Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Jun 16, 2021


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 73 Moving On Up

The Visitors' Locker Room was in pandemonium after the Stallions triumph over the Cougars. Larry was being given all the credit for getting under the opposing quarterback's skin. Larry on his part demurely acknowledged his teammates' compliments until a naked Joey Davis walked over and asked, "How did you know about the brother's small dick? You exchange dick pics?"

"Fuck you Davis. For all I know yours is smaller than Draws' brother," Larry stated laughing. "If you must know the info came from an FWB. I don't know his source."

"Hey Reed! How did your man find out about their small dicked quarterback."

"Hell if I know. Ask him when you see him," Clay retorted.

The tiny dick jokes continued as the team showered, ate and dressed. By 7pm they were loading the buses for the airport and their return flight to Orlando.

Coach Lee asked, "Clay do you mind me riding on Bus 2?"

"Doesn't matter to me; just don't sit with me."

Coach Lee nodded. He chose to ride on bus 3 to the airport. On the plane he took his seat at the front of the plane. Clay chose one of the seats in the plane's tail section.

Halfway through the flight Coach Higgenbothan came back. He told Antonio to take another seat and sat down next to Clay. "May I have a few minutes of your time Clay?

"Sure Coach. What's up?"

"I don't know what's happened between you and Coach Lee and frankly I don't give a shit. However, it's affecting team operations on some level. Anyway I've been sent back to speak with you about the bowl game."

"Alright Coach, I understand. I prefer speaking with you anyway. You're the Offensive Coordinator now and you control the quarterback squad. What do you need me to do?"

"We'd, the entire coaching staff, would like all four quarterbacks to be interviewed rather than just the outgoing senior. You, in particular, will be in demand not only because of you skill but also because you're, what's the word, out and about to be married. We want to make sure you're ready for the interest in your personal life."

"I appreciate your candor Coach. You're a straight shooter. I'll speak with Sean about how much we'll reveal about our personal lives. Afterwards I'll brief you. "

"Thanks Clay. You're a team player." The coach went back up front to report to Kurt.

Clay put his earbuds back in and closed his eyes.

Sean got home at 8:30 that evening. The team was due back at the stadium at 10pm. Clay had already told Sean he'd take the shuttle back with the other quarterbacks. He picked up the mail and went upstairs. Unlocking the door he entered and stripped. It felt good to be naked again. The cold air from the A/C perked up his nipples and they jutted out from his chest. He thought to himself, "Another green and warm Christmas, I think one year I'd like to experience snow on Christmas Day."

The apartment was way too quiet. Sean put on Lady Gaga's The Fame disc and "Just Dance" soon brought the apartment to life. As he booted up his lap top, Walls sorted and opened mail. He placed Clay's mail on his desk.

He turned his attention to emails. The stationery company confirmed that their wedding invitations would post on December 31. The next email confirmed that the irises would be available. The Inn acknowledged the menu selections and deposits. Everything was coming together. Miss Tina wanted them for final fittings Monday evening.

Sean's next task was to book his room for the Bowl game. Roberta had already told the hotel one room would be private pay. He pulled up the AD's email and clicked the payment link. He put in his credit card info and hit send. A few moments later his confirmation email arrived and he printed it out. He would drive down for the pregame festivities.

He put in a call to his Mom and Dad to let them know he was home safely. He brought them up to date on all the wedding plans. At 9:30 Clay sent him a text.

"Hello Chief! We're on the ground in Sanford. The Athletic Staff is taking care of the uniforms and equipment. We were told to grab our backpacks and get on the bus. See you in no more than an hour. Love you, FB"

"Love you too, C" Sean replied. He entered the kitchen and fixed himself an Aperol Spritz. He carried his drink into the living room, sat down, lit a few candles before settling in to enjoy the music and his drink. He was reflecting on how he was feeling very content and happy.

The next thing he was aware of was that his cock was being sucked. As he shook off the veil sleep he realized Clay had arrived home. The naked curly haired red head was hungrily sucking his lover's cock. Sean grabbed Farm Boy's head and held it in place on his next down stroke surprising him.

Sean released his grip after a few seconds and Clay began his upstroke. As he did he cast a loving look to his fiancé, his blue eyes sparkling in the candlelight.

"You're amazing on field and off! Let's move to the bedroom so I can show you how much I love and appreciate you."

Clay pulled Chief's cock from his mouth. He flashed his toothy grin at Sean, "I thought I'd be having a protein blast but looks like I might get the whole sausage."

Walls roared with laughter. "Sausage with a protein injection!" Both men laughed as they stood and embraced swapping spit. Sean led the way to their bed where he pushed Clay down on the mattress before jumping his bones. They returned to swapping spit while Chief's hands fondled Farm Boy's nipples, cock, balls, buttocks and asshole.

Farm Boy was on fire. He squirmed and moaned in delight as his Chief worked him up to a sexual frenzy. Sean moved down Clay's body leaving bite marks on his neck. He moved next to his fiancé's nipples. Nibbling on one, while pinching the other, had the sophomore squealing. The quarterback's chest and neck reddened in sexual arousal.

Sean gave his boy's abs little bites as he head down toward the groin. The hooded 9 inch prick was pouring out copious amounts of cock snot. It was pooling on quarterback's abs. Chief used his legs to pin Clay's arms before slurping the sweet goop up.

All Reed could do now was let whatever Chief had planned happen. With his arms pinned all he could do is lift his head and see Sean's tapered back and the top of his buttocks.

Sean used his teeth to nip at Clay's foreskin which brought a howl of protest. Chief answered the protest with another nip at the foreskin and a flick of his finger on the right ball. Then he retracted the foreskin. Using his fingernail he started circling the slick glans. Reed was going wild.

Walls checked his boy's balls. They were still loose. So he backed up a bit, leaned over and took his lover's prick down his throat in one stroke. He thought to himself, "Master Will taught me well," before bobbing up and down 6 times. "That was for that tremendous pass you threw," he told Clay.

Sean continued moving back toward Clayton's head. As he did so he grabbed the boy's legs and drew them back and up. He slid is ass back so it forced Clay's chin up and back. He used his tongue to lick the underside of Farm Boy's shaft. When he reached the scrotum he sucked on each ball separately before stuffing them both in his mouth. Using his tongue he pushed the balls against the roof of his mouth. Reed's moan reverberated against Wall's taint.

Releasing the balls Sean continued to tongue the perineum until he reached his goal - the rosebud between two melons. As he dove into Clay's ass with his tongue he repositioned his own ass on top of Farm Boy's mouth.

The quarterback didn't need an invitation. He kissed the ass lips of his Sir and worked his tongue diligently around the tender anal opening before curling his tongue and diving in himself. A quarter of an hour later they both came up for air. Sean dropping Clay's legs back onto the mattress before flipping down beside him.

The two kissed and swapped spit and funk tastes a few minutes. Sean reached for the ginger lube. He squirted it on his cock and worked his erection. He lifted Clay's right leg and exposed the ass he had recently rimmed before squirting the lube into it and working 4 fingers into the relaxed orifice.

"How you want me Chief - missionary, doggie, side saddle, or cowboy?"

"Well since you did so well in Houston let's try a reverse cowboy to start. I have something I want to try." Sean propped pillows against the headboard to lean back against. Clay positioned himself over chief's prick with his ass to his Sir and face toward Sir's feet. He rested his shins on the bed.

"Ready for the change up?" Clay nodded. "Squat over my cock." Clay got to his feet and squatted on top of the 9 inch nail which would soon pierce him. "You may control your penetration Farm Boy. When I'm inside you, sit all the way down. Then I'll give you the next step."

Clayton raised his ass and position Chief's cock at the entrance to his hole. He bore down and felt his anal rings open to welcome the now familiar visitor to his love chute. He continued his efforts until he made contact with his Chief's pubes.

"You're in Sir. It's good to feel you inside me again."

"It's only been what 26 hours since we last fucked."

"An eternity Sir! I burn for you almost constantly."

"Well we've got each other where we want. Now lay back against me." Clay lay back and Chief circled his chest with his arms. "Now lift your legs and try to bring your feet as far back as you can. Use your arms and shoulders to hold them up."

Clay began the stretch. He felt Sean's dick slide further inside. He locked his legs in place with his arms. "Done Sir you're in deeper."

Chief started to thrust his cock in and out. There would be no rapid strokes on this fuck. This was slow and purposeful. Sean began rotating his hips to increase the sensations for both of them. He began playing with Clay's nipples causing him to squirm on top of the prick spearing his ass.

Both men were panting from the physical exertion needed to maintain their positions. Clay was leaking like a sieve from being stimulated anally and his nipples being worked. The precum was flowed like a faucet from his hooded shaft.

Sean could feel the pressure building in his balls. This was different from other fucks. This was more erotic and exotic. His mind imagined how the velvety folds of flesh in Clay's bowels were caressing him tightly as his cock shaft put pressure on Farm Boy's prostate.

Unexpectantly Reed shuddered as 3 large volleys of semen burst from his loins. His bowels spasmed and his anus clenched the clock invading it. Sean released 4 loads of seed into Clay's furrow.

Clayton released his legs. They felt likegelatin after the stretched position in which they had been held. He rolled off Sean and faced his lover smiling that sappy grin of his. "Want to go for seconds?"

"Shh! Someone may hear you and think you're sex crazed!" Sean laughed.

"I am crazy about your cock."

"Let's get some sleep. We've got a busy week ahead."

"You nailed it Chief in more ways than one," Clay stated as he spooned his leaking ass back against his lover. Sean threw his right arm and leg over his boy. Light snoring could soon be heard emanating from their bedroom.

Monday morning the couple returned to their normal routine. Clay was up I at 5 and out for his run. When Sean woke at 7 his coffee was waiting on his nightstand. He smiled at the thoughts of how well Clay took care of him. He sat up on the edge of the bed. He listened but didn't hear anything. Picking up his coffee he sipped it and padded off into the living area.

Clay was not visible. Sean continued around the room dividers. Farm Boy was not in the kitchen but plates were on the table with warming covers. He proceeded to the Locker Room to find Clay slumped over his desk.

"Clay! What's wrong?" he called as he rushed to the quarterback's side. Clay lifted his head and flashed a big smile at his Chief.

"I didn't know you cared," he quipped.

"You fucking jackass! You scare me like that again and I'll beat your ass twice as hard as I did that Texan." Sean punched Clay in his left shoulder.

"I finished getting breakfast ready and was going to check email. When I sat down I realized I was really tired so I put my head down for a quick nap." He pushed back from his desk, jumped up and hugged Sean. "Let's not let the fajitas become any cooler." He led the way out to the dining table. As Sean sat down Clay whipped off the warmer cover to reveal a bacon, onion and spinach fajita. Fresh strawberries lined the side of the plate, an onion sesame behalf was oozing melted butter, V-8 and water sat to the side. They sat and talked about the day ahead.

"This is delicious. You've done a fantastic job as usual." Sean leaned over and kissed his fiancé. "I'm going to check emails, pay bills, and do some Christmas shopping before practice at 3. What's your plan?"

"Coach Billy wants the quarterback's at noon for a working lunch. Then at 1 we see the film from the last game and at 2 highlights of BYU's last game. Practice 3:30 to 5:30. Dinner at home and then being fucked senseless by Sean Walls." The smile broke across his handsome face as he winked at Sean.

"Maybe he won't be available." Sean commented. "I hear he's been quite in demand recently." he shot back a smile of his own.

"Really? With whom could he possibly be busy?"

"Noah Silvester, Mike, Cameron or Cooper Draws for starters."

"Okay so I know about Noah and Cameron. Who the hell are Mike and Cooper?" Clay demanded a little more forcefully than he intended.

"Except for Cam, all asses I've fucked in the past 48 hours."

"You we're real busy in Texas."

"Oh and Karl, the flight attendant, but he just gave me a blow job."

"Damn I'm surprised you could get it up last night."

"Oh I got a special thing for curly headed red headed sophomore quarterbacks"

"Guess my time is limited. I get promoted at the end of the season."

"Maybe my tastes will mature with him." Sean fired back.

"When did you have time for all this fucking?" Clay asked with an irked tone on his voice.

Sean briefly explained the where but not the when. Clay shook his head in disbelief.

"You sure fucked around a lot," a touch of hurt appearing in his voice.

"Whoa there Mister. We talked about this early on. We were both free to fuck. "

"Yeah I know. I'm pissed I missed out on some damn good sex."

Sean stood up and presented his cock to Clay who knelt and started sucking his Sir's cock while jacking his own. 15 minutes later the kneeling quarterback got an extra blast of protein for his breakfast.

Clay was cleaning up from breakfast while Sean started checking his emails. There was an email from Master Robert. He whistled for Clay and opened the email.

"What do you need Chief?"

"We've got an email from Master Robert."

It was dated Sunday evening at 10pm.

"Good evening Sean and Clay, we were wondering if we can move up the closing to Tuesday or Wednesday? My boss wants us in London by this Friday. Please let me know.

With our compliments, Robert and Lawrence"

"Oh, can we get it together for tomorrow?"

"Not sure Farm Boy. I'll call Henry." Sean dialed his attorney who answered on the first ring. "Morning Henry, Sean Walls here. Were you sitting on the phone?"

"Morning Sean! I was just reaching for the phone to call you. The sellers want to move up closing."

"Yes, that's why we're calling. We're agreeable if it's possible."

"In our planning we were aiming to have everything ready to go by 5pm today. Moving it up is no big deal. What time works for you tomorrow or Wednesday?"

"Wednesday's out. We'll be in Boca Raton through Saturday. Clay what time are you available Tuesday?"

Clay went to the printer and picked up the schedule he had printed earlier in the morning. "Looks like Coach Higgenbothan has scheduled the quarterbacks from 11-1 to go over play strategy. Practice starts at 2 and runs to 6. We leave for Boca Wednesday at 7 am."

"From what you're saying I'll shoot for 9 am. That work for you guys?"

"Sure Henry, thank you. See you tomorrow and thank you."

"You're welcome guys. See you tomorrow." They ended the call.

The two men looked at each other and grinned before jumping up into each other's arms. They danced around celebrating the unexpected news.

"Chief can we sleep in our own home tomorrow night?"

"Let me call Duke Energy about moving up the transfer of accounts. Let's get our day started."

Clay returned to kitchen duty. Sean called Duke Energy. The Customer Service Rep pulled up the account. "Mr. Walls we see the transfer was scheduled for Dec 24. You need it moved to tomorrow?"

"Exactly, the sellers requested an earlier closing"

"One moment please Sir. Let me make the change." The representative could be heard typing info into the computer. "Sir, do you still want a Dec 31 cutoff at your current address?

"Yes, please, we'll have enough time to move out at our place and clean it."

"Very good Sir. Thank you for being a Duke Energy Customer."

"Gotta quarter Clay?" Sean called.

"In the center drawer," Farm Boy responded.

"Get it!"

Clay stomped into the Locker Room and looked at Sean, "Seriously, you want me to leave the kitchen cleaning to walk in here and get you a quarter in the desk drawer 3 feet away from you?" He gave Sean the stink eye.

Sean returned the stink eye and answered, "Yes."

Clay stomped to his desk, pulled open the drawer, grabbed the quarter and tossed it at Sean. Sean caught the coin flipped it into the air caught it flipped it over onto the back of his hand.

"Call it!"


Sean uncovered his hand and showed it to Clay. "Heads it is. We sleep in our new home tomorrow night." Then he returned to paying bills. He ignored Clay leaving the room.

After paying the bills he sent emails to his folks as well as Clay's informing them the closing was moved up to this Tuesday at 9. Then he called a locksmith in Union Park. He scheduled for the man to meet him at the house on Tuesday at 11:30.

Sean started the shower in the Locker Room. The water warmed quickly as the dishwasher was running on the other side of the wall. He stepped in and did a quick wash and rinse. After toweling off he padded across the apartment to the bedroom. Entering the walk-in closet he selected a powder blue long sleeve shirt, pink chinos, brown belt with moccasins.

Sean sat on his bed and pulled on the chinos. He heard the toilet flush and the faucets turn on in the bathroom. Moments later Clay emerged still drying his hands on a hand towel.

"I wouldn't go in there for a while. Something must have crawled up in me and died." Clay chuckled before flashing his wide grin.

"Oh I see you're either telling me my spunk stinks or your shit doesn't stink," Sean quipped back. They enjoyed a laugh.

"I love the way we make each other laugh."

"Yeah, we're going to love and laugh our way through life."

"You going to be safe going out dressed like that Chief? You look food enough to eat."

"You had your morning protein and I think I can fight off any hungry savages. " He kissed Clay. "I'll be in the FWB section at practice." Then grabbing his wallet and keys he headed for his emerald green Supra.

Clay called his mother. "Hi Mom, did y'all get to watch any of the game?"

"Oh yes Junior! You know what Saturdays are like here." Martha Reed greeted her oldest son. "How are you and Sean?"

"We're awesome Mom. We have some news."

"You eloped!" Martha teased.

"Not with all the deposits we've put down." Junior laughed. "The closings been moved up to tomorrow morning. Sean got the power company to transfer the account to us tomorrow instead of Christmas Eve. We're going to sleep in our place tomorrow night."

"That's so exciting Junior. I can't wait to tell your Dad. Do you still want us to come up and help you move?"

"That's an affirmative Mom! But since we've got a few extra days, do you think y'all could come up Sunday? My thoughts were you could help us clean the main house. They have enough artificial plants and flowers all over the place to open a store."

"Dust catchers for sure. RJ and I will come up Sunday after church. I'll talk to your sisters about going to your place Sunday instead of driving home Saturday. That will give them an extra day with their boyfriends."

"That will make Mary Liz and Hannah happy."

"Your Dad will come up Christmas Eve morning and bring your grandmother. Your Aunt and Uncle and grandparents will be up for Christmas. Y'all are still planning on a big joint celebration?"

"Yes Mom, Sean has been planning on a big buffet. It's going to a Swedish Christmas."

"Well you tell him he doesn't have to do all the cooking."

"I will Mom. The quarterback's are meeting with Coach Billy soon. I need to run. Love you loads and I'll see you Sunday afternoon. Drive safe!" He made a smooching sound.

"Love you too, Junior." She smooched back and they ended the call.

Clay jumped into the shower and took his time scrubbing down. He paid careful attention to cleaning his foreskin and asshole. He noted that his pubes were growing back. "I wonder why Chief is letting me get hairy down here again?" he thought to himself. He debated trimming up but figured he'd ask Sean for permission first. He finished getting ready before heading to the Locker Room.

Just as he opened his email he received notification from the University his grades were posted. He quickly opened a new window and signed into his account. He navigated to grades. His eyes popped out of his head. - Straight A's!! He jumped up from his chair, pumped the air and did a happy dance. "There's a first time for everything!!!! Must be Sean insisting on study time." he thought.

Farm Boy called Sean.

"What's up babe? " Sean answered.

"Guess who got straight A's?"


Clay was slightly perturbed. "Good for you! Me too!" He regained his happy place. "Thank you for setting up our study times together. It kept me focused. It's just another reason to love you."

"Congratulations Babe! I'm proud of you. You're an accomplished and scholarly athlete. Our children are going to be blessed."

"Children? We never talked about children!"

"Oh sweet man, sooner or later I'm going to get you pregnant!" Sean laughed.

Farm Boy laughed as well. "Well you do plant that seed deep. You enjoy shopping. I'm heading to the Quarterbacks' meeting with Coach Billy. I love you."

"I love you too!"

Clay grabbed his keys and ID and headed out. He got to the parking lot at the same time as Larry, Antonio and Steve.

"Want to ride with us?" Larry hollered across the lot.

"Sure do guys!" he hollered back as he jogged over to Larry's vehicle and got into the back seat.

Antonio asked, "Everybody check their grades?

There was a chorus of, "Yes".

"So give. I had 2 A's and 2B's" Antonio stated.

Larry went next, "Straight B's."

Steve followed with, "1 A, 2 B's, 2 C's."

"Oh that's right you underclassmen have to carry an extra composition class," Antonio commented.

"Guess I'm next," Clay noted, He was trying very hard to hide his glee. "For the first time here I got straight A's!"

The car erupted in cheers. Larry added, "Well that will shut the coach's mouth about too much sex interferes with study. I think we're all well laid and well educated."

More laughter filled the car as they made their way to the university and coaches' office suite.

Sean had opted for The Florida Mall to do his shopping. He went to Build-A-Bear and created 6 unique teddy bears with accessories for the impending arrivals on his family. He browsed Casa Febus for some design inspirations for their new home.

Next he sepped into Michael Kohl's. He didn't find what he wanted to buy the men in his family. He stepped into the Rolex store where he purchased a Milgause Rolex watch for Clay's Christmas gift. He arranged to have it engraved, "Our First Christmas" and delivered to him at their new home Dec. 24th.

Sean walked out and sat down on a bench. He took out his phone and looked up Portland Leather. Scanning their product list he found DOPP bags in 3 colors. He made a list of the names of the 15 men for whom was ordering placing their initials next to each name. He began the order. He was getting five in each color. He tried to make sure men in the same house had different color bags.

Now he had to think of gifts for the 12 women. He meandered to Neiman Marcus's Women's Accessories. He looked at clutch purses. He thought about slippers. Then he spied a display of scarves. The Mila & Such designs would appeal to the younger women and the Eileen Fisher would appeal to the more mature ladies. He made his selections and asked for them to be gift wrapped. It took an hour but when he left each of the 12 women's gifts were wrapped and labeled. It was time to head home.

Traffic was a nightmare. The Interstate 4 parking lot was living up to its name. The 408 was a bit better. He arrived back at the apartment at 2:15. He deposited the shopping bags on the futon in the Locker Room.

He checked his email. Henry Bixley had confirmed the closing for 9AM at the Watsworth Title Agency next to his office. There was a response from his morning email to the parents about the closing. Both sets sent their congratulations and best wishes. An email from Tina reminded him to pick the finish's tuxedos that evening. He replied asking if 7pm would work. To which she responded with a "K."

His 30 minute warning went off for practice. He grabbed his keys and headed out to the stadium. Twenty-five minutes later he had parked and walked to his gate.

Leo Hoch, the security guard, greeted him with a high five. "How ya been Sean? Ready for the holidays and jumping the broom?"

"Good to see you Leo! I finished Christmas shopping today. We close on our house tomorrow. We're hosting everybody for Christmas Dinner. Yeah we pick up our tuxedos tonight and the invitations go out Dec 31."

"Man you two guys sure have your shit together. I wish you the best," he said slapping Sean on the back with one hand and shaking the younger man's hand with the other.

His slight delay to talk to Leo meant Sean wasn't there when the team took the field. Clay was disappointed he wasn't in the bleachers. When he got to his seat there were only 3 other FWBs present. Sean pulled off his shirt so that he was now bare chested and waved his it back and forth wildly.

"Jeff Olsen, one of the wide receivers hollered, "There's something you don't see every day - a topless FWB. Practice just stopped as everyone on the field turn toward the seats. Then the laughter started. Clay blushed. Practiced continued and Sean left his shirt off to catch the last rays of the day.

Ashley, who has rejoined the FWBs after getting back with Tommy Wrest, kept staring at Sean's pecs and abs. She involuntarily licked her lips. An action not lost on Gina.

"Forget it Ash. He only goes one way and it's not in our direction," she whispered.

"What a waste!"

Toward the end of practice Sean pulled his shirt back on. As the team left the field he strolled toward the team's locker room exit. Eventually Clay came out.

"How was your day Chief?"

"Busy and it's not done. Tell me about yours. The car is over there." He tilted his head toward the parking lot and extended his hand. His fiancé grasped it as they walked through the gate.

Once in the car Clay gave Chief a full run down of all the meetings prior to practice. At the end he opined, "If I'm ever a coach I hope I am never as critical as these guys. They were happy we won but they focused on the screw ups rather than what worked and could work again."

"It's like quite a few of these professors we have here. It's my way or the highway. He pulled into the drive through at a Japan Express on Aloma. He ordered two miso soups, hibachi chicken and green tea. Once they had their order they headed to Tina's

When they arrived at the Art Center they took the time to eat dinner before going to Tina's workroom. She buzzed them in.

"I hope you like my work. I tried to make each tuxedo sexy for gay boys," she told them while leading them to the back fitting area. There were three seamstresses and two tailors still hard at work on other projects

Two mannequins stood on the floor covered by sheets. She motioned for the boys to be seated. The other workers stopped and gathered around. Tina nodded and each tailor walked forward and whisked away the sheets unveiling the completed work.

"Oh my God! Tina this is the finest work I've ever seen!" Sean stood up and approached his tux. It was done in midnight blue with peak lapels. It had a single button. The slacks were edged with midnight blue silk stripes on both legs and the waistband. For the shirt Tina had designed a spread collar with a placard. She had also chosen to pique the material on each side of the placard. Two ties were provide both silk in midnight blue one a bow tie the other a standard neck tie.

Clay's was similarly styled but in a deep, almost black, green. "I've never seen such a dark green Tina. What is it called?"

"You are one funny gay guy. You should know all colors. It is called NY Marsh." She chuckled.

"Guess I didn't get that gay gene," Farm Boy responded before busting out laughing.

"You boys try on now. Chien you help Mr. Sean and Minh you help Mr. Clay."

The two tailors led their customers to separate dressing rooms. Once inside, Chien said, "Let me help you remove clothes please." He reached for the buttons on Sean's shirt. Sean let himself be stripped. Chien had suspected from the way Tina had cut the trousers that this man was packing. He was surprised at the hose hanging off this gorgeous green eyed blond. He then walked back and forth from the mannequin bringing the pieces and assisting Sean in putting them on.

In the other room Clay was being given the same treatment by Minh. However Minh was touching as much skin as possible. He too had suspected the huge package Tina had allowed for in the trousers. He ached to touch it and longed to suck it. He knew to do so would end his employment. So he kept his hands away from the tempting cock.

Once they were dressed the two men walked out to see each other in the tall mirrors. They were both stunned at how well the tuxedos showed off each other's bodies.

Sean bowed to Tina. "You certainly did make us sexy gay boys!" Both men hugged her. They changed back into their street clothes while Chien and Minh bagged the ensembles for them. Sean settled the bull and included a $200 tip. The happy couple headed home.

Tuesday morning Farm Boy slept in. He silenced his alarm and snuggled back against his Chief's erect prick. Sean draped his right arm over his lover naturally. He didn't wake until his alarm went off at 7. He was surprised and pleased to find Clay in bed with him.

"Morning Farm Boy. Did I tell you today that I love you?"

Clay rolled over and smiled broadly. "Not in so many words, but," he grasped Sean's dick, "this has been poking my ass since 5 am!" They chuckled together and shared their first kiss of the day.

"If we didn't have the closing, I'd show you how much I love you," he informed Clay by doing a few pelvic thrusts. "Let's shower and go out for breakfast."

Clay headed for the Locker Room toilet while Sean used the main bathroom. While he sat on the commode Sean brushed his teeth, spitting the resulting saliva into the bath tub. He turned on the water and pulled the shower curtain into place before pulling the toggle up to redirect the stream to the shower head. He chuckled to himself for multitasking as he wiped his ass before flushing.

Farm Boy returned and the two climbed into the shower. After scrubbing each other down and rinsing they also shaved before stepped from the shower to towel off. Sean opted for a pumpkin spice deodorant by Native while Clay went with Vanilla.

"Clay I think we should dress up for the closing on our first house."

"You mean wear the tuxedos?"

"No, but it calls for more than jeans or shorts. Dress slacks, button down shirts, tie and a jacket."

"Okay Chief, I'll wear whatever you think is best."

Sean laid out black pants with a pale yellow shirt, black tie and black suit jacket for Clay. He chose a brown pair of slacks blue shirt, a striped blue and brown tie with a brown hounds tooth sports jacket.

The two dressed and headed for Johnny's Diner. After a breakfast of bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast and coffee they headed to the Title Company next to Henry's office. Robert and Lawrence were already there as there car was already in the lot. Henry came out of his office just as they got out of the Supra.

"You two look ready to do business," Henry commented. He was dressed in a blue pinstriped suit.

"We're anxious to get it done and to start moving in," Sean replied giving his attorney a familial hug.

Clay shook Henry's hand adding, "We sure do appreciate everything you did to move this along."

"Well this shouldn't take long. They sign. You sign and the title company gives them the option of paper check or wire transfer. They hand over the keys and you're out the door."

"Easy enough," Sean replied as he opened and held the door for Henry and Clay to enter. Robert and Lawrence were in the reception area and rose to greet the men as they arrived. Henry went back to see the owner.

"We hope you two will be as happy at Oak Haven as we've been. It is rather hard to leave." Robert commented.

Lawrence put his hand on Robert's shoulder. "We're ready for a new adventure Sir. If we don't like it overseas we can come back to the States."

The intercom buzzed and the receptionist announced that they were ready in the conference room. She invited the four men to follow her.

Henry was seated at a table with Cameron by his side. "Sean you and Clay sit over here please. He indicated the seats beside him."

Another man entered bearing a notary seal. "Good morning gentlemen! I'm Larry Streble. I'll be conducting the closing. Mr. Roster and Mr. Small if you'll sit here please."

Mr. Streble began by summarizing the deal. He asked, "Henry have you reviewed the contracts and closing materials. Are they acceptable to your clients?"

"They are Larry. We're ready to proceed.

"Robert and Lawrence, we are in receipt of $725,000 from Sean and Clay. Are you ready to proceed with the sale? "

"We are," they said together.

Larry recapped what the title search had revealed. He went through the papers Robert and Lawrence had to sign to release their ownership of Oak Haven. After each document was signed Larry motorized their signatures.

"Your turn," Larry said turning to Sean and Clay. "You are paying cash for the property and there will be no mortgage. Your signatures here," he pointed to a space on the document, " accepts the transfer the property to you in its entirety. It also acknowledges that taxes have been paid for the year and that closing costs are borne by the sellers. This last paper releases us to pay out of the escrow account to the sellers.

As they signed the documents Larry motorized their signatures.

Congratulations gentleman your purchase of Oak Haven is complete. Now we transfer the keys.

Robert began to explain the keys. "This set is for our special room in the stable. We locked it so that anyone helping you move won't discover it accidentally."

"We appreciate your discretion in our shared interest," Sean smiled and nodded.

"This set is to the side door of the garage. These are the garage openers and here is the current code for your cars if you have built in openers." Lawrence explained.

"We terminated our Security Company as of Friday. Just in case here is the security code if you need it." Robert passed a card with the code written on it as well as the name of the service they had utilized. "Finally here are the keys to the house. The kitchen and front door are keyed alike. Those are the brass keys. The sliding doors are also keyed alike. The smaller silver keys are for them." He passed the keys to Sean and Clay.

Larry stood which signaled the end of the closing. Everyone shook hands and Sean, Clay, Henry and Cameron head out. Robert and Lawrence resumed to their seats to arrange for the wire transfer of their proceeds.

Outside the guys thanked Henry and Cameron again.

Henry asked, "Do you need Cameron today to help with the move?"

"Not today. Thank you. We want some time there by ourselves. Then family starts helping Sunday with the move. I'll let you know Cam. I have your number."

"Yes Sir. Anyway I can be of service," Cam stated choosing his words to provide a double meaning.

"Excellent! I'll scan your documents into your files. Then Cameron can deliver them to you next week."

Sean and Clay headed to the apartment. When they got home they changed clothes. Clay packed what he'd need for the trip to Boca Raton. Then he packed his backpack for practice. Sean too packed his suitcase for the trip.

"Clay before you head out, please put the coolers in the kitchen. I'm going to take most of the food this trip."

"Will do. Do you want me to meet you at the house after practice or here?"

"If we meet here we can take more clothes. What do you think?"

"I'm not thinking clothes but sex toys. Neither one of us want to explain those to our mothers."

"Good point. I'll meet you here after practice."

Clay put the two coolers in the kitchen. He went back to Sean, hugged and kissed him before heading to the stadium.

Sean finished up packing his clothes and moved his luggage to the door. Next he packed up the food from the fridge and freezer. He carried everything downstairs in four trips. He headed for Oak Haven.

Thirty-five minutes later he pulled up to the garage of his new home. Unlocking the kitchen door, he opened it and walked in. He sat his keys down and started moving things in. He unpacked the freezer items first. The cooler items were next.

He moved his suitcase to the master suite. The doorbell rang. He checked the time on his Fitbit. It was the locksmith and he was early. Sean had him rekey everything. He had 5 sets of keys made. One set each for Clay and himself. The other three were for their parents and a secure drop box.

As the locksmith worked, Sean began gathering plastic flower arrangements, loading them into black garbage bags. He started by removing the geraniums from the tops of the kitchen cabinets. He used a utility ladder he found in the pantry. As he removed the first bunch a cloud of dust caught him in his face. He sneezed and coughed.

Sean had to wash his face in the kitchen sink. He found the towel drawer and used a tea towel to dry his face. Then he used it to form a dust mask. He resumed removing the plastic geraniums. He filled an entire garbage bag with just the fake flowers in the kitchen.

He tackled the breakfast nook and dining rooms next. They weren't as bad as the kitchen but he still filled a black garbage bag between the two rooms.

The family room was loaded. They has flowering vines draped around the ceiling hiding the beautiful carved crown molding. Sean marveled at the intricately carved wood which had been marred by industrial staples to hold the flowering vines in place. Sean thought he would research how to repair them.

Robert and Lawrence had put up a 10 foot artificial tree. It was obviously a quality piece. Sean decided he'd try to get Clay to keep it up this year but would suggest a smaller live tree for either the foyer or Living room.

The locksmith interrupted his musings. "Excuse Mr. Walls, I've finished the main house and garage. What do you want to do with the stable?"

"Care for a bottle of water or some iced tea? Sean asked.

"Water would be appreciated. By the way here are the 5 key sets for which you asked."

"Thank you," Sean said as he took off his mask and handed the locksmith a bottle of water. "Let's go discuss the stable." The two left the house and walked across the yard to the stables. "There are six large stalls. The two on the far end have been converted into a playroom for lack of a better word."

"You mean dungeon, Master Robert's hobby is well known out here in Christmas. He got more secretive after some guy called the sheriff on him. It all got hushed up though. We old timers know."

"Well my fiancé and I have the same hobby. But we want to secure the space in a better fashion. What do you suggest?"

"Let's start with these barn doors. I suggest you simply use padlocks to secure them unless you're out here every day. You can update the lock on this door to the tack room by adding a deadbolt and keying it to match the house and garage."

They walked into the unused tack room. Dusty and moldy saddles sat on wooden saw horses. "What a mess! I can envision this as my design office. It will take a lot to get it cleaned out. I do like the idea of one key fits all though. This first stall will house my design studio. The next stall we'll turn into a weight / exercise room. That leaves two stalls available either for horses or storage. I don't want the same key for the dungeon though."

"May I suggest you refit that sliding barn door Robert had installed. You can see how he used a chain and padlock. You can have the metal glide shortened so the door doesn't slide. Then add a door with locking latch to it -- a door within a door." It can be keyed differently so that you control who has access."

"Do you know a handyman who can keep his mouth shut and do the work?"

"I do. Me," he chuckled. "I'll do it myself. I'll charge you parts and $35 an hour labor."

"Sean held at his hand to shake the locksmith's hand. "Sound as if we have a deal. Can you get it done by Saturday? The parents arrive Sunday. "I have another house to rekey today and one tomorrow morning. I'll plan on being here by 11:00 to start the work."

"We leave for the Boca Bowl tomorrow morning."

"Not a problem for me. With your permission I'll rekey the tack room door today and hold onto a key. I'll have the job all finished by Saturday. Monday I'll drop by to make sure you're happy and return the spare key and the new keys to the playroom."

"That's great. I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

"I'm Opie Taylor and yes my folks name me after Ron Howard's character from the Andy Griffin show. I live just down the road on the right - big old yellow house. Let me get this written up. If you will, I'll collect for the main house and garage today and Monday we can settle us this project."

"Sounds like a plan Opie. Let's go back to the main house." Sean led the way and Opie followed. Inside he said, "Please wait here a moment." He went into the master bedroom and retrieved the checkbook. "How much do I owe you Opie?"

"Let's figure it up. It's $40 for the service call and $15 a lock for the 9 locks so that $135 and 5 key sets is $25 so today's total is $214 including tax. It's here on the bill."

Sean wrote the check for Taylor & Son Locksmiths. He handed the check over. Opie marked the bill paid and handed Sean the receipt. Tyalor headed out.

Sean started on the Living Room. It too was loaded with green vines. Its crown molding was of a different pattern but still intricately carved. While the family room had been geometric in design the living room molding was carve in oak and acorn structures.

By 3:30 he had finished bagging up the wines and myriads of fake coreopsis from the Living Room. He started on the Master Suite. Luckily it was the only bedroom which had very few artificial arrangements. He hauled the bags out to his Supra. They filled the trunk, back seat and passenger seat. He still had 2 bags he couldn't take with him.

Walls grabbed his laptop, put on the outside lights, and locked up the house. He headed to a Goodwill Drop Off and donated all the fake greenery. He knew Clay wouldn't be looking for him at the stadium. He headed to the apartment.

The apartment was strangely quiet and small as he walked in. He headed for the Locker Room and opened up his lap top. He did a quick check on security companies. Robert and Lawrence had used Total Home Security. He compared them to Brinks and ADT. He called all three. Total was willing to let him continue with their service by simply activating it when he got back to the house. He would even keep the same rate as Robert and Lawrence had paid.

He went back in the bedroom and started taping up boxes and packing up clothes. He listened to the soundtrack of "Guardians of the Galaxy" while he worked. Someplace during "O-o-o Child" and "Spirit in the Sky" Clay arrived home.

Clay stripped and headed into the bedroom. "Hey Chief! What about House Rules!"

Sean jumped in surprise. He grabbed his chest, "You trying to give me a heart attack or something! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry Sir!" He knelt down and kissed Sean's feet. "What do you need me to do."

"Put our bed pillows in a bag to take with us. We won't be on our own mattress tonight and that will at least give us something familiar to sleep with." Clay grabbed the pillows and stuffed them in a white trash bag. He put them by the door.

Sean finished packing the last of the clothes. "Okay, all the cold food went earlier. So did our suitcases. I dropped off 5 bags of flowers to Goodwill. Put your clothes on and help put as many boxes in the two cars as possible." There was a knock on the door.

Sean answered. It was Larry, Antonio, Steve and C.J. "We're here to help!" they said in unison.

"We are just about to load up the cars with clothes. The big move will be Monday."

"Well we've got CJ's truck. We'll load your clothes in there. Right guys start carrying boxes."

"Since we have the truck let's take the stuff we boxed from the Locker Room," Clay suggested.

"Good thinking. Less for the Rents to ask about," Sean agreed. "You get those and I'll pack up the pantry."

Thirty -five minutes later the 6 men had packed the truck and Sean and Clay's cars. Clay turned off the central heat and air unit and locked up the apartment. They followed Sean in a caravan to Oak Haven.

When they arrived Sean and Clay pulled up in front of the garage. Sean motioned the guys to park the truck by the kitchen door.

"How about the grand tour before we unload?" Sean asked.

The group agreed.

"But first, we have to do a little ceremony at the front door." Sean led the way around to the front. He unlocked the door and swung it open. Then he turned to Clay. He picked the quarterback up in his arms and carried him across the threshold. Setting Farm Boy down Sean kissed him and said, "Now you can never leave me."

"Shades of The Rape of the Sabine Women," Steve chuckled. The guys all applauded.

Antonio noted, "Anyone that can pick that up and carry it up two steps and across the threshold as well as another 4 feet inside the door is not a motherfucker to be messed with!"

Everyone laughed.

"Welcome to Oak Haven!" Clay smiled and spread his arms wide. This is the foyer. To your right is the formal living room. He flicked on the light switch illuminating the lamps in the room. Across this hallway is the formal dining room," he led the way. "Down this hallway is our passion pit, I mean the Master Bedroom Suite." He threw open the door and turned on the lights. "This is where the clothing boxes will go," he pointed to his right to the dressing area.

"Holy shit guys!" Larry emoted. "This is as big as your whole apartment!"

The team checked out the sitting and dressing area before marveling at the bath with the Roman tub and the outdoor rock grotto shower.

"This way to the family room, Clay led them back down the hall past the living and dining room and into the foyer. He swung open the French Doors and they entered the family room, breakfast nook and kitchen area.

Antonio whistled at the expanse before him. "This is going to be party central!"

"You think! Look at this." Sean turned on the pool and lanai lights. The men stood with their mouths open. "There's another outdoor shower, changing room, tennis court and volleyball pit in addition to an outdoor kitchen and barbecue."

"When's the housewarming?" Steve inquired.

Sean and Clay looked at each other and shrugged.

"We haven't talked about that yet. Let us show you the upstairs then we'll get unloaded. You still have bed check tonight. Clay you do the honors I have to do some business with the security company."

Clay led their friends back into the foyer. He showed them the library, now devoid of books, before leading them upstairs.

Sean retrieved his lap top from the car and sat in the breakfast nook as he called Total Home Security. The service rep pulled up the address.

"Yes Mr Walls. I see the notes here. Your credit check cleared. Will you be putting a card on file or getting a paper bill?"

"Can I set that up online?"

"Yes Sir. Do you want to do that now?"

"Yes, please."

The rep provided the website info and Sean created an account. He entered his payment information. Then the rep helped him navigate the site to change the security code. That changed he added Clay's name to the account. As he finished up Clay returned with his teammates.

"I thought you deflowered the place this afternoon," he quipped.

"Fuck, it took all afternoon just to do the first floor. We'll finish Sunday. You guys want something to drink? We have beer, sodas and water. Just get what you want from the drink cooler and get stuff moved inside."

Forty minutes and 10 beers later, all the boxes were deposited in their proper locations. Clay took care of the leather boxes himself moving them to the stable and locking them behind the dungeon door.

"We hate to run but bed check is in 45 minutes," Antonio announced. "See you on the morning."

"We can't thank you guys enough. We'll have you over for a proper thank you after the holidays," Sean called as they pulled away.

The couple pulled their cars into the garage. Closed the doors and went into the house. They secured the doors. Sean and Clay worked as a team to put food away in the pantry. They discovered had Robert and Lawrence had left food behind. Some they would eat, others would go to a food bank. The same thing occurred in the chest freezer.

After the kitchen the guys headed for their bedroom. "I'll take the closet on the left. You get the one on the right," Sean informed Clay.

"Yes Chief," I don't think either of us will fill these things up. They're huge."

"We'll just have to visit Tina more often," Sean chuckled. Clay roared.

At 10 Coach Billy Higgenbothan called. Clay answered. "Hi Coach! Bed check?"

"More than that; I'm standing outside your apartment. You're not home."

"Sorry Coach but I am home. Sean and I closed on a house this morning."

"Sorry Clay. Congratulations on the house. Some asshole reported to the AD that all the quarterbacks took off together. I got called out to catch y'all. Just a reminder though. Be at the stadium by 6:55 AM. We pull out at 7. By the way where's your home now?"

"Its in Christmas Coach. It's called Oak Haven. We'll have y'all out after the holidays. See you in the morning. Night Sir."

"Good night Clay."

"Did you get any of that?"

"Yeah sounds like typical bullshit. Should we shower in the tub or the rock shower?

"Rock shower Sir, I'll get it ready." Clay scampered off. Sean hung up a few more of his clothes. He unpacked their pillows and threw them on the bed. He started looking for towels. Those he found in a linen closet.

"You coming," Clay hollered.

"That depends on your ass!" Chief quipped back. He stepped into the bathroom and walked to the sliding glass door that led outside to the private grotto shower.

Clay was naked under the rain head. His nude form highlighted by a recessed light. He was every bit as beautiful as any classic statue. Sean walked up and grasped his lover from behind and planted small kiss down his spine all the way to the top of the quarterback's buttocks.

Farm Boy's cock stiffened and rose up proud and hard the lower Sean went. Sean's hands tickled the tops of Clay's well-proportioned feet and slowly brought his hands up to tickle his boy's perineum and balls before reaching up to grab the swollen prick.

Chief spun Farm Boy around and swallowed the full nine inches expertly. As the water cascaded over them he worked two fingers from his right hand into the well plowed ass. With his left he teased the sensitive nipples. Clay grabbed Sean's head to hold him in place. He leaned his own head back as he relished the sensations overwhelming his body.

The horned up sophomore didn't last long. His ass fired off first pulling at Sean's fingers. Then his cock sported 4 large blasts of seed down into his Chief's throat.

Sean remained still as Clay recovered. Then he rose and kissed him hard on the mouth. Sean whispered into Clay's ear, "That was the last orgasm you get until we win this fucking bowl game."

"But Sir!" Clay started to protest.

Sean gave him the look. It silenced Farm Boy immediately. He then grabbed the soap on the rope and finished his own shower. They helped each dry off. They retired to their bedroom for their first night in the new home.

They were both moving up in the world.

Next: Chapter 74

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