Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 20, 2023


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It Chapter 77 It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Sean woke up just before 5AM. Clay lay snoring softly beside him. He moved his leg from atop his lover's. Then he lifted his right arm up and off the sleeping red head. Farm Boy stirred a bit and his right hand reached back and touched Sean's body making sure he was still there. Chief smiled at the gesture. Propping himself up with one arm in the bed he started lightly planting kisses along Clayton's arm until he approached the athlete's Adonis belt. Sean carefully straddled his boy and started kissing along the belt and then the blond treasure trail that had grown back since he had previously shaved it off.

The hooded penis lay soft and nestled upon Clay's left thigh. Ever so gently, Sean rolled the quarterback onto his back and maneuvered his legs apart. Kneeling between the outstretched legs Sean bent over and sniffed the musky scent emanating from his lover's groin. He extended his tongue and licked the tip of Clay's prepuce while keeping his eyes focused on upon his face. He repeated the gesture six more times without any sign of acknowledgment.

Chief gently took the flaccid penis in his hand and gently skinned back the prepuce so that the glans was exposed to the air. He blew on it gently. Farm Boy didn't stir but Sean could feel the dick pulse in his hand as it began to harden. He blew his warm breath across the glans again and the dick hardened further. He licked at the tip of the glans teasing the piss slit. The athlete's cock was at attention now and a small drop of precum oozed out and formed a small pearl at the slit.

Clay stirred, his left hand moving to scratch his balls while his right moved toward where Sean should have been sleeping. Walls smiled at the gesture, but he remained still and in place. Reed resumed snoring.

Sean once more used his tongue to lick at the sensitive underside of the now erect cock. Getting no response he decided it was time to get rougher. With this left hand he positioned his thumb and index finger so the gripped the scrotum just above the balls. With his right hand he pulled the straining cock to a ninety degree angle from the sleeping beauty's body. In one smooth move Sean swallowed the nine inch cock to the pubes while pulling Clay's balls away from his body.

Clay woke up, his mind reeling in confusion. He knew he was in his bed, but didn't immediately recognize the new bedroom. He felt both pleasure and pain. As he roused further he saw the blond head of hair bobbing up and down on his cock and laid back to enjoy the blow job.

Sean wasn't going to let him get off that easily though. He continued to pull and squeeze the two hefty egg-sized balls in his left hand. Clay would moan and Sean would squeeze harder. After one particularly hard squeeze Clay called out, "Red!"

"What's the problem Farm Boy? I told you I'd help you take care of emptying those balls."

"I know Sir, but I'd like to have two balls when you finish and not a sack of mush."

"So you're going to be a pussy about a little pain?" he flicked the balls with his right index finger.

"You could take having your balls squeezed and flicked for 5 minutes?"

"I can and I have and for longer than that boy. I told you Master Will is a sadist. He gets off on inflicting pain and so do I. Go ahead, punch me in the balls." Sean got down off the bed and stood beside it with his legs spread wide.

Clay thought about it. Chief had told him he enjoyed inflicting pain, just not as much as Master Will does. He debated just asking Sean to fuck him.

"I don't want to hurt you Sean."

"Damn it. I gave you an order," Chief raised his voice slightly but his eyes reinforced his message.

Farm Boy sat up, balled up his fist and punched his lover in the nuts. Chief never flinched.

"Again with effort this time."

Once more Clay balled up his fist. He struck harder this time. Again Sean didn't flinch.

"When you can take that, you can whine to me about pain."

Farm Boy got down on his knees and bent over to kiss his Chief's feet. "I am sorry I doubted you Sir. Am I forgiven Sir?"

Sean gently touched Clay's red hair, "Of course my boy. I know you have a lot to learn but I never give you more than you can handle. You're too precious to me." He moved to the bed and laid down propping himself up with the pillows. Clay snuggled up next to him and laid his head on his lover's chest.

Chief stroked Farm Boy's red locks and tickled his neck and left shoulder. The quarterback gently traced his Sir's abs; moving lower and lower towards the blond pubes. His hand wandered across the pubic bone to the base of Sean's penis. Running his fingers down its length the athlete closed his hand around it and started to masturbate his fiancé.

Sean closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation. He had not hand a hand job in months. There had always been a mouth or asshole available for his use. He felt Clay adjust his position and he peeked through slightly opened eyelids to see that Farm Boy was also jacking his own cock toward an orgasm. A smile crept across Chief's face. He admired the adventurousness Clay exhibited; always wanting to try something new even if they were based on years of watching gay porn.

Clay pumped the two cocks in alternating rhythms as if he were milking a cow. He eyes would close every once in a while as he pictured the image of two men being milked in a barn by a third man. He would open his eyes and look at the two cocks in his own hands and pick up the speed.

It took longer than he expected but he shot first with his cum spraying on his chest and on Sean's. Somehow he was able to keep up with jacking his lover off as his own orgasm subsided and he focused on his lover's pleasure. With his face so close to the action he actually saw Chief's glans swell and felt the first burst of semen rushing through the cock to spurt out and cover his face with cum. Two more spurts completed his facial. Farm Boy kissed the dick that had gifted him with his facial before using his tongue to lick up some of the cum from around his mouth and dripping from his nose.

Sean grabbed a few tissues from the bottom drawer of Clay's night stand and wiped his boy's face clean. "Go start the shower. I'll be along in a minute." He kissed Farm Boy and could still taste his cum on the scruffy cheek.

Clay headed to the bathroom and started the water. Sean sauntered in a minute or so later and aimed his cock at his partner and let his morning piss play against Farm Boy's legs and groin. For a moment the two even played dueling streams as their piss mixed and mingled in midair before falling to the drain below. Afterwards they showered and dried off together. They could both shave at the same time now and they joked about it while they removed the buildup of scruff from their faces.

"Babe," Clay began, "I know we have to resemble our portraits for next week, Afterwards though we'd have 7 weeks to grow beards for the wedding. How would you feel about growing a full set? I think it would be real hot to have a bearded Daddy."

"I've had a beard before. I can do that for you. Not sure 6 weeks will be enough for mine to look good but we can decide a few days before hand."

"Sweet," Farm Boy stated.

They dressed for their work day ahead and walked out to see RJ coming back into the house with a beach towel wrapped around his waist.

"That outdoor shower is a great feature. I took care of business and showered too," he winked at them as he passed. Clay just shook his head as he headed for the kitchen.

"Morning Mom, Dad," he called as he headed for the Keurig to fix Sean's coffee.

"Morning Junior. Where's Sean?" Martha inquired.

"He was right behind me a minute ago."

"Morning all! I was just plugging in the trees. Granny just came downstairs by herself. She is sitting in the living room looking at the tree and singing carols."

"I've got her coffee ready, I'll take it to her," Martha said.

"No, let me honey," Leon stated as he stood up. He picked up his coffee and then the one for his mother and headed into the living room.

"He's trying to spend as much time as possible with her. We don't know how much longer we'll have her with us," Martha acknowledged.

"I'm glad we've had these extra days with her too," Clay admitted. "Did Mary Liz show you the pictures of Granny and the Nativity set? She really captured Granny's innocence and love in those pictures.

Martha responded, "Yes, Junior, we reviewed them yesterday. There are quite a few that are just so precious! By the way, I'm running to Walgreen's later, do you need anything from there or Publix?"

"Could you pick up some Christmas wrapping paper for me?" Sean replied.

"Of course Sean. Anything in particular or just Christmas?"

"Just Christmas Mom."

"Who needs wrapping paper?" Hannah asked coming into the kitchen.

"Me," Sean responded.

"Silly brother-in-law to be, come with me," Hannah ordered. She took Sean's hand and led him upstairs and to the attic access. She flicked the light switch but instead of mounting the stairs she pointed to the other side of them. There were two tall plastic binds with lids. One was labeled All Occasions the other Christmas.

"When did you spot these?" Sean asked.

"We saw them when we went exploring. To tell the truth we used some of them yesterday when we wrapped some of our presents. Do you want to see what else we found?"

Sean moved the Christmas wrapping paper out into the hall. "Yes, we can take a quick look. I'm in need of coffee."

Hannah laughed and walked up the circular stair case in front of him. At the top she turned to the left and walked past all the holiday stuff. She stopped at the Civil War stuff. There were Union and Confederate flags in sleeves, two uniforms and several dresses hung on a small rack. "I think they took part in reenactments or did fancy dress parties," Hannah opined.

She led Sean a bit further to where they had found the rocking chair. There were two more rockers, a grandmother clock, and a commode complete with a chamber pot. A cast iron bed frame leaned against the wall. There was more but everything was covered with dust sheets.

"Hannah this is marvelous," my decorator brain is going into overdrive. I best get my coffee though or I won't function."

"OK caffeine addict, let's go get your coffee," she laughed as she led the way back downstairs. Downstairs Clay had Sean's coffee waiting. The wall of Walls were starting to arrive for breakfast. By the time Martha took the two breakfast casseroles out of the over everyone had arrived.

"We're doing this with the good china and napkins today," Martha announced pointing to the stack of paper plates on the counter. "The casseroles are ham, egg and hash browns and the other is sausage, egg and hash browns. Toast, butter and orange marmalade are next to the casseroles. Coffee, V-8 and apple juice are on the breakfast bar."

"Hannah Jane, would you ask the blessing this morning?' Junior requested.

"God is great, God is good, let us thank him for this food. Amen," the young women prayed.

"Amen," everyone added before getting in line to eat.

Chief whispered in Farm Boy's ear, "Thank you for fixing my coffee. You take such good care of me and I love you all the more for it." He gave his lover a kiss on his cheek.

"Get a room," Mary Liz teased.

"We did! A whole house filled with them," Junior retorted.

"Good one bro," RJ commented.

The group were catching up with each other about their prior evening's adventures at their homes and looking forward to the big family gathering scheduled for Christmas Day. RJ and Xander finished their meals first and put their disposables in the trash bag Martha had hung on a cabinet drawer. They headed for the stable. Others started finishing as well and joined in whatever activity with which they were helping.

Clay and Sean repaired to their bedroom and pulled out the boxes with Christmas gifts for their family and friends. "Which tree do you think we should put them under Chief?"

"I'm realizing now that there are going to be a massive number of gifts under the tree. I think the best place would be the tree in the family room. I also need to wrap the ski cap for Axel."

Clay nodded and carried one of the boxes into the family room. He started unloading the presents behind the tree. "I need to leave space for me to add water,' he thought,

Sean was adding the presents from his box as well. When he had finished there was a mound of wrapping paper and bows all around the tree's base except for the space Clay had left to reach the trough.

Junior went to get a pitcher to add water as Sean wrapped the gift for Axel.

Granny came into the family room, "Sean, may I use some of your wrapping paper? I finished the afghans for the expectant mothers."

"Of course Granny. Use whatever you like. I left the scissors and tape in on the dining room table."

"Thank you sweetie," Granny beamed as she went off to wrap the presents she had created.

Ethel, Martha and Andrea came into the room. "Andreas we need to speak with you," his mother began.

Sean turned toward the women and swallowed hard. They looked concerned.

Martha continued after they had all seated themselves, "How do you see Christmas dinner working tomorrow?"

"Well we know 15 fit around the table without a problem. We need to add the four expectant ladies, plus 6 more from Clay's family, 2 more from mine and our guest from Sweden. That's 28 in total."

"We barely fit 21 the other evening," Andrea added.

"Well we can't withdraw the invitations now," Clay stated.

"Let's set up the table and see how we can arrange everything," Sean suggested.

Hannah and Mary Liz had been leading against the doorway to the kitchen. "Or you could bring down the table out of the attic and its chairs," Mary Liz commented.

"What table?" Sean asked with a quizzical look.

"He didn't look under the sheets Sis," Hannah giggled. "I told you there was a lot of furniture in the attic."

"Well let's take a look," Clay chimed in as he led the way upstairs. The group of seven trekked up to the attic.

Hannah and Mary Liz led the way to the far end of the attic. Mary Liz ripped off a sheet covering a dining room table with trestle legs leaning against it. Hannah started lifting off the dust covers on a group of 10 chairs.

"These are beautiful." Martha stated as she ran her hand along the delicate design of the chair backs. "I think these are Chippendale."

"I agree Martha," Andrea added. "The family must have outgrown it and got the set downstairs.

"We could pull a Reed Family solution. Push the chairs and couches to the outside of the room and set up the two tables in the family room," Hannah suggested.

"Or rearrange the living room so the table runs across the hall and into it," Mary Liz suggested.

"Grab a chair and let's get these downstairs and cleaned up," Ethel ordered as she picked up a chair and headed for the stairs.

"Hold on," Clay countered. "I don't want you ladies carrying things down those stairs. Sean and I will do it ourselves."

"I agr..." Sean started

Andrea and Martha glared at Clay and Sean before raising their voices to their sons at the same time.

"Leon Clayton Reed IV, since when are women so weak they can't carry a chair?"

"Sean Andreas Walls whatever gave you the idea a woman can't carry a chair and walk down stairs?"

Both men stood mouths open and eyes wide at the stir they had created. Each of the 5 women now had a chair and had started across the attic to the stairs. Each of the men picked up one of the pedestals and followed them down to the entrance hall. The group returned to the attic with the women once more taking care of the chairs while Chief and Farm Boy maneuvered the rectangular table top down through the circular stairwell.

"I'm sure glad those stretchers had locks on them," Clay stated.

"The what?" Sean asked.

"Stretchers. Those are those wooden pieces that stretch the length of the table top and can be extended when the leaves are added."

"Oh, I just thought they were supports. Thanks for teaching me something new."

Mary Liz and Hannah passed them on the main stairs as they headed back up to the attic. They each picked up a leaf and returned downstairs.

Ethel was busy dusting and polishing the cherry wood of the chairs. Martha and Andrea had begun reorganizing the family room.

"What happened to the living room plan Mom?" Clay asked.

"We thought there wasn't enough room through the door way for people to be comfortable," Martha replied. "We can set it up like we discussed upstairs or we can create and set the table at a 90 degree angle from the main table. Some of us won't be able to see everybody from our seats but that would be the easiest to set up. It is your choice though."

"I wish this was the dining room instead of the room it is in," Andreas muttered.

Clay quipped, "If wishes were fishes."

"Yeah I know, we could feed the world," Chief responded.

"Well let me know because I started the seating chart last night," Ethel added.

Andrea suggested, "Why don't you two take a walk outside and see what everyone is doing and let the ideas for in here percolate a bit."

Clay grabbed Sean's hand and led him out to the pool area. The morning air was refreshing. The two men surveyed the area that had changed so much since Sunday. They walked to the tennis court where they found George trimming up some azaleas around the oak trees behind it. As he cut branches Tom was stuffing the cuttings into black plastic yard bags. The two men waived at their friends and continued around the garage to the front of the house. They stopped and gawked at the stables.

The exterior was fully painted and trimmed. It was beautiful. The bright white trim set off the red beautifully. Xander came out of the storage area door, his cock and balls swinging between his legs. His hairy strawberry blond chest hair was matted with sweat.

"What do you think bro?"

"Xander it is beautiful. I'm so impressed. You guys really should consider going into remodeling."

"You think this is something wait to you see the office," he waived them to the end of the stables where the tack room had been converted into the office. The old air condition unit was running; its compressor struggling to build up enough pressure to circulate the coolant.

"We have guests," Xander announced. All the men looked up from various places in the main stable. They were all nude as the day before. RJ entered the office from the bathroom. Sean and Clay looked around. The vinyl floor had been laid in the office and their desks positioned as he had instructed. Their office chairs were in place. Two boxes labeled office were sitting atop the desks.

"Guys, I'm speechless," Sean began. "You've done an amazing job." He walked into the stall that was now his design studio. Again the platinum gray was illuminated by the track lighting. This room too had its vinyl flooring complete. The hanging barn door had been painted barn red. It fit with the architecture of the building perfectly.

The gym was painted the darker gray and it's flooring was two-thirds of the way done. David and Nicholas were on ladders hanging the track lighting.

"When did you guys learn how to wire lighting?" Sean called.

"Andreas, you never heard of YouTube!" David responded. All the men laughed. "We found out each stable has its own breaker. The box is in the bathroom." He finished tightening a wire nut. "OK RJ! Flip it back on!" he hollered. A moment later the lights on the track turned on.

"The switches are in different places. You'll need to probably replace them and get new face plates as we painted over everything," Nicholas advised.

"We should have taken out those wall boarads sectioning off the stalls but we can handle that another time," Clay commented. "We're so far ahead of where we thought we'd be at this point. Thank you all so much." He went around and hugged each of the seven men.

"We best get back inside and make the decision. The ladies are waiting on us Clay."

"You didn't rile the women folk did you guys?" Leon inquired.

"Well yes and no. We just need to decide how to set the tables for dinner tomorrow," Sean informed him.

"Andreas! Andreas! Come and see what we found! Andreas!" Tom was hollering as he ran up to the group inside the stable. Breathing heavily he continued, "Come see what we found. It's a hidden door!" He pulled Sean's arm to follow him. Clay followed and the naked men were grabbing underwear to cover their groins in case Granny or Ethel came outside to see what the commotion was all about.

Tom led them to the back of the garage which had been previously overgrown with ligustrum, azaleas and several small trees. George was standing there pulling more things away from the back of the building. A wooden door resembling those of the stable was being revealed as he pulled down more of the overgrown plants.

"Watch out for snakes. I sprayed my repellent around these bushes the other day, but I don't know what could be on the other side of the door," George cautioned.

Clay and Sean each took hold of one of the metal handles and pulled. Nothing happened. Tom hit the hinges on Clay's door with a shovel he had nearby. Clay pulled again and the hinges groaned. Sean grabbed onto the handle on Clay's side as well and they couple pulled together. The metal hinges shrieked as the door slowly opened.

They were met with a wall of cobwebs. The two men grabbed the other door handle and pulled. It too shrieked and groaned as it slid out into the open. George brought a propane torch and ignited it. He started burning away the cobwebs that had built up over years. Within a few minutes the gathered men could make out the contents of the shed -- sports equipment. There were tennis rackets, a crochet set, several basketballs, volley ball nets, shuttle cocks, a couple of volleyballs all arranged on shelves and covered with a thick layer of dust and cobwebs. There were items stored to the left and right of the doors as well but were hidden by shadows and more cobwebs.

"I figure no one has been in this shed for about ten years given the size of the one oak I cut down," George offered.

"Or longer," Alexander suggested. "I haven't seen badminton played in a long time. Some of those shuttlecocks are still in their boxes."

"The house that keeps on giving," Andreas said as he looked inside the shed cautiously.

"If you're not using your cars today Andreas, I'll set off a bug bomb before I leave after lunch."

Martha walked out of the kitchen to see what the men were all gathered around. "You guys didn't have to dress up for me," she grinned as she came up to the group. "I see you've made another discovery. Just don't spend a lot of time on it. "Ethel says lunch is in 30 minutes." She giggled as she kissed Leon, patted his rump and headed back inside.

"Let's just close her up for now," Sean directed. "We'll figure it out after Christmas." He led Clay back into the house. The other men headed off to clean up their projects and wash up for lunch.

Just after noon everyone gathered in the kitchen. "Richard, would you say grace for us?'

Richard winked at Dave then said, "Grace," while grinning like a Cheshire cat. There were smiles and giggles around the room as he bowed his head, "May we be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magi, and the peace of the Christ child. Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless this food and preserve us now and forever. Amen."

Ethel began, "I opted for a simple lunch as some of us will need to make room for tomorrow's feast." She patted George's belly. "I have prepared 20 Cranberry -- turkey sloppy-joes. No dessert today. Enjoy."

The group lined up and grabbed a paper plate and a sloppy joe and found a place to sit. There wasn't much talking until RJ piped up.

"These are delicious. What all is in them? Maybe Mom can fix them for us sometime."

Ethel smiled, "Thank you RJ. Your Mom watched me make them and wrote it down already but the ingredients are easy. You need 4 pounds lean ground turkey, ketchup, reduced-sodium beef broth, dried cranberries, two envelopes of onion soup mix, brown sugar, cider vinegar and hamburger buns."

"I better pay attention in chemistry class," RJ joked.

"You better learn to cook something besides eggs and hot dogs," Mary Liz teased her youngest brother.

Hannah jumped in as well, "Or just keep on eating baked beans from a can."

"Don't forget the spaghetti-Os," Junior added.

"Or guzzling salsa from the jar," Leon laughed.

"Go ahead pick on RJ time. I can take it. I have broad shoulders."

"And big feet," Mary Liz threw in.

RJ shot her a dirty look.

"Y'all settle down now before Santa changes his mind about visiting here tonight," Granny ordered.

The group settled down and finished their lunch. Afterwards Clay and Sean cleaned up the kitchen. Once again thank you and goodbyes resounded through the house. By one o'clock, just Clay's family was left. Granny retired to the bedroom for a nap. Leon and Martha sat on the couch watching a program. Hannah and Mary Liz decided to sun bathe. RJ retreated to the den and his lap top. Sean led Clay to their bedroom, locking the door behind them. "Looks like those two are in for some afternoon delight," Leon whispered to Martha. "Care to spank my ass a little harder than you did outside My Lady?"

Martha stood and led her husband up the stairs to their bedroom. Granny's radio covered the sounds of spanking coming from her son and daughter-in-law's bedroom.

Downstairs Chief had stripped Farm Boy and had tied his wrists to the posts on the head board. He knelt at the athlete's feet and just stared at the beauty of the restrained male before him. He placed a hand on each of the athlete's feet and massaged them imitating a cat pawing the place it would soon nap. As Sean moved up Clay's shins toward his knees the quarterback spread his legs to accommodate his lover's movement.

Chief moved beyond Farm Boy's knees up his thighs, He carefully avoided touching the sophomore's scrotum or erect penis. Sean slowly worked his knees forward until they rested against Clayton's rump. The blond continued his pawing of the red head before him. Carefully moving along the sides of the straining dick, he massaged the Adonis belt and abs. When he reached Clay's pectoral muscles, the quarterback wrapped his legs around his fiancé's body locking Sean between his legs.

Chief carefully continued pawing the strong muscular body under him. He paid special attention to Clay's nipples. As he moved further upward with his hands he massaged Farm Boy's face causing him to giggle. Sean leaned forward to kiss Clay deeply, pushing his tongue into the receptive mouth to do battle with Farm Boy's tongue.

Farm Boy twisted his head away from Chief's face breaking the kiss. "Fuck me Sir. I need to feel you inside me."

Chief reached to the night stand and retrieved the clove oil lube. He pulled his body up from Clay's and applied lube to his fingers which then rubbed then probed Farm Boy's starfish, Sean then lubed his own cock before positioning it at the entrance to Clay's body.

Farm Boy pulled his shins tighter against Chief's body urging him forward. Sean wasn't going to be rushed as he very slowly inched his way into the welcoming rectal sheath.

"Faster Sir. Harder Sir. Fuck me Sir," Clayton kept urging. All his pleading and begging were to no avail. Sean took a full seven minutes to embed his dick in Farm Boy's ass. Then he stopped moving. The restrained athlete began humping himself on the cock impaled in his ass. No matter how he pushed, bucked or squirmed his Chief remained still with an evil grin on his adorable features.

Without any warning Chief finally thrust his cock forward to meet Farm Boy's attempt at humping him. The movement of the cock brought a sigh of contentment from the restrained bottom as his Sir's cock stimulated his prostate.

Sean leaned forward and propped himself over Clay's body and began plowing the greedy ass which was demanding more action from him. And action is what Chief gave it. He long dicked it before switching to shorter strokes aimed right at the prostate.

Farm Boy was using his whole body to urge his Chief on. His legs remained locked around Sean. His mouth continued to encourage him, "Faster Sir. Harder Sir. Fuck me Sir. Oh yes Sir that's the spot Sir."

Chief returned his torso to an upward position. He reached down to grab the cock leaking pre-cum all over its owner's abs. Sean jacked the cock a few times causing Farm Boy to gurgle as the marvelous sensations he felt from his dick and ass. Sean continued to pound away at the body under him remembering to stroke the cock in his hands every few minutes. Clay's lust was radiating from his face and upper chest as his body flushed with sexual energy.

It was either luck or karma which saw both men orgasm at the same moment -- Chief planting 6 blasts of seed into his Farm Boy who himself blasted 6 loads of cum into the air covering himself and his lover.

Chief released the spent cock in his hand and fell forward on top of Farm Boy; who finally released his legs freeing his lover's body. They lay together feeling each other's hearts beating and the chests heaving as they caught their breath. Finally Sean rolled of Clay's body and lay beside him. He reached and pulled the end of one of the ropes binding Clay's wrists. The slip knot gave way easily. Farm Boy undid the remaining restraint.

"Chief that was really amazing. However did you keep from just ramming home like you usually do?"

"I thought we'd both appreciate it more if I went very slowly at first. You got to feel every inch enter you and I got to feel you starfish grabbing my dick trying to pull it inside."

"I'll go start our shower," Clay commented as he rolled out of the bed just as Sean's phone rang.

"Hello, Sean Walls speaking," he answered.

"God eftermiddag. This is Axel. I have arrived at Interstate 95 und Highway 50. The directions say I am 15 minutes from your house. I will see you soon. Ja."

"Yes, Axel, we are expecting you. See you in about 15 minutes. You have the directions."

"Ja the GPS has it mapped out. Hej då!"

The call ended Sean rushed into the shower and told Clay they had 15 minutes before company arrived. The two hastily washed their bodies and rinsed off. They dressed casually and were ready to meet their guest.

Clay went outside to warn his sisters, "Axel will be here any minute. Best cover up."

The two girls wrapped their towels around themselves and headed for the upstairs to change. They had no sooner climbed up the stairs when the doorbell rang. Sean opened the door to their guest.

There before him was Axel dressed in walking shorts and sporting a Sverige tee shirt from the National Football team. Sean though how much more handsome he looked in the sunlight showing off his strawberry blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. The darkness of the dining room had hidden those qualities. Sean felt his cock plumb a bit. The shirt and shorts showed off his lithe frame well. He was a bit sunburned from his time around the pool in South Florida.

"God eftermiddag. I wasn't sure this was the correct address. It is a big house," he commented surveying the entrance hall with the Christmas tree dominating the center.

"Welcome to our home Axel. Please come in."

Clay walked up and greeted Axel with a firm handshake, "Welcome, I hope you had an enjoyable drive."

"Ja. I found it very interesting. There are many communities along the interstate. I enjoyed it more on Highway 50. There were more trees and your home is big like you," he blushed a bit. "Oh this is for you," he handed the men a holiday bottle bag.

"May we save it for when we open Christmas presents?" Sean inquired.

"Ja, of course."

Clay asked, "May I help you with your bags?"

Ja, very kind of you. It is only two." The two men walked out to the car parked near the stables and retrieved the two carry-on sized hard sided bags.

Back inside Clay guided Axel to the stairs, "Let me show you to your room Axel. I hope you will find it comfortable.

"I am sure it will be very comfortable," he responded as he followed Clay up the stairs and down the hall to the bedroom at the end of the house. "Interesting, I have never slept in an orange room before."

"We just moved in Sunday. We have been cleaning for three and half days. Eventually the color will change. I'll leave you to unpack and freshen up a bit before we show you the rest of the house. Please join us downstairs in the family room when you're ready. It's the room with French doors behind the Christmas tree."

"Tack, I shall not be long."

Clay closed the bedroom door and started to head for the stairs when his mother opened their bedroom door.

"Junior, did your guest arrive?"

"Yes Mom. He's in the orange room at the end of the hall."

"I look forward to meeting him. Your father will be along when he finishes showering." She walked downstairs with her son.

They met Sean in the family room where he was relaxing listening to Pandora's Christmas radio station. Clay sat next to Sean and Martha sat on the other couch.

"Sean I've started on a simple dinner for Christmas Eve. I hope that is alright with you."

"Mom, I hadn't even thought about it. Are we going to paper plate it or should we set the dining room table?"

"In honor of your guest, let's set the table. The girls will help as at home and you men folk can do the dishes."

"Leon entered the room fresh from his shower, "Giving orders mother?"

"No dear just clarifying the evening meal plans."

Mary Liz, Granny and Hannah entered and took seats. Just after they say down Axel entered the room a bit nervously.

Sean stood up, "Axel, these are Clay's family. His mother and father Martha and Leon Reed, his grandmother Mary Elizabeth Reed, his sisters Mary Elizabeth and Hannah Jane. His brother Robert Joseph is off doing something, but I'm sure you will meet him at dinner time if not sooner. Members of the Reed family please meet our special guest, Axel Blondell from Malmo, Sweden."

Martha led the way and greeted him with a handshake. Each of the other family members did the same.

"May we offer you something to drink Axel," Clay inquired. "We have coffee, tea, sodas."

"Ja just water, tack."

"I think I'd like a glass of red wine," Granny stated.

"How about a Cape Codder for me?" Martha inquired.

"That does sound good. How about I mix one for everyone?" Mary Liz stood up ready to mix the cocktail. Granny and Axel nodded in agreement. "Hannah you can help me and we'll show Junior and Sean what we found in the attic." Hannah giggled and joined Mary Liz in the kitchen.

RJ burst into the room hollering, "Mom what's for dinner.... Oh we have company!" he dashed back to the den to put a t -shirt over his bare chest. When he returned he walked up to Axel and held out his hand, "I'm RJ, Junior's little brother."

"I am pleased to meet you Robert Joseph," Axel began, "I am Axel from Sweden."

"That's boss! I'm half Swedish. My Mom is a full blooded Swede just like Mormar and Farfar."

"There you have our family tree in a nutshell Axel," Martha smiled.

"Mom what's for dinner?" RJ asked again.

Granny spoke up, "I'll tell you what's for dinner young man. F -- O -- O -- D!" Leon smiled. His mother had used that many times on him when he was a boy.

"Show up and find out," Martha added.

RJ changed the topic to one his parents wouldn't appreciate. "Axel, is it true that most Swedes are naturists?'

Axel smiled, "Yes. Would you like to know why? It is a lengthy explanation."

"Yes, please," RJ answered sweetly ignoring the stare from his mother and father.

"Swedish attitudes towards nudity actually probably date back to Viking times. It all began with bathing and the days of the week. In English, Saturday takes its name from the planet Saturn. In Swedish, Saturday is called "Lördag", which goes back to "Lögar-dagen" or, "wash day". Around the year 900, Lördags were reserved for cleansing the body. Every man, woman and child would follow a fairly strict beauty regime where they would bathe together using natural soap.

By the 1800s however, things began to change. Negative attitudes towards nudity slowly crept in among the upper echelons of society. But for most people, bathing was still a public affair and done very much in the nude. There was no room for modesty or time to fret. For some middle class people, they would still bathe together as a family if alone, and if they had company, they would take turns according to gender the men first, of course.

In the 1930s, and attitudes changed again. For the first time, it became desirable for women to have an all-over suntan -- something that could only be achieved nude. So by the 1980s, it was commonplace for men and women to sunbathe nude or topless. Nudist beaches had sprung up all over Sweden and nudity, in general, is largely accepted by we Swedes. It remains so today."

Hannah and Mary Liz entered the family room pushing a wooded serving cart with the drinks they had mixed on top.

Sean commented, "Another attic find! Guess we're going to spend some time up there to see what other treasures are in hiding."

"However did you get it downstairs?" Clay inquired as his sisters served everyone their drinks.

"We figured they got it up there, there had to be a way to bring it down. It was awkward but we lifted it and carried it down just above the railing," Mary Liz explained.

"Do I get a drink?" RJ demanded.

Leon responded, "Hannah mix him one but with only a third of a shot of the vodka." Hannah Jane nodded and slipped into the kitchen.

"Thanks Dad! My first alcoholic drink!"

"Who do you think you're kidding?" Martha began. "You think we don't know about you and the missing beers?"

"Throwing them along the grove line was a dead giveaway," Leon explained. "Bottles thrown from cars don't wind up in little clusters of three and four in a spot."

RJ turned scarlet. The conversation moved on as Clay asked, "How did you enjoy your first American football game?"

"I enjoyed the game very much. Did you know we have American football in Sweden?" Axel responded.

"I thought your football was soccer," Mary Liz stated.

"It is Mary; however, while American Football is not the most popular sport in Sweden, it has started to amass a small, cult-like following. Today Scandinavia boasts youth leagues, high school leagues, professional leagues, and even a women's league; all with helmets and all the padding."

"I had no idea," Sean said.

"Me either," Clay added.

Hannah returned with RJ's scaled down Cap Codder. Granny was fidgeting a bit. Hannah offered to get her crochet bag to which the elderly woman agreed. When Hannah returned she pulled out a ball of Christmas red yarn and continued a project she was working on.

"What you making Mom," Leon asked.

"You'll see."

Everyone in the Reed family knew that she was working on something for one of them. Given the length of the chain they figured it was an afghan for one of them.

"Axel, do you want to go swimming?" RJ asked their guest.

"I didn't know you had a pool. I don't have a swim suit with me."

"That's OK we can go skinny dipping can't we Junior?" RJ had turned to a homeowner rather than his parents for approval.

"Yes, we'll do it like Axel told us about in Sweden. Since we have a guest the men may go out and swim naked," Clay decided. "You ladies can swim later if you wish."

"We're going to start dinner and set the table. Granny is occupied here with her crocheting. I think after dinner, while you men folk clean up, we ladies will enjoy the pool."

Granny kept silent. She thought she might have a word with Junior after dinner.

The men sat their now empty glasses on the serving cart and followed RJ out through the sliding glass door onto the patio. The play of light was beautiful reflecting off the pool's surface sending ripples of light against the house and the back of the patio.

RJ was the first to strip off, followed quickly by his father and brother. Sean wasn't far behind him. Axel took his time as his cock had chubbed a bit at the sight of Clay's cock. He was fighting to keep from springing a full fledged hard on.

RJ called, "Watch this guys!" He was at the deep end of the pool. He jumped up high and flipped backwards. As he went into his back flip his long dick flew backwards and slapped his belly. He completed the flip as his feet inter the water and he sank beneath the surface. The other men applauded his efforts. "Thank you. Thank you. Now who is going to try it next?"

Leon walked over to the deep end and simple jumped up into the air and let gravity carry him down in the water. Sean followed suit. Clay went next as Axel finished stripping off his shorts. He executed a perfect imitation of RJ's dive completing it before his feet were even close to the water. The group gave Clay a round of applause.

RJ commented, "Junior that was amazing! You hug in the air longer than I did!"

"Little brother, I train a lot more than you do. Run each day for at least 30 minutes and build your hamstrings. Then when you jump there will be more power behind you."

Axel approached the deep edge. Sean and Clay both appreciated the body before them. He was recovering from sunburn and had obviously worn trunks in South Florida as his ass and groin were snow white. His chest was matted with the fine strawberry blond hair that ran down toward his treasure trail. The crown jewels were hanging between his legs - two large balls over which hung a thick uncut 7 inch long penis.

Axel took a deep breath and leaped into the air and began his back flip. His cock flew into the air as had RJ's and Clay's. He came out of his back flip just as his feet started into the pool. He surfaced to applause as he brushed his hair back. RJ swam over and hugged him quickly before splashing him with water.

"Open season on RJ," Leon called.

The four men splashed the teen repeatedly until he cried, "Uncle!" The men then started swimming laps or treading water.

Martha called from the house, "Dinner in 15 minutes gentlemen. Wash up."

Sean retrieved towels from the pool house. RJ grabbed his and headed for the outdoor shower. Leon wrapped the towel around his waist, grabbed his clothes and headed for the house. "I'll shower upstairs."

"May I ask why they are showering after being in the pool?"

"Sure Axel. It is a salt water pool," Clay explained. "Some people don't like the feel of salt on their skin as the water evaporates."

"Ja, I understand. I'll shower upstairs too," he stated as he wrapped his towel around his body, grabbed his clothes and followed Leon into the house.

Sean and Clay headed into their bathroom through the pool door. "Did you see that cock Chief? It looks thicker than ours."

"Oh I saw it Farm Boy. Damn shame he's only here two nights. We could explore that body a lot more."

They showered quickly and dressed for dinner. Coming out into the dining room the found it formally set with a white table cloth with embroidered poinsettias. There were matching napkins folded on each dinner plate. Water and wine glasses were already filled. Candles burned in two silver 5 light candelabras. The china service was framed by the silverware that Granny had polished. Sean took the seat at the head of the table while Clay was at the other end. When Axel and Leon entered Sean invited both men to join him at his end of the table - Axel to his right and Leon to his left.

Granny entered and Clay invited her to sit at his right hand. RJ came in and was directed to sit next to Granny. Hannah and Mary Liz entered pushing the serving cart loaded with their dinner. They began setting the dinner on the table. For the appetizer they had prepared fig and blue cheese bruschetta. A tureen of Butternut Squash Soup with bacon was placed on the table. A frozen salad was set in front of Sean. One could see the red and green cherries mixed into the cream cheese. A cast iron skillet with rolls in was set upon a trivet. The girls removed the cart and took their seats. Martha entered with the main dish -- sausage and pumpkin pasta.

Sean looked to Axel, "As our guest, would you please ask the blessing?"

"I only know it in Swedish."

"We know it in Swedish too. You start and we'll join in."

"Ja, is good." Axel bowed his head. Sean reached for his left hand and Hannah took his right. "I Jesu namn till bords vi ga valsigna Gud den mat vi fa. Gud till ara, oss till gagn sa fa vi mat I Jesu namn. Amen"

Martha explained the dishes and the foods were passed to right around the table. When all had been served Clay raised his glass of wine. "On this first Christmas Eve in our new home, we welcome family and friends. May next Christmas find us all together again. Skål!"

"Skål!" everyone responded before sipping their wine. Then they began their meal. Quiet reigned in the dining room. As people began getting full conversation turned to other topics.

Sean raised his wine glass and stood up. "Ladies and gentlemen I propose a toast to Martha for planning and overseeing such a fine meal."

"To Martha," the group chorused. Martha blushed. Junior patted his mother's right hand.

"Thank you everyone. I appreciate it. I thought that after the dinner dishes are cleared we could have dessert in the family room."

"What did you make Mom?" RJ inquired.

Granny jumped in with, "D-E-S-S-E-R-T!" Everyone laughed.

"I made a lot of things the past few days. So did Granny as well as your sisters."

"I bet Granny made Snicker-doodles cause Dad loves those," RJ grinned at his grandmother. She smiled lovingly at her youngest grandson. "I like them too Granny."

"RJ you would eat a tin can with chocolate on top," Mary Liz teased. RJ bleated like a goat much to everyone's' amusement.

Granny said, "Ladies shall we adjourn to the living room. Perhaps we can prevail upon the men folk to bring us our coffee while we appreciate the trees."

Everyone stood as the ladies left the dining room. Clay left the room to prepare the coffee for the women. The rest of the men gathered the dishes. It was not until the serving dishes were brought in that Sean realized there were no left overs. He rinsed the dishes and put them into the dishwasher. Leon was hand washing the pots and pans while Axel dried. RJ started putting the silver in the dishwasher baskets.

Clay took the four coffees into the living room on the cart. He also brought a carafe with more coffee as well as sweeteners and milk should anyone want more. Then he gathered up the table cloth and napkins and carted them off to the laundry and popped them into the washing machine. The doorbell rang.

Martha went to the door and opened it just as Sean arrived as well. Outside was a group of about 12 people. They started singing "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." as more of the household members gathered round the door to listen. Sean slipped into his bedroom and pulled $50 from his wallet. He folded the money into the palm of his hand before returning to the carolers. The first song was followed by "Jungle Bells," "Do Your Hear What We Hear" and Deck the Halls." The leader of the group addressed those gathered, "We're from the Baptist Church. We welcome you to our community. We saw the lights and the poinsettias out front and then your beautifully decorated home. I don't recall being here before. I hope you'll join us some Sunday."

The group then started singing, "We Wish you a Merry Christmas." Sean stepped over and shook the leader's hand transferring the money to him.

"If we're here next Christmas Eve, please plan on at least having tea and cookies with us on your journey."

"Thank you Sir. Right neighborly of you." He led the carolers back down the driveway to the waiting bus.

The family returned to the family room. The ladies first stopping to get their coffee cups. Clay was getting ready to establish a Christmas tradition in their home with the lighting of the Yule Log. As the family gathered and took their seats in the family room Clay turned out all the lights in the house except for the trees. He handed each person a small red votive light with a small candle within it. Clay stood near the fireplace. He first made sure the flu as open.

"Two thousand years ago a carpenter from Nazareth took his pregnant wife to his home town of Bethlehem. The only shelter they could find was a cold stable heated only by the animals they found within it. We light this Yule Log to warm the stable of our hearts so that the Christ can be found there." He used the lighter to set the fire ablaze. As the wood caught he held out his hand toward Sean. "My love will you join in lighting our candles from this fire so we can carry Christ's light with us?" Sean joined his fiancé at the hearth. He took a taper from the stack Clay had prepared and the two of them let their candles from the fire. Then they cast the tapers back into the blaze. "Granny, would you care to light your candle now?" The old woman walked over and took the taper and lit it from the yule log and ignited her candle. She threw her taper into the fire. "Dad." Leon on went to the fireplace followed one at a time by Martha, Axel, Mary Liz, Hannah Jane and finally by RJ. The glow of the nine candles brightened the room.

Clay raised his voice in song, "Silent night, holy night! All is calm, all is bright. Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child. Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace."

Then everyone joined in the song, "Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight. Glories stream from heaven afar heavenly hosts sing Alleluia, Christ the Savior is born! Christ the Savior is born.

Silent night, holy night! Son of God love's pure light. Radiant beams from Thy holy face With dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus Lord, at Thy birth Jesus Lord, at Thy birth."

"Thank you everyone," Clay whispered as he hugged Sean.

Granny spoke up, "No thank you Junior. That was one of the most beautiful thing I've seen and heard."

"It's a Reed -- Walls tradition now Granny," Clay smiled as Sean squeezed his hand. "Mom how about that dessert? Then maybe we can each pick a song to sing. You too Axel, I'd love to hear one in Swedish."

"Can we leave the lights off in here?" Hannah asked. "It's so beautiful with just the lights we have on right now."

"Sure we can Sis. Mom do you need help?" Clay asked as he followed Martha into the kitchen. Fifteen minutes later the cart entered the family room filled with Granny's snicker-doodles, Hannah Jane's ginger snaps, Mary Liz's Oatmeal Raisin cookies and Martha's lussekatter. There was more coffee as well for everyone. Plates were passed around and everyone sampled each of the cookies.

Once everyone was served Clay looked at Sean, "Your turn what are singing?"

"I doubt you will know this but since we're starting new traditions I would like to sing this carol called "The Christ of the Snow."

He stood by the fire and sang, "Carpathian sheep men are dancing tonight, Carpathian hill folk now follow the light. They're coming from highlands, they're coming from low, To the shrine in the village, to the Christ of the Snow, To the Christ of the Snow.

Sing fathers and mothers, sing daughters and sons, Sing shepherds and gentry, your glad orisons. The Christ child is born now, the shrine is aglow, Carol hill folk and town folk to the Christ of the Snow, To the Christ of the Snow."

"Oh Sean that was beautiful," Mary Liz said while gently hugging him.

"Granny, your turn," Clay continued.

Granny led them in "Away in a Manger." Leon picked `The Holly and the Ivy." Martha chose "We Three Kings." Axel was next.

Axel began, "I will share with you "När det lider mot jul." He cleared his throat and a strong tenor voice sang, "Det strålar en stjärna förunderligt blid, i öster på himlen hon står. Hon lyst över världenes oro och strid i nära två tusende år. När dagen blir mörk och när snön faller vit, då skrider hon närmre, då kommer hon hit, och då vet man, att snart är det jul.

Ty julen är härlig för stora och små, är glädje och ljuvaste frid, är klappar och julgran och ringdans också, är lycka, oändligen blid, är ljus- allas ögon då stråla som bäst och stjärnorna tindra som mest och där ljuset är- där är det jul."

The gathering applauded his song.

"I think is a beautiful song. I will try to give you the English for it. A star is glowing wondrously gentle In the eastern sky it sits It has been shining over the unrest and battles of the world for almost two thousand years When the days grow darker and the white snow falls it draws nearer, it`s comes to us and then one knows that soon Christmas is here.

For Christmas is enchanting to grown-ups and children alike is joy and delightful peace is presents and Christmas tree and round dance too is happiness infinitely sweet is light - everyone's eyes are then sparkling most and the stars are twinkling most and where the light is - there it is Christmas."

Martha got up and kissed him on both cheeks. "Thank you. I may ask you to sing it for my parents tomorrow."

"I would be honored."

Clay spoke up, "Mary Liz."

His sister picked "The Little Drummer Boy." Hannah Jane selected "Joy to the World." RJ surprised everyone by not picking something goofy and lifting his tenor voice to lead them in "Hark the Herald Angels Sing."

Granny stood, "This has been one of the best Christmas Eve's in many a year for me. Thank you my dear ones for including me. I am going to retire now. RJ, would you help me upstairs please?" The teen hopped up from the floor where he had been leading against the couch near his mother. He followed his grandmother from the room.

Martha started gathering the dishes when Sean said, "Mom, Clay and I will take care of cleaning up. You sit and relax. We have a big day ahead tomorrow." He started gathering the dishes as those remaining watched the fire slowly consuming the sputtering and hissing cedar log in the fireplace. Clay assisted him. Leon added a piece of pine behind it to keep the heat necessary to dry the wood so it would burn. After the dishes were done and the cookies put into their canisters the duo returned to the room.

Axel spoke up, "I hope you don't mind but I'm going to retire as well. I have my alarm set so I can call my parents in Malmo for Christmas."

"Sleep well," Clay said.

Martha added, "Dröm underbara drömmar"

Axel smiled and left the room. After a while Hannah kissed everyone goodnight and headed upstairs. She reappeared a few minutes later adding her gifts under the tree. Mary Liz went upstairs with her sister and returned with her gifts. After adding them she too kissed each person goodnight.

"What time is it?" Leon asked. "I left my watch upstairs."

Junior gave his Dad one of his wicked grins, "Night time."

"Smart ass."

"Takes one to know one."

"He has you there dear," Martha giggled. "Believe it or not its 10."

"Well Mother shall we adjourn to the bedroom. I gather you're fixing breakfast for nine and then the men will be setting up the tables the way you want them for dinner."

"In a minute Father. Sean what time are your family be arriving?"

"I think the Wall of Walls should start showing up around 11."

"That's when my brother and my parents are arriving too. I'm still not sure how we'll set those tables."

"Well I had a thought. If the weather is good, why don't we set up the tables up outside? We already have one large table out there."

"Let's sleep on that thought. Here's one more. We gather in the entrance hall with the dining chairs around the tree for the gift exchange."

"Yes, we'll sleep on it." He stood and kissed Martha and Leon goodnight as did Clay. Then they sat on the couch and watched the fire burn.

Martha and Leon knocked on the door to the den before opening the door. RJ slammed his lap top closed with one hand and covered his naked body with the blanket with the other hand.

"Just wanted to tell you to sleep well," Martha said as she kissed his forehead. Then she floated out the door.

"Good night horn dog," Leon said as he too kissed his youngster's forehead and closed the door behind himself.

Sean and Clay sat on the floor near the fire for a while just cuddling together. Eventually the flame burned low and Clay put the fireplace grill in front of it. "Ready for bed Chief?"

"Almost, but let's go back to our room."

Inside their room they removed their clothes. Sean sat in one of the overstuffed chairs in the dressing area. Clay came up behind him and began massaging his neck and shoulders.

"You feel tense Chief. Is something bothering you?"

"No. Yes. Maybe? If you had told in August as I started this semester that I would be a homeowner and engaged to be married in less than eight weeks. I would have told you, you were full of shit. But here we are about to host a huge family gathering with the only people missing being your three aunts and their families."

"Are you having second thoughts about us?"

Sean reached for and grabbed Clay's hand and pulled him around the chair and in front of him. He looked into the brilliant blue eyes. "Absolutely not! I love you very much. I worry I'm not worthy of you," he admitted.

Clay took Sean's chin in his hand and redirected his lowered eyes towards his own. "Bull shit! You're an amazing man."

"Really then why did I think I would like to tap Axel's ass today?"

"Same reason I thought the same thing. We're gay and he's one hot piece of meat," he laughed. Come over here," he said as he pushed the second chair out of the way. "Sit down there with you back against the wall." Sean did as requested and Clay sat opposite him. "Now let's touch our feet together." They did so and Farm Boy spread his legs out so that neither of the knees were bent up.

"We're going to play a little game called I WOULD... . I'll go first but you'll get the idea real quick. I would strip Axel naked." He started jacking his cock. "Your turn."

"I would shove my tongue deep into his mouth," Sean added as he jacked his own nine inches.

"I would nibble on his nipples with my teeth."

"I would shave his pubes."

"I would nibble on his foreskin," Clay continued.

Sean added, "I would give him a milk and molasses enema."

"I would jack his cock and get it hard."

"I would rim his ass."

Farm Boy continued, "I would blow on his asshole."

"I would vary my rim patterns between stars and zig zags," Sean explained.

"I would swallow his cock to his pubes." Clay was staring intently at Sean as masturbated. They may have been talking about Axel but they were focused on each other as well.

"I would use my teeth to nibble his perineum."

"Chief, I love that move and your stubble too. I would finger his ass open."

"I would give him a prostate massage."

"I would fuck him like a dog."

"I would vary my strokes."

"Oh I love that too Chief. I would pull out and ram my big dick back in."

"I would experiment with different positions like the cowboy or the reverse cowboy."

"I would double fuck him with you Chief." Clay's voice was getting huskier as he pounded away at his cock he was also playing with his nipples as he got further turned on.

"I would use some sex toys in his ass and tits."

"I would stop and let him feel my cock resting inside his body."

"I'd ask him what he's feeling and enjoying."

"I'd fist him," Clay declared as he shot his load into the air.

"I'd make sure he came," Sean added

"I'd lick up his spunk."

At that moment Sean also came in one large blast of semen that hit Farm Boy's left knee. The two men sat there on the floor drenched in cum and sweat.

"Great game Clay. First time I've played it. We'll need to try it again sometime."

"We can dirty talk to each other too. I learned to play it from another jock in high school but we did it talking about the head cheerleader."

"I'm ready for bed now," Sean said getting up. He held out a hand to Clay who pulled himself to his feet. They walked hand in hand to their bed and crawled in. Phones went on chargers, lights were turned out and Farm Boy backed his ass into Chief's groin. They settled in for a long winter's nap.

Sean was dreaming of something about his grandparents when three were three sharp raps on their bedroom door. He sprang from his bed to see who it was and what was wrong.

Leon was at the door. "You two going to sleep all day? Its 7AM on Christmas morning."

"Oh my God I slept in," Sean whined.

"Not to worry, Mother and I have been doing this for years. Join us as soon as you can." Leon turned and headed back to the kitchen.

"Clay wake up! We slept in!" Chief jumped on top of his lover and started tickling him.

The sleeping red head struggled to respond to the tickling and the abrupt wake up. "OK, OK! Get off me!" Shaking his head, he turned to face Sean and gave him one of his radiant morning smiles. "Morning Chief! I love you. Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas Farm Boy! Our first in our new home and in our relationship."

"Guess we better get up. There will be lots to do."

"Yes your Dad just came to the door."

"O wow! I never heard a thing. I must have really been out of it."

"We'll shower later because we have to set up tables."

"OK Chief," Clay sat up on the side of the bed.

The two dressed in shorts and tee shirts and padded barefoot into the kitchen. The Reeds were up and Martha was directing the kitchen. RJ was using the food processor to grind the gizzards. Mary Elizabeth was melting butter in the large skillet with onions and celery in it. Hannah Jane was cubing the dried bed. Martha was rinsing the turkey she had been brining. Leon was mixing pancake batter.

"What do we need to do Mom," Clay asked.

"Morning Junior, Sean. Sean you wanted to add things to the gizzard stuffing. I forgot what they were."

After the gizzards are cooked with the celery, onions, and butter; we'll add them to the bread. That's when we'll add a diced apple and a cup of raisins."

"Oh that's easy. So you two set the dining room table for breakfast. Coffee is on and as soon as we have this bird stuffed your Dad will start the pancakes."

"Mother, where are the spices kept. I need allspice for the mix."

"In the cabinet on the left," Martha pointed with a movement of her head. Leon retrieved the allspice. RJ gave Mary Liz the gizzards. Hannah had the bread ready for the mixture.

Hannah got an apple out of the refrigerator. "Sean do I peel it?" He shook his head no. She started dicing the apple.

Within a few minutes the gizzards mixture was added to the bread. Hannah tossed in the diced apple and the raisins. The two sisters used two large spoons to stir the mixture mixing in the ingredients. Martha expertly stuffed both ends of the turkey and used metal staves to hold things together. RJ held the oven bag as his mother slipped the bird into it. She added a stick of butter to the top of the bird before sealing the bag. They placed the bird into the roaster oven.

The two sisters were cleaning up from the morning prep and washing down the areas which the turkey may have been in contact. RJ was getting out orange juice and butter and jam to take to the table for breakfast. Clay and Sean had finished setting the table. Sean was making coffee and Clay was making toast. Martha began making crème fraiche. Leon was cooking pancakes on the grill top of the stove.

Clay got out a bowl from the refrigerator which contained a mixture of citrus. He put it in the microwave and warmed it. He carried it and the tray with the toast into the dining room. Sean had brought in the two coffee carafes. Martha added the crème fraiche. Mary Liz and Hannah helped their father carry in plates of pancakes.

"I made everyone 4 pancakes," Leon announced. "Who is saying the blessing?"

"May I," RJ asked. Everyone looked stunned.

"Sure," Sean agreed.

"Thank you for this food on this Christmas morning. May God bless us, each and every one. Amen."


"That was very sweet, son," Martha noted as she smiled lovingly at her youngest. RJ beamed.

The family buttered their pancakes and toast. The citrus mixture was put on top of the pancake followed by the crème fraiche. It was a very festive yet simple meal.

"Have you decided how to group the tables?" Martha inquired.

"I had a thought last night," Sean started. "If we set up the two dining tables in the family room and the kitchen table in the dining room we could have three smaller tables which would encourage more interaction without having to yell down the table."

Granny and Axel game into the dining room. "I kept y'all's warm in the kitchen. Please have a seat and I'll fetch them for you," Leon stated.

"Granny you missed a very sweet prayer led by RJ this morning."

"Did I now. Well he'll have to tell me what he said a bit later."

"I hope you slept well Axel," Clay said.

"Ja, like a stone. Very comfortable. Tack," he replied smiling.

Leon returned with the plated breakfasts for his mother and their Swedish guest. They planned out their activities for the morning to prepare for their guests. Sean began taking his plate and utensils to the kitchen when the Rice family arrived. "Morning Miss Ethel, George, Tom! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas Andreas!" They said almost in unison.

"I'm ready to work. What needs doing?" Ethel said as she pulled out her apron from her bag. "Tom you put the presents under the tree. Daddy you put my cider glazed carrots and the deviled eggs in the refrigerator." She set to work reviewing the menu before calling to Andreas. "Andreas, may I have a minute of your time?"

"Sure Ethel. How can I help?" I just want to be clear about what we're cooking today. I see the birds in the roaster already."

"Yes Ma'am."

"So we need to get going on the thyme honey glazed ham and the rack of lamb."

"That sounds about right. Martha is making the cabbage and apple salad. Mom is making tjukklefse. Martha's brother is bringing the makings of Glogg. My grandparents are bringing the Christ bread. We need to make the Avgolemono and the sweet potatoes. Clay's aunt is bringing au gratin potatoes. Granny made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies yesterday. The girls and Martha made snickerdoodles. My grandmother is bringing Melomakarona. Clay's cousin is bringing ginger bread and a pecan pie."

The doorbell rang. Clay answered and welcomed the wall of Walls into the house. Merry Christmas greetings rang out through the house as Andreas' family greeted everyone and dropped presents under the tree. Clay introduced Axel to everyone.

Ethel told Andreas everything was under control as Martha and Andrea moved into the kitchen to help. Sean suggested the men rearrange the furniture. Before long all three tables were in the family room and the family room furniture was relocated to the dining room. Clay's sisters spread the table cloths and started laying out the plates, glassware and utensils. They then started folding the napkins into Christmas trees placing one on each plate. Ethel provided the seating chart and name tags were soon attached to each place.

At 10:30 Clay's grandparents, aunt and uncle and his cousin and his partner had arrived. They were followed shortly by Andreas' grandparents. Alexander pulled Andreas to the side. "Have you noticed the pile of gifts?" He pointed at the tree. Presents were stacked behind the tree to about 5 feet and sloped down on either side of the tree and across the front. "I suggest that you start presents before dinner."

"Give me a few minutes and we'll do just that," Andreas agreed. "Clay, would you start gathering everyone in the entrance hall and living room? Men can bring chairs for the ladies and except for our grandfathers the rest of the men can sit on the floor." Sean slipped into his bedroom and started changing into the Santa outfit he had put together for the day. Ten minutes later Clay knocked on the door.

"Chief, why is the door locked? We're ready to start passing out presents."

"Go sit down with the others. Ask my Dad to lead the singing of "Here Comes Santa Claus."

Clay returned to the entrance hall and whispered Sean's request to Alexander. Alexander started the carol and all of the Walls chimed in followed shortly by the rest of the guests. Clay kept focused on the hallway leading to the master bedroom.

Sean suddenly appeared through the French doors leading to the family room. He jumped into the room and struck a pose by the tree. He was clad in skin tight black leather boots that ran up to his knees. He wore Christmas red 4 inch shorts trimmed in white fur. His shirt was a short sleeve button down which matched the shorts also with white fur trimming. Upon his head he wore a Santa hat with sleigh bells attached.

"Merry Christmas everyone! Have you all been very good boys and girls?" He was greeted with howls of laughter and applause. "Santa is going to appoint some special helpers to assist him in distributing the gifts. The head elf is going to be Clay." He walked over and put a green elf cap on Farm Boy's head. "He will be assisted by Hannah Jane," he handed her, her hat, "and RJ," he handed Robert his elf hat. "You may choose to open your gifts as you get them or wait till everyone has their gifts and open together. Elves, if you please let's begin." For the next 20 minutes Santa and his helpers distributed the huge pile of presents around the room. Axel was surprised when he got his first gift. He was shocked to see that he had a total of four gifts to open.

"I see everyone wanted to wait," Santa Andreas commented. "Ready, set, open!" The room was filled with the sounds of wrapping paper being ripped open. Exclamations of surprise and gratitude resonated around the room.

Leon went to the pantry and brought back two black garbage bags. "Y'all know the drill. Clean up time!" The Reeds began gathering their ripped Christmas wrapping paper crumpling it up and putting it in the trash. The Walls and Rices followed suit. Within minutes the clutter was cleared away. George carried the filled bags outside to the trash.

"Dinner is in about an hour Ethel announced. We're going to be using the outdoor kitchen to warm up dishes that need oven time. Ladies shall we make sure everything is ready?"

"We'll be in, in a minute Ethel," Martha stated as she carried her Christmas gifts upstairs. Her daughters followed after her. Leon gathered up his mother's gifts and took them upstairs to her room. RJ took his gifts into the den. Tom gathered up the gifts they had received and packed them in a bag his mother had thought to bring along. Then he took them out to their car. The Walls also moved their gifts out to their vehicles.

Axel was talking with Clay's grandparents in Swedish. He was wearing the Stallions ski cap on his head and had the scarf Granny had knitted for him wrapped around his neck.

The men began moving chairs back to the tables. Martha's brother mixed the Glogg and began warming it. Leon lay in new kindling and restarted the Yule log in the fireplace. Those not working in the kitchen were visiting in the living room or in the make shift family room. Clay gave a tour to those family members who wanted one.

At 1:00 pm Ethel, Andrea and Martha pulled the various meat dishes out to give them time to rest before the meal. Twenty minutes later everyone took their place behind their chairs at the tables.

Andreas led the prayer as head of the house. "I chose for this afternoon a poem written by Robert Lewis Stevenson. Let us join hands and bow our heads.

Loving Father, Help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.

May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen."

"Amen," sounded around the table.

"Papu, will you break the Christ Bread for us?"

"Yaya, you help me," Papu directed his wife. She got up and brought the huge loaf of bread into the room on the beverage cart. "Yaya baked it last night." Papu picked up a large knife. "Andreas you must help as head of this house." Sean joined his grandparents and laid his hand on top of his grandfather's.

Papu first drew the knife across the down beam of the cross before drawing the knife across the crossbeam. He then cut the bread so that each person present received a piece. Yaya spooned a mixture of honey and figs on each person's bread plate.

Clay led the way for his table to fill their plates at the buffet set up in the kitchen. As more people filled their plates there was less talking. Sean was the last to serve himself. As he came back to his seat, RJ was leading the way for seconds. As more people finished the dinner conversation picked up.

Eventually Martha spoke up, "Ladies shall we take our coffee in the living room?" She stood and led the way. As the women left, the men began clearing the table and cleaning up from the meal.

Clay's cousin fixed take home boxes from the left overs for each family. Alexander divided up cookies for each family to share. Leon oversaw the tables being placed back in their correct places and the table from the attic being taken out for storage in the stable. Nicholas divided up the remaining Glogg into small plastic bottles Martha's brother and brought along. By 4:30 everything was back to normal.

No sooner had Sean and Clay sat down in the family room to chat with Clay's cousin when Yaya and Papu came in to say goodbye.

"Leaving so soon?" Andreas asked.

"This old man can't drive too well at night," Yaya commented pointing at her husband.

"You need to talk old woman! A cloud passes over the sun and you're turning on lights because you can't see."

Andreas hugged them as they began saying goodbye. Then others began to prepare to leave. By 6:00 pm only Sean, Clay and Axel remained in the huge house.

"It seems empty," Clay stated as he sat next to Sean on the couch watching the fire. "We're glad you stayed Axel. Do you mind if we follow our house rules?"

"What are house rules?"

"When at home we are nude," Clay answered.

"Ja, I don't mind being nude," he commented as he took off the ski cap and scarf for the first time since he put them on during the gift exchange. He stood and stripped off his clothing folding each piece and placing it on the back of his chair. Sean and Clay were quick to follow. Axel sat back down in his chair and smiled at the two men.

"In Sweden we are not so bashful about being naked in public. We have many nude beaches and even in the cities it is not unusual to see someone sun bathing in the parks on a sunny day. It is not so here though as I learned on my first trip to New York City. I was in Central Park and was about to remove my shorts as I saw a woman sunbathing nude near some rocks. The police arrived just then and arrested her for public indecency. I told my employer we should issue some guidelines about cultural differences between Sweden and the United States before sending someone here for the first time."

"It's the Pilgrims' fault. They were too puritanical," Sean allowed.

"I meant to ask, if it's not too personal, why your family calls you Andreas and Clay's family calls you Sean."

"My full name is Sean Andreas Walls. I am Greek and Norwegian. Everyone in my family are known by their Greek name within the family out of deference to Papu and Yaya. Only my parents are exempt as their first names are both Greek in origin."

"Tack. I understand. We are developing more standard names in Sweden too. Two hundred years ago I would have been called Axel Olafsson and my sister would be Marta Olafsdotter. My children would be say Magnus Axelsson or Marta Axelsdotter. It can be very confusing."

"So I'd be Leon Leonsson," Clay offered.

"Ja, that is so."

"Would you care to sit with us on the couch?" Clay inquired.

"Ja, very much so," He stood and approached the two men who were scooting apart to make room for him. Axel settled in between them and sighed. "This feels good." He leaned his head against Clay's shoulder while Sean put his arm around the Swede's shoulders. "This is my first Christmas away from home. I am very appreciative of being welcomed here. I enjoyed very much the food and the conversations, especially with Mormor and Morfar." He paused a bit as just breathed deeply as they all watched the yule log burning in the fireplace. "I also am very thankful for the ski cap from you, the hand knit scarf from Granny, the Bach Choir Christmas music CD from the Walls and the picture album from the Reeds. It made me feel welcomed and loved. Everything Christmas is to us at home." Axel's hands began gently rubbing his hosts' thighs.

Farm Boy raised his right arm to put it around Axel when the Swede buried his nose in Clay's armpit and breathed deeply before letting out a contented sigh.

"I was hoping to find out how you smelled. Your swimsuit only smells of chlorine," Axel confessed. "I get off on how people smell,..." As if to illustrate his point his penis rose into an impressive erection, about seven inches but very thick. Clay left his armpit exposed as Axel added, "and taste," he licked Farm Boy's sweaty armpit hair as his cock pumped out a drop of boy snot.

Sean reached over and jacked Axel's cock and Axel returned the favor while continuing to lap and suck at Clayton's armpit. His head dipped lower and licked tentatively at the quarterback's right nipple. Seeing Clay's cock rising in response he started sucking on the tit in earnest. He let go of Sean's cock and started playing with Farm Boy's left nipple with his right hand.

Sean started jacking Axel's cock while the Swede licked his way down to Clay's groin. He buried his nose at the meeting place of cock and balls and just breathed deeply. He repositioned himself so his ass was pointed in Wall's direction. "Gentlemen, may I suggest we adjourn to out bedroom."

"Great idea Chief. Axel, I suggest you retrieve my speedo if you brought it with you. Perhaps I can add to its scent for you tonight."

"Ja, good idea! I will return fast." The Swede dashed from the room and up the stairs. Sean and Clay kissed and headed to their bedroom. They could hear Axel moving around above them. They also heard the toilet flush in his bedroom suite before the Swede moved back down the hall. Within a few minutes he was knocking at their open bedroom door.

"You're expected," Clay commented. Axel entered wearing Farm Boy's speedo on his head and a big smile on his face. His cock pointed out from his body toward the two men relining on their bed. When he got to the bed he dropped his head and the speedo's fell in front of the quarterback's crotch.

Smiling, Clayton picked up the speedos and pulled them on. His erect cock stuck out above the top. "That should get some good musk on them for you and I know at least a little cock snot must have dribbled on the, as well."

Axel knelt on the floor and pulled Reed's feet toward his face. He inhaled deeply before beginning to lick and suckle each toe. Clay giggled at the sensation. Sean decided he was going to enter the picture s well and started rubbing his boy's right tit which got Clay's attention right away. He turned toward his lover and pulled him closer and started kissing him.

At first Farm Boy kissed Sean's eyebrows, then his eyes and his nose. He kissed his cheeks before finally placing little pecks along his chin and lips. Clay was aware that Axel's head was in his crotch. He could feel the Swedes deep breaths. He had never met someone so turned on by odors.

The quarterback whispered in Sean's ear, "Let's get in our double penetration position and see if we can get our friend here to suck both our cocks." Walls nodded and repositioned himself on the bed. Clay pulled back and lifted his legs before stripping off the swim suit. He positioned one leg under Sean's leg and one over the other. He grasped the two cocks together and snapped his fingers at Axel then pointed to the two cocks.

The Swede was bewildered at first but moved closer to the two pricks and sniffed. There were definitely two different odors. He recognized the scent from Clay's groin and reasoned the lighter sweeter odor must be from Sean's. He buried his nose into their balls and breathed deeply.

"Axel, you have seen and smelled now its tome to taste," Clay stated.

"Ja, it is," he agreed. Opening his jaws wide he lowered his mouth over the two cock heads and let his tongue tease the slits of each penis. He then swatted Clay's hand away and took Sean's cock into his mouth. He bobbed up and down on it until he had it lodged deep in his throat. Then he switched to the quarterback's dick. He kept that up for over twenty minutes. He then stopped and rearranged his two hosts on the bed.

Axel pushed Clay's legs back over his head. Getting on all fours the Swede first sniffed the Quarterback's asshole before kissing it. He then began rimming Farm Boy's ass enjoying both the smell and the taste he was experiencing.

Axel wiggled his ass at Sean who took the hint and started rimming his Swedish visitor. After only five minutes Axel dropped Clay's legs and spun around. He positioned the quarterback's cock at his ass and sat down. A long sigh escaped his mouth.

Sean watched as Axel fucked and bucked his ass on Farm Boy's prick. He stood up on the bed and presented his own dripping cock to the Swede, whose eyes were closed as he savored the cock in his ass. Chief slapped the Scandinavian's face with his prick leaving splotches of cock snot on it.

Axel's eyes flew opened. He smiled and opened his mouth to accept another dick into his body. Sean grabbed the Swede's head and began face fucking it. Clay meanwhile was enjoying the view of Axel's ass riding up and down on his cock and alternately grinding down on the 9 inches of man meat in his ass.

"Chief, I don't think this is this boy's first rodeo."

"What makes you think that Farm Boy?"

"He took to deep throating us real quick and his ass is gobbling my dick with only the spit you put into it."

"Is that a fact!"

"Maybe we should see if he can take both of cocks up that ass?"

Axel nodded his head and wiggled his ass. He let Sean's cock plop out of his mouth. "Oh yes, please. I love having my ass stretched!" He pulled up and off Clay's cock as his ass sucked in air to fill the large void in his rectum and colon.

Chief and Farm Boy rearranged themselves again and brought their cocks together. Axel lubed up his ass with the clove oil. He pulled the old condom off Clay and put new Magnums on both the cocks his ass was about to swallow.

Sean suggested, "Put a third condom over the two. It will help hold our cocks together as you slide down on them."

"Will it break?"

"If it does, each dick is wearing its own raincoat."

"Ja, that is true Sir." The Swede ripped open the third magnum and stretched it wide to cover both cock heads and rolled it down about three inches. Axel positioned himself in a squat over the two human spears beneath him. Taking a deep breath he lowered his ass to touch their cock-heads. Blowing out his breath he let his body sink down. He pushed out as if taking a shit and his ass bloomed open and admitted the two cock heads.

Axel stopped and let his ass get use to the stretch for a few minutes. Clay pulled a pillow under his head and lifted his arms up and put his hands under the pillow. He was concentrating on the sensations of his cock head being embraced by the warmth of the Swede's body and the proximity to his Chief's dick. Sean used his arms to prop himself up a bit so he could watch the businessman should he experience any trouble.

Axel lowered his ass down further and sighed again until both dicks were grasped by his ass-lips. Sean lay back on the bed and put his hands under his head. The Swede began fucking himself on the two cocks.

The owners of the two pricks smiled in pleasure as their dicks were being gripped by the Swede's intestinal lining and against each other. Axel slowly picked up speed. A few minutes later the businessman shifted himself and began rotating his ass on the double dicks. Ever so slowly he began an around the world fuck. As he faced Sean he grabbed his own hard dick and started jacking on it.

"You go boy, jerk that prick," Reed encouraged him.

Axel beat his meat. He was turned on the smells, feelings and the mind fuck he was experiencing. He continued his trip around the world. Each time he stopped he jerked his dick more. When he finally faced Clay he doubled his efforts in both fucking himself and jacking off. He felt hands on his waist as he was pulled down and held from behind. Sean was shooting his load. Clay felt his Sir's dick pulsing out its load and his erupted next.

Axel let his weight sink down on the two cocks. He looked at Clay's smiling face and sparkling eyes and shot a massive was of semen that hit the quarterback's chin. He shuddered through two more anal orgasms as his dick leaked out more of his jizz. The threesome stayed connected and enjoyed the afterglow of their orgasms.

Axel leaned forward and began licking up his spunk from Clay's body. Sean's cock plopped out first with his condom intact. When Clay's slid out a few minutes later it too was in its condom. The third condom was not to be seen. Axel rolled to lie beside the quarterback and breathed in his armpit funk.

"You are fucking amazing Axel," Clay acknowledged.

"Ja, I am a good at being a bottom. My girlfriend says I am good at intercourse. She likes when I perform cunnilingus."

"You should try to get that broken condom out Axel," Sean advised.

"Nej, it will pass. It has been a long day. May I sleep here?" Clay looked to Sean. They had never discussed having a third in their bed overnight.

"We don't share our bed overnight. It disturbs our rest. However, we can fix you a bed I bet you would enjoy on the floor next to Clay's side of the bed," Walls responded. Both Axel and Farm Boy looked intrigued. Why don't you run upstairs and get a pillow from the orange room while we get your bed ready," Sean suggested.

"Ja, I'll be right back." Axel headed for the stairs.

"Get your trainers, dirty sock and gym clothes Clay," Sean instructed. While Farm Boy did as he had been instructed, Chief retrieved two blankets from the linen closet. He positioned one blanket on the floor next to the bed. Clay deposited his trainers and soiled clothing at the top of the blanket. "That should either help him sleep or keep him up all night," Walls laughed.

"What is reason for laughing?" Axel inquired as he entered the bedroom with a pillow.

Sean, looking a little sheepish replied, "I was imagining your reaction to the bed we've made for you. I was wondering if you'll sleep soundly smelling Clay's shoes and dirty clothes or be awake all night masturbating."

Axel looked at the bed. Ge laughed too. "I'll let you know in the morning." The businessman got down on the floor and covered himself with the second blanket, laid his head on the pillow and gathered the quarterbacks dirty socks, jocks, and clothes around his head. He brought a sneaker to his nose and breathed deeply. Sean and Clay retired to their bed, turned off the lights and spooned into each other.

When Clay awoke he saw it was 6 AM. He carefully moved Sean's arm, which hugged him, and slipped off the end of the bed so he wouldn't step on Axel. When he returned from the bathroom a few minutes later he noticed the blankets had been folded and left at the foot of the bed. Axel wasn't on the floor.

Clay left the bedroom and looked around the first floor. Everything was as it had been left. He figured Axel had gone back to his room. Farm Boy started making coffee and took the time to water the two trees. He fixed a cup for Sean and placed it beside him on his nightstand. Farm Boy returned to the kitchen and fixed his coffee. After taking a few sips he decided to check again on Axel, so he walked upstairs and down the hall to the orange room. The door was open.

Clay walked to the open door and looked inside. The light streaming in through the windows showed the bed was empty. It had been stripped and the sheets stuffed into a pillow case. Clay hit the light switch and flooded the room with the overhead light. Axel was indeed gone. "That son of a bitch," Clay thought. He noticed a card on the bed. He opened it and saw a note penned in very neat and precise block letters, "God morgon! Clay and Sean. I slept well until 4:35. I did, how you say, jack off, when I awoke. Then I remembered I have a business meeting at 10. I regret not being able to thank you in person for hosting me in your home. I enjoyed meeting all of your family. You both made my Jul special. For that I will always think fondly of you. I hope someday we will meet again. My personal phone number is 41-40-210-000123. Again I appreciate your hospitality, the gifts and the very personal time we shared. Tack så mycket! Axel Blondell, Malmö , Sverige."

Farm Boy tucked the card into the pillow case and carried the dirty linens downstairs as he sipped his coffee. He placed the card on the breakfast bar for Sean to read then started the laundry. Going back upstairs he stripped the bedding from the other rooms and carried it all downstairs. He looked through the left overs and put together a breakfast of ham, deviled eggs and various cookies.

Sean padded out of the bedroom and joined Clay in the kitchen. "Morning lover, where's our Swedish friend?"

"Should be half way to Boca Raton by now. There's a card on the breakfast bar. He was gone when I got up at 6."

Chief sat down at the breakfast bar and read the note. "Well at least he left a note." He sipped at his coffee. Clay placed the breakfast dish in front of Sean and then moved around the counter to sit next to him. They ate quietly. "We need to add some music. The house is too quiet!" He reached for his phone and used the Pandora app to play Christmas music. "Much better."

"Chief, I think we really nailed it."

"What do you mean Farm Boy?"

"Oh just about everything, the house, the move, the holiday and always the sex. Life with you is just so right."

"That's because we're together. It's going to make every day seem like the most wonderful time of the year."

Next: Chapter 78

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