Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 18, 2021


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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Nailed It: Chapter 76 New Chapters Part 2

Reed's alarm woke him at 5 AM. He hit the snooze button and lay in bed enjoying the feeling of Sean holding him in his arms with his lover's right leg over his own legs. When the snooze alarm sounded Clay silenced the phone. He carefully lifted his Chief's right arm and slowly moved out from under it. This moved his legs from out from underneath his Sir's leg as well. He rose from the bed as quietly as he could and padded through the house. The lights from the 10 foot tree in the entrance hall welcomed him with their warm glow. In the kitchen he first fixed coffee for himself. He sat at the breakfast table and stared out the window into the darkness. "I think I'll swim this morning since I haven't mapped out my running route yet," he thought to himself. He finished his coffee and fixed Sean's. He once more padded through the quiet house to their bedroom and sat the coffee on the night stand beside his lover's sleeping form.

The quarterback exited the house through the master suite's pool door. He shivered as the cool air hit his body. He checked the outdoor thermometer by the door and saw that it was only 52 degrees. "I'll feel better once I start my laps," he thought. He dove into the pool and began swimming his laps.

Sometime after Clayton began doing his laps the curtains from the green bedroom parted and his mother looked out to see who was in the pool. In the dim light she could tell it was her oldest son doing laps. Martha smiled to herself. She was delighted Junior had found himself as well as Sean. She remembered his tense and stressed behavior throughout high school as he tried to understand who he was as a man. She had often wondered then if her gentle giant was a homosexual, but those things were never discussed, at least they weren't at the time. She gathered up her dressing gown and wrapped it around her body. Before she headed downstairs she kissed Leon and reminded him he wanted her to wake him early. She left the room while her husband sat on the edge of the bed.

In the bathroom, Leon sat on the commode and lifted the window to see who was in the pool. He too could see his son's form slicing through the water. "Thank you God for making my boy such a good man." He closed the window and finished his morning toilet before dressing in his work pants and heading downstairs.

In the kitchen he kissed his wife who was making coffee and starting to put together a breakfast casserole. He pulled out a pad in which he had written dimensions and began calculating what they would need to finish up the stables.

Clay finished his one hundredth lap. He swam to the edge of the pool to rest a moment before getting out. He noticed lights in the kitchen and the blue bedroom. "Granny's up. I better get covered up," he thought. The temperature had actually dropped to 50 degrees as he hurried to the pool door. He grabbed a towel to vigorously rub and warm his body. He entered the shower and turned on the hot water. He jumped back. He had forgotten how quickly ye hot water on demand worked. He shampooed his hair and washed his body. After rinsing he turned off the water and dried off again. He located his bathrobe and wrapped himself in it before heading into Sean's closet to get him his robe. He laid it out for him on the chair closest to the door.

"Don't go yet love. Give your Chief a morning kiss," Sean murmured sleepily from the bed.

"Morning Chief," Clay responded as he hopped onto the bed and planted a sloppy kiss on Sean's mouth before licking his face all over.

"Heel boy, or I'll make you wear a puppy tail plug all day even with your family here."

Clay sat back on his hind quarters like a dog waiting on his Master. "Yes Sir. I put your bathrobe on the chair. Granny doesn't go for showing what God gave us to everyone. So we keep covered around her."

"Understood. I see you made my coffee. I am such a lucky man. Thank you." He sat up and kissed Clay sweetly on his cheek.

"Breakfast is at 8, so you have plenty of time to shower. By the way it's in the low 50s outside. The pool was ok but getting in and out I think my balls retreated into my body." Clay laughed at his own joke.

Sean reached over and grabbed both of the huge balls in his hand and pulled. Farm Boy yelped. "No they're stilling hanging down boy." He sipped the coffee Clay had made him.

Clay kissed Sean's cheek and headed out to see who was in the kitchen. He was surprised to see his Granny sitting in the living room staring at the Christmas tree in the entrance hall. "Everything alright Granny?" he asked as he kissed her cheek.

"It's a beautiful tree Leon, your Papa would be pleased," she whispered as she gazed at the display before her.

Clay patted her hand. His Dad had told him she was having moments where she mixed people up. "I'm glad you like it." He kissed her cheek again before heading into the family room and kitchen.

"Morning! How was your swim Junior," Martha asked as he entered.

"Brisk! We're going to need to consider solar panels to heat it." He kissed his mother before going over to kiss his father as well, "What you working on Dad?"

"Materials list for a lumber yard run this morning. We're going to need flooring and paint."

"Yeah we weren't planning on that originally. Dad, Granny is having a moment in the living room. She thought I was you."

"Yeah that seems to happen more and more son. We're just glad she's got her health and is with us for another Christmas. I'll check on her in a minute."

"I'll take her a coffee, honey," Martha stated. Leon smiled at his wife. She knew what would make her mother-in-law happy.

"Junior I'm going to order this stuff at Home Depot. I'll have it loaded on a rental truck and charge it all to our construction unit at the ranch. It's our house warming present to you and Sean from your mother and me."

"Dad, I... I'm speechless. Thank you."

"You're speechless? Is that a first?" Sean quipped entering the kitchen. He kissed Martha who was coming back from the living room. "Morning Martha, Leon." he walked up and side hugged his future father-in-law.

"Mom and Dad are paying for the paint and flooring for the office and studio as a house warming gift."

"Oh wow! You didn't have to do that for us."

"We know we didn't need to do it. We wanted to do it," Leon responded. Sean hugged him again and then went up to Martha and hugged her too.

"It's not just your office and studio. Your Dad and I talked about it last night. We are paying for the paint inside and out and the flooring for the whole building. Sean your folks are paying for the walls and the lighting fixtures and electrical work. It won't all be done today of course but the materials will be here and Alexander and I are going to work on it together."

RJ walked into the kitchen naked with a good 7 inch erection leading the way. Granny was on him a few second later.

"Boy you weren't born in a barn. You get yourself covered up. Shame on you walking around naked as the day you were born." She was hitting him with a rolled up newspaper as he retreated to the den to grab his shorts. He covered his genitals with his hands but given the loud groan that escaped his lips Granny must have hit at least one sensitive part.

Hannah and Mary Liz entered wrapped in their robes laughing. "RJ forgot to cover up. He's really not that stupid is he Dad?" Mary Liz asked.

Martha answered, "No he's just a boy and he's thinking with the wrong piece of his anatomy."

Granny and RJ emerged back into the kitchen. She had him by his ear. "I'm sorry Granny. I'm sorry everybody."

"You're just lucky I wasn't in the kitchen or you'd be getting it with a spatula," Granny glared at him.

"Granny you know what RJ and I are going to do this morning?" Clay began to redirect his grandmother. She looked his way and smiled. "We're going out on the property and cut down two more Christmas trees. Will you help decorate them when we get back?"

"I'd be delighted to help you Junior," she stated with a gentle smile and the anger had left her face and eyes.

Leon stood up and patted Junior on his back. "Ma, how are you this morning? Do you have a hug for your boy?"

"I sure do son." She kissed both his cheeks and hugged him close.

There was a knock at the kitchen door. Clay unlocked it and Andrea and Alexander entered the kitchen. After morning hugs and kisses the women started on the breakfast. Ethel, George and Tom arrived closer to 8 as did Xander, Richard, David and Nicholas.

"Hi guys I wasn't expecting you David and Nick but you're most welcome anytime," Sean said in greeting.

The men folk went into the living room to discuss the plan for the day. The women took over preparing the meal and getting the dining room table set. At 8:15 the buzzer went off and Martha pulled two breakfast casseroles from the over, One was with bacon, eggs and tater tots the others had sausage, eggs and tots. Andrea took one of the casseroles into the dining room and placed it on the buffet while Martha carried the second one. The girls brought out the toast, orange juice, coffee, and milk.

The men entered the room commenting on how good everything smelled. Andreas said, "Tom, would you ask the blessing please?"

"Me Andreas?"

"You're the only Tom we got around here, so yes, you."

Tom got a mischievous look in his eyes. He bowed his head and reached for the hands of the people on either side of him. "Bless this food O Lord we pray. Make it go safe through our passages ways. Amen."

"Amen," sounded around the room followed by a few chuckles and giggles. Ethel wagged her finger at her son.

Everyone cued up and took what they wanted from the buffet. After breakfast the men who weren't going to Home Depot cleaned up the dishes and kitchen. Alexander and Andreas headed to pick up the supplies Leon had ordered.

Once the dishes were done Clay suggested everyone who was going to try to find the Christmas tree farm with him should meet out front in 15 minutes. He went back to his bedroom and dressed in jeans, a long sleeved shirt and work boots. When he came outside he found everyone but Ethel and Granny ready to explore the property.

Junior pulled out a copy of the plot survey and started to look for the path referenced in the drawing. It was overgrown but not as badly as it could have been, Clay swung a weed cutter before him to make it easier to walk and chase away any snakes or other critters. The thirteen people trampling along crushed most of the plants along the way. Martha was naming some of the plants she spotted beside the path. Tom paid close attention to each plant she named. After walking along for 20 minutes they reached a broken gate with a rusty sign with the words Winter's Christmas Trees embossed on it. Beyond were rows of over grown red cedar trees.

Meanwhile back at Home Depot, Andreas and his father were looking at the light fixtures for the various rooms in the stables. They decided on track lighting for the office, studio and gym areas so that lights could be directed to the appropriate areas. For the storage area they picked two overhead LED shop lights. When they got up front the found out that Leon only ordered the primer with mold killer added to it for the interior and exterior of the building. The pair headed to the paint department. Andreas selected a platinum gray for the interior of his office and studio. He selected pebble gray for the gym and storage areas which was two shades darker than the office. For the exterior he selected Candle Apple Red for the walls and white for the trim. It was 10:20 by the time all the paints were mixed and the truck was loaded for the trip back to Oak Haven.

Alexander drove the truck. As they approached the driveway Andreas shouted, "Pull in and stop Dad!" Alexander pulled into the entrance, stopped and smiled as his son hopped from the truck.

The entrance area and been trimmed back to the fences making it easier to see the drive way and the gate 20 feet from the road. There were coquina lined flower beds at the base of each of the upright pillars. Two large poinsettias were in each planter surround by white periwinkles. It was both welcoming and seasonal at the same time. Alexander joined his son looking at the display.

"Dad it's beautiful." Andreas stated softly while touching the red leaflets of the poinsettia nearest him.

"George can work miracles in no time son. Let's get this truck into the yard so the guys can get it unloaded and start on that stable. It's almost time for lunch as well and you know how Ethel likes to run a tight ship." Father and son got back in the truck. They drove up the drive way which had been weed-whacked along both sides exposing lights Andreas didn't know existed. At the house they saw Clay using a chainsaw to trim off the branches of a bottom of a large red cedar. Tom was feeding them into a wood chipper while George was filling a wheel barrow with the wood chips they had already produced. Xander was on a ladder strip to his underwear using the pressure washer to prep the exterior of the stable for painting. Richard was helping him with the hoses. Nicholas and David were bare chested and organizing things in the storage area of the stables.

Clay put down the chain saw and removed his safety glasses. "Welcome home Chief!" he called over the din of the chipper and the pressure washer.

Sean got out and wrapped his boy in a bear hug. "You guys have been busy."

"Just wait till you see all that's been accomplished. I gave the Moms the menu you've been working on for Christmas. They made a grocery list and I think they cleaned out Publix. Anyway they've got Christmas under control. Dad and RJ are in the tack room. They have it taped up and ready to be primed. Xander and Richard are almost done with the outside. Dave and Nick have been rearranging the stuff in the storage area. I've looked at some of it. I had them put some of the stuff I thought was trash aside so you could look at it as well. But now I want you to close your eyes and keep them closed till I tell you to open them."

Sean closed his eyes and Clay covered them with his hands as he guided his Chief to the front door and into the Entrance hall. He turned to the right and walked a few steps. "You can look now Chief."

Chief opened his eyes and there in the living room was a 7 foot red cedar trimmed in silver with a gold and white angel sitting atop it. White lights shone among the branches. Hannah and Mary Liz were sitting on the floor with Granny Reed who was reverently placing the nativity figures under the tree in front of a background that looked like the outside of a house. Hannah was taking pictures of her grandmother as she worked. Granny was quietly singing `Once in Royal David's City.'

"Clay it's beautiful. It adds so much to the room. It really is starting to feel like Christmas."

"If you like that one, wait till you see what's next." Clayton covered his fiancé's eyes once more and guided him into the family room. "Surprise!"

Sean once more opened his eyes. To the right of the door, in the corner there was another red cedar. This one was a little over 8 feet tall. It was topped by the red and white angel. Multi-colored lights shone through the branches and glass ornaments adorned it.

"Chief," Clay whispered softly, "I want this to be our family tree. I put these ornaments on it but, I want us to pick an ornament for each of our Christmases and each major event of our lives to put on this tree. "

"Who says you're not a romantic," Sean whispered back before hugging Clay to himself and kissing him. I agree with you about it being our tree. Wait here I have something for you." He rushed off to the master bedroom and looked through a box in his closet. He found the 4 inch square box he had hidden there and carried it back to the living room. He handed it to Clay. "Open it."

Farm Boy took the box and opened it smiling at Sean. When he saw what was inside he laughed. It was a Christmas ornament in the shape of the main campus library. "Who says you're not a romantic!" he quipped as he hung the ornament commemorating their first meeting on their tree. The couple kissed.

"Lunch is about ready. We're eating outside on the patio," Ethel announced. "Please tell the others to wash up and meet us around back." "Yes ma'am," Clay replied as he headed back out the door.

Sean followed Ethel through the family room and into the kitchen. "Anything I can do to help?"

Ethel gave him a withering look. "It's all taken care of Andreas. Get yourself out there and enjoy. I'll be along presently."

Sean went outside to the patio and deck surrounding the pool. He was immediately struck by the change in the landscaping. George had dug up the ligustrum bush from the planter bed on the other side of the pool. In its place there stood a tall crepe myrtle. The bed underneath was filled with red periwinkles. The plantings along the house had been weeded and the wood chips from the red cedar had been used to mulch the beds. Tom and George came around the corner of the house with the other men who had washed up at hose on the side of the house.

"You guys have certainly done a marvelous job. The front entrance and the pool area; I didn't recognize the place when I came outside. Thank you. Please let me know what I owe you for the plants."

"Not a cent Andreas," George replied. "I've grown all these in my hot house. You'll have to wait to summertime for that myrtle to bloom but when she does the white blossoms will brighten up the area. Then as the blossoms fall it will look like snow on the periwinkles."

"Food's getting cold," Granny announced.

Sean bowed his head, "Lord we thank you for the gifts of love and friendship you have given to each of us. Bless this food to the use of our bodies and us to your service. Amen."

"Amen," those gathered responded.

Ethel had fixed Swedish Hamburgers as she called them. She had mixed ground pork and beef seasoned with cardamom. Baked beans were the side. Sliced onions, tomatoes, pickles and lettuce were at hand to dress the burgers. The group settled into eating and for a while no one said anything. As the meal progressed the conversations began. Ethel excused herself and went back into the kitchen. She brought out the left over desserts from the previous meals.

Clay told Sean, "The Christmas tree farm is severely overgrown. The two I cut down were two of the smallest and they were at least 25 feet. There is one that was at least 40 feet tall. It will take a few years of cutting them down and replanting but I could see that as a side business."

David added, "You could advertise them as Christmas Grown Christmas Trees. You could even list them as cut your own. If you wish I could run some numbers for you two to review."

"That would be great, David," Sean acknowledged. "What's the work plan for this afternoon?"

Leon spoke up. "Well it's a plan for the next 24 hours. "RJ is going to prime your office and studio before moving on to the other three stalls. We're going to frame in the walls and doors and get those primed as well. While they're being built Xander and Richard are going to prime the exterior of the stable. As soon as the primer is dry RJ will start painting your office. Once the exterior is dry Xander and Richard will use the paint sprayer on it. George and Tom will finish chipping the last of the red cedar and sprucing up the landscape."

Andrea added, "The ladies are going to go through the closets and drawers to sort items into donate and trash piles. Then we'll help Ethel with the evening meal."

"I didn't hear what Clay and I are assigned to do."

"You have a whole mess of stuff to sort through out in the shed," Nicholas answered. "Like Leon said, some of it will bring top dollar from antique buyers."

"Andreas," George began. "Tom and I also found the remains of the gates that were out front. Well at least the metal frames. The woods all rotted off. The hinge bolts look solid enough on the posts though. I can show them to you when you have a minute."

"You need to hang the wreaths too Andreas," Tom added. "Then you'll be ready for Christmas."

Sean looked at Clay. "Where do you want to start babe?"

Clayton pursed his lips a moment as he thought. "I want to see what George and Tom did out front. Let's start there and look at those gate frames as well. Then we can handle the stable sorting. Oh by the way, George, thank you for hauling off that load of rugs and mattresses this morning."

"You're welcome Sir," George replied.

"We can hang wreaths after it gets dark," Sean added.

RJ piped up. "Did you know there was a lavatory in the tack room?"

"Where?" Clay and Sean asked simultaneously.

"Well it looked like a storage closet. As I pulled stuff out I found the sink and back against the outside wall the toilet. And the really surprising part is that after I turned on the water valves, they both work!"

"Wow, guess there's a lot that wasn't on the plans," Andreas commented. "Let us know when you're ready to go out front with us George and Tom."

"We're done. We' can go now," George replied.

"Thanks again for a great meal Ethel," Clay stated and the group gave her a round of applause.

George led the way around the house commenting on what he found against the foundation. He told them about the insecticides he had lain down to keep crawly things out of the house. He pointed out the lights lining the driveway. "Tom found the light switch by the front door. Over half of the bulbs are burned out but the others work as do the two lanterns out on the posts."

"Lanterns?" Andreas queried.

"Yep they were covered by Virginia Creeper," George informed him. "Between that and smilax it was a wonder you could see the coquina at all."

At the end of the driveway Clay admired the clearing back of the weeds and the work done in the planters with the poinsettias and white periwinkles. Tom showed them the hinge pins embedded in the pillars. Two electrified lanterns hung on either side of the drive.

"I think there are concrete blocks under the rock," George opined. "The steel beams coming up are solid and won't move. They need sanded and painted but that's for another day. Those hinge pins are solid too. The gate frames are over here." The gardener led the way around the posts and back about three feet from the path they had weed whacked. "I chunked a small rock over here and it clanked when it landed. So Tom and I took a look and we found these." He hefted up the remains of one of the gates. "You can see the rust parts where the wood was attached with screws." Indeed the frame was still quite sturdy. As George had said, a little sanding and paint and it could be used to put the gate back into service.

"We could put motors on it," Clay suggested.

"Yes, George said, "you could. However with all the gaps in your fence it won't keep people out. My grand pappy told me that that back in the day the gates were opened to indicate you were receiving. If the gates were closed you weren't."

The mail truck pulled up in front of the gate. A tall lanky man with gray hair and beard and dressed in a postal uniform grabbed mail from a tray. He got out and walked over to where the men were standing discussing he gate. "Afternoon, I'm Lydell Rogers." He extended his hand toward them. After shaking hands and introducing themselves the mailman continued, "I just wanted to introduce myself and meet the new owners. You're really fixing up the old place. That counts for a lot with the folks in these parts - a sense of tradition. I heard about the poinsettias when I stopped for lunch earlier. Y'all have a Merry Christmas." He handed them their mail and jogged the short distance back to his truck and headed on.

"Thank you Lydell, pleasure meeting you," Clay called to him. The postman waved and continued on his route,

"Thank you again George. Guess we're the talk of the town."

"Bound to happen Andreas," the gardener stated as they began walking back to the house. "Once you're all settled in I want to make a business proposition to you and Clay."

"Alright George..." Andreas began but was interrupted by a naked RJ running down the driveway yelling for them. His flaccid cock and balls bouncing wildly as he ran toward them. He'd obviously had been painting as there were small amounts of gray paint on his fingers, face, cock and balls. "Junior, Sean, Tom, George come quick, Daddy just killed a diamondback! He says to be careful in the grasses along here!"

"Where are your clothes RJ?" Junior demanded. "If Granny sees you..."

"They're back at the stable. All the men are naked. They're keeping Granny busy inside. Come on you got see this. It's at least 6 feet long." The teen ran back toward the stables his butt giggling while he ran. The four men followed him running to see the remains of the snake.

At the stables Leon was standing as naked as the other men over the stretched out body of an Eastern Diamond backed rattlesnake.

"Did anyone get bit?" Sean asked.

"No," Leon added, "or we wouldn't be standing here looking at this fucker." Clay's eyes widened. His father rarely used the F word. "Damn good thing I was using the machete anyway."

"What happened Dad?" Junior asked.

"We had finished spraying the primer in the stables and the guys were going to start on the outside. Xander mentioned how tight it was back behind the stables with all the underbrush and weeds. So he started cutting a wider path behind the building with the weed whacker and I was behind him getting ready to hack at the undergrowth. Well he had only gone 5 or 6 feet when this mother crawled out of the brush behind him. I didn't wait I just struck it with the machete and took his head off. The previous owners let this place go too long. Now that George has eliminated the rats, we've found a few of them today outside, hopefully the snakes and other vermin will leave the area."

Dave added, "Looks like there was a nest here in the stables too with all the chewed up crap we've hauled out."

"I'm glad y'all are safe, especially you Xander and that Dad was in the right place at the right time," Clay commented. He looked around out of habit comparing dicks. He thought to himself, "Big dicks run in both our families. David and Richard have nothing to be ashamed of but they're not hanging like the Reed and Walls families," he chuckled.

"Can I have the skin Junior, Sean? I want to use it as a belt." RJ blurted out.

"Robert Joseph..." Leon began. Clay held up his hand.

"I certainly don't want it. But I'm not skinning it and you can't bring it into the house. Since Xander was the one who would have been bitten, it's up to him."

"I don't want the damn thing," Xander laughed.

"It's yours," Junior stated.

I'm going to go buy some cinnamon, cloves and garlic Andreas. I'll have Ethel brew me up a batch of snake repellent that we'll mix with olive oil and spray around the yard's perimeter and the foundation of the house, garage and stable. That tends to discourage snakes," George commented.

"Let me get those George, I have to take the truck back to Home Depot anyway," Alexander noted. "I'll stop at Public for them. Just write down how much of each.

Richard said, "George, I heard moth balls do the trick with rats and snakes and other vermin. Isn't that true too?"

"No Sir. That's an old wives tale. Snakes don't respond to them at all. They don't like the spices I mentioned as well as limes. Moths balls are dangerous to mammals. I use boric acid to treat for ants and roaches. Me and Ethel laid down a bunch of it in Andreas' and Clay's kitchen cabinets. I also dusted it along the foundation yesterday as well."

"So that's what that white stuff was against the wall," RJ added.

"Alexander, I'll tell Andreas the amounts and he can text you," George replied. "While you're gone I'll widen the distance between the stable and the woods."

Alexander waived goodbye and the group broke up. Leon carried the snakes head carefully in a shovel out into the brush. He dug a two foot deep hole and plopped the poisonous head into the bottom covering it with the sandy soil. RJ popped the snake's body into a white plastic garbage bag and set it aside before returning to his painting of the office. Xander continued to weed whack around the stable. David, Richard and Nicholas returned to inside the stable to continue building the two walls.

Tom helped his father unload the big mower he used on the yards he took care of as part of his business. Then George pulled out "The Brush Beast," a menacing looking machine 3 feet wide.

"George what to hell is that?" Xander asked.

"O this? I named her Pumpkin. It's a brush hog. I can cut down grass as high as 6 feet and samplings up to 4 inches in diameter. I don't get to use her often. Usually just the first time I work a place that has been neglected. You go on and help with the insides while I do what I got to do out here." He started the machine and the 20hp Briggs and Stratton twin engine sprang to life. Xander, Clay and Sean watched in amazement as George zipped around the stable clearing a 3 foot swath easily around the building. Then he circled it again chewing through the overgrowth as if it were made of nothing. In the time it had taken Xander to cover 35 feet using the hand held weed eater George had created clearing a nine foot wide He was encountering some large trees now so he had to slow his pace, but within minutes he pulled up to the side of the garage having created a 12 foot space between the stable and the woods. The three observers clapped as he shut down the machine and Tom brought him a water bottle. `What are you three standing around for? There's work to be done. I'm going to brush hog along the driveway around the yard's edge. Tom, you keep a working on the wood chipping and mulching. Oh and tell you mama that most of the men out here have gone native."

Tom laughed, "Yes Sir," he said as he sprinted off to deliver the message to his mother.

"Andreas, I forgot to tell you what to text to your father. I need 1 bag of white onions, I 16 ounce bottle of lime juice, 8 ounces of cinnamon, 8 ounces of clove, 8 ounces of minced garlic in oil and 1 gallon can of olive oil."

Sean typed the message and hit send. "Done George."

Xander joined in the construction work, Clay and Sean entered the fourth stable block next to the dungeon. They looked at the pile of trash sitting just inside the outside door. A box of black trash bags beside it. They started sifting through the mess.

"Chief if my Dad and the others think this shit is trash let's just bag it and be done with it."

"I agree Farm Boy. You want to hold the bag or shovels?

"Let's take turns," he replied as he retrieved a flat head shovel from inside the stall. Sean held the first bag as Clay filled it. He also watched the men frame in the wall that would set off his design studio from the gym. The four men were working very efficiently.

"Clay watch. They're lifting the frame." Both men stopped and watched as Leon and RJ joined the other four men to lift the frame into place. Within minutes it was nailed into place and the quartet moved closer to them to start building the wall between the gym and the storage room. The owners resumed shoveling trash into the bags. When they finished they had 9 large black bags filled to the brim.

Sean and Clay moved the bags to the outside and then turned their attention to the stuff in the storage room. First thing that drew their attention were the two saddles -- one regular and the other a side mount.

"Farm Boy please get me some rags from the house so we can wipe these down. I'm going to get the leather cleaner and conditioner from inside." He pulled out his key ring and went over to the padlocked door to the dungeon. He unlocked it and slid the door open and slipped inside closing the door behind him. Scanning the boxes quickly he found the cleaner and conditioner for his leather. When he opened the door to the fourth stall he found 4 naked men staring at him trying to see what lay behind the door. "Curiosity killed the cat gentlemen," Sean stated as he closed and locked the door.

"Come on Andreas. We know you're into some kinky stiff," Nicholas declared.

"Truer words were never spoken. If you want to know how kinky; show up at the grand opening at the Castillo Exhibit New Year's Eve. You'll get a pretty damn good idea from the images and if you want further details buy the books."

Nicholas gave him the look that Alexander usually gave his children when he was annoyed with them.

"Keep practicing Nicholas. You almost have that withering look down pat. By the way guys you were awesome back there with the framing. I see this one is almost complete too."

"We're going into the construction business after this," David quipped.

Clay returned with a box of rags. They cleaned off the dust from the two saddles and then Sean showed Clay how to clean the leather working small portions at a time. It took them an hour but at the end both saddles looked better. They found no tears or weaknesses in the leather.

"Now we let the leather rest while we look at all this stuff."

They began with box of ribbons and trophies Leon had set aside. Clay suggested they set aside the most recent and the oldest as mementos to be kept and displayed in the office as a conversation piece. Sean agreed. They started sorting.

"Chief, Chief, look at this. It's from the rodeo down in Arcadia! It's a certificate for Buck O'Hannon for 3rd place in saddle bronco riding - dated 1928."

"Here's a trophy for Tim O'Hannon for bareback bronco riding. He must have had balls of steel Farm Boy! So the O'Hannon's must have owned this place once."

"Let's just pick three ribbon to keep and give the rest to the history museum. I've got a first, second and third place ribbons here that are in good shape Chief."

"OK that means we keep 5 pieces and the rest goes to either the Fort Christmas Museum or to the Orange County History Center. Put the stuff we're keeping in one of the desk drawers Clay." Sean went back to the sorting.

In the end they kept a 6 foot and 10 foot folding ladder. They kept a 20 foot and a 40 foot extension ladder. The remaining 3 ladders would be sold. They kept two of every yard tool they found from hoes to different headed shovels and rakes. Then there were several jacks, hammers, mallets, screw drivers, wrenches and four socket sets. There was a riding lawn mower that they couldn't start as well as a push mower that had seen better days.

The two laughed when they saw it because they both said, "Museum," at the same time. As they finished sorting the things they realized the hammering was no longer near them but back down by the design studio. When they looked they saw that the frame near them was up and they men were getting the wall panels dividing the gym and study nailed in place.

Sean showed Clay how to apply the beeswax conditioner to the saddles. After it was applied and rubbed into the leather they used clean rags to buff the saddles to a warm glowing shine. Satisfied with their work they went down to compliment the men on their work. RJ and Leon had finished the office and bathroom. They were now hand priming the wood wall the other men had erected as the team went down to put up the next wall. Alexander had returned and had replaced Xander and Richard who were spry painting the exterior of the building.

All of the naked men had small patches of paint in the hair or on the bodies. Clay noticed the paint on the penises of RJ, Alexander and Nicholas. He thought again of how blessed the Reed and Walls family were to have big dicks.

Leon commented as the two men entered the office, "Boys I think we'll get this wall primed today and probably the one they're building now. We'll paint them tomorrow morning. How's the office look?"

"Dad y'all have worked a miracle out here. Maybe we should add remodeling and decorating to the family businesses."

"Your mother and I were talking about how to incorporate both of your strengths and interests into Reed Enterprises that just the other day."

Sean nodded as he looked around the office space. The light gray made the office modern and spacious looking. In addition to painting the walls they had trimmed the window sills and frames in white as well as the mill work around them, the door frame and the floor boards. The bathroom was indeed small, perhaps 3 by 10 feet. The white porcelain sink sat to the right of the door and the commode sat against the far wall. White tile lined the walls up 3 feet and a black and white patterned mosaic tile covered the floor.

Seeing the commode reminded Sean he needed to drain the lizard. He unzipped and let his piss stream splash against the porcelain. When he finished he flushed the toilet. The pipes rattled and groaned but the toilet worked. "Maybe we need to re-pipe the stable. Bet it didn't get done when the house did," he commented to Clay.

"Maybe they didn't know about the bathroom either," Clay responded. "Let's go see what George has been up to while we've been sorting." Sean washed his hands and the two men proceeded outside to a completely new look to the yard space.

George had brush hogged a 12 foot space all around the yard. He hadcleared the path toward the Christmas Tree Farm. The brush around the tennis court, volleyball fit and basketball court was gone. The remaining red cedar had been chipped and a layer of mulch surrounded the house, garage and stable. The gardener was walking around with a sprayer bottle laying down a substance that smelled of spices and garlic.

"Is that the stuff George," Clay inquired.

The gardener stopped a moment to reply. "Yes Sir. Ethel pulverized the onion in the blender then added the spices to a gallon of water. She boiled it on the outside stove for 10 minutes then strained out the mixture. Then we added the lime juice and the olive oil. Boiled it again until she got rid of the remaining water. The scents are now mixed with the oil."

"Hope it works," Clay responded.

"Nothing is every foolproof but I suggest this twice a year. Also I suggest planting Society Garlic. It does a good job of chasing critters away." He returned to his work. The two lovers entered the house where they could smell the dinner Ethel was fixing.

"Fried chicken tonight," Sean noted.

"Finger licking good," Clay quipped as the two headed upstairs to the attic. The door to the blue room was open and Granny Red was in a rocking chair crocheting away. She was listening to Christmas Carols on an old transistor radio her husband and bought for her back in the 1950s. "What ya doing Granny?"

"Oh Junior, Sean. I'm making afghans for the babies. You may have noticed there were a lot of expectant mothers in this house yesterday. I finished a green and white one already," she stated as she pointed to a baby sized afghan on the bed.

"Very pretty Granny," Sean said. "I'm sure they'll be appreciated and treasured because they were made by hand." Granny smiled returned to her crocheting and singing along with the Christmas carols. Sean and Clay continued up into the attic.

"I wonder where she found the rocking chair," Clay stated.

"Who knows, but she's enjoying it," Sean noted. "Here are the wreath bags." He pointed at the assortment of bags. "You go down to the foot of the attic stairs and I'll toss them down one at a time." Clay followed the suggestion and Sean carried the first bags over. "These will all be for the second floor." One by one he dropped the bags to Clay who caught them and set them outside in the hallway.

"This set if for the entrance hall. They called it the foyer." There were two 36 inch wreath bags. He dropped them one at a time. Farm Boy carried them to the edge of the stairs to go down later.

"Another foyer bag," Sean dropped it down to Clay. The wreath bags for the master bedroom, living room, den, laundry, pantry and kitchen followed before Chief came downstairs.

Unlike the color matching the previous owners had done in the bedrooms, the Christmas wreaths were not color coordinated. They were standard wreaths with a candle in the middle. Sean and Clay moved from window to window and room to room hanging the wreaths. Each wreath was attached to a timer set to come on at 6PM and go off a 6AM. They adjusted the timers to the current time and plugged them into the wall sockets. As they hung up the wreaths in the green room they saw the men who had been working in the stable jumping into the pool.

Tom appeared at the bedroom door. "Andreas, Clay, Mama says dinner in 15 minutes."

"Thanks Tom we'll finish the next two rooms and come down," Andreas responded.

They entered the blue room where Granny was still crocheting; Mary Liz sat on the bed. "Hey Sis, do you know where the rocker came from?" Clay asked.


"Spill," he responded giving his sister the look.

She rolled her eyes. "Hannah and I found it in this end of the attic. There's a lot of neat stuff up there. We carried it down and dusted it then applied orange oil to it. It's a really beautiful piece. Granny really likes it."

"Nothing better than a rocking chair boys," Granny added.

"I'll bring Granny down in about 15 minutes after all the men are finished washing up," Mary Liz noted with a wink.

"Gotcha," Clay replied as he and Sean headed to the purple room to put up the last of the second floor wreaths.

With that task accomplished Sean went down into the entrance hall. Clay dropped each of the wreath bags over the banister for Sean to catch. "See how versatile you are Chief! You can catch."

"Only on rare occasions boy and don't you forget it," Sean replied sticking out his tongue.

Clay joined him downstairs after the last bag was dropped and they retreated to their bedroom to wash up. They noted that Ethel had set the dining room table for dinner so they hurried themselves along. When they came out they found everyone assembled waiting only for them and for Granny and Mary Liz who were also just entering the room.

"Dad, will you ask the blessing please?" Andreas requested looking at his father.

Everyone joined hands as Alexander prayed, "Blessed is God, who has mercy upon us and nourishes us from his bountiful gifts by his grace and love always, now and forever and to the ages of ages, Amen."

"Amen," the diners replied.

Everyone say down and the food started being passed to the left. In addition to the fried chicken, Ethel had prepared fried green tomatoes, collard greens with bacon and onion, mac and cheese and buttermilk biscuits. As the meal was coming to a close Martha and Andrea each carried in a sweet potato pie for dessert.

RJ, Clay, Leon and Sean cleared the table after dinner as the rest of the family moved into the family room. After they had started the dishwasher, the four men joined the rest of the family who were sipping coffee, tea, sodas or cocktails Xander had mixed. They were talking about Christmas Eve.

Xander spoke up, "While you were on KP we discussed what we've accomplished today. It is truly an amazing amount! We should all be dead tired, but we're not. Both walls are up and primed in the stables. The sliding barn doors dividing the rooms are also primed and hung. You need to decide on what color to paint them, gray like the rooms or that barn red we painted the exterior this afternoon."

Sean didn't hesitate, "Paint them the exterior color."

Xander nodded.

David spoke up. We've fitted the stable doors for your office and the gym with two by sixes which will prevent them from being opened from the outside. They are held in place with stainless steel bolts."

"Tomorrow we suggest finishing the trim work on the exterior, painting the interior and laying the vinyl flooring. We're also going to seal the bottoms of the stable doors with a sealant to keep out drafts and the critters. That should take us to lunch time."

Andrea added, "There were mostly odds and ends in the closets and drawers upstairs. The only real thing of value was a fur stole in the yellow room."

"It's all so amazing what y'all have done for us in just two days. We can't thank you enough," Clay emoted.

George added, "I've increased the distance around the main buildings by 12 feet. I also brush hogged along the road for about 100 feet on either side of the gate. Tom and I have weeded, trimmed and planted a bunch. Now it's just a matter of keeping it neat. To that end I'm going to offer you the same deal I have with your Daddy. You just need to let me know."

Sean responded, "I'm familiar with your business dealings with Dad. On behalf of Clay and me, we accept." He stood up and walked over to George and shook hands.

"I've been busy too," Granny said. I've got two baby afghans done and I've started on the third one already."

"That's great Granny," Hannah stated. "I just can't get my fingers to go as fast as yours."

"I have a few more years practice dear," Granny retorted with a smile and a wink.

"How many for breakfast tomorrow?" Martha asked. Everyone's hands shot up. "Okay then I'll mix the casseroles before I retire and let them sit overnight. Eight o'clock then?"

Richard said, "More like 7 Martha. We'll get to gabbing and won't start work till 9 if we start at 8." There was a general nodding of heads and murmurs of agreement.

"Seven AM it is," Martha replied.

Once more the goodbyes and words of thanks took up the good part of half an hour. The Walls and Rices left and Granny retired back upstairs. RJ and Leon were watching television. Martha and the girls were mixing the casseroles for the morning.

Clay and Sean hung one of the 36" wreaths on the front door. The other they hung above the fireplace. Clay went outside and carried in a log and positioned it in the fireplace on top of kindling he had placed there earlier. It had the year carved into it.

"Are we having a fire tonight Farm Boy?" Chief joked.

"No Sir. Tomorrow night we'll light our Yule log. It's awful green but hopefully there is enough dry wood to get it burning. I already set aside next years." The smell of red cedar from the log and the trees floated through the house. Clay got a pitcher of water and added water to each of the live trees.

They found lighted garland in another foyer bag. Clay spotted small eye hooks in the tops of both side windows of the front door. He hung the garland and Sean plugged them into the sockets at the bottom of each window. Then they hung the wreaths in the living room, den, laundry, pantry and kitchen. They carried the last bag into their bed room and hung the wreaths in the front window and the two windows framing their bed.

The couple kissed as they completed their task. Sean groped and squeezed Clay's balls. "They seem a little heavy tonight boy. Guess I should help you out with that soon."

"I'm up for anything, Chief. You know I can't get enough of you." The two smiled at each other.

"Let's collect the bags and put them back in the attic."

"I'll do that you go relax in the family room." Clay started collecting the bags and Sean joined Leon and RJ watching a program on elephants on the TV. Sean's phone rang; it was the gentleman from Sweden who had purchased Clay's swimsuit.

"Hello this is Sean Walls."

"Hello this is Axel Blondell from Malmo Sweden."

"Oh yes Axel. Hope you're enjoying Boca Raton."

"Ja, I am liking it. Ah, is the invitation to join you for Christmas Eve still, how do you say, valid?"

"Oh yes, we'd love to have you."

"Then I accept your invitation. I thought I would drive up after lunch tomorrow."

"Perfect, you'll be here for Christmas Eve. I'll text you the address. If you get delayed, just let me know."

"Ja, I will do that. Ciao."

"Ciao Axel."

Everyone was looking at Sean. It was Clay who explained. "We met a gentleman from Sweden who is here on business. He was going to be all alone on Christmas Day; so Sean and I invited him to join us."

"How did you meet him Junior," Martha inquired.

"He bought my swimming suit at an auction and asked me to autograph it. This was his first American Football game as well."

"Get out of here!" Hannah roared with laughter "He bought your swimming suit!"

RJ rolled his eyes at his sister. "Girls don't know sh..." he paused, "anything. Buying clothing worn by athletes is a big market."

"Like what RJ?" Mary Liz asked.

RJ retrieved his laptop from the den and flipped it opened. He typed in the URL for He pulled up the page for the Miami Dolphins. "See," he showed the images to his family, "you can by sweat pants, shorts, shoes, even game pants."

"What do they do with them RJ?" Martha asked.

"Some display them but others wear them I guess."

"Gross!" Hannah and Mary Liz said together.

"Well mine are autographed and are going to go on display in Malmo," Clay said defensively. "We're going to welcome a guest from Scandinavia because that's the right thing to do."

"Well said son," Leon entered the discussion. The Reed family knew that when Dad entered discussion he had heard enough. Unless Martha continued the topic they knew it was over. Martha for her part simply continued preparing for tomorrow's breakfast.

Sean stood and extended his hand to Clay, "Would you care to join me in a walk outside to look at the Christmas lights?" Farm Boy stood without comment and took Sean's hand and they went outside onto the patio and walked to the other side of the pool. Looking back at the house they admired the windows decked with wreaths that shown from the windows. They kissed and felt a sense of contentment. Sean led the way to the front of the house and walked toward the front gate before turning around to gaze back at the house which shone even brighter from this view.

"Look George and Tom replaced the burned out bulbs," Farm Boy noted as they walked along the curved driveway to the road. They walked across the road and looked back toward their property. The lanterns illuminated the poinsettias and periwinkles below them as well as their house number. The words Oak Haven were indistinguishable in the darkness. A car slowed down and they could see the driver look at the lighted posts before picking up speed once more.

"Guess someone else will be talking about Oak Haven tonight," Sean opined. Clay squeezed his hand.

The view of the house as they walked up the driveway was even more impressive. As it came into view it seemed to dance in the darkness with the glow of light emanating from its windows.

They entered through the front door before locking it behind them. Walking into the family room they found the rest of Clay's family relaxing watching a Christmas special on TV. "Anyone care to join us for a swim?" Junior asked.

"Martha and her three other children stood to join the two men. Leon responded, "I've had my swim for the day. I'm just going to enjoy the show."

The rest of the family went outside and removed their clothing and laid it on the pressure washed deck chairs that had been found in the stable. They dove into the pool and tread water and commented how beautiful the night was so late in December. Martha and the girls were the first to get out. Mary Liz went into the pool house and brought out towels. They each dried and wrapped the towels around themselves before picking up their clothes and returning to the house.

RJ spoke up, "I'm glad they went inside. I miss being in Testosterone House at home. Thank you for having a room for me to escape to by myself at night."

"You're welcome. Just be sure you pick up you cum soaked tissues and throw them in the trash," Clay splashed water on his brother. I don't want the place smelling like a porno theater."

"How do you know what a porno booth smells like?"

"I said theater. How do you now about porno booths?" Clay retorted.

RJ was thankful for the dark so that his blush wasn't noticeable to his brother and future brother-in-law.

"Guess I saw them on the internet. And you're one to talk about leaving your cum stained rags and socks around Testosterone House. Mom found one stuffed in the couch and tried to blame it on me. I reminded her you were the one the one with bigger feet." He splashed water back at his brother.

"RJ, I have a question for you. Do you want to stay in the den or move upstairs to either the yellow or orange rooms?" Sean asked.

"I'm happy where I'm at. I can raid the refrigerator in the middle of the night. I can JO as many times as I want, and I've got a john right next door. Why?"

"Well now that Axel is coming; we need to decide where to put him. We thought the Den would work but if you're ok there, then we'll put him in the orange room and keep the yellow room for any guests that wish to nap."

"Like our grandparents," RJ noted.

"Yes, our grandparents and the pregnant ladies."

"Really I'm, fine where I'm at. Granny would get you for saying pregnant. Its expecting - remember!" He splashed at his brother again.

"Yeah, I know, expecting."

"How is Christmas going to work?" RJ asked.

Clay answered, "Well we'll knock off work at Noon and clean up. Sean's family will have Christmas Eve in their own homes and we'll have ours here. Then Christmas morning we'll have our traditional breakfast which Mom will make. Family should start arriving by Noon. Christmas Lunch will be at 1. There's a little something for everyone's pallet - Swedish, Norwegian, Southern, and Greek. After lunch we'll open presents. Sometime after that people will start to leave. By the way we'll need to get Axel a little something for under the tree."

"I've got the perfect gift for him," Sean said. I bought it freshman year but never wore it. It still has he tag on it. It's a ski hat with Stallions embroidered on it. We'll dig it out when we go in."

"You're right. I bet it will join the swim suit," Clay added.

"I'm heading inside guys." He shot his brother a shit eating grin.

Seam thought the two brothers' grins were asweet trait the two brothers shared in common.

"And yes, I'm going to jack off at least twice more today. I dropped two loads in the bathroom in the office earlier." He got out of the pool his cock already starting to swell just from the thoughts of the upcoming relief. "Oh did I tell you, Dad is going to help me skin the snake tomorrow. That belt is going to be so wig!" he moved off to the house wrapping the towel his sisters had left for him around his waist just in case Granny was downstairs.

Clay wrapped his arms and legs around Sean's body, "You know Chief, we're writing new chapters of our story day by day. So much has happened in the last week alone we could fill a book."

"We could write a chapter about fucking in the pool the way your ass is grinding against my cock head right now." the couple giggled and kissed. The pool light flashed and the two looked toward the house.

"Junior, Sean, we're turning in," Martha called from the sliding glass door. "What time is it Mom," Clay called back.

"Just after 10." she replied.

"Good night Mom," Sean called out. "We'll lock up when we come in a bit."

The lights in the kitchen were switched off. Light soon appeared in the green bedroom and bathroom windows. The light in the blue room went out followed by the green room's leaving only the candles in the wreaths shedding light from the second story windows.

Chief and Farm Boy continued to caress and kiss each other in the shallow end of the pool. Clay whispered, "Sean I'm getting cold. Let's get out," He released his legs from around his fiancé's legs and climbed out of the pool. Sean was close behind. They toweled each other off.

"Farm Boy, please gather our clothes and go in through the pool door. Start our shower. I'll lock up and be in shortly to shower with you." They shared another quick kiss and Chief patted Clay's ass cheek as he headed toward the pool door.

Sean entered the family room naked and secured the door. He checked the kitchen door and slider as well. He unplugged the lights on the tree in the family room and turned off the lights.

Sean entered the entrance hall to check the front door. He heard huffing and puffing coming from the den. He looked and noticed the door was ajar. He quietly padded over and looked through the crack. RJ lay on the couch with his head facing the window. He was fisting his cock rapidly as he watched something on his lap top on the floor. Sean smiled as he saw the flick was of a girl being fucked by a huge dildo mounted to a fuck machine. RJ let out a small cry as his toes curled and his back arched blasting 5 spurts of fresh Reed seed onto his chest. Sean backed away so as not to disturb or embarrass this future brother in law.

In the den, RJ was still feeling the effects of his orgasm as his cock leaked out the last remains of his cum. He continued to watch the girl being rammed by the dildo as he dipped his fingers into his own jizz and lifted it to his mouth. He sucked his fingers dry and went back for more.

Sean checked the front door and turned off the driveway lights and the lanterns on the gate posts. He unplugged the living room tree and headed into their bedroom locking the door behind him.

Clay was waiting in the shower letting the hot water run down his tired body. He smiled as Sean entered the shower. "Hey Chief, I was wondering what took you so long."

Sean debated whether he should say anything but remembered he had promised no secrets. "To tell the truth I heard a noise from the den and when I looked RJ was bringing off a spectacular JO session its ultimate conclusion. I didn't want to embarrass him so I just walked away and finished locking up the house. I also unplugged the lights on the two real trees."

"He is a horny fucker. He would sit in the living room at the house and jack off when I was trying to study. I was always more discreet. I was caught once by Dad who just said to clean up after I was finished. I also got caught by a farm worker picking oranges once. He leered at me and I lost my hard on so damn fast. I pulled up my jeans and headed back to the house."

"We'll have to compare notes someday on our sexual developments," Chief smiled as he picked up soap and a wash cloth. He scrubbed Clay's body all over. Farm Boy returned the favor. They rinsed off and dried each other with fresh towels. Then they headed for bed.

Clay yawned as he sat on his side of the bed. "Chief, I know I had hoped you'd nail it again tonight, but I'm really bushed. Would you mind if we just cuddle and go to sleep? We can always play in the morning if you want."

"To tell you the truth that warm water helped me relax too. Its only 10:38 but I feel likes its 2 AM." Clay and Sean turned off the lights on their night stands. The room was lit only by the wreaths in the windows. Clay spooned back into Sean who placed his right arm and leg protectively over his man.

Next: Chapter 77

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