Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 13, 2021


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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Nailed It: Chapter 75 New Chapters Part 1

Clay spent the first hour of the ride home rambling about how he thought the Stallions had performed during the Bowl Game. He started yawning as his adrenalin levels returned to normal. He leaned his seat back a bit as his eye lids grew heavy and fell asleep. Sean switched the music to some smooth jazz by Foreplay and let the quarterback rest. Farm Boy slept the rest of the way back to Christmas rousing only as the noise of the garage door opening startled him.

"Sorry Chief, I didn't realize how tired I was."

Sean patted his lover's thigh. "You must have needed it. Let's get inside we can unpack in the morning." Walls hit the control button closing the garage door as they exited the side door to the house. Reed opened the door and entered the security code. Sean was right behind him. They locked up again and armed the house in "Stay" mode and made their way through the family room and dining room to their bedroom.

"It doesn't feel like home yet,' Farm Boy noted as he stripped from his clothing. He scratched his balls and headed to the bathroom. Chief heard the heavy stream of piss hitting the water in the toilet bowl as he too stripped and crawled into the bed they had so recently bought along with the house. Clay joined him and spooned back into his fiancé's torso. Sean placed his right arm and leg over his boy and the two fell asleep.

Reed's alarm woke him at 5 AM. He silenced it and rose from the bed as quietly as he could after he wiggled out from under Sean's protective arm and leg. He padded through the house imagining how it would look in just a few hours filled with family and friends and their meager furniture mixed in with the pieces the previous owners had left behind. Arriving in the kitchen he started fixing coffee for himself. He sat at the breakfast table and stared out into the darkness outside. "I guess I need to work out a running course sometime this week. I should look for those wrist lights that Mom bought me for running in the dark so cars could see me." He finished his coffee and went into the pantry. He found the black garbage bags and took three of them with him and headed back through the house to the stairs. He climbed up and entered the first bedroom. It was decorated in shades of purple. The silk and plastic flower arrangements contained lilacs, irises and some other purple colored flower he didn't recognize. He threw them into the first garage bag. As he grabbed the garland over the window he was hit in the face by a rain of dust. He dropped the garland and bag as he sneezed and rubbed the dust from his face. His sneezing continued as he rushed to the bathroom to wash off his face. He noticed for the first time that even the towels were purple. "These guys were real matchy, matchy with everything," he thought as he dried his face. He used one of the towels as a face mask as he removed the second garland before throwing them both into the bag. The second bedroom was done in shades of blue. Its flowers and garlands soon joined the purple ones in the trash bag. He grabbed the last bunch of flowers on the way back to the door and a small camera fell to the floor. "Damn! Eduardo did have the place wired," he thought to himself. He explored the room further and found 3 more concealed to give various views of the bed. He tossed them into the trash as well. Clay dropped the full bag over the railing to the entrance hall.

The next bedroom was done in green. There were ferns everywhere. He made short work of gathering them up before moving onto the fourth bedroom which was done in shades of yellow. It reminded Clay he had to piss again so he took a moment to empty is bladder in the yellow tiled bathroom. He was glad he was using a towel for a dust mask. This room hadn't been used in quite a while as he could see dust on the bed spread. He finished filling the garbage bag and walked back to drop it over the banister and get his third bag. Returning to the yellow room he completed stripping it of sunflowers and chrysanthemums. The final bedroom was done in orange. He hadn't paid much attention to it when he and Sean and had make-up sex in it. Robert and Lawrence went all out in this room with miniature orange trees in corners, pumpkins were stacked in various places and the garland had miniature jack-o-lanterns on them. "Must have decorated at Halloween and forgot to take them down," the quarterback thought. The bag was half full but it joined the others going over the banister to the entrance hall below. Reed grabbed the two fake trees and hauled those downstairs himself. He deposited them with the bags of flowers before heading into the kitchen to wash up and fix Sean's coffee.

In the kitchen he saw that it was 6:45 so he worked quickly to have the coffee ready and started planning breakfast. He quietly placed the coffee on Sean's bedside table and retreated to the kitchen. He grabbed an iron skillet, butter eggs, diced ham and chopped onion from the freezer. He melted the butter and sautéed the onions before adding the ham. He whipped together the eggs and a 1/4 cup of milk. He checked the fridge and found a small package of shredded cheddar cheese. He poured the egg mixture into the skillet and sprinkled the cheese around the top of the skillet. Turning off the burner he popped the skillet into the oven and set it for 400 degrees for 20 minutes. He headed back to the bedroom where he found Sean sipping his coffee while seated on the side of the bed.

"Morning Chief," Clay called as he entered the bedroom. "Breakfast will be ready in under 20 minutes." Farm Boy kissed the top of his Chief's head and headed for the outdoor shower. He started the water before pissing into the drain.

"You're wasting it," Sean commented as he entered the rock line shower area. "If you're going to piss in a shower at least direct it onto someone." He aimed his penis at Farm Boy's and let his morning piss stream onto Clay's slab of meat. The start of the Chief's flow brought Farm Boy's cock to attention within seconds. He had never been able to piss through a hard on but he tried anyway.

"Damn I wish we had time to play this morning, but breakfast is in the oven and we have places to be and things to do." He grabbed the soap and started washing himself. Sean joined in.

Chief asked, "Would you wash my back please?"

"Of course and then you can do mine." The two attended to each other, then rinsed off. They toweled off, hung towels on the towel bar and headed naked to the kitchen.

They worked together to set the table. Sean poured juice and brewed more coffee for them. Clay removed the fritatta from the oven and cut it in quarters. He plated a quarter for each of them and brought them to the table. Walls brought over the flatware and they began breakfast.

"I deflowered the upstairs," he giggled. "The place is dusty as all get out. You'll never guess what I found in the bedroom at the head of the stairs."

"The cameras we thought he put there. Good pun by the way."

"Damn you guessed!" Reed smiled. "I threw them in the trash." He'll make enough off us to buy new ones." The two laughed. "Chief, all of those bedrooms are color coordinated and dusty as all get out. You don't notice it so much in the dark colored rooms but the yellow room you can see it laying on the bed spread. Since we have so many people coming to stay this week perhaps when you get back here you can get them stripped and start laundry.

"The fritatta is very good Clay. I would say perhaps a little pepper or poultry seasoning next time but it hits the spot. Yeah I can get laundry going or put some of my family on it." Clay nodded as he chewed. "What time are you sisters expected?"

Swallowing, Reed answered, "Mary Liz and Hannah are due round 11. Mom and RJ should be here by 1. Guess we should order pizzas for lunch. How many are we feeding?"

Sean started adding things up in his head, " 2 + 8 + 10 +2 + 4=26 people. so 7 or 8 pizzas. Did they leave any beer or sodas?"

Clay checked the cooler rack in the island, "Two bottles of wine and a few cokes and a sprite in here."

Sean had gone to the pantry, "Nada. Looks like a Publix run this morning. So let's get dressed and head to pick up the U-Haul. See if the truck is ready early. You can head to the apartment without me. I'll head to Publix and buy food for today as well as sodas and frozen pizzas. We'll just cook them here since I don't know who delivers out here." The two met in the kitchen and kissed; Clay pushing his tongue into his Sir's mouth. "Whoa tiger, remember we don't have time at the moment, but tonight, if you're not too tired, we can play in our new passion pit."

Clay roared like a tiger. "I'm always ready for you Sir."

The two headed off to the bedroom to dress. Sean came back to the kitchen first. He cleared the dishes and put the remaining fritatta into containers and into the fridge. He started the dishwasher. As he finished wiping down the counter and stove Clay came out dressed to go.

"Farm Boy, where is everybody from your family sleeping tonight?"

"You and your good questions! Well I thought if that Swedish guy comes up we'd put him on the couch in the den. By the way, I think that our couch will fit in there. Not sure about the love seat. If he doesn't come RJ would enjoy it. I think Mom and Dad in Purple, Grandma Reed in Blue, without the cameras, Hannah and Mary Liz in the Green room.That leaves two rooms left over for surprises."

Well I like the idea of the Swedish guy in the den. Let's keep one bedroom for your grandparents and the other for your Uncle and Aunt. RJ can always sleep on the floor in your folks' room or in the family room. Maybe he'll catch Santa Claus sneaking down the chimney." They laughed together at the joke. Clay grabbed his wallet and the keys to the apartment and Sean grabbed his wallet and keys to his car.

"Fuck we didn't unpack last night."

"It won't take that long. Come on. They headed to the garage. Sean unlocked the door and opened the garage door behind his car. He popped the trunk and Clay grabbed the two suitcases. Sean grabbed the dirty clothes bags and the two back packs. Farm Boy had taken suitcases to their bedroom. Sean dropped the backpacks in the kitchen and hauled their dirty clothes to the laundry. He quickly sorted them and threw a load of whites into the washing machine. He found All detergent packets and added two as well as softener and started the washer. When he came out he noted Clay had grabbed the backpacks and taken them to the bedroom as well. He grabbed a bottle of water for each of them from the cooler tossing Clay's to him when he returned. They armed the house, locked the door and headed out for Crenshaw's on Colonial Drive to pick up their U-Haul.

"It's going to take some getting adjusted to living out here Chief. I know I'm from the country and all, but damn, at least Arcadia was the County Seat. I've gotten use to stopping at a 7/11 or a Wawa or having a restaurant close by."

"We knew this place was way out there. We can enjoy our privacy and our house rules without prying eyes. I can even start my business a little early after we get the office set up. Oh we're here. That was what 15 or 20 minutes?"

Clay shrugged, "I wasn't keeping track."

They pulled into a low building painted white on the upper half and green on the lower. Crenshaw's Automotive was painted on a green sign over the door. They had three mechanic bays for car repairs. The couple got out of the car and walked into the shop. An older man sat at a desk behind the counter going over some paperwork.

"Can I he'p y'all?" he inquired without looking up.

"Yes Sir we made reservation on a U-Haul for this morning at 9. We were wondering if we could get it earlier." Sean replied.

`The older man stood. He was taller than he looked crunched behind the desk. He stood at least 6 feet tall with a military buzz haircut and had piercing green eyes. His beard was scruffy. His frame was wiry and he had a bit of a beer belly. He extended a rough looking hand towards them. "I'm Wally Crenshaw. I own this here place. You Mr. Walls?"

"Yes Sir and this is Clayton Reed..."

"The Stallion quarterback! Mighty pleased to make your acquaintance young man. That was some fine work you did yesterday! What ya need the truck for boys?"

"We bought Oak Haven," Clay replied. We're moving in today."

"Oak Haven! You don't say! Well that is one of the finest old places we have round these parts. Courtney, get your lazy ass out here and meet some new neighbor folk." A younger version of Wally walked in from the mechanic bays wiping his hands on a grease rag. He extended his freshly wiped hand towards the two men and shook hands. "They be moving into Oak Haven today. Is that big U-Haul ready to go?"

"Yes Sir Pa. I checked her over this morning. Who's going to inspect it with me?"

"Since I'll be driving it I'll go with you," Clay offered and the two went off outside.

"You must be the guy he's marrying. I saw you on the stage with him and he mentioned you at his news meeting. We didn't use to cotton fags out here but times is a changin and ya gots to go with the times. I hope I didn't `fend ya using the term fag."

"Wally I've been called a hell of lot worse. What all do you need from us today."

"Well let me see here. You done paid up front for 2 days, with a dolly, 10 covers and the insurance. I see Mr. Reed's info here but I needs to see his driver's license. So while we're awaitin what brought you way out here to Oak Haven?

"We were looking for a place and it was a good deal. When was the last time you saw the place?"

"Oh must a been 20 years now. The going away party for the owners who sold off to those other f,," he stopped himself, "gay couple."

Sean smiled, "I understand Wally. Thanks for making the effort there.' Wally nodded as Sean continued. "Well I guess we should have a house warming so people can see it again after we fix it up. Is your son a good mechanic?"

"One of the best out here. We are reasonably priced too. We usually keep two bays going easily every day but Sunday. We're not big church people but out here you gotta judge the winds if you know what I mean. We're just doing paperwork and the U-Haul rentals today and cleaning up a bit."

"Well I don't want to have to run into Winter Park every time I need an oil change or a tune up and I'll gladly bring my business to you."

"Thank you boy. Right nice of you to say. Here's a business card and a magnet with our number on it." Clay and Courtney returned. "And now young fella I needs to see your driver's license and you'll be all set."

Clay produced his license and signed the rental form. Wally handed him the key. "Drive safe young man. We'll see you back here Tuesday by 10."

"Yes Sir, I'll be safe. Thank you." Farm Boy and Chief headed outside. They hugged and kissed and parted ways for their separate errands.

Sean headed to the Publix at Corner Lakes Plaza on Colonial. Clay followed him in the U-Haul until Walls pulled into the plaza. Reed continued on to the apartment. Usually Sean planned his shopping trips but today he just walked the aisles. He was looking for BOGO deals for which Public is famous. He didn't purchase things they wouldn't eat but did select quite a bit noting they'd get to it eventually and now that they had the upright freezer in the pantry he could stock up on things a bit more. When he got to the beer and wine aisle he grabbed several 12 packs of Coors and Heineken. He loaded up on sodas as well. He was really glad to see that they had pizzas on BOGO. He selected the 8 he was planning on for today plus 8 more. He bought 2 gallons of milk and 2 flats of eggs before heading to checkout.

At the checkout counter the cashier, Wanda, gave him the once over. "I don't recall seeing you here before. Are you new to the area?" she asked politely.

"Yes Ma'am, I'm one of the new owners of Oak Haven in Christmas." he replied while entering his info and card into the POS machine.

"Welcome to East Orange County young man. I hope you're happy in your new home." She continued to look Sean over as she scanned his purchases. He spent a little over $300 on groceries. Pete, the bag boy, helped him out with the grocery cart and loaded everything into the trunk.

Walls pulled into Oak Haven at 9:55 and was surprised to find the wall of Walls already there and looking over the exterior of the property. As he got out of the car he was surrounded, by his family, hugging, kissing and congratulating him on his new home. He was really surprised when Ethel and her husband and son popped around the corner.

After greeting him, Ethel got things in motion. "Enough gabbing, we have groceries to move." Everyone grabbed a bag or two and Sean led the way to the kitchen door. He unlocked it and entered the security code and everyone piled in. "First things first, let's get these things put away. Andreas, where do things belong?"

"Miss Ethel, it's all so new. The pantry and upright freezer are over there as is the laundry. I set my kitchen at the apartment up pretty much like it is at home so I'll trust your judgment. In fact after the tour, I'll put you in charge of cleaning and organizing the kitchen. I need to put the whites in the dryer and start a load of colors. Be right back."

Ethel looked things over and started giving orders, Within minutes the frozen items were stored in the freezer and refrigerated items were in either the cooler, as the case with wine, beer and sodas ,or in the main fridge.

Sean returned and began the tour. He took them through the family room and into the dining room. Then they progressed to the master bedroom before reemerging into the hallway to the living room and into the entrance hall. He showed them the powder room and the den. Then they climbed the stairs and looked into each of the bedrooms and baths. He referenced the attic entrance but no one wanted to venture there.

"What do you want us to do Andreas?" his father asked.

"Well I don't want the pregnant ladies doing anything heavy. When Clay was up here this morning collecting silk flower and garlands he mentioned how dusty the place is. So if you could pair off and each take a bedroom and bath and bring all the linens down to the laundry I'll get those going. I'm not sure what is in the linen closet. He opened the door to it, but feel free to check, I'm not sure where the vacuum cleaner is located."

Xander piped up, "There's one here in the back of the linen closet. Andreas look at this a moment. Were you aware of the hardwood floors?" Everyone looked at where Xander was pointing. The linen closet floor looked like tongue and groove hardwood." Andreas felt the thrill of discovery course through him. He had never considered the possibility of a hardwood floor. Andreas and the Rices went downstairs and the family paired off. Xander and Nicholas took the purple room, Andreas' parents took the blue room, and David and Richard took the green room. Isabella, Crystal, Nicole and Helena started stripping the beddings and towels, as well as dusting the first three bedrooms. There were dust rags and cleaning supplies in the linen closet as well. Xander vacuumed first then passed it on to his parents.

Downstairs Ethel had marshaled her husband and son and they were busy pulling things out of the cabinets and wiping things down before putting things back so that the kitchen would work for the way Ethel and Andreas cooked. Sean went into his bedroom and started unpacking the suitcases from the trip. He stripped his bed and carried the soiled linens to the laundry room. Xander came in with the purple sets from upstairs.

"You're right this place is a dust factory. Have to say the previous owners were a bit matchy, matchy with their color scheme."

"You should have seen the silk flowers and garlands. Look at that crown molding. It was all covered up." Xander gave the room a good look.

"Bro you'll bring this place back into her glory days. After the holiday, I'll help you remodel a room together if you help us with our nursery."

"Deal!" The brothers spit in their right palms and shook hands on it then broke into gales of laughter. The front doorbell rang. Andreas checked his watch. "Can't be Clay they've just gotten started in the apartment." he thought. He was right it was Mary Liz and Hannah Jane. The girls burst into the house with shrieks of excitement. They hugged Sean and gazed around at the huge home.

"All this for two gay men," Mary Liz stated.

Hannah hit her, "Jealous."

"Not in the least. Can we get a tour?

Sean showed them around and reintroduced them to his family as they went around the house. When they got around to the upstairs bedrooms Sean showed them the yellow room. "The two of you will share this room for your visit. Now you just need to clean it."

"Junior must be rubbing off on you," Hannah blushed as she realized the double meaning of her words.

Mary Liz gasped as she got the explicit content first. "In a good way," she said trying to make it better but realizing it was worse.

Sean laughed. "There's a vacuum cleaner up here somewhere and you can ask the others where the cleaning supplies are located. All the linens and towels need washed so just bring them downstairs to the laundry please."

"Yes Master," Hannah Jane responded. Sean thought her words prophetic. "If she only knew," he thought to himself.

Downstairs Walls checked on the laundry. Ethel grabbed him on his way through the kitchen.

"We've just about got the kitchen organized. I'm running all the dishes through the dishwasher on quick wash. What are you planning for lunch?"

"I bought pizza and beer."

"Sean Andreas Walls, you mean all you are going to serve these folks helping you is pizza and beer. You know better. That isn't a balanced meal at all."

Sean knew he had to placate Ethel when she used his full name. "How about fixing a salad to go along with the pizza? I don't know what we have here that would pass for a dessert either."

"You leave it to me. I'll figure out something. Tom! Tom!"

"Yes Mama."

"Fetch in the cleaning supplies I brought from the trunk of Daddy's car. I have a job for you." Tom was out the door in a flash.

"Where is George?" Sean inquired.

"He's checking the outside of the house. He found some crawly things in the bottom cabinets and he's gone looking for the breach. "

"I'll go check on..." Screams interrupted his comment and he took off running to see what had gone wrong upstairs. When he reached the top of the stairs everyone was gathered in the yellow bedroom. Hannah and Mary Liz were pointing at the mattress. Sean followed their fingers to a huge dark brown and yellow stains which spread over much of the top of the mattress. "Yellow room," Sean thought, "Appropriate."

"That's so gross. I'm not sleeping on that!" Mary Liz stated emphatically.

"You won't have to sleep on it. Xander, Nicholas would you remove the mattress and box springs from this room please? We're going to get rid of this bedroom set altogether."

Ethel had just made it to the room from the kitchen. "What you going to do with it?"

"There's just too much furniture and I don't care for the design nor the white washed over yellow color. Guess Goodwill will get it."

"I'll take it if you don't mind. George and I have been talking about finally getting a bigger bed. We've slept in a full size bed for 45 years."

"It's yours. I'll get the guys to deliver it today," Andreas announced.

"Many thanks. I can't wait till tell George."

Xander and Nicholas picked up the soiled mattress and maneuvered it out the bedroom door. Nick hollered, "Look out below!" before launching his end of the mattress over the railing and into the entrance hall.

"That was good thinking bro! Let's do the same with the boxed springs." The brothers returned to the yellow bedroom and hefted the box springs up revealing and equally stained yellow carpet underneath.

"Good grief! What was wrong with these people that they left this room get so soiled!" Andrea said to the room at large. Alexander walked over to the closet and slid open the door. He fished around at the back and lifted up the carpet.

"Andreas, there is hardwood here too,' he told his son.

"Really? That's great. We'll move the furniture out and then remove the rug. I prefer area rugs anyway. Would you help me with bed Dad?"

"Sure son."

"Mary Liz and Hannah Jane would you please clean out the drawers, Just put thing in a plastic bag and we'll go through it later."

"Sure bro to be," Hannah responded.

Alexander and Andreas began taking the bed apart. When the foot board was loose Nicholas carried it downstairs with Xander. The headboard was easier to loosen from the rails. By the time his brothers returned the bed was fully apart. The older brothers carried the headboard and Alexander and Andreas each carried a rail.

While he was downstairs Andreas checked on the laundry. Isabella and Helene were folding his clothes. Nicole and Crystal had sorted sheets, bedspreads and towels into separate piles. "Andreas, I think you should wash the spreads individually," Crystal opined.

"Sounds like a plan. Will you take charge of the upstairs laundry Crys?"

"Sure, we all can handle it," Crystal commented.

Andreas went over and kissed Isabelle and Helene on their cheeks. "Thank you for folding our laundry. I didn't expect you to do that for us."

"You're welcome," Helene stated. "It's not like I haven't done it before. I even helped Mom changed your diaper a few time," she added laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, you have often reminded me I was your shitty little brother." The five family members laughed together.

Tom came in to the laundry, "Mama says it's time to eat." George was delivering the same message upstairs. In short order sixteen people gathered in the kitchen. Hannah was carrying a jewelry box when she arrived.

"I think you need to see this Sean," Mary Liz as Hannah placed the box on the counter.

Ethel said, "It can wait. Lunch is ready."

Andreas nodded, "Let's circle up and join hands." The group joined hands. "Lord, we thank you for the gift of family and friends. Bless them for their willingness to help out. Bless the hands that prepared this meal. Bless too the food which is set before us, In Jesus name. Amen."

A horn sounded. "Clay never misses a meal," Mary Liz laughed her eyes sparkling. She, Hannah and Clay rushed out the kitchen door and ran to the front of the house where Clay was hopping out of the U-Haul truck and three other cars pulled up behind him. Their college friends piled out of the first two cars. The last car carried Clay's family including his father and grandmother. Chief kissed Clay. "Wait till you see all we've accomplished!" Then he waved at everyone, "Welcome, please come in, lunch is ready and the blessing has been said." Everyone followed him into the house through the kitchen door.

"Ethel this is a wonderful lunch," Andrea stated as she dished out some of the pasta salad onto her plate next to a slice of pepperoni pizza. "How did you manage all the pizzas?"

"I used the outdoor kitchen too. Its ovens are huge. By the way both ovens needed cleaned. Luckily they're both self-cleaning. I'll start them after dinner tonight."

"You plan on cooking for us?' Martha asked.

"Yes ma'am. It's what I do best. It's my way of helping."

"Perhaps we can work together."

"It would be a pleasure. I could use some ideas on feeding your boy when he comes to dinner."

"And you could show me a few things I can prepare for Andreas." The two women hugged.

Alexander came into the house, "What's in the box Andreas?"

"I forgot about it," he admitted as he walked to the kitchen island and picked up the cherry wood box. He turned the little key and lifted the lid. He picked up a watch and stared at it shaking his head. "It's a Rolex and there are two of them!" He lifted the second watch from the box. "There are three strands of pearls one white, one double strand black and a triple strand of sort of white." He looked at a small gold tag near each clasp. "It says Akoya on these two and Hanadama on this triple strand. Then there is a ruby ring, and emerald ring as well as a diamond ring."

"Andreas, I've heard of Hanadama. There a very expensive pearl," his mother interjected.

"I think I better call Robert and Lawrence and let them know they left some valuables behind."

Helene interrupted her brother, "Andreas what does your deed of transfer say?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did they transfer the property or the property and chattels?"

"I don't know. Where would we look?"

"Where are your closing documents?"

"I'll get them from the lock box in the bedroom," Clay stated as he dashed to the master bedroom. When he returned he handed Helene the closing packet copies.

She expertly scanned the documents. "Here it is," she commented. "They transferred the remaining contents and chattels in addition to the property. The jewelry is legally yours."

"Legally yes, but this is a pretty amazing collection. It may have sentimental value as well. I'm going to call them. What time is it in London?"

"Early evening," Richard stated.

"Excuse me a few minutes please, Clay you want to join me?"

"Sure do Chief." Sean picked up the box and walked back into their bedroom. He dialed Master Robert's number.

After a few rings Lawrence answered, "Gainz residence, Lawrence speaking."

"Lawrence this is Sean Walls. How's London?"

"It's not Berlin, but the company added 20K to their salary offer and arranged this house for us on Tufnell Park Road. Definitely not Oak Haven but it is home. What's up?"

"We're moving in today and we found jewelry in the yellow bedroom. We thought..."

Lawrence's voice dropped to a whisper, "Keep it. Robert won't want it. It was his step mother's. He only took her in 15 years ago out of pity as her own kids didn't want anything to do with her. She lived 6 months in that room before she died. She wouldn't leave it. When the undertaker took her body out Robert closed the door and never entered it again. I changed the sheets once but the room was never used again. "You can do whatever you want with her jewelry." His voice returned to normal. "It's the boys from Oak Haven Sir. Glad you're enjoying the house. If you have any questions just ring us again. Ciao."

Clay looked at the jewelry. "Wow. That's quite a windfall. What are we going to do?"

"I suggest we take it to an estate jeweler on Park Avenue after we talk to my jeweler friend. I don't mind if we don't get top dollar but I don't want to give it away either." Sean slipped the jewelry box into the bottom drawer of the dresser. Clay and he rejoined the rest of the family who were making plans for the afternoon work session.

"Son," Alexander began, "we have some suggestions for Clay and you." The two men sat down and gave Sean's Dad their attention. "Andreas, we are going to remove the carpet from the yellow bedroom. That way you can move your old bedroom furniture into it. Richard and Nicholas will help us. Xander and David will take care of the orange room. George is going to work with Tom on some of the gardening. Granny is going to take a nap. She'll be staying in the blue room while Mary Liz and Hannah move to the purple room. Martha and Leon will be in the green room. Leon and RJ will start emptying out the old tack room so you need to give them some idea of what's going to happen to the stables. Martha, Ethel and your mother are going to do meal planning for tonight. Clay you and your college friends will unload the truck. Afterwards you can load the bedroom set going to the Rice's and take it to their house."

"Sound grea! What do you need from us tool wise?" Clay inquired.

"For the rug removal hammer, pry bar, and box cutters," Alexander responded.

"I've got them in my tool in my trunk plus there are tools in the garage as well. I'll fetch them in," Andreas informed his father. He went out to the garage. After getting his tool box he saw two box cutters and crowbar. He gathered them up as well and headed back inside.

Meanwhile inside everyone was getting back to work. "Junior you can tell me about the stable," Leon commented. Clay accompanied his father and his brother out to the tack room.

"The tack room will become Sean's and my office space. Our two desks will go in here. Through here is the first stall. That will become his work space for designing. We will eventually wall it off. The second and third stalls will become our gym. The ladders and some of the items in storage here will go in the fourth stall. It will also be general storage. The ladders and some of the tools from the first stall will go in there. The fifth and sixth stalls were already walled off. That's our private area."

RJ piped up, "You mean your dungeon for sex."

"Robert, you're going to lose the internet again." Leon scowled.

"Sorry Dad. Sorry Junior." After Leon turned back away from him, RJ stuck his tongue out at Clay. Farm Boy just shook his head.

"RJ and I will start cleaning out the tack room. We'll put everything in the third stall that we think is worth looking out. The trash we'll stack outside the stall."

"Sounds great Dad. Thank you." Clay headed back out to the truck where Larry was directing the unpacking. "Looking good you guys. When you get to the David, let me unload it myself." Larry nodded as he lifted a box marked for the kitchen.

Clay entered the house through the front door as Sean tossed a third strip of carpeting down into the entrance hall. He picked it up and carried it outside and started a garbage pile near the stables. When he came in to get another roll he found 7 rolls waiting for him and Richard was dropping a roll of padding down. "Thanks Richard," he muttered sarcastically.

"Anytime buddy."

As Clay emerged with his next load George and Tom were coming around the corner of the house. "Let's us help you," Tom hollered as he ran over to the front door. He emerged shortly with two rolled up pieces of padding. George joined in as well. In short order the carpet and padding was filed up by the garage. Then George and Tom carried out the boxed springs. Clay went in to get the stained mattress. Alexander was waiting for him and the two carried it out and threw it on the pile of debris that was building up.

The last thing on the truck was the David statue. Clay lifted it carefully and carried it down the gangway. In the entrance hall, he gingerly set it down. "Where you want it Chief," he called.

Sean stuck his head out of the yellow bedroom. "Put it in the den for now. It will be out of the way."

Clay picked it up once more and carried it to the hidden den under the stairs. As he entered he saw that Sean had already had the guys place the couch and love seat into the den. He ran upstairs as Antonio and Steve were carrying in the mattress for the bed. Sean and arranged this room so that the furniture fit nicely. The bed was on the same wall as before. The two highboys were across the room from each other. One occupied the space of the former vanity the other was where the dresser had been. The night stands framed the bed.

Andreas announced, "Eventually I want to get rid of all the carpet. Smell the difference in this room? No pee or dusty odors. But the rugs can wait. Clay please organize the guys to load the old bedroom furniture onto the truck. Miss Ethel also wants all the bags of plants and the two. She'll take them to her church for crafting."

Clay came over and kissed Sean. "The room and the den look amazing."

"Thank you. It's been a team effort. Take the guys with you to move the furniture. Some can ride with George. Tom is staying here. When you get back Ethyl says dinner will be ready."

"What's she cooking chief?"

`Salisbury Steak is all I know. But Ethel will have it all planned out." He patted Clay's balls causing him to wince and whispered into his ear, "We can take care of your itch tonight."

"Yes Sir!" Clay grinned and headed out to get the U-Haul loaded.

Sean went downstairs to find Tom sitting on a stool in the kitchen twiddling his thumbs as his mother was busy making the dough fora cobbler she was making for dessert. "Come on Tom, I could use your help."

"I'll be happy to help you Andreas," Tom replied hopping down off the stool.

"You mind what Andreas tells you boy," his mother called to him while looking over the glasses perched on the tip of her nose.

"Yes Mama."

`We're going to start right over here Tom. We're going to move that Christmas tree from the family room to the middle of the entrance hall. I'm going to tilt the tree toward you; you grab it about here." Sean pointed. Then we'll move it into the hall."

"Easy pezzie Andreas," Tom replied.

Sean tilted the tree and Tom caught his end. Andreas lifted the heavy bottom end and they carried the tree into the hall. "This is where it gets tricky Tom. You're going to push your end up when I tell you to do so."

"Yes Sir."

Sean braced himself and place one foot against one of the legs of the tree stand. "Push, push, push, push," he called. Tom pushed and moved his arms quickly one over the other as the tree resumed its upward stature. It reached to the level of the second floor. "Do you see the plug for the lights?"

"Its right here Andreas." Tom replied.

"Great! We'll need to spin the tree towards me a quarter turn." Tom helped with the move. Sean flipped open a small metal hatch in the floor and plugged in the tree. Nothing happened. "Damn, I thought it would be a live circuit."

Tom looked around and walked over to the door where a panel of five switches adorned the wall. The fourth switch powered the outlet and the tree of rainbow colors lit up." Tom clapped his hands happily.

"Well done Tom! That was great thinking," Sean complimented him. "Ready to go exploring?" he asked giving a hunt of mystery to his voice.

Tom's eyes shone with excitement. "Are we going to explore the woods? I love looking at all the plants and wildlife out here."

Nothing that exciting Tom. We're heading to the attic to see what sort of Christmas decorations they left us.' Sean started for the stairs then spotted the TV and television stand. "But first we need to do something else in the Family Room. Would you go upstairs and bring me my little tool box please. It's in the yellow room." Tom dashed off on his assignment. Sean walked into the family room and looked at the TV mounted above the mantle. It wasn't on a brace but hanging from a bolt. He unhooked it from the cabling and unplugged it from an extension cord. Tom returned with the tools. "Doesn't look like we'll need those after all Tom. This thing is rigged to hang on one bolt embedded in the mortar. But thanks for bringing it down. Would you please help me lift this TV off the mantle?"

"Of course, Andreas." Tom took one side and Sean the other. They lifted the set down and leaned it against one of the couches.

"Now we will bring in the TV stand and put it against the wall where the tree stood." The pair moved quickly and lifted the lightweight stand and put in place. "Time for the TV." They returned to the entrance hall and carefully picked up the large set and placed it on its stand.

"I can hook it up for you Andreas," Tom offered.

"That would be great. I'll bring in the boxes with the rest of the pieces for the sound bar and stereo." He retrieved the boxes from the hall in two trips. Tom was happily engaged in wiring everything into place. Sean walked into the kitchen area. "Want something to drink Tom?"

"A root beer that would be great, thank you."

"Just cokes and sprite at the moment bud."

"Then a Sprite please. Andreas did you transfer your service here? I'm not getting a signal here."

Handing a Sprite to Tom he commented, "Damn. I knew I forgot something. Let me call now." He pulled out his phone and called Spectrum as he walked outside with his beer. He returned a few minutes later. "No cable service here. Let me look for a dish." He went outside again with Tom following close behind him.

"There it is Andreas near that dormer window," Tom shouted. A small satellite dish sat on the roof aimed toward the southwest. "It's a Dish, dish Andreas," Tom announced.

Sean looked up a service number and within minutes he was providing his card number to reinstate the service to the house under his name. By the time he had finished his beer and had come back inside Tom had the TV up and running and Granny Reed was flipping through channels looking for her favorite shows.

"I found the dish remote on the mantel," Tom informed him. "We should check out the receiver to make sure your WIFI is working as well."

"You're a whiz at this stuff Tom. Thank you. Let's look for that later. I'm itching to explore the attic." Sean led the way to the second floor and to the attic stair well across from the yellow bedroom."

"I've never seen a circle of stairs before," Tom commented.

"It's called a circular staircase Tom. This one is metal. Let's get up there." Sean flicked on the light switches led the way. The attic was huge. "We could finish this and make a media room or game room up here," Sean thought. "Christmas is right here on the right Tom," Andreas commented as he pointed to the boxes and wreathes under a sign that said Christmas.

"Look Andreas there are signs for Valentine's Day, St Patrick's Day, Easter, May Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving. They sure have a lot of holiday stuff. What holiday is Civil War?"

"Not sure it's a holiday. We can explore that another time when you visit. Let's work on Christmas," Andreas said as he hauled the first box out. Tom pitched in and helped move more boxes out until they were all lined up in the central walk of the attic. "You pick a box and open it Tom."

Tom quietly did eeny, meeny, miny, moe as he pointed at the boxes. "This one," he announced as his hand touched the box. Andreas motioned for him to open the box. It contained and elaborate porcelain and cloth nativity set.

"Oh that goes downstairs for sure," Andreas stated. Tom slid the box toward the stairs. "Which one next?"

One by one Tom selected boxes. One contained nothing but gold colored ornaments. Another was filled with silver ornaments. A third contained red ornaments. The fourth had glass ornaments of different designs and shapes. The fifth box was white ornaments and snowflakes. The final two boxes were a mixture of silver and gold ornaments.

"OK Tom you get to decide what colors to put on the tree in the entrance hall."

"I choose gold and red. Gold cause the wise men gave it to baby Jesus and red cause it's my favorite color."

"Gold and Red it is. Let's pull those boxes over by the stairs. Then we'll see what's back further in the Christmas section." The two men moved the two large ornament containers to the stairs before returning to peer into the back of the rafters.

Tom started pulling wreath bags out into the walkway. Each room of the house had wreaths assigned to it. Some bags were bigger than others. Then there were two large wreaths labeled front door and entrance hall. There were seven coils of multicolored and white lights as well. The final two boxes contained tree toppers -- a large gold star and a large snow flake were in one box. In the next box were two angels, one in gold and silver and the other in red and gold.

"We'll decide which one to use later let's move the nativity and ornaments downstairs," Andreas suggested. The two men each took and end of a box and Sean walked backwards down the stairs carefully. Eventually the boxes were in the entrance hall and the two men found themselves surrounded by all the women.

"Want to help us decorate the tree?" Tom asked gleefully. Granny, Nicole, Helena, Mary Liz, Hannah, Isabella, Gina and Crystal all agreed to help. "Andreas we're going to need a ladder," Tom commented.

"I'll get it from the stables," Andreas replied. He popped out the front door and headed to the stables where all the men were now working. "Wow!" he exclaimed as he saw the significant progress they had made. The two desks were in the center of the tack room, everything else was stored in the third stall.

"Sean there are a lot of items here that are antiques. I think you need to get them looked at before you get rid of them. Old tools are a collectors market. Then we also found a lot of trophies and ribbons which might go to the historical society out here," Leon noted.

"Really! Clay and I will need to take a look at them. I need to get a ladder for in the house. It's looking great out here. Thanks for the hard work." He entered the stall area and pulled out a ten foot folding ladder and carried it back into the house,"

Tom had organized the women into a line and handed each an ornament to add to the tree as they circled it and game back for more. They were already reaching the midway point when Andreas carried the ladder into the entrance hall. Once the ladder was in place the women would hand him the ornaments and he started filling the top half of the tree. Then he'd move the ladder around and start filling up another section. In short order the tree was done.

"All right Tom, run up to the attic and pick a topper for this tree." Tom scooted up the stairs and along the hall landing to the attic door. Within minutes he returned with the gold star. When he reached the tree he tried to hand the star to Andreas. "No Sir, you organized the decorating you get to crown the tree. I'll hold the ladder while you position the star and plug it into the lights."

Tom climbed up the ladder. He carefully positioned the star so that it faced the front door. He located the end of a light strand at the top of the tree and plugged the star into its socket. The star glowed and sparkled. Tom clapped his hands in joy and smiled down at Andreas. He climbed down, "Thank you Andreas. Daddy puts the angels on our tree. That's the first time put a topper on a Christmas tree." He hugged Andreas who hugged him back.

Sean turned off the recessed lights above the tree and the entrance hall was bathed in a rainbow colors and shining gold star of the magnificent tree. Applause ran around the room.

Granny Reed started singing in a clear soprano voice. "O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How steadfast are your branches! Your boughs are green in summer's clime And through the snows if wintertime. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How steadfast are your branches!" Others hearing her sing entered the entrance hall and joined in on the second verse.

"O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, What happiness befalls me When oft at joyous Christmas-time Your form inspires my song and rhyme. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, What happiness befalls me.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your boughs can teach a lesson That constant faith and hope sublime Lend strength and comfort through all time. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your boughs can teach a lesson."

Clay and the others returned during the carol as the men from the stables had also come into the house. Everyone together sang the first verse together.

"O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How steadfast are your branches! Your boughs are green in summer's clime And through the snows if wintertime. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How steadfast are your branches!"

Ethyl announced from the French doors, "That was beautiful, but dinner is served. Who will ask the blessing?"

Andreas answered, "Granny Reed would you do the honors?"

Her eyes glistening, she smiled and nodded then bowed her head. "God grant us the light of Christmas, which is faith; the warmth of Christmas, which is purity; the righteousness of Christmas, which is justice; the belief in Christmas, which is truth; the all of Christmas, which is Christ. Dear God, we give thanks for this time when we can all be together. We give thanks for this food which is bountiful and delicious. We give thanks for this joyful holiday when we can celebrate our Savior and his love for us. With joy we pray, Amen."

"Amen," rang out from the assembly. Ethel led the way into the kitchen where a buffet and been laid out. She pulled the Salisbury steak from the oven. The side was yellow rice mixed with green beans, carrots, and broccoli. For dessert she had prepared an apple Betty and a cherry cobbler. Some people sat in the dining room, others at the breakfast table still others at the breakfast bar.

Towards the end of the meal Alexander spoke up. "As I look around this beautiful house which my son and future son-in-law have purchased, I see it is much more than a house. It is a home where friends and family can be at ease with each other. Now knowing Andreas, I know he is a planner. However, I bet he hasn't thought of what to do tomorrow. So I'd like to suggest that since we did such a bang up job today that we continue our work tomorrow. How many would be able to come spend the day again helping getting their new home fixed up?"

All the Reeds raised their hands. Xander and Richard raised theirs along with Andrea and Alexander. George, Ethel and Tom also raised their hands. "So that is15 for tomorrow's crew. That's great," Alexander commented.

Clay spoke up, "I can't thank you all enough for today. We couldn't have done it without you. I know my team and class mates need to be going to their own families for the holiday, but we'll be hosting a New Year's Day game here. So please feel free to drop in."

"Let's develop a plan for tomorrow," Andreas began. His Dad held up his hand and Andreas fell silent.

"Leon and I have already talked about this a bit. We're going to finish your office and study area. RJ will help with that as well."

Richard added, "Xander and I are going to paint the stable's exterior."

Martha added, "Sean honey I know you wanted to fix Christmas Dinner yourself, but cooking for that large a crowd takes a lot of planning. So Ethel, your mother and I are going to work with you to plan it. Then we'll shop for the things we'll need. It will also be each family brings a dish to share."

"Tom and I are going to clean up the outside so the place doesn't look so overgrown," George put in. "I'll bring my paint sprayer, power washer and yard tools as well to help with the work."

"I want to explore the Christmas Tree Farm marked on our survey. I think the big tree in the hall is terrific but I still want a real tree in the living room and one here in the family room," Junior commented.

"Do you all realize its 8:30?" Isabella inquired.

"Oh it is late!" Granny said. "I best take my pills and head to bed. Hannah will you walk with me upstairs?" Hannah nodded and got up to assist her grandmother.

Martha spoke up, "Breakfast at 8 here. I'm cooking and the girls will help me."

With all the decisions made the goodbyes began. By the time Clay and Sean had thanked, hugged and kissed everyone it was 9:15. Clay's sisters were in the purple room, his granny in the blue room, his parents were in the green room and RJ was installed on the couch in the den.

Clay took out the trash as Sean locked doors and turned off the outside lights. He led the way into their bedroom. He stopped abruptly in the doorway. Looking back over his shoulder, he asked, "Wasn't there something else you wanted to do today Farm Boy?" He winked at his fiancé.

Clay grabbed his Chief's shoulders and spun him around and kissed him forcing his tongue deep into Sean's mouth. He gently pushed his lover into their bedroom and closed and locked the door behind them. The sophomore broke the kiss only long enough to lift up Sean's shirt and pull it up and off the junior's body. Then he pulled off his own tee shirt and rejoined the kiss. The lovers' hands explored their bodies as Clay maneuvered them to the bed.

When they reached the four poster Farm Boy pushed Chief down onto the bed. He unfastened Sean's belt and pulled the shorts and jockstrap from Andreas' body before pulling off his shoes and socks. The blond hair Adonis lay naked before him. His nine inch erect penis pointing upwards.The quarterback removed the rest of his own clothes before tackling his lover who was moving further onto the bed.

"I've been waiting for this all day Chief," Farm Boy managed to get out between kisses.

"Me too boy," Chief responded. The two kissed and explored each other's body while grinding their cocks together. "How do you want it tonight lover boy?"

"Just like this Sir. I want to try frontage."

Sean giggled, "I think you mean frottage, Farm Boy. Best add a little lube so we don't rub ourselves raw."

Clay grabbed a bottle of lube from his night stand. He squirted it liberally onto Chief's cock before applying it to his own. The two men began humping each other awkwardly for a few minutes until they established a rhythm. They would roll over every once in a while taking turns being on top and then discovered side by side worked best for them.

Sean's breathing was getting heavier as was Clay's. Their sexual passion was building as their dicks ground into each other's Adonis belts and abs until Farm Boy groaned and shot 4 massive bolts of semen from his engorged cock. A few thrusts later Chief added his own 3 loads to this fluids between them as he raked his lover's back with his fingernails. They clung to each other is a sexual afterglow nibbling every once in a while on each other's neck, lips and ears. They whispered their love to one another.

"Time to turn in Farm Boy," Chief announced quietly. We'll wash the bedspread tomorrow." He pulled the spread back and crawled under the sheets.

"Ok Chief. We both nailed it tonight." He walked over and turned off the overhead light. Returning to the bed, Clay pulled back the spread and sheets on his side and joined Sean under the sheets. He turned off his table lamp and spooned back into this lover. Soft snores filled the room as they slept contentedly next to each other.

Next: Chapter 76

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