go out there looking like this," Alex whined.

"Let me help you with that," Gordon smiled. He opened the door and help up 3 fingers. Two security guards entered. "This man assaulted Mr. Reed throw him out the back door."

Alex began protesting loudly which drew some of the other guests' attention. A woman leaving the Women's lavatory had heard Gordon tell the guards about the assault. By the time Sean and Clay returned to the table to continue signing items word had spread among the 100 or so guests remaining in the gallery.

Unbeknownst to the couple, phone calls and texts were radiating from the gallery to others in the social scene in Winter Park, to Orlando, Miami, Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Lind, Paris, Berlin and Tokyo. Alex Lauren had been caught assaulting a model.

By 2:30 the final guests had left. Eduardo hugged both Sean and Clay. "Thank you. Thank you. A million thanks to you both! The preliminary sales report exceeds our wildest dreams."

"I'm glad you're pleased. I've got writer's cramp," Clay quipped.

"It was worth it my boy! Your bonus from tonight will be significant. Oh, and thank you for not beating up Alex. I intend to make him pay dearly. I refused his order for the books and prints. I'll let him whine a bit then charge him 4 times what we were getting tonight, and we'll actually date them the day they are delivered. You 12/31 images are now worth more than your 1/1 images."

"I don't get art at all," Clay moaned.

"Don't worry lover, you will," Chief assured him.

Gordon entered the back. The limo is ready. I prepared two plates of food for you to munch on during your ride home."

"Chief seems we've nailed this grand opening. How about we get going so you can nail this when we get home."

"Ah another grand opening," Sean laughed as they entered the limo and Sally drove them back to Oak Haven to start their New Year.

Next: Chapter 79

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