Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Jul 15, 2021


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 74 Let the Good Times Bowl

Clayton's alarm went off at 5:00AM as usual. He awoke and stretched in the king sized four poster bed. He rolled over to face Sean and very gently tickled his lover's lips and nostrils to rouse him. When that didn't work he grabbed his face and kissed him.

Sean's eyes fluttered open. "Good morning my love. Is it time for us to get moving?"

"Yes, I'll go make your coffee. You start getting dressed."

"We'll do hard boil eggs and precooked bacon. They're in the fridge."

"Ok. Thanks, I will get it ready." He padded from the room naked as the day he was born.

Sean grabbed a pair of gym shorts and a tank top for the trip south. He checked his suitcase one final time to make sure he had enough clothes for the four days including different swimsuits and footwear. He brushed his teeth and threw his travel bag into the suitcase. He zipped it up and rolled it out to the back door. He sat at the table and a naked quarterback served him his coffee and simple breakfast.

"I ate my eggs and bacon while I fixed yours. I'm going to dress now," he announced as he walked back across the house. "I'll get my daily steps in," he thought, "just walking back and forth to the kitchen." He chuckled as he dressed in team sweats for the trip. He threw some stuff in his backpack then checked his suitcase. Satisfied he had what he needed he brought everything to the kitchen and p[;aced it with Sean's at the back door.

Sean was loading stuff in the dishwasher as Clay came back. "Ready to go Chief?"

"Yep, I rinsed these already. We'll take my car. Put the suitcases in my trunk babe. I'm going to piss then I'll be ready." He headed to the lavatory in the pantry/laundry area, pissed, flushed and headed to the door. He hit the armed away icon, locked the door and closed it behind him.

"Clay our security code is 4456. We'll set up the app on your phone tonight."

"OK that's easy enough."

Sean pulled out of the garage and pushed the close button. They watched the door close before they headed to the stadium. When they pulled up it was 6:45. The couple kissed. "You drive safely Chief. I'll see you at the Renaissance Hotel this afternoon."

"Yes you will."

"I sure wish we had fucked last night."

"Well win the game and we'll spend Sunday morning fucking our brains out."

"Damn shame coaches can't make that promise."

"Well one tried, but we know how that turned out." Sean rolled his eyes while Clay laughed. He closed the door and headed toward Coach Higgenbothan. Walls watched Farm Boy walk, get checked in and board the bus. Then he turned his wheel and headed to Boca Raton.

The Stallions pulled out 15 minutes late because Coach Lee was late. He wore sunglasses as he walked toward the bus. He sat down, put ear buds in and pulled his hats down over his eyes. The buses pulled out for their 3 hour drive.

Sean sped along quickly. He arrived at 10 AM. He pulled up to the valet and got out. The valet on duty rolled his eyes at the small car and the scantily dressed occupant. He helped unload the two suitcases for the bellhop and handed Sean his claim check. He was shocked when Sean handed him $20, most tipped $5 and under. "Thank you Sir! Enjoy your stay!"

The bellhop wheeled the cases into the hotel while Sean went to the desk. The woman at the desk never looked up at Sean. She just mouthed check in us at 11 o'clock.

"I'm with the Stallions."

"Sure you are. Check in is at 11."


People stopped and looked toward the desk. Two men came out from behind a partition. The older of the two asked, "Is there a problem."

"If you call being ignored by this clerk and insulted a problem then yes, there is." Sean retorted.

"Maddie, go take a break. How can I be of service?"

"I'm Sean Walls, I have a reservation with the Stallions. My fiancé is Clayton Reed."

The younger of the two men typed something into the computer. He pointed to the information to the older gentleman."

"Yes Mr. Walls, we see your reservation. We have a room with two Queen beds for you."

That's not what I paid for. It was to be a room with one king." Sean pulled out a print out of his reservation receipt.

"I'm sorry but someone has made an error we don't..." Sean held up his hand.

"You've taken my money, your clerk ignored and insulted me. You can jolly well bump someone else."

The older clerk picked up the phone and spoke to someone. A moment later an orange haired woman in a dark blue business suit came out from the back office.

"I'm Sonja Suerls.... Andreas is that you?"

"Sonja, I haven't seen you since my grandparents' funeral. How are you?"

"Doing very well. It seems though you have a problem. Whatever it is Marcus will make it all better, won't you Marcus?"

"Yes Ms Suerls," the older clerk responded. He went to the computer and made some entries.

"Mom will be excited to hear I saw you. I know you're on the guest list for my wedding."

"You're getting married! Who's the lucky guy?"

"Clayton Reed, a quarterback on the Stallions."

"He's a lucky man. I'm in a meeting now but how about lunch? I'll buzz your room when I'm finished here."

"Yes I'd love to."

"Marcus, do you have my godson's room ready?"

"Yes Ms Suerls. He's on the Club Concierge floor." He rang for the bellhop and handed him a key card. "Mr. Reed will get his key at check-in Sir."

A red headed blue eyed bellhop arrived, "Thus way please Sir."

Sean kissed Sonja and followed the bellhop. In the elevator the bellhop showed Sean how to use the keycard to access the concierge floor. Sean noticed him lick his lips as he stared at the bulge in his gym shorts.

"I have to say Sir, I've never seen Marcus squirm so much. His niece is a bitch. You're not the first guest to complain about her." They arrived on Sean's floor and the bellhop guided him to his room. The bellhop went over the room's amenities.

"Will there be anything else Sir?"

Sean handed him a $20 bill as well. "No Gordon, unless you'd like to see the bulge in my shorts you've been staring at."

The bellhop blushed, "I'd love to see it Sir. If I had more time I'd love to deep throat it and have you shove it in my ass."

Sean dropped his shorts and grabbed the bellhop's hand and put his junk in it. Gordon bent over and kissed the head quickly.

"I've got to go Sir. I get off at 6." Perhaps we can meet off site."

"Call me on your break."

"Yes Sir."

The team bus arrived shortly before 11. Coach Lee ignored the press gaggle and went straight to the front desk to register. He left instructions for his luggage to be sent up. He also asked for an aesthetician to come to his room. Taking his key he headed for the concierge floor.

Coach Higgenbothan picked up the team's room key cards. He handed an envelope to Clay. "Looks like you're on the floor with most of the coaching staff. Enjoy." Clay took his key and his backpack and headed into the hotel. As he tried to figure out how to get to his floor a bellhop stepped in with another guest.

"Permit me Sir," he said as he showed Clay how to access the restricted floor. He stepped from the elevator with the guest he was assisting below Clay's floor.

Clay stepped from the elevator and was greeted by a member of the Concierge staff. He showed Clay to his room. When the quarterback entered he found a naked Sean lounging on the couch. "How did we rate this?"

"They fucked up the reservation so we got this room. It also helps that my godmother is the manager. How was the ride?"

"I got bitched at by Coach Billy. I forgot to ask you how much I can share about our personal lives in the interviews. Then my damn phone died so I couldn't text you."

Chief stood and opened his arms wide for Clay. He hugged his fiancé and said, "Everything will be alright. Let's get your phone on a charger." They accomplished that small task quickly.

"Now as to what you can tell the public; I think we keep it simple. We're engaged. The wedding is by invitation only at an undisclosed location. We're very happy. We're also delighted to be the subject of Eduardo Castillo's upcoming show. Other than that nothing else is their business."

"I agree. Why do the media get all up in your shit?"

"They have to make a buck. We are news to the wider LGBTQ+ community. Do you want to change clothes? We're having lunch with Sonja? I guess you'll be in team colors."

"Of course. It's three days of rubbing elbows with the 4th estate. Let me call Higgenbothan and let him know what we decided." Reed dialed his coach's number. "Hi Coach, Sean and I talked about the interviews. We're keeping it simple. We're in love, we're engaged, we're getting married next year. We're the subject of an Eduardo Castillo Exhibit. That's it."

"Alright Clay. Just be careful how you refute other questions."

"I'll smile a lot Coach. Maybe say, 'Good question' before moving on to the next. Or redirect back to my experiences with the Stallions."

"We'll Kurt and I will be there to support you."

"Ok Coach when am I on?"

"Let me see here. Larry and Antonio are at 1 and 1:30 today. You're at 10 am tomorrow followed by Steve at 10:30. We have the field for practice 3 - 5 today and 1 to 4 Thursday and 8 to 11 Friday morning. The full schedule will be emailed to you at noon today."

Clay had noted the times on a notepad on the desk. "Thanks Coach. See you at 3."

"Before that Clay! The buses pick us up at 2:30!"

"Yes Sir. I'll be there. We're having lunch with Sean's godmother. She runs this place."

"The lady with orange hair! I saw her in action when we arrived. She sacked someone for hiding the fact he hired his niece to work the front desk. I pity them both. She wasn't mincing words."

"Sean didn't mention that. Oh well I will be on my best behavior. I don't want to sleep on the street tonight," he chuckled.

"Enjoy your luncheon. Say hello to Sean for me. Bye."

"Thanks Coach. I will. Bye." Turning to his still naked partner he relayed the message. "Coach Billy says hello."

"That was nice of him. You all set for your TV interview?"

"Yes, it's tomorrow. I'll be charming, slightly goofy and I'll smile a lot."

"So a regular day," Sean quipped.

Moving quickly, Clay jumped from his chair and tackled Sean throwing him to the bed. He started licking his lovers face like a puppy using all his weight to hold a giggling and struggling Sean hopelessly in place. Clay only stopped because the room phone rang.

"Good afternoon, Clay speaking," he said in his sweetest voice. "It's for you." he said handing the phone to Sean after listening to the caller's response.

"This is Sean," he listened. "OK Sonja, 15 minutes downstairs at the Umbria Ristorante. Tell the maitre d' we're you're guests. See you soon. Ciao!" He looked at Clay with raised eyebrows. "Paybacks are hell, I will get you when you least expect it. For now I need to get dressed. Freshen up a bit yourself."

Fifteen minutes later the couple arrived at the restaurant. Mario, the maitre d' greeted them and told them there was a wait list. Sean explained who they were and Mario snapped to attention.

"Please follow me sirs. You're expected." He led them through a beautifully decorated restaurant to Sonja's table. She put away her phone and greeted Sean with a kiss.

"So this is the man who captured your heart!. Please be seated. I've ordered a variety of small plates for lunch. By the way, your meals are on me this week. Don't even protest Sean. I want all the juicy stuff about you two. It will make for great wedding chat at whatever table I'm at."

Sean said, "We met at school in the library." Clay turned bright red.

"Oh I can tell there's a story there Sean. Look how embarrassed Clay is."

"If we tell you, you have to stick to the in the library story," Sean gave her his serious look.

"Oh I know that look. You developed it as a baby. But yes I won't betray your secrets."

Clay interjected, "We hooked up in the library's men's room."

"Oh how delightful! One hears of hook ups like that. We had to replace our attendant in the men's room here because he was making money on the side."

A server approached, "What would the gentlemen like to drink?"

Sonja answered, "Aperol Spritz for my godson and Clay what would you like to drink?"

"I best stay with an Arnold Palmer unsweet. We have practice this afternoon."

"Happy, thank you asking. I completely spaced it."

"Of course ma'am." He left to prepare the drink order.

"How is your wedding plancoming along?" Will there be a bar? What about gifts? Are there colors we should avoid? Is there a groom shower?"

Sean patiently answered all Sonja's questions with Clay chipping in here and there. Happy kept their drinks full. He brought them each a cup of Bahamian Conch Chowder to start their meal. Sonja had ordered two of everything on the small plates menu. The dined on Ahi Tuna Lettuce wraps with mandarin orange slices and pickled onion; Lamb Lollychops with a mint thyme juice; Calamari with banana peppers, fresh basil and pomodoro; Roasted Red Pepper hummus with pita chips; and chicken quesadillas.

They chatted amiably while they ate. Sonja answered Sean's questions about "her brats" as she called her children as well as her no good husband who retired early and spends his time playing golf.

Clays alarm went off at 2pm. "Sonja it's been a real pleasure. I must be going to prepare for practice. I hope to see you again while we're in town."

"O dear boy, the pleasure is all mine. Remember you order anything you want. It's my treat. I need to get back to work as well. Marci, my girl Friday, has been giving the high sign for the past hour. But this has been a rare diversion from keeping this place going."

They each hugged each other and parted company. The duo headed to their room. As Clay changed he asked, "What are going to do while I'm at practice?"

"That depends. I may go shopping to fill up those walk in closets or catch up on emails or have sex with this darling blue eyed red haired man."

"Silly, I'll be at practice and you said I couldn't cum until after we win."

"Not you!" Sean exclaimed in mock horror. "The bellhop who brought me to the room."

"Good God Almighty! You're not in town with me an hour and you have a trick lined up!"

They laughed together. Clay changed into team shorts and tee shirt and headed to the lobby. Sean decided the early morning drive and four Aperol spritzers had tuckered him out. He chose to take a nap. He stripped out of his clothes and crawled into bed. When he awoke it was dark in the room and the red light was blinking on the room phone.

He picked up the receiver and punched the message button. "Hello Sir, this is Gordon. I saw you dining with Ms. Suerls so I didn't call during my break. I'm off now. I'm heading home which is about 15 minutes from the hotel. I'd be happy to come back if you wish me to tonight. My number is 555-135-0864. "

Sean played the message over and wrote down the number. Then he grabbed his cell. There was a text from Clay.

"All sorts of shit happened at practice. There's a team meeting in some ballroom here; Security at doors and everything. I'll brief you when they let us out. Order room service please."

Walls thought to himself, "These guys have come so far this year. Now they're shooting themselves in their own foot with drama." He found the menu and dialed room service. He ordered filet mignon for their dinner, both medium rare, baked sweet potatoes and Italian vegetables. He chose lemon honey cake for dessert. He thought about going swimming and fished his speedo from the drawer.

Clay came in looking frazzled. He sat down. "Karmas a bitch," he stated shaking his head.

"Can you talk about it?"

"Sure can it's the lead story in Orlando tonight. Kurt's husband has been arrested for spousal abuse. Roberta Knox reported it."

"How did she find out?"

"She saw Coach before the press conferences." He held up his phone and showed Sean a picture he had taken at practice. The black eye was evident. "What you don't see are two cracked ribs and his ass is black and blue. A restraining order has been requested. George was arrested at work and will post bail sometime tonight they think. We're to say nothing to the press. He speaks to them himself at 8pm tonight. We've been asked to be there as a couple to show our support for a victim of abuse."

"Why did he beat him like that? A scene gone bad?"

"No, apparently someone gossiped and told George Kurt had been accused of fondling one of the players."

"We never mentioned a name."

Farm Boy stared at Chief and rolled his eyes. "There's only one openly gay coach. One plus one equals two and George did the math.

"Is his job in trouble?"

"I don't think so, but who knows."

Their discussion was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Room Service," a female waiter announced. Sean grabbed a bathrobe as Clay opened the door, glancing back to make sure Sean's parts were covered.

A table was rolled in set for two. A bottle of wine accompanied the meal.

"I didn't order wine," Sean interjected.

"Ms. Suerls left instructions to include wine based on your food choice. This is Cayuse Cailloux Syrah, from Walla Walla Valley, which I think you'll find pairs well with filet mignon. Bon appetite gentlemen. Just place the table in the hall and the Concierge will take care of it.

"Do we sign?"

"No Sir, Ms Suerls has it all under control." She closed the door behind her.

Sean removed his robe and Clay stripped. They pulled up chairs and had their dinner. They toasted Sonja for her generosity.

When he had finished his dessert Clay sighed. "I guess we should probably get dressed. I had hoped for another dessert this evening."

"We'll have a late night snack when we get back. You're sure we don't have to say anything?"

"From what Roberta said we're going to recreate the team behind in support like they did for me," Farm Boy shared as he slipped a leg into his slacks."

"Black and Gold it is with a fabulous FWB sash to properly accessorize."

They left the room at 7:40 arriving downstairs at the meeting room at 7:50. It was packed with reporters and television cameras. Four of the Orlando sports reporters were set up closest to the stage. Rather than the table and the Bowl logo there was a blank wall and a podium.

Coach Jefferson intercepted them. "Evening Clay, Sean. We're next door."

"Ok Gordo," Clay acknowledged.

"Evening Gordon, not a fun time to be together. Sorry about all this business," Sean commented.

"It is what it is. We appreciate your willingness to support Kurt. I know things have been strained lately."

"Water under the bridge," Clay stated.

The stallions were there in mass. They were wearing their player jerseys.

"Coach, do I need to change?"

"No Clay its part of the optics. Roberta wanted you and coach in matching outfits. That Sean has his ribbon on is even better."

Sean commented, "I'm not so sure Coach. It makes Clay look like he doesn't belong with the team."

"Sean, tell it to Roberta. She's over there," Gordo pointed to the far corner.

Sean marched himself over to speak with the AD.

"Ms Knox, a word please?"

Roberta spun around ready to jump on whoever had disturbed her. Her face softened, then brighten as she beheld Sean. She reached out her hand straightening his sash. "Absolutely beautiful and the sash is a great touch."

"What isn't great is Clay not dressed like the rest of the team."

"He's in team colors."

"So am I. So are you. We're not players. He needs to be in his Jersey."

Roberta thought a moment. "You're absolutely right. The rack is over there." She turned back to her assistant.

Sean grabbed Farm Boy's jersey and hurried to him. "Put this on over the polo." Clay slipped into the shirt. Sean ticked the polo's color underneath the polo's neck line.

The team was lining up with their respective coaches. Clay and Sean reported to Billy Higgenbothan.

"You two are last, behind me. You'll see two X marks on the platform close together. That's you two. Just look solemn." Billy informed them. At 7:56 the team moved to the stage. Sean and Clay saw their marks.

Promptly at 8 PM, Roberta Knox walked out on the stage. She went to the podium. "Ladies and gentlemen our University's President, Dr. Richard Clarke."

President Clarke walked out in a black suit, white shirt with Gold tie and a yellow rose in his lapel. He cut a most impressive figure.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman. It is with great sadness that we confirm for the second time this season a member of our athletic program has been the victim of assault. We as an institution of higher learning are always seeking ways to support our community in educating members of society about reporting such incidents. We often think it can't happen to us. It can." He paused to let his last two words sink in. "In a moment our head coach, Marshall K. Lee, will address you briefly. There will be no questions and answers as this is now a matter for the courts. Know that we stand behind our coaching staff and all involved in our athletic program. We're here to play football. Therefore I have instructed our staff and athletes not to answer any questions on this matter. We ask that you observe our request to focus on the game. Ladies and gentlemen, Coach Lee."

Kurt walked out to the podium in his game gear. He looked bad. His black eye was evident and bruising around his neck clearly visible.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have instructed my attorney to file for divorce from my husband George Mead on the grounds of spousal abuse. As this is now a police and legal matter I will make no further comments. I thank President Clarke, AD Knox and the entire athletic Department for their support. We're here to play football. STALLIONS!"

"RUN WILD!" the team hollered.

The three speakers left the stage followed by Sean and Clay. Then the rest of the players and coaches followed.

Once everyone was inside Knox announced, "Well done and thank you. Due to the circumstances bed checks will be at 11 tonight. Also as a thank you from me to each of you a care package will be delivered to each room with the beverage of your choice. Just give your orders and room number to the hotel staff as you exit."

Kurt walked up to Clay and Sean, "May I have a moment of your time?"

Clay nodded in the affirmative while gripping Sean's hand tightly.

"I know I messed up really badly," he said softly. ""I am sincerely sorry for my presumptive actions. Please forgive me."

Clay nodded again.

"Your willingness to stand in support of me means an awful lot. Going forward I hope we can return to the days of when I ran the O-line with one damn fine quarterback from Arcadia. We'll keep it all on the up and up." He gave them a weak smile.

"Sure Coach. I may have been mad at you but I'm over it and just want to have fun playing a sport I'm good at. "

Sean wiggled out of Clay's grip. Opening his arms wide he asked, "May I?" Coach nodded and Sean hugged him. When he finished Clay asked as well and hugged his coach.

Sean hollered, "Group hug!" Everyone in the room surged around Kurt.

Two of the linebackers hoisted him into the air and the team started their war cry, "STALLIONS! RUN WILD!!" over and over for a good 5 minutes. Lingering reporters in the next room and in the hall took note of the team's spirit.

On the 11 o'clock news that was the lead in, Stallions Spirit undaunted by the spousal abuse of their Head Coach."

True to her word Roberta made sure everyone in the room received whatever they ordered from room service as they left the ballroom. It was both a reward and a ploy to get them back in their rooms to await the deliveries. The vast majority of the team did return to the rooms. As adrenaline settled the exhaustion of the day took hold. By the time the first drinks arrive at 9:30 the stallions were settling in, reading, chatting or watching TV.

Sean and Clay returned to their room and stripped. They lay cuddling on the bed.

"Chief, I'm so horned up. I wish I didn't have to wait on winning a bowl game to cum again," he opined giving Sean his puppy dog look.

Chief smiled. "I was just fucking with you. I told you we were having a snack." Sean kissed his way down the center of his Farm Boy's torso. When he reached the hooded cock he retracted the foreskin and began a sensuous blowjob. Clay moaned in pleasure as Sean used his tongue to circled Farm Boy's glans.

Clay grabbed Sean's hips and pulled them closer to his body. Then he grabbed his Chief's prick and started sucking it. They took their time pleasuring each other for almost an hour.

The two had just finished this snack or second dessert of the evening - a slow and sweet tasting 69 which saw both men getting off on the oral talents of the other. A knock on the door and the announcement of room service sent both men scrambling for the hotel provided robes.

The same woman as before was at their door. "Your beverages Sirs compliments of Ms. Knox."

"Thank you. We didn't get your name before," Clay commented.

"It's Lily Sir. Have a pleasant night."

"Good night Lily."

Clay handed Sean his drink and took a sip of his Black Russian. "Wow! This is strong!"

"So is mine," Sean replied after sipping his Aperol Spritz.

They sat next to each other on the couch. They chatted about the day's events. At 11 Coach Billy did his bed check call on the room phone. Afterwards the couple went to bed; Clay spooning back into to Sean.

Thursday morning they were up by 7. After showering they dressed for Clay's interview at 10 and headed down for breakfast. They team were eating at a buffet which Chief and Farm Boy skipped. Instead they went back to Umbria Ristorante for breakfast.

Mario recognized them at once. He stepped away from the cue of guests waiting. "Good morning Mr. Walls and Mr. Reed! Please follow me to your table." He led the way and held out their seats for each man. "Happy will be with you shortly," he stated.

Within minutes Happy brought the water and a dish of freshly cut lemon and another of lime. "Good morning gentlemen. I'll be back with menus in a moment."

"Hold on Happy, we're glad you're taking care of us again. How about recommending what we should order."

"We have a great Italian Chef. He rarely gets to prepare an authentic Italian breakfast. May I suggest you start with a Caffe' al Vetro, followed by choccolata calda- a very think hot chocolate. Both will be served with Italian Biscuits. I would recommend the brioche. I suggest you try the Italian Breakfast Frittata- eggs, meats, vegetables and cheese. An assortment of breads, croissants, jams and jellies accompany it. We'll end you meal with another coffee, perhaps a caffe' Lungo also known as an Americano with Biscotti."

"It all sounds delicious Happy. Please place the order for two," Sean said.

Happy flashed a beautiful smile at both of the handsome men before him. "You won't be disappointed, I promise."

Happy brought their caffe' al Vetro. Clay was startled to see it was served in a stemmed glass. The biscuits looked like a plain biscotti without the fruits and nuts. The waiter then brought the Italian hot chocolate. It was like drinking a melted candy bar. Clay loved dunking his biscuits into it.

"Chief we gotta try this at home."

Sean laughed, "So much for being lean mean fighting machines."

The brioche was next. A sweet bun filled with a whipped cream filling.

Sean took a bite and Clay giggled. "You've got cream on your upper lip."

"You will too. It's so good!" Sean replied.

The Brioche was followed by the frittata. It was huge. Assorted breads and croissants accompanied them along with fig preserves, strawberries in syrup, Tardivo Mandarin jam and Amareno cherries in syrup.

Finally happy brought the caffe' Lungo with the biscotti.

"Can we have this every morning's ng?" Clay inquired.

"Whatever you want Sir," Happy responded. The chef and I would be delighted to serve you." He winked at Clay.

"Why do they call you Happy?" Farm Boy inquired.

"It's my name - Happy Noel Edwards. I was born on Christmas Day."

Sean asked. "Are you parents British?"

"Mom's a Canadian nurse married to a Bahamian banker. If I'd been a girl I would have been Mary Christine. It wouldn't have mattered when in December, she and Dad were delighted with their name choices."

"It is unique."

"That's what my boyfriend says. He teases me about being one of Snow White's dwarves." The server chuckled. "If there's anything else you'd like, please ask. Have a great day."

"Looks like we have a happy Happy," Sean quipped. "He seems quite taken by you."

"Well I'm taken and he has a boyfriend."

"So do I and we've both played with others. Just think about it."

"I need to think about my interview. I should go up and dress."

"Ok, I'll see you in the ready room in 15 minutes. I want to see what's here to keep me busy."

"What or Who?" Farm Boy quipped shooting Chief one of his goofy grins.


Clay meandered out of the restaurant saying hello to alumni and others who recognized him.

Happy returned to the table. "Is there anything you'd care for Sir?"

Sean smiled at the server. He was blond with green eyes. His well-built and muscled body on display through his black slacks and open to the pecs white shirt with rolled up sleeves. He let his gaze fall from head to groin and back to the sparking smile and twinkling eyes. "I will have to settle on another Americano as I doubt what I want isn't on the menu."

"Happy laughed, "No it's not on the menu. However it might be available as a special order." He winked and hurried off to get the caffe' Lungo. Upon his return he slipped a piece of paper to Sean under the saucer. After he left to wait upon another table Sean read the note.

"Happy Edward's 555-975-2468"

Sean tucked the note in his wallet and sipped on his Americano. At 9:45 he left the restaurant to head for the ready room to support Clay. When he entered Clay was already in the stylist chair. An older woman, Clarice, was fussing over his curly red hair. A young man was putting a light coat of powder on the handsome facial features so light didn't bounce off. Coach Billy was going over what was expected of Clay as the quarterback nodded. The nodding frustrated the two makeup artists preparing him. Coach Lee sat in another chair seemingly bored. Both Clay and Kurt glanced up when he entered. Clay smiled broadly but Kurt just put his head down again.

Sean gave Farm Boy the thumbs up as he walked by commenting, "Y'all are making him look gorgeous!" to the two stylists. His comment elicited smiles from both of them and they fussed over Clay all the more.

Walls walked over and sat down next to Kurt. "How's it going Coach?"

"As well as can be expected."

"That says a whole lot of nothing."

Marshall raised his head and glared at Sean. "If you must know, I feel like shit. My heart is broken and my life is in disarray. How's yours?"

"Lot better than yours apparently," Sean continued. You're about to sit next to Clay. You need to buck up or the media sharks will eat you alive. Every question will be about you."

That got Lee's attention. He realized Sean had a point. He sat up in his chair. "Point taken. I'll give it a shot."

Roberta Knox glided into the room, "Morning All! Isn't it a fabulous day in South Florida! Oh Clay I see you're ready. Billy did you sleep well? I hear you had to track down a player or two last night."

"Yes they were in another room across the hall partaking of your hospitality."

"How drunk were they?"

"Drunk enough to call me beautiful!" he roared with laughter. "But they won't think that when they get done running laps today."

Roberta laughed as her eyes zeroed in on Sean. "Mr. Walls, I should have known you'd be glued to Mr. Reed."

Sean yawned and smiled.

"Marshall did you give him permission to be here?

"Listen Roberta, you know as well as I do pissing these two off isn't going to end well. In fact Sean was supporting me this morning as well as Clay."

Roberta glared at both of them. "It's time."

Coaches Higgenbothan and Lee accompanied Clay into next room for his press conference. Sean remained seated and listened through the open door.

"It's our pleasure to have Quarterback Clayton Reed IV with us this morning to answer your questions," Coach Lee stated. "I believe you've drawn lots as to order of questioning. So reporter #1 if you would begin."

"Morning Clay, Zac Andrews, WTVJ Channel 6; How is the team handling the news of Coach Lee's domestic abuse?"

Coach Lee was going to respond but Clay waved him off with a slight move of his hand. "Now Mr. Andrews you just wasted a perfectly good question on a matter you were told last night would not be addressed again by anyone in the Stallions' organization." Clay smiled. "Question 2 please."

"Morning, Walt Bells, WPLG Channel 10; We are all aware of your sexual abuse case. How are you doing now?"

"Mr. Bells, I am a fortunate man. I am coping well through the love and support of my fiancé', my family, and a very supportive university community. Who's next?"

"Xavier Cross, WSVN Channel 7; Clay,Will you be using the so call Arcadia play in the game Saturday?"

"That is something the coaches will decide. However, I'm so pleased you are aware of what I learned from my high school coach." He flashed his smile again.

"Victoria Deaver, WPBT Channel 2; Clay are you hopeful more gay players will follow your example come out of the closet?"

"That's a very personal decision that must be weighed by the man or woman making it. I would hope that our society progresses to a point where one's sexual orientation doesn't matter." Another smile.

"A follow-up please?"

Clay nodded.

"We all saw your fiancé last night. What's his name and when is the wedding?"

Clay chuckled, "His name is Sean Andreas Walls., he is a year older than me. We're very much in love and the wedding will occur before the next football season begins."

"Tom Edison, WFOR Channel 4; Are you hoping to play professionally after college?"

"I think most football players dream of playing professionally. I too have those dreams. Whether or not I am fortunate enough to be drafted remains to be seen."

"Do you have a favorite team?"

"Yes, I do. The Stallions! Next."

"Sam Frome, WSFL; Do you anticipate the BYU defense will be expecting your Arcadia play whenever you're on the field?"

"That would always be advisable. However, if they've watched video of our team they should know I'm not the only quarterback on our team who has run that play."

"WBGS-TV, Rose Goode; Mr. Reed, do you have any thoughts about the Stallions being paired with BYU?"

"Yes I do Rose; I feel that neither team is going to run away with the game. It will be well fought by both sides." Another smile.

"Pedro Hernandez -- WLTV; ¿Hablas español Señor Reed?"

"Un poco."

"El fútbol español es bastante diferente al fútbol americano. ¿Crees que tu juego atraerá a un gran número de aficionados españoles?"

"If I understood you correctly you asked if we will attract Spanish fans." The reported nodded in the affirmative. Clay continue, "Creo que cualquier persona interesada en la competición deportiva disfrutaría de este juego. For those who don't sunderstand Spanish, I believe I said, I think anyone interested in sporting competition would enjoy this game. Next."

Coach Higgenbothan interrupted "This will the last question for Clay."

"Olivia Ingles, WPEC, Mr. Reed, if you aren't drafted into professional football what do you yourself doing as a career?"

"Well Ms Ingles, I'm an education major so I plan to teach until my father retires. At that point I'll take over the family businesses. Thank you all. I'll see you on the practice field I'm sure and at the game. STALLIONS RUN WILD!" He stood and waved at the reporters.

Coach Lee patted him on the shoulder and Higgenbothan shook his hand.

"Well done Clay!" Billy told him.

Roberta was ecstatic! "Clay you are a real natural! And using Spanish to answer the question from Univision was a stroke of genius! Very well done."

"Then you should thank Sean. He coached me," he informed her as he pushed past her and hugged Sean. "Can we go for a swim?"

"Sure can. The press will eat that up too. We'll wear speedos." The couple head to the Club level to change. Sean spotted a reporter standing near the elevator and he guided Clay towards him. "Clay how long do you want to be at the pool?"

"Oh maybe 30 to 45 minutes I want to eat before practice. Is that long enough?

"More than enough time," Sean noted the reporter paying attention.

They changed into speedos which displayed their two bulges obscenely. They slipped on oversized t-shirts, grabbed towels and headed to the pool. Sean noticed the reporter and his camera tech standing off to one side. He led Clay to the side of the pool so the sun was in front of them. The two stripped off their shirts.

Ever man and woman in the pool area stared at the two men in speedos. Their chiseled bodies, bubble butts and bulging packages caused quite a few fantasies to be created by the spectators. They jumped in the pool and swam. They horsed around a bit taking turns doing hand stands and lifting each other out of the water as well as sharing a kiss or seven. All captured on film.

The couple got out of the pool and lay sunning themselves in the winter sunshine. They were so engrossed with each other they didn't notice Gordon and Happy checking them out. Gordon was bringing more towels out. Happy was delivering a food order. Both men had found their mouths watering and their tongues licking their lips as they imagined the dicks hidden behind the speedos.

At noon the two Speedo glad lovers slipped back onto their sandals and walked bare chested to the elevators. Alone in the elevator the men roared with laughter.

Did you see that old woman seated at the pool in her wheel chair. She couldn't take her eyes off your pouch Farm Boy."

"Yeah I winked at her Chief and she turned red as a beet. Did you catch the life guard staring at you. He kept squirming in his chair. His ass must have been on fire."

"Oh yeah and he kept licking his lips. Oh, I have Happy's number. He gave it to me in the restaurant."

"You dawg! I'm not out of your sight 2 minutes and you're hitting on the help!"

"You of all people know about high libidos."

"That is the truth! Before we hooked up I was jacking off 5 or 6 times a day. It's much more satisfying having sex with you."

Sean kissed him. "You're just a talented partner in more ways than one."

Back in the room they changed clothes. "Chief I'm going to eat with the team at the buffet. What are you doing this afternoon?"

"I'll eat at the hotel restaurant again. Do you want me to try to get more info on Happy? After lunch I think I'll walk over to the mall. It's only 10 minutes away. We do have two huge closets to fill."

"Yeah see what he's willing to share. Please don't go crazy at the mall. Remember with House Rules we don't need clothes."

Chief swatted Farm Boy's butt as they headed back to the elevator. Downstairs they parted company as Clay joined the team's buffet line and Sean entered Umbrio's. Once again he was seated immediately. He was surprised to see Sonja eating alone at the table.

"This is a pleasant surprise," she commented as Sean kissed her cheek before sitting down next to her. "Where's Clayton?"

"He's eating with the team. They leave in 30 minutes for the stadium. He wouldn't have had time to enjoy a leisurely lunch."

"Makes sense, but Happy would have brought him something from the buffet as well."

Happy appeared at the mention of his name. "Would Sir like an Aperol Spritz?"

"Yes please Happy. For lunch can I get pasta and meatballs with a side salad?"

"Of course Sir, I'll get the chef started on your meal then bring your drink."

"Sean, I'm sure you're aware you created quite the stir today."

"Whatever do you mean Sonja?" Sean responded with mock indignation.

Sonja pointed her butter knife at him. "You know damn well what I referencing. You left a lot of women and men with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. The pool area is still abuzz and the lobby banter was about you two for a good 20 minutes."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Hell no!" she smiled. "Only thing that would top it is a nude walk through but I don't want to see you get arrested. Drinks at the pool spiked. There wasn't a lounge chair or seat left. The guests are hoping to see more of you two."

"Maybe you should tell the staff that we're the subject of Eduardo Castillo's next exhibition. They can see a lot more of us there and even purchase prints or the coffee table books both R and X rated."

"Oh that is a nice tidbit. Watch this. Oh Nancy! Nancy Jones!" she called. A woman in her 30s with jet black hair and glowing ebony skin turned and waved at Sonja. Sean's godmother waved her over. "Nancy, I want you to meet my godson, Sean Andreas Walls"

The pair shook hands. "Care to join us?" Sean inquired.

"Oh I've finished my lunch."

"Perhaps something to drink? Oh Happy," Sonja called.

The waiter appeared as out of nowhere.

"Would you please bring this young woman something to drink?" Sean inquired.

Happy looked toward Nancy.

"I'll have what he's drinking it looks delicious," Nancy stated as she sat down. "So you're in town for the game?"

"Oh yes my fiancé is one of the quarterbacks, Clay Reed."

"Oh you were the other hunk at the pool everyone is talking about."

"If the other hunk was Clay then the second one must have been me." He laughed as he sipped his drink. Happy brought Nancy hers.

"Nancy I asked you to come over because Sean just shared some very interesting information I thought a cultural reporter would want to know."

"What is it that she thinks would interest me Sean?"

"Just that Clay and I are the subjects of Eduardo Castillo's new exhibit opening New Year's Eve at his Winter Park Gallery. "

Nancy smiled as she sipped her Aperol Spritz. "I saw the announcement of the show. I couldn't tell from its title what exactly he was featuring. What's the title again Start to Finish?"

"That was one suggestion. I believe he settled on Beginning to End. But don't quote me."

"Will there be nudes?"

"Nancy, I'm not permitted to comment by the terms of my contract. I can say the photo shoots were challenging and I look forward to autographing posters, books and prints."

"Given Eduardo's track record if it's not plants it scantily clad or naked men. It is wonderful to meet one of his models up close and personal. You'll excuse me though as I do need to get back to work."

"You mean making the rounds." Sonja chuckled.

"Well yes, I do have the gossip column as well you know."

"It was a pleasure making your acquaintance Nancy. Hope you enjoyed the Aperol Spritz."

"The pleasure was mine and yes the drink was divine.. Perhaps I'll see you at the exhibit." She took her drink and moved around the room.

"She's spreading the news about the exhibit and the models. Look how people are glancing at you as she moves table to table."

"That can only help sales" Sean responded.

Sonja finished her lunch as Happy served Sean's pasta with three huge meatballs. "I've got to get back to the office. Serving as a host hotel has its own set of headaches."

"I hope they're not serious ones."

"No just logistics. It's why they pay me the big bucks." She kissed Sean and tasseled his blond locks before leaving the restaurant.

Happy arrived at the table to clear away Sonja's dishes. "I hope the pasta and meatballs meet with your approval, Sir."

"My compliments to the Chef. Everything I've eaten here has been exquisite."

"I'll be sure to tell him Sir. It will make him very happy."

"Better yet, ask him to come here please."

"Yes Sir." Happy practically flew to the kitchen. A few moments later a well-built man in a chef's hat followed Happy to the table. "Sir this is our Chef, Marco Kapazioni."

Sean stood and faced the chef who was about 5'10" with beautiful tanned skin, dark brown hair and large brown eyes with gold flecks around the irises. His beard was scruffy. Though in his forties, he was well built. His facial features were delicate almost feminine with a small nose and mouth. His eye brows were bushy.

Sean extended his hands to grasp the Chef's. "I wanted to compliment you on the quality of all the food I've been served. Truly exquisite." He released the Chef's hands, embraced him and kissed him on both cheeks.

Marco was overcome with emotion. He hugged Sean back, "Thank you signore. Grazie per Il complimento."

"I am looking forward to dinner this evening."

The Chef nodded and returned to his kitchen. Happy stood there beaming. "I get off today at 3. Then I work lunch and dinner tomorrow."

"So you'd be free this evening to hang out?"

"I think I'd enjoy hanging with you and your partner."

"How do we get you upstairs? Sonja fired someone for fooling around with guests."

"No she fired him for being a prostitute on company time. I'll use the service elevator to access the club level. Just text me when you finish dinner"

"Sounds like a plan. You ever play with Gordon?"

"The bellhop? No, I didn't know he was family."

"Well he is. We may invite him this evening too."

"I haven't played in a group setting in years. It will be fun no matter if it's 3 or 4." He scooted away to cover his other tables.

Sean finished his lunch and walked out to the front drive. He asked the valet how to get to the mall. The valet handed him a printout showing how to get to Town Center Mall. Sean set out.

Walls was delighted with the store selection. He wandered around Bloomingdales, Nordstrom's, Macy's and Saks Fifth Avenue. He only made a few purchases at each store before walking back to the hotel.

At the Renaissance he walked through the lobby to the elevators. Gordon saw him, "Sir would you like assistance with your purchases?"

"Very kind of you to ask. Yes please." He handed him the parcels before leading the way into the elevator and selecting the club level. Back in his room Sean instructed Gordon, "Please put the packages on the couch.

Gordon placed the bags on the couch. As he turned around Sean grabbed him and pulled him in to kiss him. Sean probed with his tongue and Gordon surrendered his mouth to the college student. Sean held him in the kiss and ran his right down to the bellhop's left pectoral and rubbed his tit through his shirt. The groan that rose from Gordon emboldened Sean further and he moved his hand to the bulging groin to grasp the clothed shaft.

Sean broke the kiss and stood back. Gordon was breathing heavily and red faced. "Are you working tonight?"

"No Sir I'm off at 6."

"Good we're having a little party here in the room after we eat dinner downstairs. We'd be happy if you joined in. That is if you want to hang with us."

"I'd be happy to join in. Should I bring anything?"

"Your preferred lube. We have our Magnums here. Oh if there are any toys you want us to use on you, bring them as well."

"Very good Sir."

"Oh and use the service elevator."

Gordon smiled, "You're learning how this place works Sir. I look forward to your call."

Sean pressed a $20 into his hand. "I'll see more of you later." Gordon left the room to return to work. His cock had started dribbling precum and now the stain was starting to show.

Sean showered and cleaned out his ass. Then he unpacked his purchases, 8 shirts for Clay and him. He also found 4 pairs of shorts on clearance at Macy's. Then he bought skin conditioner and two pairs of slacks.

He stretched out on the bed and fell asleep waiting for Clay to return.

At the stadium CJ, Steve and Antonio were running laps. Clay thought, "So those three thought Higgenbothan was beautiful!" He chuckled as Larry and he finished their warm up stretches. They began passing drills under Billy's supervision. Other coaches were running various drills with their lines as Coach Lee walked from each group to the other.

Roberta Knox walked out on the field. She waved at Lee. He walked across the field to her. A few moments later he walked over to Higgenbothan. The two chatted and Lee left the field with Roberta.

Billy blew his whistles. The O-line circled up. "I have to take over for Coach Lee. Larry and Clay your form look good. Go work out then get one of the trainers to give you good rub down. I am satisfied with you today. Now the rest of you limp noodles I want to see...."

Larry and Clay never heard the rest. They had bolted right after the word satisfied was out of Billy's mouth. Inside the locker room the stripped to their jocks and socks heading to the weight room.

"We can spot for each other," Larry said. "How much you want to press?"

"Just the bar to warm up, then I'll start with 100pounds."

Larry stood over him behind the bar to spot him. The sophomore had a clear view of the senior's jock and chest. Farm Boy could feel his dick stirring. After his second set at 100, Clay called, "Switch."

"OK back in a second." Larry dashed to his locker and returned moments later. "I warm up at 45 pounds." Clay helped him change out the weights. During the warm up Larry had the same view that Clad earlier. After his warm up set Larry got up as if to change out the weights. Instead he dropped to his knees, grabbed Clay's hips and pulled his groin into his face.

The senior quarterback inhaled the musky odors from the jock and started mouthing the dick inside through the material. Clay grabbed the back of Larry's head. "Oh yeah that feels great." Larry only grunted.

After a few minutes, Larry pulled Reed's jock down and started licking his teammate's balls and then the shaft. When he reached the glans he swirled his tongue under the foreskin. Peeling it back he started to suck it into his mouth, but he was only able to swallow about 4 inches of the boner the sophomore was blessed with. Pulling off the cock Larry looked at Clay, "I need you to fuck me."

Clay grinned at the senior quarterback. "I am to please, but I don't have lube or a condom."

Larry pulled a packet of lube and a magnum condom from the waist band of his jock strap. "I wasn't an eagle Scout for nothing." He stood up and started kissing Clay while playing with his tits. "Let's use the sauna just in case a trainer comes in."

The locker room sauna hadn't been used so far that day. They set the timer for 15 minutes and entered. The odor of redwood and cypress benches was mixed with the heavy scent of male musk. Larry bent over the bottom bench and Clay ripped open the magnum first. He jacked his cock a few times before rolling on the magnum Larry had provided. The lube packet was small. He put it all on Larry hole and started fingering it open.

"Don't waste time on prepping my hole. I need fucked and fucked hard. Get to work stud."

Clayton never needed to be told twice. He adjusted Larry's position a bit and placed his glans at the entrance to the quarterback's body. He pushed and met some resistance. Placing his hands on Larry's shoulders he applied more pressure and shoved his prick into the willing ass in one swoop.

Larry gasped. He was taking deep breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth as Clay set up his rhythm.

"Fuck me Clay."

Clay did just that. While he liked being on the bottom most of the time with Sean, he knew what he liked while being fucked would probably work on other men as well. He slowed down his pace deliberately pausing around Larry's sensitive prostate. He rubbed his cockhead over it a good dozen times listening to Larry's breathing get heavier each time. Then he rammed home.

"Oh yeah stud, wreck my ass."

Farm Boy pulled his 9 inches out until just the head rested inside. Then he plunged in a gain. He repeated that move a half dozen times or so before setting into half strokes. He fondled Larry's nipples. He pawed at the senior's dick through the damp mesh of his jockstrap.

"Stop teasing me! Fuck the shit out of me you fucker!"

Clayton stopped. He grabbed Schultz's right thigh and pulled it up. He awkwardly started turning Larry over onto his back. Then he pushed his teammate's thighs back opening his ass further. For the next five minutes the sophomore indeed fucked the shit and a load of cum out of Larry before cumming himself. Four thick blasts of seed filled the magnum.

Farm Boy released Larry's legs. The senior sat up on the bench and hugged Clay. "Thank you man," he kissed his teammate. "I needed the edge taken off. Let's clean up this place and hit the showers before getting those massages."

They quickly picked up the evidence of their tryst. Larry grabbed Clay's dick and sucked the few drops of semen oozing from it. They turned on the sauna again using the inside timer. Larry headed to the john while Reed went to his locker. He deposited his jock, grabbed towels for Larry and himself and headed into the showers.

They were soaping themselves when Carlos, one of the new trainers, popped his head inside. "Felix and I were sent in by Coach Billy to give you your rub downs. Coach said he'll see you and the two other quarterbacks before we head back to the hotel. We're ready when you are."

"Thanks Carlos," Larry said. "We just finished our workout."

Carlos nodded and went to get his table ready.

Clay and Larry finished showering. As they dried themselves Larry asked, "Do you two fuck around often? I mean with others?"

Yes, him more so than me. He has a bit more time on his hands. You know how it is during season for us. Even after season we'll be weight training and keeping in form."

They wrapped towels around themselves and headed to the trainer's tables for their massages. As the trainers were finishing up the team came barreling inside. Clay and Larry went to their lockers where they saw Antonio and Steve.

"You two look like shit," Larry said.

"Feel like it too." He ran us an hour for not being in our room at bed check and 30 minutes for being drunk enough to call him beautiful."

"We're wiped. When Coach Lee came back Coach Billy gave us a 5 minute water break and put us back in doing drills on the O-line. I'm more wasted right now than I was last night," Steve commented.

"We'll a sauna and a massage may perk you up. That new guy, Carlos, has ready good massage technique. His deep muscle work was fantastic." Larry shared.

Antonio warned in a soft voice, "Here comes beautiful."

Coach Billy walked up to the 4 quarterbacks in various stages of dressing and undressing. "Change in plans. The four of you will meet with me and Coach Lee at 6 AM for a private breakfast strategy session. We think we've spotted a weakness in their defense. It's showed itself in each of their last 5 games. We're brainstorming tonight to come up with ideas to capitalize on it."

"Hey Coach," Clay called, "Mind if I walk back? It's just a little over a mile."

"Just don't get hurt," Billy stated.

Larry quipped, "I'll go with him and hold his hand." The quarterback squad and those closest to them burst out laughing. Billy Higgenbothan chuckled as he walked into the coaches' room.

The two quarterbacks walked back without incident. As they entered the hotel reporters were surprised to see the two alone. In short order they were surrounded and being peppered with questions.

Clay put a stop to it, "Thank you all for your interest. The Stallions just finished a very productive and tiring practice. Larry and I wanted to see a little bit of this host city ourselves by walking back to this beautiful host hotel. Please don't make us regret our decision. You've had 30 minutes with us each already. There is really nothing else we can say. Now please let us get our rest and some dinner so we can give y'all one hell of a match up on Saturday." He flashed his smile and guided Larry to an elevator a red headed bellhop was holding open for them.

Larry stared at him as the doors closed. "You do have a gift. You essentially told them to back the fuck off while praising the team, mentioning the host city and the hotel. The amazing thing, they did stop!"

"Sean gave me a few suggestions on how to deal with the press." They reached Larry's floor. Clay hugged him, "That's for the stress release."

"Oh you're welcome to relieve our stresses anytime," Larry shot back as the elevator doors closed.

At 5 Clay walked in and saw Sean's naked form spread out on the bed. He noticed the shopping bags and clothing on the couch. He smiled and chuckled to himself. "Guess Chief tuckered himself plum out shopping." He let his lover sleep while he showered. He saw the shower shot out so he douched to be ready for whatever Sean had planned.

Farm Boy walked back into the bedroom toweling his hair. As he shook his head a few drops flew off and hit Sean's back. The sleeping junior roused a bit. His eyes fluttering open to see a nude Clay freshening up.

"Hello lover! Ready for dinner?"

"Are you dessert Chief?"

"Hell I'm the main course. "

"Dinner in bed; sounds good to me," Farm Boy said as he jumped on top of Sean and wrestled with him playfully. Sean played along for a few minutes then pinned Clay to the bed.

"We need to get dressed and go down to dinner. I've arranged entertainment for tonight."

"Are you pimping me out?"

"No, I've been recruiting bottoms."

"Oh I get to top tonight!"

"Maybe or maybe I'm going to rotate through three bussies tonight." Sean laughed wicked as he pulled on his jeans. He dressed in a denim long sleeve shirt. Clay had to wear team colors so a black and gold tee and black jeans was his choice. He wore trainers on his feet.

The maitre d' waived them past the line and escorted them to the table. A young woman greeted them and handed them menus.

"No Happy this evening?" Clay inquired.

"I'm Karen. I'll be serving you this evening. Hap is off this evening. May I get you a cocktail or another beverage?"

"Aperol Spritz for me and a Black Russian door my fiancé."

"I'll need you identification please."

"I'm afraid we didn't bring them down."

How do you intend to pay for your meal?"

Sean sat up and looked at her. "I suggest you go and speak with your supervisor now. I'm calling my godmother." Sean pulled out his phone and called Sonja.

"Hello Sean to what do I owe the pleasure."

"I'm sorry to call you but Happy isn't on tonight and this woman is giving us shit."

"What's her name?"


"Leave it to me. Lunch tomorrow?"

"It will be a pleasure. Thanks Sonja."

A few seconds later a phone rang back in the kitchen. Moments afterwards another waiter approached their table. "I'm Bubba, I'll be caring for you this evening. I believe you ordered an Aperol Spritz and a Black Russian." He set the drinks on the table.

"Thank you Bubba, We're having the lamb tonight."

"What sides Sirs?"

"However the Chef prepares it," Sean instructed.

"Very good Sir." A few minutes later Bubba returned with the Antipasti Course of their meal.

The couple enjoyed sharing stories from their day. Bubba brought the Primo Course of polenta with lentils and Cotechino. Clay wasn't familiar with foods and hesitantly picked at them. Sean laughed, "A Southern boy who eats grits, sausage and black eyed peas gets picky when confronted with Italian porridge, pork sausage and lentils."

"Is that what it is? I just wasn't sure," Clay admitted as he began eating."

"Slow down champ, chew and savor the bites. Let the tastes come through."

"Okay Chief." Clay slowed his pace. He had become use to quick meals at buffet lines and in the cafeteria.

The Secondo course arrived. The roasted lamb was succulent and had no need for the mint sauce served on the side. The Contorno (side dish) was a mixture of root vegetables.

That course was followed by the Insalata course of leafy greens. It was followed by formaggi e fruits course of fresh chesses and sliced cherries, kiwi and strawberries.

For the dolce course they chose panna cote with mint and apples serve with expresso. The meal concluded with limoncello for the digestivo.

As each course was served Sean would share thoughts on the corresponding Norwegian and Swedish dishes. Clay would comment if it was something he had eaten at their family celebrations.

As the meal ended Sean sent texts to Gordon and Happy before heading to their room to prepare for their play session.

"Chief I'm stuffed. If we ate like that every night we'd both be blimps."

"Farm Boy have you ever seen the amount of food you consume compared to moi?"

"Who's moi?"

"It's French for me silly!" Didn't you listen to Miss Piggy and the Muppets growing up?"

"Not really. TV was regulated in the house. By the time we had Testosterone House I didn't care for stuff like that. Besides, Dad kept me busy with sports."

"I'm planning on keeping you busy in bed," he stated as he fixed his daze on his lover and swatted at his dangling cock and balls. A knock at the door brought their horseplay to an end. Sean wrapped the terry cloth hotel robe around his naked body and opened the door to find both Happy and Gordon.

Happy was dressed in a tight fitting tee and Hunter green tennis shorts. He wore an open toed rainbow sandals. As he quickly stripped out of his clothes walking toward Clay, he revealed a chest covered in thick blond hair that narrowed as it extended down over well-defined abs into a treasure trail leading to a 7.5 inch prick pointing directly at Clay. The hair around his prick was trimmed short His balls were averaged size and shaved clean. The hair on his legs was also heavier than most men Farm Boy had seen.

Back at the door Gordon stripped revealing his body as well. While not as ripped as the other three men he was not flabby but toned. His curtains matched the carpet. His penis was a respectable 6 inches cut. He too was erect and dripping as he knelt before Sean and sniffed at the terry cloth covering the dominant's groin.

Happy crawled onto the bed. "I've been wanted to do this since I first saw you!" He grabbed Clay and kissed him passionately thrusting his tongue deep into the quarterback's mouth. Reed responded by flipping Edward's onto his back. He pressed his right knee into the waiter's groin, He continued the kiss while he pinned Happy's arms to his side.

When they broke the kiss Happy smiled up at him. "So you want to top me! I'm game for it. My boyfriend is a big ol' bottom. I prefer to switch things up."

"Oh yeah, watching that ass of yours swish around the restaurant told me you were hot for a good plowing." Clay went in for another kiss before mouthing the waiter's left nipple which produced a moan and a spurt of cock snot from the mushroom head.

Sean had dropped his robe at the door and was seated in the desk chair. Gordon's tongue was licking the junior's balls and prick as he teased the cock into full erection.

Each pair was in their little world. Each focusing on getting off with their partner. Clay had worked down and over Happy's dick and balls and was teasing the blond hairs surrounding the waiter's asshole. Sean for his part was now skull fucking the bellhop while holding onto his ears.

Farm Boy stopped long enough to rip open the magnum package. Happy said, "Let me put it on you please?" Clay handed it to him. Edward's skillfully skinned back the prepuce and rolled the condom into place. He took a few moments to appreciate the veiny hunk of meat that would soon be inside him.

Clayton grabbed the Swiss Navy pump bottle of lube. He pushed Happy back. "Grab your legs stud and pull them back." The waiter exposed his saliva slicked hole. Farm Boy squirted a few pumps of the lube on the hole he had so recently feasted upon and worked it in, starting with just one finger, then two and finally four. He twisted them around as Happy moaned in pleasure.

Grabbing the waiter's legs Clay pushed them apart and further back which lifted the hole into just the right position. He positioned his cockhead head at the entrance.

Happy wiggled his ass and ordered, "Fuck me hard stud!"

Clayton thrust in balls deep. Happy howled! He hadn't expected a balls deep thrust nor that the quarterback was stretching out his body into a plank hammering away at the waiter's upturned ass. Within minutes Edward's was huffing and puffing at the rough fucking was turning him on. His face and chest began reddening in his lust.

Sean and Gordon had also progressed to fucking. Walls had the bellhop on all fours as he took him from behind. Sean kept pinching Gordon's tender tots causing him to Yelp like a puppy.

The bellhop hadn't been fucked by a cock this big in his entire life. The fullness and depth had thoughts of fisting running through his mind. He wondered if he could take one to the elbow as easily as he had taken 9 inches into his body.

Sean suddenly pulled out and flipped Gordon on his back before reinserting his magnum covered dick into the bellhop's booty. He too pushed the legs back and practically doubled the bottom in half as he slammed full bore into the moaning sub.

Another 10 minutes of fucking occurred on the room until Gordon shouted, "Fuck, I'm cumming!" as his dick spurted out in one blast of semen. The bellhop's spasming ass provided enough extra stimulation for Sean to squirt 6 heavy bursts of his seed into the condom in Gordon's ass.

On the bed Happy heard Gordon's shout and the smell of semen filling the air triggered an anal orgasm in him. That triggered both his cock and Clay's to fire off simultaneously; each releasing 4 heavy loads. For a moment only heavy breathing could be heard in the room.

"Man, you can fuck me anytime!" Happy exclaimed as he threw his arms around Clay. "I've never felt so full!"

"That's the truth! I have never taken a 9 inch cock before! I felt like I had an arm in me. It made me think about being fisted." Gordon added. "Permit me to clean you up Sir," Gordon stated as he carefully pulled off the condom and went into the bathroom. He returned with a towel and washcloth and gently cleaned and dried Sean's junk. He returned to the bathroom and came back. This time he went to the bed. "May I clean you two as well?"

Clay, who was still lodged in Harpy's ass, withdrew his cock. Happy removed the condom and drained it into his mouth. Gordon cleaned Clay first before wiping up Happy's semen from his abdomen and chest and wiping his ass. He dried both men. He took the condom to the bathroom and tossed it into the commode with the other one and flushed.

Happy was busy opening a beer for each of them when Gordon reentered the room. He took his can as Happy offered a toast, "To new friends, family and fuck buddies!" The foursome clinked their cans together and took a swig of beer.

The all sat on the mattress playing footsy with each while they talked about coming out, jobs, football, the bowl game and life in general.

At 9 the room phone rang and Clay answered, "Reed speaking." He listened. "Coach this really isn't a good time for you to pop in. Sean and I have already retired. I could come to you," Clay offered. "Then give us 20 minutes."

"What's up babe?"

"Sorry guys, our second round is going to have to wait. Coaches Lee and Higgenbothan are coming over. They said they had to see us tonight.

"It's Bowl Season! It scrambles coaches' brains every year. This is the 3rd time I've seen it here. I still had a great time. What do you think Gordon?"

"I think you nailed it Happy. Coaches freak out every year. Doesn't matter the team," he agreed while sliding into his clothes.

Happy too was dressing. I'd suggest tomorrow night but that's best left to just you two; a calm night before the game. Sean I'm free in the morning if you'd care to sample this." The waiter pointed to his ass.

"I'll let you know after we hear what all this is about," Sean replied.

I sure would like to see what Clay tastes like too," Gordon added. I can always swing by on a break." He smiled.

"Thanks guys we're so glad to have met you. It's been fun. We'll see you tomorrow. We have to get ready for guests," Clay ushered the two out the door. "Should we spray something?"

"No let them know they interrupted our sex life. They can surmise it was just us," Sean noted.

At 9:20 the two coaches knocked at the door. Clay opened it wearing nothing but his bathrobe. Sean was similarly attired.

"Thank you for seeing us on short notice," Kurt began. He could smell the heavy scent of musk and cum in the room. "Sorry to have spoiled your evening of relaxation. We had some bad news this evening from Leesburg. Larry's folks were hit by a van on the turnpike as they were heading down for the game."

Both guys gasped. Clay asked, "Are they alive?" He reached for Sean's hand fearing the worst for his friend and teammate.

Billy Higgenbothan jumped in. "They're injured slightly and at South Lake Hospital. They should be released tomorrow but Larry is a mess. His mother convinced him to stay here as they're in good hands. The doctors are just keeping them overnight to make sure. They hope to be released and back on the road tomorrow afternoon."

"However, in the event Larry gets sidelined by this it is our intent to replace him with you," Kurt announced.

"What about Antonio? Isn't it that the order of things?"

"Normally yes," Kurt explained. "However, this week Antonio has been off his game. He's having trouble getting the ball to where we need it to be. He may turn it around tomorrow as we discussed it with him at practice.

We felt you needed to hear it from us before tomorrow's breakfast meeting," Billy said standing up. "We've taken enough of your time this evening. Thanks for seeing us."

"Yes, thank you both," Kurt added.

"You're welcome," Sean said.

"Yes Sirs, thanks for letting me know. I'll try not to over think it tonight," Clay added. He closed the door behind them.

"Poor Larry! He's having a bitch of a year." Clayton opined.

"Yes almost as bad as you and Kurt," Sean added. "Let's get some sleep. You've got an early morning."

The couple assumed their usual spooning positions for the night, Sean drifted off as usual but Clay started running Larry's plays in his mind. He answered the 10 pm bed check call, but didn't fall asleep until 11:30.

The quarterback's 5:30 alarm startled him. He felt like he had just fallen asleep. He rushed through his morning routine and barely made it to breakfast with the other quarterbacks. Larry looked like something the cat had dragged in. It was obvious he has slept poorly. Clay filled his plate with bacon and scrambled eggs, grabbed 4 pieces of toast. There were pitchers of orange juice and tomato juice on the table.

He sat next to Larry. "Sorry to hear about your folks."

Larry touched his hand, "Thanks. The nurse said they had a peaceful night. They're waiting for two docs to sign off and they'll be released sometime this morning. Coach Lee got me an extra set of tickets so their neighbors are going to bring them down this afternoon. My mind won't settle until I see them."

"It will all work out," Clayton assured him.

Billy Higgenbothan began, "The coverage provided here on their left side is weak. For the last 5 games this guy," he circled the outside linebacker on a field chart, "Let's receivers get by him." The quarterbacks acknowledged the position as they are their breakfasts.

"We reviewed the rest of the videos last night after bed checks. The same player makes the same error every game. Starts out with great coverage but gets distracted by what's happening around the quarterback." Again the four4 athletes nodded their heads.

"Every last one of you tends to look center and right for a receiver. We're going to switch it up today at practice to go left or center. We need to finish our breakfasts by 6:45 then go up to our suite. I want you to see this guy in action so you can recognize the error in his moves."

Steve spoke for the four. "Will do Coach."

"By the way Antonio, you recall what I'm looking for from you today?

"Yes Coach 10,000% or I may ride the bench."

"Make it so," Billy stared into Antonio's eyes.

"Do you think they know about this guy?" Clay inquired.

"If they don't their Defensive Coach is an ass," Billy opined. "I know him and I don't think he's an ass. Now as to why this kid hasn't improved or why he's always in that position is a matter of conjecture. It may be a ploy to get us to send the play left and into a trap or it's simply this guy's last year playing and he doesn't give a shit. We did confirm he's a senior graduating this spring."

They are in silence for a few minutes before Coach asked, "Are y'all enjoying your time here?"

Steve piped up, "I'm having a great time. We've been to the movies, walked to the Mall and enjoyed the spa. Only drawbacks are the damn reporters and photographers."

"I agree," Antonio weighed in. I got off the elevator yesterday and 3 photographers had cameras in my face. Add in reporters always asking questions"

Larry smirked, "The price of doing business in a techno savvy society. But you guys should have seen Clay handle them yesterday when we walked back after practice. He's brilliant!"

Clay punched Larry lightly in his shoulder. "Thanks man. I told you Sean gave me tips."

"They stay after the coaches as well. I hate having them at the stadium during practice. You guys head to the showers and they swarm us trying to discover our game plans. You add Marshall's family issue and they're always after him on both fronts."

At 6:35 the group left and rode up to the hospitality suite on the second floor. A video recorder was linked to three monitors. They watched the clips which had been edited overnight. They knew exactly what to look for each time from this particular outside linebacker. If a player got past him he believed a safety would pick him up.

The four quarterbacks went back to their rooms to gather their backpacks. They were to meet in the lobby at 7:15. Sean was just waking up. Clay kissed him goodbye and headed out.

Sean fixed his own coffee. He didn't feel like braving the restaurant so he ordered a double bacon omelet with tomatoes on the side, Italian hot chocolate and brioche. He started the shower after finished his morning toilet. He let the warm water flow over him. He still felt tired though he had slept over 9 hours. "Hope I'm not coming down with something," he thought as he turned off the water and toweled off. He wrapped a robe around himself and drew back the blackout curtains.

Sunlight streamed into the room causing Sean to shield his eyes as they adjusted to the light. He peered out at the view of the pool below. It was a beautiful setting. A knock at the door was followed by the announcement of "Room Service" meant breakfast had arrived.

Opening the door Sean was greeted by a voting man with aquiline features pushing the breakfast cart. He rolled it into the room.

"I hope you enjoy your breakfast Sir. Is there anything else you require?"

"Let's start with your name."

"Sorry Sir, I'm Vincent. Some call me Vince other Vinnie. Just don't me late for meals." He chuckled as did Sean.

"Thank you Vince. He slipped the server a $20 for his trouble.

"Oh thank you Sir. Very generous of you," he commented as he left the room closing the door behind.

Sean put on some music on his cell phone and started relishing the breakfast he had ordered. When he finished he looked through his travel kit and pulled out a small pill case. He selected 3 pills: zinc, vitamin C and lysine. Walls chased them down with water. He stripped off the robe and crawled back into bed.

Clay found him there when he got back to the hotel at noon. Sean didn't wake as his lover entered. Farm Boy touched his Chief's forehead. It felt warm. The quarterback pushed the breakfast cart out in the hall to the Concierge Desk.

"Good afternoon Sir, how can I be of service?" An older gentleman asked.

"My fiancé seems to have a temperature. Do you have a in house doctor?"

"No Sir, but I believe your team doctor just went to her room. I'll track her down and bring her to your room."

"I appreciate your assistance." Clay shook the concierge's hand and returned to his room. Five minutes later Dr. Christine Velez knocked on their door."

Dr. Velez, I was expecting Dr. Levy.", but please come in," Clayton said.

"Sol had a family emergency so I'm pitch hitting. What's wrong with Sean?"

"Apparently he ate then went back to bed. He feels warm to me. He's not rousing though."

Christine felt Sean's head and pulled the sheets back. When she saw he was naked she overdid his genitals with the sheet. She felt his stomach. Opening her bag she took out an electronic thermometer and took his temperature. "He's at 99.5. That's a low grade fever." She picked up Sean's hand; patting it she called his name three times, raising her voice level each time. He stirred.

Blinking his eyes a few times he saw Christine sitting on the bed and a worried looking Clay behind her. "What's going on?"

"You have a slight temperature and Clay couldn't wake you. Tell me how long have you been ill?"

"Sorry, I woke up at 7. I ate well then took some zinc, vitamin C and lysine. Then I laid back down again. What time is it?"

"It is 12:30 Chief. I was worried when I couldn't wake you up."

"Sorry love."

Dr. Velez checked his glands. Please sit up for me. Now open your mouth." She unwrapped a tongue depressor and applied it. "Say Ah."


"Good news is you'll live. Bad news is you probably have a 24 hour bug. Rest and drink plenty of liquids. Oh and try not to kiss Clay until after the game but knowing you you've probably infected him already." She laughed and Clay blushed. "If your throat gets sore, gargle with salt water. If your temp spikes above 100 call me."

"Thanks Doctor, I'll make sure he listens," Farm Boy assured her.

"Tie him up if you have to Clay. He might even enjoy that!" She giggled and gave Sean a wink. Then she left them alone.

Sean ripped back the sheets and started to get out of bed.

"Get your ass back in that bed mister," Clay ordered.

Sean sat back down. "Alright, are you going to carry and fetch for me?

"Yes, if I have to I'll even order a bed pan."

"Well let's not go that far. However I'm hungry again. How about lunch?"

"l will take care of it you rest." He dialed the restaurant. This is Clayton Reed is Happy on duty?" He listened to the response. "Yes I'd like to speak to him. Tell him it's Ms Suerl's godson's fiancé." He chuckled at the response. A few moments later Happy was on the line.

"Happy speaking."

"Happy this is Clay. Sean is under the weather. Could you persuade your chef to prepare some Italian chicken noodle soup and whatever comfort foods to help him recoup by tomorrow?"

"I'll speak to him as soon as we hang up. I'll bring it to your room personally. Ciao."

"Lunch is ordered."

"I heard. How was practice?"

"Pretty amazing actually. We'll see how it all plays out tomorrow. Larry's parents arrived. One of the alumni flew them down this morning after they were released. They're here in the hotel."

"That's great news. So Larry should have his head in the game?"

"That's an affirmative." Clay stripped down to his birthday suit. He did some stretching exercises as Sean watched appreciating the beautiful form before him.

A knock at the door and Happy's voice announcing "Room Service" signaled the arrival of lunch. Clay opened the door naked. Happy gave him a wolf whistle, "Looks like I I've already got my tip." He pushed the rolling table into the room. "Chef prepared kale soup and chicken soup. He said to eat both of them. He also sent a bottle of Anisette. Take a shot once an hour either at room temp or warm it a bit. You now have all the Chef's Mama's at home remedies for a cold."

"Thank him for me Happy," Sean managed.

Clayton hugged the waiter, "I'm so glad we met. You're the best Happy. Just the best."

Happy beamed. "I need to get you healthy so that maybe I can get both tips tonight." He licked his lips obscenely with his long tongue. "You keep me posted." Then he was out the door.

"We seem to attract a lot of horny bottoms Chief!"

You can say that again."

"We seem to attract a lot of horny bottoms Chief!" Farm Boy quipped.

Sean threw a pillow at his fiancé, just missing his head.

"See that's why I am the quarterback and you're the fan," Clay managed as he threw the pillow back and hit Sean in the head. "Now eat your soup. Even if we don't play with Happy tonight I was hoping to get some stress relief myself,"

Chief squinted up his face, "Did anyone ever tell you you're turning into a pushy bottom?"

"I heard a bottom is always in control,' Farm Boy fired back. The two roared with laughter.

Sean finished the two soups and took a shot of the Anisette. He got back into bed and Clay lay down beside him. This time it was Farm Boy who was holding his Chief. They both fell into a comforting sleep.

The ringing of the room telephone roused the two. Clay answered it with a groggy voice. "Hello." He listened a moment. "Yes Coach, he has a temp but Dr. Velez thinks it a short term thing." He listened again. "No I don't think it's advisable that I move to another room." Once more he listened. "I said NO." He slammed the receiver down. He snuggled up against Sean again and put his left leg and arm over him.

"Who was it love?"

"No one important. Just rest."

"I feel pretty good right now. I'm not aching at all. Is it time for another shot?"

"I'll pour one for both of us," Farm Boy stated as he unwrapped himself from Sean and headed to the table where they had left the glasses. He poured two fingers of the Anisette for each of them. When he turned around his naked lover was walking out of the bathroom. Chief's cock and balls swinging between his legs. Clay licked his lips just thinking about sucking on it again. He handed the drink to his fiancé'.

"Bladder drained. No chills. No aching joints. Whatever it was must have taken a hike." He sipped the Anisette. I love the licorice taste of this stuff. It's just the right combination of sweet and spicy and the fragrance," he sniffed his drink, "reminds me of eating black licorice with Morfar." He sat cross legged on the floor and stared up at Clayton who was seated on the couch. "I haven't told you today that I love you and I DO love you." He smiled adoringly at Farm Boy.

"The feeling is mutual Sean. I was so worried when I saw you were ill. I'm glad whatever it was, is gone."

"Should we try to increase the sales at the bar and snack bar again with a trip to the pool in our speedos?" Chief asked with a wicked grin.

"If you feel up to it, I'm game for it." He knocked back the rest of his drink and Sean did the same. The couple pulled on their speedos, adjusted their junk and grabbed their tee shirts and towels. "Chief, let's give them their money's worth no shirts. For the tease though let's wrap our towels around our waists. If they want more they can jolly well come to the pool."

"Great idea!" Sean dropped the shirt and wrapped his beach towel around his waist as Clay did the same. Clay grabbed his key card as they slipped into their open toed sandals and headed out the door. At the elevator they met Dr. Velez who was just exiting it.

"I see you're feeling better," Christine remarked. "Going to show all the ladies what they're missing." she laughed as Clay blushed. "You are so adorable when you blush. Never lose that innocence boy."

"Yes ma'am. or No Ma'am," he blustered.

"Either works."

"Now Christine, don't fluster him. He's got a big job tomorrow. He's just looking for a little down time."

"I'm sure you'll give him all the down time he needs," she said as he shot Sean a knowing look and wicked smile. "Enjoy," she said as she headed to her room and the two collegians waited for the next car.

The elevator was empty as they got on. As it descended other passengers entered it at each floor. Each man or women looked the two toweled wrapped men over head to toe. At the Lobby the car emptied with Sean and Clay exiting last. Once more eyes followed them as they walked out to the pool. Strangely for 3 in the afternoon the pool deck was mostly deserted. The couple selected their deck lounges and placed their belongings on them. They dove into deep end of the pool whose only other occupants were some youngsters with squirt guns at the shallow end.

Sean and Clay swam laps back and forth for about 10 minutes. As they rested against the far end it was evident they had attracted a following. About half the chairs and lunges were now filled by men and women. All seated so they could see the pool. Chief sunk under the water, grabbed Farm Boy's legs and pushed him up and tossed him towards the middle of the pool. They took turns horse playing like that for around 10 minutes before Clay headed to the ladder. Sean followed.

They stretched out on their lounges. Clay noted that every seat was now taken and that a number of people were also seated on their balconies. "Watch this chief," he said as a interlocked his fingers and stretched his arms back over his head causing his body to arch making his bulge even more evident. He relaxed back into a supine position then smiled and waved toward the balconies as if he had spotted someone he knew. The two chuckled. Little did they know that there was a massive spike in pictures being posted to TikTok and Instagram of Clay's poolside stretching.

"Should we shatter some of their dreams?" Chief asked. Clay looked at him puzzled. Shaking his head Sean stood up and lay on top of Farm Boy planting a deep tongue swirling kiss onto his mouth. Then he stood up, slipped on his sandals, grabbed his towel and said, "Shall we go back to our room?" Clay gathered his things and the two walked hand in hand from the pool deck.

Sonja greeted them at the door. "Leaving so soon? You boys are so good for business. We thought we had too many on wait staff today but you put an end to that thought." She laughed and kissed each of them on the cheek. You can come back here and stay as my guest anytime as long as you put in a daily appearance at the pool." She smacked them both on an ass cheek as they moved toward the elevator.

As the approached the elevator a tall ebony skinned man approached them. "Good afternoon gentlemen. I have a little business proposition for you." The couple stopped and looked at the gentleman. "I'd like to offer you $1500 cash for those two swim suits."

Clay shrugged, "Why would you want our swimsuits?"

"Are you kidding? Do you know how many women and men are drooling over you two at the moment? I could post them both for sale and double my money before you two arrive back to your room."

"So you want to come up and pick them up?"

"No I want them here and now. Wrap your towels around yourselves and take them off. Word will spread that you gave them to me."

"Not in the lobby. My godmother runs this place and I won't embarrass her with by stripping even under a towel. Besides, Clay could get benched. So we'll have to pass." They entered the elevator car and Clay used his card to select the club level. The man entered with them.

"Then strip here on the way up." He waved 15 one hundred dollar bills in front of their faces. Clay grabbed the money and handed it to Sean. He turned his back to the stranger and Sean stood in front of him while he pulled off his suit and wrapped the towel around himself. Sean repeated the process and the man got off the elevator on the third floor. The guys laughed all the way back to their room.

"That's one for the books Chief. Anything ever happen to you like that before?"

Sean grimaced, "To tell the truth I used to sell my JO rags, underwear, socks and used condoms online. It made for some nice extra cash which I used to buy my leathers."

"Oh man! There's a market for used condoms?"

"There is a fetish market for everything," Chief admitted. "One just has to decide what you are willing to share. For us it will be our images. If you want you could sell your dirty jock after a game and someone would buy it. But that's a discussion for another time. Let's shower and go down for dinner."

The two spent twenty minutes showering off the pool chlorine and prepping to go down for another one of Chef's meals. When the elevator doors opened in the lobby a woman ran up to Sean.

"I understand that your name is Sean and you were the owner of these speedos, ' she said excitedly. "Would you mind signing them for me?" She held out his speedos and an indelible ink marker. Sean smiled and chuckled as he wrote, "Pleasant dreams SW." He handed them back to her and she rushed off with her prize.

"Well those went fast. I wonder who bought your suit."

"I don't want to find out," Farm Boy chuckled.

A different maitre d' waved them past the line forming for dinner. "Gentlemen, I'm Martha. Happy will be you in just a moment. If there is anything you need prior to him arriving just let me know." She seated them both by pulling out their chairs before she returned to the cue to address the concerns of those in line.

Happy happened to be serving the table next to them. As soon as he had placed the dishes before each diner and checked if there was anything else they required, he turned his attention and his radiant smile on Clay and Sean. "I'm so very pleased to see you've recovered. Of course we've all heard about your naughty display in the pool. Oh and I do wish I had the money for one of your swim suits. I hear that guy made 4 grand between the two."

Clay coughed, "Four grand. That bastard only paid us $1500."

"Sell them yourself next time," Happy advised. "Should I bring the usual from the bar?"

"Yes please Happy,' Sean replied.

The waiter moved off. The couple sat talking about changes they wanted to make to the house as they moved things around. Happy returned with the Aperol Sprits and a Black Russian. "I hope these are to your liking Sirs. Have you considered what you would like for dinner this evening?"

Sean sipped his drink. He smiled at Happy, "Perfection! Absolute perfection! You've gotten very good at making this Happy." The waiter beamed at the compliment.

"Mine is very good as well," Clay stated emulating his fiancé'.

"For dinner perhaps the Chef would be so kind as to show us another of his specialties. Would you ask him for us please Happy?"

"Of course I will, Mr. Walls. One moment please."

"You made his day with that compliment Chief. I think he'd do just about anything for you."

"You might be right Clay; however, you're the one that captured his eye on day one. It's just a shame he's down here and not in Orlando."

"I agree, he'd be a great toy boy to have around."

Happy returned from the kitchen, "The Chef is delighted to fulfil your request. We will begin shortly."

While they waited a very tall well-dressed man approached their table. "You're Clay Reed aren't you?" Clay nodded. "I'm Axel Blondell. I'm from Malmo in Sweden. I, ah, I bought your speedos. I was wondering if you would autograph them?"

"Do you have them with you?"

"Ja, I do." He produced a brown bag which contained the speedos and the marker.

Clay wrote on the seat portion, "To Axel my fan from Sweden. Best wishes, CR."

"It is much appreciated. I hope I haven't disturbed you too much."

"No problem at all. Would you mind answering a question for me Axel?"

"No, I don't mind. What is your question?"

"What will you do with them?" Clay inquired.

The Swede turned scarlet. "I think you are very handsome. I wanted something of yours. I will have them with me at the stadium tomorrow. It will be my first American Football game. I will frame them I think. It is hard being away from home for Christmas but my company has me here to secure a contract."

"Axel. I'm Sean Walls, Clay's fiancé', If you don't mind making the drive would you join us and our families for Christmas?"

"Oh, I don't want to impose."

"It is not an imposition. Mormar and Morfar would want me to welcome a fellow Scandinavian into our home and Clay's family is Swedish.

"Yes Morfar and Farfar would be delighted to meet you I am sure," Clay added.

"No pressure, know that you're welcome." He picked up the marker and wrote his phone number on the bag. "Please call me Monday and we'll give you directions."

"Thank you. I am overwhelmed. I won't say yes at this moment but I will not say no either." He shook both their hands and returned to his own table.

In just a few minutes Happy returned with the antipasto. "This is Crostini D' Amalia small toasted breads served with roasted garlic. It is the way the Chef's mother made it." The primo course followed. Happy explained that it was another of Amalia's recipes for chicken gnocchi soup. The Chef himself served the secondo course.

"Gentlemen, I thank you for permitting me to cook for you again." He placed the dishes before them. It looked like a meat loaf. "This dish was once considered peasant food but now it is not so common. It is called Cima alla Genovese. It is how you call like a meat loaf consisting of a veal breast stuffed with onions, pork fat, ground veal, pistachios, various offal, peas, hard-boiled eggs, carrots, garlic, and crustless white bread. I hope you enjoy." He stood there as they took their first bite."

"Chef is this marvelous, ' Clay enthused.

"The spicing is well done Chef. There is just a little bay leaf, pepper and perhaps parsley?" Sean asked.

"Very good senori, you got them exactly. Please, enjoy." The Chef stepped back into his kitchen. Happy returned with two small salads as the cortorno or side dish to the veal.

Formaggio e Frutta was served next. Happy explained, "The chef has selected for you Bel Paese a soft, mild cheese from Northern Italy which he feels you will enjoy with the cherries, plums, pears and apples. Our sommelier has paired it with a pinot noir." He poured a small amount into Sean's wine glass. Sean swirled the wine in the glass, sniffed deeply then tasted. He nodded at Happy who filled their glasses.

Happy cleared the table and brought out the dolce course. "Italian Apricot Fool with amaretto biscuits." he placed a large wine glass filled with an orange and caramel looking pudding with amaretto cookies on the side. "The cookies are for dipping if you like." he explained to Clay who looked confused.

Clay dipped in one of his three cookies and tasted the fool. "Chief this will sweeten your day for sure." he dipped the rest of the first cookie into the fool before popping it in his mouth.

Happy brought out the caffe again. As the couple finished the fool and their coffees, Happy arrived with their digestivo - grappa served in two nosing glasses.

Sean proposed a toast, "In gratitude to our Server, our Chef and his entire staff. Alla Salute!" He and Clay touched their glasses together. Happy hurried off to the kitchen to inform the Chef and staff of the compliment. Sean was surprised when Sonja emerged from the kitchen.

"You boys are really popular back there. So few people bother to send their compliments for a fine meal. I understand you've done it twice."

"Will you join us for a bit Sonja?" Sean requested. She sat beside her godson.

"I heard you were unwell this morning. Feeling better I see."

"Oh yes, Chef sent up some kale soup and some chicken soup."

"Don't forget the Anisette Chief."

"Yes the Anisette as well."

"Well I'm glad you recovered. I wanted to tell you Mr. O'Dell has been barred from the property. The couple looked at her confused. "The guy you stripped for in the elevator. Security called me. They weren't sure if you were being coerced or what. I saw the money though and I heard he made a killing on the speedos." Then she pointed her finger at each of them in turn as she sternly warned, "Don't ever do that again in a public place. You both have reputations to uphold." She looked at Sean, "You don't want to kill your design business before its off the ground.' Then to Clay, "And you don't want to kill off any chance of playing in the pros or being hired as a teacher. Now you both give me a kiss and go enjoy whatever you've got planned for this evening before the big game." Both boys stood and kissed Sonja. "Remember what I said." The two headed for the elevator.

"I'm for staying in and relaxing," Clay noted as the doors closed.

Sean rolled his eyes, "Here I thought you wanted me to fuck your brains out tonight but if you want to relax I'll read a book." He turned away from Clay.

Farm Boy grabbed his Chief, spun him around and planted a big ol' kiss right on his mouth just as the elevator doors opened before three concierges at the desk. The three applauded. Sean bowed and Clay turned red. They quietly exited the elevator and walked to their room.

Once in their room Clay started to strip. Sean ordered, "STOP!" Farm Boy froze. "I want to undress you,' he said quietly as he brushed aside Clayton's hand and began unbuttoning the quarterback's dress shirt. Undoing the last button Chief moved behind his boy and removed the shirt, folding it and laying it on the dresser. He crouched down and slipped the black leather penny loafers from Clay's feet followed by the socks. Standing he undid the clasp on Farm Boy's belt pulling it from their loops and draping it around his lover's neck. Sean slowly undid the button and the zipper of the dress slacks and eased them down the sophomore's legs. "Step out of them,' he ordered. Clay did as he was told. Chief then folded the pants and placed them with the shirt on the dresser. Turning toward Reed, Walls gently poked his right index finger into the middle of the red head's chest and pushed ever so gently back toward the bed.

Farm Boy's calves made contact at the edge of the bed. He stopped moving, but Chief continued to apply pressure to his sternum. Clayton sat down. Sean pushed again and the quarterback lay down and raised his legs exposing his groin and ass to his Sir. Chief retrieved his back pack from his side of the bed. He removed a choke collar and looped it around his fiancé's neck and snapped a lock through the two ends. After securing the lock he placed the key in his pants pocket. Next he took Clay's belt and looped it between in the collar and neck. He cinched the belt as tight as it would go to form a leash. Walls reached into his bag and pulled out a set of leather restraints. Within a few minutes he had those on Reed's wrists and ankles.

Using the improvised leash Sean pulled Farm Boy from the bed and walked him on all fours the short distance to the desk chair. Sean sat down and pulled the quarterback's head into his crotch. Clayton reached for the zipper only to find his hands batted away. "Use your mouth through the cloth. Clay nodded and began mouthing his Sir's prick through the cloth covering it. As the dick hardened, Farm Boy used his teeth to apply slightly more pressure. Eventually he was rewarded with the sweet taste of precum oozing through the cloth.

Sean stood and led Clay back to the bed on all fours. He positioned the quarterback beside the bed on ordered, "Sit like a good puppy." Clayton sat as instructed. Chief rummaged in his backpack and pulled out a neoprene ball gag from Fort Troff. He gagged his boy then returned to the back pack. This time he pulled a black leather muzzle from the bag. He carefully snuggled Reed's chin into it and secured the straps around and over Farm Boy's head. Smiling, he tugged gently on the leash and moved Clay up onto the bed. He rolled him over onto his back and tickled his stomach. Farm Boy's muffled laughter could be herd through the gag and muzzle. Sean grabbed the clove oil lube from the night stand and began prepping his boy's bussy for penetration. Clay's eyes stayed fixed on his lover. He was getting what he wanted a good fucking. His own 9 inches pulsed and leaked boy snot onto his abdomen.

One finger, two fingers, three fingers, four pushed more lube in and around the sensitive anal ring. Farm Boy was relishing the feeling of his Sir's fingers entering and retreating, Probing and twisting as his anal muscles were teased open. Finally Reed watched as Walls lubed his own cock while still fully dressed. Clay raised his legs high and wide to welcome his Chief's cock into his well-prepared ass. Sean wasted no time in plunging in balls deep. He grinned to himself as he heard the all to familiar sound of wind being knocked out of his bottom boy. He started a slow fuck pulling slowly out before pushing in quickly. He switched to pulling out quickly and slowly entering into the lubed rectum. Throughout it all Clay's eyes never left Sean's.

Without warning Sean bent over, wrapped his arms around Clay and ordered, "Wrap your legs around me and hold on." Clay complied without hesitation and Chief lifted him from the bed. Once he had him balanced, Sean walked his impaled boy to the wall and pushed him against it. He began a fast fuck. He was ready to get off and he pounded into Clay's receptive ass.

Farm Boy was getting into the fuck and the position. The roughness of the wall on his back only heightened his sensations. He couldn't talk, he was swallowing his salvia every few seconds. He was horny as fuck and the Chief was hitting all the right places. He had seen CMNM porn and thought it was hot; jacking off numerous times to the videos. Now he was living it. Without warning Clay found himself shooting one powerful gusher of cum in between his body and his lover's, splattering his clothed Sir his own naked body with semen.

Sean continued to fuck Farm Boy. He once more took the quarterback's full weight and walked him back to the bed where he laid him down once more. He grabbed Reed's ankles and shoved them back towards the quarterback's head, forcing the muscular legs back and lifting Clay's ass up off the bed a few more inches. Kneeling on the bed himself he pummeled away with abandon. Walls knew it wouldn't be much longer. He had felt the first tingle begin in his balls. He stared back at the blue eyes focused on him and smiled. Clay started doing Kegels trying to milk his Chief's load from his cock. Within minutes Sean grunted and plunged into the welcoming hole and held still as 7 loads of man seed sprang from his drenched body. He left Clayton's ankles go and collapsed onto his lover's chest.

The two breathed heavily. And Sean rolled off Clay so he could breathe easier. Regaining his strength, Chief unbuckled the muzzle and the ball gag.

"Hot damn! You never stop surprising me Sir!"

Sean kissed Clay tenderly. "I aim to please." He lay back on the bed. "Undress me and get the shower ready Farm Boy. We both will sleep well tonight." Clay took his time removing Sean's soiled clothing. He tossed them all into the laundry bag provided by the hotel. Then he started the shower. When the water was warm he came back to Sean.

"Sir, may I have permission to remove the collar and restraints Sir?"

"The restraints yes, the collar no. I'll remove it before you leave in the morning. Let it serve as a reminder that you're mine." Chief replied as he stood to walk into the bath. He entered the shower and Farm Boy joined him a few minutes later. They washed each other while sharing quick kisses and loving touches.

After the dried themselves off and they retired just before the 10 PM bed check call. Clay spooned into his Chief. Just before he fell asleep Farm Boy fingered the collar and lock. He smiled and thought, "It may mean I belong to him, but it also means he's my man as well."

At 6 AM Clayton's wake-up call from the front desk came in. He kissed his lover's blond locks and quietly entered the bath for his morning toilet. After washing up he brewed a cup of coffee for Sean and placed it on the night stand next to Chief's side of the bed. Reed packed his suitcase and set it beside the door. He walked over to the bed and sat beside Sean. "Chief, Chief, time to unlock my collar."

Sean batted his eye lids shaking sleep from his eyes. "Bring me the key from my pants pocket."

Clay looked through the dirty laundry bag, retrieved the pants Sean had worn last night and found the key. Sean unlocked the Masters Lock and removed the collar. He kissed his Farm Boy. "See you at the game," Sean said as he put his head back on the pillow.

Clayton pulled his polo shirt over his head and started for the lobby to meet the other quarterbacks.

Larry, Antonio and Stevie were waiting for him by the breakfast buffet, "Morning sleepyhead," Steve called. "Sleep well?"

"Like a log. What about you guys?"

Larry piped up, "Bit restless for me. This is my last game as a college player."

"I slept well," Antonio noted.

Steve gave him thumbs up.

"How about we ask Coach Billy if we can jog to the stadium this morning to warm up after we eat? There was general agreement from the other three quarterbacks. They went through the buffet and took seats near their coach. "Coach Billy," Clay began. The Coach turned in his direction. "May the four of us jog over to the stadium after breakfast?"

"No you may not. I can't afford losing any of you today to a twisted ankle or getting mugged or hit by a car. You'll ride the buses." He turned back to the other coaches at his table.

"I see his point Clay," Larry offered.

"I do too it's the old heir and a spare thing." Turning back to the Coach, "Might as well tell you now. I'm leaving with Sean immediately after the game. We're moving tomorrow and we have people coming to the house tonight." He turned and walked away not waiting for a response.

The four quarterbacks hit the buffet again and sat at a table as far from the coaches as possible. After their second breakfast the foursome sprawled out in four chairs in the lobby. Larry and Steve answered reporter questions but Antonio and Clay simple smiled and said, "No Comment," to each inquiry sent their way. At 7:55 the boarded their assigned buses. Steve pretended to stumble and fall in front of Coach Higgenbothan, which didn't earn him any points.

In the locker room the team began their preparation. Nude bodies were stretching, trainers were beginning to tape up the players, safety equipment and uniforms were being laid out. Coach Lee had lost the coin toss so BYU would be warming up on the field first. The Stallions had their warm up scheduled for 10:30 for an hour. Then they had one hour to have play reviews and a strategy session with the coaches. They would take the field at 12:45 five minutes after BYU.

Clayton and been moving around the locker room with his 9 inches swinging between his legs. He rarely did that before even though he was a naturist. He felt it made some guys uncomfortable. However since he came out in October he no longer cared. He was making friendly banter with his team mates. He heard a trainer call his name and he hustled over to grab his jock. He reported to the trainer who began taping him up for the game.

Sean roused just after 8. He saw the coffee on the night stand and smiled. "Clay is such a dear man. He took the time to make me coffee." He sat up, grabbed the cup and took a sip. Except for being cold, it was just like he preferred it. He took the coffee with him into the bathroom for his morning toilet. He saw Clay's packed suitcase near the door. "I need to have breakfast and pack. I also need to remember to say goodbye to Sonja and ask if I can leave my car here while I walk to the stadium," he thought to himself.

Coming from the bathroom he called and placed a simple bacon and eggs breakfast order with room service. He got out his team colors outfit and laid his FWB Sash with his wallet.. He gathered his leather items which he had used on Clay the night before and stored them in his backpack. Placing his suitcase on the bed he started to pack when there was the knock at the door and the muffled sound, "Room Service.'

Happy stood there with the tray of food. "I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see you one last time. I'm assigned to a wedding reception during lunch today and won't be on Sonja's table." He carried the food tray into the room and sat it on the table by the window. "I've really enjoyed playing with Clay and you. I hope you enjoyed me too. If its ok with you may we keep in touch? You already have my number."

Sean hugged the waiter tightly. "Yes, we enjoyed making your acquaintance and I'm sure I can speak for Clay too. We would love staying in touch. If you're in the Orlando area do call us as well."

Happy smiled and kissed Sean's cheek. "That's for you and Clay. Hope things go well for your team today. I've got to scoot." With that said he exited the room.

Sean paused to eat his breakfast. He thought about the day ahead. After breakfast he'd finish packing and call Sonja to ask about having lunch together and leaving his car here for the game. He'd leave for the game about 12:15 so he'd be in his seat when the team came out. Depending on circumstances the game would be over between 4 and 5 o'clock. He'd walk back to the hotel and wait for Clay in the lobby. He hoped to be on the road by 6PM and back at their house by 9:30 or 10. They were to pick up the U-Haul Sunday at 9AM and meet the friends who were helping them move at 10. Farm Boy would stay at the apartment to supervise the moving and drive the truck to the house. His family was gathering at the house at 11 to help him clean. Clay's Mother and brother would arrive around 1. It was going to be a busy Sunday.

After breakfast Sean finished packing up the room. He called the concierge to get a bell hop. Gordon arrived 10 minutes later.

"Sorry for the delay Sir. Everyone is checking out."

"Not a problem. Sonja says I can leave my car here until after the game."

"Very good, Sir. I'll put your things in the storage area until you return. I do hope you'll visit here again. I enjoyed our time together,' Gordon winked at Sean.

'Well Orlando isn't the other side of the planet either," Sean responded as he left to meet his godmother for an early lunch.

After a pleasant lunch with Sonja, Walls walked toward the stadium. There were fans everywhere from both teams. He understood the economic impact Bowl games have on a community. He wondered how much booze had been consumed last night by the fans and how much beer and alcohol were being consumed at the tailgate parties going on around the stadium. When he arrived it was 12;25 but he had to stand in line 15 minutes before finally being admitted. Once his ticket was scanned he headed to his seat on the 50 yard line. As he approached the sea of black and gold he pulled out his FWB sash and adorned himself with it. Gina and Cora Beth had saved him a seat. Both had driven down that morning. After hugs and kisses with his friends Sean waited the team's entrance.

At 12:40 the BYU Cougars Marching Band struck up, "Rise and Shout," the Cougars' fight song as the team stormed into the stadium. The north side fans screamed their approval and support for their team. The announcer made a reference to the team's captain and co-captains. Then at 12:45 The Marching Stallions broke into "Charge On," as the Stallions stampeded onto the field most with their right hands in the air with one finger pointed up. The south side of the Stadium erupted in cheers, applause, and feet stomping the bleachers. The announcer introduced the Four Co-Captains. Sean saw the signal as Clay ran onto the field with his left and raised with the number 1 - he was the starting quarterback. The Cougars Marching Band started the National Anthem. The captains and the referees approached center field. The quarterbacks all shook hands. The Cougars won the toss and to everyone's surprise chose to defend. The O-line formed up with Clay taking the lead. Sean saw Clay look toward the stands so he stood up and waved both hands and Clay acknowledged his presence by placing his hand over his heart. Unknown to the fans was that our spotter was watching the actions of a certain player on the Cougars to see if he would repeat his previous errors.

The ball was snapped. Clay followed their traditional playbook for his first pass which was complete but 1 foot short of a first down. It was obvious to us in the stands that the Cougars were prepared to defend against Clay's signature play. Yet on his second pass attempt he once more followed the pass to the right option. This time they achieved a first down. Coach Billy signed to Clay. In the huddle he told the team to set up to go right but he was passing left. The ball was snapped and the blockers kept the Cougar's defenders from tackling Clay until he passed to the left. The pass was completed and run into the end zone by running back, Tobias Prior. The stands erupt in cheers and "Charge ON," sounded in the stadium The extra point was good. Clay ran off the field and amid a lot of back slapping looked again toward Sean. Their eyes connected and their smiles broadened. Cougars scored on their possession but the extra point attempt failed. So the first quarter rotated back and forth between the teams and at the end of that first quarter of play they were tied.

Larry went in for the second quarter. Under the rules Clay could not renter the game now until the fourth quarter. It appeared as if the Cougars weren't seeing the hole in their own defense. Once more Stallions scored by going to the left. Cougars scored on their possession but failed to achieve the extra point. When Larry took the field he noted the Cougars had finally wised up and replaced the outside linebacker with a new player. He chose to repeat what had worked so far. The new player was on the ball he was quick and keep pace with Tobias and prevented the completion of the pass. Larry called for Arcadia. While the Cougars had prepared to defend against it they were not expecting it from Larry who usually threw to the center or right. Once more the Stallions scored and made the extra point. The defensive line held the Cougars at bay and their first possession of the second quarter resulted in a field goal. The game was starting to get tougher now. The Stallions next possession resulted in no touchdown and the kick was no good, The stallion's defense once more held off a touchdown from the Cougars but again they score a field goal. At the Half the Stallions were still ahead 20 to 16.

Sean headed for the men's room. As he waited his turn for a urinal several of the fans chatted with him about the game. Afterwards he got in line for iced tea and two hotdogs. He also bought a bag of cotton candy to share with Gina and Cora Beth. By the time he returned the Marching Stallions were taking the field for their halftime performance. After a fanfare they began with "Siege of Camylarde." It was followed by "Mordred's Lair," "Land of the King," and ended with the theme from "Excalibur."

The second half got underway. As Clay had predicted in his interview it was going to be a well fought game. The Cougars were ahead at the end of the third quarter 23 to 20. Clay reentered the game in the fourth quarter. His first play was his signature and the Stallions scored on the play. They moved ahead 27 - 23. Cougars responded with a touchdown of their own but not the extra point. BYU was leading 29 - 27 and there it stayed. As the game ended you could see the rejoicing on the north end of the stadium and the quiet support and applause for the Stallions on the south end.

"Well," Cora Beth began.

Gina interjected, "That's a deep subject." There was general laughter from those nearby.

"As I was about to say; we have some consoling to do when they get home." There was a general nodding of heads.

Sean stated, "Mine starts sooner than y'alls. We're driving home together tonight. At least he won't have to listen to anything on the bus."

"That reminds me what time do you want us at the apartment tomorrow?" Joan asked.

"10 AM," Gina answered. "I'm bringing coffee and donuts."

"Right you are," Sean confirmed. "I'm heading for the locker room door. Anyone care to join me?' Several nodded and followed Sean as he led the way. Walls sent a text to Clay." I'll be outside the locker room when you're ready to come out."

Clayton didn't answer him until 20 minutes later. "Just got your text. I'm showered. You want me clothed or naked?" with a smiley face emoji attached.

"Naked always but I don't want to visit you in jail. Get your ass dressed and get out here. Love you, Chief"

Ten minutes later Clay walked out in street clothes with his backpack and found Sean and a few of the FWBs waiting. "Thanks for hanging around," he said to the group. "I am sure we all appreciate seeing friendly faces. I know I sure do." He hugged Sean and kissed each of the women on their cheek. Then the two men headed back to the hotel.

Sean saw Gordon at the bellhop station in the lobby. He handed him his valet claim ticket. Within minutes the car was under the portico and Gordon loaded the luggage. The couple said goodbye to Sonja and then Gordon before they started on their way home.

Next: Chapter 75

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